Random Outtakes

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CC: *plays for two more hours*
CC: *gets new title*
CC: "Most Obessed"
CC: *Obsessed


CC: Alright, time to pass out
CC: later all
Aim: Bye CC
Bomber: Night CC.
Ended_Heat: later CC
Ended_Heat: *logs onto Vindictus three hours from now*
Ended_Heat: *sees CC there, level 20*
Bomber: lol
CC: ...
Shin: night CC
CC: *closes Vindictus website*
CC: *runs away*
Aim: lol
Ended_Heat: lol
Bomber: still lol
chardesu: lol

Quote (Friendly Fire?)

(Nov 23-22:43) MagicCereal: I slightly reworded Team's description so that it only triggers if an enemy hits the user
(Nov 23-22:44) Tower_of_Words: Good man.
(Nov 23-22:44) Tower_of_Words: Though it would have amused me if it shot allies.
(Nov 23-22:44) MagicCereal: lol
(Nov 23-22:45) MagicCereal: I'm half-tempted to make it do that :'D
(Nov 23-22:45) Tower_of_Words: shoot yourself by accident, and it shoots you in response.
(Nov 23-22:45) MagicCereal: though that would make it a very crappy teammate
(Nov 23-22:45) Tower_of_Words: Talk about insult upon injury
(Nov 23-22:47) Tower_of_Words: actually
(Nov 23-22:48) Tower_of_Words: it would infinitely loop at that point. XD
(Nov 23-22:48) MagicCereal: ...
(Nov 23-22:48) MagicCereal: XD
(Nov 23-22:48) Tower_of_Words: Accidentally hurt yourself, and the Team bit keeps pegging you until you die, or it misses.
(Nov 23-22:48) MagicCereal: that's awesome
(Nov 23-22:52) Bomber: lol
(Nov 23-22:54) Asator: Well, that'll teach you to try team-killing
(Nov 23-22:54) Tower_of_Words: *falls over laughing*
(Nov 23-22:55) Bomber: I have nothing to add to that, as that was a flawless joke.
(Nov 23-22:55) MagicCereal: lol
(Nov 23-22:56) Asator: I try
(Nov 23-22:57) Tower_of_Words: Can I quote this in the random outtakes section?
(Nov 23-22:57) Bomber: Go for it.
(Nov 23-22:57) Tower_of_Words: Thank you.

Quote (PaladinGC)

Quote (Friendly Fire?)

(Nov 23-22:48) MagicCereal: XD

*mind fucking blown*
He has that type of expression too!?

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(Nov 28-03:47) Target: ...
(Nov 28-03:48) Target: On a (possibly related) note, Pally, do you know what Rainwave is?
(Nov 28-03:49) Greco: Rainwave?
(Nov 28-03:50) Target: Yes.
(Nov 28-03:50) Target: http://rainwave.cc/
(Nov 28-03:50) Greco: no no clue
(Nov 28-03:50) Target: It's a radio station (Read: M3U file linkup) that plays video game music.
(Nov 28-03:51) Target: People can vote on which song is played next, and if you register you can 'request' songs that will be placed into the vote after a while.
(Nov 28-03:51) Harbin has joined.
(Nov 28-03:51) Harbin: Ace Combat has such good music D:
(Nov 28-03:52) Target: Way to be incredibly relevant to the current conversation, Harbin.


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(Nov 29-22:23) Pocket: I will mod Aim and Lux.
(Nov 29-22:23) Pocket: EMPOWERED BY FERA SOUL.
(Nov 29-22:24) Shin: FERA SOUL
(Nov 29-22:24) Shin: SLOT IN
(Nov 29-22:24) chardes has joined.
(Nov 29-22:24) Shin: ....
(Nov 29-22:24) Shin: what is this I don't even

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(Dec 04-16:07) The_Endless_Ninja: Thank you <3

I'm scarred for life.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333, bitches.

