Internet City
A towering neon metropolis that serves as a central hub for internet traffic worldwide. Unrivalled network security keeps visitors and residents safe from virus attack while the Global Network Administration keeps quiet watch from their skyscraper. This is neutral ground; cross-faction skirmishes are not tolerated.
Viruses: None
Difficulty: N/A
Viruses: None
Difficulty: N/A
The center of netbattling, the realm of constant strife and chaos within law. Enter at your own peril.
Viruses: None
Difficulty: N/A
Viruses: None
Difficulty: N/A
The network for a quiet suburbia in the heart of Electopia, ACDC Net actually represents roughly all of Electopia's suburban areas, with terrain that often mimics the well-kept streets and homes of its' real-world counterpart.
Viruses: Normal
Difficulty: [★☆☆] (Easy)
Viruses: Normal
Difficulty: [★☆☆] (Easy)
Netopia Net
Busy streets and grand architecture characterize this foreign network. The buildings and signage reflect a unique mix of cultural influences not found anywhere else. However, the unwary can easily find themselves lost in the poorly-maintained backways hidden under the network's bright facade.
Viruses: Normal
Difficulty: [★★☆] (Intermediate)
Viruses: Normal
Difficulty: [★★☆] (Intermediate)
NetVegas Net
One long, shining boulevard of buyers and blazing lights. This dazzling cityscape operates on one principle alone: the pursuit of great riches. Security forces turn a blind eye to this network, leaving plenty of room for viruses and danger to breed; even the ground underfoot can't be trusted. However, with great risk comes great rewards...
Viruses: Normal
Difficulty: [★★★] (Difficult)
Viruses: Normal
Difficulty: [★★★] (Difficult)
Kotobuki Net
Kotobuki Net was specifically designed to bring happiness and joy to the hearts of Navis, evident by its bright color scheme and overall user friendly layout. But sadly, not all of the warmth comes from the kindness of its denizens, as some heated viruses are frequently there to put a damper on things.
Viruses: Normal/Fire
Difficulty: [★☆☆] (Easy)
Viruses: Normal/Fire
Difficulty: [★☆☆] (Easy)
Netfrica Net
Dry and extremely arid just like Netfrica's deserts and savannahs, this network's plant life occurs in just occasional patches. Both shade and water are luxuries here, which leaves many travelling Navis to collapse amidst the oppressive heat. The local viruses, however, thrive in this environment and often prey on the unprepared.
Viruses: Normal/Fire
Difficulty: [★★☆] (Intermediate)
Viruses: Normal/Fire
Difficulty: [★★☆] (Intermediate)
Hades Net
An abandoned network with its servers in the baked-out shell of an old volcano. Only a token effort is made to maintain security through the network's vast subterranean landscape, making these dim caverns an ideal spot for less savoury business. Rumours abound regarding what might lie at the heart of the tunnels.
Viruses: Normal/Fire
Difficulty: [★★★] (Difficult)
Viruses: Normal/Fire
Difficulty: [★★★] (Difficult)
Yoka Net
A scenic network that styles itself as a taste of old Electopia. Natural hot springs dot the landcape with rough stone pathways criss-crossing between them. A popular place for navis to relax, although viruses seem just as drawn to the warm water.
Viruses: Normal/Aqua
Difficulty: [★☆☆] (Easy)
Viruses: Normal/Aqua
Difficulty: [★☆☆] (Easy)
Beach Net
A network bathed in the warmth of eternal summer beneath a perfect blue sky. Pains were obviously taken to lend Beach Network as much beach as possible -- the white shoreline loops and curves madly in on itself in a bid to maximize surface area. Further inland, structures of all sizes crowd the streets.
Viruses: Normal/Aqua
Difficulty: [★★☆] (Intermediate)
Viruses: Normal/Aqua
Difficulty: [★★☆] (Intermediate)
Sharo Net
This frigid network is often held under furious snowstorms and icy conditions. Arctic tundra, snowy evergreen forests, ice caverns, and glacier filled waters await all comers. Viruses here are hardy; all perfectly adapted to both the cold and NetNavi hunters alike.
