"Awight! Break time's OVER, boss!" FactoryMan bellowed.
Robert burst out of the shallow grave he was in and immediately drop kicked the raccoon that peeing on his corpse. "THROW ALL THE THINGS!" he yelled tearfully, throwing his remaining chips into his PET, which somehow was still working. And nearby. And in his apartment. With him.
Dark smoke began to belch out of FactoryMan's smokestack, and a loud clanging and grinding sound could be heard. "Uh, guess things might have rusted up a little in there, boss." he said slightly nervously. What if there was a safety inspector around? Thinking fast, he ran and swung his crane arm at the nearest opponent to buy himself some time.
At last, with a terrible screech, his main bay door began to open, and the production line squealed to life. However, nothing rolled out the main compartment. Instead, a horrible bang echoed inside his chest, and a sudden, violent arc of electricity burst outwards, sending sparks and tiny screws and bolts skyward.
"Boss... I might be in trouble here." FactoryMan moaned. "How can I meet the deadline like this?"
But then, as if to answer his plea, the conveyor belt began to move, and production continued. Out rolled a small hand cannon. FactoryMan picked it up with both hands and cradled it near him. "I'm not broken." he whispered to himself. With newfound confidence, he aimed the cannon forward and fired on his rivals.
Robert, meanwhile, had retrieved his pants from the museum and began eating a pack of ramen like a cracker.
1.)Rageclaw Battlechip to OldStoveB, throwing into PulseBatB. [20Norm+Slash+Impact]
2.)Marublaster1 to PulseBatB. [60+5Elec+Glitch]
3.)Cannon to PulseBatA. [40Norm+Knockback]
FactoryMan: Production Begins!
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In order to meet his quotas for the past six years seconds, FactoryMan switched to a different production line and pulled out all the stops, courtesy of his operator's manic operation procedure--or at least, would have, if the chip lines didn't jam up his insides for the moment. Swinging at the nearby chimney-sporting virus granted him no real reprieve either, with the Stove belching out a plume of fire towards him. Fortunately, it didn't do much either, as his erratic crane swing caused him to veer off course from the fire's path. After a few moments, however, the production line went online, and spat out an errant bolt of electricity at one of the bats, before blasting another one clear out of the sky. The one that had received the shock survived, but seemed to be glowing an odd shade of blue, with its body transformed entirely into metal.
--The Enemy--
PulseBatPulseBat (PulseBat)
Area: ACDC, Okuden Valley, Kotobuki Town, Sharo, NetVegas
HP: 80
Attack Damage/Effect: 30 + Seeking
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Uses a sonic screech to damage its opponents.
Secondary Attack Effect: EchoLocation
Secondary Attack Description: Launches a sonic pulse to reveal hidden or illusory targets.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Pulsar1, EchoLocation, Zenny.
Special: Airshoes. If PulseBat hits an object, its attack spreads to up to 8 other targets at half damage while dealing full damage to that object. Every other turn, this virus enters High Altitude (dropdown) status and does not attack.A: DELETED
PulseBatPulseBat (PulseBat)
Area: ACDC, Okuden Valley, Kotobuki Town, Sharo, NetVegas
HP: 80
Attack Damage/Effect: 30 + Seeking
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Uses a sonic screech to damage its opponents.
Secondary Attack Effect: EchoLocation
Secondary Attack Description: Launches a sonic pulse to reveal hidden or illusory targets.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Pulsar1, EchoLocation, Zenny.
Special: Airshoes. If PulseBat hits an object, its attack spreads to up to 8 other targets at half damage while dealing full damage to that object. Every other turn, this virus enters High Altitude (dropdown) status and does not attack.B: 15 HP (Flying, a little ways back) (Machine Form: Element changes to Elec, Imbue Elec to all attacks)
OldstoveOldstove (Oldstove)
Oldstove viruses move and dodge at a very slow pace.
Area: ACDC, Kotobuki Town, Netfrica, Hades Isle
HP: 50
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Fire + Line Attack(3) + Panel Crack
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Flamethrower to one enemy.
Element: Fire
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): FireBurner1, Zenny
Special: Slow Movement. Cracks Terrain.A: DELETED
OldstoveOldstove (Oldstove)
Oldstove viruses move and dodge at a very slow pace.
Area: ACDC, Kotobuki Town, Netfrica, Hades Isle
HP: 50
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Fire + Line Attack(3) + Panel Crack
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Flamethrower to one enemy.
Element: Fire
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): FireBurner1, Zenny
Special: Slow Movement. Cracks Terrain.B: 50 HP (Directly adjacent to FactoryMan)
--The Hero--
FactoryMan.EXE: 150 HP (Guard1)
--The Place--
80% Normal (Everyone is on or over this.)
20% Cracked (In a line 2 moves behind FactoryMan, and a line directly adjacent to him)
--The Enemy--
PulseBatPulseBat (PulseBat)
Area: ACDC, Okuden Valley, Kotobuki Town, Sharo, NetVegas
HP: 80
Attack Damage/Effect: 30 + Seeking
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Uses a sonic screech to damage its opponents.
Secondary Attack Effect: EchoLocation
Secondary Attack Description: Launches a sonic pulse to reveal hidden or illusory targets.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Pulsar1, EchoLocation, Zenny.
Special: Airshoes. If PulseBat hits an object, its attack spreads to up to 8 other targets at half damage while dealing full damage to that object. Every other turn, this virus enters High Altitude (dropdown) status and does not attack.A: DELETED
PulseBatPulseBat (PulseBat)
Area: ACDC, Okuden Valley, Kotobuki Town, Sharo, NetVegas
HP: 80
Attack Damage/Effect: 30 + Seeking
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Uses a sonic screech to damage its opponents.
