Random Chat (NEW!!!) V.1

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Geez, Twi, with over 3000 views to its name, I'd sure call the Signature Attack Effect List a necessary rule... >>
Did I move that? Whoops. Must've clicked the wrong box.

at least you didnt click the delete button Twi

Or else there would be cries for blood

And blood would be spilled

as in everyone elses

and I will laugh and eat popcorn while watching the death of everyone in one epic battle.
Aim...That was freakin' epic.
source for the idiots/...
It's from a manga Aim reads called Zetman, I think.
For some reason, it reminds me of Gantz...

Quote (Bottom of index and stuff)

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You're joking, right?
I do not think it be joking.
Said the Ninja in the chat:

"Why add more systems to an already bloated ruleset and confuse the poor boards even further? I think we'd be best to strip the whole system down and then figure out what actually matters to the game and what we can drop!"

Then the Mods went ahead and approved the Multi-Navi system.

poor lori. oh well, more systems make things more complex. and it weeds out those who can read and those who don't read rules. simple as that.
Plus I can always get a single person to do a certain idea of mine (which im giving out to people comtemplating the joining of our fair boards, which are few). instead of 3 dedicated RPer's (which are hard to find anyways)

Achtung... What did you do there, Maarty?

Quote (Legoroy)

Achtung... What did you do there, Maarty?

Ehm... Made an animation test with Flash for a game I have to make? The keys are left, right and up. I recolored the sprite to fit the theme we have to build around and we're making a platform game. Think Mario. But spriting animated pieces really makes my mind go bonkers.


Made it better slightly. PRESS CTRL FOR PUNCHING.

Quote (Shuryou)

But spriting animated pieces really makes my mind go bonkers.

Which just happens to be my speciality.

Maximum beginnings, Maarty. I see potential.
*Asator is making a test of something.

Don't mind it.