Monsterous Deeds (And huntings)

With a quick assessment, Asymptote took a careful shot at the most volatile combatant and made his attack before the nearby bandcoon could notice him. The two handies had both perked up and dropped into portals, reappearing on either side of the navi to place two bombs, but this small act wasn't enough to get in the way of his calculated attack. The kettle hissed and began to shriek steam as it was hit, before violently boiling over and spraying most of the nearby field with scalding water.

Oddly enough, none of it seemed to hit Asymptote himself, but the viruses weren't as lucky. the Bandcoon was swiftly boiled alive before it could so much as squeak, and one of the handies was soundly washed out as well. The other wasn't hit by the blast, but the bomb it had placed took the force of the damage and broke down immediately. the other bomb still seemed to be active, unharmed by the blast — and that was probably a thing in Asymptote's favour as she saw that this one bore an 'x' instead of a number on its dial. The only piece of bad news in all of this was that the three Maru had definitely seen him now.

HandyHandy (Handy)

Handy Viruses attack by opening a dimensional gate below themselves, and dropping into it. The exit gate opens next to their destination, and they will rise out of it holding an explosive. This explosive is placed on an unbroken panel, and the Handy is free to move after. The use of gates does not count as teleporting, but can be used as a means of dodging as they attack. Gates are only used when attacking, and at no other time. Handy viruses will not set a new explosive until either a turn has passed, or they pass one action without setting a new bomb, whichever comes first. For more info on the bombs Handy viruses use, see below.

Area: SciLab, Yoka, Okuden Valley, Netopia, Hades Isle

HP: 80
Primary Attack Damage: 50 Null to all enemies after 2 turns
Primary Attack Accuracy: S
Primary Attack Description: Places a 100HP TimeBomb on the field, with a clearly visible digital timer on it. The bomb counts down for two turns, then explodes, dealing 50 damage to all enemies. If the bomb's HP is reduced to Zero before time expires, the bomb is harmlessly destroyed.
Secondary Attack Damage: 50 Null Counterattack + Blast2
Secondary Attack Accuracy: S
Secondary Attack Description: Places a 1HP DudBomb on the field, with a clearly visible digital X displayed on the side. The bomb remains on the field until the end of the turn after it was summoned, then self destructs harmlessly. If the DudBomb is attacked, it detonates whatever attacked it for 50 Null damage in a Blast2 area. This counterattack is indescriminate, and will trigger against the attacker no matter who or what it may be, without exception.
Element: Null.
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): TimeBomb1, Zenny
Special: This virus cannot attack unless there is at least 1 unbroken and unoccupied panel on the field for it to place bombs on.
HandyHandy (Handy)

Handy Viruses attack by opening a dimensional gate below themselves, and dropping into it. The exit gate opens next to their destination, and they will rise out of it holding an explosive. This explosive is placed on an unbroken panel, and the Handy is free to move after. The use of gates does not count as teleporting, but can be used as a means of dodging as they attack. Gates are only used when attacking, and at no other time. Handy viruses will not set a new explosive until either a turn has passed, or they pass one action without setting a new bomb, whichever comes first. For more info on the bombs Handy viruses use, see below.

Area: SciLab, Yoka, Okuden Valley, Netopia, Hades Isle

HP: 80
Primary Attack Damage: 50 Null to all enemies after 2 turns
Primary Attack Accuracy: S
Primary Attack Description: Places a 100HP TimeBomb on the field, with a clearly visible digital timer on it. The bomb counts down for two turns, then explodes, dealing 50 damage to all enemies. If the bomb's HP is reduced to Zero before time expires, the bomb is harmlessly destroyed.
Secondary Attack Damage: 50 Null Counterattack + Blast2
Secondary Attack Accuracy: S
Secondary Attack Description: Places a 1HP DudBomb on the field, with a clearly visible digital X displayed on the side. The bomb remains on the field until the end of the turn after it was summoned, then self destructs harmlessly. If the DudBomb is attacked, it detonates whatever attacked it for 50 Null damage in a Blast2 area. This counterattack is indescriminate, and will trigger against the attacker no matter who or what it may be, without exception.
Element: Null.
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): TimeBomb1, Zenny
Special: This virus cannot attack unless there is at least 1 unbroken and unoccupied panel on the field for it to place bombs on.
B: 80Hp [Normal]
KettleKettle (Kettle)

