RE: Coastal Paths
"Oh, I know you don't work for her. She said something about a fierce fighter and I wanted a look, simple as that." He would reply, the broad navi cricking his neck and a fleck of white skin underneath the helm would flash in Lyntael's vbision, his stance fairly relaxed despite his grip on the claymore by his side, simple and unassuming with a couple chips in it's dull metal textures. But he noticed she wasn't neccisarily comfortable with things as she spoke again, rubbing her arm and shoulder.

"It's fine, not all navis are made equal, tollerences are wide and vast, much like skill and ability. I promise we'll end the fight when one of us gets low, my operator has a few tricks up their sleeves should things go awry on my end for a friendly spar. And don't worry, he's not much of a talker, he's there, but not...all "there" I suppose, he's kinda got me on a second screen while doing some work where he's at. So he's probably not about to say much of anything." He would speak as he tensed up a little bit beneath his armor, the navi obviously a little neglected by his op, but still doing things on his own regardless. "But...I have something I can use for a proper field." He trailed off briefly, raising his sword up out of the sand and sending it down into the ground again, the sand beneath their feet and water nearby beginning to harden and disappear, simple white tiling beginning to replace the field around them, slowly bringing the two of them up the cliffside and walling them off to keep them from falling off. "There we go. This should work for the two of us. Should make for a good match between the two of us."

With that, battle routines would kick up betrween the two navis. His name would then show up for Rogan, a "Beast Knight.EXE"...and his sword showing up with a separate HP signature, likely a summoned object.

-- Challenger --
BeastKnight.EXE: 1200 HP (Directly across from Lyntael)
Claymore: 200 HP (Equipped) (Unknown properties aside from Object)

-- Navis --
Lyntael.EXE: 335 HP (Directly across from BeastKnight and his sword)

-- Terrain --
100% Normal
  • No effects.
(Walls have formed on the edges of the field to prevent falling off, if holes are made, they go down a floor to Sand paneling)
posted in Beach Rogue Net
RE: Coastal Paths
A couple of short minutes passed in silence as Lyntael pushed forward, but despite the most recent conversation behind them it wasn't an awkward or uncomfortable one and she found herself relaxing and letting her senses spread out into the gentle breeze as she strolled. Even so, the peace didn't last too long before Rogan's voice spoke up again and she opened her eyes.

“Looks like you've got another incoming, Lyntael. One signal, navigator signature.” He still sounded calm, but underneath it Lyntael could detect the immediate caution and alertness in his voice. Briefly, she wondered what it said about her that her own immediate reaction to the approach of an unknown navigator was of wariness now. She looking towards the new sound as it approached from the ridge-line above and turned, skipping away an extra step or two on instinct as the newcomer made a dramatic entrance onto the sand behind her.

Her body had fallen into a loose combat stance as she repositioned, light on her toes and keeping her profile slim and she forced herself to relax again. She the navi began to speak, however, Lyntael found herself growing increasingly conscious of the fact that the top clasp on her vest was till broken, and her lower body was covered not in proper swimwear, but normal underwear that was only mostly dried out. Rogan had gone silent as the navi had arrived and, almost without thinking, Lyntael had slipped her normal masking into place so that any surface scan would cause her to show up as a generic normal navi. Something he said made her tilt her head slightly, niggling quietly in the back of her mind.

“Hi... Ah, just... Just Lyntael, is fine, please.” Something about hearing him enunciate her... extension... just felt strange to her. She shook her head, brushing the feeling away and stepped forward close enough to extend a hand and give the other navi a chance to introduce himself as well, if he felt like being polite. After another moment, she jumped back to the other things he'd said. “But, anyway... I don't work for Eurayle, or anything like that. I only just met her today, a little while ago. We had a misunderstanding, and I helped her out with a problem, but that's all.” She assessed the other navi as best she could while she took in the rest of what he'd had to say introducing himself. A navi that liked to fight for fun and challenge, she guessed, definitely leaning into the full warrior aesthetic, and the talking about a 'new build' filled out the picture a bit more. She glanced out to the sea and shifted her stance, rubbing at one shoulder and upper arm with her other hand.

“I'm not really a fighter, honestly... I can defend myself, and, you know, keep myself safe when I have to, but I mostly prefer not to.” She winced with an apologetic smile. “I kind of struggle with pain more than most navis, and I'm supposed to be out seeking bounties at the moment. We can have a bit of a spar if you'd like, but I'll probably tap out if I start to get too badly hurt... I need to keep going for a while today, I think.” She tactically avoided answering any questions about Rogan; hopefully the navi wouldn't notice – after all, he'd mentioned his own operator, but they hadn't introduced themselves or spoken up either. She offered him a renewed grin and a small shrug.

“If you'd like to give it a try, though, are you fine to have a match here, or did you want to find somewhere more solid?” She rolled her shoulders and stretched as faint curls of the breeze twisted in and circled about her for an extra moment.
posted in Beach Rogue Net
RE: Coastal Paths
Getting herself proper as she waved goodbye to the viruses, the rocky outcropping in the distance would slowly get closer and closer, the sound of the waves continuing on not unlike the beach-line that this area imitated outside the network. There was little to be said outside of her thoughts, the natural sounds around and the breeze on her skin. At least...that was until this repetitive clanking sound could be heard from the distance, well above her on the cliffside. It wouldn't take long for the unknown noise to increase in decibels, closer and closer it came before a pregnant silence.

And then, falling from the ridge above, a massive greatsword in hand, a navi fell and landed hard onto the sand behind her. Once she turned around, a tall, broad, navi stood in front of her. Clad in head to toe armor, a blazing fiery red with gold accents and a greatsword clutched in it's right hand, almost as tall as Lyntael was, with her head maybe just breaching the breastplate of the navi in front of her. Segmented gauntlets on each hand, and a beast headed helmet based off some sort of fantasy creature, the navi spoke. "You, navi. Might you tell me your name? And your operator's? I'm looking for a Lyntael.exe." The voice spoke, masculine in nature, clearly male. "As for the purpose, I have wish to test my skills and a Eurayle pointed me in this direction." He continued, there was no malice in his voice, rather a curiosity more than anything, really. "Me and my operator are wishing to test a new "build" so to speak, and I would test it with someone she approves of."
posted in Beach Rogue Net
RE: Coastal Paths
The tentative attempt at a handshake turned into a more enthusiastic tackle hug with barely enough time to half articulate a sound of surprise before the slimey was all over her.
“Ah- hey! Easy, just ah—” her half-formed protests cut into startled silence for a moment as she tried to deal with the eager creature. The sensation of its body wasn't uncomfortable – quite the opposite, in fact, and she could feel it covering her thoroughly underneath her vest as well as just on top of it. She tried to wrangle the virus gently as a hot blush spread across her features.

