Bouncy Bouncy Djinni

As Broadside and Djinni got further into the hades net, they came across a mouth of a canyon. Seeing how it would be difficult to go around it for Broadside, the two navis and their SPs began to walk into the canyon. However, as all things go into the net, they found themselves in a virus ambush as a pack of Spikey watched Djinni and Broadside from the top of the canyon while a handful of others blocked both entrance...

-Left Canyon-
Spikey EXA: 140HP
Spikey EXB: 140HP
Spikey EXC: 140HP

-Right Canyon-
Spikey EXD: 140HP
Spikey EXE: 140HP
Spikey EXF: 140HP

DrixolA: 90HP
DrixolB: 90HP
SkarabC: 120HP
SkarabD: 120HP

SkarabA: 120HP
SkarabB: 120HP
DrixolC: 90HP
DrixolD: 90HP

Left Canyon: 20% Sand
Right Canyon: 20% Sand
Bottom: 30% Metal, 30% Lava [Spotted]

Djinni.EXE: 180 HP [Lava]
Fhyre.SP: 70 HP [Lava]
Broadside.EXE: 200 HP [Metal]
Ro.SP: 70HP [Metal]
Nadia.SP: 50 HP [Metal]
Rosa.SP: 50 HP [Metal]

Djinni came to a screeching halt as she saw the viruses in front of her and noticed the presence of those behind the team. With a quick spin to check the surroundings, she also noticed the multiple enemies that had taken the higher ground. "An ambush in this place?" she asked out loud and while she had a thoughtful face at first, this face quickly shifted into that of someone who had plenty of mean tricks in her sleeves. "Hey Broadside," Djinni said with a grin over her face, "I don't like this advantage they have over us. It's not them that should grace the spotlight, but us!"

Na'im had realized this was going to be a pesky battle and shuffled through his chips, until he noticed one he hadn't seen before. "A little stowaway in the pile?" he asked himself as he picked it up and examined it quickly. With a few button pressing motion he swiftly had brought up a database of battle chips. "Looks like this is what we need for this trial. A defensive, yet restricting, chip. Time to send our adversaries on a one-way trip."

"And so!" Djinni continued as she had sensed the chip Na'im had spoken about being transferred to her system. "It's time to put myself in the light!" she shouted playfully while a red moon surfaced from the horizon behind the enemies in front of them.

Fhyre took this moment to raise her arms and waved them about frantically at Broadside and the others. It was hard for the little SP without a voice of her own to express that they had to be careful of the impending lava that would surface from the panels. First she pointed at the moon, then pointed with all hands at the ground and ending with a motion of her fingers as if something would rise from the ground.

The light had not started to shine yet, but fragments of magma rock became visible around Djinni's feet and, instead of sticking to the ground, they began to float around Djinni. Once enough pieces had collected in the air they attached themselves on Djinni's outfit and skin yet kept her face and accessories untouched. Once the rocks stopped bringing themselves to Djinni's body, she had a sleek yet craggy body armor with the brown color of the earth and the red color of lava. Still visible on her hands and feet were the rubies that were embedded in those positions and the rings that floated around her wrists and ankles. "Broadside!" she shouted while taking the moment to see how the armor felt on her body, immediately realizing that it was really heavy, "This place is gonna get hot!"

Fhyre stared at Djinni, thinking she had just tried to explain that and wishing she had explained her plan to Broadside before going through an armor change. But eventually she raised her hands in a shrugging motion and awaited the change of panels.

The moon had reached its highest point and shone its light down on the surface, causing temperatures of those present to increase except those familiar with the heat. The panels that were not lava yet started to boil and crumble until they were as those that had already reached maximum degrees. Djinni stood down on the surface of the lava in her magma armor and smirked with her arms crossed. The smirk disappeared though as she turned to look at Broadside and hoped he wouldn't be too troubled by this change. She then glanced at the hills the Spikeys were on, hoping the change would make the hills fall to an equal level of herself and the others. "And now..." she whispered while holding out one of her hands and summoned a magma-covered gun in it, "My turn."

A thumbs up came from the happy SP who had all this lava for herself now and almost instantly took a dive into it while glancing upwards to check everyone's positions.

The armor Djinni was wearing started collecting heat through the lava and into her gun. Na'im figured it was time to attack and had already entered a chip into the PET, which was the cause of Djinni's movements to strike. Eventually enough heat had collected and she had sent data from herself towards the gun for the actual strike, but found herself to hesitate for a second. This chip was the same... she thought and remembered the time where she blacked out and fell down, only to have Broadside save her. But this time she was prepared and had a strong armor which were enough reasons to block away any form of hesitation. In an instant she pulled the trigger and sent forth a violent wave of fire at the skeletal enemies she had in her crosshairs.

