Twi's Domain

"What, the blue laser beam?" DNR tilted his head towards the right as Druidman asks about his safety. "No, no I'm fine, I'm glad that Runeknight fellow and D-d-d-d-ddaisy helped out..." he stumbled towards that name, even though she wasn't even in the vicinity. " I still find it completely unfair though... that reminds me, I gotta apologize to that angel lady for being so rude. But by the capillaries, who or what is this Drauchen thing? That another weird program thats bent on playing with us like dolls or medical waste?" He asked his big buddy in a inquisitive tone of voice.
Broadside lowered and powered down his weapons... Then changed back into his WhiteGuard.GMO form, becoming a normal-looking Navi instead of a tower of steel.

He raised his arm before himself and shook it, as if to make sure it was real... "Something wrong?" Jared said suddenly through the PET com.

Broadside lowered his arm as he responded, "Negative. My protocols have resumed normal function." He then surveyed the scene, and made his report... like always... "Secondary objective has been achieved: The hostile Navi has retreated, and zero fatal casualties have been suffered among our allies."

J.T. smirked at his Navi's emotionless tone and stilted speech as he replied "Well that's good." as he thought Glad we didn't blow anyone up... I swear, one of these days I'm going to figure out how to stop you from blowing up chunks of the Net whenever you get into a fight. His right eyebrow was twitching by the time he ended that thought...

Meanwhile. Broadside's gaze finally settled on Seraphim's unconscious form... He then started to walk towards the Navi as he continued his report... "Primary objective has been achieved: The malfunctioning Navi has been located, but appears to be disabled."

"Yeah, looks like he's out cold. I'm not getting a net address signal from him either, which means Erin couldn't jack him out if she wanted to. Huh... J.T. scratched his chin a bit as he thought for a second... "Well, she did say he was malfunctioning. And I'd rather not leave him there, or try to modify his code while he's in the Net.

A wandering virus at the wrong time could corrupt his data beyond repair if I opened the source code with him lying there... Jared's image went off screen as he turned the PET over in his hands, as if looking at it for the first time... After a moment, he settled it in his grip once more and started brining up the system information for the PET's hardware.... Then he got an idea. "Here's an idea that kills a flock of birds with one stone. I'll send you an address proxy program that you can attach to him, and I'll jack him out into your PET. There's enough storage capacity here for half a dozen Navis, so it'll be no problem having you both here at the same time. Plus, this way I can fix his address settings and run a diagnostic on him to see what else was making him worry Erin. We can return him to her after he's in better shape, so she will not lose her Navi. But..." Jared paused as he looked directly at Broadside... "Is this going to be alright with you?"

Broadside, honestly, didn't care one way or the other, but said "Affirmative." anyway, since his Net-op seemed pleased with the idea.

As Jared cobbled together the code, Broadside reached up, pulled the pair pf pink panties off of his head, and discarded them without thinking about it. Then he walked over to the case and retrieved the two zenny data packets and the support program file, and returned to where the other Navi lay, passed out.... "Alright, it's finished. Just place the device on him, and tap the top with your hand."

As Jared finished speaking, Broadside sent the 2 packets and the file to the PET just as a disk with a beacon light on the top appeared in Broadside's right hand. He did as he was told, laying the disk on Seraphim, then tapping the light dome with his hand. It blinked three times, then glowed a steady green just before the Navi vanished in a column of light. Broadside turned to the other Navis gathered there, and threw a salute before he too vanished in a similar beam of light...

((Broadside.EXE & Seraphim.EXE, Jack-out.))
Breaking the Cross' effect from her body, she started to flail around with her arms as she saw her right shield on the ground in approximately hundreds of pieces. "What happened!?" she uttered loud enough for Area to react to it.

"You... Don't remember?" Area asked softly, wondering what was going on with Divinity herself, "I used a Cross program on you."

"You did?" muttered Divinity as she placed a finger against her lower lip while staring into the air. Thinking back she suddenly replied, "I remember... I saw music notes... And then darkness... A voice spoke to me."

