OBS - Trades and Purchases

"Thank you kindly, I'm sure I will be in touch in the future."
Candle for a Pickpocket work?

w-what? GLADLY! i've been looking for more of those everywhere!

Here's your chip sir, and thank you very much!

- Rei Tylien

*attached candle1*

*attach Pickpocket*
Interesting trade. Hope you guys make the best of those chips.

Virgil GET: [Candle1] Battlechip
LOSE: [Pickpocket] Battlechip

Rei GET: [Pickpocket] Battlechip
LOSE: [Candle1] Battlechip

I just checked your stock out, and there's a few chips that caught my eye. I'll take Needler1, Drain1, and Silence, if you don't mind!

- Sabrina Jetto
I'll gladly sell you those chips! Jeez im gonna have to add more to my stock soon... Hopefully I find more to your liking in the near future. Thank you for the business!

- Rei Tylien

*attached drain1, needler1, silence*
Big trade...I sure hope its worth it for one of you.

Sabrina GET: [Drain1] Battlechip, [Needler1] Battlechip, [Silence] Battlechip
Rei GET: 5,500z

Hey, I'm back again. I need that other Machinegun.


[attached: 2000z]
You're a greedy one, aren't you?

[Attached: Machinegun1 x1]
I would like to purchase that magnet seed, please.


*Attach 1000 zenny*
Because I'm cool like that, I'll approve this first one and leave the second for later.

R.G. GET: [MachineGun1] Battlechip
Anonymous GET: 2000z

So cool.

- LinkMan.EXE
Sure thing!

Attached: MagnetSeed
Double trouble!

Rosenqueen GET: [MagnetSeed] Battlechip
Mazer GET: 1000z

- LinkMan.EXE
I've been eyeing that ElementalRage2 for a while, but uh, that 7000z price tag's really steep. I do really want it, though...any chance you could give it up for...4500z and a RiskyHoney1 chip?

- Sabrina Jetto
ATTACHMENT: RiskyHoney1 BattleChip data
ugh... 4500 and a chip huh? Look, I'm sorry but i really don't think i-

He'll do it. He'll like it. He'll also shut up about it if he knows whats good for him~ <3

- Sylk.exe

... what she said...

- Rei Tylien

*attached: ElementalRage2*
Oh, ElementalRage2. That's certainly an interesting chip.

Sabrina GET: ElementalRage2
Rei GET: 4500z, RiskyHoney1

- LinkMan.EXE
Wow it kind of seems you have a DashAttack in your Chip Stock. How did I not see this before?

Uh, how about.... a Vortex and MeteorKnuckle?

Oh wow, that sounds pretty great actually. I'll gladly take you up on that offer. here you go, enjoy your dash attack!

- Rei Tylien

*attached, dash attack*
Happy doing business with you.


ATTACHED: [Vortex x1, MeteorKnucklex1]