After the chaos wrought by the angular Navi, the veil had lifted, and all pretense dropped. Mach's enemy became clear, even amongst two minor wingmen. The Navi felt a fleeting, sick pleasure in permanently disrupting the broadcast of this hostile collective, with an equally strong desire to cut the entire feed for good. Upon completing is upward spiral, he demanded a "full house" of battlechips; "
Counter2Damage: (1-Hit I-Field) + (Counter(110 + Impact + Break): On-Hit)
Accuracy: S Block, A Return
Description: Defends against one attack, teleports to enemy, and strikes with Gutpunch. Impacting. Breaking.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: I-Field is pierced by Impact, Counter is negated by Impact.
Special: Status Guard: This chip blocks debuffs.
Trader Rank: C,
MoonRay1Damage: 80 + Lunar Drain
Accuracy: A
Description: Fires a ray of lunar energy at an enemy.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Lunar Drain: Removes the target's outermost defense layer, even if it wouldn't normally be removed by this attack. Nullifies any counterattacks from that defense. Still triggers other defenses' counterattacks, if applicable.
Trader Rank: D,
DashAttack2Damage: 120 + Impact + LineAttack(5) + Movement
Accuracy: C
Description: The user charges forward at a great speed to ram a line of enemies. Hits a maximum of 5 enemies before the momentum is lost.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Direction of travel may be altered with chip, terrain, and sig use.
Trader Rank: C,
BigHammer2Damage: 220 + Impact + Break
Accuracy: B
Description: Summons a giant metal hammer to utterly crush one enemy that stands before you.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: C,
DashAttack1Damage: 90 + Impact + LineAttack(5) + Movement
Accuracy: C
Description: The user charges forward at a great speed to ram a line of enemies. Hits a maximum of 5 enemies before the momentum is lost.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Direction of travel may be altered with chip, terrain, and sig use.
Trader Rank: D,
RageClaw3Damage: 100 + Slashing (Attack) OR 50 + Impacting (Throw)
Accuracy: B / B then B
Description: Creates an impressive bear claw. Can be used to slash or throw enemies or objects.
Duration: Until Overridden/Broken. Breaks automatically after 6 uses.
Element: Null
Special: Throw: The wielder must first grab the target to be thrown, then the target is thrown in the direction/area indicated. A second check is made if against another object/enemy. Throw deals damage to both thrown object/enemy and the second object/enemy. Damage occurs at point of collision with the ground/wall/ceiling/etc. or an object/enemy, not during initial grab attempt. Objects deal their max HP in damage (instead of the chip's damage) if they hit an object/enemy, then break. If they miss, the object just takes the chip's damage. This chip has a variety of uses.
Trader Rank: B."As soon as the first chip was frantically uploaded by the moderately fatigued Mazer, Mazer's left arm briefly became a storm of data; its flurries eventually formed into a highly bulked-up arm to an even larger forearm and fist. Said fist was cocked and ready to deliver a crushing haymaker at the enemy, and remained at the ready position throughout the assault to come.
The dulled yellow limb was in stark contrast to the rest of his dark, angular frame, but it appeared its bulk did little to hinder the aerobatic Navi's nimbleness in the air; in fact, Mach used the weight to his advantage. He hurled the limb up and over his body as he rolled hard to the right. Normally the Navi would simply rotate around his roll axis, an imaginary line piercing through his chest from the tip of his fuselage-shaped chest armor to the midpoint between his massive engine nacelle, performing a quick "aileron roll." Instead, the heavy left arm caused his entire body be slightly dragged behind; as he rolled, the centerpoint of his body traced a near perfect circle in the air: a true "barrel roll."