“Okay, if you just- hang on...” She shifted until she could move its massaging touch away from places she felt that she ought not to let it be groping, eventually lying on her front against the sand so that it could enjoy the rest of its adventure more appropriately. The sensation was kind of nice, she had to admit, when it wasn't somewhere that she was still determined to tell herself the virus didn't understand the significance of. By the time the creature relented and drew back again, there was no doubt that her vest was well and truly slimed, though for a wonder the slime that lingered on her own skin fragmented away swiftly as she felt the flow of data between her surroundings and her connection back to Rogan.

It was a few minutes of rest later, eyes closed and hands under her head as she relaxed on the sand, that Lyntael let out another long yawn without bothering to hide it this time and shifted to pull her vest the rest of the way off her body and lie it out on the sand beside her, just to let the sun take care of the remaining damp patches. She cast another glance up and down the beach, just to make sure she was clear of other navis, then lay back again.

“Hmm? Yes, Lyntael?” His response sounded distracted, though she guessed he was busying himself with more planning.
“So... Lance, and... and Vigilance. When it comes down to it, we're trying to stop what they're doing, with this whole cloak and dagger corporation thing... but, Lance seems to think this is really personal. He knows who you are, and you... just because it was you, it made him change what he was doing. What happened... back north, Rogan?” It was a topic that had always lingered on the periphery, off-limits in a way that didn't need to be stated, and any time she'd hazarded questions that came close to the topic, Rogan's answers had made it clear that he wasn't going to talk about it any further than a one sentence response. There was quiet on the line, and then a quiet sigh.

“Until recently, I did not know who Lance was. I still don't really know him, beyond what my digging has revealed...” There was another pause, and Lyntael waited it out. “But I know his type, and I think I know how he fits into... the past.” Lyntael shook off another yawn and sat up on the sand, refocusing herself so she could pay attention; this wasn't the time to be drowsy or inattentive. Rogan continued a moment later.

“Eric and I came from... a large clan, far up in northern Netopia. They're the kind to put a lot of stock in blood and duty and the ties that bind, so to speak. The sort of family where being a member of that family came a long way before being an individual, and your duty to your clan came well ahead of your personal wants. There were responsibilities, and expectations...” she heard Rogan draw a long breath in, and let it out again slowly. “Expectations and a certain ruthlessness that wasn't afraid to cut and break and reshape pieces that didn't fit into the holes made for them, until they did.” Unconsciously, Lyntael nodded, and one of her hands lifted to rub in a nervous way at the place where her emblem had once rested. She'd suspected something a bit like that, given the way Rogan felt about the concept of 'family'. On the other end of the connection, there was enough of a pause for a dry, mirthless laugh.

“Eric and I... did not fit into the holes made for us.” The silence returned, and Lyntael could sense Rogan debating with himself, or possibly searching for words. “Lyntael would you please put your top back on?” The girl blinked, startled by the sudden tone of exasperation in Rogan's voice.

“O-Oh, um, right... sorry...” She quickly fumbled the garment, shaking out errant sand and slipping it over her shoulders so she could begin refastening the catches that weren't damaged.

“Anyway... we couldn't stay, couldn't bear to throw the majority of our lives into being what they wanted. Our clan had power and some level of influence, but they weren't, ah... well, they weren't the common mental image people have of north Netopian clans championing freedom from tyranny and individual courage. They were much more focused on clan duty and clan honour.”

“Why... why didn't you just leave? I mean... I'm guessing you did, but, surely that's not such a bad thing?” She knew she was pushing her luck, but if Rogan was in a mood to talk, she wanted to get as much as she could. She heard another tired exhale across the line.

“Unfortunately, Lyntael, such matters are rarely that simple. It...” his voice trailed to silence and remained quiet. It was several very drawn out seconds before he started again. “It's not something I like to think about, Lyntael, and especially not something to talk about in a public setting.”

“Right...” She didn't manage to keep the disappointment out of her voice, though she held back the sight that threatened to escape with her acknowledgement.
“Later, Lyntael. I mean that; this is something you should know now, just... not here, not now.” It wasn't his usual deflection, even if he was sill putting it off. Something in his tone was more earnest and she nodded silently before answering.

“Okay, alright... I should... probably keep moving then. I'm not exactly going to work out anything more about myself by lying on the beach.” She stood, brushing off her body and dusting away the clinging sand before giving a small wave to any of the other viruses that had lingered around while she took her break, then set out further towards her destination.

((Ready for Battle 10))
posted in Beach Rogue Net
RE: Shakedown One
Ahead of her, the strange cactus worm continued to dance and jig, the long line of its many bodies shuffling along in arching twists and turns as it swayed to the thrumming beat of the music. The air felt alive with sound and it almost seemed to sparkle and shimmer, like a party at a disco. Everywhere, all around, motes and streams of bright colours seemed to mingle and scatter through the air in a joyful haze. As the head of the worm grinned back at her, and Seafoam approached unheeding of her operator's warning, its eyes swirled bright and wild in a spiral of rainbow hues and Seafoam could feel the fun and playful nature of the creature flooding out to her; the very thought of bringing violence to this situation seemed to drift further and further from her mind.

Looking on, Coral might notice that her navi's steps seemed to grow more sluggish, as her body began to sway more to the rhythm of the music, but settled on the heavy lower beat that made her seem to move slower just to stay in time with it. On her PET, coral would be able to see an unusual debuff afflicting her navi, beyond the slowing effect; something that would sap the damage of her offence chips at the very least.

