Artings of a Ninja

I do believe that MeleeMan has already been put in as a bully or summat, if I remember correctly. He was definitely the owningest punk of the bunch.

The new ones are great too, EN. The KillStick amuses me. >: D

... I'll... I'll make progress on those concepts eventually! Honest, I will! XD
What in gods name is that infernal CONTRAP-SHE-UN?
And I can't wait for the next line of characters, if there'll be any. At least the next comic. ^__^
Oh look, I can draw again.

Beatnik. Will be appearing later.

LOOK, GUYS! IT'S MUSCLE MASS! I can draw with moderate reality now! :'D




Fanart. Skelly and Nuller, from Heat's event.

...artistic license. Nuller looks better noseless. >>

I'm working on a couple more, and some mugshots of a group that resembles a bunch of actually serious Dimensionmen, but they're not ready.
Beatnik reminds me of Kukaku from Bleach. XD With the cut off hand, and smirking expression.

Twi requested an EM. D:

No flipping out, now. I'm just experimenting with style changes.

This was very fun and easy to draw, in fact. I'm getting so very better at general anatomy flow in general.~
I thought I told you to stop getting better.
Oops, Aim told me you'd done art of those characters and I forgot to check back here. Thank ye vary much. : D

I have some of my own direction as to how their designs would work, but since I'm quite strapped on drawing time right now your rendition is presently very handy. Thanks again, EN. Nuller's got dreads... :3 It's spelled Skully, but I'll presume that's mistyped since it's spelled right on the art.
By the gods....That's exactly what I want to look like.

/YGO Abridged

Anyway....You, madam, are officially bookmarked in my RERN folder. Kudos.
Wud the art. ^__^

Assorted doodlings, trying to get myself back on a drawing track.
Heh heh. Love the superhero poses.

Ninja force, GO! Roll call!

English! Spanish! Irish! African! Jamaican! Scottish! French! Dutch! Japanese![size0] Lithuanian! Czech! Russian! Chinese! First Nations![/size] Hawaiian! Iranian! Canadian! Indian! Latina! German! Mexican! Italian! American Ninja's dead from a failed septuple bypass, so so much for him. If you read this, you are legally bound to give me a dollar by any means possible.
EN is kickass. XD
That was epic.

Oh by the way, King. NO! YOU CAN'T HAVE A DOLLAR!
'Nudder sketchpage.

If Skyrender is the god of RPing and Albel is the God of Art,
surely English_Ninja must be the GodDESS of Art.
Revivedsin is most accurate, Art is a definitive plus in your character ma'am.

(OOC:Nice choice of Signature Revivedsin. I be an avid Bleach fan, even though i only started watching 3 weeks ago >.>;;;)
Hey. No arguing in my damn art thread. D:<

Thanks for the compliments, guys. XD
Seeing as you bloody copied the thing Urahara was saying to Ichigo during his training, that was kind of obvious.