As the viruses stared at Lyntael as she began her usual preperations, a soft breeze surrounding her, a casing wrapping around her body in preperation for attacks that the viruses could barely see...her words...falling on deaf ears as the Bark began to move inwards, slowly floating over the terrain as it got closer to the dancer, closer and closer it floated, slowly making it's way onto the grassy areas on the outer field and roughly a few meters away as it had circled around to her right.
The barrier went up and the Rapidfire, however, would immediately open up and send one of it's orbitals down the line, attempting to scorch Lyntael as the dancer darted behind the nearby metallic pillar, barely avoiding being scorched as her new suit warmed up almost immediately, not unpleasant, but would have been worse had she not moved as grass withered and burned away leaving the fertile soil unerneath and sand superheated into a rough glassy terrain, a little uneaven, but still unmistakably fragile, while it's Option unit would return with an audiable click. At that point the Bark would then open fire on the moving navi attempting to use the pillar as cover, while it would hit the pillar and the navi next to it, while her barrier stood against the threatening high pressure water wave, it was barely holding on as rivulets of water fell from her body.
Wet but undeterred, Lyntael would make her chance to heal up with a nice, deep breath...even if it took a bit of energy for a net positive. The NeoMet would take this lull in combat to hide away inside it's helmet and, with it, potential invincibility. The Shellnerd would stay clasped up in the same vein as it couldn't hit Lyn from where it was at just yet, her cover too much to pierce through with a couple needles.
-- Viruses --
Shellnerd EXShellnerd EX (ShellGeek)
Shellgeeks alternate actions between attacking and guarding. These are the only actions Shellgeeks may perform, and the first action of every battle is always guarding. Shellgeeks will not break from this pattern unless forced to by status effects. The secondary attack of Shellgeeks can be used to grant an ally of this virus a free movement, or even to knock an ally out of the path of an oncoming attack.
Area: Yoka, Sharo, Beach, Okuden Valley
HP: 160
Primary Attack Damage/Effects: 25 Null x 2 Spears
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: Fires two spears at one target.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effects: 50 Null
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Fires a star tipped arrow. Can be used on an ally to move them. Causes no damage to allies.
Element: Aqua
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): TripleNeedle, StarArrow2 (Rare), Zenny
Special: Attacks every other action. IronBody when not attacking.: 160 HP (Shielded) (In the west, about a movement away) (Grass) (2 Actions)
Bark EXBark EX (Lark)
Area: Electown, Yoka, Beach
HP: 250
Attack Damage/Effect: 60 Aqua + Wide Attack
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Fires wideshot.
Element: Aqua
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): WideShot2, Zenny
Special: Omnishoes
Special: Can blind one enemy once instead of attacking.: 250 HP (Floating within a couple arms lengths away from Lyntael on the right of her) (Grass) (0 Actions)
RapidFire V4RapidFire V4 (RapidFire)
RapidFires are a combination of the Megalian-F, Cirkill, and OldStove viruses. They look like a Cirkill painted red with two arms instead of one. The virus is orbited by four flaming red option bits that assist it in attacking. The virus itself attacks close range opponents with flamethrowers, while the option bits launch volleys of fireballs at more distant targets or dash at enemies.... sometimes both.
Area: All
HP: 620
Element: Fire
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Fire + Seeking x 4 Shots
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: Bits launch a volley of fireballs at the enemy.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 80 Fire + Break + Piercing
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Sends a flaming Bit flying ahead in a line. The bit may be attacked to damage the virus when executing this attack.
Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 60 Fire + Line Attack(3) + Panel Cracking
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: B
Tertiary Attack Description: Use Flamethrower on enemies that get too close.
Special: This virus has a 100 HP FireAura that regenerates at the end of every turn.
Special: This virus may attack while moving or dodging.
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): CircleGun2, FireAura2, Barrier100, FireBurn2, AuraHead2, Zenny: 620 HP (Expressing it's superiority in the rough center of the area, through high grade firepower) (Normal) (2 Actions)
NeoMetool2NeoMetool2 (NeoMetool)
NeoMetool not currently attacking will guard. Entering guard mode requires an action. Exiting guard mode does not require an action.