For Seafoam, drawing closer to the dance party, the shimmering multi-hued sparkle in the air resolved into clarity and she began to realise that what was ahead of her wasn't just a single virus; they were costumes! A collection of various humanoid navigators danced and partied to the music, dressed up in ribbons and streamers and bells as they partied the music. Indeed, the ribbons, bells and various jewellery was very nearly all many of the dancers were wearing; nothing indecent, perhaps, but this rave was pushing a line, an everyone seemed to be having a great time of it.

The press of bodies swayed past her in a cheering and dancing congo line, and one of the navis in the line reached out towards her; this was surely the most attractive navi that Seafoam could recall laying eyes on, and they were smiling as they pulled her into the dance line. It was hard not to dance along, as the dancing bodies surrounded her; she could feel them move to the rhythm like a single entity, and she just had to move along, though with so many people, there was a certain amount of unfortunate jostling here and there – a couple of errant elbows and knees collided sharply every now and then, but it wasn't really a big deal, not when there was a party to have.

On the outside, Coral saw her navi drift toward the virus and move up against its wiggling form, almost like she'd been compelled to draw closer to it. It coiled partially around her and, amidst its shifting and swaying, battered at her seemingly oblivious navi with multiple segments of its cactus body. Further back, the trio of metools seemed equally entranced by the strange aura of lights and colours that accompanied the music, but seemed to be more or less ignored by the virus itself.

-=Delirious DJ =-
CactoCongo.Worm: 300Hp [Such Dancing!][1-Hit Party Hat (Worn on Head)][Strengthen: 20][Normal]

-=In The Spotlight =-
Seafoam.Exe: 95Hp [Normal][Slow1 (1 turn)][Hallucinating Illusion: It's a dance party! (1 Turn)][Glitch: Toe-Tapping (2 turns, or until removed)]

-=Back-up Dancers?=-
Map-Wielding MetoolMetool (Metool)

Metools not currently attacking will guard. Entering guard mode requires an action. Exiting guard mode does not require an action.

Area: ACDC, Electown, Okuden Valley, Kotobuki Town, Dentech, Beach

HP: 40
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Null + Piercing + Ground Attack
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Whacks ground with pickaxe, sending forth a shockwave.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Null
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Throws a mattock at an enemy.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Guard1, ShockWave, Zenny
Special: Can hide in its helmet to negate damage.
: 40Hp [Normal] [Just behind Seafoam]
Sculptor MetoolMetool (Metool)

Metools not currently attacking will guard. Entering guard mode requires an action. Exiting guard mode does not require an action.

Area: ACDC, Electown, Okuden Valley, Kotobuki Town, Dentech, Beach

HP: 40
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Null + Piercing + Ground Attack
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Whacks ground with pickaxe, sending forth a shockwave.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Null
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Throws a mattock at an enemy.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Guard1, ShockWave, Zenny
Special: Can hide in its helmet to negate damage.
: 40Hp [Grass] [Behind and left of Map Metool]
Nervous MetoolMetool (Metool)

Metools not currently attacking will guard. Entering guard mode requires an action. Exiting guard mode does not require an action.

Area: ACDC, Electown, Okuden Valley, Kotobuki Town, Dentech, Beach

HP: 40
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Null + Piercing + Ground Attack
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Whacks ground with pickaxe, sending forth a shockwave.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Null
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Throws a mattock at an enemy.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Guard1, ShockWave, Zenny
Special: Can hide in its helmet to negate damage.
: 40Hp [Grass] [Behind and right of Map Metool]

-=Not Meant To Be a Mosh-Pit =-
60% Normal
  • No effects.

40% Grass
  • Wood Elementals get +5 HP/action.
  • Fire attacks: +100% Source Damage, change terrain hit to Soil.
  • PanelShot: Imbue Wood.

Valley area starts grassy and become rocky (normal) towards the virus' end; terrain is mostly even, but the valley is moderately narrow.

-=Glitch Record=-

Toe-Tapping: Balance Glitch (2 rounds, or until removed with status cure or other similar effects). The target can't help but respond to a beat that they can hear, tapping, bouncing or otherwise jigging to it. The sense of rhythm helps them dodge more effectively, at least if they dodge to the beat, but ti also hinders their ability to take proper shots and strikes when they need to, rather than hesitating for the right 'rhythm' Dodges are increased by one rank when roleplayed as being made on beat, while attacks accuracy suffers a 1 rank penalty.
posted in Netopia Net
RE: Network Hike
((Sorry for the delay! The prose of your post seemed to pretty firmly direct the attack towards the Mushy, so I assumed that was what you intended and the summary denoting the Momo instead was a typo. Sorry if I've misinterpreted))

With his senses properly clear Delta was ready when the indiscriminately spore-clouding mushroom warped close to him again; it seemed single-minded in its malice, uncaring about the friendly fire it had been dishing out as it tried to attack him, but as Delta dodged back and away before the cloud could could reach him, and retaliated with a scorching fist of fire, it turned out that, like many aggressive bullies, the mushy was not at all able to take the level of heat it had been pushing; all it took was the one solid strike from Delta's burning attack to obliterate the mushroom virus in an amplified inferno while the grass beneath it burned up and added to the blaze.

When the fire died down, Delta could still see the remaining momogra peeking up from the edge of its burrow, but after another moment it seemed to glance around the field and decide that this wasn't a battlefield it wanted to continue inhabiting. With a small squeak, it didn't push its luck any further and burrowed down again, out of sight and away.

This left Delta alone on the field, and the final victor of the fight.

