The "Ubermission" (RW TOPIC)

"Broadside, yeah. The one Pianissimo was acting as the eyes for," Duke said, thinking for a moment. "Not sure how you'd go about tracking him when you get around to it, though. He didn't exactly leave any means of contacting him."
"Arr, it be a difficult task to track him down, matey," Shin nodded in agreement. "Sammich?" Shin offered, holding out what seemed to be an ordinary turkey and cheese sandwich to Duke.
((Hehe, nice))

"Did...did you just talk like a pirate to me?" Duke asked, accepting the sandwich but raising an eyebrow at Shin. "I could probably find him if I tried, but it may take awhile."

Duke turned to his computer and started typing a few things into it as he watched Pianissimo join Red in hunting for new victims.
"What arr ya talkin' 'bout lad, this be mah normal speakin'," Shin replied gruffly as he seemed to be sporting... was that an eyepatch? Over his sunglasses no less! "You be findin that Broadside feller good, ya hear? Arr, matey! That's the spirit!" Shin rambled as he was soon adorned with a pirate hat and seemed to have a peg leg? What in the name of Davey Jones was going on here?
"Okay, that was funny at first," Duke sighed, "But I think you're getting a bit carried away." He reached over and swatted the pirate hat off Shin's head.

Satisfied, Duke turned back to his computer. "I can probably write a program to scan SciLab net, but with the sheer size of it, I doubt it would operate in any decently short amount of time. In fact, it would probably take weeks, which we don't have."

"Hey, I've got a suggestion for when he actually gets around to it," Pianissimo said over the com link. "Broadside makes...shall we say a bit of an impact on the surrounding net, if what I saw from the Twi battle was any indication. All you'd really have to do is follow the path of devastation."
"Shin, make sure nothing else happens to him," Duke said, indicating Pianissimo. "I've gotta see Suitachi about getting some new process upgrades. He stood up and walked out of his portable shelter, headed for the navi shop.
"Er... Wait! I need to go too!" Shin cried as he zipped to the shop.
Duke walked back to the portable shelter and sat back down in front of his laptop. "Okay, I don't know what this is going to do with your attack programs, or if they're still intact enough to be salvaged, but it's better than being a blob, right?" he said, causing Pianissimo to roll his eyes as Duke got to work installing the new upgrades.
Shin came back, installing his new stuff right away as he reconnected with his navi and threw a bag of melon bread at Duke.
"Eat up," Shin said cheerfully.
"Well, that was a doozy," Shin commented as Red went back into the PET.
"Alright! Time for some dynamic entry! Costume Change!" Red exclaimed as she shifted into her BlackRose.GMO.
"Ready Duke! I'll go first! Plug-in! BlackRose.exe! Transmission!" Shin shouted as he sent his navi into the net.
"And...I've got a lock," Duke said, pointing at a rather large blip on his laptop screen. "Pianissimo, I'm going to send you in near there, I'm getting massive energy readings. If that's not mecha weapons, I'm not sure what is."

"I...see," Pianissimo muttered. "By the way, are you sure this was a good idea? It may have been seven or eight years, but some people do know you used to own a navi named Mysterioso."

"Actually, that's where you're wrong," Duke said, opening a link on his homepage. "Everyone I knew from back then are no longer in the business. Keep in mind I rather distanced myself from society until Swing forced me to come back."

"You don't seem too happy about it."

"Whatever. Anyway, it'll be fine. Just stay in character and don't do anything stupid. You know, the usual."

Duke pressed a few buttons on the PET, and the appearance of Pianissimo's hologram changed dramatically, leaving him standing in the futuristic armor of the dream knight himself.

"Excellent. Let's kick some ass," 'Mysterioso' said as Duke jacked him into the net.
BlackRose returned to Shin's PET and changed back to her normal colors. Shin got up.
"Well, it's been fun, but I think I'll take a break for today, Duke," Shin said as he stretched.
"If you need me, you've got my contact stuff. Later," Shin commented as he ran off.
"Bye Pianissimo-san! Hope to see you again!" Red waved back as she ran with Shin in her life-size holographic form.
A hologram of Pianissimo appeared next to Duke and nodded at Red as she left with Shin, then turned to Duke. "So...what now?" he asked.

Duke shook his head. "Not sure," he said.
Duke finished reading the e-mail and closed the PET window. "Well, looks like that answers your question," he said to Pianissimo, standing up.

"Whatever," Pianissimo answered as his hologram broke up and disappeared. "You taking this silly box with you again?"

"Why bother? I only did it in Yumland because I hadn't been there in years and I needed a meeting place. Besides, it's not in the way of anything here."

Duke packed up his laptop just in case, then stepped out side the "silly box" and locked it up. "By the way, what are we going to do about Broadside?" Pianissimo asked as Duke walked towards the metroline station.

"Hopefully, we'll get an e-mail from him or Jared eventually."