Djinni.EXE [Fire/Cursor] [AirShoes/FloatShoes]
1. FlameScales1 [20 HP Fire Element StoneBody Casing; Slow On Self; Mobility Down On Self]
2. Red Moon [Lava Full Stage; 4 TCD]
3. Charge.
4. Magnum1 [120 FIRE; Breaking; Panel Breaking; 1/2 Charge For 1/2 Extra Targets; A Accuracy; Ranged] @ SkarabC&D

Fhyre.SP [Fire/Shield]
1. Dive into lava. [Dodge]
As soon as the group became aware of the viruses, the sounds of weapons being drawn, and safeties being released filled the air for a brief moment as Broadside and his SP squad prepared to fend off the virus ambush. The terrain here had proven to be a double edged sword. On the one hand, the valley walls had provided cover against the detonation of the time bombs they'd left behind at the abandoned platform. On the other, it had allowed the viruses to get into position for this ambush without being seen by the group. And there is a wolf pack of enhanced Spikeys as well. This will not be easy.

Broadside turned his head to look in Djinni's direction when she called his name. He made note of the evil looking grin she wore, and felt the urge to shiver... He didn't of course, nor did he understand the feeling. He did understand what she said however, and nodded in agreement. He didn't like the situation either. At the same time, he did not understand Djinni's fascination with spotlights, and the need to be under the light of one. Spotlights are used by defenders to spot and blind intruders and also mark them as targets. Being under one is never a good thing. Does she not understand this?

Broadside found Djinni's words increasingly perplexing as he watched her don a suit of flaming scale mail armor. As the red moon began to rise behind Djinni, however, Broadside's focus shifted. He remembered this from somewhere... He simply knew he did. He searched through his memories at high speed as he tried to recall why this red moon was a bad thing, and completely tuned out everything that was going on around him.


Ro was just readying his Riot Shield when Fhyre caught Rosa's attention. The Medic looked down at the small flame SP, and tilted her head to one side with complete incomprehension. Nadia saw Rosa stop what she was doing, and the command SP immediately spoke over their squad-com. "What's the deal, Rosa? You joinin' NAXA on me, girl? Armor UP!"

"Umm... Fhyre's trying to tell me something, but I don't get it." Rosa replied hesitantly as a suit of armor formed over her body.

"Oh really?" Nadia said as she looked over at the SP just in time to see it point up at the sky. She looked up and saw the same red moon she'd seen when Djinni had turned YokaNet into HadesNet. "Ho shi-- Ro! Look up!" Nadia then looked over at Broadside and noted the Navi was already staring at it... In fact, he seemed to be spaced out. "Great."

Ro glanced up, wished he hadn't, and groaned audibly over the squad-com before adding: "There goes the neighborhood."

Nadia tried opening a com-link to the PET... more specifically to Broadside's Operator. "Hey, Jared. We-- Hai there!" The SP's eyes went wide and she leaned back for a second when the Operator responded by opening a window right in front of her. It was something she simply wasn't used to. "You don't leave 'em waitin', do ya?" She recovered well enough to continue with her request. "We're, uhh, gonna need something to treat burns with really fast."


Quote (Djinni)

"This place is gonna get hot!"

Nadia turned back from looking over her shoulder while Djinni had spoken. The SP's expression changed to something far from amused as she hiked her thumb back over her shoulder to point at the fire Navi. "Yoka," was all Nadia said.

"Right then...." The Netopian man looked off screen, grabbed a chip, and slotted it in before looking back up into the pickup. "Sent." The man seemed distracted at the moment as he stared quietly at the screen, perhaps concentrating on another matter.

"Thanks." Nadia replied as she cut the link and received the Candle1 chip data at about the same time. She jumped back on the squad-com as she sent the data to Rosa. "Got a present for ya, Doc. I need ya to use it to keep us burn-free."

"Okay. Why?"

"Djinni's about to turn the net into Lava. That's why." Ro said as he raised his rifle to his shoulder, braced his shield before him, and started sweeping his aim across the field. He was watching for viruses to launch projectile attacks in their general direction. He didn't have to wait long. His response was immediate as he fired two energy bolts in an attempt to shot the projectile down. "I gotcha covered."

"...." Rosa's eyebrows flew up as Fhyre's charades-esque sign language, the Candle1, and her comrades' acute unhappiness suddenly made sense. She set the candle down just in time for Nadia to respond to Ro. "Roger that. Everyone else scatter!" Rosa did as she was told and dashed away from the Candle with a short burst from her suit thrusters as the ground changed to Lava. Nadia pulled the same maneuver in the opposite direction while Ro drew a bead on another projectile and did his best to blow it out of the sky with a double shot from his rifle.

---- Meanwhile, in the real world....

Broadside's memory search had erroneously taken the old default approach of searching files in order from special tags to numbers and then down through the alphabet instead of using the newer and smarter methods. Jared sighed as he stared at his screen, which displayed his frozen Navigator, the uninterruptible search in-progress, and the string of error codes that had caused . It's been a long time since this happened last, but shame on me for becoming complacent during that period of stability. Well, at least this time his arm didn't fall off or his rifle explode in his hands. Or....

Jared face-palmed at the mental laundry list of things that had broken down on his Navi over the last year....