SkeeterSkeeter (Skeeter)

Area: Yoka, Okuden Valley, Beach, Yumland, Netfrica

HP: 30
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 30 Drain (Null)
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: A swarm of Skeeters flies at the target. They will drain HP if they connect.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Drain1, Zenny
Special: Omnishoes
: DELETED (By friendly mushroom fire, no less)
MomograMomogra (Momogra)

Momogras move by tunneling through the ground. They poke their heads up just far enough from time to time to see where the enemy is, but they are still protected from most forms of attack. Drop attacks, Bomb attacks (which fall out of the air after being thrown), and Ground attacks damage them in this state. Other attacks executed from a high angle/altitude also work. All movements performed by a Momogra are considered a dodge, as they occur underground, and out of sight. Momogras only attack in response to having an attack launched in their direction, and only if they have an action remaining for that turn. Momogras attack by instantly tunneling to the panel behind the enemy, popping out of the ground, and striking with a shovel. A Momogra is completely vulnerable to any form of attack during its own atack, and until it moves again following that attack. The movement prior to the attack does not require an action, but movement afterwards does. The attack cannot execute if the panel behind the target is a liquid terrain type, Metal, Broken, or Missing. The attack also will not execute if there is something currently occupying the panel they would be attacking from. If the attack cannot execute, the Momogra will not move. In the case of Glass and Cracked terrain, the Momogras will still attempt to attack, but suffer the consequences of doing do as those panels will break and damage the Momogra, also causing the attack to fail. Momogra get 1 free movement per turn at the start of the turn before their first action.

Area: Okuden Valley, Hades Isle, NetVegas

HP: 60
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Null + Backstab
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Hits enemy with shovel.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Mole1, Zenny
Special: Always attacks if it is targeted, though it can attack otherwise. Only overhead-striking attacks can hit these viruses while they are not attacking (bombs, etc.)
NeedlerNeedler (Needler)

Needlers only attack forward, left and right. They cannot attack targets above and below their position, nor can they shoot backwards. Needlers do not move (aside from aiming) aside from their secondary attack, though they will use it to reposition themselves if they find it necessary.

Area: Okuden Valley, Kotobuki Town

HP: 90
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 5 Null x 2 Shots x 3 Targets
Primary Attack Accuracy: A
Primary Attack Description: Fires needles in 3 directions.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Null + Movement + Impact + Knockback / 5 Null x 3 targets
Secondary Attack Accuracy: C / A
Secondary Attack Description: Rams forward with surprising speed, then fires a burst of needles while the enemy is still startled.
Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 2 Wood x 8 Shots
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: C
Tertiary Attack Description: Shoots a storm of wooden needles at a single enemy.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Needler1, NeedleCannon1 (Rare), Zenny
: DELETED (By callously unfriendly mushroom fire...)
MushyMushy (Mushy)

Mushies only appear in battle if 15% or more of the terrain is Grass. Mushies can only move across Grass, Mud, and Soil terrain types. If, for any reason, none of these terrain types exist on the field, these viruses will be unable to move until the end of the turn. Mushies will then attempt to change the terrain to Grass, or flee if they cannot. Mushies move by teleporting.

Area: Okuden Valley, Dentech, Beach, Yumland, Netfrica

HP: 80
Attack Damage/Effect: (Teleport) then (15 Wood + Confusion + Nova2)
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Teleports close to an enemy, and releases a cloud of spores in all directions. When attacking, the space it teleports to does not have to be on Grass, but the panel it teleports from and returns to after the attack must be Grass.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Spice1, BadSpice1, Zenny
Special: This virus may only move on Wood Element panels.
Special: When no Grass terrain exists on the field, this virus may throw a Grass Seed once as a Standard Action.
Special: If no Grass terrain exists, and this virus has already used Grass Seed, it will flee the battle.

Delta.EXE: 170Hp (In the eastern area of the field) (Grass)

-=Terrain=- (Terrain is a checkerboard pattern, 50/50 shot of being on one or the other unless specified by a movement, feint or dodge within reasonable distance)
55% Soil
  • Wood Elementals get +10% Evasion.
  • Wood attacks: +100% Source Damage, change terrain hit to Grass.
  • 100 Damage Aqua attacks: Change terrain hit to Mud.
  • 100 Damage Fire attacks: change terrain hit to Coal.
  • PanelShot: Imbue Wood.

45% Grass
  • Wood Elementals get +5 HP/action.
  • Fire attacks: +100% Source Damage, change terrain hit to Soil.
  • PanelShot: Imbue Wood.

-=Battle 4, Victory!=-
Spoils: 600z, 12 BugFrags, Spice1Damage: 80 + Confusion + Ground Attack + To-All (Others) (Grass)
Accuracy: A
Description: Hazardous powder rolls over all grass terrain on the battlefield. Damages and confuses anyone on contact, except the user. This includes allies.
Duration: Once
Element: Wood
Special: Only affects targets on Grass Terrain, excluding the User.
Trader Rank: D
, Skeeter Bounty +1
posted in Okuden Net
RE: Shakedown One
Carefully making her way back to ground level with her entourage, Seafoam set out towards the distant radio towers and greener terrain with renewed certainty in her path. It took a little while to make sure her wards were all accounted for and following safely, after the strange dimension-stretching upper-works of the theatre space, but soon enough the small party was moving forward again.

The mets following her chattered away with enthusiastic and curious sounds as they took in the sights; they glanced at each of the radio towers that the group moved past or came close to, almost as though they were listening to something that Seafoam herself couldn't quite hear, but eventually she began to pick up the background sound of different radio communications zipping back and forth; odd scraps of conversations leaking out on poorly secured channels, the occasional public broadcast program and other snippets of day to day listening.

The green hills covered with various natural vegetation began to grow more uneven as Seafoam approached her destination, and she found herself leading the small party down into what was becoming a deep valley, with high craggy hills reaching up on either side as the ground rolled gently downward. The radio towers continued as well, growing more frequent as they poked out between the plants and trees, and in some cases even jutted out of the rocky walls of the valley at irregular angles.

It was subtle at first, but Seafoam began to hear music, filtering out from the towers underneath their other signals. It was easy to miss at first, but the deeper into the valley she pressed, the clearer the sound became. It was on every channel, and underneath every signal now, gradually growing louder until it was the primary sound she was hearing, and the other information was swiftly being drowned out and lost. The music itself was strange and had steady beat to it; it was vaguely folksy, and a little bit rhythmic and hypnotic, but in a fun kind of way. It was just the kind of music that was prone to set one's foot tapping unconsciously, to to make a person sway to it gently without thinking. Behind her, the trio of metools following her had fallen into a rhythm step that matched the music, their pickaxes swaying back and forth in the air to the beat and their helmets nodding as they seemed to vibe along to the beat. Soon the beat of the music seemed to thrum through the air, and the sense that she was approaching the source grew clearer to Seafoam's senses.