While its master maneuvered to avoid fire from any of the three remaining hostiles on the field, Shrike moved to even the teams. The SP's large eye smoothly and silently gimballed back and stopped with a direct, cycloptic glare towards the small satellite behind. Shrike's mechanical iris tightened and its then pin-point pupil changed from a vibrant green to a foreboding red. Less than a moment later, a single ray of air started to ripple from the extreme heat, then actually begin to slowly combust, tracing a perfectly straight beam across the field. The heat laser continued to burn for several seconds, much longer than normal, as Shrike attempted to keep the Satellite's own optic and cannon in its proverbial crosshairs throughout the attack. A few seconds later, the beam finally dissipated into a thin, fleeting trail of embers. Shrike's pupil changed back to green, and the camera shutter-esque iris, now trimmed in red from the heat, eased open.
With the second chip uploaded, Mach moved to unleash a beam of his own. However, instead of a crimson beam of heat, Mach's entire frame seemed to flicker as if reflecting off an unseen moon. The pale reflection seemed to move across his frame from back to front, till it eventually concentrated itself at the tip of his nosecone-inspired chest armor. A split second later, a pale white beam blasted forth from his fuselage without making so much as a sound. The ghastly, powerful beam sliced through the air towards the lone Broadcast Bot, with the aim to deliver a surprisingly harsh moonlight treatment that pierces barrier or armor as if it were made only of shadow.
The eerily quiet beam didn't last long, but its existence was punctuated by the shrill whine of turbines spinning up, followed by the deep, frenzied roar of afterburners lighting up. The beam barely had the chance to dissipate before Mach barreled behind, "riding" twin twenty-foot cones of orange and bright indigo flame. Though the bone-white beam would even briefly white out a normal navi's vision, his handicap temporarily became a gift; he could still plainly perceive the enemy ahead, though he couldn't tell what shape or even how many limbs the program had, let alone the color.
Regardless, Mach moved to brutalize his enemy with a rapidly super-sonic tackle. The air over his leading edges struggled to get out of the way in time, forming a very thin but almost steel-durable veil of hyper-compressed air like an impossibly light and flexible battering ram. If he somehow got aimed in a wrong direction, his broad ruddervators and even his legs twisted and contorted in the air to slam his vector to an intercept course. Previously unseen unless focused on, two dark objects that seemed to have shorn off his frame began to take shape, specifically into a pair of perfect copies of the Navi that left them behind.
The holographic clones careened forward, twisting and crossing paths as they made a beeline towards the beam-crashing Broadcast Bot. Upon reaching the foe, they swarmed around the progam like a pair of wasps looking and prodding for a weakness to exploit. Meanwhile, just as Mach believed he was about to reach his target, a long, handle-like cylinder started to form against the palm of his mechanical right hand. This flurry of rapidly-forming data remained anchored to his hand even as he passed through the bot's position, and the thoroughly violent maneuver to follow.
Without warning, his left engine nacelle slammed into full thrust reversers, causing the ring of vents to open and produce small spines of flame akin to a gas stove spiked with nitrous oxide. This sudden reversal on one side caused his frame to whip around just as the massive head of the hammer began to form, and its full weight came to bear. His right arm strained to remain attached to his body as it maintained its deathgrip on the warhammer while Mach's body twisted in the air to again face the enemy at close range. The thrust vectoring paddles of his right engine frenetically tilted the large flame cone to push his right shoulder down, making his body's spin to whip the hammer up and over in the hopes of bringing the hammer directly down upon the bot's camera-laden head.
The swing was so fast, the flattened edges of the hammer's face caused vapor trails to trace its near-perfect semi-circular path in the air, and so violent that after the swing, the hammer broke free and hurtled to the ground, with his mechanical hand still gripping the blunt weapon's long handle. The hammer impacted the ground with an explosion of rapidly fragmenting data before disappearing without a trace. Undeterred by his own hand being wrenched off by the attack, the Navi jetted backwards for half a second at full power, full thrust reversers to avoid a possible melee counter, then closed the reversers to send the Navi careening towards the bot for a second time. A cone of white vapor flashed in the air around him just prior to the Navi breaking the sound barrier, and continued to barrel towards the program in his relentless assault.