Kettle do not attack unless and until they are attacked. This behavior does not count as a Counter or a Trap. It's simply what they do. Moving and dodging require actions, while retaliating against attacks does not. All Kettle have passive Regen. When this virus is attacked with non-Fire Damage below its max HP, it will boil over to attack nearby enemies with Aqua Damage equal to the damage taken. This effect does not damage allies. If the damage is greater than or equal to its current HP, the virus is also deleted after the counter attack. If not, the Kettle will regenerate a portion of its HP and continue on as normal. When this virus is attacked with Fire Damage, it will boil over to attack nearby allies dealing exactly its max HP in Aqua Damage. This effect will not damage enemies. The virus is automatically deleted after boiling over in this case.

Area: Netopia, Beach

HP: 100 Degrees
Attack Damage/Effect: Variable Damage Aqua (Max 100) + Nova4
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Boils over and releases geyser explosion when attacked. Boil-over damage never exceeds the virus' max HP. See Notes for more details.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): LittleBoiler1, Zenny
Special: Regen(50): Passively recovers 50 HP every action.
BandcoonBandcoon (Bandcoon)

Bandcoons are gray raccoon-like creatures, around 30 inches in height. They possess black stripes around their body, aside from their short, almost stub-like legs. Their faces are usually unseen, as they're covered in a red mask with string decorations. Their tails are twice as long as their actual bodies, and are usually curved into a question mark shape. At first this may seem like a simple design choice, but the tail is actually prehensile, and Bandcoon cleverly use it to steal chip data from Navis. Bandcoons' speed and small size combine to make them surprisingly difficult to hit while moving, and are even agile enough to turn sharply with little problem. However, if caught standing still, they're practically sitting ducks. However, when they're not using chips, they always prefer to move when possible. Their main tactic is to roll around and confound the enemy with their speed, then move in and swipe them with their tail, using it like a hook to grab data not directly tied to them, namely Battlechips. They can then use it themselves, at reduced power, as a free action. All other effects of the chips still apply, including pre-requisites to use the chip (i.e. Spice still needs Grass terrain, MachineSword still requires that the enemy be stunned). Higher level Bandcoon are aware of such conditions, and will try to satisfy the requirements if at all possible. If the enemy has no Battlechips, Bandcoons get extremely aggravated, and will ram an enemy in anger and desperation. However, they severely dislike doing this, and will only use this attack as a last resort for when they have no chips.

Area: Yoka, Okuden Valley, Netopia, Yumland

HP: 60
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: Chip Steal + 1/3 Chip Use
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: Bandcoon steals a single random chip the opponent has selected this turn. They then use the chip at 1/3 of its normal power, rounded down to the nearest 5. Recovery chips still work at full power.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Null + Impact
Secondary Attack Accuracy: A
Secondary Attack Description: If Bandcoon cannot steal an attacking chip for any reason, they will instead roll into an enemy.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Pickpocket (Rare), Zenny
Special: Haste while moving (+10%). Double Slow while standing still (-20%).
Maru-01Maru-01 (Maru)

Maru are rather small floating spheres of electricity, with two beady black eyes. They never appear solo, and will always have at least one other Maru at their side. While they're exactly as sturdy as one would expect from a ball of electrical energy, they can inflict bugs with their electric shocks. Maru are highly intelligent for being what they are, and love to combine tactics with others of their kind to make sure they each get to shock the enemy at maximum efficiency. Their small size and ability to move in any direction makes them extremely hard to hit.

