While Mazer was more cognizant of the strange documentary-esque narration, both Mach and Shrike seemed deaf to the old man's ominously smooth play-by-play of the battle. It didn't take long for Mach to realize the camera bots were using a similar strategy to his own; though unable to physically observe the decoys/illusions flicker and disappear, HP numbers were one of the few tidbits of information he could 'see,' and he knew his chips well enough to know none of them could drop these targets in one hit. That combined with the lack of a jolt from his supersonic tackle as he passed through one of his target's positions made it clear he was up against a significant number of decoys.
Unlike the last major opponent he faced, he had a counter in ready supply in addition to some of his battle chips: his buster.
[Decoys,] he declared over his voice-only link with Mazer, followed by a list of chips.
CrossGunDamage: 140 + Spread 4
Accuracy: A
Description: A gun whose shot penetrates enemies to hit up to four enemies diagonally from it, as if forming a X shape.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: A,
AirShot3Damage: 120 + Microburst
Accuracy: A
Description: A buster-like gun that shoots a bullet of compressed air, sending whatever it hits flying.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Wind Type: This chip counts as Wind Type for the purposes of Wind triggered effects, such as traps and terrain.
Trader Rank: B,
ElecPulse1Damage: 100 + Seeking + Glitch + Cone Attack
Accuracy: C
Description: Blast up to 4 enemies with a cone of electromagnetic waves that disrupts invisibility and causes glitches.
Duration: Once
Element: Elec
Special: Close range only.
Trader Rank: D,
FirePlusStatus: Fire Element UP x2, Not Stackable
Accuracy: S
Description: Adds +100% Source damage to all hits of a Fire Element attack chip, before any external environment-related or target-related damage modifiers apply. Not compatible with any other source modifiers, except innate elemental bonus. Rare
Duration: Once
Element: Fire
Trader Rank: A, and
WindDragon2Damage: 220 + Confusion + Homing x 3 Targets
Accuracy: B
Description: Summons a Greengon from broken or missing terrain to breathe whirlwinds on up to three enemies, knocking them for a loop. Rare
Duration: Once
Element: Wood
Special: Wind Type: This chip counts as Wind Type for the purposes of Wind triggered effects, such as traps and terrain.
Trader Rank: B]The mechanical fingers of his right hand folded away from his palm at his major knuckles, then slid back so his fingertips rested against the back of his own hand and left the rectangular buster barrel unobstructed. In addition, a rectangular targeting optic slid up from his forearm. Normally this would prompt a slightly zoomed "gunsight" reticle to appear in his vision, but with his recent blindness, it was replaced with a more rudimentary square grid that would theoretically erase any enemy signals that aren't legitimate programs, and reveal any hidden targets.
While it wasn't easy to track due to the speed and chaos of the fight, he had an idea of which of his targets were real, and which had revealed themselves to be decoys. Like the predator the voice proclaimed him to be, Mach focused first on the weakest of the pack. He swung the buster towards the twin heavily-damaged bots, hopefully their relatively close proximity to one another would make it easy to pick out the fake. Assuming at least one of the two had to be the real one, he initially targeted the one he guessed to be the real deal, but would easily shift to the other if revealed to be fake by his buster sight. Said buster went off with a subdued pop and a faint flicker of muzzle flash as it sent a solid dart-like flechette towards his target.
While Mazer worked to upload the requested chips, Shrike moved to engage another bot MachMan guessed to be real. Its large mechanical eye smoothly and silently moved in its housing to point its pupil directly towards one of the two the camera-headed programs ahead and to the right. Once it locked on to its target, its gaze turned to a superheated glare; its viridian pupil rapidly changed to a vibrant crimson and sent an equally crimson beam of heat towards the program. Said beam lasted for less than a second, but it was aimed directly towards the bot's own eye-like lens, in an attempt to disable its weaponry.
With the first two chips loaded, Mach followed up with a much more explosive volley towards that same pair of programs. His buster changed slightly to sport a more reinforced, circular barrel, and was quickly maneuvered to point towards his targets. Once he picked out his target, he fired off the weapon with a much louder bang and brighter muzzle flash. The high-explosive round careened through the air before eventually hitting something, whether it be one of the bots or the ground below, and detonated a significant outwards in four cardinal directions in an outlandishly specialized explosion. Anything caught in the "+" of fire and shrapnel was in for a difficult time.
