
7 years ago
[Soul Cross: Lyntael]
(Elec/Wind, Level 1, Slipstream/Airstep, 32 FXP)


Having taken on the burdens of a friend, Eternalis takes on Lyntael's power in this Soul Cross. However, there is a slight anomaly in this particular Cross compared to the others--a large portion of its power is built through Aurora's interactions as much as his own with Lyntael. Thus, it takes on some of Aurora's characteristics, and cannot be activated without her presence.

The most basic change of the Cross is that Eternalis's monstrous form changes drastically into a very short--4'8" (142cm)--young girl that looks about prepubescent, with her slime body's color shifting into a light golden color. Long, flowing blob-hair flows down gently down to her shoulders. Her previously unstable left side changes into a regular slender arm, and her feet are completely normalized, save for the thin trail of golden slime that is left behind when she walks around.

Her previous armor is completely discarded save for the emblem piece on her back, which sports Lyntael's sunburst and lightning bolt emblem, and two circular indents that are recessed into where her shoulderblades would be. Under the surface of the slime, one can usually see faint little sparks of light following invisible circuit tracks, spreading out in pulses from her emblem embedded into the small of her back. These sparks often escape in the form of static charge when she is attacking, or when she is in an elevated emotional state. The charge is emitted from her limbs, as well as the indents on her back.

LyntaelCross Eternalis takes on some of the original's personality, in that she presents an external presence that is more outwardly timid than Eternalis's usual when she speaks to others. In contrast, however, she is extremely decisive in the actions that she takes.

Signature Attacks:

[Cross Processor Capacity: 80/80]

  • Active: My Path is Forward
    | Elec 100 + Movement | Sacrifice 30HP | 3 TCD | 80 SP/40 NP |
    Overloading her body's electrical generation, LyntaelCross Eternalis executes a sudden charge to unleash an explosively strong blow to a target. The recoil from this attack is usually mitigated by her own healing processes, but it's sometimes not quite enough.
7 years ago
Time spent bonding with Eternalis and Aurora (and Sparky!), and sharing their stories with each other have fostered enough familiarity for the first stage of a Cross. Lyntael has bonded strongly with Aurora, as much as Eternalis himself, and the cross bears hallmarks of both friends.


Level: 1
Element: Aqua (Weak to Elec)
Subtype: Recover (Medical Mastery, IV)
Bonuses: 80pt sig pool. (Chips-what-are-chips)


When adopting her EternalAurora Cross, Lyntael's outfit undergoes a rather dramatic shift, which is to say, most of it disappears. Not much one for wearing clothes himself, a portion of Etneralis' fashion sense is unwittingly mirrored in this cross form largely unheralded and unexpected by Lyntael. Specifically speaking, she gains a set of yellow bracers on her wrists, and a matching set on her ankles, in the places that normally function as her strikers and charge points. They are similar in style to the one that Eternalis' retains, though slightly more delicate and sleek in their design, and the edges and highlights of the pieces are trimmed in Eternalis Blue.

As well as this, a metallic gorget piece, in blue but trimmed with Lyntael's yellow, covers her collar region. This is similar in design to the armour piece that Eternalis once wore, now sported by Aurora instead, and on Lyntael it is thin and lies flat to her body, rather than standing proud. The upper rim stops shy of covering her neck in any way, while the lower edge, at the front, extends only far enough to meet in the centre, where her emblem is. Rather than a representative icon, the thin covering actually circles and sits flush to the emblem itself, which remains visible as the central focus for the piece of armour.

Beyond this, a transparent blue gel extends to cover her entire body in a form-fitting film about a centimetre thick. It joins the five pieces of armour, effectively creating a form of body suit for Lyntael, and though it can be damaged or scraped away fairly easily, the gel quickly regenerates and is otherwise quite resilient and elastic. It stops at each piece of armour, leaving her feet bare, as well as her hands, and her head from the neck up.

As with other crosses, the complexity of her form prevents any substantial biological alterations. whenever she submerges in water, however, the blue film will quickly extend upwards to cover her head in a small pocket which it can easily filter the water from and recycle clean air through, allowing her to breath and see clearly (if with a slight bluish tint).

In this form, other small cosmetic changes occur with Lyntael's personal grooming; her hair lies flat and lank, and has slightly more sheen to it, for example.