Area: Netopia, NAXA

HP: 40
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Elec + Glitch
Attack Accuracy: B (special)
Attack Description: Fires a small bolt of electricity that corrupts the data of whatever it hits.
Type: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MaruBlaster1, Zenny
Special: OmniShoes
Special: Taser: If this virus is within Melee range of an enemy, its attack's accuracy is A. If an enemy uses a close range chip, they may counterattack immediately following that attack as a free action. Multi-hit close range chips only trigger one counterattack.
Special: All attacks that target this virus are treated as being two accuracy ranks lower (i.e. A is treated as C) against that virus.
A: 40Hp [Flying over Poison, in middle of pool, 1 move away from melee]
Maru-01Maru-01 (Maru)

Maru are rather small floating spheres of electricity, with two beady black eyes. They never appear solo, and will always have at least one other Maru at their side. While they're exactly as sturdy as one would expect from a ball of electrical energy, they can inflict bugs with their electric shocks. Maru are highly intelligent for being what they are, and love to combine tactics with others of their kind to make sure they each get to shock the enemy at maximum efficiency. Their small size and ability to move in any direction makes them extremely hard to hit.

Area: Netopia, NAXA

HP: 40
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Elec + Glitch
Attack Accuracy: B (special)
Attack Description: Fires a small bolt of electricity that corrupts the data of whatever it hits.
Type: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MaruBlaster1, Zenny
Special: OmniShoes
Special: Taser: If this virus is within Melee range of an enemy, its attack's accuracy is A. If an enemy uses a close range chip, they may counterattack immediately following that attack as a free action. Multi-hit close range chips only trigger one counterattack.
Special: All attacks that target this virus are treated as being two accuracy ranks lower (i.e. A is treated as C) against that virus.
B: 40Hp [Flying over Poison, in middle of pool, 1 move away from melee]
Maru-01Maru-01 (Maru)

Maru are rather small floating spheres of electricity, with two beady black eyes. They never appear solo, and will always have at least one other Maru at their side. While they're exactly as sturdy as one would expect from a ball of electrical energy, they can inflict bugs with their electric shocks. Maru are highly intelligent for being what they are, and love to combine tactics with others of their kind to make sure they each get to shock the enemy at maximum efficiency. Their small size and ability to move in any direction makes them extremely hard to hit.

Area: Netopia, NAXA

HP: 40
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Elec + Glitch
Attack Accuracy: B (special)
Attack Description: Fires a small bolt of electricity that corrupts the data of whatever it hits.
Type: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MaruBlaster1, Zenny
Special: OmniShoes
Special: Taser: If this virus is within Melee range of an enemy, its attack's accuracy is A. If an enemy uses a close range chip, they may counterattack immediately following that attack as a free action. Multi-hit close range chips only trigger one counterattack.
Special: All attacks that target this virus are treated as being two accuracy ranks lower (i.e. A is treated as C) against that virus.
C: 40Hp [Flying over Poison, in middle of pool, 1 move away from melee]

Asymptote.EXE: 123Hp [Normal]

70% Poison [Huge pool]
10% Holy [Small island to the side of the Maru, about a movement away from melee]
20% Normal [This shore]

GMD: 30 HP [Almost about to sink, under Maru]
Control Tower A: 60Hp [Anchored/IronBody] [Half submerged, halfway between Poison shore and Holy island]
Control Tower B: 60Hp [Anchored/IronBody] [Half submerged, to the left and closer to the shore]
Control Tower C: 60Hp [Anchored/IronBody] [Half submerged, to the right and over on the other side of the Poison pool]

DudBomb: 1Hp [Beside Asymptote]

-=Asymptote Has 3 Actions Remaining=-
Asymptote watched as he lit a fire under the ass of the Kettle that had been in front of him. And thankfully, his attack went off without a hitch in the single moment it took to heat it up. But watching the Kettle explode like any other...that was a treat, and best of all, it took out two viruses with it. The ever meddlesome Bandcoon was swiftly boiled away in the resulting explosion of water, while a nearby Handy also was drowned and burned away, thankfully for Asymptote the attack missed him...or was it intended as a reward for deleting the virus with a fire attack? Either way, Asymptote had three viruses to keep an eye on as they had noticed him, as well as the remaining bomb dropper on top of that. Speaking of the Handy however, Asymptote began to exude an aura from his body, the Handy's data would begin to...corrode internally. If only briefly, it's power was dropped because of his oppressive aura.

