Vending Machine

Out came the nuke, but it was somehow disabled!

I put it in the fact that I was wrong with what I last put in!
By your powers combined, Link pops out and fulfills his wish!

I put in three battlechips: Cannon, Vulcan1, Gutpunch
You get a Cannon. ):

I put in a blank CD.
You get an MP3 player with nothing but Powerglove on it.

I put in a piece of pie from the one I got earlier.
Sorry, you lose. The machine didnt give you anything, but I fixed it now! It kept what you put in.

I put in: A Crappy Sprite.
You get a series of uncontrollable laughter at such a crappy sprite from the machine.

I put in a series of demotivational posters.
You get an ass woopin'.

I put in something.
DARKBOY GOT A SWIFT KICK TO THE FACE! I do belive the machine rolled a critical.

I put in a penny and darkboy.exe
You get back darkboy, seems the machine didn't want him.

I put in the "8" key on my laptop.
You get back a circle 9.

I put DimensionMan in the machine.
A Rockcube and a Windbox pop out with Dimensionman carrying a scythe, saying something like "lol Netbattle."

I put in Xing-ke. (If you don't know what this is, I suggest you watch more Code Geass and not fail like me.)
you get a penny.

I put in Koumori.exe and kedamono
You get a terribly mangled clump of ink and keyboard keys and electronics. A small message pops up on the machine: "TRY SOMETHING DIFFERENT."

I put in a piece of paper and a pencil.
you get crude drawings.

I put in a PET
You get a cute little kitten.

I put in my closed BETA account of the Shin Megami Tensei MMO. (Also known as Persona)
you get a wounded cerberus. A very awesome demon which is very useless (don't think your the only one playing :3)

I put in you
You get back me.

I put in Santa Claus.
You get back you.

I put in StealthMan.exe
The machine turns invisible. GOOD JOB.

I place an X-Ray device in FRONT OF the machine, and don't really do anything else.
You see the corpse of inactive members

I put in my green pen