The idea is to add the levels of all Navis of a user together and for each 20 levels, the user gets a 'Cross token'. This token can be exchanged for a Cross between two of your Navis or to upgrade an existing Cross between two of your Navis.
Taking some examples:
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Aim has Exorcist, Ante and Meleeman. Levels 20, 11 and 1. Added to each other it becomes 32 and he has earned 1 token. With it he could give Exorcist a level 1 MeleeCross and Meleeman a level 1 ExorcistCross. OR AnteCross Meleeman and MeleeCross Ante. OR AnteCross Exorcist and ExorcistCross Ante.
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MagicCereal has Splashman and Zephyr. Level 40 and 1. This becomes 41 and he has earned 2 tokens. Using these he could have a ZephyrCross for Splashman and a SplashCross for Zephyrman. But he could immediately make it a level 2.
Why would this be a good addition? 1. it allows people to have Crosses even though it's not allowed to have your own characters meet up. 2. beginning Navis could have a slight advantage not related to stats, chips or NC. 3. we could allow the users, together with this, to have a short one-time topic with the selected characters to hang out in order to get the Cross.
Should it need limitations/requirements? 1. maybe make it so only Navis of a certain level can make use of this service to prevent people from making a Navi just to get a Cross of it. 2. in my opinion, a token each 20 levels is a good decision. You'd need 100 levels for a level 5 Cross, which is practically impossible.
Suggestions? Like it or dislike it?