My opinion is... He sucked ass in Marvel's Ultimate Alliance. XD
Haven't been interested in comics of him because of this I'm afraid. Any good?
Random Chat (NEW!!!) V.1
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Quote (Shuryou)
My opinion is... He sucked ass in Marvel's Ultimate Alliance. XD
Haven't been interested in comics of him because of this I'm afraid. Any good?
He's awsome. He's a master martialartist and marksman who used to be a mercenary. He was origionally creted to hunt a werewolf for an evil corporate conspiracy. He then turned to superheroics after helping the werewolf escape the evil Comittee. Now, here's somthing interesting about Moonknight. He is insane. Litterally. He suffers from schyzophrenia. He has several personalities and identeties -his origional merc identity of Mark Specter, the fabulously rich Steven Grant, and harbroiled Jack Lockly- and they each have opinions about each other, and Lockly is actually Jelous of Steven, while Moonknight dislikes Steven's laid back attitude and Lockly's somwhat selfish attitude. It's really interesting to watch him jump from identity to identity so that he can do whatever needs to be done.
.......yes I'm a Moonknight fan.
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I- just like Batman... I don't like anyone else. :'D
Kidding, there's tons of others that I like, but Batman kind of takes the cake.
I bet Shuryou will refute this with an Iron Man Assimilation thing. <_<
I- just like Batman... I don't like anyone else. :'D
Kidding, there's tons of others that I like, but Batman kind of takes the cake.
I bet Shuryou will refute this with an Iron Man Assimilation thing. <_<
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Hrm... I'd have to go for Mystique. Her entire background story intrigues me and her abilities are awesome too. Besides, she's the mother of Nightcrawler and Rogue which are awesome mutants too.
And I once got a 'You're Mystique' result with a 'Which Villain are you?' quiz.
And I once got a 'You're Mystique' result with a 'Which Villain are you?' quiz.
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Baka! That's multiple personailty disorder, not schyzophrenia. Schyzophrenia is when you sense things that are there. People with schyzophrenia are the ones that talk to people that don't exsist or think that the walls are speaking to them. You might know a lot about some lame comic book, but you know nothing of psychology!
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Quote (Shuryou)
...Goldion Hammer? :'D
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Now you all HAVE to get Brawl. Imagine, synchronized Falcon Punches.
If only the 'Mote had a mic for voice chat. Then you could marvel at how awesome my jazzy tenor sounds taunting you. >: D
Now you all HAVE to get Brawl. Imagine, synchronized Falcon Punches.
If only the 'Mote had a mic for voice chat. Then you could marvel at how awesome my jazzy tenor sounds taunting you. >: D
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Quote (MajinBooger)
Baka! That's multiple personailty disorder, not schyzophrenia. Schyzophrenia is when you sense things that are there. People with schyzophrenia are the ones that talk to people that don't exsist or think that the walls are speaking to them. You might know a lot about some lame comic book, but you know nothing of psychology!
Multiple Personality Disorder is a sub-set of schyzophrania, as it is the creation of different non-existant individuals inside of your head, the only difference being that instead of just hearing them, they are in charge of the body for different lengths of time.
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Quote (Zolem)
Multiple Personality Disorder is a sub-set of schyzophrania, as it is the creation of different non-existant individuals inside of your head, the only difference being that instead of just hearing them, they are in charge of the body for different lengths of time.
Both would be, in my oppinion, fucking kickass! It's like being possesed, but sometimes fun!
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Quote (commondragon)
Quote (Zolem)
Multiple Personality Disorder is a sub-set of schyzophrania, as it is the creation of different non-existant individuals inside of your head, the only difference being that instead of just hearing them, they are in charge of the body for different lengths of time.
Both would be, in my oppinion, fucking kickass! It's like being possesed, but sometimes fun!
Yes, living in constant fear and paranoia is a goddamn blast.
That's not just schizophrenia, either. In multiple personality disorder, all personalities are insane, albeit some much less than others. Waking up with a bloody knife in your hands? Funtime.
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Quote (Gearpunk)
Quote (commondragon)
Quote (Zolem)
Multiple Personality Disorder is a sub-set of schyzophrania, as it is the creation of different non-existant individuals inside of your head, the only difference being that instead of just hearing them, they are in charge of the body for different lengths of time.
Both would be, in my oppinion, fucking kickass! It's like being possesed, but sometimes fun!
Yes, living in constant fear and paranoia is a goddamn blast.
That's not just schizophrenia, either. In multiple personality disorder, all personalities are insane, albeit some much less than others. Waking up with a bloody knife in your hands? Funtime.