Looking for Dubloons

Throwing out a rope to constrict one of the Dynamite, DubloonMan easily snared the virus and threw it down to the ground. He pulled a bit too hard, though, and deleted it instead. The remaining Dynamite threw down a bomb at the pirate Navi, making a line towards him across the ground. But by then, he wasn't on the ground any longer, but atop the glowing structure! He threw down the Dynamite from its perch down at the ground, which the Miner dodged. The Miners were a bit pissed about this, and started to lay some mines on the structure before them. However, it was deterred from its work as the blazing keg burned it to near deletion, and the Dynamite near it had a taste of fire as well.

Meanwhile, Cannonball was pecking the burning Miner to death, and was perfectly content in the warm flames. All that mass probably insulated her or something.

Miner B: 100 HP (Metal)
Dynamite A: DELETED
Dynamite B: 20 HP (Metal)

LaserTripBomb: 30 HP (Metal)

-- ALLIES --
DubloonMan.EXE: 170 HP (Solar)
Cannonball.SP: 40 HP (Metal)

65% Metal, 5% Mine (Ground level)
25% Solar, 5% Mine (Pillars of glowy shiney, about 4 feet tall from ground level)
When the haze cleared, DubloonMan was glad to see that Cannonball was still alive. She was certainly hardier than he expected. The parrot was still in a bit of a frenzy, looking for something to peck to death but DubloonMan decided to recall his pet. Pressing his fingers up to his grizzled mouth, the navi produced a sharp whistle that drew Cannonball's attention. The support program flapped it way back to her owner, weaving over and around the tripmine's beam, while DubloonMan prepared to rain death from above.

"Time t' end this with a bang!" DubloonMan scoffed, "Roger! Me bomb!"

Roger watched as Cannonball navigated her way back to DubloonMan before slotting in the chip. From the digital aether, the large bomb rolled to a stop at his prosthetic cannon leg. DubloonMan gave it a fierce kick with a loud klank, straight towards the Miner. The explosive rolled off the pillar's ledge and fell to the metal floor below with another heavy klank before the fuse burned out. The resultant explosion rocked DubloonMan's foothold and made the previous sounds whisper-like in comparison. Another heavy smoke obscured DubloonMan's view.

"Is that it?" Roger asked.

"Nay, thar always be a straggler or two." guessed DubloonMan, "Like roaches, they are."

Roger sighed and slotted in some more chips to finish the job. DubloonMan fished two new guns from his jacket and weaved them through the smoke, trying to get a fix on where the viruses were. There was little movement since the Miner was more or less stationary and the Dynamite was too low to the ground to make out. His patience wore thin and he grunted, "...BAH!" before he unloaded both weapons. Missed shots rang out as they pelted the metal but that didn't stop DubloonMan from pouring more lead into his attack.

"Is that it?" Roger asked again.

Instead of replying, his navi sheathed his weapons and armed himself with his anchor, ready to toss it into the fray. Even Cannonball was clever enough to keep her distance as DubloonMan swung the weight around his head, trying to fan away the smoke. He continued to watch the ground for movement but was pretty sure he had gotten them with his guns.

SP - Move to Solar/1 space away from DubloonMan
1 - CrackerBomb MinerB (80 damage + Panel Crack + Blast 3)
2 - Take Aim
3 - MachineGun MinerB (9 x 30 damage)
4 - Shotgun DynamiteB (50 damage)
5 - Anchors Aweigh! (Nova2 10 damage + knockback) + Dynamite B (40 damage)
Throwing down his now oft-used CrackerBomb, DubloonMan made quite a show of completely tearing apart the opposition and claiming the prize for himself. He found some explosive left on the structure by one of the Dynamite, too.