The navi requesting more chips for his Netop to drop on him on top of the Heatshot from a moment ago, the navi getting two more chips to deal with the viruses in front of him. He let out a gutteral bellow of anger towards his enemies, his fists beginning to beat against his chest like a war drum in a slow rhythm, clouds began to form all around the area, even as another wave of turbulence began to hit the aircraft. The light of the area ever so slowly being drowned out by heavy black clouds that had suddenly rolled into the battlefield, Asymptote continued to beat his fists against his chest much akin to a drum. As the moments went by, they began to condense, ever so slowly dispersing before Asymptote focused the clouds towards where the Maru-01 viruses had been floating as a heavy rain began to flood their area, poison below them diluting ever so slightly and becoming a little less viscous looking.

Quickly wanting to follow up on his attack, the navi made a quick movement around the dud of a bomb that had been planted, making damn sure to avoid so much as brushing up against it. His feet quaking against the panels as he tried to get into a decent line of sight against the Maru menace. With a scope coming down around one of his bloodshot eyes, the navi would summon...what looked like a cannon in the middle of his torso. The sickly looking weapon that had begun to protrude from his chest, dripping blood and colored an off white, as if made out of bone. The navi turning his torso towards the group of viruses that had begun to close in on him and with a simple flick of his middle finger, outstretched while the rest of his fingers were curled up into a fist, a little bit of flame flickered from the tip. Light 'em up...AND BURN THEM TO THE GROUND! Asymptote shouted, the navi's cannon beginning to inhale the air around him briefly before bringing the flame to the end. Sucking in the flame, the navi rumbled loudly and visibly, his body shaking like an earthquake. And before long, a compressed line of flames shot out from his chest, the line going on far and wide as it attempted to immolate the puff balls so Asymptote could focus down the Handy.

*Buff/Debuff: 18
*Mathmatician's Gaze 1 (Passive Take Aim1, Added to Heatshot)
*Mathmatician's Gaze 2 (Passive Take Aim1, Added to FireBurner1 yet)
1: HeatShotDamage: 40 + Spread 1
Accuracy: A
Description: Shoots a fireball whose explosion penetrates an enemy to hit another one directly behind it.
Duration: Once
Element: Fire
Trader Rank: D
--->Kettle (Take Aim1 applied)
----Turn Split----
*Debuff HandyB (-18 damage next attack)
2: LilCloudDamage: 70 + Wide Attack + Drop Attack
Accuracy: C
Description: Cloud moves up and down three enemies, raining on them for two turns. Enemies can move out from under it if possible.
Duration: Two turns
Element: Aqua
Special: Drop Attack: This attack originates above the battlefield, and falls to the ground. It gains one rank of accuracy against High Altitude targets.
Trader Rank: D
3: Movement to line up Maru group
4: FireBurner1Damage: 50 + Line Attack(3)
Accuracy: A
Description: Looses a stream of fire that can penetrate enemies and keep going.
Duration: Once
Element: Fire
Special: Line Attack(3): Attacks up to 3 targets in a straight line.
Trader Rank: D
--->Maru-01A-C (Take Aim1 applied)
The trio of Maru viruses could see the hulking navi and were facing his way now, but for the briefest moment, seemed uncertain about all the bellowing and chest-beating. One of them fired a bolt of glitchy energy in his direction, though it went wide as the torrent of rain washed over. One of the three Maru were drowned by the deluge, while another one attempted to shoot him again. This time, Asymptote managed to shuffle just enough to get out of the way, though it was a near thing, before he retaliated with a particularly uncomfortable-looking burning sensation that started from his chest. Despite their natural evasiveness, the oddity of this was enough to catch the two out and both of the small electrical spark balls got incinerated in the flames. This left Asymptote with only the notably less threatening Handy to deal with.

