Show Thine Face

RERN now spans dimensions. ; D

Quote (RevivedSin)

RERN now spans dimensions. ; D

Will someone please tell dimensionman to stop screwing with the site's code and get back to work? No one likes paperwork, but he has to do it like the rest of us.
Vader's all grown up... *sniff* Oh, I'm there too.
Finally managed to upload some pics of myself. XD

< Shorter hair than before.

< Lol.


< There we go. By the way, how's that for a mean-mug? :3

((Oh, and if pics are too big, I'll turn them into links.))

Quote (The_Grim_Reaper)

Vader's all grown up... *sniff* Oh, I'm there too.

Schipperke!!! What a good Breed.

ha ha yeah that's all you get

A wild Luigi appears!
Well, seeing as it appears to be the done thing here, let a little Jayge into your life~

Really old pic, trying to look cool while my dad snapped a shot of me on holiday...that's him in the shorts that you can see reflected in my shades...*facepalm*

Older pic...far older. A WTF moment at college.

Most recent pic of me you'll ever find on the interwebs. My aplogies for the shoddy quality, this was screencapped from a video of the Newport Community Circus practising random crap.

And that's all you're getting...for now...not that I'm a cam-whore at heart or anything *shifty glances*
OKAY I HAVE SUCCESSFULLY GROWN MY HAIR BACK! I like this one better than the one with the tank in it.

Also pictured: Conical Hat and Grungy Sweater.

I look mildly less psychotic than I actually am in this picture.
Unsatisfied with just his face, Danno decides to show the rest of him as well.

Taken from Random Images:

Quote ()

Because I know you can stand not seeing the sexiness that has recently repervaded your site....

Me after some fans straightened my hair.... And yes, fangirls...

Me getting more fans at a youth conference I played for... About a thousand kids were there...

Shitty picture, awesome present.
And now the big reveal:

I'm the short one with the hat, Nitro's the one with the minifro.

Also, the Avro Arrow makes a cameo.

I apologize for the crappy quality. I was mucking with the settings earlier, and forgot to unmuck them before the picture was taken.
Also Tranum is fat

EDIT: I feel that I should call attention to this.
It may not be visible in the picture, but I do sport a fairly magestic teen-stache