last edited by Rogan
((The greeting message at the head of this email registration page is accompanied by a grinning portrait image of a slight creature with coal black skin and dancing sapphire eyes. Behind her, a neat set of red, demonic wings give further contrast to the smooth, straight white hair that reaches down only to about her shoulders. Matching the wings, the demon lady also sports a cute set of red, curving horns that peek out and curl back around her head. Her grin shows sharp fangs, and though the image isn't animated, every so often, whenever viewers aren't quite looking at it, her eyes shift, or she winks, or licks her lips.))
Greetings to all the ghosts and ghouls, fiends and freaks, demons, monsters and macabre creations! This is the registration collection point for this year's Chips and Candy chip trader drive, sponsored by Soryu's Chip Shop!
The game is simple; just sign up below with your contact details, donate a chip that you want to pass on and leave a short message if you want – This year, why not tell us of a ghoulish trick or sneaky prank you've played on someone else, all in the spirit of the season, of course!
Your chip will be met with a matched donation, and will go to help one of the many worthy causes registered with us this year; if you wish, you can specify which charity cause* you want your donation to support, or just leave it as a general donation to all our supported charities!
You'll get an email in response, containing your own return treat for you to keep and use! What's more, we can guarantee that the quality of the treat you get in return will be of, at minimum, equal grade to your donation, and it may even be better!
This event wouldn't be possible without the support and sponsorship of Soryu's Chip Shop, so make sure to add Soryu to your trick-or-treating list!
*only participating charities are valid, see 'about' page for details of participating charities.
((Normal trader event rules apply, one entry per navi/op pair, shelved pairs allowed as well. Chips cannot downgrade but may improve. Just post in this thread with your email and your donation, and receive your new chip by return email. Entries will close on or shortly after the 1st of November, so don't delay!))
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To: Chips & Candy
From: Rogan ([ExceptionError:OriginCannotBeNull])
Subject: Chip Trade Event
The peddler keeps searching, it seems. Well, I don't know about trick-or-treating, but I'm fairly sure it counts as a trick to be drinking with a business associate, but having only water while they have vodka, and think you are too, no?
AirHockey1Damage: 50 + Break + Ground Attack + Rebound(4)
Accuracy: B
Description: Throws a hockey puck at the enemy. The puck will bounce off of anything it hits (objects, viruses, Navis, etc.) in the field, dealing damage to them, up to 5 times. The attack stops immediately if it encounters a broken or missing panel, or the initial attack misses.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Rebound(4): This effect allows an attack to ricochet around the field. It will attempt to bounce off of enemies or objects until it has attacked four additional times, with the damage of the chip reducing by 10 for each attempted attack. Each attack against a given target lowers the chip's accuracy by 2 ranks against that target.
Trader Rank: D
From: Rogan ([ExceptionError:OriginCannotBeNull])
Subject: Chip Trade Event
The peddler keeps searching, it seems. Well, I don't know about trick-or-treating, but I'm fairly sure it counts as a trick to be drinking with a business associate, but having only water while they have vodka, and think you are too, no?

Accuracy: B
Description: Throws a hockey puck at the enemy. The puck will bounce off of anything it hits (objects, viruses, Navis, etc.) in the field, dealing damage to them, up to 5 times. The attack stops immediately if it encounters a broken or missing panel, or the initial attack misses.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Rebound(4): This effect allows an attack to ricochet around the field. It will attempt to bounce off of enemies or objects until it has attacked four additional times, with the damage of the chip reducing by 10 for each attempted attack. Each attack against a given target lowers the chip's accuracy by 2 ranks against that target.
Trader Rank: D
last edited by Rogan
To: Chips & Candy
From: Destin Obscura D.Obscura@ACDC.Net
Subject: Chip Trade Event
Message: My trick was to be mistaken for an employee and mess with customers.
Attached Chip:
BigCloudDamage: 110 + Wide Attack + Drop Attack
Accuracy: C
Description: Cloud moves up and down three enemies, raining on them for two turns. Enemies can move out from under it if possible.
Duration: Two turns
Element: Aqua
Special: Drop Attack: This attack originates above the battlefield, and falls to the ground. It gains one rank of accuracy against High Altitude targets.
Trader Rank: B
Sounds naughty! Hope you had fun with it!
From: Destin Obscura D.Obscura@ACDC.Net
Subject: Chip Trade Event
Message: My trick was to be mistaken for an employee and mess with customers.
Attached Chip:

