Navi Net-Shop

That, ScorchMan thought, had been remarkably painless. Even the shopkeeper's advice hadn't felt at all obsequious, for all that he usually couldn't stand unsolicited comments on his condition. "I'll keep that in mind, thank you," he said quietly, surprised that he meant it. "Could I...well, anyway, I should talk to my Operator. Have a good day."

He'd kept track of the directions the shop Navi (TempoMan?) had guided him through. When he made for the door, collecting his GuideProg on the way out, he only missed the door by a little bit, catching the frame in his hand and patting his way out. A crimson datastream announced his exit a few seconds later, along with a, "JACKING OUT, BARK BARK!"

<(To Kotobuki Fire Station)>
((From => Jenny's Home))

Courser made his way to the store front on foot for a change... or at least, gliding on his small water eddy in a relaxed, side-on stance. The current fluttered down and faded away as he passed through the doors and stepped forward to walk properly about the store itself, waiting for one of the shop keepers to be free. After a moment he stepped forward.

"Hi there... Just looking for a couple of updates to get past a milestone or two today before I tackle other things..."
"Yeah, like the shark wasn't enough, you nutter..." To one side, a second courser had slipped out of the shadows by shop display and heckled the main CourseMan with a smirk and a shake of his head. Courser cut a glance at the clone, but did his best to ignore it for now.
"So... I need to go to NaviCust twenty-four, and Process Update twenty-five, please." He snapped his fingers and a small swirl of water encircled his hand and took the form of a tiny blue crystal, which he flipped across the counter. It was part of the spare they had left after the earlier run, so he was sure Jenny wouldn't mind him spending it too much.



NC Expansion 24: 6750z
PU 25: 2500z

Total: 9250z
Funds Remaining: 520z
Turning around from some busy orders he had been putting in for, the navi would give a smile and a nod at Courser's appearance. "Just a second sir, just give me a-" He began, pausing briefly at the mention of a shark. "I'm sorry, you mean- No, nonono, nobody's THAT crazy. Anyways, order noticed, give me a second."

He spoke hurriedly before turning back around, shaking the mention of a shark from his head as he grabbed the two upgrades for the navi, turning right around swiftly as he yanked them off the shelves, pushing them onto the counter. "You're in luck, these are the last ones we've got in stock for the moment. Shouldn't take too long to get them back in though!" He mentioned, taking the crystal with a nod. "Have a good day sir. And, please, there's this new "trend" going around...please be a -bit- more reasonable than some of the other younger navis..." He would continue on without a lost beat, shaking his head again with a mumble under his breath. "'Cybeast Challenge'...what is with these kids these days? That's just poking the hornets nest..."

Courser get: NC Expansion 24 and Processor Upgrade 25
Courser lose: 9200z
Courser held his peace and nodded his thanks to the assistant as he accepted the purchase and tucked it away.
"It's all about the view count with some, I hear. They'll do any reckless old thing for them, so I hear. Take care." With a tip of two fingers to his temple, Courser waved farewell and headed out of the shop

((To -> A cyber cafe))
Link from network.

Quote (Shopping List)

Current Zenny: 85,190z

Current Upgrades: NC+HP = 23 (8 NC + 15 HP)

HP Memory:
v16 - 6,750z
v17 - 7,000z
v18 - 7,250z
v19 - 7,500z
v20 - 7,750z

v21 - 8,000z
v22 - 8,250z
v23 - 8,500z
v24 - 8,750z
v25 - 9,000z

Total: 36,250z + 42,500z = 78,750z

Remainder: 85,190z - 78,750z = 6,440z

DragonierMan walked into the SciLab NET Navi-Shop with a piece of paper with numbers scribbled on it. He turned it around in his hands and placed it on the counter facing TempoMan. "Hello. I am in need of some expensive upgrades." He then adopted a look of shock as if he remembered something. "Oh! One moment," he said as he turned around for a moment to fiddle with a vid-window that he brought up.

A huge burlap sack, almost as big as he was, appeared on the ground in front of him. It had a big Z symbol emblazoned on it. He picked it up and spun around to face the shopkeeper, the bag hefted over his back. He then pitched forward and slammed the huge sack down upon the counter top, a few zenny coins spilling out of the top of the bag and dropping down behind the counter on TempoMan's side. Clinking and scattering all over the floor. "Keep the change," he smiled as he paid with almost 79k of bloodstained zenny.

Turning around to face Dragonierman, Tempoman would give a light bow as he did. "Expensive upgrades? Well lets see he- Holy...o-okay then...that'll be...seventy-eight hundred and seven-hundred fifty zenny then. Did you plan on paying by card or..." He continued on, eyes going wide as Dragonierman SLAMMED that massive sack of zenny onto the counter, every passerby looking intently as the sack nearly took out the entire counter by way of it's weight alone.