Or things his Navigator had broken instead. Ugh. Honestly. What am I going to do with this Navigator? If Broadside's not blowing chunks of the network into very tiny pieces, then he's going to pieces himself instead. Sometimes both at the same time. Jared started laughing quietly at his screen, careful not to disturb the other passengers. Now that... Now that says something. It's a miracle Broadside still exists at all, and yet even when he's literally falling apart in front of my eyes, he still manages to blow things up while he's a shambles.

The Netopian continued to chuckle to himself as he reached for the keyboard and struck the first key of what was to be a long series of command inputs that would eventually fix the current errors. However, Jared never struck the second key, or any of the keys after that as something on the screen caught his attention. The error console window on his screen started to experience an unexpected change; The wall glaring red errors started to collapse as line after line of red text turned suddenly green, and vanished off the list.

Jared looked down at the keyboard to see his finger was indeed still poised over the function key he'd hit. He then looked back up at the screen to see the menu had opened like it was supposed to when that key was hit, and no options had yet been selected. In short... I haven't done anything yet. He looked back up at the window where his Navi had been standing in a suspended state....

---- Meanwhile, in the net....

Broadside's glitched memory search flashed several images and sound bytes through his mind that matched the un-corrupted segments of his query. The query was calling forth that which composed Broadside's first-hand memory of Djinni. It recalled the various forms she had assumed since he knew her, the things she had said, the things she had done, and his thoughts and responses to them all. Everything from the mundane to combat situations and even the few embarrassing ones Broadside actually remembered. His programming began to pull a copy of all of this data into one storage location as these entries filtered through.

Once there was enough data to form the beginnings of a database inside Broadside's programming, the query began pulling data for everything Broadside knew that was related to Djinni through a key-words referencing system. And what a query it was... Data regarding old myths got pulled right alongside the history, development, and use of Fire battlechips, such as Meteor12 and HeatShot. Information regarding ancient religions came streaming in with the data for the specs of modern handguns. Popular culture snippets concerning the djinn swept in with advanced programming theory regarding the Elements and the advent of current Navigator technology.

All of this came flooding through along with the images from Broadside's own memory at the same time, and it did it very quickly. All of Broadside's resources not necessary for simply maintaining his own existence were devoted to this effort. This left the Navigator standing there mindlessly staring at the Red Moon in the middle of a battlefield for a handful of very long seconds. That is, until the query ended and Broadside's core programming suddenly crunched all of this data into a super compact registry and database file that it stored in the PET, and then promptly linked it to Broadside's Emblem.

Broadside continued to stare at the Red Moon as the processes that demanded so much of his programming finally let up and he found that he was now standing in searing hot lava. As the memory search ended, the image of Djinni's earlier grin and the logo of a Meteor chip flashed through his head. He now understood a lot of things that made no sense to him previously. Broadside mimicked that predatory grin as he suddenly reached for the Emblem on his chest, and tapped it with his left hand....

Emergency Override: Engaging Fire-Fall Format Protocols printed itself across the PET screen as Broadside's Navi form dissolved into the glowing humanoid silhouette just as it always did in the beginning phase of form-shifting in the past. The similarity ended there, however, as the moment the glowing form began to expand, it also burst into flame. The flames were small at first, but they quickly grew in size and intensity within the span of a few seconds until there was a roaring six meter tall pillar of fire burning brightly where Broadside should have been. Burning brightly, perhaps, but also only briefly. A second later, and the towering flames abruptly stopped burning as whatever fueled them ceased doing so. The last of the flames flickered away to nothing as they rose into the air, yet the flame's roar did not die with them.


The source of the burning roar was a five-or-so meter tall red behemoth that floated amid a warped tower of rising heat haze. The haze lessened enough above the behemoth''s waist line to reveal what it actually was: A five meter tall burning red colored humanoid war mech hovering just barely above the surface of the lava on what had to be the raw thruster output of more than a few large scale nuclear jet engines. The rising heat and fire of the jet wash went far in obscuring the machine's structure below the waist, and gave the thing the overall appearance of some mechanical elemental lord of fire riding a column of flame.

This Hades-spawned mech was the form of Broadside's V1 DjinniCross, and the Mecha Navi wasted no time on making sure his terrible first impression was a lasting one. The huge, boxy, twin sunfire-colored pods on the mech's back shuddered as they rose towards the sky several feet before stopping. The pods then titled backwards and locked into place at a 45 degree angle with a deep metallic thunk. The visor on Broadside's sleeker mecha helm glowed bright red for a moment as the Navi's greatly improved targeting system lit the four viruses of the rear group up like a NetVegas Christmas display with a crazy number of missile locks that made Jared's jaw drop in stupefied disbelief while the fire control calculated and displayed the projected zone of destruction.