Secondary Attack Effect: EchoLocation
Secondary Attack Description: Launches a sonic pulse to reveal hidden or illusory targets.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Pulsar1, EchoLocation, Zenny.
Special: Airshoes. If PulseBat hits an object, its attack spreads to up to 8 other targets at half damage while dealing full damage to that object. Every other turn, this virus enters High Altitude (dropdown) status and does not attack.B: 15 HP (Flying, a little ways back) (Machine Form: Element changes to Elec, Imbue Elec to all attacks)
OldstoveOldstove (Oldstove)
Oldstove viruses move and dodge at a very slow pace.
Area: ACDC, Kotobuki Town, Netfrica, Hades Isle
HP: 50
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Fire + Line Attack(3) + Panel Crack
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Flamethrower to one enemy.
Element: Fire
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): FireBurner1, Zenny
Special: Slow Movement. Cracks Terrain.A: DELETED
OldstoveOldstove (Oldstove)
Oldstove viruses move and dodge at a very slow pace.
Area: ACDC, Kotobuki Town, Netfrica, Hades Isle
HP: 50
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Fire + Line Attack(3) + Panel Crack
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Flamethrower to one enemy.
Element: Fire
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): FireBurner1, Zenny
Special: Slow Movement. Cracks Terrain.B: 50 HP (Directly adjacent to FactoryMan)
--The Hero--
FactoryMan.EXE: 150 HP (Guard1)
--The Place--
80% Normal (Everyone is on or over this.)
20% Cracked (In a line 2 moves behind FactoryMan, and a line directly adjacent to him)
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His internal workings in chaos, FactoryMan frantically was trying to reboot. He needed to jack out for diagnostics, but he'd never walked away from a job site, and he was not about to start now.
"Boss! What should I do?" he hollered skyward.
"I... I don't know!" Robert shrieked. 'I'M ALL OUT OF CHIPS." he bellowed, and began to drink the salsa he found directly from the jar.
"Uhh..." FactoryMan was at a loss. Overwhelmed, he simply swung his massive crane arm around, throwing his considerable weight behind it, towards the closest thing he could see.
3.)Charged Buster attack to OldstoveB. [(1+1)*20=40Elec]
"Boss! What should I do?" he hollered skyward.
"I... I don't know!" Robert shrieked. 'I'M ALL OUT OF CHIPS." he bellowed, and began to drink the salsa he found directly from the jar.
"Uhh..." FactoryMan was at a loss. Overwhelmed, he simply swung his massive crane arm around, throwing his considerable weight behind it, towards the closest thing he could see.
3.)Charged Buster attack to OldstoveB. [(1+1)*20=40Elec]
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Panicked and flailing, FactoryMan still managed to clock the remaining OldStove with his crane arm and deal it a staggering blow. the screech of metal that accompanied the stove crumpling sideways was both loud and potentially satisfying. The virus wasn't deleted quite yet, but the impact set it off target enough that the answering gout of flame blew past to FactoryMan's side harmlessly. It didn't really look like the stove could release the fire straight any more anyway.
From above, the strangely metallised PulseBat winged down again, emitting another piercing sonic screech, but the sound was first muffled by his handy hard hat, and then returned back at the infected virus with enough of a reverberation to shake its mechanical body apart completely, scattering the area with clock-work bat parts.
-=The Enemy=-
PulseBatPulseBat (PulseBat)
Area: ACDC, Okuden Valley, Kotobuki Town, Sharo, NetVegas
HP: 80
Attack Damage/Effect: 30 + Seeking
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Uses a sonic screech to damage its opponents.
Secondary Attack Effect: EchoLocation
Secondary Attack Description: Launches a sonic pulse to reveal hidden or illusory targets.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Pulsar1, EchoLocation, Zenny.
Special: Airshoes. If PulseBat hits an object, its attack spreads to up to 8 other targets at half damage while dealing full damage to that object. Every other turn, this virus enters High Altitude (dropdown) status and does not attack.A: DELETED
PulseBatPulseBat (PulseBat)
Area: ACDC, Okuden Valley, Kotobuki Town, Sharo, NetVegas
HP: 80
Attack Damage/Effect: 30 + Seeking
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Uses a sonic screech to damage its opponents.
Secondary Attack Effect: EchoLocation
Secondary Attack Description: Launches a sonic pulse to reveal hidden or illusory targets.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Pulsar1, EchoLocation, Zenny.
Special: Airshoes. If PulseBat hits an object, its attack spreads to up to 8 other targets at half damage while dealing full damage to that object. Every other turn, this virus enters High Altitude (dropdown) status and does not attack.B: DELETED
OldstoveOldstove (Oldstove)
Oldstove viruses move and dodge at a very slow pace.
Area: ACDC, Kotobuki Town, Netfrica, Hades Isle
HP: 50
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Fire + Line Attack(3) + Panel Crack
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Flamethrower to one enemy.
Element: Fire
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): FireBurner1, Zenny
Special: Slow Movement. Cracks Terrain.A: DELETED
OldstoveOldstove (Oldstove)
Oldstove viruses move and dodge at a very slow pace.
Area: ACDC, Kotobuki Town, Netfrica, Hades Isle
HP: 50
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Fire + Line Attack(3) + Panel Crack
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Flamethrower to one enemy.
