Random Outtakes

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Soldier_Shuryou_V2: I admit the breasts are overdone.

Recorded for posterity, because Shur will never make this remark again in the history of time. And well after that, for that matter.

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Knight: who has the DnD 3.5 players handbook at hand?
Harbin: not me
Harbin: only have shadowrun books on this comp
Harbin: lol
Harbin: d20srd.org
chardes: lol d20srd
PaladinGC: I have it but I'm not about to go get it.
Knight: well
Knight: I just wanted you to open it up at the barbarian
PaladinGC: ...alright
Knight: then THIS would make sense
Harbin: Why?
Knight: http://img37.imageshack.us/img37/2953/1277030081134.jpg
Harbin: ...XD
Knight: http://img229.imageshack.us/img229/6407/1277030002610.jpg
chardes: ...
chardes: WTF IS THAT
chardes: XD
PaladinGC: OH WOW
PaladinGC: taking an open shot at naruto, epic.
Knight: ....
Harbin: ...
Nyan_Kitty: ...

As punishment for Pally, I am immortalizing this quote.

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(Jun 21-22:35) Azureink: ok
(Jun 21-22:36) Azureink: done with cross
(Jun 21-22:37) Morisha: *offs to look*
(Jun 21-22:37) Mog: brb
(Jun 21-22:38) Mog: restarting the comp D:
(Jun 21-22:38) Mog has left. [IP=]
(Jun 21-22:38) CC: ...
(Jun 21-22:38) Azureink: http://z10.invisionfree.com/RockmanChaosNe...post&p=13602677
(Jun 21-22:38) CC: Whelp, exam time again.
(Jun 21-22:38) CC: I should go to bed.
(Jun 21-22:38) CC: Night, all.
(Jun 21-22:38) Shin: night
(Jun 21-22:38) Azureink: Cya CC.
(Jun 21-22:39) CC: Personality needs more unicorn petting tendencies imo, Azure
(Jun 21-22:39) CC: if Aim can do it, so can you
(Jun 21-22:39) CC: : D
(Jun 21-22:39) Azureink: But... SINN hasn't seen a unicorn
(Jun 21-22:40) CC: Pfft, unicorn petting transcends all reason.
(Jun 21-22:40) Morisha: lol
(Jun 21-22:40) CC: And with that, I'm off to pet uni-
(Jun 21-22:40) CC: I mean sleep
(Jun 21-22:41) CC has left. [IP=]
(Jun 21-22:41) Shin: ....
(Jun 21-22:41) Shin: So so quoted.

Name List:

(Remember, the chat lists people in alphabetical order.)

(Jun 22-03:19) You have joined room: Lobby
(Jun 22-03:19) Cosmic Break! The new internet MMO that's sweeping the nation. Participate while it's free (until Jul 10)! http://www.cosmicbreak.com/
(Jun 22-03:20) Inigo_Montoya: : D
(Jun 22-03:20) chardes: ..
(Jun 22-03:20) chardes: wat
(Jun 22-03:20) Inigo_Montoya: ...
(Jun 22-03:20) Inigo_Montoya: Chardes
(Jun 22-03:20) Inigo_Montoya: you are no longer allowed to speak
(Jun 22-03:21) chardes: ok
(Jun 22-03:21) chardes: May I ask why?
(Jun 22-03:22) Inigo_Montoya: If you don't get this
(Jun 22-03:22) Inigo_Montoya: there is no hope for you
(Jun 22-03:22) Inigo_Montoya: ever
(Jun 22-03:22) chardes: :B
(Jun 22-03:22) chardes: Whose that
(Jun 22-03:26) chardes: :[

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Aim: It brofits like a broglove over my brofist :V
Inazuma_Champion: Gay.
Aim: >:I
Aim: *brofists Shur across the face*
Inazuma_Champion: *bitchslaps Joshua across the face*
Aim: *fist and slap meet*
Aim: *epic sparks*
Grim: *watches with a bag of popcorn*
Inazuma_Champion: KUROSS KOUNTAH!
Dark: *nukes both opposing sides and gathers up their battlechips*
Inazuma_Champion: Dark wants to get his fingers on Djinni's thick sandworm.
Dark: Chips are chips.
Aim: ....
Dark: ...
Aim: God that was a bad mental image
Inazuma_Champion: XD
Dark: Can I kill shur now?
Inazuma_Champion: Hey Bomber.
Inazuma_Champion: Thanks again for trading me that Sandworm.
Inazuma_Champion: :'D
Dark: This should be quoted.
So, Twi and I were having a conversation.