A short way ahead of her, a tall cacty came into view... at least maybe it was a cacty? It bobbed and swayed to the music, and as it moved it began to look more like an entire line of similar cacty, all pressed together, swaying and grooving as it snaked back and forth across the increasingly cramped confines of the valley. Each cactus body was five segments high, instead of the normal three of a regular virus, and most of the heads seemed to be fake – just slightly different looking body segments. The virus as a whole – as it seemed like it must surely be – only seemed to have one 'proper' head; it had wide, dizzy eyes that spun with a kaleidoscope of swirling colours above an uncharacteristically manic grin. It was wearing a large party hat, complete with streamers, ear pieces and even a pair of little sparklers sticking up at jaunty angles. The head seemed to spend most of its time on the lead body but as the congo line of cacti swayed and danced, the head also seemed to bounce around, switching places with the other false head segments at random.

The party hat wasn't the only piece of festive gear the virus seemed to be wearing; each cactus body had a selection of bells attached to the lowest segment, which all jingled at regular rhythmic times with the rest of the music. About halfway up, they each bore a pair of long cloth kerchief, seemingly held on by virtue of being pinned through a spike on each side of the cactus, and these also danced and swished in time with the swaying movement of the cactus line. The air felt vaguely thick and a little cloying as Seafoam drew closer; there was the faint hint of a pleasant perfume, mixed with warmth and moisture in the air. The main head bounced back to switch places with a body somewhere in the middle and turned its crazy-eyes grin towards the approaching navigator, head tilting back and forth with the music as though inviting her to come dance with it. The music pulsed and swelled, thrumming through the air now; behind her, her met followers seemed mesmerised by the sound; it reverberated from the surrounding towers, and whatever other signals were supposed to be transmitting right now were clearly being blocked and congested by the virus' presence. More pressingly for Seafoam, the dancing and shifting of the virus had led it to a point of blocking up and congesting her entire path froward towards the transition point. Something needed to be done, it would seem.

-=Delirious DJ =-
CactoCongo.Worm: 300Hp [Dancing!][1-Hit Party Hat (Worn on Head)][Normal]

-=In The Spotlight =-
Seafoam.Exe: 110Hp [Grass]

-=Back-up Dancers?=-
Map-Wielding MetoolMetool (Metool)

Metools not currently attacking will guard. Entering guard mode requires an action. Exiting guard mode does not require an action.

Area: ACDC, Electown, Okuden Valley, Kotobuki Town, Dentech, Beach

HP: 40
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Null + Piercing + Ground Attack
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Whacks ground with pickaxe, sending forth a shockwave.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Null
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Throws a mattock at an enemy.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Guard1, ShockWave, Zenny
Special: Can hide in its helmet to negate damage.
: 40Hp [Normal] [Just behind Seafoam]
Sculptor MetoolMetool (Metool)

Metools not currently attacking will guard. Entering guard mode requires an action. Exiting guard mode does not require an action.

Area: ACDC, Electown, Okuden Valley, Kotobuki Town, Dentech, Beach

HP: 40
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Null + Piercing + Ground Attack
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Whacks ground with pickaxe, sending forth a shockwave.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Null
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Throws a mattock at an enemy.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Guard1, ShockWave, Zenny
Special: Can hide in its helmet to negate damage.
: 40Hp [Grass] [Behind and left of Map Metool]
Nervous MetoolMetool (Metool)

Metools not currently attacking will guard. Entering guard mode requires an action. Exiting guard mode does not require an action.

Area: ACDC, Electown, Okuden Valley, Kotobuki Town, Dentech, Beach

HP: 40
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Null + Piercing + Ground Attack
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Whacks ground with pickaxe, sending forth a shockwave.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Null
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Throws a mattock at an enemy.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Guard1, ShockWave, Zenny
Special: Can hide in its helmet to negate damage.
: 40Hp [Grass] [Behind and right of Map Metool]

-=Not Mean To Be a Mosh-Pit =-
60% Normal
  • No effects.

40% Grass
  • Wood Elementals get +5 HP/action.
  • Fire attacks: +100% Source Damage, change terrain hit to Soil.
  • PanelShot: Imbue Wood.

Valley area starts grassy and become rocky (normal) towards the virus' end; terrain is mostly even, but the valley is moderately narrow.

-=Battle 5, Start!=-
posted in Netopia Net
RE: Network Hike
With his senses scrambled from the mushy's befuddling spore cloud, Delta opted to stick to his buster for the time being, and not risk worse malfunctions with other chips. There was the sense that what he was seeing as he aimed his buster carefully might not be exactly accurate to what was actually in front of him, with occasionally fuzzing shifts in the terrain and the surrounding viruses.

A brief salvo of wood shots came at him suddenly; some missed and some landed, and though they were barely enough o cause a scratch, they a least confirmed for Delta where the actual needle turret was and he took a couple of quick shots – or tried to; a crackle of uncomfortable sensation accompanied his buster firing and it only released one burst of energy, rather than two, though the shot itself clearly connected and let Delta know that he'd found his mark amidst swimming vision.

His further attempts at evading the surprisingly hostile mushy didn't mount to much more than an ungainly stumble, but it seemed that in this particular moment, Delta's luck was in; his movements were perhaps a bit more erratic than anticipated and when the mushroom virus teleported close to release another blast of spores around itself, it misjudged where Delta had stumbled to, and its dangerous cloud missed him.

The needler was not dissuaded, however, and tried to capitalise on the navi's temporary vulnerability; it rushed forward in a sudden charge just as Delta raised his shield, which to good fortune, actually worked properly. The impact was solid but the shield held as the force of the collision shoved Delta back several feet. The needler completed its charge and took a couple of quick shots, trying to pin down its target now that it had him in sights, but only one of them was on target; it struck the shield, knocking it out of commission once more, though it had done its job all the same.