Mach believed he had been in one place for far too long, even though it was likely only for handful of seconds, and briefly put his engines to idle cycled his antigrav drive to cause him to suddenly plummet downwards several feet as if the invisible floor upon which he stood suddenly dropped out beneath him. His drive kicked back on and fairly roughly stopped his fall, while his left forearm and hand transformed into a compressor tank-lined cannon barrel. The bulbous and poorly fitted weapon to his overall angular design contained an odd set of compressors and valves to fire a tightly-packed projectile made entirely of compressed air and concussive force instead of a solid or plasma-based projectile. This weapon was quickly trained on camera bot sporting a propeller and minigun. The weapon went off with a sharp *POW* and sent the barely-visible projectile rocketing towards the target, packing enough kinetic force to scatter anything in its path like leaves in the wind.
While he engaged with his left, his right forearm and hand more-or-less reverted to its default form, but his fingers were left unnaturally splayed outwards. Seemingly undeterred, Mach pushed his throttles forward and tried to rapidly close the gap between him and the two programs ahead and to his right with a howling, rumbling roar from his twin jet engines. Meanwhile, Shrike used its much smaller engines in its stumpy legs to carve a climbing spiral path in the sky in an attempt to even briefly shake off the gaze of the cameras. Thanks to its "floating" frame design, while Shrike's limbs twisted around, the large, mechanical eye that made up the majority of its bulk shifted its gaze towards the myriad of targets around it, unhindered by the rest of its body twisting around its core.
Mach closed the distance with a quickness appropriate to his name, but needed to slow down or risk simply zooming past his targets. Twin rings of thrust-reverser vents opened near the intakes of his engines, then erupted with heat and flame when his thrust vectoring paddles at the exhaust sections clamped shut. This caused the Navi to proverbially screech to a halt as he punched his right arm and hand forward. As soon as he did so, a torrent of electricity and plasma erupted out from his hand, his unnaturally splayed fingers acted like a cone to direct the rings of plasma towards his two targets to bathe the area in volatile electrical power.
The light display didn't flicker much over his dark, matte-finished armor, though it did briefly help to highlight the memorial insignias painted/etched into his ruddervators. The geyser of energy was short lived, it fizzled out to a few electrical arcs among his fingers, then disappeared completely; Mach hoped the one-two punch of artillery and mass electrocution would also make both of his targets (permanently) disappear as well. Since his thrust reversers were still active, he kicked his throttles up again and angled his ruddervators downwards to send him back and skyward in an attempt to gain much-desired altitude and possibly avoid incoming fire. If his surprisingly useful barrier failed and he began to feel the entropic effects of the cameras' gaze, he activated his debug program to at least briefly stave off the inevitable.
The last of his chips were uploaded thanks to Mazer's well-practiced technique, and activated one of his newer chips, but with his own SP as the target. The SP didn't respond, but the triple launcher over its shoulder became abuzz with bits of data before reformatting into a much heavier, larger weapon array. With much larger launch tubes, the rockets inside carried double the standard-weight warhead. With its heavy ordinance loaded, the ocular SP selected its targets. It had its own idea of which targets were legitimate and which were spoofed, and its comparison with Mach's commanded targeting priority matched.
It brought its launcher to bear and targeted the two high-altitude programs up and to the right. As soon as it did so, two rockets burst from their launchers in a half-second staggered launch, sending both heavy rockets streaking across the sky. Its much larger, billowing white trails of smoke denoted its larger motors to propel the heavier warheads at the same speed as their standard variants, which briefly connected the launcher with the point of impact, which was declared with a large fireball followed by a pillar of black smoke, much larger than those seen mere minutes ago. After launching the first two rockets, Shrike's engine-laden legs twisted its frame nearly 180 degrees to lock on to its third target. With another flash of fire and billowing smoke, the third and final rocket was sent streaking towards the camera bot, in an attempt to give it a heavy dose of firepower.