Area: ACDC, Electown, Okuden Valley, Kotobuki Town, Dentech, Beach
HP: 100
Attack Damage/Effect: 40 Null + Spread 2
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Spits out a bullet that penetrates an enemy to hit up to two other enemies behind and to the side of it, as if forming a V shape.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): V-Gun, HiGuard, Zenny
Special: Can hide in its helmet to negate damage.
Special: If hit while hiding, it will counter with a Microburst effect as a free action. This does not lower its defenses.
Special: Can use Recover50 on itself once.: 100 HP (About mid-field, towards the western part of the sands) (Guarding) (Normal) (1 action)
-- Navis --
Lyntael.EXE: 290 HP (Behind the Metal Pillar, from the perspective of the Rapidfire) (Grass) (Charge1)(20HP Casing)(20HP ElecBarrier)(OffTarget1 next turn)
-- Terrain --
30% Normal
25% Grass
5% Soil
25% Sand
5% Glass
10% Broken
-- Objects --
PMD: 20 HP (Spinning behind the Neometool2) (Normal)
Stone Pillar: 40 HP (Half burried in the sand, to the Northwest, about a movement away) (Hardbody)
Metal Pillar: 39 HP (Standing tall, about 2 "normal" navis tall, extremely sturdy, near Lyn's position) (Metalbody)
posted in Beach Rogue Net •
The barrier went up and the Rapidfire, however, would immediately open up and send one of it's orbitals down the line, attempting to scorch Lyntael as the dancer darted behind the nearby metallic pillar, barely avoiding being scorched as her new suit warmed up almost immediately, not unpleasant, but would have been worse had she not moved as grass withered and burned away leaving the fertile soil unerneath and sand superheated into a rough glassy terrain, a little uneaven, but still unmistakably fragile, while it's Option unit would return with an audiable click. At that point the Bark would then open fire on the moving navi attempting to use the pillar as cover, while it would hit the pillar and the navi next to it, while her barrier stood against the threatening high pressure water wave, it was barely holding on as rivulets of water fell from her body.
Wet but undeterred, Lyntael would make her chance to heal up with a nice, deep breath...even if it took a bit of energy for a net positive. The NeoMet would take this lull in combat to hide away inside it's helmet and, with it, potential invincibility. The Shellnerd would stay clasped up in the same vein as it couldn't hit Lyn from where it was at just yet, her cover too much to pierce through with a couple needles.
-- Viruses --
Shellnerd EXShellnerd EX (ShellGeek)
Shellgeeks alternate actions between attacking and guarding. These are the only actions Shellgeeks may perform, and the first action of every battle is always guarding. Shellgeeks will not break from this pattern unless forced to by status effects. The secondary attack of Shellgeeks can be used to grant an ally of this virus a free movement, or even to knock an ally out of the path of an oncoming attack.
Area: Yoka, Sharo, Beach, Okuden Valley
HP: 160
Primary Attack Damage/Effects: 25 Null x 2 Spears
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: Fires two spears at one target.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effects: 50 Null
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Fires a star tipped arrow. Can be used on an ally to move them. Causes no damage to allies.
Element: Aqua
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): TripleNeedle, StarArrow2 (Rare), Zenny
Special: Attacks every other action. IronBody when not attacking.: 160 HP (Shielded) (In the west, about a movement away) (Grass) (2 Actions)
Bark EXBark EX (Lark)
Area: Electown, Yoka, Beach
HP: 250
Attack Damage/Effect: 60 Aqua + Wide Attack
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Fires wideshot.
Element: Aqua
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): WideShot2, Zenny
Special: Omnishoes
Special: Can blind one enemy once instead of attacking.: 250 HP (Floating within a couple arms lengths away from Lyntael on the right of her) (Grass) (0 Actions)
RapidFire V4RapidFire V4 (RapidFire)
RapidFires are a combination of the Megalian-F, Cirkill, and OldStove viruses. They look like a Cirkill painted red with two arms instead of one. The virus is orbited by four flaming red option bits that assist it in attacking. The virus itself attacks close range opponents with flamethrowers, while the option bits launch volleys of fireballs at more distant targets or dash at enemies.... sometimes both.