Dynamite A: DELETED
Dynamite B: DELETED

LaserTripBomb: 30 HP (Metal)

-- ALLIES --
DubloonMan.EXE: 170 HP (Solar)
Cannonball.SP: 40 HP (Metal)

65% Metal, 5% Mine (Ground level)
25% Solar, 5% Mine (Pillars of glowy shiney, about 4 feet tall from ground level)

-- BATTLE 02, VICTORY!! --

[Dynamite1] Battlechip, 480z, 20 BugFrags
((Bugfrags please))

DubloonMan stopped actively swinging his chain as soon as he saw the coast was clear. Fastening the anchor back over his shoulder, he watched Cannonball dive into the small feast of purple lumps. He joined his support program and dropped back down to ground level. The shine from the solar panels was starting to get to him.

Roger thought to himself that the speed upgrade seemed to be working well enough but these were still small fry. He needed a real challenge to see the full potential of his purchase so he urged his navi to move on down roads less travelled. As DubloonMan shovelled up the rewards, Roger scanned his navi's surroundings. A dark pathway leading downwards seemed perfect.

"Yar... What the devil be these strange plates?" DubloonMan asked, picking up the chip data and biting it lightly, "The beasts drop em' but they be no manner o' currency or booty I've ever seen... Eh, perhaps it'll fetch me a pretty penny."

Reminded of the six thousand he made on a recent chip sale, Roger was inclined to agree, "Oh yeah, I'm sure we can find a buyer for that but more importantly, let's try going down that alley to your left."

One look at the shadowy pathway had DubloonMan scowling, "Yarr... Yer playin' a dangerous game thar, Roger." His grimace curled up into a sly grin, "...And I like it. We'll do it yer way, lad."

Cannonball and DubloonMan finished cleaning the battlefield of spoils before heading for unknown territory.

((Battle 3))
Moving through a narrow alley, DubloonMan explored the unknown, until he found upon a small and secluded clearing at the end of the alley. The clearing was illuminated by a small glowing panel in the middle, around which a few flying viruses were gathered. They saw DubloonMan's presence, and turned hostile against him!

PulseBulb A: 120 HP
PulseBulb B: 120 HP
RedUFO: 80 HP

-- ALLIES --
DubloonMan.EXE: 170 HP
Cannonball.SP: 40 HP

95% Metal
5% Solar

This was clearly not a fight that was in DubloonMan's favour. Roger didn't recognize any of the viruses but he could tell from the way their bodies sparked in the relative darkness of the alley that they were electrical in nature. DubloonMan's leg clanked against the metal floor, adding to the tense atmosphere of the impending battle.

"Yar ha-har! Roger, quite a mess ye've gotten me and poor Cannonball into." DubloonMan chuckled.

"Squarg. Quite a mess." Cannonball echoed.

It was almost a situation worth running from, but DubloonMan would never admit defeat without even trying. Roger needed to emulate that bravery and committed himself to seeing this through to the end. He spread out his chips across the table and drew the DashAttack. If his navi was going to charge into battle, he was going to so with an impact.

He slotted in the chip and gave the order, "Run wild. Let's do this."

DubloonMan clenched his fist tightly and grinned, "Aye aye!"

Charging into the fray with what little acceleration he could muster with his prosthetic, DubloonMan saw the RedUFO bearing down on him. He considered it an ill omen to his strategies and swung his claw at the virus, prompting his parrot to fly forward and flap wildly in its path, squawking and snapping its beak all the while. Roger slotted in the DashAttack and sent his Navi into overdrive and rushing past his support program on a collision course with the flying saucer.

Roger slotted in another chip, the Mudflop that he had received in the mail, and hoped for the best. He anticipated what kind of interesting display it would produce. His navi cam to a screeching halt as he changed direction, skidding along the steel flooring. His stop placed him in prime position to step off as he launched himself forward at the large glowing box virus with a full body tackle. A layer of thick mud coated his shoulder right before he struck, resulting in a heavy splash of brown gunk.

"Blow me down!" DubloonMan exclaimed at his own attack, "All o' me filth came off! Yar ha-har! No shower fer me this year!"

Roger was relentless as he slotted in more chips. The Rope slid in next, along with the Machinegun. DubloonMan's new speed upgrade handled the near constant flow of data impeccably. The coil of rope appeared at his waist while he reached into his jacket for his antique firearm. In a dextrous display of multi-tasking, he lobbed his lasso at the other DBLCube and unleashed a flurry of silver rounds at one of the Pulsebulbs.