He'd managed to avoid hitting the slowly sinking mystery data for now, though the poison didn't seem to be good for it, and if it got much further under the surface, it might not last.

HandyHandy (Handy)

Handy Viruses attack by opening a dimensional gate below themselves, and dropping into it. The exit gate opens next to their destination, and they will rise out of it holding an explosive. This explosive is placed on an unbroken panel, and the Handy is free to move after. The use of gates does not count as teleporting, but can be used as a means of dodging as they attack. Gates are only used when attacking, and at no other time. Handy viruses will not set a new explosive until either a turn has passed, or they pass one action without setting a new bomb, whichever comes first. For more info on the bombs Handy viruses use, see below.

Area: SciLab, Yoka, Okuden Valley, Netopia, Hades Isle

HP: 80
Primary Attack Damage: 50 Null to all enemies after 2 turns
Primary Attack Accuracy: S
Primary Attack Description: Places a 100HP TimeBomb on the field, with a clearly visible digital timer on it. The bomb counts down for two turns, then explodes, dealing 50 damage to all enemies. If the bomb's HP is reduced to Zero before time expires, the bomb is harmlessly destroyed.
Secondary Attack Damage: 50 Null Counterattack + Blast2
Secondary Attack Accuracy: S
Secondary Attack Description: Places a 1HP DudBomb on the field, with a clearly visible digital X displayed on the side. The bomb remains on the field until the end of the turn after it was summoned, then self destructs harmlessly. If the DudBomb is attacked, it detonates whatever attacked it for 50 Null damage in a Blast2 area. This counterattack is indescriminate, and will trigger against the attacker no matter who or what it may be, without exception.
Element: Null.
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): TimeBomb1, Zenny
Special: This virus cannot attack unless there is at least 1 unbroken and unoccupied panel on the field for it to place bombs on.
HandyHandy (Handy)

Handy Viruses attack by opening a dimensional gate below themselves, and dropping into it. The exit gate opens next to their destination, and they will rise out of it holding an explosive. This explosive is placed on an unbroken panel, and the Handy is free to move after. The use of gates does not count as teleporting, but can be used as a means of dodging as they attack. Gates are only used when attacking, and at no other time. Handy viruses will not set a new explosive until either a turn has passed, or they pass one action without setting a new bomb, whichever comes first. For more info on the bombs Handy viruses use, see below.

Area: SciLab, Yoka, Okuden Valley, Netopia, Hades Isle

HP: 80
Primary Attack Damage: 50 Null to all enemies after 2 turns
Primary Attack Accuracy: S
Primary Attack Description: Places a 100HP TimeBomb on the field, with a clearly visible digital timer on it. The bomb counts down for two turns, then explodes, dealing 50 damage to all enemies. If the bomb's HP is reduced to Zero before time expires, the bomb is harmlessly destroyed.
Secondary Attack Damage: 50 Null Counterattack + Blast2
Secondary Attack Accuracy: S
Secondary Attack Description: Places a 1HP DudBomb on the field, with a clearly visible digital X displayed on the side. The bomb remains on the field until the end of the turn after it was summoned, then self destructs harmlessly. If the DudBomb is attacked, it detonates whatever attacked it for 50 Null damage in a Blast2 area. This counterattack is indescriminate, and will trigger against the attacker no matter who or what it may be, without exception.
Element: Null.
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): TimeBomb1, Zenny
Special: This virus cannot attack unless there is at least 1 unbroken and unoccupied panel on the field for it to place bombs on.
B: 80Hp [Normal]
KettleKettle (Kettle)

Kettle do not attack unless and until they are attacked. This behavior does not count as a Counter or a Trap. It's simply what they do. Moving and dodging require actions, while retaliating against attacks does not. All Kettle have passive Regen. When this virus is attacked with non-Fire Damage below its max HP, it will boil over to attack nearby enemies with Aqua Damage equal to the damage taken. This effect does not damage allies. If the damage is greater than or equal to its current HP, the virus is also deleted after the counter attack. If not, the Kettle will regenerate a portion of its HP and continue on as normal. When this virus is attacked with Fire Damage, it will boil over to attack nearby allies dealing exactly its max HP in Aqua Damage. This effect will not damage enemies. The virus is automatically deleted after boiling over in this case.