Fire blinked into being on Broadside's HUD as row after row of missile tube hatch covers swung open in a cascade from the bottom of the twin pods to the top with great speed. Broadside seemed to float backwards as the dense salvo of artillery rockets erupted from the launchers. The wave of projectiles arced up for only a moment before the smart weapons' programming kicked in, and the rockets deployed flaps to alter their angle towards the ground. The flaps broke off with the detonation of tiny explosive bolts, and the rockets surged forward with the speed of a gunshot as their high output thrusters kicked in and drove them into the target zone... Which ceased to exist barely a second later as countless warheads reached their preprogrammed detonation points at ground level, above the ground, and even below the surface of the lava. The warheads detonated in sequence within a fraction of a second of each other and turned that cube of net-space into a roiling zone of surging lava, fire, and deletion.

Broadside hadn't bothered monitoring that group of viruses. As soon as the last of the rockets had heft the launch tubes, the mecha Navi had modulated his thrusters to turn quickly to his left and face the next group of targets. The pods on his back where just starting to close up and retract to their storage position when Broadside's cross-enhanced targeting and fire control systems locked up a trio of Spikey EXs. The Navi selected the lead virus as the primary target, fed that data to the box launchers mounted to the sides of his shoulder armor, and commanded them to fire. The cluster missile launchers opened up, and the left launcher belched a rocket pod at the Spikey EX while Broadside continued to cruise along sideways slowly.

The pod continually corrected its flight path as it entered attack range almost instantly. A heartbeat later, and the pod shell broke apart, spitting a spray of flaming missiles at the virii. The missiles broke up, spraying jet fuel into the air before the last of their salvo introduced a dose of napalm. This produced three short-lived spheres of flame as the F.A.E.s ignited.

Broadside dumped his old targeting data following that attack, and took advantage of DjinniCross' much better sensor suite and target processing ability to acquire a fresh set of targeting data on the trio of Spikey EXs from scratch. In no time at all, the viruses were locked up in a new firing pattern, and the right shoulder launcher hurled an identical rocket pod, loaded with Heat-V data, straight at the hell hounds. The pod corrected its aim, broke up, and dumped another spray of compound F.A.E. munitions at point blank range.

As three more globes of fire burst into being across a battlefield of boiling lava, Broadside mused quietly to himself about how Djinni had been right when she'd said things would get hot in this fight.

When I pushed you into getting to know your ally better, this is not what I had intended, the ETG murmured quietly in the back of Broadside's mind as he went about deciding what his next target was going to be, and what he was going to blow it up with.

<!-- THE SUMMARY -->
Broadside:1: Activate DjinniCross V1
Ro: -- Type-E Riot Shield on Ro (1 Hit Shield)
Ro: -- Reinforce @ Ro's Type-E Riot Shield (+1 Hit)
Nadia:1: "Armor UP!" @ Nadia & Rosa (20 HP Casing x up to 2 Targets, 1 TCD)
Nadia: -- All-For-One: Candle1 to Rosa
Ro:1: Attack Intercept w/ Double Meason Shot (10 Elec x 2 Shots) [+Defender]
Rosa:1: Set Candle1 (Regen5 @ All Allies) [Counters Lava Damage]
-- <Djinni's Lava Stage>
Rosa:2: Dodge
Nadia:2: Dodge
Ro:2: Attack Intercept w/ Double Meason Shot (10 Elec x 2 Shots) [+Defender]
Broadside: -- Complete the shift into FireFall format.
Broadside: -- Refresh Armor: 20 HP Casing on Broadside
Broadside: -- Aegis Defense EX: Project 25 HP Barrier on Djinni
Broadside: -- Marksmanship: +1 Accuracy w/ Guns, may exceed A-Rank.
Broadside:2: TankCannon2 @ Rear Virus Group (120 Null + Blast(2) + B Accuracy)
Broadside:3: Heat-V @ Right Canyon Virus Group (80 Fire + Spread(2) + A+ Accuracy)
Broadside:4: Heat-V @ Right Canyon Virus Group (80 Fire + Spread(2) + A+ Accuracy)

Broadside: Towering Guard: Ready
Broadside: Missile Barrage L: Ready
Broadside: Missile Barrage R: Ready
Broadside: Bunker Buster MK-II: Unavailable
Broadside: Ifrit Missile: Ready
Nadia: "Armor UP!": Activated
Rosa: Hammer Space Help?: Ready
After armoring herself with a casing of rock, Djinni transformed the world around the viruses into a lava pit. Her SP dove into the lava in retreat as the navi readied a large cannon, drenched in the soupy lava surrounding the area. Firing off the magnum in an explosion of sound, she aimed for and destroyed two Skullavia.

While Broadside armored up his team and himself, he became strangely affected by Djinni's performance. After adopting his unique Djinni-inspired appearance, he proceeded to release cannonfire into the back row of the enemies. The bones exploded into white chunks and marrow, failing to regenerate following the attack. Switching targets to the Spikey viruses and lining them up in his sights, he released more shots that tore through the enemies, leaving only one injured enemy.

The candle minimized whatever damage any of the navis would have taken from standing on / sinking into lava, but the viruses were never the less determined to get their two cents in. The spikies in the left cannon released a burst of fire, two of which hit. Luckily, the navis had each readied defenses for just such an occasion. Two Drixols left the ground before the lava could affect them and then burst through the navis' defensive line, claiming hits on two of Broadside's SPs. The other Drixols seemed too preoccupied with getting out of the way of attacks to worry about launching a counter offensive. One more Spikey attack smacked into Djinni, but her flamescales made it feel relatively inconsequential.

