Smush watched from the sidelines. She wasnt allowed to play because she breaks everything by accident. She couldn't help it, so she isn't foced to play and scolded on a daily basis. She wonders what she could do. Soon her mind has wandered and from the outside she looks as if in a trance, while inside she is quite busy.
"I GOT THIS ONE!" Capuchin called out as she rushed over towards the ball. She leaped high into the air and prepped her hands for a shot. Smaking the ball with both palms she sent it soaring down back to the opponents side. She had a happy grin on her face as she did so. "I love sports!" She announced.
Soon the Volleyball game was over. The winners, well, we'll spoil that next period shall we?

The Bell Rang. Time for the NEXT PERIOD.

"I'll see you later," Red whispered to Raymond. "Remember, the roof, at lunch." Reddington winked at Raymond as she headed to her next class, drama.

She sat down in a chair facing the theater stage, and sighed, waiting for the other students to arrive.
"Finally," 'Pianissimo' said, sending the volleyball flying directly into the PE teacher's hands. "Oops," he muttered as he saw the teacher stumble back a few steps. Starting back to his class, he saw Swing sitting on the roof, staring down at him and listening to music. Showoff, he thought, wishing he had three free periods himself.

What he didn't expect to see was a girl standing behind Empress that he had never seen before, but somehow reminded him of himself.

Then again, perhaps she was just some other antisocial badass person. And he never kept track of faces, anyway.

'Pianissimo' walked past the girl, whose eyes followed him as he moved, and made for his next class. It was drama, which he occasionally wondered what possessed him to sign up for. Still, he enjoyed the occasional fight scene he got to take part in, so it was sometimes worth it.

"Hello Red," he said in a quiet, barely audible voice as he appeared behind his overly cheerful fellow student.

The girl watched as 'Pianissimo' walked past, following him with her eyes. That's him, I'll bet, she thought.
Nikko started to stur after being steped upon by some random girl that decided to leave without doing anything to help her.

" face hurts...." Nikko said as she rubbed her face where a large foot print as on her face. "Damn it all, time for math......i HATE HATE HATE MATH!" Nikko just screamed out in terror as she walked quietly to her class.

Siren had finaly returned from giving the principal his medicine......he was NOT makeing her job easy......

" time he has his headaches......i'll steal one of the lunch lady's frying pans and beat him until his brain leaks out from his ears...." Siren sighed as she placed her bag down onto a table next to her. "Daisy! get your ass out here! you have taken much too long with junior and he has to get to his next class! so finish up what you two are doing and get out here." Siren yelled in a VERY pissed off voice. "I'll give Nikko her lickings later, she must have helped out someway....some how...." Siren thought to herself as she ploped herself down in a large black leather chair that was parked in front of her computer.
Capuchin finished putting away the net and gave a smile. "Well....that was fun while it lasted....what class do I have now though...." She had completley forgotten her schedule today.
"Ah! Good to see you Pianissimo," Red said, grinning to herself as she watched the students flow in. Suddenly, she had an idea and grinned even wider, if possible. Soon, she was taking a PERFECTLY small-sized piece of paper from her backpack/purse/thing and started writing a message on it. She beamed at her writing. The student council secretary smirked as she looked to see if anyone was paying attention, and quietly slipped a note to Pianissimo.
The message read, in purple ink: Meet me on the roof for lunch, it's time that once and for all Geyser got shown how this school treats self-righteous bastards like him.
Pianissimo looked at the note, then back at Red, then at the note again. Suddenly, an evil grin came to his face. He pulled his black notebook out and sliced a section of paper clean off with the point of a mechanical pencil. He then wrote a response and handed it to Red, simultaneously tucking her note between the pages. The way he did it, no one would have noticed even if they were paying attention.

The note read: I'll be there. I've been meaning to get at that bastard for awhile now.
Reddington grinned back at Pianissimo as she secretly dropped Pianissimo's note in her purse. She then turned her attention to the drama teacher. Apparently, they were going to learn how to waltz today. She sighed and wondered if there were a good enough guy to girl ratio so they could learn how to waltz, properly.
For once, Keijun looked uncomfortable, tugging his collar and looking at his schedule. He had been asked to help with a class by another teacher ... again. Thing was, this was drama, and the class was to learn to waltz. He didn't dance! He knew all the steps, but even he knew that he lacked the feeling to actually pull them off without looking like a robot that had forgotten it's oil and was starting to rust.

Feeling slightly shrunken; he had to do this, or he would fail his goal of achieving a perfect attendance record for his entire time at school. Ever since Kindergarten, he'd never, ever miss even so much as a class, and he wasn't about to stop that here, just because he didn't like dancing. So, Keijun walked into the drama room. He placed his bag and laptop in the pile off to the side and stood beside the teacher, looking dearly as if he would rather be anywhere but in here. "It just doesn't pay to be the school genius here," the tall, thin Japanese thought.

"Now then, Keijun here will be explaining to you the basic steps of the traditional waltz. Once he's done, we'll divide into pairs; preferring a boy and a girl, and practice the dance," the drama teacher explained.

Keijun walked to the whiteboard, where the felt markers awaited him to draw the diagrams of different foot movements on it. He took a deep breath, and plunged into teaching, for the third time today.
Smush walked into the class with a slump. She hated Drama, but her mother made her do it. No one liked to do anything with her because she has a good chance of breaking their bones as soon as she made a wrong sep.