Area: Netopia, Beach

HP: 100 Degrees
Attack Damage/Effect: Variable Damage Aqua (Max 100) + Nova4
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Boils over and releases geyser explosion when attacked. Boil-over damage never exceeds the virus' max HP. See Notes for more details.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): LittleBoiler1, Zenny
Special: Regen(50): Passively recovers 50 HP every action.
BandcoonBandcoon (Bandcoon)

Bandcoons are gray raccoon-like creatures, around 30 inches in height. They possess black stripes around their body, aside from their short, almost stub-like legs. Their faces are usually unseen, as they're covered in a red mask with string decorations. Their tails are twice as long as their actual bodies, and are usually curved into a question mark shape. At first this may seem like a simple design choice, but the tail is actually prehensile, and Bandcoon cleverly use it to steal chip data from Navis. Bandcoons' speed and small size combine to make them surprisingly difficult to hit while moving, and are even agile enough to turn sharply with little problem. However, if caught standing still, they're practically sitting ducks. However, when they're not using chips, they always prefer to move when possible. Their main tactic is to roll around and confound the enemy with their speed, then move in and swipe them with their tail, using it like a hook to grab data not directly tied to them, namely Battlechips. They can then use it themselves, at reduced power, as a free action. All other effects of the chips still apply, including pre-requisites to use the chip (i.e. Spice still needs Grass terrain, MachineSword still requires that the enemy be stunned). Higher level Bandcoon are aware of such conditions, and will try to satisfy the requirements if at all possible. If the enemy has no Battlechips, Bandcoons get extremely aggravated, and will ram an enemy in anger and desperation. However, they severely dislike doing this, and will only use this attack as a last resort for when they have no chips.

Area: Yoka, Okuden Valley, Netopia, Yumland

HP: 60
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: Chip Steal + 1/3 Chip Use
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: Bandcoon steals a single random chip the opponent has selected this turn. They then use the chip at 1/3 of its normal power, rounded down to the nearest 5. Recovery chips still work at full power.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Null + Impact
Secondary Attack Accuracy: A
Secondary Attack Description: If Bandcoon cannot steal an attacking chip for any reason, they will instead roll into an enemy.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Pickpocket (Rare), Zenny
Special: Haste while moving (+10%). Double Slow while standing still (-20%).
Maru-01Maru-01 (Maru)

Maru are rather small floating spheres of electricity, with two beady black eyes. They never appear solo, and will always have at least one other Maru at their side. While they're exactly as sturdy as one would expect from a ball of electrical energy, they can inflict bugs with their electric shocks. Maru are highly intelligent for being what they are, and love to combine tactics with others of their kind to make sure they each get to shock the enemy at maximum efficiency. Their small size and ability to move in any direction makes them extremely hard to hit.

Area: Netopia, NAXA

HP: 40
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Elec + Glitch
Attack Accuracy: B (special)
Attack Description: Fires a small bolt of electricity that corrupts the data of whatever it hits.
Type: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MaruBlaster1, Zenny
Special: OmniShoes
Special: Taser: If this virus is within Melee range of an enemy, its attack's accuracy is A. If an enemy uses a close range chip, they may counterattack immediately following that attack as a free action. Multi-hit close range chips only trigger one counterattack.
Special: All attacks that target this virus are treated as being two accuracy ranks lower (i.e. A is treated as C) against that virus.
Maru-01Maru-01 (Maru)

Maru are rather small floating spheres of electricity, with two beady black eyes. They never appear solo, and will always have at least one other Maru at their side. While they're exactly as sturdy as one would expect from a ball of electrical energy, they can inflict bugs with their electric shocks. Maru are highly intelligent for being what they are, and love to combine tactics with others of their kind to make sure they each get to shock the enemy at maximum efficiency. Their small size and ability to move in any direction makes them extremely hard to hit.