When attacking in this cross, Lyntael's charged strikes actualise as blasts of gel slime, of the same substance as her body covering. Her other electrical abilities continue to function in their normal way, and appear to pass easily through the gel when necessary without issue — in fact the substance seems highly conductive.


While under the influence of her EternalAurora cross, Lyntael's eagerness to be upbeat and positive are enhanced, and this disposition is slightly better supported by an increased sense of calm and surety that things will work out. This can, at times, lead her to take more risks than she might otherwise, though the effects, at this stage, are rather subtle and minor.

Cosmetic Overcharge Effect:

Overcharge Shift:

While under the effects of her EternalAuroraCross, Lyntael's Overcharge Effect is modified and altered. Her buster strikes no longer have any impact on her overcharge at all (being non-electrical now), and no electrical action that she takes can add more than one level of expend, even if it would normally add more. Electrical Cooldown effects no longer reduce her overcharge level. Potent Aqua attacks now have the chance of increasing her overcharge, simply through the build and expenditure of energy, while continued self-healing can gradually reduce build up and stabilise her. The effects of the overcharge itself are more or less unchanged from normal, however the sensations that she undergoes while burning out are slightly different in terms of how they actually feel.

Cross Signature: (80/80)

A Steady Support:

The most notable feature of Eternalis' body, and perhaps the feature from which he draws a good deal of his casual confidence, is his ability to regenerate through just about anything. A small token of that effect passes to Lyntael while under the influence of this cross, and the comfortable gel pressed against her body works gradually to repair any hurts she sustains, albeit at a fairly slow pace compared to Eternalis himself.


Passive: (5(6) Healing) x 3 (20 x 4)


Passive: (2.5(3) Healing) x 6 (20x4)
-> Regen(3), in other words.

((I'd prefer the latter, since it neatens as one pulse per action for her, and represents a more stable, constant flow; the math is right and accounts for medical mastery, don't worry.... however, if people think that's too messy, I'll use the first version, which would be three pulses per turn))

7 years ago
Crosses (& passive (3hp x 6) sig) approved
7 years ago
The importance of finding time to relax, and to look to the bright moments when one can has helped Lyntael in more ways than one, and with a positive mental state going forwards from their most recent outing, Lyntael's bond with Eternalis and Aurora deepens further as they make slightly covert preparations to train together and help the young girl overcome her fears and insecurities.


Level: 2
Element: Aqua (Weak to Elec)
Subtype: Recover (Medical Mastery, IV)
Bonuses: 160pt sig pool, +20Hp. (Chips-what-are-chips)


The embarrassingly disastrous discovery of the ways in which the default cross form was lacking for a young lady not composed completely of slime have led Lyntael to make some hasty alterations to the visual aspect of the form, which take more solid root as the cross itself strengthens. For the most part, the visual remains the same, with a balance of Eternalis blue and her own yellow trimming.

The most notable 'correction' in the form is that the gel body suit now contains an in-built modest effect, and while it is covering her, her skin looks featureless and smooth underneath, and thus entirely family friendly in the important areas. This is just protective visual code for the gel, and she remains unchanged underneath, but in the short time she had it was the fastest way to make the cross safe for public use. More substantial hand edits have proven difficult, and certainly not as accessible to her as modifying a GMO. As a result she has not been able to add in any additional protective garments to the form, nor prevent it from replacing the ones she wears before engaging it, so these modesty edits will have to suffice for now.

More signs of the increased strength of the cross are subtle. While her hair doesn't actually grow out any longer, it gains an appearance of having done so, by way of fading to blue at the tips and trailing an extra several inches worth of slimy-gel film from the ends; this lies down her back, reaching to part way down her shoulder blades now, and always appears to be wet, or at least damp.


While under the influence of her EternalAurora cross, Lyntael's eagerness to be upbeat and positive are enhanced, and this disposition is slightly better supported by an increased sense of calm and surety that things will work out. This can, at times, lead her to take more risks than she might otherwise. Unconsciously, Lyntael carries herself with more confidence and surety, but in a calm way and without brashness.