He was absolutely maniacal in his assault as his voice pierced the air with a tone that managed to send shivers down Roger's spine, "YAR HA-HAR HAR HAR! YE SAD LOT'LL NEED MORE THAN THAT T' FIGHT WITH ME! YE BEST PRAY FOR A SWIFT DEATH BEFORE ME HOOK FINDS A SOFT SPOT IN YER GIZZARDS! YAR HA-HAR!"

DubloonMan pulled the rope taut with a smile while withdrawing his gun back into his coat. He freed his hands and grabbed the chain off his shoulder, swinging it around his head, asking, "Who's next?"

SP - Stall RedUFO
1 - DashAttack RedUFO (90 damage)
2 - Mudflop DBLCubeA (60 damage + slow) x2 from element
3 - Rope DBLCubeA (50 damage + hold) x2 from element
4 - Machinegun1 PulsebulbA (9 x 30 damage) + Break
5 - Panic Attack (Nova 3 Stun + Action Recovery)
DubloonMan sent out his parrot to distract the UFO, and for good reason as it tried stealing the pirate navi's chip, but Cannonball was able to distract it long enough for the satellite to be absolutely rammed into the DBLCubes before disappearing.

Being hit, the Cubes reverted to a blue color, healing each other before DubloonMan destroyed them with a belly flop and bondage.

Turning his attention to the remaining Pulsebulbs, DubloonMan sprayed bullets at the viruses, who were, unfortunately, lucky enough to avoid all of them.

What they didn't expect was DubloonMan's intimidating cry that froze them in place... Though he couldn't take action right away either...

PulseBulb A: 120 HP [MetalBody](Stun!)
PulseBulb B: 120 HP [MetalBody](Stun!)

-- ALLIES --
DubloonMan.EXE: 170 HP [1 Action Recovery]
Cannonball.SP: 40 HP

95% Metal
5% Solar
DubloonMan took a quick breather to catch his breath and watched his ever-loyal parrot divebomb the Pulsebulbs with all the fervor that her chubby little body could muster. He noticed the strange viruses had both stopped in their tracks, frozen in place by his boisterous shout. He smirked and breathed deep his victory over their meager wills. However, he saw the futility of Cannonball's attacks and guessed assumed they possessed hardened, protective casings that made them impervious to conventional attacks.

"Yar... These beasts be tough nuts t' crack." DubloonMan noted, "It'll be me pleasure t' smoke em' outta their shells!"

From the implied request, Roger slotted in the Fireburn while DubloonMan moved to optimize his gunpowder coverage. As still as they were, it would be easier to blast them both from the right angle. The crimson cask took shape at his heels as he finalized his adjustments and accomodated for the wind and distance. The red hue of the barrel was coated with a steel finish at DubloonMan's touch. He didn't seem to take notice as he popped the lid and spread a silvery dust over and around his opponents. Cannonball, wary of the impending attack, quickly fled the scene as DubloonMan lit a match and ignited the volatile trails around the viruses. Even the colour of the flames had been tinted by his innate abilities and the fire sparkled with more yellows and golds than the usual reds and oranges.

"Yar ha-har! Let's see just how hot ye can bare!" DubloonMan spat and prepared himself to nail them with another attack as soon as they emerged.

SP - Attack PulsebulbA (10 damage)
1 - [Action Recovery]
2 - Line up PulsebulbA, PulsebulbB (movement)
3 - Take Aim
4 - Fireburn PulsebulbA, PulsebulbB (90 damage + Line(3)) + Break
5 - Take Aim
With the PulseBulbs stunned, DubloonMan took this advantage to light up some fireworks; a barrel of silver dust was uncorked and spread throughout. After it was lit, the resulting explosive reactions melted straight through the metallic bodies of the PulseBulbs, deleting them in an instant.

PulseBulb A: DELETED
PulseBulb B: DELETED

-- ALLIES --
DubloonMan.EXE: 170 HP
Cannonball.SP: 40 HP

95% Metal
5% Solar

-- BATTLE 03, VICTORY!! --


[ElecPulse1] Battlechip, 600z, 26 BugFrags
"Let's see which one o' ye can..." DubloonMan began before he saw that the viruses had been deleted, "Ah blast it! Me toys broke."

