Jazz shuddered as he continued on, his feet ever so barely keeping under his movements as he soon collapsed atop of the metallic paneling, splayed out face down on the floor, the only thing keeping his body from getting scalded from the furnaces was the floatshoes that held him aloft if only barely. His form quivering and twitching as he could hear the beast within call to his shattered psyche and the beast nestled in his heart, chest glowing with a faint electrical charge as Stephine's calls to Jazz were drowned out from within the hare's mind.
Time now, Hare. Power course through you. Your calling to the void answered by Riccio the Solitary Thunder, may you fight with renewed ferocity! The creature within yelled, quills across it's back buzzing near the hare's face, as outwards stormclouds gathered above the field of battle, electricity crackling and buzzing in the ebon clouds as they blotted out the area's natural light from above.
Metal clash. Metal clang. Metal bang. Metal boom. Together in harmony with crash and buzz of electricity, may you be Riccio's harald in this sweltering hole to hell itself!Jazz's form continued to quiver outwards, violent spasms following shortly after as the clouds overhead gathered above, darkness clouding sight after sight as electricity rumbled. Crackled. Pins and needles following as the hare's form began to slowly lift upwards, a cadaver who's limbs lifelessly hung downwards. Before a flash of light illuminated the area, a crack of thunder and explosion of electricity directly hitting the hare's form and with it, fur turning blacker than even ash as the lightning wrapped around his body and with it, the hare's form glitching, the hare's armaments, clothing, everything would disappear in a second as opaque rubber began to cover his torso from neck to forearm to protect the hare's body, if not from itself, to protect itself from Riccio's power and fury.
Metal practically being ripped away from the areas beyond where navi and virus stood as electricity would begin to form it around his body, bolts and screws, rust and chrome, everything not a virus or that wasn't nailed to the floor, metaphorically and literally, would begin to float and circle around the hare's limp form. His body twitching and convulsing all the while within where he had been lifted from. It would be a moment later as another crash of thunder and an explosion of light to blind all who saw the sights previous, before dimming as quickly as the light came...and in it's place, not a green hare...but an avatar of the beast of thunder.
The body plated in metal from head to toe, mouth replaced with an elongated snout instead of a more "sunken" face, but regardless the changes continued as the hare's feet had elongated a bit to more easily balance the new weight on his body, as liquid mercury had covered his legs with segmented metal kneeguards with rusty metal quills jutting out from the front of each knee. Iron and steel hanging off the Hare's torso in the form of both an oversized breastplate that hung off his body somewhat loosely, as well as four steel cables that clung precariously to the armor connected to a massive segmented shell that could quite easily cover the hare defensively. All while his feet and hands clung to new metal, nails grown to a couple inches outwards...and curled inwards like thick, massive scythes attached to his bulky digits. All the while electricity jumped back and forth between the copper wires that now consisted of his ears, not unlike the Bunnies that hopped around the internet as a whole. And at the end of this transformation, the viruses and any onlookers could see stunning ebony black intermixed with bright golden hues that traveled across his body, fur, armor and all. And at the end, as his eyes opened, golden hues intermixed with his irises as the eyes were as pitch black as the clouds above...with a small shine of purest silver in the sockets.
The transformed monster in front of all stood hunched over, knees bent forwards as a silence fell over the field...and rearing back, the avatar of the beast brought his arms up. His back falling further behind him. And finally...a garbled roar escaping those metallic lips of his, rows and rows of sharpened metal teeth could be seen from the side as he brought his arms to the skies and let out the radio static filled roar.
GROOOAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRThose who had heard Riccio's roar before could be mistaken that they were hearing him down in Hades, the voice reverberating throughout the area as lighting struck and hit all about the area. Jazz had been taken over, that much was sure...but at the same time, it wasn't as cut and dry. Stephine would get a ping that broke her away from the sights in front of her, the words "Beast Out" on her screen flashing in bold red letters, the...visual adhesiveness of Jazz's RiccioOut finally broken. A staggered message on the screen from Jazz
"Chips. Change field. I...cannot speak...thoughts...being transmitted to radio...try...103.9 AM..."Stephine immediately began to scramble about for chips, immediately picking up the Mudstage that she quickly slotted in for Jazz, the Hare's processor's immediately began to make use of it. Lightning striking the field with an untold ferocity, metal grates and lava being struck with electrifying swiftness and strength, metal flung across the field and out of the way as the heated hell that was Hades' underbelly had well fed soil beneath the heat, soft rains flowing from the thunderous skies soon after, a heavy rain across the field to feed that soil with warm rains, even as the avatar stood there and stared as the rains continued, electricity zapped and destroyed drop after drop of water, glowing golden irises glaring meanacingly in the brief pause as the warmed rains finally finished. Soon it's gaze went towards the hardened creature of icy blue, the Coldhead. The beast's avatar would begin to move, keeping low towards the ground, but despite that would make a quick movement as a metallic purple ball slid into it's scythed hand, no bigger than a shotput.
The beast's movement would make the attempt to slip beneath any swords angled at it's face, sliding with speed enough to kick up the mud beneath it and with a overhead throw, attempted to send the bomb and it's payload at the MetalCragger, sending it flying with great strength near to the clouds before gravity would take hold again and send it falling with just as much speed into the ground, hopefully with enough force to crack the skull of the Cragger into shards, poison coating the ground with a large cloud of noxious fumes to join it.
Whilst Stephine was trying to get a Radio to work on her PET, the hare's strength only began to fluxuate wildly, power beginning to flood it's body as the beast's avatar downloaded the Synapse data the operator had shoved into the PET without a second thought, the beast's ears quickly taking hold of it, a bright glow from atop the two bunny-like ears as it charged the fluxuating hold of electricity up and with a loud snap of the avatar's neck, sent the data flying towards the Coldhead that had been there, another breaking annoyance to deal with, but one that would fry it immediately if the conditions were right, the beast not having the ability to wait for it's mouth to open, but regardless, would make sure to try. Though upon contact or miss, the ball would make an attempt to pass across the MonoSwordin's body in turn, as well as the Swordy's, with the Mono likely getting the worse deal between the two "richocheted" targets, currents attempting to zap it even harder than it's contemporary.
And finally for it's rampage for the moment, the avatar's body would move faster than before, hard to keep up with it's movements as it zigged and zagged towards the duo of sword wielders. A heavy rime coating the claws of the beast as it dashed forwards with uncanny speed, mud kicking into the air as it lunged forward at it's target from the front, raising it's arm high into the air and, with a snap of speed and quick predator wits, slid around the back of the MonoSwordin, the scythed claws attepting to find purchase through it's chest as the beast growled lowly at the poor virus, backflipping as soon as it had struck to evade getting counterattacked in turn.
*Floatshoes active
*Active Buff: 39 total to be added to chips before Final Damage
*Passive Debuff: Can use Attack+, Strengthen and Buff to reduce damage by the amount
*STAB: +10 to all chip attacks of Wood element, +20 if they hit a single target a single time
1: RICCIOOUT (Elec Override, 180 BSP on transformation)
*STAB: Bonuses change to Elec chips
MudStageEffect: Full Stage Mud Terrain Change
Accuracy: S
Description: Changes the entire battlefield to Mud Terrain.
Duration: Once
Element: Wood
Trader Rank: C Change entire field to Mud
3: Dodge
PoisonBall2Damage: 100 + Break + Small Poison Terrain Change + Poison(15)
Accuracy: C
Description: A bomb that poisons all it touches, including the ground and other Navis.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Poison(15): Deals 15 poison damage per action to the victim starting the turn after this attack hits. This effect stacks with other timed damage effects, including other Poison effects. Can be cured with Status Cure.
Trader Rank: C---> MetalCragger
Synapse1Damage: 80 + Piercing + Chain 2
Accuracy: B
Description: Produces a powerful ray through sheer force of thought, which arcs towards nearby enemies when it hits a target.
Duration: Once
Element: Elec
Special: Chain 2: This attack, upon striking a target, may change directions towards a new target. This may be done up to 2 times in one attack.
Trader Rank: D---> ColdHead2 (x2 Source), chain to MonoSwordin and Swordy-F2 (+10 damage to each, Activate Buff on the jump to the MonoSwordin for +31 damage)
6: Undyne's Trickstab--->Monoswordin (Movement towards target, then; 80 Aqua Slashing to target, then; Dodge1)