Element: Fire
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): FireBurner1, Zenny
Special: Slow Movement. Cracks Terrain.B: 10Hp [Normal][Directly adjacent to FactoryMan]
-=The Hero=-
FactoryMan.EXE: 150Hp [Normal][RageClaw 5/6]
-=The Place=-
70% Normal [Majority of area]
30% Cracked [Several strips of damaged panels, one behind and two to either side]
From above, the strangely metallised PulseBat winged down again, emitting another piercing sonic screech, but the sound was first muffled by his handy hard hat, and then returned back at the infected virus with enough of a reverberation to shake its mechanical body apart completely, scattering the area with clock-work bat parts.
-=The Enemy=-
PulseBatPulseBat (PulseBat)
Area: ACDC, Okuden Valley, Kotobuki Town, Sharo, NetVegas
HP: 80
Attack Damage/Effect: 30 + Seeking
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Uses a sonic screech to damage its opponents.
Secondary Attack Effect: EchoLocation
Secondary Attack Description: Launches a sonic pulse to reveal hidden or illusory targets.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Pulsar1, EchoLocation, Zenny.
Special: Airshoes. If PulseBat hits an object, its attack spreads to up to 8 other targets at half damage while dealing full damage to that object. Every other turn, this virus enters High Altitude (dropdown) status and does not attack.A: DELETED
PulseBatPulseBat (PulseBat)
Area: ACDC, Okuden Valley, Kotobuki Town, Sharo, NetVegas
HP: 80
Attack Damage/Effect: 30 + Seeking
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Uses a sonic screech to damage its opponents.
Secondary Attack Effect: EchoLocation
Secondary Attack Description: Launches a sonic pulse to reveal hidden or illusory targets.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Pulsar1, EchoLocation, Zenny.
Special: Airshoes. If PulseBat hits an object, its attack spreads to up to 8 other targets at half damage while dealing full damage to that object. Every other turn, this virus enters High Altitude (dropdown) status and does not attack.B: DELETED
OldstoveOldstove (Oldstove)
Oldstove viruses move and dodge at a very slow pace.
Area: ACDC, Kotobuki Town, Netfrica, Hades Isle
HP: 50
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Fire + Line Attack(3) + Panel Crack
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Flamethrower to one enemy.
Element: Fire
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): FireBurner1, Zenny
Special: Slow Movement. Cracks Terrain.A: DELETED
OldstoveOldstove (Oldstove)
Oldstove viruses move and dodge at a very slow pace.
Area: ACDC, Kotobuki Town, Netfrica, Hades Isle
HP: 50
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Fire + Line Attack(3) + Panel Crack
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Flamethrower to one enemy.
Element: Fire
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): FireBurner1, Zenny
Special: Slow Movement. Cracks Terrain.B: 10Hp [Normal][Directly adjacent to FactoryMan]
-=The Hero=-
FactoryMan.EXE: 150Hp [Normal][RageClaw 5/6]
-=The Place=-
70% Normal [Majority of area]
30% Cracked [Several strips of damaged panels, one behind and two to either side]
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FactoryMan, all inhibitors down, flailed his crane around wildly, swinging at anything that moved.
Robert, in a show of moral support, started wildly swinging at his mailman, who suspiciously looked like Richard Simmons.
1.)Buster attack to OldstoveB. [(1+1)*5=10Norm]
2.)Buster attack to OldstoveB. [(1+1)*5=10Norm]
3.)Buster attack to OldstoveB. [(1+1)*5=10Norm]
FactoryMan, all inhibitors down, flailed his crane around wildly, swinging at anything that moved.
Robert, in a show of moral support, started wildly swinging at his mailman, who suspiciously looked like Richard Simmons.
1.)Buster attack to OldstoveB. [(1+1)*5=10Norm]
2.)Buster attack to OldstoveB. [(1+1)*5=10Norm]
3.)Buster attack to OldstoveB. [(1+1)*5=10Norm]
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It stopped moving. The mailman, too. Robert would likely have to pray that he didn't get any lawsuits incoming, though FactoryMan would not have the same concerns; he got paid instead.
-=The Enemy=-
PulseBatPulseBat (PulseBat)
Area: ACDC, Okuden Valley, Kotobuki Town, Sharo, NetVegas
HP: 80
Attack Damage/Effect: 30 + Seeking
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Uses a sonic screech to damage its opponents.
Secondary Attack Effect: EchoLocation
Secondary Attack Description: Launches a sonic pulse to reveal hidden or illusory targets.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Pulsar1, EchoLocation, Zenny.
Special: Airshoes. If PulseBat hits an object, its attack spreads to up to 8 other targets at half damage while dealing full damage to that object. Every other turn, this virus enters High Altitude (dropdown) status and does not attack.A: DELETED
PulseBatPulseBat (PulseBat)
Area: ACDC, Okuden Valley, Kotobuki Town, Sharo, NetVegas
HP: 80
Attack Damage/Effect: 30 + Seeking
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Uses a sonic screech to damage its opponents.
Secondary Attack Effect: EchoLocation
Secondary Attack Description: Launches a sonic pulse to reveal hidden or illusory targets.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Pulsar1, EchoLocation, Zenny.
Special: Airshoes. If PulseBat hits an object, its attack spreads to up to 8 other targets at half damage while dealing full damage to that object. Every other turn, this virus enters High Altitude (dropdown) status and does not attack.B: DELETED
OldstoveOldstove (Oldstove)
Oldstove viruses move and dodge at a very slow pace.
Area: ACDC, Kotobuki Town, Netfrica, Hades Isle
HP: 50
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Fire + Line Attack(3) + Panel Crack
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Flamethrower to one enemy.