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P.A. Master: I want to meet you someday and give you, like, the biggest goddamn high five ever.
Critwrench: Only if you'll let me build the mecha hands first
P.A. Master: We'll like joust with motorcycles holding giant robot hands.
P.A. Master: And BAM
Harbinger: don't believe so
Harbinger: wow
Harbinger: lol
P.A. Master: XD
Harbinger: So I'm thinking of getting some goggles
P.A. Master: You've got to admit, when we hyperbolize, we do it with STYLE

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Critwrench: Abolishing nationalism would be fucking awesome
P.A. Master: Fuck yeah it would.
Critwrench: I don't want people to stop being proud of their countries
Critwrench: Of their traditions
Critwrench: Of their histories
P.A. Master: Just, stop pissing on the other ones.
Critwrench: But I want them to be able to say
Critwrench: Proudly
Critwrench: That they are a citizen of the world
P.A. Master: ...
P.A. Master: FUCK MARS
Critwrench: Heh

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(Jul 13-01:31) Mawg: THE HEART
(Jul 13-01:31) Mawg: sorry
(Jul 13-01:31) Mawg: *almost finished with the post*
(Jul 13-01:31) chardes: lol hearts connected siamese twins
(Jul 13-01:31) chardes: :[
(Jul 13-01:31) Mawg: :[
(Jul 13-01:32) Mawg: I guess they'll always be on the...
(Jul 13-01:32) Mawg: Same beat
(Jul 13-01:32) chardes: YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
(Jul 13-01:33) Mawg: FUCK IT
(Jul 13-01:33) Mawg: POSTING

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8:12 PM - Critwrench: Hey
8:12 PM - Critwrench: Harbin
8:12 PM - Critwrench: One of my friends wants an example of a really horrible pun I've layed down
8:12 PM - Critwrench: *Laid
8:12 PM - Critwrench: But I can't think of any off the top of my head
8:12 PM - Critwrench: Can you?
8:14 PM - Critwrench: also: Oh god
8:14 PM - Critwrench: I want to go up to someone and do that
8:15 PM - Harbin: No, not at the moment
8:16 PM - Critwrench: 8:15 PM - -=USF=-DragonVampire: Ive heard people say the chicken crossing the road to get to the other side a foul joke
8:15 PM - -=USF=-DragonVampire: thats a rather bad pun
8:16 PM - Critwrench: I've said worse.
8:16 PM - -=USF=-DragonVampire: O_o
8:17 PM - Harbin: Not to chicken out of that conversation
8:17 PM - Harbin: but that was fowl play
8:17 PM - Critwrench: Yeah
8:17 PM - Harbin: In fact, I think you're getting a bit cocky with those
8:18 PM - Critwrench: Ha ha ha
8:18 PM - Harbin: So just be careful
8:18 PM - Harbin: before you end up with egg on your face
8:20 PM - Critwrench: Yeah, I'd suppose the chicks wouldn't like that either
8:20 PM - Harbin: well
8:20 PM - Harbin: birds of a feather
8:20 PM - Critwrench: Nah, I think they'd get madder than a wet hen, myself
8:22 PM - Harbin: well, I'm sure I'd yolk it up
8:22 PM - Critwrench: Ohh, stop egging me on.
8:23 PM - Harbin: Why, can't wing it?
8:24 PM - Critwrench: I fought a girl in a pun contest once
8:24 PM - Critwrench: Things got a little cracked halfway through
8:24 PM - Critwrench: But you could say I beater
8:25 PM - Harbin: I guess she just wasn't hard-boiled enough
8:26 PM - Critwrench: You could say she was a bit soft-shelled
8:26 PM - Critwrench: But she took it on the sunny side and didn't get flipped over it
8:26 PM - Harbin: That's funny, my brains would have gotten a little scrambled
8:28 PM - Critwrench: Yeah, but a week or so later I caught her poaching my material
8:29 PM - Harbin: I guess she couldn't take the heat
8:29 PM - Harbin: you could say she just chickened out
8:29 PM - Critwrench: She was quite the benedict in the end.
8:30 PM - Harbin: Perhaps even an egghead?
8:31 PM - Critwrench: Better than acting like a cock.
8:32 PM - Harbin: Now that's a repeat, so I think that particular egg
8:32 PM - Harbin: came before the chicken
8:33 PM - Critwrench: Chicken was also a repeat
8:33 PM - Critwrench:
8:33 PM - Harbin: Yes but in different context :[)
8:35 PM - Critwrench: Well at least now I have an example of what happens when I keep laying puns
8:35 PM - Harbin: You won't need to hatch any more plans!
8:40 PM - Critwrench: I look a bit seedy when I'm hatching plans anyway
8:40 PM - Critwrench: I don't want to seem like I'm crowing about nothing though
8:40 PM - Critwrench: So I'll step back for now
8:41 PM - Harbin: Good, because I was about to fly off the handle, because I was over easy puns
8:43 PM - Critwrench: My pun arsenal looks a bit plucked now anyway
8:47 PM - Harbin: Well, don't start running about like a headless chicken over it
8:47 PM - Harbin: it'll be fine
[dies of laughter]
*chokes of laughter*
What happens when we all play short heroes in League Of Legends? This!