Area: Netopia, NAXA

HP: 40
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Elec + Glitch
Attack Accuracy: B (special)
Attack Description: Fires a small bolt of electricity that corrupts the data of whatever it hits.
Type: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MaruBlaster1, Zenny
Special: OmniShoes
Special: Taser: If this virus is within Melee range of an enemy, its attack's accuracy is A. If an enemy uses a close range chip, they may counterattack immediately following that attack as a free action. Multi-hit close range chips only trigger one counterattack.
Special: All attacks that target this virus are treated as being two accuracy ranks lower (i.e. A is treated as C) against that virus.
Maru-01Maru-01 (Maru)

Maru are rather small floating spheres of electricity, with two beady black eyes. They never appear solo, and will always have at least one other Maru at their side. While they're exactly as sturdy as one would expect from a ball of electrical energy, they can inflict bugs with their electric shocks. Maru are highly intelligent for being what they are, and love to combine tactics with others of their kind to make sure they each get to shock the enemy at maximum efficiency. Their small size and ability to move in any direction makes them extremely hard to hit.

Area: Netopia, NAXA

HP: 40
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Elec + Glitch
Attack Accuracy: B (special)
Attack Description: Fires a small bolt of electricity that corrupts the data of whatever it hits.
Type: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MaruBlaster1, Zenny
Special: OmniShoes
Special: Taser: If this virus is within Melee range of an enemy, its attack's accuracy is A. If an enemy uses a close range chip, they may counterattack immediately following that attack as a free action. Multi-hit close range chips only trigger one counterattack.
Special: All attacks that target this virus are treated as being two accuracy ranks lower (i.e. A is treated as C) against that virus.

Asymptote.EXE: 123Hp [Normal]

70% Poison [Huge pool]
10% Holy [Small island to the side of the Maru, about a movement away from melee]
20% Normal [This shore]

GMD: 20 HP [Almost about to sink in Poison]
Control Tower A: 60Hp [Anchored/IronBody] [Half submerged, halfway between Poison shore and Holy island]
Control Tower B: 60Hp [Anchored/IronBody] [Half submerged, to the left and closer to the shore]
Control Tower C: 60Hp [Anchored/IronBody] [Half submerged, to the right and over on the other side of the Poison pool]

DudBomb: 1Hp [Beside Asymptote]

Asymptote's chest cannon crumbled to dust almost immediately after it's use, but it's use had been done and he wasn't afraid of the Handy that remained around the area. He couldn't help but chuckle as the GMD continued to sink into the poisonous muck, maybe it was a reward, maybe it was a mimic...but he couldn't help but wonder. Pangs of the rush of battle flowing, the navi requested his favorite of his arsenal. The good old GutPunch to completely obliterate this final virus before it could escape. But before he could do anything, the navi heard three clicks in the PET instead of the one he had requested. Raising an eyebrow at this development, the navi was unsure what to say...until a simple clear white barrier began to surround him completely and utterly, protecting him from harm for a moment should another dudbomb be dropped in his way. And with the second, a restorative effect would quickly wrap around Asymptote's body, making sure to keep him in fighting shape.