-Left Canyon-
Spikey EXA: 140HP
Spikey EXB: 140HP
Spikey EXC: 140HP

-Right Canyon-
Spikey EXD: 60HP

DrixolA: 90HP
DrixolB: 90HP

DrixolC: 85HP
DrixolD: 85HP

Left Canyon: 20% Lava
Right Canyon: 20% Lava
Bottom: 50% Lava, 10% Broken (front)

Djinni.EXE: 180 HP (4 HP fire-elemental stonebody casing) (slow)
Fhyre.SP: 70 HP (submerged)
Broadside.EXE: 200 HP (DjinniCross)
Ro.SP: 70HP (1-hit shield)
Nadia.SP: 40 HP
Rosa.SP: 40 HP
Candle1: 100 HP
The armor Djinni was wearing had now broken in several positions after the attack against it, showing parts of her skin to any viewers. The Navi, however, was satisfied with the fact she had not received any damage despite the lack of speed from its weight. "Hey Na'im!" Djinni shouted as she waved at her Operator, "This chip isn't bad! But how about some attacking now?"

"We'll go for the usual attacks," Na'im muttered, taking out the two Machinegun chips from the pack of chips. But with those in his hand, he could now see the chip that had been underneath the two. "Oh, it's that chip I traded to supplement Djinni's sand attacks..." he muttered, away from the microphone so no one could hear him not rhyming, "I can count on Jared to command Broadside to finish off any stragglers, but..." Before slotting any chips, he took a good look at the screen and paid attention to Broadside's new form which was the result of Djinni's friendship with him. He rubbed the patch of hair on his chin and decided to check if any other Navis had achieved this status with Djinni. "These symbols are..." he began as the window was revealed, showing Broadside's emblem and Eternalis' emblem side by side. There was, however, another emblem on the page which seemed as if it was trying to gain clearance to complete but couldn't get through the verification system of the PET. "If I am not mistaken, this symbol is of that sword-wielding Navi," Na'im said and made the window vanish to look back at the current battle while slotting in the chips for Djinni to attack. "I wonder where she could be," Na'im continued muttering to himself, but then started giving commands to Djinni in rhyme.

With a bored expression on her face, Djinni just listened to Na'im's explanations as it went into one receiver and immediately left through the other one. Whenever she thought he wasn't looking at her, she imitated his mouth with her right hand only to smile innocently as her veil had become with the armor and therefore didn't cover her lower side of her face. After Na'im finished, Djinni turned to Broadside and examined his new form. With a wide grin, she showed him a thumbs up and began to talk to him, "Looking good, but that's no surprise as the system is based on me. And it's good to see you in your full strength." She swept her feet across the lava in a circle as she spun around and looked upwards. "Let's finish this then," she said and from the lava came a strong wave that launched Djinni into the sky after which she continued to fly on her own strength.

Swept along the wave, although unplanned, was Fhyre who was now once again above the surface. The core swept around as Fhyre was adjusting her sight to the new surroundings and lack of enemies she had seen before. Djinni was in the sky, everywhere was lava and, while she could have gone back into the lava, she decided that she might as well stick around in case someone needed a protector. It was at this time Fhyre could see little pieces falling from the sky which were part of Djinni's magma armor. Swiftly she waved her arms around in a panicking way, trying to alert Djinni of the fact that her armor was incapable of taking much more damage.

While her left hand was visible once again, her right hand was still covered in the rocks with which she formed a gun and aimed at the unharmed Spikeys that were once above her. But this time they were on the same level, maybe even lower than her, and became the target for Djinni. The magma gun started to blaze as a flurry of bullets were shot in quick succession at the group, while empty shells fell from the gun towards the ground. As soon as 18 bullets were shot, the gun immediatelly ceased functioning even though Djinni attempted to get a few more bullets out. The armor from her right hand then crumbled and fell towards the ground as well, while her original outfit was still not visible.

"Now the third chip Na'im sent," Djinni sent with confidence in her voice and loaded the image data and battle data, but swiftly stopped the progress as she realized what she was given. "Hold on, hold on," she said and loaded the image data just to check what she was dealing with, "You're jostling me, aren't you? Why am I using this!?" With a deep sigh, she also loaded the battle data and held her hands out, away from her body and as far as possible. A thick crimson worm with a substance similar to a meteor and easily half the size of Djinni appeared in her hands. It had no eyes, just a large hole with teeth aligned in a circle. "This... This isn't so bad..." Djinni said, laughing gently as if she was about to go insane and freak out badly, "He's not... Not slimy at all... Hahahaha." It then latched onto her face. With the fiercest movements she could muster, she pulled the worm off of her face and threw it at the ground in a way space would send their meteors at earth. "That is your target!" Djinni growled angrily, pointing at one of the Drixols. As soon as the worm hit the ground, it submerged into the lava and made a quick curve to end up behind the Drixol virus. With its teeth primed and mouth open wide, the worm revealed itself again and aimed at the Drixol's behind.

