The Corrupted Wish Thread, N.E.W edition!

Granted you get a wagon full of moldy cakes and cooking pans.

I wish for true happyness.
granted, you only have true happiness for 2 seconds and then go to becomeing an Jay.

i wish to kill george W. bush.
Granted...but then Dick Cheney becomes president! *gasp*

I wish...that I was a black belt in Tae Kwon Do.
Granted, but every day, you have to get your ass whooped by the instructor in demonstration spars.

I wish that we had a better view.
Better view of what?
I wish I had a better view of the ocean from my balcony. The sunsets really are lovely.
Your wish is granted, but the sun's intensity burns your eyes completely and then incinerates you.

I wish to perform a Cleveland Steamer on Zanallen.
Alright. While everyone else is gouging out their eyes in anticipation of what's to come, you realise you have no idea what a Cleveland Steamer is... So he knocks you down and takes your money.

I wish I had a scanner... My Flash stuff is sub-par by most standards, and it's annoying to use anyway.
Granted, but....

....YOU FORGET HOW TO DRAW BUKTEBAN!!! Dun dun dunnnnn.

I wish I could draw.
... How could I forget to draw Bukteban? O_O
He's a round thing with those fiery blue things.
Damn, I must be stupid.

Alright, but you can only draw Bukteban.

I wish you all a good night.
Granted - but then you are posessed by a wandering demon. YOU don't have a good night....

I wish that the yaoi/yuri wars could continue...
They do, but it's ALL YAOI.

I wish Dio Brando was real.
NOOOO!!! I like yuri better...who's Dio Brando?????
He's real. Real hungry, that is. He eats the known universe.

I wish someone would seed the RERN Radio torrent.
granted, but it does not work.

I wish a slaan priest would come here.
granted, he kills you for no reason.

i wish for sephiroth's katana.
You get it...
Lodged in your vertebrae.

I wish you a merry Christmas.
I had one...but YOU didn't! You were mauled by an overly-'affectionate' dog.

I wish for Zero and all his friends *ME TOO* to have a good birthday partay...
Granted, but you all die in a wreck going home from it.

*Insert un-corruptable wish here*

(Let's see who knows how to counter this one.)
It was un-corruptable...but then the genie came and killed you for it.

I wish someone could post a funny wish I can corrupt.