Element: Fire
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): FireBurner1, Zenny
Special: Slow Movement. Cracks Terrain.A: DELETED
OldstoveOldstove (Oldstove)
Oldstove viruses move and dodge at a very slow pace.
Area: ACDC, Kotobuki Town, Netfrica, Hades Isle
HP: 50
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Fire + Line Attack(3) + Panel Crack
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Flamethrower to one enemy.
Element: Fire
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): FireBurner1, Zenny
Special: Slow Movement. Cracks Terrain.B: DELETED
-=The Hero=-
FactoryMan.EXE: 150Hp [Normal][RageClaw 5/6]
-=The Place=-
70% Normal [Majority of area]
30% Cracked [Several strips of damaged panels, one behind and two to either side]
-=Battle 2, Victory!!=-
Rewards: 320z
-=The Enemy=-
PulseBatPulseBat (PulseBat)
Area: ACDC, Okuden Valley, Kotobuki Town, Sharo, NetVegas
HP: 80
Attack Damage/Effect: 30 + Seeking
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Uses a sonic screech to damage its opponents.
Secondary Attack Effect: EchoLocation
Secondary Attack Description: Launches a sonic pulse to reveal hidden or illusory targets.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Pulsar1, EchoLocation, Zenny.
Special: Airshoes. If PulseBat hits an object, its attack spreads to up to 8 other targets at half damage while dealing full damage to that object. Every other turn, this virus enters High Altitude (dropdown) status and does not attack.A: DELETED
PulseBatPulseBat (PulseBat)
Area: ACDC, Okuden Valley, Kotobuki Town, Sharo, NetVegas
HP: 80
Attack Damage/Effect: 30 + Seeking
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Uses a sonic screech to damage its opponents.
Secondary Attack Effect: EchoLocation
Secondary Attack Description: Launches a sonic pulse to reveal hidden or illusory targets.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Pulsar1, EchoLocation, Zenny.
Special: Airshoes. If PulseBat hits an object, its attack spreads to up to 8 other targets at half damage while dealing full damage to that object. Every other turn, this virus enters High Altitude (dropdown) status and does not attack.B: DELETED
OldstoveOldstove (Oldstove)
Oldstove viruses move and dodge at a very slow pace.
Area: ACDC, Kotobuki Town, Netfrica, Hades Isle
HP: 50
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Fire + Line Attack(3) + Panel Crack
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Flamethrower to one enemy.
Element: Fire
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): FireBurner1, Zenny
Special: Slow Movement. Cracks Terrain.A: DELETED
OldstoveOldstove (Oldstove)
Oldstove viruses move and dodge at a very slow pace.
Area: ACDC, Kotobuki Town, Netfrica, Hades Isle
HP: 50
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Fire + Line Attack(3) + Panel Crack
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Flamethrower to one enemy.
Element: Fire
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): FireBurner1, Zenny
Special: Slow Movement. Cracks Terrain.B: DELETED
-=The Hero=-
FactoryMan.EXE: 150Hp [Normal][RageClaw 5/6]
-=The Place=-
70% Normal [Majority of area]
30% Cracked [Several strips of damaged panels, one behind and two to either side]
-=Battle 2, Victory!!=-
Rewards: 320z
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"Hurrgh, still, not... right..." FactoryMan moaned, before suddenly collapsing and breaking apart into a junkheap on the ground.
Robert, who was reaching for his ramen cracker again, accidentally picked up his PET and bit furiously into it, and, by sheer chance, his canine hit the 'reboot' button.
The bay door on FactoryMan's chest opened, and the assembly line sprang to life. His crane arm began to move about, picking up discarded parts and newly minted parts alike, rapidly reassembling his imposing figure. "Woooow. Feel like a million bucks, boss! Thanks!"
"Huh?" Robert replied, dropping the PET. "You say something, FactoryMan?"
"No more time to jabber over the water cooler! Back to work!" FactoryMan announced as he tromped forwards again.
((Battle 3, please))
Robert, who was reaching for his ramen cracker again, accidentally picked up his PET and bit furiously into it, and, by sheer chance, his canine hit the 'reboot' button.
The bay door on FactoryMan's chest opened, and the assembly line sprang to life. His crane arm began to move about, picking up discarded parts and newly minted parts alike, rapidly reassembling his imposing figure. "Woooow. Feel like a million bucks, boss! Thanks!"
"Huh?" Robert replied, dropping the PET. "You say something, FactoryMan?"
"No more time to jabber over the water cooler! Back to work!" FactoryMan announced as he tromped forwards again.
((Battle 3, please))
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I'm wouldn't take long for FactoryMan to come across some more competition. Like literally competition. The navi stepped into an open area, that had a boxing ring. It was a old dusty looking ring that had two Champu sparring it out, while a powie hopped back and forth around the ring watching them. He had a black and White stripped shirt atop his slender body, and a small whistle strung from his neck.
A third Champu was hanging out behind the ring. A gold crown rested atop his head. Thb crown and confident expression on the a Champu's face is gave the impression that he was the one to beat around these parts, though in reality he was just another regular old boxing virus. On top of the southwest and northeast ring post, sat a viscous looking cactus virus.
Scattered around the ring there were small areas of missing, maybe one-two panels every ten feetx. A billboard about a movement away from FactoryMan on the opposite side of the boxing ring the looked over the soon to be battlefield. It read the words "ACDC Annual Champu Box Out!". A ladder was attached to the wooden sign post, and there was a little platform available for someone to stand on atop if they so chose
-- Viruses --
ChampuChampu (Champy)
Champy viruses teleport when they attack.
Area: ACDC, SciLab, Electown, Kotobuki Town, Hades Isle
HP: 60
Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Fire + Impact x 2 Punches
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Punches twice with fire.
