This poll concerns this and that.
There's also that other thing that is available only to those guys so that they can do things like this for these people.
So, how important is the HTML T.o.C. to your surfing of RE:RN's rules? Please vote and tell me. If you feel you should post a reply explaining your thoughts on this matter, please do that too. I want to know. : )
PS: I'm leaving this poll up for a few days. Everyone should vote.
HTML Tables of Contents
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I'm new here, so I'm not sure how valid the opinion is, but, those pages, and the rules section in general to a lesser extent, is one of my most frequently visited areas, and I'm always checking back to it to make sure that what I'm doing, or want to do, is accept able or allowed, or to double check exactly what's what and what effects are in play in a given circumstance.
The T.o.C. itself I use right away when I jump to the thread looking for a specific thing, which is usually, though I often end up spending more time reading other sections at a casual browse after I've found the answer I need.
Can't comment on that other thing, since I'm not one of those guys, but that's my personal take at any rate.
The T.o.C. itself I use right away when I jump to the thread looking for a specific thing, which is usually, though I often end up spending more time reading other sections at a casual browse after I've found the answer I need.
Can't comment on that other thing, since I'm not one of those guys, but that's my personal take at any rate.
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While I don't use them at the terrain topic (It's too small to make it necessary), I do use them in the Sig Effects topic since it consists of multiple posts. But as I'm not exactly a new member, I've also sort of memorized where what is in that topic. So I guess my answer is 'yes, but I wouldn't miss it if it had to go'.
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Honestly, for the topic at hand I'd say that the opinion of a new member is quite a bit more valid than someone like me or Shuryou who've been here long enough that we can easily find anything in those topics without HTML. (Granted, I voted yes. I only need it for the "that other thing that is available only to those guys", but that is still a thing that I am using the HTML for.)
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I'm in the big habit of using ctrl+f to pretty much find whatever I need...Truth be told, I barely used the table of content links. But this is a personal opinion, and what Asator said has a valid point.
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What Azure said goes for me. While I do find HTML convenient, there's a scared part of me that always thinks when I visit RP sites, especially new ones, "Hey, there's a useful table of contents here...! But it's probably outdated and they never update it." So I end up browsing on my own anyway.