Area: All
HP: 620
Element: Fire
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Fire + Seeking x 4 Shots
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: Bits launch a volley of fireballs at the enemy.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 80 Fire + Break + Piercing
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Sends a flaming Bit flying ahead in a line. The bit may be attacked to damage the virus when executing this attack.
Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 60 Fire + Line Attack(3) + Panel Cracking
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: B
Tertiary Attack Description: Use Flamethrower on enemies that get too close.
Special: This virus has a 100 HP FireAura that regenerates at the end of every turn.
Special: This virus may attack while moving or dodging.
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): CircleGun2, FireAura2, Barrier100, FireBurn2, AuraHead2, Zenny: 620 HP (Expressing it's superiority in the rough center of the area, through high grade firepower) (Normal) (2 Actions)
NeoMetool2NeoMetool2 (NeoMetool)
NeoMetool not currently attacking will guard. Entering guard mode requires an action. Exiting guard mode does not require an action.
Area: ACDC, Electown, Okuden Valley, Kotobuki Town, Dentech, Beach
HP: 100
Attack Damage/Effect: 40 Null + Spread 2
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Spits out a bullet that penetrates an enemy to hit up to two other enemies behind and to the side of it, as if forming a V shape.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): V-Gun, HiGuard, Zenny
Special: Can hide in its helmet to negate damage.
Special: If hit while hiding, it will counter with a Microburst effect as a free action. This does not lower its defenses.
Special: Can use Recover50 on itself once.: 100 HP (About mid-field, towards the western part of the sands) (Guarding) (Normal) (1 action)
-- Navis --
Lyntael.EXE: 290 HP (Behind the Metal Pillar, from the perspective of the Rapidfire) (Grass) (Charge1)(20HP Casing)(20HP ElecBarrier)(OffTarget1 next turn)
-- Terrain --
30% Normal
- No effects.
25% Grass
- Wood Elementals get +5 HP/action.
- Fire attacks: +100% Source Damage, change terrain hit to Soil.
- PanelShot: Imbue Wood.
5% Soil
- Wood Elementals get +10% Evasion.
- Wood attacks: +100% Source Damage, change terrain hit to Grass.
- 100 Damage Aqua attacks: Change terrain hit to Mud.
- 100 Damage Fire attacks: change terrain hit to Coal.
- PanelShot: Imbue Wood.
25% Sand
- -20% Evasion and reduced movement speed to all.
- Can Burrow as standard action, incurable Blind1 until turn after exiting Burrow.
- Wind attacks: +100% Source Damage + Blind1, change terrain hit to Normal, trigger Sandstorm for 3 turns: Lose 5 HP/action, Blind1, Fire attacks gain Slashing.
- Fire attacks: Change terrain hit to Glass.
- Terrain changes between Sand and QuickSand do not inflict damage upon burrowed entities, nor do they eject burrowed entities to the surface.
- PanelShot: Blind1.
5% Glass
- Slip Effect: -10% Accuracy, -10% Evasion to all.
- Non-Ice Aqua attacks causes it to be Wet, doubles slip effect for Non-Aqua Elementals for 1 turn. Wet can expire early with Fire attacks. Can cause slippage for poor RP or heavy impacts on Non-Aqua Elementals, 1-2 actions to recover.
- 200 Damage attacks: Change terrain hit to Broken. Damage threshold cut in half for Ground, Break, and Impact, to a minimum threshold of 25 when all 3 are present. Null 25 + Slashing + Nova 2 per panel broken, up to 200 (8 panels).
- Burrow: Change terrain to Broken, 50 Null + Slashing to burrower, Null 25 + Slashing + Nova2 to surroundings.
- PanelShot: Spread1.
10% Broken
- Not bottomless.
- Reverts to Normal after a time, if no one is inside.
- Doubles dodge penalties for bad RP.
- 1-4 Movements actions to climb back out depending on method.
-- Objects --
PMD: 20 HP (Spinning behind the Neometool2) (Normal)
Stone Pillar: 40 HP (Half burried in the sand, to the Northwest, about a movement away) (Hardbody)
Metal Pillar: 39 HP (Standing tall, about 2 "normal" navis tall, extremely sturdy, near Lyn's position) (Metalbody)