Element: Fire
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): FireHit1, Zenny A: 60 HP [Normal] [In the ring on the left]
ChampuChampu (Champy)
Champy viruses teleport when they attack.
Area: ACDC, SciLab, Electown, Kotobuki Town, Hades Isle
HP: 60
Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Fire + Impact x 2 Punches
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Punches twice with fire.
Element: Fire
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): FireHit1, Zenny B: 60 HP [Normal] [In the ring on the right]
ChampuChampu (Champy)
Champy viruses teleport when they attack.
Area: ACDC, SciLab, Electown, Kotobuki Town, Hades Isle
HP: 60
Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Fire + Impact x 2 Punches
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Punches twice with fire.
Element: Fire
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): FireHit1, Zenny C: 60 HP [Normal] [Outside the boxing ring, on the north side]
PowiePowie (Powie)
Powies are never encountered in confined spaces, like a low ceilinged cave and such (for obvious reasons). Powies also never intentionally jump to broken or missing terrain. They will, however, attempt attacks over broken or missing terrain if they see an enemy there. Powies will not attempt to attack the same target on two consecutive actions.
Area: ACDC, Electown, Netopia, Beach
HP: 60
Attack Damage/Effect: (Movement(High-Alt) + Knockback) Then (20 + Break + PanelCrack + Nova1)
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Leaps quickly into the air, knocking away anything it collides with, before stopping directly above an enemy. They will then immediately change into a 10-ton press and fall down. The impact of the fall creates an explosion.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Quake1, Zenny
Special: AirShoes.
Special: The explosion does not trigger if the virus attacks a target on Broken/Missing terrain and misses. It will not fall into Broken/Missing terrain with its attacks unless forcefully pushed in.: 60 HP [Normal] [Center of the ring]
CactyCacty (Cacty)
When a Cacty virus attacks, it creates two damage zones: the body and the head. Touching either the body or the head will cause damage to the player, but only the head is used as an actual attack. Cacty virus bodies are 50% resistant to all forms of damage except Fire. There is no defense piercing that bypasses this effect except the Fire Element. This effect applies only to the body of the virus, as the head of the virus sustains full damage as normal.
Area: ACDC, Electown, Okuden Valley
HP: 70
Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Wood per hit + Act-Shot + Ground Attack
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Throws its head at opponents. When it hits something, it bounces backwards one space, then tried to bounce forward again. When the cactus ball reaches the edge of the field, it appears again on the virus. This attack is stopped by objects.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): CactusBall1, Zenny
Special: Act-Shot: This attack may hit each target a number of times equal to the virus' max actions per turn, but the virus may only attack once per turn.
Special: Divided: This virus has two Hit Zones when attacking. Both may sustain damage from a single attack as if they were separate targets. Damage is cumulative. A: 70 HP [Normal] [Planted atop SouthWest RingPost]
CactyCacty (Cacty)
When a Cacty virus attacks, it creates two damage zones: the body and the head. Touching either the body or the head will cause damage to the player, but only the head is used as an actual attack. Cacty virus bodies are 50% resistant to all forms of damage except Fire. There is no defense piercing that bypasses this effect except the Fire Element. This effect applies only to the body of the virus, as the head of the virus sustains full damage as normal.
Area: ACDC, Electown, Okuden Valley
HP: 70
Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Wood per hit + Act-Shot + Ground Attack
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Throws its head at opponents. When it hits something, it bounces backwards one space, then tried to bounce forward again. When the cactus ball reaches the edge of the field, it appears again on the virus. This attack is stopped by objects.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): CactusBall1, Zenny
Special: Act-Shot: This attack may hit each target a number of times equal to the virus' max actions per turn, but the virus may only attack once per turn.
Special: Divided: This virus has two Hit Zones when attacking. Both may sustain damage from a single attack as if they were separate targets. Damage is cumulative. B: 70 HP [Normal] [Planted atop NorthEast RingPost]
-- Navis --
FactoryMan.EXE: 150 HP [Normal] [Outside the boxing ring, on the South Side]
-- Terrain --
80% Normal
20% Missing
-- Objects --
-Obviously on each corner of boxing ring-
SouthEast RingPost: 40 HP [Counts as Normal Terrain]
SouthWest RingPost: 40 HP [Counts as Normal Terrain]
NorthEast RingPost: 40 HP [Counts as Normal Terrain]
NorthWest RingPost: 40 HP [Counts as Normal Terrain]
Towering Bilboard: 40 HP [[Counts as Normal Terrain] [An action away from FactoryMan, outside the ring on the Notth side.]
-- Battle 3 Ready? Start!! --
A third Champu was hanging out behind the ring. A gold crown rested atop his head. Thb crown and confident expression on the a Champu's face is gave the impression that he was the one to beat around these parts, though in reality he was just another regular old boxing virus. On top of the southwest and northeast ring post, sat a viscous looking cactus virus.
Scattered around the ring there were small areas of missing, maybe one-two panels every ten feetx. A billboard about a movement away from FactoryMan on the opposite side of the boxing ring the looked over the soon to be battlefield. It read the words "ACDC Annual Champu Box Out!". A ladder was attached to the wooden sign post, and there was a little platform available for someone to stand on atop if they so chose
-- Viruses --
ChampuChampu (Champy)
Champy viruses teleport when they attack.
Area: ACDC, SciLab, Electown, Kotobuki Town, Hades Isle
HP: 60
Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Fire + Impact x 2 Punches
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Punches twice with fire.