DubloonMan strode into the ashen ruins of his enemies and picked out a single zenny, polishing it on his coat before gleaning it over with his eye. Life wasn't all fun and games he supposed and released the digital coin, dropping it into the open treasure chest that had suddenly compiled at his feet a second ago. He got to work gathering his zennies while Cannonball pecked among the mounds of blackened spoils for the purple lumps she had taken a liking to. As for Roger, the Speed Upgrade had performed admirably though he remained unconvinced that it was worth his money.

((Battle 4))
And after a short amount of searching. DoubloonMan found himself face to face with insects, rats, and cannons. Ya know, things you'd find on a pirate ship. Well, if said ship's cannons had faces and sentience, anyway.

...And if that ship was made of glass. Seriously, who came up with that brilliant idea to make one out of glass? The ship probably wouldn't even be able to float, not to mention if any Navis inside liked throwing rocks...what? This is just a flat area, and isn't a ship? Oh...sorry. Must've gotten carried away.

KabutankA: 50 HP (Glass)
KabutankB: 50 HP (Glass)
RattyA: 60 HP (Glass)
RattyB: 60 HP (Glass)
RattyC: 60 HP (Glass)
HardHead: 60 HP (Glass)

90% Glass
10% Normal (outer edges of area)

DoubloonMan.EXE: 170 HP
Cannonball.SP: 40 HP

+ GO
A look of confusion crept across Roger's brow as he surveyed the oddity of the glassy landscape. His expression quickly changed to shock when he began to consider what the fragile floor would look like after DubloonMan was done with it. His navi had no such concerns for trvial thoughts and immediately began to bark out orders like a true man of action.


"Squarg. Sorry hides!" Cannonball echoed.

Roger slipped a Crackerbomb into the PET and hoped his navi wasn't brazen or stupid enough to run onto the glass while attacking with heavy artillery. The unwieldly explosive that materialized in DubloonMan's arms made it hard for him to see straight ahead, let alone walk, effectively stopping him from charging in. However, to his side, the Hardhead's frozen grimace caught his eye and his ire.

"Glare at me, will ye? I'll give ye somethin' t'look at!" DubloonMan growled and hurled the bomb at the lump of a virus.

Cannonball was shaken off DubloonMan's shoulder by the heaving motion and flapped up into the sky, looking for an opportunity to divebomb something. Meanwhile, Roger slotted in the second Crackerbomb to decimate more of the battlefield to restrict movement and hopefully show his navi how dangerous the glass was without the use of words. The second explosive popped into his arms and DubloonMan was quick to lob it into the crowd of Rattys.

"Let's just gun down the rest of them." suggested Roger.

Having pushed himself so hard and slightly out of breath, DubloonMan was inclined to agree, "Aye lad, a pistol if ye would be so kind..."

Unloading his flintlock, a spray of lead balls pelted the landscape around one of the Kabutanks, leaving it shattered and weakened. DubloonMan quickly switched up his weapon choice and brought out Betty, his beloved blunderbuss and actually took aim at the second Kabutank. A blast of leadshot and a puff of smoke erupted from the barrel before he swept the weapon back into his jacket.

Roger wasn't sure what else he could do and slotted in the Dynamite to finish up. A bundle of explosive sticks appeared in DubloonMan's grasp with the fuse already lit. Instinctively, he tossed it onto one of the few viruses remaining and barely noticed the lit fuse producing a thin beam of light.

