Lyntael is reaching a point where who she wants to be, and how she wants to be is something she can more readily define for herself, and though she's willing to fight to defend herself and others when it matters, she has come more strongly to feel that sometimes the easiest resolution is to take the quieter path.
Other questions emerge as she explores herself; when emotions run high, the world around her responds in ways far beyond the scope of a simple navigator, but care and the willingness to accept and embrace the parts of her that make her who she is reveal that though she may have brought something back with her from the deepest parts of forgotten data spaces, where reality itself becomes ephemeral... it is nevertheless a part of who she is, not separate but welcome.
Level 38: (Overcharge thresholds: 0-7, 8-15, 16-22, 23-30, 31-38)
Lyntael's Buster is 5/5/5: (30x5/300/600)
Half-Charge Strike: Expend, +4
Full-Charge Strike: Expend, +8
ShotBase ratio deals 50 damage for 40 sig points
ChargeBase ratio deals 200 damage for 160 sig points
SpectralBase ratio deals 75 damage for 60 sig points
SupportBase ratio heals 20 for 20 sig points.
Unchanged:My Pain is Real; it lingers after
Counter (On Hit): (10Elec Nova2, Knockback, Time Delay (Start of next turn): Counter (On Hit): (10Elec Nova2, Knockback)), 15Hp Sacrifice, 2CD
Rp Overcharge Effect: Expend, Overcharge +1 per Counter Triggered
Cost: 60 Points (20 Nerf, 40 Sig Pool), 2TCD (Sig Pool Used: 40)
Description: I am no stranger to pain; I don't want to feel these hurts, but I will endure. I only hope that in time, others can come to regret the hurts they have caused.
A familiar reaction that occurs when Lyntael is struck or harmed. Her body bursts with static and gusts of wind attempt to repel the aggressive force from her; it's an instinct of her body and not a conscious action, but it's one she has learned to work with, and the drain on her that it causes is minimal these days.
My Fear Swells, but I hold tight
Dodge, 20Elec Nova2, Knockback, Charge-Burner, 3CD
Rp Overcharge Effect: Expend, Overcharge +1
Cost: 90 Points (30 Nerf, 60 Sig Pool), 3TCD (Sig Pool Used: 60)
Description: I know terror, and I know the worst suffering that one can inflict on another. My fear will never stop me from doing what I can, or from standing to face it when I must.
Lyntael is prepared to hold her ground against hostile forces, evading their wrath and striking back with the ever-present pulse of her charge.
My Vision Alters, yet I see through
Buster Charge, Dodge, Invisibility (1 Target, 1 Round), Off-Target (1 Rank, 1 Round), 3CD
Rp Overcharge Effect: Cool-Off, Overcharge -2
Cost: 120 Points (40 Nerf, 80 Sig Pool), 3TCD (Sig Pool Used: 80)
Description: I understand that every conflict has many different perspectives; I've been on both sides, hated myself, pitied her and loved her; I've wanted to take her life for my own, and wanted to give mine up for her sake. If I have to fight others, I will still try to make sure I see them, even if they are not willing to see me.
Lyntael has learned a method of diffusing her charge around her body to create a refraction of light that makes her hard to see, if only temporarily. It proves to be a method of using her ramping charge without exciting it further, slowing the rate at which it rebuilds.
My Soul Screams, and yet I fight
ShotBase(50)Elec Nova2, Knockback, Charge-Burner, 3CD
Rp Overcharge Effect: Expend, Overcharge +2
Cost: 90 Points (30 Nerf, 60 Sig Pool), 3TCD (Sig Pool Used: 60)
Description: I will fight to do what I must; no matter how it burns me, I will not relent until the need is passed.
Lyntael lashes out with a blast of her charge, expending it in a pulse of fierce electricity around her while stormy gusts force nearby targets away. Most of the weight of the charge expended is stabilised by her strikers, as long as they are in balance, so the blast only has a minor impact on increasing her charge cycle.
My Faith Can Heal, with time for laughter
Buster Charge, Feint, Movement, 10Elec Nova2, Knockback, Self-Slow (1 Rank, 1 round), 3CD
Rp Overcharge Effect: Cool-Off, Overcharge -2
Cost: 120 Points (40 Nerf, 80 Sig Pool), 3TCD (Sig Pool Used: 80)
Description: For all the bad there may be, lurking in the shadows, I know that good hearts remain, and I'm sure there are more of them out there than cruel ones. I choose to believe that, and I'll take the time to give even my enemies the chance to show me I'm right, if I can.
Lyntael takes a moment to let the stabilising pulses of her charge even out while she watches her foes and gives the conflict a chance to deescalate.