Tempoman, obviously MORE than a little disturbed at such a massive bag of zenny, hurriedly picked up the upgrades requested and tossed a tied up bag of everything to Dragonierman, figuring he would catch it, he would need a new counter...but the pricy upgrades combined with the warlord's penchant of utter destruction of everything in his way would far more than cover it. "H-Have a good day sir! And please...a zenny transfer next time? We...can't exactly afford you to...destroy our counters each time you come in."

Dragonierman LOSE: 78,750z
Dragonierman GET: HP UP 16-25
"I will keep that in mind for next time," DragonierMan smirked as he waved the small pouch of upgrades that TempoMan tossed him. "See you around," he stated as he headed out the door. ON TO ADVENTURE!!!

{<<< From Homepages: {Amlipeda} - Homepage of Amity.EXE <<<}

Amy's faith was rewarded when the digitised datastream reassembled her body and Lily's into an area that, judging by the displays around her, was safe to assume was some sort of navi upgrades store.

There was only one navi in sight, so assuming this was the shop-keep she approached it with a hint of caution. "Hello," she offered, waving one hand awkwardly as a greeting. "I was told this was the place to buy navi parts? If I give you 4,650 zenny, are you able to provide me with a Lv.4 HP Memory, a Lv.2 PowerUP and a Lv.9 Process Upgrade?"

She extended out her hand with the required amount of money, hoping she wasn't about to be robbed of some hard-earned cash.

"Sorry if I'm talking out of turn, but do you ship the parts to an address...? Or do I get a receipt and come back with my operator...? I'm still not entirely sure how this works."


Lv.4 HP Memory - 1750z
Lv.2 PowerUP - 2000z
Lv.9 Process Upgrade - 900z

Total Required: 4650z
((From => Rogan's Room))

SciLab again, even though it had only been a night and a morning since she was here last. Lyntael moved quickly through the main thoroughfares of the public area, happy to stick to the more populated areas as she went this time around – she didn't know any of the many strangers she passed on the way, but after her previous evening's brooding something about the presence of other people gave her a comfort she hadn't expected.

The door the navi shop opened for her and she ducked in, mentally going over what she needed as she took an extra moment to pretend at browsing the catalogue while she unconsciously and needlessly re-straightened her vest and brushed down her skirt quickly. The shop was quiet at the moment, and it seemed that only TempoMan himself was on the counter this early, with none of his other multitude of other shop assistants present. The store navi was busy with someone else already and Lyntael waited her turn, then paused to give the other woman a bright smile and a small wave as they passed one another. There were plenty of nice people in the world still.

Once it was her turn, she stepped up to the counter and repeated the wave for the shopkeeper.

“Hey. Good morning, me again. Just a couple of things today... I need PowerUp versions eleven and twelve, and process updates... twenty-two and twenty-three, please.” She reached up to her emblem, tracing a circle around the edge of it with one finger and drawing out a string of faintly glowing data that coalesced into a small crystal containing the transfer confirmation and held it out across the counter.



PowerUP 11 & 12 : 23000
PU 22 & 23: 4500z

Total: 27500z
Funds Remaining: 6300z
TempoMan perked up and nodded towards Amy as she arrived and gave off all the signs of a navi new to purchasing upgrades. He offered her a reassuring smile.

"Yes indeed, welcome! Upgrades and repairs, if you need them." He paused while she made her request, then nodded again, turning to one side and accessing a small console that swiftly materialised several small packets. The three each looked a little different as he laid them out on the counter in front of her and accepted the payment in return.

"Oh, no need to worry about physical parts - that's all become pretty optional in recent years you know. We still sell physical chip upgrades in the main store, to operators, of course, and it's convenient for some, but really, the physical chips just contain firmware updates and efficiency restructures that work cumulatively with each other. It's not too difficult to do the same thing with direct data transfers just like these!" He grinned again and pushed the three upgrades across to Amy.

"It's all pretty straight forward, but you might need your operator to grant permissions and confirm the updates, on their side, once you get around to installing them. Anything else I can get for you today? If not, do have a good morning!" He tipped an invisible hat towards Amy and concluded their business, then turned his attention towards the other navi that had entered behind her.

((Which I need someone else to do ^.^))


Amity GET: HpMem v4, PowerUp v2, PU v9
Amity LOSE: 4650z
"Thank you for waiting! Two powerups and two process upgrades... one moment," he said, taking the glowing zenny packet and subsequently tapping the console next to him. A scanning light briefly washed over Lyntael's body, before a few nondescript boxes with "UPGRADES" and a happy-looking Tempoman caricature waving a greeting printed on the top. The shopkeeper Navi blinked for a few moments, before sighing. "Er, right, those weren't supposed to be out on production yet..." he said, returning a sheepish look to Lyntael. "It should be all in there, though. Thank you for shopping with us, and have a nice day!"