Djinni.EXE [Fire/Cursor] [AirShoes/FloatShoes]
1. Fly above the Drixols in the 'behind area'.
2. Machinegun1 [30 DMG; 9 Shots; Special: Spray Fire; D Accuracy; Ranged] + [Cursor Accuracy] @ Middle SpikeyEX of Left Canyon.
3. Machinegun1 [30 DMG; 9 Shots; Special: Spray Fire; D Accuracy; Ranged] + [Cursor Accuracy] @ Middle SpikeyEX of Left Canyon.
4. SandWorm1 [80 DMG; Impact; +50 Sand Boost; Back Stab; B Accuracy; Virus] @ DrixolD

Fhyre.SP [Fire/Shield]
1. Get out of the lava.
As Broadside's armor repaired itself and the Aegis Defense system projected a fresh barrier around Djinni, Nadia pulled the data for MetalZone from the PET's transfer link. Once she had the file, she activated it, triggering a sudden shift in the immediate area's terrain from molten Lava to hardened Metal plates.

As the effect of the MetalZone spread out, Broadside spun around to face the undamaged pair of Drixols. As soon as the two drill-tipped viruses came into view, Broadside brought up his main missile battery's targeting protocols, and proceeded to light up each of the viruses with 20 individual missile locks in under a second. He switched the fire control system's attack parameters to vertical launch/attack, and sent the command to fire. Both of the torso mounted missile batteries sprang suddenly open, and a double salvo of plasma missiles took to the sky. They arced up, killed their boosters, spun around with a quick flare of their maneuvering jets, then re-ignited their boosters to come crashing down from an extreme high-angle. Both viruses vanished from view as the rain of plasma warheads obscured the general vicinity.

While Broadside dealt with the Drixols, Rosa and Ro turned their attentions to the heavily injured Spikey EX. They waited a moment for the MetalZone to finish fully expanding before raising their Guard Rifles. The two SPs then fired Meason rifle bolts in an alternating pattern at the remaining hell hound from two widely separated positions that would reduce the virus' defensive options considerably.

With the first round of attacks launched at their respective targets, Broadside and his squad all turned towards the two remaining Drixol from the other group of viruses. Nadia raised her twin blaster pistols and unloaded on the Drixol nearest her. Ro followed her example a moment later and chimed in with a couple of shots from his heavier rifle, with Rosa chiming in with a pair of Meason bolts of her own. Broadside, on the other hand, targeted the other Drixol with one of the two back-mounted pod launchers. The launcher had risen a few feet, then swung down to rest upon the mecha Navi's right shoulder. The front end of the 3 meter long weapon pod opened as soon as the targeting system had a solid lock-on tone, and an impeller-drive cruise missile shot from the launcher at escape velocity. It was an insane move to use this kind of weapon at this distance, but Broadside frankly didn't care as long as the virus was reduced to a smoking crater by the kinetic weapon. An explosive warhead would have been redundant in this case.

Not leaving anything to chance, Broadside retracted the launcher to its storage position, then began scanning for targets. As he did so, he thrust is arm out, and a 9-tube dumb-fire rocket pod popped up out of his left forearm. The weapon was crude and somewhat inaccurate, but at these ranges, that really didn't matter. The plasma tipped rockets would most assuredly make up for their tracking issues with both their sheer salvo density and the enhanced firepower each of the modified warheads were packing. He would be careful not to shoot his allies, but any collateral damage beyond that didn't mean a thing to him.

<!-- THE SUMMARY -->
Broadside: -- Refresh Armor: 20 HP Casing on Broadside
Broadside: -- Aegis Defense EX: Project 25 HP Barrier on Djinni
Broadside: -- Marksmanship: +1 Accuracy w/ Guns, may exceed A-Rank.
Nadia: -- All-For-One: Download MetalZone
Nadia:1: MetalZone (Large Area Metal Terrain Change)
Broadside:1: Missile Barrage L @ DrixolA (5 Elec x 20 Missiles + Homing Attack + Seeking + Blast1, Side Effect: Slow, 4 TCD)
Broadside:2: Missile Barrage R @ DrixolB (5 Elec x 20 Missiles + Homing Attack + Seeking + Blast1, Side Effect: Slow, 4 TCD)
Ro:1: Double Meason Shot @ Spikey EXD (10 Elec x 2 Shots)
Rosa:1: Double Meason Shot @ Spikey EXD (10 Elec x 2 Shots)
Nadia:2: Double Autofire @ DrixolD (5 Elec x 2 Shots per gun)
Ro:2: Double Meason Shot @ DrixolD (10 Elec x 2 Shots)
Rosa:2: Double Meason Shot @ DrixolD (10 Elec x 2 Shots)
Broadside:3: Magnum1 @ DrixolC (120 Fire + Break + Panel Break + A+ Accuracy)
Broadside: -- ImbueElec: Machinegun1 (Broadside)
Broadside:4: Machinegun1 @ Any Surviving Virus(es) (30 Elec + Spread Fire x 9 shots + C Accuracy)

Broadside: Towering Guard: Ready
Broadside: Missile Barrage L: Activated
Broadside: Missile Barrage R: Activated
Broadside: Bunker Buster MK-II: Unavailable
Broadside: Ifrit Missile: Ready
Nadia: "Armor UP!": 1 TCD
Rosa: Hammer Space Help?: Ready
Before anyone could blink, casing, barriers, and new terrain were created. The Spikey and Drixol didn't like that, but then again, neither Navi really cared whether or not the viruses approved.