My Torment Rebels; I will not break
ShotBase(50)Elec, Break, Impact, Slashing, Knockback, Charge-Burner, 3CD
Rp Overcharge Effect: Expend, Overcharge +3
Cost: 90 Points (30 Nerf, 60 Sig Pool), 3TCD (Sig Pool Used: 60)
Description: I am tired of standing back, and saying “it isn't fair”. I will not be beaten down any more. Whatever power I have, I will use, to make things right.
Similar to the full-bodied expenditure of energy that once risked burning Lyntael to a cinder as it raged through her, this is a more controlled, less erratic burst of lightning that Lyntael is learning to evoke under her own will – though it still remains primarily driven by moments of fierce emotion in her. This bolt has far less raw force, but it also is substantially less demanding on her body, and while the drain still exacerbates her charge to cycle faster, Lyntael herself is much better equipped to handle the build-up now than she once was.
My Heart Falters, yet beats anew
Buster Charge, 80Hp Elec Barrier, Off-Target (1 Rank, 1 Round), 3CD
Rp Overcharge Effect: Cool-Off, Overcharge -3
Cost: 120 Points (40 Nerf, 80 Sig Pool), 3TCD (Sig Pool Used: 80)
Description: I may not always know the right way; I will be unsure, and uncertain at times. I can keep myself safe, and I can be calm. I may not know what to do, but I will still do my best.
Lyntael's most steadfast reaction to danger, whether by instinctive reaction or by deliberate will, evoking her barrier has become almost effortless for her now. The power flows smoothly and swiftly, forming a strong shield and balancing the rest of her charge into a ready state at the same time.
I Slip to Dreams, until I wake
Shadow (1 Target, 1 Round), 10Elec Nova4, Self-Slow (1 Rank, 1 Round), 3CD
Rp Overcharge Effect: Expend, Overcharge +3
Cost: 120 Points (40 Nerf, 80 Sig Pool), 3TCD (Sig Pool Used: 80)
Description: I am here, and I am real. I am more than lines of code and data. What I am; what is me, truly me, exists beyond that, and I know that I am loved, always. Whatever happens, I know that to be true, and it will always be so. Nothing else can hurt me again, not truly.
Lyntael has fallen through the abyss of her own death, wandered that darkness and returned from it, and beside that, the hurts and conflicts of minor scuffles and attempts at injury to her body seem ephemeral and insignificant. For brief moments, when she centres herself, Lyntael can even evoke this absolute truth of her own existence, making the trivialities the current conflict unable to affect her. She still bears the scars of her past traumas, however; the slices of knives and blades are all too keen a reminder of certain dark events in her past, and will knock her out of this realised state.
My Fear Rejected, with hopeful stride
Take Aim, ShotBase(50)Elec Spread2, Break, Knockback, Self-Slow (1 Rank, 1 Round), 3CD
Rp Overcharge Effect: Expend, Overcharge +4
Cost: 120 Points (40 Nerf, 80 Sig Pool), 3TCD (Sig Pool Used: 80)
Description: I am stronger than I used to be. I let my fears control me, paralyse me; at times I despaired of ever being good enough. I reject that fear; I am not that girl any more.
Though most of Lyntael's capabilities to expend her power are focused around close proximity, the short, fast strikes she makes with these particular types of expenditures arc away from her initial target and branch towards other foes. This is a focused and directed energy burst, better at punching through solid defences.
My Thoughts Collected, no more to hide
Take Aim, ShotBase(50)Elec Spread2, Impact, Knockback, Self-Slow (1 Rank, 1 Round), 3CD
Rp Overcharge Effect: Expend, Overcharge +4
Cost: 120 Points (40 Nerf, 80 Sig Pool), 3TCD (Sig Pool Used: 80)
Description: I am stronger than I used to think I was. I thought I couldn't do it; that all I could do was run and hide. I know better than that now; I am not that girl any more.
Though most of Lyntael's capabilities to expend her power are focused around close proximity, the short, fast strikes she makes with these particular types of expenditures arc away from her initial target and branch towards other foes. This is a more diffuse wave of energy, better at disrupting fields and insubstantial energy barriers.
My Anger Directed, 'gainst violent threat
ShotBase(50)Elec Break, Impact, Slashing, Knockback, Buster Shot, Off-Target (1 Rank, 1 Round), 3CD
Rp Overcharge Effect: Expend, Overcharge +6
Cost: 120 Points (40 Nerf, 80 Sig Pool), 3TCD (Sig Pool Used: 80)
Description: I don't want to fight, but I understand now that sometimes there's no other choice. Sometimes things aren't fair, and people aren't nice, and sometimes I may be the only one around to stop them from hurting others. I hate being angry; I hate how it feels... but at the very least I can direct it towards protecting others.