Cosmetic Overcharge Effect:

Overcharge Shift:

While under the effects of her EternalAuroraCross, Lyntael's Overcharge Effect is modified and altered. Her buster strikes no longer have any impact on her overcharge at all (being non-electrical now), and no electrical action that she takes can add more than one level of expend, even if it would normally add more. Electrical Cooldown effects no longer reduce her overcharge level. Potent Aqua attacks now have the chance of increasing her overcharge, simply through the build and expenditure of energy, while continued self-healing can gradually reduce build up and stabilise her. The effects of the overcharge itself are more or less unchanged from normal, however the sensations that she undergoes while burning out are slightly different in terms of how they actually feel.

Cross Signature: (160/160)

A Steady Support: (6 Instances = 160 Total)

The most notable feature of Eternalis' body, and perhaps the feature from which he draws a good deal of his casual confidence, is his ability to regenerate through just about anything. A small token of that effect passes to Lyntael while under the influence of this cross, and the comfortable gel pressed against her body works gradually to repair any hurts she sustains, albeit at a fairly slow pace compared to Eternalis himself.

Passive: (5(6) Healing)
-> Regen(6), in other words.
7 years ago
[Soul Cross: Lyntael]
(Elec/Wind, Level 2, Slipstream/Airstep, 117 FXP)


Having taken on the burdens of a friend, Eternalis takes on Lyntael's power in this Soul Cross. However, there is a slight anomaly in this particular Cross compared to the others--a large portion of its power is built through Aurora's interactions as much as his own with Lyntael. Thus, it takes on some of Aurora's characteristics, and cannot be activated without her presence.

The most basic change of the Cross is that Eternalis's monstrous form changes drastically into a very short--4'8" (142cm)--young girl that looks about prepubescent, with her slime body's color shifting into a light golden color. Long, flowing blob-hair flows down gently down to her shoulders. Her previously unstable left side changes into a regular slender arm, and her feet are completely normalized, save for the thin trail of golden slime that is left behind when she walks around.

Her previous armor is completely discarded save for the emblem piece on her back, which sports Lyntael's sunburst and lightning bolt emblem, and two circular indents that are recessed into where her shoulderblades would be. Under the surface of the slime, one can usually see faint little sparks of light following invisible circuit tracks, spreading out in pulses from her emblem embedded into the small of her back. These sparks often escape in the form of static charge when she is attacking, or when she is in an elevated emotional state. The charge is emitted from her limbs, as well as the indents on her back.

LyntaelCross Eternalis takes on some of the original's personality, in that she presents an external presence that is more outwardly timid than Eternalis's usual when she speaks to others. In contrast, however, she is extremely decisive in the actions that she takes.

Signature Attacks:

[Cross Processor Capacity: 160/160]

    [li]Active: My Path is Forward
    | Elec 100 + Movement | Sacrifice 30HP | 3 TCD | 80 SP/40 NP |
    Overloading her body's electrical generation, LyntaelCross Eternalis executes a sudden charge to unleash an explosively strong blow to a target. The recoil from this attack is usually mitigated by her own healing processes, but it's sometimes not quite enough.
    -- "I was about to run away because I was scared, but I forgot--I forgot that you were just as scared, if not more. After that, it was still scary, but... it was a lot easier to fight. Because I made up my mind, that I was fighting for someone."
    -- "I didn't mean to hold you up. I'll be fine. We can keep going."

  • Active: My Suffering Retold
    | Trigger(Hit by Electric): Counter(Glitch + Hold + Freeze) | Sacrifice 30HP | 3 TCD | 80 SP/40 NP |
    Taking on some of the electrical quirks of the original, LyntaelCross Eternalis isn't quite as susceptible to being inhibited by her own electrical charge. Despite this, disrupting this internal electrical flow can have disastrous consequences, as she takes extra damage from any external electrical attack. In an attempt to resolve the disruption, however, this Cross form takes the path of least resistance and traces back the path to the source of the attack to return the attack. This counterattack takes on the form of a low-energy disruptive EMP burst, which shuts down most enemies briefly.
    -- Her mind was completely at a wit's end as terror overtook her situation.
    -- She would normally be crying, or pleading, or begging him to let her run away, now, but there was nothing. Just shallow splutters that barely counted as breathing.
7 years ago

Quote ()

Level 2:

Bonuses: +15 to same-element chips, +20 HP while crossed, a Speed upgrade (caps at 6 unless otherwise mentioned), and 160 total cross points which can be used toward making cross signature attack(s).