After some adjustment of her position, Djinni managed to whip out a machine gun and began peppering the SpikeyEX with some bullets...lots and lots of bullets. Seriously, that was a lot of bullets in such a small timespan. Unfortunately for her, one of the dogs managed to realize what was happening before the others, and was able to move away in time before resembling a certain kind of cheese. The other two, however, became cannonized, seeing as how they had become incredibly holey.

Speaking of holey, however, the Drixol realized that a Navi was directly beneath them. That meant they could fly up and prove that they were very good at boreing things to death. However, before they could, Broadside shot forth missiles at a certain pair of drill squid...thingys, and completely destroyed them before they could react.

Unfortunately, that wasn't the pair below Djinni, and so they leapt up to try and drill some unsense into her. One fortunately missed, but the other gave her a very good lesson on what it felt like to have a drill forcefully inserted into your body. ...Or at least it would've, but a certain barrier allowed her to avoid the horrific penetration. Both then found a nice, empty space to bore holes into, allowing them to attack again from second locations. ...But in another lucky break, the same Drixol that missed the first time managed to screw up again. Apparently, even some viruses could use a pair of glasses. The second, however, managed to hit its mark, destroying the rest of the barrier, and drilled through the fiery scales surrounding the genie Navi like wood. And not the kind resistant to drilling, either. More like...plywood. Even though that's not really a type of wood. Not that she cared, because it was still rather painful.

But painful couldn't begin to describe the final fate of the drill viruses, as various forms of artillery tore the very holes they loved to create into them, and subsequently their deletion. Revenge at its finest. ...Well, maybe not its finest, but it was pretty handy timing. Not quite handy enough to avoid the drilling, but...yeah.

And that left one, slightly less than intact Spikey to deal with. Its growling indicated it wasn't going down without a fight, but was its effort going to be in vain? ...Most likely. But who knew?

Apparently, a SnakeArm that suddenly popped up to greet it with a gritty chomp. Its aim was unfortunately less than stellar, but the dog virus completely failed to notice it, allowing it to make a mid-air adjustment to give it a nice, hearty bite. With a howl, the last Spikey became junk data, allowing the fight to finally draw to a close.

-Left Canyon-

-Right Canyon-



100% Free of Viruses

Djinni.EXE: 170 HP
Fhyre.SP: 70 HP
Broadside.EXE: 200 HP (DjinniCross) (20 HP Casing)
Ro.SP: 70HP (1-hit shield)
Nadia.SP: 40 HP
Rosa.SP: 40 HP
Candle1: 100 HP




- Broadside: Skully1, 1500z, 43 BugFrags (7 FXP)
- Djinni: Skully1, 1500z, 43 BugFrags (7 FXP)
Once Broadside realized he was out of targets, the mecha Navi disarmed his weapons systems and allowed himself to float slowly to a stop. Once he was no longer in motion, Broadside slowly reduced power to the turbines keeping him aloft. As the roar of the jets died down, so too did the roiling cloud of kicked up debris, flames, and intense heat distortion. Eventually, the Navi set down on the hardened metal platform with a metallic ker-thud, and the whine of the turbines faded into silence as the Mecha form stood solidly upon its own two feet... which both glowed a dull orange color for a moment before they and the long armored skirt around Broadside's legs managed to dissipate the enormous amounts of heat they'd been subjected to during the battle.

"Well that's a new one on me." Nadia remarked as she watched Broadside.

"Didn't Djinni do something similar earlier?"

"Yeah. and while it kicked ass..." The two SPs looked at each other, each thinking the same thing. "Give it a sec?"

"Yeah, give it a sec."

Right about the time the armor began to cool off, the processes driving the Cross erred, and Broadside's form went through the process of reverting back to WhiteGuard. While it did so, his program uninstalled the Cross and restored itself to its last known stable state. When his form solidified, Broadside found himself looking up at the sky. He blinked, wondering why he was doing that, and immediately looked around for viruses that weren't there. All he could see was his SPs, Fhyre, and Djinni. He could not account for their apparent current status, as the last thing he remembered was getting ready to fight several groups of viruses.

"That was a positive letdown." Ro muttered. "How does that even work?"

"Ask Her Ladyship later. Since he's not face down in the somewhat dead position, I think he'll be fine. And..." Nadia pointed towards where Rosa was already gathering data. "I'm gonna join Space Cadet Rosa over there."

