The "Real men ... with their fists" Thread

Okay, so since Aim was an idiot and made me laugh 5 billion times. I made this thread.

Follow this format:

"Real men <insert verb here> with their fists!"

The original

This is just to make me laugh more, and make others laugh more as well. Okay, start it off.
"Real men eat ramen with their fists!"
"Real Men Punch Pregnant Mothers in the stomach with their Fists!"
"Real men end off all of their sentences with 'their fists!'"
Real men kick with their fists!
Real men do the groceries with their fist.
Real men win at card games with their fists!
Real men hit on lolis with their fists!
Real men give speeches with their fists!
(Hiko): Real men run with their fists!
Real men sing with their fists.
Real men have kinky sex with their fists!
real men kill hiko because of his face with their fists.
Real men grow mustaches with their fists.
Real men MAKE LOTS OF SPAGHETTI with their fists.
realoo mken tylpe4 swiogth gthdeifr fistsd.
Psssh. Lightweights.

Real men slap with their fists.

Real men walk with their fists.

Real men FIST with their fists.
Real men criticize others' fist-related comments with comments from their fists!
Real men eat with their fists.

Quote (Demonstar)

Real men walk with their fists.

And as to Dark, you're asking for it, bitch.
Real men use their fists as instruments of torture on Dark.
Real men whine with their fists.