Lyntael is not level 25+ yet according to your signature. As such the passive cap is 35 and so the signature cannot work unless you divide it up. I suggest you just make six mini-passive signatures named 1-6, then you can just list them with the same name during battle similar to how Eternalis does.

Eternalis looks fine assuming the "Sacrifice 30" for both are upon activation of the signature.

7 years ago
It is six separate passives.

although I could make that clearer I guess, one sec....

Tweaked to say more clearly that it is 6 instances of the same effect as separate passives
7 years ago
7 years ago
[Soul Cross: Lyntael]
(Elec/Wind, Level 3, Slipstream/Airstep, 151 FXP)


Having taken on the burdens of a friend, Eternalis takes on Lyntael's power in this Soul Cross. However, there is a slight anomaly in this particular Cross compared to the others--a large portion of its power is built through Aurora's interactions as much as his own with Lyntael. Thus, it takes on some of Aurora's characteristics, and cannot be activated without her presence.

With their bond growing ever closer, the Soul Cross shifts into an advanced form. Eternalis's previous form in this Cross of a petite young girl evolves into a 5' (152cm) tall young woman, with a very light yellow color slime body, giving off a constant, pulsing luminescence. Her arms and legs form slender, feminine human limbs, though the trail of thin slime formed when moving around is more prominent now.

Discarding all of her previous armor, Eternalis gains a bit more back than the cross's previous levels. Her emblem piece embedded into her back changes itself slightly, with Lyntael's sunburst icon being surrounded by a quintet of evenly-spaced blue diamond shapes. The circular indents recessed into her shoulderblades are now replicated in a smaller form on the backs of her hands. Finally, a small yellow capelet is attached above her right shoulder that floats about freely, though with how short it is, it barely goes to cover anything but her collarbone area and a good bit of her upper left arm.

Her long, flowing blob-hair from before is lengthened to about the small of her back, and twirls around in a rough helix pattern to form a loose tail of sorts that freely floats behind her. Sparks can be seen to travel across the hair trails as the helix revolves.

LyntaelCross Eternalis takes on some of the original's personality, in that she presents an external presence that is more outwardly timid than Eternalis's usual when she speaks to others. In contrast, however, she is extremely decisive in the actions that she takes.

Signature Attacks:

[Cross Processor Capacity: 240/240]

    [li]Active: My Suffering Retold
    | Trigger(Hit by Electric): Counter(Glitch + Hold + Freeze) | Shot-Type | Sacrifice 30HP | 3 TCD | 80 SP/40 NP |
    Taking on some of the electrical quirks of the original, LyntaelCross Eternalis isn't quite as susceptible to being inhibited by her own electrical charge. Despite this, disrupting this internal electrical flow can have disastrous consequences, as she takes extra damage from any external electrical attack. In an attempt to resolve the disruption, however, this Cross form takes the path of least resistance and traces back the path to the source of the attack to return the attack. This counterattack takes on the form of a low-energy disruptive EMP burst, which shuts down most enemies' movement briefly.
    -- Her mind was completely at a wit's end as terror overtook her situation.
    -- She would normally be crying, or pleading, or begging him to let her run away, now, but there was nothing. Just shallow splutters that barely counted as breathing.

  • Passive: My Potential is Limitless
    | Time Delay(1 Turn): Random(Haste / Accuracy Enhancement / Strengthen 40 / Sig Chill / Glitch x2) | 40 PP/160 SP |
    With the electrical energy being integrated more strongly into her body, LyntaelCross Eternalis's excess internal energy reach incredible peaks that are automatically converted by her self-restoration processes into temporary augmentations that manifest after a short delay. Due to the unregulated nature of the Sunseed's influence, the nature of these augmentations are often quite random. There is a small chance that it can go a little haywire, but most of the time, the effects are positive.
    -- ... ... ...
    -- ... ... ...
7 years ago
While the increased power allowed Lyntael to make some quick alterations to her cross form, the cross itself was already burgeoning on a growth point of its own, and even the smaller extra stimulus of resolving to better herself in the company of friends she trusts to help keep her safe proves to be enough to catalyse another series of changes in the way this cross takes place.