In the close-quarters face-off, Delta raised his buster to take another series of shots at the needler; more trouble with the weapon prevented one of the first pair from firing, but both shots in his second salvo went off without trouble; the debilitating status ailment was finally clearing from his system, it seemed.

The mushy was having none of this, and warped in close, right in front of Delta again as his vision finally cleared. He got a look at the vindictive malice glinting in its eyes as it readied another spore cloud – seemingly with complete disregard for the other virus that was also right by it, once again. By some fluke of fortune, Delta had enough time in the moment to stumble back from the cloud of spores just as it rolled outward, managing to cover himself from it and stop any of the nasty attack infiltrating his systems, just barely... The needler, unfortunately for it, was not so lucky. Already badly damaged by Delta's successive shots, the mushroom fumes wafted over it and settled with a vaguely glitchy crackle. Sparks jumped, gears ground, and with a couple of brief sputters and whirrs the needle turret went still. A small plume of grey smoke began to rise from it as the rest of its form began to crumble into data. The Mushy seemed to shrug, if a virus with no real shoulders could be said to do so, and teleported back to the hiding spot of its grassy bush, watching Delta with calculating malice. It really seemed to think the other viruses here were just so much dead weight.

While the exchange was going on, it seemed like the momogra virus was, for the most part, staying well clear of the altercation – it watched and waited from the safety of its burrow, but didn't seem to want to risk an attack without prior aggression directed at it first, especially with the Mushy acting as unilaterally violent as it was.

SkeeterSkeeter (Skeeter)

Area: Yoka, Okuden Valley, Beach, Yumland, Netfrica

HP: 30
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 30 Drain (Null)
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: A swarm of Skeeters flies at the target. They will drain HP if they connect.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Drain1, Zenny
Special: Omnishoes
: DELETED (By friendly mushroom fire, no less)
MomograMomogra (Momogra)

Momogras move by tunneling through the ground. They poke their heads up just far enough from time to time to see where the enemy is, but they are still protected from most forms of attack. Drop attacks, Bomb attacks (which fall out of the air after being thrown), and Ground attacks damage them in this state. Other attacks executed from a high angle/altitude also work. All movements performed by a Momogra are considered a dodge, as they occur underground, and out of sight. Momogras only attack in response to having an attack launched in their direction, and only if they have an action remaining for that turn. Momogras attack by instantly tunneling to the panel behind the enemy, popping out of the ground, and striking with a shovel. A Momogra is completely vulnerable to any form of attack during its own atack, and until it moves again following that attack. The movement prior to the attack does not require an action, but movement afterwards does. The attack cannot execute if the panel behind the target is a liquid terrain type, Metal, Broken, or Missing. The attack also will not execute if there is something currently occupying the panel they would be attacking from. If the attack cannot execute, the Momogra will not move. In the case of Glass and Cracked terrain, the Momogras will still attempt to attack, but suffer the consequences of doing do as those panels will break and damage the Momogra, also causing the attack to fail. Momogra get 1 free movement per turn at the start of the turn before their first action.

Area: Okuden Valley, Hades Isle, NetVegas

HP: 60
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Null + Backstab
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Hits enemy with shovel.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Mole1, Zenny
Special: Always attacks if it is targeted, though it can attack otherwise. Only overhead-striking attacks can hit these viruses while they are not attacking (bombs, etc.)
: 60Hp (Burrowed) (Hidden in Bush B) (Soil)
NeedlerNeedler (Needler)

Needlers only attack forward, left and right. They cannot attack targets above and below their position, nor can they shoot backwards. Needlers do not move (aside from aiming) aside from their secondary attack, though they will use it to reposition themselves if they find it necessary.

Area: Okuden Valley, Kotobuki Town

HP: 90
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 5 Null x 2 Shots x 3 Targets
Primary Attack Accuracy: A
Primary Attack Description: Fires needles in 3 directions.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Null + Movement + Impact + Knockback / 5 Null x 3 targets
Secondary Attack Accuracy: C / A
Secondary Attack Description: Rams forward with surprising speed, then fires a burst of needles while the enemy is still startled.
Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 2 Wood x 8 Shots
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: C
Tertiary Attack Description: Shoots a storm of wooden needles at a single enemy.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Needler1, NeedleCannon1 (Rare), Zenny
: DELETED (By callously unfriendly mushroom fire...)
MushyMushy (Mushy)

Mushies only appear in battle if 15% or more of the terrain is Grass. Mushies can only move across Grass, Mud, and Soil terrain types. If, for any reason, none of these terrain types exist on the field, these viruses will be unable to move until the end of the turn. Mushies will then attempt to change the terrain to Grass, or flee if they cannot. Mushies move by teleporting.

Area: Okuden Valley, Dentech, Beach, Yumland, Netfrica

HP: 80
Attack Damage/Effect: (Teleport) then (15 Wood + Confusion + Nova2)
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Teleports close to an enemy, and releases a cloud of spores in all directions. When attacking, the space it teleports to does not have to be on Grass, but the panel it teleports from and returns to after the attack must be Grass.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Spice1, BadSpice1, Zenny
Special: This virus may only move on Wood Element panels.
Special: When no Grass terrain exists on the field, this virus may throw a Grass Seed once as a Standard Action.
Special: If no Grass terrain exists, and this virus has already used Grass Seed, it will flee the battle.
: 80Hp (Hidden in Bush A, east of Delta) (Grass)

Delta.EXE: 170Hp (In the eastern area of the field) (Grass)

-=Terrain=- (Terrain is a checkerboard pattern, 50/50 shot of being on one or the other unless specified by a movement, feint or dodge within reasonable distance)
50% Soil
  • Wood Elementals get +10% Evasion.
  • Wood attacks: +100% Source Damage, change terrain hit to Grass.
  • 100 Damage Aqua attacks: Change terrain hit to Mud.
  • 100 Damage Fire attacks: change terrain hit to Coal.
  • PanelShot: Imbue Wood.

50% Grass
  • Wood Elementals get +5 HP/action.
  • Fire attacks: +100% Source Damage, change terrain hit to Soil.
  • PanelShot: Imbue Wood.