Element: Fire
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): FireHit1, Zenny A: 60 HP [Normal] [In the ring on the left]
ChampuChampu (Champy)
Champy viruses teleport when they attack.
Area: ACDC, SciLab, Electown, Kotobuki Town, Hades Isle
HP: 60
Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Fire + Impact x 2 Punches
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Punches twice with fire.
Element: Fire
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): FireHit1, Zenny B: 60 HP [Normal] [In the ring on the right]
ChampuChampu (Champy)
Champy viruses teleport when they attack.
Area: ACDC, SciLab, Electown, Kotobuki Town, Hades Isle
HP: 60
Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Fire + Impact x 2 Punches
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Punches twice with fire.
Element: Fire
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): FireHit1, Zenny C: 60 HP [Normal] [Outside the boxing ring, on the north side]
PowiePowie (Powie)
Powies are never encountered in confined spaces, like a low ceilinged cave and such (for obvious reasons). Powies also never intentionally jump to broken or missing terrain. They will, however, attempt attacks over broken or missing terrain if they see an enemy there. Powies will not attempt to attack the same target on two consecutive actions.
Area: ACDC, Electown, Netopia, Beach
HP: 60
Attack Damage/Effect: (Movement(High-Alt) + Knockback) Then (20 + Break + PanelCrack + Nova1)
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Leaps quickly into the air, knocking away anything it collides with, before stopping directly above an enemy. They will then immediately change into a 10-ton press and fall down. The impact of the fall creates an explosion.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Quake1, Zenny
Special: AirShoes.
Special: The explosion does not trigger if the virus attacks a target on Broken/Missing terrain and misses. It will not fall into Broken/Missing terrain with its attacks unless forcefully pushed in.: 60 HP [Normal] [Center of the ring]
CactyCacty (Cacty)
When a Cacty virus attacks, it creates two damage zones: the body and the head. Touching either the body or the head will cause damage to the player, but only the head is used as an actual attack. Cacty virus bodies are 50% resistant to all forms of damage except Fire. There is no defense piercing that bypasses this effect except the Fire Element. This effect applies only to the body of the virus, as the head of the virus sustains full damage as normal.
Area: ACDC, Electown, Okuden Valley
HP: 70
Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Wood per hit + Act-Shot + Ground Attack
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Throws its head at opponents. When it hits something, it bounces backwards one space, then tried to bounce forward again. When the cactus ball reaches the edge of the field, it appears again on the virus. This attack is stopped by objects.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): CactusBall1, Zenny
Special: Act-Shot: This attack may hit each target a number of times equal to the virus' max actions per turn, but the virus may only attack once per turn.
Special: Divided: This virus has two Hit Zones when attacking. Both may sustain damage from a single attack as if they were separate targets. Damage is cumulative. A: 70 HP [Normal] [Planted atop SouthWest RingPost]
CactyCacty (Cacty)
When a Cacty virus attacks, it creates two damage zones: the body and the head. Touching either the body or the head will cause damage to the player, but only the head is used as an actual attack. Cacty virus bodies are 50% resistant to all forms of damage except Fire. There is no defense piercing that bypasses this effect except the Fire Element. This effect applies only to the body of the virus, as the head of the virus sustains full damage as normal.
Area: ACDC, Electown, Okuden Valley
HP: 70
Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Wood per hit + Act-Shot + Ground Attack
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Throws its head at opponents. When it hits something, it bounces backwards one space, then tried to bounce forward again. When the cactus ball reaches the edge of the field, it appears again on the virus. This attack is stopped by objects.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): CactusBall1, Zenny
Special: Act-Shot: This attack may hit each target a number of times equal to the virus' max actions per turn, but the virus may only attack once per turn.
Special: Divided: This virus has two Hit Zones when attacking. Both may sustain damage from a single attack as if they were separate targets. Damage is cumulative. B: 70 HP [Normal] [Planted atop NorthEast RingPost]
-- Navis --
FactoryMan.EXE: 150 HP [Normal] [Outside the boxing ring, on the South Side]
-- Terrain --
80% Normal
- No effects.
20% Missing
- Permanent bottomless hole.
- Doubles dodge penalties for bad RP.
- EJO if you fall in.
-- Objects --
-Obviously on each corner of boxing ring-
SouthEast RingPost: 40 HP [Counts as Normal Terrain]
SouthWest RingPost: 40 HP [Counts as Normal Terrain]
NorthEast RingPost: 40 HP [Counts as Normal Terrain]
NorthWest RingPost: 40 HP [Counts as Normal Terrain]
Towering Bilboard: 40 HP [[Counts as Normal Terrain] [An action away from FactoryMan, outside the ring on the Notth side.]
-- Battle 3 Ready? Start!! --
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Robert looked baffled at his screen. "What is this, some kind of computor invasion?"
"Heh heh, no way, boss!" was FactoryMan's enthusiastic reply. "This is good ole pugilism!"
"No, no, boss! These guys are pouring 100% of themselves to get results. It's the kind of competition I can get behind!" FactoryMan said as he tromped over to the ladder. "But, uh, you gotta play dis kinda thing up a bit. Watch." and he began to ascend.
Once he had reached the top platform, FactoryMan cupped his normal hand to his mouth and yelled into the melee, "Hey! Youse boys think you can produce anything with such weak motivation? Your pap must be ashamed! I'll take you on, for all the marbles!"
1.)Dodge/Move to ladder.
2.)Dodge/Climb ladder.
"Heh heh, no way, boss!" was FactoryMan's enthusiastic reply. "This is good ole pugilism!"