Lyntael GET: PowerUP x2, Process Upgrade x2
Lyntael LOSE: 27500z
"Really...?" Amy was surprised; she hadn't expected this turn of events. As the three packets lay in front of her, the realisation that they'd never have to return to the physical SciLab gave Amy some much-needed relief. It was clear that Eric had some difficulties with that area; although she hadn't yet worked up the nerves to press either her operator or his sister about it, her curiousity hadn't yet beaten her resolve not to create any more unnecessary dramas for herself.

"Thank you," Lily acknowledged, hoping for her navi's meditative trance to not be taken as impoliteness. It was enough for Amy to snap back to her senses as she did a small bow and collected the three unique packets from the counter before turning around and heading for the door. She now realised this space wasn't a network, it was just a building in a larger space.

As she headed towards the door she passed another female navi that gave her an energetic smile and a wave to accompany it. Amy wasn't used to such interaction from passersby, and awkwardly tried to reciprocate the action a moment too late. It was possible the yellow figure may have missed the gesture as she moved to the counter for her own assistance, leaving Amy waving at the wall in front of her.

"Awwwwwkwarrrrrd..." Lily whispered from behind, the taunt filling Amy's cheeks with a rosy red as she barrelled forward towards the door, almost impacting it before opening it and stepping through to the street outside.

Lily couldn't help but cackle some more as the two walked down the road, boots hitting the pavement just a little too hard. "We need to work on your people skills, don't we," she tried to justify the laughter as Amy stormed down the pathway.

"Oh whatever!" she seethed under her breath, feeling the imaginary stares of every passerby burn into her despite not a single program paying her any attention. "Eric, has Max worked out where he wants us to go yet?"

"Right here, you know," the man in question pointed out through her intercom. "Did you finish droppin' off your friends?"

"Of course. So where are we going?" The attitude was cooling off, but her face was still red.

"I need you to visit three stores in Electown. I emailed you the shop names, the parts I want and some money. Look for the things with (i)s above them, they'll help you out." The navi heard an odd creaking sound as Max groaned. "I'm done for tonight. If you get the parts we'll continue tomorrow morning." Some thudding sounds followed that gradually got softer until they disappeared completely.

(i) things...? Amy pondered. The instruction might make more sense once they were there. "Alright then, I guess we'll head for that Electown portal you were talking about earlier, Eric." Amy fiddled with the three items as she walked. "On the way, can you grant permission for me to install digital updates...?"

Eric's hands were already digging into his backpack. "Just a second..."


Upgrades Acquired!
HP Memory x1, PowerUP x1, Process Upgrade x1
Zenny: -4650 (4920 >>> 270)

HP Memory: 3 >>> 4
Max HP Increase: 210 >>> 230

PowerUP: 1 >>> 2
Aspect Increased: Rapid Shot (1 >>> 2)
New Buster Stats: Attack 2 / Rapid 2 / Charge 1

Process Upgrades: 8 >>> 9
Signature Pool: 400 >>> 440

Level Up! HP Memory x1, PowerUP x1
Amity.EXE: Level 8 >>> Level 10

{>>> To Electown Net: Shopping for a Future >>>}
Lyntael received her updates with another small nod and a quiet 'thank you' towards TempoMan, then turned to make leave the store. She paused just beyond the threshold, her eyes drawn to the other navi again as she departed - the little butterfly briefly fascinated her and for a moment sh debated chasing after the other woman to strike up a conversation... but Rogan was waiting for her, and the other navi seemed like she was already deeply involved in conversation with her operator. Oh well; she let the thought go and made her way towards a network transit that could get her to her other destination quickly.

((To => The Bounty Shop))

{<<< From Homepages: {Amlipeda} - Homepage of Amity.EXE <<<}

The portal she wanted to use was engaged by someone else's server, so instead of dropping in directly to the shop Amy had to take a link to a generic public portal a block away from the shop. Amy didn't mind, and the walk itself was much more enjoyable with her child-like friend in tow. It was an odd scene to watch, a lady in a Victorian-esque cyan dress with matching wings of seemingly no origin escorting a female child in its own princess-like pink and white gown. Amy's flowing violet hair hid Lily's presence altogether, as per the norm; nobody would have known she was attached to the lady's back.

Amy pushed the door to the navi shop open and allowed Sakura to go in first before following behind her. Sakura ran off to the side in awe of a video on the wall's monitor showing off a dancer combining powerful battle moves with precision choreography, and without giving the order Amy could feel Lily's arms already loosening from her station. She watched as the butterfly glided down to the child's level, giving Amy an opportunity to conduct her business.