She sat down and paid attention, but the feeling of dread drifted around her.
Geyser had a free period and had agreed to help out the drama teacher. As an epert on classical dance, including the waltz, Geyser would be of imense help to the teacher. "Capuchin, I heard you forgot what class you have next. Biology. I remember because of the time you freaked out during the disection of worms."
Capuchin gave a growl, "I DID NOT FREAK OUT!" She then stormed off. "It was not freaking out at all! I just didn't want to dissect the worm that's all!" She couldn't stop thinking about this as she made it to class and took a seat. She then went off to chewing on her pencil in a fit of anger.
The girl looked down the hall when Capuchin started yelling and glared at Geyser. She walked down to the hall until he drew level with Geyser. I can't wait to see what happens to this guy, she thought, continuing to fix him with a menacing stare before turning away and walking down the hallway.

Pianissimo glanced up at Keijun. "How does he end up helping with every class I'm in?" he whispered to Red.
"Home Economics time..." Empress had uttered as she had took her canister and slipped her thumb across the easy closed lid switch to seal it shut. The Crab Juice would be a pain to drink if it were to get cold, so she was sure to keep her thermos sealed well as she had turned it upside down dully and then shake it twice to see if even a drop came out. None whatsoever. She was all set. She laid her sandwich down in her lunch box neatly and then placed her thermos inside carefully. She took her backpack and stuffed the snack box into the sack as she had then whipped it around her back and stood up and ready to go to her next class.

Empress wasn't exactly the type that would be expected to go to Home-Economics class, but then again, she was unpredictable. She had walked through the halls as her face had became uneasy and showing little malice and disturbance as she saw the open door of the class as well as even the hint of the pink wall inside the chilly room. It was sometimes cold within which would be for almost no reason. Maybe the teacher was cold blooded or something seeing how she always seemed to have an air-conditioner on no matter what. Either way, this class didn't fit Empress's tastes at all.

The class had chairs, but not desks. They were at small working areas of tables that aligned both sides of the classroom. Not many were needed since most people would often stray from this class as they categorize it as unnecessary or even too girly. Empress on the other hand saw it as a way to stay out of other classes that bore you with endless lectures, thus finding the time to make herself another nice maid-like sewn hat she was so accustomed to.

The class was defiled as is with Empress there. Every table had the same materials and sewing machines set up for easy sewing and knitting efficiency for each student. Empress's surroundings were slightly different. Empress's desk was at the end being in the right corner of the room. The square feet that ranged from her desk to the wall was coated all with black paint obviously done by yours truly. She could remember growling with dangerous intent at the color pink and then when the teacher entered room, she caught Empress red-handed, or rather black as she stood with those same empty eyes that held the dripping paint brush. She didn't care of what she had done. She was only satisfied that she had rid the spot of every speck of pink by her desk. The teacher would often call for a painter to redo the rooms paint and recolor over the black catastrophe, but strangely he was never seen again which was odd considering it was the same day Empress skipped her recession that day. Strange...

Empress had taken her place once again as she stood at her desk. Her stare as empty as ever as she had taken her modifications to her surrounding a bit far as hinted by the candle that had sat on the right edge corner of her table that's base was melted and was simply a smothered hot wax in a candle holder. She had lifted a finger as she had held a match closely in her fingers and then quickly struck it across the material of a classmate's rough shirt making them wince in the sharp moment of pain as they rubbed their arm and stared at Empress with piercing eyes while she lit her candlestick and then pared her lips slightly to blow out the small flame on the match before tossing it aback. "Let's get this over with...." she had uttered as she awaited her teacher's instructions.
"It must be fate," Red replied softly, glaring at Geyser, and then taking out a ball of red string. "It doesn't look like he ACTUALLY wants to be here though. Keijun is just too smart that most people take advantage of him, adults mostly, and our peers for homework help." Reddington stated simply, unwinding the ball of string. "So, let's pay attention shall we?" Red said as she sat up straight and focused on the teacher.
"Hello Keijun. I am here for my volunteer work to help teach the class propper waltz techneique." Geyser said, coming up to stand beside the genius.
Junior stumbled out of the side room soon after Siren called, "What great timing! We just finished my check up as you called, Siren-san. Thanks, Daisy." Junior bowed quickly, then headed towards the door, "Sorry, but I need to get to drama class soon. I'll be back once classes end for the day, so have fun!" He waved as he raced out the door. He didn't like just jetting after stuff like that but according to the clock, he needed to go. He'd have to do something nice for Daisy after school. Right now, though, he needed to get his rear in gear. He walked quickly down the hall before reaching his next class. He popped in the door and took his normal seat next to Capuchin, "So, I'm not late, right?"
"Damn self-righteous little..." Pianissimo muttered as he saw Geyser walk up behind Keijun. "Why does he have to be here too?"

"Did you really have to be so loud?" the girl that had landed on Nikko's face asked, poking her head back in the nurse's office. "I could hear you from outside."
Keijun was in the middle of writing down directions on how to properly execute a certain, particularly complicated move, when he suddenly turned his head, and said coldly, "For your own good, you should be copying this down. I've learned from personal experience that it is incredibly difficult to memorise things you are A: shown only once, as I will not be showing this to you again, and B: explained to you by someone else. Ergo, there will be a small break in between now and once we start practicing the moves, which Geyser and I will be there to assist you with." He then left the blackboard and started pacing, leaving the others to get out their laptops and looseleaf to jot down everything he'd written down, and digest what he'd said.