Unseen by those focused on the battle above, a brief flash of green flickered in crater in the soil clearing, followed by what looked to be a wide, stunted dust devil that announced the arrival of a never before seen ally of MachMan: a GreenGon. The virus's snake-like spine was topped with a simplistic dragon-shaped head, with a single white spear-like horn protruding from its skull. Further down was a roughly cylindrical chest, which sprouted two large green wings, and two smaller three-fingered claws with no arms to speak of. One could assume another set of claws were further down, but its serpentine body extended down into the hole from which it emerged, obscuring the rest of its body.
The loyal virus appeared ambivalent to its relatively familiar surroundings, but it was all-too-happy to declare this little clearing in the forest as its territory, and would purge all trespassers with a righteous cyclone of fury. It threw open its jagged maw and let loose a roar like that of a howling gale; the leaves of the surrounding trees shuddered and dust lept into the air as a trio of green-tinged mini tornadoes materialized in the air and began to rip their way towards the members of the Broadcast Bot Collective previously targeted by Shrike's heavy rockets.
Mach didn't think the bots would be distracted enough by the GreenGon to not continue firing his direction, so he closed his thrust reversers and opened his vectoring paddles to send himself in a climbing spiral similar to the one Shrike performed seconds earlier.
ACTIONS: Passive Haste, Accuracy Enhancement, Status Cure, Dodge x2, Decoy x2
M1. Buster Attack: Broadcast Bot Collective C (50dmg + Seeking)
S1. Attack: Broadcast Bot Collective F (30dmg
Fire + Disarm)
CrossGunDamage: 140 + Spread 4
Accuracy: A
Description: A gun whose shot penetrates enemies to hit up to four enemies diagonally from it, as if forming a X shape.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: A: Broadcast Bot Collective F, E
-Passive Dodge- [+Scramble]
AirShot3Damage: 120 + Microburst
Accuracy: A
Description: A buster-like gun that shoots a bullet of compressed air, sending whatever it hits flying.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Wind Type: This chip counts as Wind Type for the purposes of Wind triggered effects, such as traps and terrain.
Trader Rank: B: Broadcast Bot Collective H
-Scramble Movement: Move into close range of Broadcast Bot Collective E, F- [+Overclock]
S2. Dodge
ElecPulse1Damage: 100 + Seeking + Glitch + Cone Attack
Accuracy: C
Description: Blast up to 4 enemies with a cone of electromagnetic waves that disrupts invisibility and causes glitches.
Duration: Once
Element: Elec
Special: Close range only.
Trader Rank: D: Broadcast Bot Collective F, E
-Scramble Feint: Fall back and gain altitude-
-Passive Status Cure-
FirePlusStatus: Fire Element UP x2, Not Stackable
Accuracy: S
Description: Adds +100% Source damage to all hits of a Fire Element attack chip, before any external environment-related or target-related damage modifiers apply. Not compatible with any other source modifiers, except innate elemental bonus. Rare
Duration: Once
Element: Fire
Trader Rank: A: Shrike.SP
Magnum1Damage: 120 + Break + Panel Break x 3 Targets
Accuracy: A
Description: A triple barreled gun that blasts through defenses and terrain alike. Rare
Duration: Once
Element: Fire
Trader Rank: C: Broadcast Bot Collective A, G, B [+Marksmanship][+
FirePlusStatus: Fire Element UP x2, Not Stackable
Accuracy: S
Description: Adds +100% Source damage to all hits of a Fire Element attack chip, before any external environment-related or target-related damage modifiers apply. Not compatible with any other source modifiers, except innate elemental bonus. Rare
Duration: Once
Element: Fire
Trader Rank: A][+15dmg Element Bonus]
WindDragon2Damage: 220 + Confusion + Homing x 3 Targets
Accuracy: B
Description: Summons a Greengon from broken or missing terrain to breathe whirlwinds on up to three enemies, knocking them for a loop. Rare
Duration: Once
Element: Wood
Special: Wind Type: This chip counts as Wind Type for the purposes of Wind triggered effects, such as traps and terrain.
Trader Rank: B: Broadcast Bot Collective A, G, B
-Passive Dodge- [+Scramble]
DecoyA: Inactive
DecoyB: Inactive