"No, no, boss! These guys are pouring 100% of themselves to get results. It's the kind of competition I can get behind!" FactoryMan said as he tromped over to the ladder. "But, uh, you gotta play dis kinda thing up a bit. Watch." and he began to ascend.
Once he had reached the top platform, FactoryMan cupped his normal hand to his mouth and yelled into the melee, "Hey! Youse boys think you can produce anything with such weak motivation? Your pap must be ashamed! I'll take you on, for all the marbles!"
1.)Dodge/Move to ladder.
2.)Dodge/Climb ladder.
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As FactoryMan got up atop the Billboard and began to taunt the viruses inside and outside of the boxed in area, the viruses stopped dead in their tracks as they looked upwards at the voice. Quickly taking advantage of the situation, a normal navi in the generic green/white coloration set up a table, a chair and mic. Sitting down and planting a bell far outside of the effective battlefield, a loud ringing noise would be sent out. AAAAAAAAND LET'S GIVE IT UP FOR THE NEW CHALLENGER! CAN THIS NAVI DEFEAT HIS OPPONENTS IN THE RING?! OR WILL HE FALL, CRASH AND BURN BY GETTING IN OVER HIS HEAD?! LET'S FIND OUT! The normal navi shouted into the mic, voice booming about around the area. The viruses, for whatever reason, had a sense of fair play and would let the offending navi join in on their combat...though it was unsure if they knew it was Mortal Kombat or not. But how would FactoryMan get down? I suppose if he jumped down and landed right, he might be able to negate any fall damage, or he could just simply leap into the fray and get down to murder. Or would be simply snipe these melee viruses from above? So many decisions, so little time before the viruses would try to knock him from his perch.
-- Viruses --
ChampuChampu (Champy)
Champy viruses teleport when they attack.
Area: ACDC, SciLab, Electown, Kotobuki Town, Hades Isle
HP: 60
Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Fire + Impact x 2 Punches
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Punches twice with fire.
Element: Fire
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): FireHit1, Zenny A: 60 HP [Normal] [In the ring on the left]
ChampuChampu (Champy)
Champy viruses teleport when they attack.
Area: ACDC, SciLab, Electown, Kotobuki Town, Hades Isle
HP: 60
Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Fire + Impact x 2 Punches
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Punches twice with fire.
Element: Fire
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): FireHit1, Zenny B: 60 HP [Normal] [In the ring on the right]
ChampuChampu (Champy)
Champy viruses teleport when they attack.
Area: ACDC, SciLab, Electown, Kotobuki Town, Hades Isle
HP: 60
Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Fire + Impact x 2 Punches
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Punches twice with fire.
Element: Fire
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): FireHit1, Zenny C: 60 HP [Normal] [Outside the boxing ring, on the north side]
PowiePowie (Powie)
Powies are never encountered in confined spaces, like a low ceilinged cave and such (for obvious reasons). Powies also never intentionally jump to broken or missing terrain. They will, however, attempt attacks over broken or missing terrain if they see an enemy there. Powies will not attempt to attack the same target on two consecutive actions.
Area: ACDC, Electown, Netopia, Beach
HP: 60
Attack Damage/Effect: (Movement(High-Alt) + Knockback) Then (20 + Break + PanelCrack + Nova1)
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Leaps quickly into the air, knocking away anything it collides with, before stopping directly above an enemy. They will then immediately change into a 10-ton press and fall down. The impact of the fall creates an explosion.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Quake1, Zenny
Special: AirShoes.
Special: The explosion does not trigger if the virus attacks a target on Broken/Missing terrain and misses. It will not fall into Broken/Missing terrain with its attacks unless forcefully pushed in.: 60 HP [Normal] [Center of the ring]
CactyCacty (Cacty)
When a Cacty virus attacks, it creates two damage zones: the body and the head. Touching either the body or the head will cause damage to the player, but only the head is used as an actual attack. Cacty virus bodies are 50% resistant to all forms of damage except Fire. There is no defense piercing that bypasses this effect except the Fire Element. This effect applies only to the body of the virus, as the head of the virus sustains full damage as normal.
Area: ACDC, Electown, Okuden Valley
HP: 70
Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Wood per hit + Act-Shot + Ground Attack
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Throws its head at opponents. When it hits something, it bounces backwards one space, then tried to bounce forward again. When the cactus ball reaches the edge of the field, it appears again on the virus. This attack is stopped by objects.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): CactusBall1, Zenny
Special: Act-Shot: This attack may hit each target a number of times equal to the virus' max actions per turn, but the virus may only attack once per turn.
Special: Divided: This virus has two Hit Zones when attacking. Both may sustain damage from a single attack as if they were separate targets. Damage is cumulative. A: 70 HP [Normal] [Planted atop SouthWest RingPost]
CactyCacty (Cacty)
When a Cacty virus attacks, it creates two damage zones: the body and the head. Touching either the body or the head will cause damage to the player, but only the head is used as an actual attack. Cacty virus bodies are 50% resistant to all forms of damage except Fire. There is no defense piercing that bypasses this effect except the Fire Element. This effect applies only to the body of the virus, as the head of the virus sustains full damage as normal.
Area: ACDC, Electown, Okuden Valley
HP: 70
Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Wood per hit + Act-Shot + Ground Attack
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Throws its head at opponents. When it hits something, it bounces backwards one space, then tried to bounce forward again. When the cactus ball reaches the edge of the field, it appears again on the virus. This attack is stopped by objects.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): CactusBall1, Zenny
Special: Act-Shot: This attack may hit each target a number of times equal to the virus' max actions per turn, but the virus may only attack once per turn.