Level: 3
Element: Aqua (Weak to Elec)
Subtype: Recover (Medical Mastery, IV)
Bonuses: 240pt sig pool, +40Hp, +2 Speed, Speed cap to 7, (Chips-what-are-chips).


As a natural growth and an expression of a bond, the cross form itself didn't take particularly well to Lyntael's efforts to edit it manually, and now that it has grown under its own strength, the 'fixes' that she made have only partially remained in place, subsumed in other ways instead. The yellow highlights that remain on the outfit are now more reminiscent of Aurora's style, than of Lyntael herself, and there is a greater presence of Eternalis blue in the body of her bracers and neck piece.

For the fist time, Lyntael's emblem changes slightly. It isn't a very notable or visible change, overall, but behind the lightning bolt that dominates the central image, and underneath the sunburst, a backdrop of blue storm clouds is subtly visible, forming a faint background pattern that resembles the blue diamonds of the Ezarith crest.

The gel body suit, in the process of growing more vigorous in its regeneration and more hugging in its protective nature, has also mostly displaced the direct code additions that Lyntael previously made, and their remnants have largely been assimilated in a more organic way. The modesty protection that made her private features appear smooth no longer functions as designed, but instead, cloudy sections of the gel are more or less opaque in the key areas, though the aesthetic remains done in a way that looks conveniently incidental; a clouding of the gel across her upper chest area obscures her nipples, and below, cloudy strips form a v-shape over her hips and down between her thighs. The gel itself remains permeable to damage and can still be scraped away with relative ease, though it regenerates and re-closes itself faster than before, now, and it can still be retracted at will, if desired.

In an odd extra addition, the suit also seems more naturally permeable to water and other fluids now, to the point that, while swimming or bathing it feels as though it's not really present, though it visibly still is — without looking at herself, Lyntael would have a hard time being certain whether it was retracted or not.


While under the influence of her EternalAurora cross, Lyntael's eagerness to be upbeat and positive are enhanced, and this disposition is slightly better supported by an increased sense of calm and surety that things will work out. This can, at times, lead her to take more risks than she might otherwise. Unconsciously, Lyntael carries herself with more confidence and surety, but in a calm way and without brashness. She is less fazed by things going wrong, or unexpected events, and tends to react in a more decisive manner.

Cosmetic Overcharge Effect:

Overcharge Shift:

While under the effects of her EternalAuroraCross, Lyntael's Overcharge Effect is modified and altered. Her buster strikes no longer have any impact on her overcharge at all (being non-electrical now), and no electrical action that she takes can add more than one level of expend, even if it would normally add more. Electrical Cooldown effects no longer reduce her overcharge level. Potent Aqua attacks now have the chance of increasing her overcharge, simply through the build and expenditure of energy, while continued self-healing can gradually reduce build up and stabilise her. The effects of the overcharge itself are more or less unchanged from normal, however the sensations that she undergoes while burning out are slightly different in terms of how they actually feel.

Cross Signature: (240/240)

A Steady Support: (9 Instances = 240 Total)

The most notable feature of Eternalis' body, and perhaps the feature from which he draws a good deal of his casual confidence, is his ability to regenerate through just about anything. A small token of that effect passes to Lyntael while under the influence of this cross, and the comfortable gel pressed against her body works gradually to repair any hurts she sustains, albeit at a fairly slow pace compared to Eternalis himself.

Passive: (5(6) Healing) x 9 Instances

7 years ago

Quote ()

Level 3:

Bonuses: +20 to same-element chips, +40 HP while crossed, one Speed upgrade (caps at 7 unless otherwise mentioned), the total cross points is now equal to 240 total cross points, which can be used toward making cross signature attack(s).

5 years ago
Reversioning Update:

Cross Signature: (240/240)

A Steady Support: (2 Instances = 120 each, 240 Total)

The most notable feature of Eternalis' body, and perhaps the feature from which he draws a good deal of his casual confidence, is his ability to regenerate through just about anything. A small token of that effect passes to Lyntael while under the influence of this cross, and the comfortable gel pressed against her body works gradually to repair any hurts she sustains, albeit at a fairly slow pace compared to Eternalis himself.

Multi-Stage: First (5(6) Healing), Then (Time Delayed: (5(6)Healing, Per Action, for 17 additional actions))) 3TCD
5 years ago
Looks structurally sound, Approved