Double Dragon?

Seraphim tests the door for heat before trying to open it. Then he tries to detect any form of fire that may have happened.

"Hey, are you okay in there?"
Druidman was on his guard, but he too was looking around the house for any more damage/dangers to the building itself.
Seraphim tries the door-

-and it falls off its' hinges.

There doesn't seem to be any fires going though...
"Uh, is anyone in there?" Seraphim stepped in, trying to fit the door back into place.

"If only I had learned mending..." He muttered, trying to use his 'cure' on the door.
Druidman shook his head. "No use now, man. Let's just go in to see if everyone's okay."
Seraphim stepped in side, leaving the door leaning against the doorwell.
Druidman entered and started to look around.
The first thing the pair notices is that just about everything save for a table (Which has a spot on it singed as well, with a chip sitting right in the center of the burn) is charred to varying degrees. The entire place groans and creaks as Druidman and Seraphim step through-

And suddenly, Seraphim finds himself flat on his back, knocked down by a punch. (40 Fire)
Druidman looks down at Seraphim for a moment too long and then finds himself hoisted into the air by the his shirt, which is being gripped by the fist of an Onyx Champu. The other fist is raised threateningly at Druidman. "Who the hell are you, and what are you doing in my house?" The Champu asks angrily. Apparently this is Jack.
"We're from Svelte, you big oaf." Seraphim hacked out, thankful he was wearing his armor. He started curing himself, groaning slightly as he tried to rise up from his somewhat prone position.

"You didn't hear me calling out at the entrance? We thought someone had blown themself up or something." Seraphim glanced at his assailant, sighing heavily. Today was not his best day.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, dude! Chill!" Druidman said. "Svelte sent us here to your pad to pick up some parts she needs. When we got here, we noticed that your place looked like something bad went down, so we can in to see if everything was groovy, dude!"
"Svelte? Bah. I thought you two were- ...nothin'." The Champu tosses Druidman to the ground carelessly, then floats off to the other room, seemingly to get the part based on the noises that came from the room afterward...

Brushing the soot off, Seraphim looked around the room cautiously.
"Small village, big problems." Druidman said to Seraphim while he waited. "I wonder what that dude's all about."
Seraphim groaned as he got up, using the table as a prop, managing to grab the chip in the center and drag it away by accident. It fell down into his boot before being absorbed.
Seraphim takes a Meteor 9 chip.

And then Jack comes back and tosses a Fan chip at Seraphim. "Here, this should be what she wants. Now get outta here before someone sees!" Jack says, glancing about nervously.
Seraphim takes it, shrugs, and then hustles out of the house in the direction of Joe's place.
Druidman follows, calling over his shoulder, "Thanks, dude!"
The pair trek for a while- and eventually reach the far southeast hut.

It seems normal.

But what really sticks out... is the hut farther southeast that isn't on the map.
"Do you think that's Joe's hut, maybe?" Seraphim said, going to the unmapped house and knocking on it. After all, if the gal had known where Joe lived, she would have put it on the map,right?
"Yeah, that IS weird." Druidman commented. He started looking around at the house and the grounds for anything interesting.