Quote (Harbin)
Legoroy=User of RE:RN
Darkrai=User of RE:RN
.....does that make legoroy banned?
And does that make me a noob?
If legoroy = Darkrai
then legoroy = banned.
If Friend + banned user = noob, then Commondragon = Noob
Also, you got that wrong.
Apple = red tree fruit
Cherry = red tree fruot
so Apple = cherry.
Oranges = Tangelo, in the same regard.
EDIT: Also, its not that everyone hates the bard. Everyone hates the guy with the out-of-place character. Becuase everyone has to deal with his retardedness. Unless that said out-of-place kicks ass, like my half-fel I RP when I play WC3 :3.