"Sounds like a plan." Ro added as the two of them took off in Rosa's direction.

A moment later and a window with Jared in it opened next to Broadside. When the Netopian operator spoke, he did not sound particularly happy. "Na'im, I'm going to have to jack Broadside out of the network. There's a bunch of errors popping up on my end, and this network is too hostile to safely troubleshoot the problem here. I've never seen Navigator programming act like this, so it's probably going to take me several hours to figure this one out." Jared paused as he looked off screen for a moment. He continued speaking after facing the screen again. "It also looks like my flight will be landing shortly, so I don't think we'll be available again until tomorrow afternoon. I was wondering, though, would you and Djinni be interested in accompanying us to the NetSquare later this week to look into this E-Mail we got from the NetPolice?"
Slowly Djinni descended while taking a look at Broadside's form and eventual transformation. She could see the SPs of Broadside going their own way and talking with each other and smiled faintly before landing close to Broadside. She walked over to him, kind of noticing he was off in thoughts or his own little world, and stopped in front of him while looking at his visor curiously. Playfully she poked Broadside's cheek and grinned behind her veil as she began to talk. "You look good in a skirt," she said jokingly, "And we beat the viruses splendidly!" Still standing in front of Broadside, she glanced at Ro and tilted her head for a second or two.

Elsewhere, Fhyre was also gathering bits and pieces that had fallen from the viral menaces. Along her way she encountered Rosa who was doing the same and she waved for a moment before turning away quickly and continueing, which seemed to be somewhat awkward and shy behavior.

A virtual window opened next to Djinni with Na'im's face in it, looking as if he had gone through several days without sleep. "Just like on your side, we should head out. No errors here, but we've had quite a bout. Djinni ought to be weary at this point and I need some rest. We will return to the real world and sleep within our nest. We will surely be there for the meeting regarding the NetPolice mail, definitely without fail," he said, then took a quick glance at Broadside before focusing his attention on Jared again, "I am looking forward to seeing the two of you again and your cohorts. We will be relying on you again for supports."

But with the two windows staring at the two Navis, Djinni felt a sudden surge of stage fright as she had moved her arms in a pose as if she was thinking of embrace Broadside tightly. In an instant she moved her arms back to her sides and coughed loud as if to distract those looking at her. Her usual face then got a bit sadder as she realized it was time to say goodbye. "We will see each other again, won't we?" she said as she looked at Broadside, but felt that Na'im had already initiated the Jack-Out process. She quickly looked around to find her SP, but it seemed like she had already left for the PET. Djinni swiftly leaned towards Broadside and tilted her head towards his cheek. In a quick move, she raised her veil and pursed her lips. But before she could place a gentle kiss on Broadside's cheek, she merely vanished and all that could still be seen from her was an upwards crimson beam going through the sky.

[Jack Out]
Djinni's poke to Broadside's cheek brought him out of his reverie. He looked directly at her as she began to speak, but he didn't understand what she was saying. Look good in a skirt... what? Defeated the viruses? What viruses? He had no memory whatsoever of defeating the viruses. In fact... He wasn't sure how he had come to be here in the first place. The idea that a piece of his life was missing disturbed him greatly.


Nearby, Ro and Nadia were making it a point to face away from Djinni and Broadside as they collected the data left scattered about. Broadside hadn't shut off his squad-com, so they could hear everything. They were careful to pretend they couldn't, though, as they slowly picked up the frags and Zenny data.

Ro glanced over his shoulder to see Djinni looking his way. He nodded as he reached up and tapped the side of his helmet, shutting his com off. He then tapped Nadia's helmet, shutting her com off as well before giving Djinni a thumbs up and turning away again.


Rosa could also hear what was being said, but she ignored it. Her progress in gathering data was actually faster than that of Ro and Nadia combined, owing to her having no reason to make a show of it. She ran across Fhyre as she went, and saw the fellow SP wave at her. Rosa smiled and waved back quietly. She continued to smile happily even as Fhyre turned away and scurried off suddenly. She still thought the little fire SP was the cutest thing in the world.


Djinni coughed, drawing Broadside's attention away from the conversation Jared and Na'im were having and back to her. For some reason, the expression Djinni wore on her face as she spoke made Broadside unhappy. He didn't quite understand why it made him unhappy, though. Her question didn't make much sense to him either, as their operators had just made an agreement to meet up again later. Not knowing what exactly the issue here was, Broadside decided to go ahead and state the obvious as Djinni turned away to look around: "Of course--" His response ended abruptly as Djinni surprised him by leaning her face close to his very suddenly and pulling her veil up. What? He froze in place, not sure how to react to such odd behavior...

Broadside was spared from having to come up with an appropriate reaction as Djinni jacked out of the net before she managed to kiss him. He looked over at his SPs with a confused expression that made Ro and Nadia both face-palm. Rosa just smiled. There was never any telling what she was really thinking....

Jared pretended he'd seen nothing as he issued the recall command, and the entire group jacked out of the net.

[Jack Out]