Special: Divided: This virus has two Hit Zones when attacking. Both may sustain damage from a single attack as if they were separate targets. Damage is cumulative. B: 70 HP [Normal] [Planted atop NorthEast RingPost]
-- Navis --
FactoryMan.EXE: 150 HP [Normal] [On top of the towering billboard]
-- Terrain --
80% Normal
20% Missing
-- Objects --
-Obviously on each corner of boxing ring-
SouthEast RingPost: 40 HP [Counts as Normal Terrain]
SouthWest RingPost: 40 HP [Counts as Normal Terrain]
NorthEast RingPost: 40 HP [Counts as Normal Terrain]
NorthWest RingPost: 40 HP [Counts as Normal Terrain]
Towering Bilboard: 40 HP [[Counts as Normal Terrain] [You are standing on top of this...]
-- Viruses --
ChampuChampu (Champy)
Champy viruses teleport when they attack.
Area: ACDC, SciLab, Electown, Kotobuki Town, Hades Isle
HP: 60
Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Fire + Impact x 2 Punches
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Punches twice with fire.
Element: Fire
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): FireHit1, Zenny A: 60 HP [Normal] [In the ring on the left]
ChampuChampu (Champy)
Champy viruses teleport when they attack.
Area: ACDC, SciLab, Electown, Kotobuki Town, Hades Isle
HP: 60
Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Fire + Impact x 2 Punches
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Punches twice with fire.
Element: Fire
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): FireHit1, Zenny B: 60 HP [Normal] [In the ring on the right]
ChampuChampu (Champy)
Champy viruses teleport when they attack.
Area: ACDC, SciLab, Electown, Kotobuki Town, Hades Isle
HP: 60
Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Fire + Impact x 2 Punches
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Punches twice with fire.
Element: Fire
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): FireHit1, Zenny C: 60 HP [Normal] [Outside the boxing ring, on the north side]
PowiePowie (Powie)
Powies are never encountered in confined spaces, like a low ceilinged cave and such (for obvious reasons). Powies also never intentionally jump to broken or missing terrain. They will, however, attempt attacks over broken or missing terrain if they see an enemy there. Powies will not attempt to attack the same target on two consecutive actions.
Area: ACDC, Electown, Netopia, Beach
HP: 60
Attack Damage/Effect: (Movement(High-Alt) + Knockback) Then (20 + Break + PanelCrack + Nova1)
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Leaps quickly into the air, knocking away anything it collides with, before stopping directly above an enemy. They will then immediately change into a 10-ton press and fall down. The impact of the fall creates an explosion.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Quake1, Zenny
Special: AirShoes.
Special: The explosion does not trigger if the virus attacks a target on Broken/Missing terrain and misses. It will not fall into Broken/Missing terrain with its attacks unless forcefully pushed in.: 60 HP [Normal] [Center of the ring]
CactyCacty (Cacty)
When a Cacty virus attacks, it creates two damage zones: the body and the head. Touching either the body or the head will cause damage to the player, but only the head is used as an actual attack. Cacty virus bodies are 50% resistant to all forms of damage except Fire. There is no defense piercing that bypasses this effect except the Fire Element. This effect applies only to the body of the virus, as the head of the virus sustains full damage as normal.
Area: ACDC, Electown, Okuden Valley
HP: 70
Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Wood per hit + Act-Shot + Ground Attack
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Throws its head at opponents. When it hits something, it bounces backwards one space, then tried to bounce forward again. When the cactus ball reaches the edge of the field, it appears again on the virus. This attack is stopped by objects.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): CactusBall1, Zenny
Special: Act-Shot: This attack may hit each target a number of times equal to the virus' max actions per turn, but the virus may only attack once per turn.
Special: Divided: This virus has two Hit Zones when attacking. Both may sustain damage from a single attack as if they were separate targets. Damage is cumulative. A: 70 HP [Normal] [Planted atop SouthWest RingPost]
CactyCacty (Cacty)
When a Cacty virus attacks, it creates two damage zones: the body and the head. Touching either the body or the head will cause damage to the player, but only the head is used as an actual attack. Cacty virus bodies are 50% resistant to all forms of damage except Fire. There is no defense piercing that bypasses this effect except the Fire Element. This effect applies only to the body of the virus, as the head of the virus sustains full damage as normal.
Area: ACDC, Electown, Okuden Valley
HP: 70
Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Wood per hit + Act-Shot + Ground Attack
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Throws its head at opponents. When it hits something, it bounces backwards one space, then tried to bounce forward again. When the cactus ball reaches the edge of the field, it appears again on the virus. This attack is stopped by objects.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): CactusBall1, Zenny
Special: Act-Shot: This attack may hit each target a number of times equal to the virus' max actions per turn, but the virus may only attack once per turn.
Special: Divided: This virus has two Hit Zones when attacking. Both may sustain damage from a single attack as if they were separate targets. Damage is cumulative. B: 70 HP [Normal] [Planted atop NorthEast RingPost]
-- Navis --
FactoryMan.EXE: 150 HP [Normal] [On top of the towering billboard]
-- Terrain --
80% Normal
- No effects.
20% Missing
- Permanent bottomless hole.
- Doubles dodge penalties for bad RP.
- EJO if you fall in.
-- Objects --
-Obviously on each corner of boxing ring-
SouthEast RingPost: 40 HP [Counts as Normal Terrain]
SouthWest RingPost: 40 HP [Counts as Normal Terrain]
NorthEast RingPost: 40 HP [Counts as Normal Terrain]
NorthWest RingPost: 40 HP [Counts as Normal Terrain]
Towering Bilboard: 40 HP [[Counts as Normal Terrain] [You are standing on top of this...]