You've reached the email of Mikhail Norano. If you've any questions about class times or content, please email and I will do my best to answer. If you wish to request and extension, please be remember that the proper request forms must also be run through the assessments office as well.
If you wish to contact my NetNavi, Pirouette, directly, please make sure to put her name in the subject field of your email: I do not read Pirouette's private mail, and this allows me to avoid doing so accidentally.
Inbox: 37(0 New)
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Sentbox: 2361(0 New)
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last edited by
TO: ??? (WhiteSwanOfSharo@DenTech.Net)
SUBJECT: Your New Chip!
Enjoy your new chip, and come to Soryu's for all of your chip needs!
ATTACHMENT: DBLBeam1 BattleChip data
SUBJECT: Your New Chip!
Enjoy your new chip, and come to Soryu's for all of your chip needs!
ATTACHMENT: DBLBeam1 BattleChip data
last edited by
TO: Mikhail & Pirouette (WhiteSwanOfSharo@DenTech.Net)
FROM: UnbiasedGiving@roaming.cld
SUBJECT: Your Thank You Gift!
Hmm...I can't say I get your reference. Sorry. I can make some quality gingerbread, though! But that's neither here nor there, so as for your chip...your name's Pirouette? As in the ballet move? In that case, perhaps you should have a chip that makes your opponents spin as much as you probably do.
- FurnaceMan.EXE
ATTACHMENT: Typhoon BattleChip data
FROM: UnbiasedGiving@roaming.cld
SUBJECT: Your Thank You Gift!
Hmm...I can't say I get your reference. Sorry. I can make some quality gingerbread, though! But that's neither here nor there, so as for your chip...your name's Pirouette? As in the ballet move? In that case, perhaps you should have a chip that makes your opponents spin as much as you probably do.
- FurnaceMan.EXE
ATTACHMENT: Typhoon BattleChip data
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TO: WhiteSwanOfSharo@DenTech.Net
SUBJECT: Your New Chip!
Enjoy your new chip!
ColorPointStatus: Attack +10 / Enemy Accuracy +1 (Max 3)
Accuracy: S / S
Description: Adds 10 Damage to all hits of a selected attack chip per rank of accuracy granted to all opponents, before any external environment-related or target-related damage modifiers apply. Opponents retain their rank boosts until they are all expended or the battle ends. 1 Accuracy Rank Boost is used per enemy attack.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: D BattleChip Data
SUBJECT: Your New Chip!
Enjoy your new chip!

Accuracy: S / S
Description: Adds 10 Damage to all hits of a selected attack chip per rank of accuracy granted to all opponents, before any external environment-related or target-related damage modifiers apply. Opponents retain their rank boosts until they are all expended or the battle ends. 1 Accuracy Rank Boost is used per enemy attack.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: D BattleChip Data
last edited by
TO: WhiteSwanOfSharo@DenTech.Net
SUBJECT: Your New Chip!
We at Soryu's Chip Shop would like to thank you for your patronage after all these years, if you need chips, please come down and we'll serve you!
(This is an automated reply, do not respond to this message)
RiskyHoney2Damage: (1-Hit Wood Element Shield) + (Elemental Counter(20 damage x 5 hits + Homing): On Hit)
Accuracy: A
Description: Block with Hive & Bees swarm the enemy.
Duration: Once
Element: Wood
Special: Element Defense: In addition to the defense's normal weakness, it is also weak against an Element. If struck by this element, the defense is instantly destroyed, and the user sustains double or more the elemental damage of the attack. In this case, the weakness is Fire.
Special: Elemental Counter: Counter attack is launched if the parent defense was not hit with an effect it is weak against. In this case, Fire and Break are weaknesses.
Special: Status Guard: This chip blocks debuffs.
Trader Rank: C
SUBJECT: Your New Chip!
We at Soryu's Chip Shop would like to thank you for your patronage after all these years, if you need chips, please come down and we'll serve you!
(This is an automated reply, do not respond to this message)

Accuracy: A
Description: Block with Hive & Bees swarm the enemy.
Duration: Once
Element: Wood
Special: Element Defense: In addition to the defense's normal weakness, it is also weak against an Element. If struck by this element, the defense is instantly destroyed, and the user sustains double or more the elemental damage of the attack. In this case, the weakness is Fire.
Special: Elemental Counter: Counter attack is launched if the parent defense was not hit with an effect it is weak against. In this case, Fire and Break are weaknesses.
Special: Status Guard: This chip blocks debuffs.
Trader Rank: C
last edited by
To: WhiteSwanOfSharo@DenTech.Net
From: HallowedSpooks@Roaming.dnc
Subject: A Treat!
Thank you for your participation in this year's Hallowed Spooks sharing event!
Please find attached a small package containing an assortment of creepy fragments!
If you're not old enough to play with these, don't worry, just hold onto them for now and a world of possibility will surely open up to you soon!
ATTCH: [150 BugFrags]
From: HallowedSpooks@Roaming.dnc
Subject: A Treat!
Thank you for your participation in this year's Hallowed Spooks sharing event!
Please find attached a small package containing an assortment of creepy fragments!
If you're not old enough to play with these, don't worry, just hold onto them for now and a world of possibility will surely open up to you soon!
ATTCH: [150 BugFrags]
last edited by
TO: WhiteSwanOfSharo@DenTech.Net
SUBJECT: Your New Chip!
We at Soryu's Chip Shop would like to thank you for your patronage after all these years, if you need chips, please come down and we'll serve you!
(This is an automated reply, do not respond to this message)
MokoRush1Damage: 60 + Ground Attack x 3 targets
Accuracy: C
Description: Summons 3 Mokolo viruses to charge at the enemy. Only broken or missing terrain can stop their charge.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: D
SUBJECT: Your New Chip!
We at Soryu's Chip Shop would like to thank you for your patronage after all these years, if you need chips, please come down and we'll serve you!
(This is an automated reply, do not respond to this message)

Accuracy: C
Description: Summons 3 Mokolo viruses to charge at the enemy. Only broken or missing terrain can stop their charge.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: D
last edited by
To: Mikhail Norano (
From: Chips & Candy
Subject: Chip Trade Event
Thanks for participating in this year's seasonal charity event! Please find attached your new chip, and have a safe and spooky holiday!
RedWave1Damage: 50 + Ground Attack + To-All-Clause (Others) + Lava Terrain Boost 50
Accuracy: B
Description: Creates a wave of lava to burn everything and everyone other than the user, even their allies. Can be jumped over, but requires perfect timing. More effective if there is lava in the vicinity to fuel it.
Duration: Once
Element: Fire
Trader Rank: D
From: Chips & Candy
Subject: Chip Trade Event
Thanks for participating in this year's seasonal charity event! Please find attached your new chip, and have a safe and spooky holiday!

Accuracy: B
Description: Creates a wave of lava to burn everything and everyone other than the user, even their allies. Can be jumped over, but requires perfect timing. More effective if there is lava in the vicinity to fuel it.
Duration: Once
Element: Fire
Trader Rank: D