Viruses: Normal/Aqua
Difficulty: [★★★] (Difficult)
Viruses: Normal/Aqua
Difficulty: [★★★] (Difficult)
Electown Net
The scale of this bustling network nearly rivals Internet City itself. Bright advertisements paint nearly every facet of the buildings here, gleefully welcoming visitors to the world's largest commercial district. Even the viruses here are high-tech!
Viruses: Normal/Elec
Difficulty: [★☆☆] (Easy)
Viruses: Normal/Elec
Difficulty: [★☆☆] (Easy)
SciLab Net
SciLab is home to a surprising amount of viruses, given the center's reputation for technological mastery. Equally full of tight corridors, wide open spaces, laboratories, research centers, and decrepit, unmaintained servers with old research, Scilab Net is often more dangerous than it seems...
Viruses: Normal/Elec
Difficulty: [★★☆] (Intermediate)
Viruses: Normal/Elec
Difficulty: [★★☆] (Intermediate)
A direct uplink to the complex network of satellites in orbit around the earth. Solid ground is hard to come by here; most navis find themselves in a sea of platforms floating in a breathtaking void. Its relative isolation from earthbound networks has allowed a variety of unique viruses to breed.
Viruses: Normal/Elec
Difficulty: [★★★] (Difficult)
Viruses: Normal/Elec
Difficulty: [★★★] (Difficult)
Okuden Net
Much like the real world counterpart for people, Okuden Net offers the chance for Navis to get in touch with their wild side, without emphasizing the wild too much. Of course, this doesn't stop the viruses from showing their own particular wild side, many of which fit right in with the area's forests and fields.
Viruses: Normal/Wood
Difficulty: [★☆☆] (Easy)
Viruses: Normal/Wood
Difficulty: [★☆☆] (Easy)
Dentech Net
A very diverse network befitting the university's many schools of study, where no two trips through the online campus are quite the same. The public facilities are very organized and prestigious, befitting Electopia's biggest college, while things tend to get more disorderly and chaotic as one begins exploring the personal servers of the students. Much to the executive board's dismay, fairly strong viruses keep invading the network, often brought in by students during... questionable activities.
Viruses: Normal/Wood
Difficulty: [★★☆] (Intermediate)
Viruses: Normal/Wood
Difficulty: [★★☆] (Intermediate)
Yumland Net
Yumland is a heavily wooded area, though there are plenty of pockets of grassy fields scattered about. The whole of the network seems grown rather than produced. It's easy to get lost following the roads through their waves and loops. Hidden amongst the trees and tall grasses are many strong viruses, most of which do not fear intruders.
Viruses: Normal/Wood
Difficulty: [★★★] (Difficult)
Viruses: Normal/Wood
Difficulty: [★★★] (Difficult)
The dregs of society sink to the bottom of the net, forming a massive mess of junk, scum, and broken debris. Nothing is impossible in this dark underbelly of the net, except perhaps getting out unscathed.
Viruses: All
Difficulty: [★★★★★] (Extreme)
Viruses: All
Difficulty: [★★★★★] (Extreme)
NetPolice HQ
The headquarters for the NetPolice, this area has heavy security. Also here is the NetPolice Mission Boards, where NetPolice or those who wish to assist them may find jobs.
The Family's Pub
A special part of the net, heavily populated by the various Families of the net. Due to the shady nature and power of the families, a great deal of patrolling is done by the various factions. Come here to find a job from one of the Families on the Mission boards.
Neo-Shogun Associate Headquarters
Accessed through a portal in Sharo, the Neo-Shogun Associate Headquarters is a large encampment designed for the benefit of the army's recruits. Here, accepted Neo-Shogun subordinates can take on missions, keep in communication, and procure supplies.
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