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4:05 PM - P.A. Master: ...We're all... short.
4:31 PM - Critwrench: And we came up short too.
4:32 PM - Critwrench: Beating them was a tall order
4:32 PM - P.A. Master: Guess the secret to success was just a bit beyond our reach.
4:32 PM - Critwrench: They shorted out our defenses...
4:32 PM - Critwrench: Three pints can't beat three quarts I guess
4:32 PM - P.A. Master: I'm afraid that one was a bit over my head.
4:33 PM - Critwrench: They were on top of their game after all
4:33 PM - P.A. Master: But at least we went above and beyond my expectations.
4:33 PM - Critwrench: I think you're a bit of an underachiever
4:33 PM - Critwrench: : D
4:33 PM - Critwrench: But I guess that's the long and short of it
4:34 PM - P.A. Master: Maybe, you motherfu--
4:34 PM - P.A. Master: Aw damn it I cut it short.
4:34 PM - Critwrench: Just a little bit.
4:34 PM - P.A. Master: But we just have to rise above such small errors.
4:35 PM - Critwrench: A toast then. To new heights!
4:35 PM - P.A. Master: And the avoidance of old lows.
4:35 PM - P.A. Master: *Raises his glass*
4:35 PM - Critwrench: [Raises glass]
4:35 PM - Critwrench: Wait a tic, I think the bartender shortchanged me
4:36 PM - P.A. Master: ...Now you're short a few bucks?

And then what happens when I make the mistake of linking the chat.

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(Jul 16-16:43) Thunderstruck: Goddamn it Harbin.
(Jul 16-16:44) Thunderstruck: That was a low blow.
(Jul 16-16:44) Dare_N_Co: Not as low as that bar
(Jul 16-16:44) Harbin: Well
(Jul 16-16:44) Harbin: It's impossible to aim any higher
(Jul 16-16:44) Harbin: ; D
(Jul 16-16:44) Dare_N_Co: :'D
(Jul 16-16:45) Thunderstruck: Maybe for someone who's as high as you
(Jul 16-16:45) Thunderstruck: ;D
(Jul 16-16:45) Dare_N_Co: *imagines Harbin floating like a balloon*
(Jul 16-16:45) Dare_N_Co: :|
(Jul 16-16:45) Harbin: Oh, I'm sure you can clamber your way up
(Jul 16-16:46) Harbin: (Also it'd be on top of a skyscraper)
(Jul 16-16:46) Harbin: (Twenty stories high)
(Jul 16-16:46) Grimlock: Harbin's got his head in the clouds.
(Jul 16-16:46) Thunderstruck: Better than having his head up his--
(Jul 16-16:47) Harbin: man noone branched off to make puns on what I said
(Jul 16-16:47) Harbin: really
(Jul 16-16:47) Harbin: reeeally
(Jul 16-16:47) Thunderstruck: I'm getting ready to get food
(Jul 16-16:47) Thunderstruck: Sheesh though Harbin
(Jul 16-16:47) Harbin: While playing LoL? P
(Jul 16-16:47) Thunderstruck: That's not too far up
(Jul 16-16:47) Harbin: Well
(Jul 16-16:47) Harbin: too high and I won't be able to light up the night
(Jul 16-16:48) Grimlock: Blargh, I'm hungry.  good thing my food'll be ready in... 4 minutes.
(Jul 16-16:48) Thunderstruck: Yeah, though I suppose 20 stories could be high if they were ones like ASoIaF
(Jul 16-16:48) Aim: daaaaammit
(Jul 16-16:48) Thunderstruck: ;D
(Jul 16-16:48) Shuryou: XD
(Jul 16-16:48) MagicCereal: D:
(Jul 16-16:49) Aim: You guys have to stop or something might come up >:V
(Jul 16-16:49) Thunderstruck: Oh settle down Aim
(Jul 16-16:49) Thunderstruck: You should know that life has its' ups and downs
(Jul 16-16:50) Thunderstruck: Let us be high as kites for a bit
(Jul 16-16:50) Harbin: I think twi's just digging himself a hole
(Jul 16-16:50) Grimlock: I'm scraping from the bottom of the pot for puns here.
(Jul 16-16:50) Thunderstruck: At least I'm not at rock bottom yet.
(Jul 16-16:50) Grimlock: I can only find low quality material.
(Jul 16-16:50) Aim: Well I think I should bring UP that there was already an Ed Edd and Eddy episode that did puns on this theme >:V
(Jul 16-16:50) Harbin: not cool man
(Jul 16-16:50) Harbin: trying to bring us down
(Jul 16-16:51) Thunderstruck: Although I do think it might be time to wrap this up.
(Jul 16-16:51) Harbin: Before you trip up?
(Jul 16-16:51) Thunderstruck: Or slip up.

