Artings of a Ninja

Fufufufufu... Look at the cute little hippo. Claiming it's too cute for her standards. NOW, LET US ALL SAY IT'S ADORABLE AND CUTE AND BURN HER MIND! >: D
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww, its SO damn cute, like a Hippodown : D
The not-hippo is supposed to be Spelly.

Not great with bears.
EN really needs to update her Deviantart more. No, really, I mean it. She can make pics of uber-badassery, or something, and then I can publicly humiliate her by pointing out the errors!

*Brick'd* *Shot* *Stabbed* *Maimed* *Ninja'd* *ETC'd*


Also, EN has missed one of the site's mascots.

*Giant owl picks up EN and roughly hurls her half a mile away*

Hootey does not feel loved. D':

That drawing was old. I wasn't thinking overly of Hootey at the time. If I ever get a banner out of that drawing, I plan to draw in Hootey as well.

Alongside Ludicolo and whatever other mascots I can think of...
I adore that Spelly. XD

I'm totally not going to nag about no art or nothing. Nope. >>
Other mascots?

Demon Met. DO IT. [/whoring]
Metzilla. \'nuff said.
Did I hear someone say EN has a Deviantart?
Link pls! Kthxbai!

Quote (Zal)

I'm totally not going to nag about no art or nothing. Nope. >>


I swear to God, I am going to stop forgetting about Triggerman and actually draw him sometime soon.

Dammit. Apologies. I'll go full speed ahead on that to get that done.

Drawn for someone whom I thought was my friend, but it turned out that they were generally just lying to me the entire time.

My scanner ate it.
You should draw for REAL friends. Either way, the picture looks delightfully emo.

OH OH OH! You should totally draw Triggerman. At least that's what I think you should do. That'd be awesome.
Sorry to hear that EN. Decietful friends are not friends at all.

Stupid lame shoe and leg angle. D:<
At first I couldn't recognize the weapon.
Awesome EN, just awesome.

It's me, morons.

That one is for the cover of Medic's essay.
Wow, that's pretty nice. Good to see you've re-obtained your skill.
Can't see any definite flaws, maybe the no feet for Lori, but I think that's not even a problem at all.
Great job.
Lawr, I owe you for reminding me to stick that Rothchild pic from last year on my locker again this year. Let the strange looks COMMENCE. 8D~

Erm... Whutafux is Medic's essay about? If that cover relates to it in the least, it's going to be an academic achievement tantamount to the Elephant That Is In the Way.

I was moping and whining over how badass the art for the new FFTA game was, so Shuryou told me the equivalent of shutting up and drawing some stuff of my own.

So I did.

I think I'll have to start listening to him more often. >>

Great work mom! Yeah, dad does have his inspiring moments sometimes.
Anyway... bah, nothing wrong with it really. It is concept art after all, well in a sense.