SP - Dodge
1 - Crackerbomb Hardhead (80 damage + Panel Crack + Blast3 {D})
2 - Crackerbomb RattyB (80 damage + Panel Crack + Blast3 {D})
3 - Machinegun1 KabutankB (9 x 30 damage + Sprayfire {D})
4 - Shotgun KabutankA (50 damage + Spread2 {A})
5 - Dynamite1 RattyA (100 HP) + (100 damage + Blast3 {D}] / [100 damage + Blast3 + Line Attack + Seeking {A})
One big flaw of having a glassed ship would be cleaning, maintenance, and especially repair...Oops, still talking about the make-shift ship. Dubloon's explosives certainly dealt a heavy blow on the viruses, especially when all the explosives hit its mark on all of their targets. The glass panels shattered one by one till there was nothing left...Except the lone Hardhead that silently fell into the broken terrains, not even letting out a scream as it kept its mouth shut the whole time.

KabutankA: DELETED
KabutankB: DELETED
HardHead: 60 HP (Inside Broken)

40% Broken
50% Glass
10% Normal (outer edges of area)

DubloonMan.EXE: 170 HP
Cannonball.SP: 40 HP
"A fine slaughter," DubloonMan said proudly, stroking his beard, "Now, where's me booty?"

"We're not done yet." noted Roger, "One of them's still alive somewhere."

Cannonball concurred, "Squarg. Still alive."

"Ye mean t' tell me somethin' SURVIVED me onslaught o' fire and lead?" cursed the navi.

Roger found it odd as well and surmised, "I guess it's somewhere in the pit."

"Then it be high time t' give it a proper send off! Roger, me powder keg!"

A bright red keger appeared at DubloonMan's side prompting him to hoist it up and uncork it with his hook. A stream of black grains poured down the side of the gaping fissure as he emptied the contents indisciminately. The thick flow of gunpowder slowed down to a trickle as DubloonMan tossed the empty cask into the chasm and withdrew and lit a small match from his pocket. The flame flickered from an orange hue to a silvery sheen as DubloonMan unwittingly imbued it with his essence.

"Yarr... I..." DubloonMan paused, "...Got nothing clever t' say. Just die."

A flick of his fingers launched the tiny flame into the pit and ignited the mess of combustible material bathing the abyss of shattered glass.

1 - Fireburn2 HardHead (90 damage + line3 + break)
Hardhead was ready for a counterattack as it opened its mouth wide open to give a nice, hot cannon ball right at Dubloon...But it instead received a gift of its own in the form of an explosive powder keg. The explosion finished the virus off for good, burning off every little piece of the hardhead, except for the few zenny lying around...

KabutankA: DELETED
KabutankB: DELETED

40% Broken
50% Glass
10% Normal (outer edges of area)

DubloonMan.EXE: 170 HP
Cannonball.SP: 40 HP

750z + 17 Bugfrags
"Yo ho ho. Th' winds are beckonin' me with a new course. Raise th' anchor!" DubloonMan cried, while hoisting his anchor over his shoulder again and looking to the horizon.

Roger was happy to leave the ruined glass behind them and move onto bigger and better things.

Little did either of them know that shit was about to get real.

((Battle 5))
DubloonMan and Cannonball began to follow along the navi's intuition and continued on through the Scilab Network. The terrains soon became rugged and unstable, having random patches of metal, solar, cracked, and many others all over the place. At a second glance, it soon became apparent that all this was the result of a battle done long time ago...but something that was very much present was a strange navi laying flat on the ground.

"... | ..."

He didn't seem to realize the traveling navi's presence at all as it continued to idly lay on the ground, but when DubloonMan accidentally stepped into a cracked panel, the navi finally stood up from the messy floor. "Ahhh! Who goes there! | !ereht seog ohW !hhhA" The navi with the strange speech was dressed in pure white jumpsuit with a black line tracing straight down the middle of his body. There wasn't anything worth noting except his peculiar dress code, except for the small smudge of dirt on his left chest. He became frantic when it saw the spot on his clothing, jumping up and down as he tried to dust it off. But as soon as he managed to clean his shirt, he looked over the deranged terrain and began to panic even more. "This can't do! Those ruffians made such a big mess. I-I can't just leave it like this! | !siht ekil ti evael tusj t'nac I-I .ssem gib a hcus edam snaiffur esohT !od t'nac sihT"

With a stomp of his feet, the terrain returned back to its pristine, perfectly proportional state in a blink of an eye. "That should do...it? | ?ti...od dluohs tahT" The navi finally met Dubloon eye to eye and, expectedly, began to sweat profusely at the sight of the pirate. "Y-your hook arm! Your leg! Y-y-your eyepatch! YOU! You're the personification of all my hatred! | !dertah ym lla of noitacifinosrep eht er'uoY !OUY !hctapeye rouy-y-Y !gel rouY !mra kooh rouy-Y" Pointing out all of Dubloon's "special" bodily features, the strange navi seemed to be immediately enraged by the asymmetric design of the pirate overall!