-=Objects=- (Bushes can be passed through without consequence, but still block attacks. Can also be hidden in as a pseudo dodge, but if hit by a fire attack while "hidden" in them will cause double damage, triple on Grass panels)
Bush A: 40 HP (To Delta's side in the East) (Woodbody) (Grass)
Bush B: 40 HP (In the centre of the area) (Woodbody) (Soil)
posted in Okuden Net
RE: Coastal Paths
The Slimer would watch with bated breath, as would the other viruses, as she and her netop took a moment to chat, getting comfy on the beach before reaching forward to give the Slimer a friendly little "fist bump" as it were. The Slimer felt a VERY mild tingle from the navi, but not unpleasent as it would close it's eyes and give her a friendly smile, it's face hadn't changed much, but it was a slight change. This in turn would cause the Slimer to leap at Lyntael and engulf her from the chest down to her waist. Rogan would notice no damage being registered to the navi, but Lyntael would begin to feel...well...a half-body massage? Gentle squeezes and pressings on her body, around her sides, shoulders and even her back. A bit cold and slimy, yes, but...not all that unpleasent, even as the Slimer would get a bit of a tingle in turn.

The battle routines would finally release as the viruses around her stopped being hostile, it would take a moment before the Slimer would release her, more or less unmolested and unhurt, but otherwise would probably feel decently good, even as the wind hit her slime coated body. "Rewards" would feed into Rogan's PET, and more than that, there seemed to be enough slime to turn into a chip for Lyntael.

-- Viruses --
Fishy2Fishy2 (Fishy)

Area: ACDC, Okuden Valley, Dentech, Beach, NetVegas

HP: 150
Attack Damage/Effect: 45 + Stun 1 + Line Attack(5) + Impact + Piercing
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Flies into a group of enemies, and stuns them.
Element: Normal
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): DashAttack2, Zenny
Special: Omnishoes
: 150 HP (Sand) (Hovering roughly above Lyntael's head, near her)
Shrimpy2 EXShrimpy2 EX (Shrimpy)

Shrimpy viruses are able to move between attacks as a free action, however dodging still costs them an action. They must pause movement to attack. Shrimpy viruses may move over fragile panel types without damaging them, such as moving over Cracked panels without breaking them. Shrimpy viruses cannot be forcibly submerged or smashed through fragile panels, even if thrown. They can submerge of their own free will, however.

Area: Yoka, Beach, Sharo

HP: 230
Attack Damage/Effect: 60 Aqua + Spread 2
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Bub-V
Element: Aqua
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Bubble-V, Shrimpy2, Zenny
Special: ShadowShoes
: 230 HP (Sea) (Above the waters, watching intently)
SlimerSlimer (Slimey)

Slimey viruses were produced to be sources of major traffic lag. While a Slimey virus is on the battlefield, all Navis and SPs suffer from a passive Slow-like effect that imposes a -10% Evasion AND Movement Speed penalty. This effect is not a status ailment, and cannot be cured. This effect does not stack with itself if more than one Slimey is on the field at once. As this does not count as a true Slow effect, up to two instances of Slow may stack on top of this effect for a total penalty of -30% Evasion/Movement Speed. This effect expires when all Slimey viruses on the field are deleted or flee. Slimey viruses are very slow to move and dodge, but every move they make that is not a dodge counts as an attack. Slimeys deal damage by touching an opponent, thus touching a Slimey directly results in damage to any non-Slimey the virus considers hostile.

Area: Sharo, NetVegas, Beach

HP: 150
Attack Damage/Effect: 45 Aqua + Slow
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Body slams its foes. Any foes hit are slowed the following turn. Must be within melee range to attack a foe.
Element: Aqua
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MetaGel2, Zenny
Special: While this enemy is on the field, dodge effectiveness is reduced by 1 Rank.
: 150 HP (Normal) (Near Lyntael within reach of her, still slowing down Lyn's processors regardless) (Holding a slimey pseudo-hand out towards Lyntael)
Shellnerd EXShellnerd EX (ShellGeek)

Shellgeeks alternate actions between attacking and guarding. These are the only actions Shellgeeks may perform, and the first action of every battle is always guarding. Shellgeeks will not break from this pattern unless forced to by status effects. The secondary attack of Shellgeeks can be used to grant an ally of this virus a free movement, or even to knock an ally out of the path of an oncoming attack.

Area: Yoka, Sharo, Beach, Okuden Valley

HP: 160
Primary Attack Damage/Effects: 25 Null x 2 Spears
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: Fires two spears at one target.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effects: 50 Null
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Fires a star tipped arrow. Can be used on an ally to move them. Causes no damage to allies.
Element: Aqua
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): TripleNeedle, StarArrow2 (Rare), Zenny
Special: Attacks every other action. IronBody when not attacking.
: 160 HP (Sea) (Near the coast, peaking out of it's shell cautiously)
KillWeedKillWeed (KillPlant)

Area: Beach, Yumland, Netfrica, Dentech

HP: 160
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 90 Wood
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: The virus spits a large wooden seed at one target, like a bomb. If it misses, it remains on the field for one turn.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 90 Wood + Ground + Line Attack + Aqua Boost(+90 Wood, +AccuracyUP)
Secondary Attack Accuracy: C / B
Secondary Attack Description: If the seed is left alone for one turn, it will erupt into a Wood Tower attack. If the seed is hit by any Aqua based attacks or it lands on a Sea Panel, it will double in power and speed.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per virus): TreeBomb2, Zenny
Special: This virus is immobile.
- The Seed is immune to damage.
- Fire and Impact will destroy the Seed.
- This virus attacks every other turn, starting on the first turn.
: 160 HP (Normal) (Near where the Slimey was at)

-- Navis --
Lyntael.EXE: 335 HP (Sand) (Roughly near the sea, near the middle of the field, surrounded by the viruses)