Quote (Chardes is Major)

(Dec 09-04:21) chardes has joined.
(Dec 09-04:21) Aim: Hello Chardes
(Dec 09-04:21) Knight: ...
(Dec 09-04:21) chardes: Nya.
(Dec 09-04:22) chardes: ...... I'm connected to the wrong nets.
(Dec 09-04:22) chardes: BRB.
(Dec 09-04:22) Knight: yo
(Dec 09-04:22) chardes has left.
(Dec 09-04:22) Aim: lol
(Dec 09-04:22) Greco: lol
(Dec 09-04:22) Aim: Chardes'll brb, Matrix sh*t happening
(Dec 09-04:22) Voicechand: Chardes has 5 different internet connection.
(Dec 09-04:22) Voicechand: *connections
(Dec 09-04:22) Aim: Oh right, Shur
(Dec 09-04:22) Aim: You said something about liking Hellgate, right?
(Dec 09-04:22) Greco: she should totally get 5 differennt wifi cards and MIMO.
(Dec 09-04:22) Voicechand: *nods*
(Dec 09-04:23) Voicechand: Yeah, Hellgate London is cool.
(Dec 09-04:23) Aim: I think the beta for that new one opens next week
(Dec 09-04:23) Aim: on the 12th
(Dec 09-04:23) Aim: I may be mistaken, I looked it up like a week ago, lol
(Dec 09-04:23) Voicechand: :U
(Dec 09-04:23) Voicechand: Got a link?
(Dec 09-04:23) maggoty_Reaper: she's actually wired up into a mainframe
(Dec 09-04:23) maggoty_Reaper: I've seen her PC seat
(Dec 09-04:23) maggoty_Reaper: Wires and plugs everywhere.
(Dec 09-04:23) Knight: ...
(Dec 09-04:24) Greco: ....
(Dec 09-04:24) chardes has joined.
(Dec 09-04:24) chardes: Thereeeee you go.
(Dec 09-04:24) Greco: Ghost in the Shell, anyone?
(Dec 09-04:24) maggoty_Reaper: and speaking of which
(Dec 09-04:24) chardes: Me
(Dec 09-04:24) Greco: XD

Quote (Random person responding to Ebert's comment that he wants to be cremated)

Convincing argument! But let me recount a story that happened to me last week.
I walked outside of our office and smelled the delicious smell of some barbecued meat. We're kind of secluded so I wondered where it was coming from.
For some reason I remembered a time a few months ago when a customer asked me if it was creepy working so near a funeral home. I didn't know what she was talking about. She pointed to a small building maybe 300 yards away and told me it was the crematorium.
I wished I hadn't remembered her telling me that. I looked over and saw smoke rising out of the small crematorium chimney and a strong wind was blowing it directly at me. Thus, the smell of barbecued meat.
I was always pro-cremation, but now I'm not so sure. Even though I'll be dead, I don't really like the idea of smelling delicious to someone.

Quote (Ebert)

Okay, that does it. I'm having myself shot into space.

Quote (Charity Event)

(Dec 16-03:33) Aim: ... My plug and chug method of sending these e-mails is going to get me in trouble
(Dec 16-03:33) Aim: *just wrote: "Holly battle chip attached"*
(Dec 16-03:33) Greco: lol
(Dec 16-03:33) Greco: *gets Holly in the mail*
(Dec 16-03:33) Aim: SUDDENLY
(Dec 16-03:33) Aim: NAVI CHIPS
(Dec 16-03:33) Aim: ....
(Dec 16-03:34) Aim: This letter was from Burt, Pally
(Dec 16-03:34) Aim: Don't joke about that
(Dec 16-03:34) Greco: XDXDXDXD


