The shop bell announced another arrival to the store, accompanied by a chattered defence of certain questionable tv shows which trailed into quietness as Jenny moved inside.
"...but even then, I mean, the way Eliza talks to the others about it, she really gives the impression that she never even masturbates on her own, which is silly, of course, but it's a show, so you know... but I mean, it kinda makes sense that she's not really into Jaina, like that, and she was just overwhelmed by..." Once she realised that she was close enough for other people to hear, her voice mumbled into silence. Notably, Courser wasn't actually participating in the conversation so much as letting her rambled to his supposedly attentive ear.
When the counter was free, she moved up, now blushing faintly, and took a moment to go over the short list that Courser had requested in her head. The process involved her lips moving silently for a few seconds while her eyes glanced upwards at the ceiling. At last she looked back and greeted the shop keeper.
"Hi! Uh, could I get a first tier Speed upgrade, a Nullify buster shot upgrade, and versions six, seven and eight of the process upgrades, please!" She held out her card to the man with both hands and a nervous grin.
Speed Upgrade 1 (5000)
Nullify Shot (1000)
Process Upgrades 6-8 (600 + 700 + 800 = 2100)
Total: 8100
Current Funds: 8260
Remaining: 160