She didn't make the same mistake as last time, now that she knew she was in the right place. She approached the counter with the right amount of money in hand. "Hello again," she greeted the navi behind the counter. "Can I please get two Process Upgrades? I believe it should be this much," she commented whilst placing 2100 zenny onto the counter.


Lv.10 Process Upgrade - 1000z
Lv.11 Process Upgrade - 1100z

Total Required: 2100z
As she approached the counter, Amy's greeting drew the attention of the shop navi back to herself - his own gaze momentarily distracted by the small Sakura with a curious expression. She brushed it away after a moment though, and gave Amy a welcoming smile.

"Hello, yes, I can get that for you, just let me confirm for a second..." He appraised Amy briefly with a measuring eye then nodded and reached below the counter to select the right packages for her and sliding them across the counter to her. With the same motion he lifted his hand to accept her payment and nodded again, making the zenny swiftly disappear.

"That's a v10 and 11 process upgrade for you. Do come by again if you need anything else!" TempoMan gave her another brief, amiable wave, before another navi's shopping needs drew his attention. As he moved away, he spared another short, curious glance at the small child in the store, but quickly returned to his other business.


Amity GET: PU v10-11
Amity LOSE: 2100z
The upgrades were uploaded into her mainframe as she thanked the shopkeep before turning back towards her partners. Amy couldn't help but smile as she watched the little program in a dress try to match the on-screen navi's dance moves; a lack of dexterity didn't stop Sakura from trying to match the fighter's moves, even if she didn't need to dodge imaginary viruses in the process.

"Be honest," Lily commented as Amy drew near. "She's got talent for such a small frame, wouldn't you agree...?"

"Oh absolutely. They wouldn't be putting her on TV if she wasn't."

A groan followed. "I was talking about Sakura, you dummy."

"Oh." In the navi's mind, Sakura's dancing was cute, for sure, but... was it skilled...?

"Come on you, let's keep moving," she directed whilst placing her hand on the girl's head, careful not to mess up the giant bowtie still tied around her fringe.

The girl's attention was immediately drawn away from the screen at being summoned, as her right hand found Amy's left. They proceeded towards the shop's front as Lily slid into Amy's hair and her arms and legs found contact with her back.


Upgrades Acquired!
Process Upgrade x2
Zenny: -2100 (3270 >>> 1170)

Process Upgrades: 9 >>> 11
Signature Pool: 440 >>> 520

{>>> To Yoka Net: Pools of Information >>>}
Walking in quietly the newly garbed Hare would come in, hands in his new pants pockets as he looked about, seeing the various tempomen running about, but otherwise, he would walk on up to the counter and pull out a small handful of zenny. Long time, Tempoman. Just here after a...poorly thought out plan. Need me one-a them "Signature Resets" since I need a quick reconfiguration. He said with a chuckle, before a ping came at the back of his head, the hare taking a moment with his hand on his ear and reading the data he was just sent, a recipt of the new bounty that had been taken appearing in his other as he unfurled it swiftly. A grimace and flash of anger on his eyepatched face as he frowned shortly after, eye(s) narrowing at the bounty. The hare quickly brought out a 1000z bill and plopped it on the small pile of coins he put on the counter. That little shit, you clean up after me and Prose twice and- Ugh. Gonna have a long, borderline abusive talk with them later." He murmured the last part under his breath as he looked back at the Tempoman at the counter. "I need me an Aqua Buster upgrade to replace my Elemental one. Looks like I get to "enjoy" a few third degree burns against some Swordy-F2s in my future...among other things. That would be much appreciated my man." He continued before waiting for him to process the order.

Buying: Signature Reset (180z) and Aqua Elemental Buster upgrade, replaces Elemental Buster (1000z) for a total of 1180z
Have: 1760z
After purchase: 580z
As TempoMan zipped to the section of the counter that Jazz approached, he nodded and smiled at the greeting, but didn't seem to directly recognise the new-look hare. He grinned and brought forward a small data crystals, passing it across the counter.

"Must have been a while if you're calling them that, friend. I don't think we've used the term 'signature reset' in years... they're called Process Edits now. Works about as you'd expect though. Let me know if you..." He trailed off as Jazz devolved into a heated rant that was clearly not directed at him. He held his peace and then retrieved the second part of the order swiftly.
"I can get you one of those too, no problem. I... hope your hunt goes smoothly." He processed the payment in short order and did his best to offer the other navi a reassuring smile; friendly as he was, this clearly wasn't his business.


Jazz GET: 1 x Process Edit, Aqua Shot
Jazz LOSe: 1180z
Jazz stood there silent for a moment and shook his head, grabbing the items. Ah...sorry. It's...been a rough few weeks...thank you Tempoman, don't get hurt out there. He spoke simply before walking away, figuring out where he should head for a quick run...