Accuracy: C
Description: Cloud moves up and down three enemies, raining on them for two turns. Enemies can move out from under it if possible.
Duration: Two turns
Element: Aqua
Special: Drop Attack: This attack originates above the battlefield, and falls to the ground. It gains one rank of accuracy against High Altitude targets.
Trader Rank: B
Sounds naughty! Hope you had fun with it!
last edited by Rogan
To: Chips & Candy
From: M. Patrovski (
Subject: Chip Trade Event
It's been a while since we've been in the spooky holiday spirit, but there was one fun little prank that stands out from a while back. Vector was new to the team and understandably unfamiliar with the festivities. Aera was still fairly new to the team as well, but she was really quick in the uptake and her excitement for nearly everything had her eager to dive into the holiday spirit with both feet.
So one day, after talking with Mach, they came up with the idea of pulling a prank on Vector. While he was "hibernating," they applied a temporary decal layer to his frame, and a mirror program placed directly in front of him. It took them a little while, but once he woke back up, he was greeted with the sight of him decked out in a new skeleton paint job! It looked pretty spooky because of his already skeletal-esque form, and the bone white contrasted well with his dark blue color scheme and his single glowing red eye.
Vector's pretty stoic, but he almost immediately whipped out a blade and was ready to attack his reflection! Thankfully nothing got diced and he seemed to grow a fondness for his new look, so we had a good laugh while introducing him to the holiday. Good times...
Attached chip:
CrossGunDamage: 140 + Spread 4
Accuracy: A
Description: A gun whose shot penetrates enemies to hit up to four enemies diagonally from it, as if forming a X shape.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: A
Oh my! That sounds hilarious, hehe! Good thing no-one got hurt though!
From: M. Patrovski (
Subject: Chip Trade Event
It's been a while since we've been in the spooky holiday spirit, but there was one fun little prank that stands out from a while back. Vector was new to the team and understandably unfamiliar with the festivities. Aera was still fairly new to the team as well, but she was really quick in the uptake and her excitement for nearly everything had her eager to dive into the holiday spirit with both feet.
So one day, after talking with Mach, they came up with the idea of pulling a prank on Vector. While he was "hibernating," they applied a temporary decal layer to his frame, and a mirror program placed directly in front of him. It took them a little while, but once he woke back up, he was greeted with the sight of him decked out in a new skeleton paint job! It looked pretty spooky because of his already skeletal-esque form, and the bone white contrasted well with his dark blue color scheme and his single glowing red eye.
Vector's pretty stoic, but he almost immediately whipped out a blade and was ready to attack his reflection! Thankfully nothing got diced and he seemed to grow a fondness for his new look, so we had a good laugh while introducing him to the holiday. Good times...
Attached chip:

Accuracy: A
Description: A gun whose shot penetrates enemies to hit up to four enemies diagonally from it, as if forming a X shape.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: A
Oh my! That sounds hilarious, hehe! Good thing no-one got hurt though!
last edited by Rogan
To: Chips & Candy
From: Jenny and Courser (Jenny Sutherland)
Subject: Chip Trade Event
I try to do costumes for parties most years, if I can, but they never quite come out right... I'm thinking of doing 'corporate witch' this year. Last year the party was at a friend's place, and they have this really sweet house, with a tennis court that we could turn into an outdoor dance spot, and a pool, with a hot tub. It was pretty fun! Some of us got up to some pranks late in the night... I think the one that got the most cheers though was when Rach managed to undo the ties on Sarah's bikini bottoms, and get them off her in the hot tub, and she didn't notice right away, because there were lots of bubbles and the water was all, you know, bubbling and roiling, and also I think Sarah was a bit drunk by that point too, though there wasn't supposed to be any alcohol there, but Jake's parents weren't home, and a few people had brought some things in secret, so... Anyway, she slipped the bikini to Courtney, and then she darted away and hung them up on the top of the umpire's chair, at the side of the tennis court, and when she noticed what had happened, Sarah had to climb out and go and get them back, and lots of people were watching! She was a good sport about it, but I think that was mostly the raspberry coolers talking... she was a lot more embarrassed about it the next day!
Oh, chip, right! This one, it's spare!
ElecShock1Damage: 70 + Medium Solar Terrain Change + Stun + Cone Attack
Accuracy: C
Description: Blast up to 4 enemies with a cone of lightning breath that stuns. Changes terrain to Solar.
Duration: Once
Element: Elec
Trader Rank: D
From: Jenny and Courser (Jenny Sutherland)
Subject: Chip Trade Event
I try to do costumes for parties most years, if I can, but they never quite come out right... I'm thinking of doing 'corporate witch' this year. Last year the party was at a friend's place, and they have this really sweet house, with a tennis court that we could turn into an outdoor dance spot, and a pool, with a hot tub. It was pretty fun! Some of us got up to some pranks late in the night... I think the one that got the most cheers though was when Rach managed to undo the ties on Sarah's bikini bottoms, and get them off her in the hot tub, and she didn't notice right away, because there were lots of bubbles and the water was all, you know, bubbling and roiling, and also I think Sarah was a bit drunk by that point too, though there wasn't supposed to be any alcohol there, but Jake's parents weren't home, and a few people had brought some things in secret, so... Anyway, she slipped the bikini to Courtney, and then she darted away and hung them up on the top of the umpire's chair, at the side of the tennis court, and when she noticed what had happened, Sarah had to climb out and go and get them back, and lots of people were watching! She was a good sport about it, but I think that was mostly the raspberry coolers talking... she was a lot more embarrassed about it the next day!
Oh, chip, right! This one, it's spare!

Accuracy: C
Description: Blast up to 4 enemies with a cone of lightning breath that stuns. Changes terrain to Solar.
Duration: Once
Element: Elec
Trader Rank: D
last edited by Rogan
To: Chips & Candy
From: Tem.SP (
Subject: Chip Trade Event
This feels an awful lot like entrapment, and will not be incriminating myself or my netOp with any admissions of malfeasance. I have, in any event, attached our charitable contribution for your consideration.
Attached chip:
WaveArm3Damage: 160 + Piercing + Ground Attack + Chain(2)
Accuracy: B
Description: A special shock wave that can automatically adjust its path to hit up to three enemies.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Chain: This attack will adjust it's path to hit multiple enemies, but it cannot chain-target a previously struck target. If a target manages to get hit more than once by this effect, it is not because the attack targeted it more than once, but due to some other series of events.
Trader Rank: B
It sounds like someone must have the juiciest stories of all! Ah well, it's just fun and games, so I hope you enjoy your new chip and have a spooky season!
From: Tem.SP (
Subject: Chip Trade Event
This feels an awful lot like entrapment, and will not be incriminating myself or my netOp with any admissions of malfeasance. I have, in any event, attached our charitable contribution for your consideration.
Attached chip:

Accuracy: B
Description: A special shock wave that can automatically adjust its path to hit up to three enemies.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Chain: This attack will adjust it's path to hit multiple enemies, but it cannot chain-target a previously struck target. If a target manages to get hit more than once by this effect, it is not because the attack targeted it more than once, but due to some other series of events.
Trader Rank: B
It sounds like someone must have the juiciest stories of all! Ah well, it's just fun and games, so I hope you enjoy your new chip and have a spooky season!
last edited by Rogan
To: Chips & Candy
From: Lucia.EXE(
Subject: Chip Trade Event
Okay so! This is sort of a big secret, but my Arty, he's this big, bad, scary lightning wolf...thing. Anyway! One day I wanted to try and prank him, so we were back home, relaxing, and I snuck up while he was napping, and popped a bag near him!
Only, instead of scaring him, it made him give off this big jolt of lightning and I ended up getting knocked back into a wall! My hair was all spiky and stiff and I was all tingly after. Uhm.. anyway, the point is, if you want to prank someone this year. Make sure they can't like, instinctively electrocute you when surprised!
Attached Chip:
SandWorm1Damage: 80 + Impact + Ground Attack + LineAttack3 + Back-Stab + Sand Boost
Accuracy: B
Description: Summons a SnakeArm virus to slam into the backs of enemies from underground. After leaping in an arc to attack, it burrows back into the ground and vanishes.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Sand Boost: +50 Attack Damage against targets on Sand.
Special: Back-Stab: Renders Dodges half as effective against this attack only.
Trader Rank: D
Ah, Such is the danger of pranking, hehe! Know thy target, all you tricksters out there!
From: Lucia.EXE(
Subject: Chip Trade Event
Okay so! This is sort of a big secret, but my Arty, he's this big, bad, scary lightning wolf...thing. Anyway! One day I wanted to try and prank him, so we were back home, relaxing, and I snuck up while he was napping, and popped a bag near him!
Only, instead of scaring him, it made him give off this big jolt of lightning and I ended up getting knocked back into a wall! My hair was all spiky and stiff and I was all tingly after. Uhm.. anyway, the point is, if you want to prank someone this year. Make sure they can't like, instinctively electrocute you when surprised!
Attached Chip:

Accuracy: B
Description: Summons a SnakeArm virus to slam into the backs of enemies from underground. After leaping in an arc to attack, it burrows back into the ground and vanishes.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Sand Boost: +50 Attack Damage against targets on Sand.
Special: Back-Stab: Renders Dodges half as effective against this attack only.
Trader Rank: D
Ah, Such is the danger of pranking, hehe! Know thy target, all you tricksters out there!
last edited by Rogan
To: Chips & Candy
From: Mikhail Norano (
Subject: Chip Trade Event
It has always struck me that there are very few ballet pieces that are well suited for this particular festivity. A pity, though in truth, most production companies are already using the time to prepare for the end of year performances, of which we have a multitude to pick from. I am not so much one for the tricks and pranks side of the season, I admit, but many of my students are. I have often been subject to various ploys, all in good sport. Last year, a student... I do not know who it was, I admit... was very crafty indeed. They managed to exchange all of the parts of my usual lunch with replacements that they had prepared especially for the occasion! It is no secret that I am, at times, a creature of habit, so knowing what I bring day to day was not challenge for them, I think. Imagine my surprise, then, when all of my usual lunch food was an assortment of carefully dyed and recoloured replacements - purple cheese, orange apple, black bread! It was quite the sight when I unpacked it in the staff room, but I did not wish to spoil their fun, so I took my lunch out on the green that day, just so that they might know their trick had worked!
Ah, now for a chip. Let me see... I do not think little Pirouette has used this one before. I does not suit her, I think.
MokoRush1Damage: 60 + Ground Attack x 3 targets
Accuracy: C
Description: Summons 3 Mokolo viruses to charge at the enemy. Only broken or missing terrain can stop their charge.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: D
From: Mikhail Norano (
Subject: Chip Trade Event
It has always struck me that there are very few ballet pieces that are well suited for this particular festivity. A pity, though in truth, most production companies are already using the time to prepare for the end of year performances, of which we have a multitude to pick from. I am not so much one for the tricks and pranks side of the season, I admit, but many of my students are. I have often been subject to various ploys, all in good sport. Last year, a student... I do not know who it was, I admit... was very crafty indeed. They managed to exchange all of the parts of my usual lunch with replacements that they had prepared especially for the occasion! It is no secret that I am, at times, a creature of habit, so knowing what I bring day to day was not challenge for them, I think. Imagine my surprise, then, when all of my usual lunch food was an assortment of carefully dyed and recoloured replacements - purple cheese, orange apple, black bread! It was quite the sight when I unpacked it in the staff room, but I did not wish to spoil their fun, so I took my lunch out on the green that day, just so that they might know their trick had worked!
Ah, now for a chip. Let me see... I do not think little Pirouette has used this one before. I does not suit her, I think.

Accuracy: C
Description: Summons 3 Mokolo viruses to charge at the enemy. Only broken or missing terrain can stop their charge.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: D