(Jan 15-23:54) Aim: I'm going to go and post up a shelving reg now
(Jan 15-23:54) Aim: Which I'll remind people is SUPER EASY TO APPROVE : D
(Jan 15-23:54) CC: Can mods approve them?
(Jan 15-23:54) Aim: And in the mean time I will work on looking at other regs
(Jan 15-23:54) CC: I've never actually asked. :'D
(Jan 15-23:54) Aim: Yeah
(Jan 15-23:54) Aim: I think
(Jan 15-23:54) Aim: Let me check @__@
(Jan 15-23:54) CC: ...
(Jan 15-23:54) studydesu: Only fooicials.
(Jan 15-23:55) CC: We can check these things somewhere?\
(Jan 15-23:55) Bomber: *snaps golden admin fingers*
(Jan 15-23:55) Bomber: *allows it*
(Jan 15-23:55) studydesu: lol
(Jan 15-23:55) Aim: :0
(Jan 15-23:55) CC: *praises the Bomber*
(Jan 15-23:55) Aim: THE GOLDEN FINGER SNAP
(Jan 15-23:55) Shin:
(Jan 15-23:55) Aim: A rare and blessed event
(Jan 15-23:55) studydesu: /:o
(Jan 15-23:55) Shin: m(_ _)m
(Jan 15-23:55) Aim: The only thing that helps us face the terror that is the golden pimphand
(Jan 15-23:55) Bomber: There's no changes being made to either profile, so it's really stupid to only let upper staff approve reshelvings. XD
(Jan 15-23:56) studydesu: lol brain farted
(Jan 15-23:56) studydesu: I was about to go
(Jan 15-23:56) Aim: Quite true
(Jan 15-23:56) studydesu: "Who were our admins again? Asator, Bomber and...?"
(Jan 15-23:56) Shin: ....
(Jan 15-23:56) studydesu: :'D
Jan 15-23:56) Bomber: That's not a brain-fart, so much as it's an ironic quip.
(Jan 15-23:56) Bomber: As I ask myself that sometimes. :'D
(Jan 15-23:56) studydesu: ..
(Jan 15-23:56) studydesu: XD
(Jan 15-23:57) CC: SHUR FOR FOOADMIN
(Jan 15-23:57) CC: or something
(Jan 15-23:57) Bomber: Foodmin.
(Jan 15-23:57) Bomber: *Shur raids the fridge*
(Jan 15-23:57) Bomber: Fuck.
(Jan 15-23:57) Aim: D:
(Jan 15-23:57) Shin: XD
(Jan 15-23:57) studydesu: At least it's better than a Fadmin.
(Jan 15-23:58) Bomber: HE'S THE HIP NEW THING
(Jan 15-23:58) Bomber: *2 weeks later*
(Jan 15-23:58) Bomber: Okay, bored, we need a new one.
(Jan 15-23:58) studydesu: XDXDXD
(Jan 15-23:58) Shin: lololol
(Jan 15-23:58) Shin: I'm so quoting this.