"A voice? I don't remember installing any voice besides your own," Area said and immediately started to check the programming of Divinity. File by file, she executed checks and tests on them while soft giggles came from the PET as if something was tickling Divinity. "Nothing different..." muttered Area as she went through pages of data and information, sometimes even tilting the PET sideways. "At least your energy reserves are fine. Most of the energy you used came from the chip I slotted in previously," Area continued as she looked at the chip with the symbol of Pianissimo again.

Area stopped talking to Divinity and started to talk to herself, while the Navi of the team started to collect the pieces of her destroyed shield while whining softly. Holding them in her left arm, as they were still rather large, she walked over to the case with bags in it and took out the one with her name. Sending it over to Area to see what it was, she sat down against the case and started to put the pieces together.

"We've got programs for that, y'know," said Area as she looked over the contents of the bag. That's quite some money... Suitachi is getting a customer again, she thought and started to iniate the jack-out process.

"Ah!" Divinity yelped as she noticed it and looked up at Area, "But I'm not done with my shield yet! And I want to talk to people!"

"You can finish that when you get back here. Give the remaining people my e-mail so they can contact us on a later date," said Area and send some cards over to Divinity so she could give them to Navis. Sprouting out four wings from her back quickly, after standing up, she zoomed past every remaining Navi and dropped a card in their hand before reappearing on her original position. "We'll need to send an e-mail to those that left already so they can mail us whenever they want to," said Divinity and started to float upwards with the shields parts following her in the air. In a bright flash in the sky, she disappeared from sight.

[[All who remain get Area's e-mail. Enjoy it, kthx.]]
Druidman looked over his shoulder as Divinity jacked out, and he sighed a little. "Oh well, dude." he said to DNR as he turned back around. "But, anyway. Drauchen is a weird program, so to speak. Big dragon guy... I think he was on the news a little while back." he shrugged.
Looking over to see Divinity leave, his face is filled with remorse as he continues his conversation with the big buddy " Right, right.... that beast... " he shrugged as he continued. " Hrmphhmmm.... I guess I'll have to write a letter for forgiveness later... by the way Druidman, You seemed to have a way with plants... your a botanist? Be interesting to see what more you can do in a more free foaming enviroment" he smiled towards the massive hulk of a navi. "Heh, you remind me of a quite chipper man as well ... know of Crushman?"
Druidman laughed loudly. "A botanist? No way. I'm more of a naturalist, I guess." he said after chuckling a bit more. "Nature's power, man." shooting a glance back at DNR, his voice suddenly became serious. "Now, no need to tell me your type. Science. I'm not big on that stuff, myself. Trying to understand the whole world at once is impossible, you know." he said, slapping DNR on the shoulder. "Anyhow, I've never heard of any dude named Crushman. Sounds like a bruiser, though."
"He's quite...... the silent type. Well.... your kinda right" his laugh is quite more docile than Druidman's " I'm a doctor, as in the medicine kind. Heh, its kinda interesting if you think about it. Medicine relys on nature as I did on you on this little 'duel' so to speak." he smiles as he looks up at the behemoth.
"Hmm..." Druidman pondered with himself for a moment. "I see. Well, I guess I can't really object to a doctor, and you seem to respect where it comes from..." shaking his head, he shrugs his shoulders and booms out, "Well, okay! I've decided, dude! As of today, you and I are friends, man!" he laughs aloud, then reaches into his belt pouch to pull out a piece of parchment and a quill. Sticking his tougne out slightly, he jots down a quick few words. Finishing up, he hands the parchment to DNR. "This is my email address, dude, gimme a shout whenever you want to hang out."
"Haha! Big Buddy and I are friends now!" DNR states, punching the sky in triumph. He looks on as his Big Buddy takes out the parchment and write up his information. "Ahhh" the white haired navi gleams on as the green dude hands him over the parchment. "This is awesome man, purely excellent! That reminds me, I gotta get Mister C an Email of our own.... I'll send it to you when its set up, sure your netop won't mind it?"
"Yeah, no problem, dude." he said heartily. With a slight sniff, he smiled and said, "Well, I better split. I'm pretty much a free spirit on the wind, anyhow." he said as he took a few paces backward. "Peace out!" He said as his body exploded into thousands of leaves, which were quickly scattered on the wind.

"Peace there big buddy!" The doctor said as he waved towards his leaving buddy. his body also started to evaporate into molecules and taken upwards towards the PET.

[Logging out and stuff]