Once a reaction driven by uncontrolled emotions, Lyntael is better learning how to call on the raw, focused expression of her power when she needs it. Drawing the power up and releasing it under her own direction is somewhat less ravaging on her body than it has been in the past, though these controlled bursts lack some of the punch that the original blast once had, when it would tax her to her limit.
As I Look to the Sky, and my wounds bleed wet
Stage Chance (Sea; as torrential rain), 10Elec Nova4, Knockback, 15Hp Sacrifice, Recovery Time (1 Action), 4CD
Rp Overcharge Effect: Cool-Off, Overcharge -4
Cost: 150 Points (50 Nerf, 100 Sig Pool), 4TCD (Sig Pool Used: 100)
Description: For every scar, and every slice, there is the wind on my skin, and the rain on my cheeks. For every trespass, trauma and violation I still feel, I can feel what it was like to find light again, after falling away into that darkness, and the sensation of understanding where my anger came from, and of letting it go. I have suffered, and some of these wounds will never go away, but I'm here, and I can breathe the air, and feel the wind and the rain. I accept it all, and it is no burden any more.
The girl that died fell into darkness and lost touch with the joyous parts of the storm that lives within her, no more to feel the wind and the rain on her skin. The girl who was reborn knew anger and frustration, and her connection to these more comforting forces was severed. Now Lyntael reconnects, and when she pauses to breathe deeply and let herself be in the moment, these elements of her power respond freely. Wind curls about her as a familiar companion as storm clouds roll and rumble and a driving rainfall begins in response to her when she reaches out to it; she is the light in the storm, but she is the storm as well, and there is comfort in that.
A Manifest Spirit, and eyes that dance
10Elec Nova2, Take Aim, Dodge, Movement, Off-Target (1 Rank, 1 Round), 3CD
Rp Overcharge Effect: Cool-Off, Overcharge -1
Cost: 90 Points (30 Nerf, 60 Sig Pool), 3TCD (Sig Pool Used: 60)
Description: Even if I'd rather not fight, I can still take satisfaction in pushing myself; in doing well the things that I must. I won't let myself be hurt, and I can enjoy the grace I have to achieve this, unashamed.
Lyntael focuses on balance, stability and defence for a moment, repositioning herself and evading the assaults of her foes while her charge pulses in small stabilising ripples.
A Loving Heart, and a second chance
SupportBase(20) x4 Instances, 15Hp Sacrifice, 2CD
Rp Overcharge Effect: Cool-Off, Overcharge -1 per instance effectively used.
Cost: 80 Points (20 Nerf, 60 Sig Pool), 2TCD (Sig Pool Used: 60)
Description: I am often alone, but I am also not, not truly. I know I must look after myself but even so I want to help others, when I can, and I know that even if they cannot be beside me in person, my friends feel the same way too. I draw strength from the bonds I share, and determination to go on, knowing that no matter where I tread, there are people who care about me, and will be happy to see me again when they can.
Lyntael steels her resolve to continue fighting and pushing on with her goals, and each beat and pulse of her charge takes on a warm glow that reassures and soothes any faltering she might feel. This is not 'healing' in the sense that most navis utilise – it doesn't close cuts or cure bruises; it more represents a bolstering of resolve and her drive to keep going, strengthening her morale, rather than her physical body.
A Scarred Soul, with love to give
Damage Reduction (10, 1 Round), 40Hp Casing, Stun (1 Action), Self-Slow (1 Rank, 1 Round), 3CD
Rp Overcharge Effect: Cool-Off, Overcharge -2
Cost: 120 Points (40 Nerf, 80 Sig Pool), 3TCD (Sig Pool Used: 80)
Description: I have been hurt before; I have suffered in ways that I would not wish upon anyone, and that no-one should ever feel, and the lesser harms of simple cuts and bruises are really nothing next to what I've already faced. I don't want to hurt anyone; even others who would attack me – These things don't always have to end in violence. I can at least try.
Lyntael reflects on the harms she has faced, how little the nicks and scrapes of smaller scuffles mean by contrast, and pauses to focus her desire not to perpetuate further hurts on another over something so small. She would rather that they didn't need to fight, and will try to make space for other possibilities, if she can. She may sometimes try to get through to another hostile creature, calm them, let them know how she feels, and hope they might choose a less violent fate. She knows this will not work with most, and accepts this, but she means to keep trying when she can.