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(Jan 16-22:41) Bomber: Aim's idea of half-assed: exposing half of the vote winner's ass
(Jan 16-22:41) Shin: XD
(Jan 16-22:41) Pocket: ...
(Jan 16-22:41) MagicCereal: D:
(Jan 16-22:41) Aim: shhhh
(Jan 16-22:41) Rai: i had to put on some dark shades, so i dont see this convo about aims **** BV
(Jan 16-22:41) studydes: ...
(Jan 16-22:41) Pocket: I laugh because it's true.
(Jan 16-22:41) MagicCereal: Bomber just ruined the surprise
(Jan 16-22:41) Note: AIM]
(Jan 16-22:41) MagicCereal: if you don't see it, then why are you mentioning it?
(Jan 16-22:42) Note: FULL-ASSED
(Jan 16-22:42) Aim: D:
(Jan 16-22:42) Pocket: too much ass.
(Jan 16-22:42) Bomber: MAXIMUM ASS
(Jan 16-22:42) studydes: Ecchi D:
(Jan 16-22:42) Note: More ass than your monitor has room for!
(Jan 16-22:42) studydes: [twiddles thumbs]
(Jan 16-22:42) Aim: Don't worry
(Jan 16-22:42) Aim: I am not drawing more ecchi
(Jan 16-22:42) Frozen_Heat: EVER AGAIN
(Jan 16-22:42) Pocket: What's that Chardes?  You want to draw ass?
(Jan 16-22:42) studydes: Yay.
(Jan 16-22:42) MagicCereal: (for now)
(Jan 16-22:42) Aim: *shields self*
(Jan 16-22:42) Aim: Ouch
(Jan 16-22:42) studydes: >:U
(Jan 16-22:42) Aim: I need to stop opening up myself for hurtful comments
(Jan 16-22:43) Bomber: ... (for now) is hurtful?
(Jan 16-22:43) Aim: No like
(Jan 16-22:43) Aim: I need to not say "Don't worry, I'm not drawing more ecchi" because somebody will yay
(Jan 16-22:43) Aim: If not several people
(Jan 16-22:43) Pocket: Your mom opened up to me last night.
(Jan 16-22:43) Shin: ....
(Jan 16-22:43) Aim: I also saw that coming
(Jan 16-22:43) MagicCereal: Char's only one person, Aim D:
(Jan 16-22:43) Aim: But it is no less valid
(Jan 16-22:43) Bomber: Um, Chardes has a viable reason to yay?
(Jan 16-22:43) Aim: YEAH WELL
(Jan 16-22:43) Bomber: You know... not being homosexual? XD
(Jan 16-22:44) Shin: XD
(Jan 16-22:44) Aim: (no not really)
(Jan 16-22:44) Aim: (I'm joking)
(Jan 16-22:44) MagicCereal: (or are you...?)
(Jan 16-22:44) studydes: ..
(Jan 16-22:44) Pocket: lesbian chardes.
(Jan 16-22:44) Pocket: draws butch rhea.
(Jan 16-22:44) studydes: H-hey, it's not I w-want boobs or anything, okay? D:
(Jan 16-22:45) Rai: ... :V
(Jan 16-22:45) MagicCereal: (SplashMan D:s at the picture despite lacking a mouth)
(Jan 16-22:45) Aim: Like that one grinning Bunny
(Jan 16-22:45) studydes: And I did draw a male Rhea before
(Jan 16-22:45) studydes: lol
(Jan 16-22:45) Pocket: Rheaman.exe
(Jan 16-22:45) Aim: A man themed after Rhea
(Jan 16-22:46) MagicCereal: (]>:
(Jan 16-22:46) Bomber: ... Magna?
(Jan 16-22:46) Shin: This is going to be recorded in the annals of RERN history
(Jan 16-22:46) Aim: lol Bomber
(Jan 16-22:46) Pocket: http://manga.clone-army.org/jointworks/hh/geek_ad_2.jpg
(Jan 16-22:46) studydes: XD @ Bomber
(Jan 16-22:46) Shin: ....
(Jan 16-22:46) Shin: TSUNDERE
(Jan 16-22:46) Shin: TSUNDERE EVERYWHERE
(Jan 16-22:46) Bomber: Wow, congrats Pocket.
(Jan 16-22:47) Bomber: I think you just broke Shin's mind.
(Jan 16-22:47) MagicCereal: D:
(Jan 16-22:47) studydes: D:
(Jan 16-22:47) Bomber: And disturbed me a little, to boot.
(Jan 16-22:47) Shin: No, I've seen this before
(Jan 16-22:47) Shin: lol
(Jan 16-22:47) Pocket: http://manga.clone-army.org/jointworks/hh/geek_ad_4.jpg
(Jan 16-22:47) Pocket: one more
(Jan 16-22:47) Shin: *one moe
(Jan 16-22:47) Pocket: how did that R get in thereÉ
(Jan 16-22:47) Pocket: ?
(Jan 16-22:48) Shin: beat me.
(Jan 16-22:48) Shin: ....
(Jan 16-22:48) Shin: BEATS ME
(Jan 16-22:48) Shin: :'
(Jan 16-22:48) Shin: D
(Jan 16-22:48) MagicCereal: (grabs a stick)
(Jan 16-22:48) Shin: F*CK
(Jan 16-22:48) MagicCereal: (smacks Shin repeatedly)
(Jan 16-22:48) studydes: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v705/Buranshe/Dudea.png
(Jan 16-22:48) studydes: Dude rhea. :I
(Jan 16-22:48) Frozen_Heat: Duuuude looks like a Rheeeaaaaa
(Jan 16-22:49) Rai: *rocks out to Aerheasmith*
(Jan 16-22:49) Rai: fine, no on elike my lame joke >:V
(Jan 16-22:50) studydes: I'm not sure I get it.
(Jan 16-22:50) studydes: :x
(Jan 16-22:50) Pocket: he looks malnourished.
(Jan 16-22:50) Bomber: That was really, really forced.
(Jan 16-22:50) Rai: I-its not like i was trying to make you laugh or anything!
(Jan 16-22:50) Shin: ....
(Jan 16-22:50) Pocket: did you make him look like that on purpose or are those leftover sketch marks?
(Jan 16-22:50) Rai: you wouldnt chardes xD
(Jan 16-22:50) Shin: [punches Rai]
lol context

Quote ()

(Jan 21-23:10) Fera: I'M SORRY, CHARDES
(Jan 21-23:10) Fera: I RIPPED OFF YOUR BAZOOMS.
(Jan 21-23:10) chardes: ...

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(Jan 30-22:29) Syriene has joined.
(Jan 30-22:29) Bomber: MORALITY IS GAY
(Jan 30-22:29) Bomber: AIM SAID IT FIRST
(Jan 30-22:30) Syriene has left.