"I-I have to end you now! Create my perfect world! | !dlrow tecfrep ym etaerC !won uoy dne ot evah I-I"

SymmetryMan: 400 HP

Terrain: 100% Normal

DubloonMan.EXE: 170 HP
Cannonball.SP: 40 HP
DubloonMan couldn't care less about what the navi in front of him had to say. The only thing on his mind was how much he would stand to gain from looting his beaten body.

"Normally, ye'd be offer'd a chance t' surrender yer goods t' me and be on yer way, but I'd rather plunder th' riches from yer cold, dead hands..." He said with a sadistic grin.

The feeling was more or less mutual for Roger. He still wasn't as accustomed to robbing people and shady situations as his navi, but this guy was clearly asking for it.

"DubloonMan," Roger said with a hint of impish provocation in his voice, "let's wreck that new floor of his."

He smiled as he slapped the Crackerbomb chip into the PET and watched as the massive explosive materialized a moment later, prompting his navi to pick it up over his shoulder.

"YAR HA-HAR! CLEAR TH' DECK!" DubloonMan called out.

Extending his arm, the huge bomb was hurled forward like an oversized shotput that arced towards SymmetryMan's position. Whether he dodged or not was of no consequence as DubloonMan. His real attack had yet to be executed.

"Me flintlock, Roger!" DubloonMan cried out, reaching into his coat.

His operator slotted in the requested chip and readied the next one as well. Having recently obtained three of them, he was eager to see the effects of having them chained one after another. DubloonMan fired away haphazardly, hearing shots ring off of empty panels more often than not. His operator timed the second one to load as the first Machinegun's ammo depleted. The transition was so fluid, his navi didn't even notice his pistol barrage seemed to go on for longer than usual.

Before Roger could send the third one, DubloonMan discarded his gun and taunted, "Have ye had enough? Me blood boils at yer plight!"

Roger put the Machinegun chip back down and cycled through his options. DubloonMan wasn't one to wait around and began to rush his opponent in a relatively slow hobble. Cannonball flew off DubloonMan's shoulder and crashed her way at SymmetryMan, assailing him with loud squawking and wingbeats. Her attempts to peck at the navi with her stump of a beak looked more like she was trying to headbutt her target to death.

An idea sparked in Roger's mind thanks to Cannonball buying some time. He picked out the DashAttack and Mudflop chips and punched them in on after another. DubloonMan was still a short distance away, but that quickly changed as he tore across the battlefield in a flash and came to a brutal, crashing stop. A thick layer of muck splashed everywhere at his impact, much to DubloonMan's amusement and SymmetryMan's dismay.

1 - Crackerbomb Symmetryman (80 damage + Blast 3 + Panel Crack)
2 - Machinegun1 Symmetryman (30 damage x 9)
3 - Machinegun1 Symmetryman (30 damage x 9)
Cannonball - Attack Symmetryman (15 damage)
4 - DashAttack (90 damage + impact) + Break
5 - MudFlop (60 damage + slow)

((Regarding Mudflop:
Nov 11 at 1 am - Your mod post was made.
Nov 11 at 3 pm - Extra Medium Mud Terrain effect was added to Mudflop chips.
Nov 11 at 10 pm - I posted.
I don't know if this means the attack gets added mud terrain or not. Your call.))
((Why the hell not))

"P-plunder? Even your morals are unbalanced! | !decnalabnu era slarom ruoy nevE ?rednulp-P"

SymmetryMan was nimble on his feet as he dodged the 'obvious' bomb thrown by Dubloon, but he couldn't expect the non-stop barrage of bullets heading his way [-210]. The next one-two punch with the mix of Dashattack and Mudflop was only half successful as the muddy slap crashed across SymmetryMan's white suit. The navi was definitely bruised up by all of DubloonMan's attack, but he seemed more panicked about the status of his clothing and the terrains [-60].