Waldorf: Hey, some of these puns aren't half bad!
Statler: I know. They're ALL bad.
Both: Do-ho-ho-ho-hoh!
P3P time.

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Jul 17-21:03) Aim: Oh God, these Jack Gloves are awesome
(Jul 17-21:03) CC: FAT LOT OF GOOD IT DID ME
(Jul 17-21:03) Aim: 100 Attack and +Charm (high odds)
(Jul 17-21:04) Aim: Because nothing makes demons hot for Akihiko like being hit with a plush Jack Frost face
(Jul 17-21:04) Shin: XD
(Jul 17-21:04) CC: XD
(Jul 17-21:04) CC: XD
(Jul 17-21:04) CC: ...the more I hear about this game, the more it sounds more like P3: Fanservice Edition. :/
(Jul 17-21:05) CC: PLUS
(Jul 17-21:05) CC: A HAT
(Jul 17-21:05) Aim: Btw, you get all sorts of opportunities to make FemC look like a lesbian
(Jul 17-21:05) CC: you'd better be wearing that hat indoors, Aim
(Jul 17-21:05) Aim: But I guess you can also make MC look like he's gay occassionally, so it works out
(Jul 17-21:06) Shin: :'D

Quote (ParakeetGC)

(Jul 18-18:45) PaladinGC: So.... I now have 4 new roomates.
(Jul 18-18:45) chardes: ..
(Jul 18-18:45) Morisha: ouch
(Jul 18-18:45) chardes: What happened to your old ones?
(Jul 18-18:46) Shin: :/
(Jul 18-18:46) PaladinGC: from smallest to largest, the names of my roomates are Molly, Gypsie (Greener), Boston, Charlie, Betty, and Goliath.
(Jul 18-18:46) Bomber: Knew it.
(Jul 18-18:46) Bomber: I was about to ask if they were human. XD
(Jul 18-18:46) PaladinGC: Nope
(Jul 18-18:46) Grim: XD
(Jul 18-18:46) chardes: o.o?
(Jul 18-18:46) Grim: okay, guess the pet.  Me first.
(Jul 18-18:47) Grim: ... dogs
(Jul 18-18:47) chardes: ..
(Jul 18-18:47) chardes: Pets?
(Jul 18-18:47) Morisha: Monkeys!
(Jul 18-18:47) Bomber: They're all birds, Grim.
(Jul 18-18:47) chardes: ..
(Jul 18-18:47) Grim: damn
(Jul 18-18:47) PaladinGC: the smallest bird weighs 140 grams, the larfest weighs 12 pounds.
(Jul 18-18:47) Morisha: Damn, was close
(Jul 18-18:47) Bomber: ....
(Jul 18-18:47) Bomber: A 12 pound bird? DX
(Jul 18-18:47) chardes: 12 pounds is how many kilos? D:
(Jul 18-18:47) PaladinGC: His name is Goliath. A full grown Cockatoo.
(Jul 18-18:48) Shin: ...
(Jul 18-18:48) Grim: 5.5kg
(Jul 18-18:48) chardes: .......
(Jul 18-18:48) Bomber: 12 pounds is what my cat weighs.
(Jul 18-18:48) Bomber: That's just not right. D:
(Jul 18-18:48) chardes: It's a goddamn cockatrice
(Jul 18-18:48) chardes: :'D
(Jul 18-18:48) PaladinGC: This burd is large enough to kick your cat's ass.
(Jul 18-18:48) Shin: ....
(Jul 18-18:48) Grim: that's... just slightly lighter than Vader. XD
(Jul 18-18:48) Shin: I smell Pokemon battle
(Jul 18-18:48) Bomber: That'd be funny to watch.
(Jul 18-18:48) Bomber: I believe you, and yet my cat is very antagonistic towards birds. XD
(Jul 18-18:48) PaladinGC: For example, Greener picked on goliath.
(Jul 18-18:49) Shin: [Bomber sent out Persian!]
(Jul 18-18:49) Shin: [Greco sent out Goliath!]
(Jul 18-18:49) Asator: so uhh
(Jul 18-18:49) Shuryou: So why you'd get more birds?
(Jul 18-18:49) chardes: ...
(Jul 18-18:49) chardes: ^
(Jul 18-18:49) Asator: why do you have so many birds now?
(Jul 18-18:49) chardes: What shur said.
(Jul 18-18:49) chardes: I guess one bird wasn't enough.
(Jul 18-18:49) chardes: :'D
(Jul 18-18:49) Asator: no no
(Jul 18-18:49) PaladinGC: Goliath snatched greener out of the air with its beak, shook her like a ragdoll, and threw her a good 20 feet across the living room where she smacked into the wall, then fell to the ground.
(Jul 18-18:49) Asator: He hopes one of them will kill Greener
(Jul 18-18:50) chardes: ..
(Jul 18-18:50) Shin: ....
(Jul 18-18:50) Bomber: Got close, apparently.
(Jul 18-18:50) Shuryou: Assassination birds.
(Jul 18-18:50) Asator: (I'm assuming Greener is Indestructibird)
(Jul 18-18:50) Shin: :'D
(Jul 18-18:50) PaladinGC: She is.
(Jul 18-18:50) PaladinGC: She's fine.
(Jul 18-18:50) Grim: he's using their speech capabilities to be able to delegate commands to his growing para-military organization.
(Jul 18-18:50) Prinny_Rai: lol
(Jul 18-18:50) Shuryou: But why more birds?
(Jul 18-18:50) Bomber: Can I guess you family randomly brought them home like last time?
(Jul 18-18:50) Aim has left. [IP=]
(Jul 18-18:50) Aim has joined.
(Jul 18-18:50) Aim: NOOOO
(Jul 18-18:51) PaladinGC: Not exactly. These are rescues from someone in chattanooga who lost her job.
(Jul 18-18:51) Aim: My secret plan to start up an ep of K-On before Heat got back upstairs so he wouldn't make me draw 50 has failed ;~;
(Jul 18-18:51) Aim: HE'S JUST TOO FAST
(Jul 18-18:51) PaladinGC: They're free
(Jul 18-18:51) Grim: free recruits!
(Jul 18-18:51) Lux: Heat is allied with the rest of the site
(Jul 18-18:51) PaladinGC: They have cages.
(Jul 18-18:51) Lux: Everyone is out to force you to draw ecchi
(Jul 18-18:51) Shuryou: Free? You paid for them with your spine apparently.
(Jul 18-18:51) PaladinGC: Only one of them is a complete psuchopath.
(Jul 18-18:51) Grim: barracks included!
(Jul 18-18:51) chardes: XD Shur
(Jul 18-18:51) PaladinGC: yeah....
(Jul 18-18:51) Bomber: One of them besides Greener, or is she the psychopath?
(Jul 18-18:52) PaladinGC: about their cages....
(Jul 18-18:52) PaladinGC: I can get inside them.