A Fresh Start, and the will to live
Status Cure, SupportBase(20), Feint, 15Hp Sacrifice, 2CD
Rp Overcharge Effect: Cool-Off, Overcharge -2
Cost: 80 Points (20 Nerf, 60 Sig Pool), 2TCD (Sig Pool Used: 60)
Description: I once sought to take the life of another, to secure my own. I once sought to give my life for another, to give them the chance they deserved. I failed to do either, in the end... That wasn't who I turned out to be. I want to live, to be alive and to experience things; I will fight for that, and I will not let anyone take that right away from me... but I won't take it from anyone else either, if I can avoid it.
Lyntael focuses on shaking off any debilitation or maladies hampering her and looks to her own defences for a moment; altruism is one thing, but she will not destroy herself to make others happy, not any more.
New Signatures:A Burning Ache, for the laughter recalled
Buster Charge, 40Hp Barrier, SupportBase(20), Counter(On Hit): (20Elec Nova2, Knockback), 15Hp Sacrifice, Off-Target (1 Rank, 1 Round), 4CD
Rp Overcharge Effect: Cool-Off, Overcharge -1
Cost: 150 Points (50 Nerf, 100 Sig Pool), 4TCD (Sig Pool Used: 60)
Description: Even when I didn't understand, I railed against the pain I felt in my soul, and the ones responsible, though I didn't know them. I despaired at feeling like no-one cared, like I'd been left behind, without knowing why. Now that I know... the ache and the darkness are there, but they don't blot out the light, or the good times I've enjoyed. I will stand for myself and hold my own ground; my life, and my memories are worth defending.
Her charge grows as her natural defences assert themselves and bolster her spirit, ready to protect and defend. Within herself, Lyntael still feels the pain and sorrow for what she has endured, but accepts it, and the way these past aches heighten the brighter moments.
A Single Ember, for the life once stalled
Buster Charge, Status Cure, SupportBase(20), 10Elec Nova2, Knockback, Self-Slow (1 Rank, 1 Round), 3CD
Rp Overcharge Effect: Cool-Off, Overcharge -1
Cost: 120 Points (40 nerf, 80 Sig Pool), 3TCD (Sig Pool Used: 80)
Description: I am what remains, and what moves forward. I am the result of more than one life ending. I am both, and I won't forget being either; the good and the bad, the courageous and the rash, the fearful and the hopeful. I will find balance wherever I can, I will not be held back, and I will always hold the warmth of those that came before in my heart.
Lyntael refocuses, steadying herself and throwing off distractions and debilitations that seek to undermine her as her charge hums at the ready to repay anything striking too close. The lives she lived before this unity might be ended, but the lessons of those memories will always burn bright within her.
My Heart May Break, but I live on yet
40Hp Barrier, SupportBase(20), Time Delay (Per Turn, 2 Turns): (40Hp Barrier, SupportBase(20)), Charge-Burner (1 charge), Charge Time (1 Action), 5CD
Rp Overcharge Effect: Cool-Off, Overcharge -1 initially, -1 per pulse
Cost: 180 Points (60 nerf, 120 Sig Pool), 5TCD (Sig Pool Used: 120)
Description: I am here, and I will not be stopped by fear or pain again. There is nothing left that can hurt me now; not any more, not in any way that matters. I will never give up; I will never doubt my right to be here.
Lyntael's heart, mind and body are aligned in their drive to endure. Her natural defences reassert themselves, refreshing regularly and helping to strengthen her resolve against anything that would try to set her back or knock her down.
it hurts to remember, But I Will Not Forget
Half-Charge Shot, (Buster Charge + Half-Charge Shot) x 2 Instances, Half-Charge Shot, Folder Lock, 6CD
Rp Overcharge Effect: Expend Overcharge +16
Cost: 240 Points (80 nerf, 160 Sig Pool), 6TCD (Sig Pool Used: 160)
Description: I can feel the soft breeze that tickles my skin; I can feel the howling roar of the winds that tear across the sky. Inside me, I can feel it; I am the living storm, the inexhaustible spark of life itself. I am the light in the storm; sometimes, that is the ray of sunlight that breaks through darkness and I can be that for those who need me. Sometimes it is lightning, and it is fierce.
In moments of desperate need, driven determination or dire strain, Lyntael can fully embrace the perpetual cycle of her charge, surrendering her body to the flow of energy as it expends, swells and expends again. When fully releasing this charge and allowing it to flow, Lyntael becomes a nexus of violent electrical strikes, battering anything she deems hostile with a brutal amount of energy. The effect is borderline destructive on her body, and leaves her critically overcharged; the cycle, once embraced to this extent, can be nearly impossible to slow down again, let alone stop, and the danger of her being unable to do anything other than continue to expend until her body gives out is quite high.
Total Signature Points Used: 1580/1600