"An outrage! This splatter, its so random! The terrain, its so uneven! Your attacks, its so spontaneous! This is simply unacceptable! | !elbatpeccanu ylpmis si sihT !suoenatnops os sti ,skcatta ruoY !nevenu os sti ,niarret ehT !modnar os sti ,rettalps sihT !egartuo nA"

The navi created a perfectly circular disk and laid it on the ground, taking few seconds to marvel at its perfectly shaped design. With a swift kick, the disk began to bounce all of the field, yet slowly approached Dubloon. Thankfully, the disk only landed one solid hit before it began to bounce away... "One more! | !erom enO" This time, SymmetryMan prepared a square piece and laid it on the ground as well. Instead of kicking it, the navi waited till the square "assimilated" the panel beneath it and threw the muddy square with deadly accuracy, hitting square on the pirate and splashing some mud on his body.

SymmetryMan: 120 HP [Slow] [Mud]

Terrain: 65% Normal, 15% Cracked, 20% Mud

DubloonMan.EXE: 90 HP [Slow]
Cannonball.SP: 40 HP
A viscous coat of mud dripped down DubloonMan's face. He wiped away the bulk of it with his forearm, clearing his vision and revealing his menacing grin. He had been looking forward to the time when he could really tear loose and get to some real down and dirty hand-to-hook combat. Crushing enemies under his heel was fine, but he also appreciated the art of manually disemboweling his enemies as they struggled. The mud dribbling down his coat and surrounding his boots heavily restricted his movements but if it was this bad for him, it was probably the same or worse for SymmetryMan, who seemed used to fighting in clean and pristine environments. Though he was a little injured, the odds were still in his favour and he revelled in the moment.

"YAR HA_HAR! TASTE ME RAGEHOOK!" came DubloonMan's battlecry, raising his jagged prosthetic up high.

Roger took that as a cue to slip in the Rageclaw chip, empowering his navi's arm with an extra offensive boost.

DubloonMan brought his hook down and hard in a smashing strike, sending a trail of mud splattering across the landscape and clearing his arm of the adhesive muck.

Beside the Rageclaw was a chip that Roger had forgotten about. He had been looking for a Sword chip to go with his navi and recently acquired one from a trade. This seemed as good a place as any to test it out.

"DubloonMan! I have a..." Roger paused to come up with the pirate equivalent of the weapon, "...Cutlass!"

"Lad, ye'd better not be pullin' me chain!" the navi replied as he struck again. The second sweep of his arm came much faster and curved diagonally upwards in an attempt to grab SymmetryMan's collar and ensure he couldn't escape like the cowardly scum DubloonMan assumed him to be. A curved blade took shape at DubloonMan's waist, weighing down his belt. With his free hand, he drew the sword and marvelled at its sleek edge as he retracted it in preparation to attack.


DubloonMan lunged forward with his arm. The jab from his Sword was slow, still hindered by the mud. But as with his previous attacks, the second stab came faster as his vigorous strikes worked to cast the filth from his broad frame. By his third strike, his movements had returned back to normal and the remnants of the mud were limited only to blotchy stains. DubloonMan continued to hack away ruthlessly with total disregard for his own well being, too caught up in the heat of battle. His operator looked on with some concern about having his navi continue to stay in such close proximity. He hoped DubloonMan's relentless offense would make an adequate enough defense to win the fight soon.

Cannonball, not one to be deterred by her earlier failed attack, flew high into the air and readied herself for a divebomb.

1 - Rageclaw punch SymmetryMan (40 damage) + Break (Left Arm)
2 - Rageclaw grab SymmetryMan (20 damage)
3 - Sword SymmetryMan (80 damage) (Right Arm)
4 - Sword SymmetryMan (80 damage)
5 - Sword SymmetryMan (80 damage)
CannonBall - Take Aim