(Jul 18-18:52) MagicCereal has left. [IP=]
(Jul 18-18:52) MagicCereal has joined.
(Jul 18-18:52) chardes: ..
(Jul 18-18:52) Grim: nice.
(Jul 18-18:52) Shin: ....
(Jul 18-18:52) Shuryou: ParakeetGC.
(Jul 18-18:52) PaladinGC: They've big enough to accomodate me easily.
(Jul 18-18:52) Shin: Big cages
(Jul 18-18:52) Shin: :/
(Jul 18-18:52) chardes: .......
(Jul 18-18:52) chardes: SHUR
(Jul 18-18:52) Aim: ....
(Jul 18-18:52) chardes: STOP MAKING ME LAUGH
(Jul 18-18:52) chardes: XD
(Jul 18-18:52) MagicCereal: D:
(Jul 18-18:52) PaladinGC: lol
(Jul 18-18:52) Aim: Pally's new name will be Big Bird
(Jul 18-18:52) PaladinGC: *tweet*
(Jul 18-18:52) Shin: PALLY, NEW MEMBER TITLES
(Jul 18-18:52) Shin: PICK ONE AND GO
(Jul 18-18:53) Bomber: *changes Pally's text color to yellow*
(Jul 18-18:53) chardes: XDXD
(Jul 18-18:53) chardes: :V
(Jul 18-18:53) Shin: :V
(Jul 18-18:53) Aim: :V
(Jul 18-18:53) Shuryou: I like Gypsie more. >:
(Jul 18-18:53) Grim: :V
(Jul 18-18:53) PaladinGC: parakeets are blue. :'D
(Jul 18-18:53) chardes: BIG BIRDS ARE NOT
(Jul 18-18:53) chardes: >:V
(Jul 18-18:53) Bomber: And Big Bird is yellow.
(Jul 18-18:53) Aim: AS EXPECTED OF BIG BIRD
(Jul 18-18:53) PaladinGC: lol
(Jul 18-18:53) Aim: ....
(Jul 18-18:53) PaladinGC: .....yeah, this calls for an avatar and title change
(Jul 18-18:53) Aim: *grabs paintbrush*
(Jul 18-18:53) PaladinGC: .....tomorrow.
(Jul 18-18:54) Aim: lol
(Jul 18-18:54) Aim: Pally
(Jul 18-18:54) Shuryou: You don't need a spine to type.
(Jul 18-18:54) Aim: ...
(Jul 18-18:54) Aim: Er, Shin
(Jul 18-18:54) Shin: ?
(Jul 18-18:54) Aim: Somehow Heat and I are both in camp Mugi now
(Jul 18-18:54) Shin: ....
(Jul 18-18:54) Shuryou: MELEEBROS FIFTY.
(Jul 18-18:54) Shuryou: MELEEBROS FIFTY.
(Jul 18-18:54) Aim: D:
(Jul 18-18:54) Shuryou: MELEEBROS FIFTY.
(Jul 18-18:54) Shuryou: MELEEBROS FIFTY.
(Jul 18-18:54) Shin: I didn't even know there were camps
(Jul 18-18:54) Aim: D:
(Jul 18-18:54) PaladinGC: so their cages weigh a total of 2.5 metric ton of reinforced steel plated in zinc.
(Jul 18-18:54) chardes: MELEEBROS FIFTY.
(Jul 18-18:54) Aim: D: D:
(Jul 18-18:54) chardes: ..
(Jul 18-18:54) Bomber: ...
(Jul 18-18:54) chardes: That aside, Pally
(Jul 18-18:55) chardes: What the **** is your room's size?
(Jul 18-18:55) Shin: What camp were you in before? Camp Ritsu?
(Jul 18-18:55) Aim: I like how Pally can be talking about anything and it comes out sounding overtly threatening
(Jul 18-18:55) DNRhasannoyingcousins has joined.
(Jul 18-18:55) PaladinGC: They're not in my room.
(Jul 18-18:55) Aim: Ritsu, yeah. I still like her
(Jul 18-18:55) chardes: THEN THEY'RE NOT YOUR ROOMMATES.
(Jul 18-18:55) chardes: D:<
(Jul 18-18:55) Aim: But Mugi's just too adorable and fluffy and silly
(Jul 18-18:55) PaladinGC: My room is a storage room.
(Jul 18-18:55) Shin: HEY DNR
(Jul 18-18:55) Shin: F*CKING POST
(Jul 18-18:55) Bomber: Uh, metric tons aren't as big as imperial tons, right?
(Jul 18-18:55) Grim: I'd train them as assault-budgies
(Jul 18-18:55) chardes: 1000kg = 1 metric ton
(Jul 18-18:55) Lux: Like 200 pounds difference or something
(Jul 18-18:55) chardes: D:
(Jul 18-18:55) Grim: with Colonel Cockatiel
(Jul 18-18:56) Lux: 2000 pounds vs. 2200 pounds
(Jul 18-18:56) PaladinGC: about 3 imperial tons.
(Jul 18-18:56) Bomber: ...
(Jul 18-18:56) Aim: brb again
(Jul 18-18:56) Bomber: Bullshit. D:
(Jul 18-18:56) chardes: lol
(Jul 18-18:56) PaladinGC: give or take 200 pounds
(Jul 18-18:56) Bomber: You'd need a fucking flatbed semi to move something that heavy. D:
(Jul 18-18:57) chardes: O-Or a forklift? :'D
(Jul 18-18:57) PaladinGC: We had the biggest F-model ford on the planet.
(Jul 18-18:57) Aim: Or... a giant robot!
(Jul 18-18:57) Aim: Pally is a giant robot theory confirmed
(Jul 18-18:57) chardes: ..
(Jul 18-18:57) Bomber: Your floorboards will snap under that much strain. D:
(Jul 18-18:57) Shin: lol
(Jul 18-18:57) PaladinGC: lol
(Jul 18-18:57) Lux: Well Bomber
(Jul 18-18:57) Aim: Also Pally isn't quite sexy enough for a forklift
(Jul 18-18:57) PaladinGC: Theu weigh that much total. XD
(Jul 18-18:57) Lux: Go Driving and watch out for the 6000 pounds of bird cage
(Jul 18-18:58) PaladinGC: not each
(Jul 18-18:58) chardes: Forklift doesn't equate skirtlift >:V
(Jul 18-18:58) Lux: That's where Greco lives
(Jul 18-18:58) Shin: XD
(Jul 18-18:58) Shin: Ok quoted
(Jul 18-18:58) PaladinGC: and there were 3 of us moving sections of steel cage walls
(Jul 18-18:58) Shin: SECTIONS
(Jul 18-18:59) PaladinGC: If I could pull a bar off the side of one of the larger cages, O could use it as a weapon.
(Jul 18-18:59) Bomber: Are you sure you didn't just take an exhibit straight out of the Atlanta zoo? D:
(Jul 18-18:59) chardes: XD
(Jul 18-18:59) PaladinGC: XDXDXDXD
(Jul 18-18:59) Shin: XDXDXD
(Jul 18-18:59) PaladinGC: Bomber, I'm... not sure.
(Jul 18-18:59) PaladinGC: I can't say no.
(Jul 18-18:59) PaladinGC: :'D
(Jul 18-19:00) PaladinGC: pfft
(Jul 18-19:00) Aim: Zoo-robbing giant robot half-bird
(Jul 18-19:00) Shin: .....
(Jul 18-19:00) PaladinGC: They can have these birds. D:
(Jul 18-19:00) Shin: BIRD MECHA
(Jul 18-19:00) chardes: Pally's a garulabird
(Jul 18-19:00) chardes: :'D