After hopefully delivering a second, albeit less powerful tackle due to a lack of room to accelerate, Mach again changed his course to put his crosshairs back on his target. Thankfully for his limbs, he had no more warhammers to produce, and instead threw himself into a hair-pin turn to reverse course. The Navi audibly groaned from the rapid increase in positive G, but now he couldn't even perceive the "tunnel vision" one would see when beginning to black out.
If his left arm hadn't yet delivered a crushing counter by this point, the bulky limb rapidly began to fragment and reformat; the data fragments swarmed over and around his fingers for a second or two, then disappeared to reveal the curved, sharpened talons that took their place. He opened his hand and let it trail slightly behind with claws splayed outwards, so he could attempt to rake said claws over the program's hull with one quick, savage swipe.
ACTIONS: Passive Haste, Accuracy Enhancement, Status Cure, Dodge x2, Decoy x2
Counter2Damage: (1-Hit I-Field) + (Counter(110 + Impact + Break): On-Hit)
Accuracy: S Block, A Return
Description: Defends against one attack, teleports to enemy, and strikes with Gutpunch. Impacting. Breaking.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: I-Field is pierced by Impact, Counter is negated by Impact.
Special: Status Guard: This chip blocks debuffs.
Trader Rank: C-[Passive Dodge]- [+Scramble]
S1-3. Attack: Broadcast Collective J (30dmg
Fire + Disarm)
MoonRay1Damage: 80 + Lunar Drain
Accuracy: A
Description: Fires a ray of lunar energy at an enemy.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Lunar Drain: Removes the target's outermost defense layer, even if it wouldn't normally be removed by this attack. Nullifies any counterattacks from that defense. Still triggers other defenses' counterattacks, if applicable.
Trader Rank: D: Broadcast Bot Collective B
DashAttack2Damage: 120 + Impact + LineAttack(5) + Movement
Accuracy: C
Description: The user charges forward at a great speed to ram a line of enemies. Hits a maximum of 5 enemies before the momentum is lost.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Direction of travel may be altered with chip, terrain, and sig use.
Trader Rank: C: Broadcast Bot Collective B[+Overclock]
-Scramble Movement: Keep BBCB in melee range-
BigHammer2Damage: 220 + Impact + Break
Accuracy: B
Description: Summons a giant metal hammer to utterly crush one enemy that stands before you.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: C: Broadcast Bot Collective B
-[Passive Dodge]- [+Scramble]
DashAttack1Damage: 90 + Impact + LineAttack(5) + Movement
Accuracy: C
Description: The user charges forward at a great speed to ram a line of enemies. Hits a maximum of 5 enemies before the momentum is lost.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Direction of travel may be altered with chip, terrain, and sig use.
Trader Rank: D: Broadcast Bot Collective B
-Scramble Movement: Keep BBCB in melee range-
RageClaw3Damage: 100 + Slashing (Attack) OR 50 + Impacting (Throw)
Accuracy: B / B then B
Description: Creates an impressive bear claw. Can be used to slash or throw enemies or objects.
Duration: Until Overridden/Broken. Breaks automatically after 6 uses.
Element: Null
Special: Throw: The wielder must first grab the target to be thrown, then the target is thrown in the direction/area indicated. A second check is made if against another object/enemy. Throw deals damage to both thrown object/enemy and the second object/enemy. Damage occurs at point of collision with the ground/wall/ceiling/etc. or an object/enemy, not during initial grab attempt. Objects deal their max HP in damage (instead of the chip's damage) if they hit an object/enemy, then break. If they miss, the object just takes the chip's damage. This chip has a variety of uses.
Trader Rank: B: Broadcast Bot Collective B ((Deactivate
Counter2Damage: (1-Hit I-Field) + (Counter(110 + Impact + Break): On-Hit)
Accuracy: S Block, A Return
Description: Defends against one attack, teleports to enemy, and strikes with Gutpunch. Impacting. Breaking.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: I-Field is pierced by Impact, Counter is negated by Impact.
Special: Status Guard: This chip blocks debuffs.
Trader Rank: C if it hasn't been triggered by this point))
DecoyA: Swarm Broadcast Bot Collective I
DecoyB: Swarm Broadcast Bot Collective I