<:3 Nyoro~n

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(Feb 09-11:18) Fera: [presses R]
(Feb 09-11:18) Fera: [RE:RN]
(Feb 09-11:18) Fera: [presses F]
(Feb 09-11:19) Fera: [Facebook]
(Feb 09-11:19) Fera: [presses N]
(Feb 09-11:19) Fera: [modding]
(Feb 09-11:19) Fera: I AM THE BONE OF MY INTERNET
(Feb 09-11:19) Fera: HOTKEYS ARE MY BODY

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(Feb 14-00:20) Lux: You guys are the worst at Valentine's Day.
(Feb 14-00:20) Aim: You're the worst at General Friendship Day
(Feb 14-00:21) Tenebrae: And I'm the worst at going to bed on time.
(Feb 14-00:21) workdes: [about to say your mum joke]
(Feb 14-00:21) workdes: [refrains]
(Feb 14-00:21) Tenebrae: Happy whatever the hell today is, everyone.
(Feb 14-00:21) Fera: ...
(Feb 14-00:21) Fera: A mom joke
(Feb 14-00:21) Fera: from Chardes
(Feb 14-00:21) Grim: cya twi
(Feb 14-00:21) Tenebrae: ...
(Feb 14-00:21) Fera: that's unexpected
(Feb 14-00:21) Lux: Bye
(Feb 14-00:21) Fera: (It's CC, Grim)
(Feb 14-00:21) Grim: ... the fuck.
(Feb 14-00:21) workdes: Bye Rai
(Feb 14-00:21) Fera: XD
(Feb 14-00:21) workdes: No wait
(Feb 14-00:21) Fera: GREENTEXT.
(Feb 14-00:21) Lux: : D
(Feb 14-00:21) Fera: HOW DOES IT WORK.
(Feb 14-00:21) Aim: Bye CC
(Feb 14-00:21) Grim: cya Lux
(Feb 14-00:21) Grim: bye Aim
(Feb 14-00:21) workdes: Bye MC
(Feb 14-00:21) Aim: Seeya Grim : D
(Feb 14-00:22) Lux: Bye Chardes
(Feb 14-00:22) MagicCereal: later Fera
(Feb 14-00:22) workdes: Laters Fera
(Feb 14-00:22) Grim: Fuck off, Grim
(Feb 14-00:22) Tenebrae: ...
(Feb 14-00:22) Aim: Happy Goodbye Everyone Day
(Feb 14-00:22) Fera: Good night to whoever is leaving
(Feb 14-00:22) Aim: We can celebrate it tomorrow when everyone comes back
(Feb 14-00:22) workdes: XD
(Feb 14-00:22) You logged off.

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(Mar 05-03:46) MagicCereal: why are you being mean to Char?
(Mar 05-03:46) MagicCereal: WHAT DID SHE EVER DO TO YOU
(Mar 05-03:46) Shuryou: Because Char likes little girls.


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(Apr 04-16:35) Aim: There's a vampire ninja dressed as a maid playing a violin to repel a monster that's a giant golden face that cries bleeding tears that spawn ghosts and flying humpback whales in school uniforms

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(Apr 09-22:02) Marchie: So eh...
(Apr 09-22:02) Marchie: I'm sitting here.
(Apr 09-22:02) Marchie: Grinding my GFs.

Shuryou: the ladies' man.

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(Apr 17-23:57) Shin: Having Sona and Janna on one team seems to be very bad
(Apr 17-23:57) Shin: especially when they're both trying to protect one lane due to unforseen circumstances
(Apr 17-23:57) Medi: Needs Kat, Lux, and a carry
(Apr 17-23:57) Medi: chick
(Apr 17-23:57) Shin: Sivir
(Apr 17-23:58) workdes: PER
(Apr 17-23:58) workdes: SONA
(Apr 17-23:58) Medi: DAMN YOU CHAR
(Apr 17-23:58) workdes: :C
(Apr 17-23:58) Shin: ....
(Apr 17-23:58) Shin: I was pretty sure I was going to post today
(Apr 17-23:58) Shin: Guess not.
(Apr 17-23:58) Medi: And then Sona was a Persona MC
(Apr 17-23:58) Shin: Later.
(Apr 17-23:58) workdes: XD
(Apr 17-23:58) Shin: ....
(Apr 17-23:58) Shin: SHE'S MUTE
(Apr 17-23:59) Medi: SHE ALREADY CAN'T SPEAK
(Apr 17-23:59) Shin: IT COULD WORK
(Apr 17-23:59) workdes: XDXD
(Apr 17-23:59) Medi: Sona is really FeMC
(Apr 17-23:59) Shin: [Someone quote this because I can't]