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(Jul 26-07:43) Legend: ...
(Jul 26-07:43) CC: ...
(Jul 26-07:43) CC has left.
(Jul 26-07:43) chardes: ...
(Jul 26-07:43) Aim: D:
(Jul 26-07:43) I_Am has joined.
(Jul 26-07:43) I_Am: : D
(Jul 26-07:43) chardes: XDXDXDXD
(Jul 26-07:44) chardes: "I am totally what you were getting at"
(Jul 26-07:44) chardes: ..
(Jul 26-07:44) I_Am: ...
(Jul 26-07:44) I_Am: speechless
(Jul 26-07:45) Aim: I GET IT
(Jul 26-07:45) Aim: I AM LEGEND
(Jul 26-07:45) chardes: NO
(Jul 26-07:45) Aim: :0
(Jul 26-07:45) Aim: That's quite a name
(Jul 26-07:45) I_Am: ...
(Jul 26-07:45) chardes: Totally.
(Jul 26-07:45) I_Am: hell if I know
(Jul 26-07:46) I_Am: *spins house key*
(Jul 25-19:46) chardes has left.
(Jul 25-19:46) Lagging has joined.
(Jul 25-19:46) Lagging: *breaks combo*
(Jul 25-19:46) I_Am: ...
(Jul 25-19:46) I_Am: XD
(Jul 25-19:46) I_Am: amused
(Jul 25-19:46) Lagging: : D
(Jul 25-19:46) Bomber: XD
(Jul 25-19:46) Bomber: Nice Chardes.
(Jul 25-19:47) Lagging: \o/

