The "Ubermission" (RW TOPIC)

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Steve said as he was jabbed repeatedly in the chest. "Whats the deal?" he said stupidly, as he watched Area speak with another Operator. Her boyfriend? Steve shrugged off a wave of disappointment. Then, as she called over her shoulder her proper identity, Steve grew puzzled. Was she angry that Druidman was there? That didn't seem to make sense. Their Navi's had already proved to have a compatible link. As he flipped to last page of his chip binder, he took a good look at the pure white DivineCross chip. He may end up having to use it here if things went south, but was there something wrong?
"What the hell?" Zan asked aloud. "This guy is insane. My Navi just had his ass handed to him and we've all been drained."

Zan quickly scanned his Navi's systems. None of it was good news. Runeknight had been decimated by a ridiculous amount of attacks, some from his own allies, and now his signature upgrades were disabled and his speed was cut in half. If things kept up like this, Runeknight would be down for the count before Twi was even really hurt. He had to think of something to keep his Navi in the fight.

"Sorry, Polonius." Zan muttered to his young companion. "It looks like Runeknight and I are going to have to focus on keeping ourselves alive before we can take care of anyone else."
"Hm...yes, I suppose it was epic," said Duke, laughing softly to himself and putting the hiking stick back behind his desk. He tapped a few buttons on his computer and also sent his e-mail to everyone. "I'll probably be here for awhile, unless I decide to go somewhere else on a random whim," he said, walking out of the box. He gave another friendly smile to Area as he left for the navi shop, though he knew, even now, that it never would have worked out anyway.

All get: Duke's e-mail
"Well," Zan said as he stood up. "Nice working with you all. I've sent my email address to you, so you should be receiving that momentarily. If you'll excuse me, I have to spend some of this hard earned cash and then get to work on a summery report for the bosses."

Zan pocketed his PET, ensuring that Runeknight was disconnected from the SciLabs Network, and pushed himself away from the tree. He gazed across the grass at Duke and the rest of the NetOps in the tent. He had Duke's email now. It could be useful. He gave a light salute in the direction of the blue box, index and middle finger raised while his thumb created an angle. With a slight smile on his face he turned to Polonius and the others by the tree.

"Nice meeting you all. Drop me a line if you want to get together sometime, alright? I have a few more questions about your Navi, Polonius, so don't neglect sending me an email. Area, that's a strong Navi you have there. Interesting design as well. Hey, if you see your brother, tell him I said hello, alright. Later all." He gave a brief nod to Anthony before turning around and heading toward the SciLabs store.
"Well, nice meeting you all," Shin said, waving as he headed towards ACDC. He had a special chip in mind that he intended on purchasing.
as Nikko jacked out and slept in her PET timmy walked into the navi shop with 10000z all ready to use.
Anthony got up slowly, and started to walk off towards the Navi shop after a small nod towards Zan.
Duke walked back from the navishop and settled back down inside the box. He was planning on just staying here until something else happened anyway, so why bother moving just yet?

((Yeah, I'm totally using this as my RW topic until I pack up and go somewhere else.))
Steve had gathered up all of his junk, and packed it all up. Druidman was still in the network, but he'd collect him in a bit. Right now, he had something else to do. Polishing up his sunglasses, and slicking back his hair, he walked over to Area. "Er, you said that you wanted to talk with me?" he said as he tapped her on the shoulder.
Moving her head slowly from its position towards Steve's head, her glasses flashing as the sun light came upon it, she immediately grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled his head towards her own. "You're right... I almost forgot about your participation..." she snarled at him quietly. "What did your Navi do to mine?" she continued, holding the same tone in her voice, "In Netfrica Net, we teamed up against Drauchen. My PET blacked out temporarily and a Cross chip appeared. What did your Navi do to mine?" While her words were spoken in a venomous tone, she managed to keep her cool and didn't start to shout. Her eyes squinted slightly, she kept staring at Steve's face until he'd give her an answer.
Steve, caught off guard, suddenly found his face feeling several degrees hotter.

"What do you mean?" he said defensively. "Druidman can do quite a lot, sure, but the last time I checked, the only person that can sever a PET connection is the Navi that is installed to that PET. Why do you ask your Navi?" he said, angry and confused. "As for Cross Chips, Druidman and Divinity spent some time together before the Drauchen fight. I understand that Crosses result from frequent teamwork." he said bluntly.

Not missing the shot against Druidman's contribution to the fight, he couldn't control himself. "And I guess you missed my Navi going head to head with Twi, while yours was off busy playing in the sand." he replied icily.
"Now then," Shin said, returning from a previous buisness venture. "Let's not argue shall we?" he suggested, separating Area and Steve a good distance away from each other.
"AW! IT'S SO CUTE!" Red squealed as she hugged her bunny-like unit against her body.
"Can't... breath..." Myun grunted while being squeezed.
"Join you in a second Duke!" Shin said, sending his navi into the net after he abruptly walked away from Steve and Area, sat down next to Duke, and sent his navi into the net.
Quickly realizing this Steve fellow didn't feel like cooperating, she sighed with her eyes closed. "You're wrong," she softly said as reply on the fact he thought she hadn't seen Druidman in the battle. She opened her eyes again and continued to speak him a soft tone, not wanting to sound angry, "I meant to say I forgot we had something to talk about. But if you're not interested in talking, then there's nothing left to talk about. And no reason for me to remain here." Turning away from him to face the shop they were close to, she started to walk away from Steve slowly. "You've got my e-mail. If you decide to talk, mail me," she said, her back still turned towards Steve, but loud enough for him to hear it.
A beep on Steve's PET signified that Druidman had decided to return. Steve shrugged at Area. "Jeez, what bug crawled up her butt?" he said with a laugh, as he turned back to Suitiachi's once again. Man, that guy must sure be tired of him by now.
"gah! What time is it?" The boy asks as he looks onto the PET to see the time. "Gah! Gotta go!" He says as he runs out of there as soon as possible onto the familiar store of Suitachi.
"So, been up to anything recently?" Shin asked Duke nonchalantly, he felt that small-talk would kill time in between sending battlechips to their navis and owning viruses.
"Not really," Duke answered. "Well, I did some stuff with the chick that was snapping at that Steve guy earlier. No, not that kind of stuff." He rolled his eyes as he said the last part.
"Was thinking on that stuff..." Shin muttered lamely, sweatdropping.
"So I'm guessing that's how you got your angelic looking cross that you used," Shin continued, obviously trying to keep the conversation going for lack of anything else that serious to do. "Interesting things, crosses."
"Yeah, that's how we got it," Duke said, rolling his eyes at Shin's earlier comment. "The Angel of Death look wasn't quite what I expected from it, but I'm not complaining."

Duke sat in silence for another minute or two before speaking again. "You heard anything from Wes lately?"
"Well, seems like he needs us to do some recruiting," Shin commented, reclining a bit as he watched his navi search for more viruses. "He's set on that big guy, the one that was doing the chip gatling thing. Broadside, I think." Shin mused, trying to grasp the name.
"Yeah, so that's all I've heard so far," Shin said, shrugging.