Artings of a Ninja

I've grabbed more hell bent girls then you'll ever believe. This one won't stop me.


*Gets in the Batmobile*
[glares at Wooga]

He should really be brought back. :'D
<dies of being a failure>
A batmobile, Wooga? How useless.
I don't think you counted on...
The Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
Mounted, you say? Horses aren't that scary, you say!
But no!
These police are mounted on bears.
And we'll pepper you from afar with mad cows, launched at you with trebuchets constructed of softwood lumber!
And we'll coat the roads with maple syrup!

Anyway, awesome drawing. Never read the Surline battles myself, but now I want to. DX
*shivers in a corner*
The lighter... The lighter... It burns...

Lame stuff first. This is concept for what Raiden's RageClaw interpretation looks like.

And now into the Crosses. Raiden in FuijinCross--Fuijin being the main bad guy from his subplot. It won't ever happen, but I thought that it would be fun to draw.

Concept for RassCross. Absolutely no reference when I drew it. Still in very, very early stages. Hopefully the final version won't look this nasty. More creepy than nasty is what I'll be aiming for.

TeethCross. Again, zero reference. I'm not entirely sure whether I want to keep that toothbrush or not.

You're a silly, EN. A silly silly. :3 That's the first Teethcross pic I think I've seen anyone do. I say go for it. Don't you want to be able to say you're defeating enemies by throwing an electric toothbrush at them?

Neat stuffs.
*applauds the RassCross*

Though I have to say, changing a quartet of personalities within Raiden whenever you move to a different area would be... daunting, to say the least... though it would be a great opportunity for you to pull a "Valley Girl Ishamel" equivalent.

Nevertheless, nice work.

Pffft....ChaosCross is sooo much cooler than MeleeCross. However, your artwork is damn good. Keep it up, alright? One of these days, you may be as awesome as me.
GunCross is where it's at.
Who doesn't want to shoot their enemies with bullets from their bullet-shooting guns?
None of these wimpy energy weapons.
Real men shoot bullets.
... Out of guns, I mean. Not, like, from their eyes or anything like that.
My, it appears I've lapsed into another one of my filibusters.
Jolly good fun.
Anyway, wonderful art as usual.
... -notices the guidelines drawn on the face-
-takes a flurry of notes-

Quote (Savage King)

Real men shoot fists.

True dat, King. Nice completely correctly quoted statement.

Looks like Raiden's finally learned that; he's achieved the passion of a warrior! Yeah, it's rawkin'. It's the first MeleeSoul drawing I've seen. :3

I'll have to show off some of MeleeMan with his souls some time, but I can't seem to get good enough ones to show off down...
Shoot fists... ?
That sounds so obscenely wrong, but I can't figure out why.
Those are awesome as always, EN. I love the Surline one.
Woo! Successful art!



Dunno if this one's going to come out so well...

A very, very, very old character of mine, whom I haven't drawn in nearly a year. Battle robot. :'D (It looks better full-size.)
Photoshopped Rocket Hippo.

Still learning with the mighty's quite difficult. D:

Win, EN. Win.

And for a super fast means of conveyance, it's so cute~
now, how are you to ride it?
Climb on its back, of course.