-- Terrain --
10% Normal
  • No effects.
(A small patch of smooth rock near the cliffside, towards the north-west at 2-o-clock)
20% Sea
  • Fire Elementals lose 10 HP/action standing, 20 HP/action submerged. Other Non-Aqua Elementals lose 5 HP/action submerged. Nullified for Aqua Elementals.
  • Ice attacks: 50% Freeze1 chance, Changes terrain hit to Ice.
  • Terrain changes between Sea and Onsen do not inflict damage upon submerged entities, nor do they eject submerged entities to the surface.
  • Elec attacks: +100% Source Damage.
  • PanelShot: Imbue Aqua.
(The receeding coastline along the sand, in the south)
70% Sand
  • -20% Evasion and reduced movement speed to all.
  • Can Burrow as standard action, incurable Blind1 until turn after exiting Burrow.
  • Wind attacks: +100% Source Damage + Blind1, change terrain hit to Normal, trigger Sandstorm for 3 turns: Lose 5 HP/action, Blind1, Fire attacks gain Slashing.
  • Fire attacks: Change terrain hit to Glass.
  • Terrain changes between Sand and QuickSand do not inflict damage upon burrowed entities, nor do they eject burrowed entities to the surface.
  • PanelShot: Blind1.
(The majority of the area)
Battle 9! Resolved!
9900z, 25 buigfrags, MetaGel2Damage: 130 + Slow + Drop Attack x 3 Targets
Accuracy: B
Description: Summons three Metagels to drop down on three different opponents. Causes Slow on contact.
Duration: Once
Element: Aqua
Special: Drop Attack: This attack originates above the battlefield, and falls to the ground. It gains one rank of accuracy against High Altitude targets.
Trader Rank: C
posted in Beach Rogue Net
RE: Coastal Paths
The yawn went on for several moments longer than Lyntael anticipated, and the urge to lie down properly and just enjoy the quiet moment crept up on her with surprising appeal. She rolled her neck and shoulders slowly, stretching them out with her eyes closed as she let the warm sunlight soak in.

“Lyntael...” Rogan's voice was cautious, if slightly bemused, and he didn't need to articulate words beyond just her name to communicate the gentle reminder. Lyntael caught herself wishing she had her proper beach towel with her. After a moment, she responded without opening her eyes.

“It's fine, Rogan, I'm only taking a minute. I was feeling a bit sore and tired from earlier anyway. Just a little break.” The sound of movement made her crack open one eye to take stock of the slimey that drew closer, seemingly more curious. It didn't seem aggressive, at least. She tried to remember if she'd encountered the virus family herself before, and where... surely she had, but it wasn't quite coming to mind through her sun-warmed thoughts. She stifled a second yawn.

“Not all viruses operate through violence, Lyntael... but I'm watching, so, if you want to make your own mistakes, I suppose that is what we're here for.” His voice sounded like he'd made extra effort to recompose himself between now and their last conversation, and was now trying not to sound too exasperated. In a way, it made her smile; a Rogan feeling exasperated at her foibles wasn't beating himself up with guilt, or getting angry at inefficiency... and in a way, it was a reminder of good humour they'd shared at the worse of times.

Beside her, the slimey was extending a questing pseudopod, and Lyntael opened one eye properly to look towards it. She wasn't entirely sure if it was slowly attempting to poke or prod her, or if it was actively looking for a reaction, but she let herself grin regardless.

“Careful, I get tingly sometimes...” gentle warning aside, Lyntael focused for a moment and assessed herself. She'd been prepared to react as needed, initially, and there was some underlying current still beating readiness in her chest, but it was calming and lowing quite rapidly now. With a little focus she should be safe enough. She took a moment, then reached up and across her body with her opposite arm so she could offer it a short hand-shake... fist-bump? ...something friendly at least, without losing her balance. Despite her best efforts though, the brief moment of damp contact still managed to spread a slightly slimy wetness across her front and quickly began to soak through her vest. She should probably have seen that coming... eww...

Lyntael let herself shift back to her more relaxed position again with a somewhat rueful smirk, then smothered another small yawn with the back of her hand. She plucked briefly a the now sodden and slimy front of her vest, then shrugged and lay back, back against the warm sand with her hands folded behind her head. Her eyes drifted shut again. What was the harm in enjoying a little sun before getting back to the fight. Rogan was relaxing at a beach-side cafe, after all. She caught her thoughts drifting more slowly as she wondered if the rogue network sunlight could actually let her get a tan... or burn her. She should really have brought some sunscreen.

After another few moments, she shifted again, wriggling in mild discomfort beneath the sticky sensation of her vest and opened one eye to cast around at the nearby viruses again. They didn't seem the type to know any better... probably... At a somewhat languid pace, she stretched one hand out and shook the sand off it, then carefully plucked at the two remaining buckles on the soiled garment, disguising the motion at first as a harmless scratch. When they were both undone, she glanced up and down the length of the beach again, then flicked the top open so that her whole front could get the sun.

“Lyntael!” Rogan sounded like he was trying very hard not to be mortified, and she felt the urge to giggle.

“It's okay, there's no-one around... I don't think these guys are really seeing anything they'll understand much.” She lifted her head enough to cast a lazy eye across the nearby viruses. “You guys aren't going to get any ideas, right?” It was an off-handed remark, delivered with a relaxed nonchalance as she rested her head down again on her hands and let her eyes drift shut. The fact that the comment would mean nothing at all to them if they genuinely didn't understand her words didn't really occur to her in the moment. The sun really was very nice, and she was feeling quite relaxed and restive.

“That's not— Lyntael, you can't just—!” Rogan bit off his own protest with the sudden silence of a person no longer grasping what he should think, but Lyntael let it go. Besides, it was only for a few minutes, and she was quite sure that Rogan would be looking to every location in her vague surroundings that wasn't exactly where she was anyway, so she was perfectly safe for sudden surprises. Probably.

L1) Gosh that sun feels nice
L2) It'd be okay to rest a while, right?
L3) Friendly fist-bumps for squishy friends
L4) Eww, now my vest is all slimey
L*) Fast Armour: 10Hp 5Hp Casing Refresh, since her top is mostly off
L5) There's no sign saying this *isn't* a topless beach, right?
L6) I'm sure this is perfectly safe.

Cooldowns and Overcharge
A Loving Heart, and a second chance (1TCD)

Overcharge: Begin: +0, End: +0
posted in Beach Rogue Net