The member list went from this:


To this:


Well played, Chardes. :'D
Siren RP chat is the stuff of legends. :'D

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(Jul 26-17:50) CC: I'm just persisting until a get a SHOTGUN
(Jul 26-17:50) Marchand: Are you going to do the convenience store topic too now or later?
(Jul 26-17:50) CC: then Michael sightjacks
(Jul 26-17:50) Aim: I know, Zan, but I still can't give it to you
(Jul 26-17:50) CC: and we go SECOND PERSON SHOOTER
(Jul 26-17:50) Aim: Can't do any more for a while, I need to do something for econ
(Jul 26-17:50) Masahiro_Watanabe: I know...*Sniff*
(Jul 26-17:50) chardes: ..
(Jul 26-17:50) chardes: lol CC
(Jul 26-17:50) Masahiro_Watanabe: You new bastards beter finish with your posting.
(Jul 26-17:50) Shin: XD
(Jul 26-17:51) CC: "Hold on, found a shotgun."
(Jul 26-17:51) CC: "Gonna switch the camera angle."
(Jul 26-17:51) CC: Everyone else: "..."
(Jul 26-17:51) Marchand: *pushes Zan's character into the water*
(Jul 26-17:51) Shin: Zan's at a church
(Jul 26-17:51) chardes: ..
(Jul 26-17:51) Shin: he's nowhere near water
(Jul 26-17:51) Aim: *Zan's character flies from church street into sea*
(Jul 26-17:51) Masahiro_Watanabe: Baptismal water?
(Jul 26-17:51) Marchand: *pushes Zan's character into the holy water*
(Jul 26-17:51) CC: FIRETRUCK
(Jul 26-17:51) CC: ...
(Jul 26-17:51) Aim: XD
(Jul 26-17:51) CC: XD
(Jul 26-17:51) chardes: XD
(Jul 26-17:51) Lux: YES
(Jul 26-17:51) Aim: BONUS: BAPTISED
(Jul 26-17:51) CC: and now Aim's glad he started DR again
(Jul 26-17:51) Masahiro_Watanabe: *Becomes shibito*
(Jul 26-17:51) Lux: BAPTISE ZAN'S DUDE
(Jul 26-17:51) CC: such fun conversations
(Jul 26-17:51) Lux: IN BLOOD
(Jul 26-17:52) CC: and then they can ally with god and fight to defeat Lucifer
(Jul 26-17:52) CC: whoops, wrong game
(Jul 26-17:52) chardes: XDXDXD
(Jul 26-17:52) Shin: lol
(Jul 26-17:52) CC: *Aim mods it*
(Jul 26-17:52) CC: *Siren stuff*
(Jul 26-17:52) CC: *SMT stuff&
(Jul 26-17:52) CC: *
(Jul 26-17:53) Aim: : D
(Jul 26-17:53) Aim: BEST RP EVER
(Jul 26-17:53) Marchand: MEANWHILE, IN HELL
(Jul 26-17:53) Marchand: *Disgaea stuff*
(Jul 26-17:53) Shin: XDXDXD
(Jul 26-17:53) CC: XD
(Jul 26-17:53) Aim: Kitty is in hell for wearing a g-string >:V
(Jul 26-17:53) chardes: ...
(Jul 26-17:53) Marchand: She was being adventurous.
(Jul 26-17:53) CC: this is the best chat ever
(Jul 26-17:53) Dingy has joined.
(Jul 26-17:53) Dingy: [Thinks about a song]
(Jul 26-17:53) Dingy: [Song comes on winamp as next track]
(Jul 26-17:53) chardes: Aim will also go to hell for all this funny convo
(Jul 26-17:53) Marchand: Now it's the worst chat.
(Jul 26-17:53) Dingy: [With the playlist set to random]
(Jul 26-17:53) Marchand: Danno, go away.
(Jul 26-17:53) Aim: :<
(Jul 26-17:53) Dingy: No :[
(Jul 26-17:54) Dingy: OKAY FINE I WILL

