Damage reduction (20/instance/round stacking rules apply): Reduces dmg received by 4. Impact reduces the remaining duration by 1 (if duration reaches 0, it instantly ends, and does NOT apply to the attack that caused it to end).
Damage return (melee/ranged?): (20/instance/round stacking rules apply): returns 5 dmg every time you are hit. Break reduces the remaining duration by 1 (if duration reaches 0, it instantly ends, and does NOT apply to the attack that caused it to end).
Variable (10/variation). You can choose to make a stronger version of the base sig by applying nerfs on the spot. You have to choose a nerf and an effect (that can not cost more than the nerf) in conjunction with this ability. When using the sig you can choose if you'd use the "base" sig, or the boosted one. Note: the total nerfs in the sig and all the variables added up CAN NOT go above the nerf cap.
Example: normnavi has 100 sig points, and decides to make a sig called "hard hitter", that deals 70 dmg and stuns for 1 action. He wants to spice it up a bit, so he adds a variable to it with the nerf of charge time(30), and the effect of stun(30). The base dmg has to be lowered to 60 with stun tough, to pay for the variable effect, but now norm can charge his punch to stun for an extra action if he wants to. After a bit of thinking, he adds the effect again (lowering the base to 50 and stun), so now he can charge it twice for 2 extra stuns, equaling a total of 3 actions taken away.
Drawback: Chain action (10/actions chained). This sig has to follow a series of other actions predetermined at its creation. The actions can be: buster attack (both normal and charge), buster charge, use of a specified sig (sigs that are the same/have the same effect are interchangeable), use of a specified type of chip (as in sword, cursor, gun, etc...), in order.
Example: if you get 20 points of this drawback, you'll have to choose 2 actions (such as 2 attacks with a sword type chip), you can only use this chips immediately after you have attacked with a sword type chip twice.
Drawback: Charge burner (30/charges burned). This signature feeds off your buster charges, and can only be activated when you have the sufficient number of charges to use it. Keep in mind that should your buster be disabled, this signature becomes useless as well.
And now, for the main event... the NCP series! I'm hoping for new NCPs but this is the next best thing I can come up with^^
NCP quick uninstall: (20/5 NC points). Uninstalls own NCP of your choice (up to the point limit). Keep in mind that uninstalling HP+ programs can easily kill you.
NCP quick install: (20/5 NC points) Installs an NCP of your choice. You must have enough free space for the installation (and of course you must also have the NCP...).
Drawback: NC boost. (20/5 NC points) This sig is an integral part of your navi, so much, that it needs to be installed in his/her NC. You have to allocate NC points to this sig when creating it, and the sig can only be used if it has enough points allocated to it. Naturally, should your NC become crushed, or the sig uninstalled, the sig will stop functioning. Points allocated to a sig cannot be uninstalled when the sig is in cooldown.
Thats it for now I guess...