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Context. Hahahahaha.
Context. Hahahahaha.

[snaps Shur's neck]

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(Aug 04-16:32) MagicCereal has left.
(Aug 04-16:32) Pepper: [Takes ass-engine keys]
(Aug 04-16:32) Pepper: [Charges forth with asshole powers]
(Aug 04-16:33) Pepper: Hmmm
(Aug 04-16:33) Pepper: [Turns off asshole device]
(Aug 04-16:33) Masahiro_Watanabe has left.

Context. Gahahahaha.

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(Aug 04-20:59) Aim: Cruise control for making people in this game:
(Aug 04-20:59) Aim: Act like/ call yourself a samurai
(Aug 04-20:59) Aim: If the option is ever available, picking it seems to be correct
(Aug 04-20:59) Aim: for making people like you*
(Aug 04-20:59) PaladinGC: weeaboo dev team detected~
(Aug 04-21:00) Aim: Well it's more like you're Japanese and came to America and are fighting in steam-powered robots that use martial arts weaponry....
(Aug 04-21:00) Aim: Okay yeah it's a weeaboo dev team
(Aug 04-21:00) PaladinGC: lol
This is a PM with Aim.

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(Aug 05-22:34) Aim has left.
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(Aug 06-00:59) Aim has joined.
(Aug 06-00:59) Aim has left.
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(Aug 06-01:00) Aim has joined.
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(Aug 06-01:02) Aim has joined.
(Aug 06-01:03) Aim has left.
(Aug 06-01:03) Aim has joined.
(Aug 06-01:03) Aim has left.
(Aug 06-01:03) Aim has joined.
(Aug 06-01:03) Aim has left.
(Aug 06-01:03) Aim has joined.
(Aug 06-01:05) Aim has left.
(Aug 06-01:05) Aim has joined.
(Aug 06-01:06) Aim has left.
(Aug 06-01:06) Aim has joined.
(Aug 06-01:07) Aim has left.
(Aug 06-01:07) Aim has joined.
(Aug 06-01:07) Aim has left.
(Aug 06-01:07) Aim has joined.
(Aug 06-01:07) Aim has left.
(Aug 06-01:07) Aim has joined.
(Aug 06-01:08) Aim has left.
(Aug 06-01:08) Aim has joined.
(Aug 06-01:09) Aim has left.
(Aug 06-01:09) Aim has joined.
(Aug 06-01:10) Aim has left.
(Aug 06-01:10) Aim has joined.
(Aug 06-01:11) Aim has left.
(Aug 06-01:11) Aim has joined.
(Aug 06-01:13) Aim has left.
(Aug 06-01:13) Aim has joined.
(Aug 06-01:16) Aim has left.
(Aug 06-01:16) Aim has joined.
(Aug 06-01:19) Aim has left.
(Aug 06-01:19) Aim has joined.
(Aug 06-01:20) Aim has left.
(Aug 06-01:20) Aim has joined.
(Aug 06-01:21) Aim has left.
(Aug 06-01:21) Aim has joined.
(Aug 06-01:22) Aim has left.
(Aug 06-01:22) Aim has joined.
(Aug 06-01:23) Aim has left.
(Aug 06-01:23) Aim has joined.
(Aug 06-01:24) Aim has left.
(Aug 06-01:24) Aim has joined.
(Aug 06-01:25) Aim has left.
(Aug 06-01:25) Aim has joined.
(Aug 06-01:25) Aim has left.
(Aug 06-01:25) Aim has joined.