Asymptote let out a bellow as he turned immediately to the five fingered menace. The navi's hands and forearms slowly becoming coated in a viscous liquid, spreading out from his hands like mercury would. The navi closing his eyes and inhaling deeply as the liquid metal seared across his flesh like lava, the navi groaning out as he flexed his fingers, the metal soon finding purchase with his skin and quickly hardening around him like a flexitive steel, spikes erecting out of the tips of his knuckles and hardening to a fine point. The navi letting out a roar of anger as he stomped his way forward towards the five fingered entity, he didn't think the enemy would try anything unorthodox as slapping him or anything, but otherwise, the navi was about to do something quite straight forward. Clasping both his hands together, finger between finger, the navi raised his hands up into the air and jumped forward at the lone virus, feet leaving the ground as he raised himself to about seven feet into the air, the navi crashing down a moment later, swinging his hands down like a hammer and crashing it with great force on the paneling, surface level spidery cracks coming out from impact. Asymptote then taking another swing at the virus like a wrecking ball, swinging his arms from side to side as he attempted to sweep up the remains, or at least, catch the virus unawares with his secondary attack.

*Buff/Debuff: 18 (Buffing GutPunch)
*Mathmatician's Gaze 1 (Passive Take Aim1, Added to GutPunch)
*Mathmatician's Gaze 2 (Passive Take Aim1, Added to GutPunch)
1: BarrierProtection: Combined Damage up to 10HP
Accuracy: S
Description: Defensive field that prevents damage up to 10HP.
Duration: Until Destroyed
Element: Null
Special: Status Guard: This chip blocks debuffs.
Trader Rank: E
: Protects: Combined Damage up to 10HP + Status (Acc: S) to self
2: Recover30 to self
3: GutPunchDamage: 70 + Impact + Knockback
Accuracy: A
Description: Creates a large fist for the user to punch with. Anything it hits is knocked back a sizable distance, even objects.
Duration: Until Overridden/Broken. Breaks automatically after 6 swings.
Element: Null
Trader Rank: D
--->HandyB (+18 damage, +1 Accuracy Rank) (5/6 uses)
4: GutPunchDamage: 70 + Impact + Knockback
Accuracy: A
Description: Creates a large fist for the user to punch with. Anything it hits is knocked back a sizable distance, even objects.
Duration: Until Overridden/Broken. Breaks automatically after 6 swings.
Element: Null
Trader Rank: D
--->HandyB (+1 Accuracy Rank) (4/6 uses)
With a final bellow, Asymptote was swift to deliver forceful judgement upon the remaining Handy, who had no real defence or recourse other than to get pummelled down. the large bomb hissed and fizzled steam a moment or tow later, leaving the hulking navi as the only one still standing on this part of the battle field.

A soft bubbling sound close by announced the MD sinking further into the poison sludge. Asymptote would be able to rescue it and get it open quickly, if he wanted to, and could probably do so carefully enough to avoid the poison. If he was too scarred by mimics past, of course, he could always leave it to melt.

HandyHandy (Handy)

Handy Viruses attack by opening a dimensional gate below themselves, and dropping into it. The exit gate opens next to their destination, and they will rise out of it holding an explosive. This explosive is placed on an unbroken panel, and the Handy is free to move after. The use of gates does not count as teleporting, but can be used as a means of dodging as they attack. Gates are only used when attacking, and at no other time. Handy viruses will not set a new explosive until either a turn has passed, or they pass one action without setting a new bomb, whichever comes first. For more info on the bombs Handy viruses use, see below.

Area: SciLab, Yoka, Okuden Valley, Netopia, Hades Isle

HP: 80
Primary Attack Damage: 50 Null to all enemies after 2 turns
Primary Attack Accuracy: S
Primary Attack Description: Places a 100HP TimeBomb on the field, with a clearly visible digital timer on it. The bomb counts down for two turns, then explodes, dealing 50 damage to all enemies. If the bomb's HP is reduced to Zero before time expires, the bomb is harmlessly destroyed.
Secondary Attack Damage: 50 Null Counterattack + Blast2
Secondary Attack Accuracy: S
Secondary Attack Description: Places a 1HP DudBomb on the field, with a clearly visible digital X displayed on the side. The bomb remains on the field until the end of the turn after it was summoned, then self destructs harmlessly. If the DudBomb is attacked, it detonates whatever attacked it for 50 Null damage in a Blast2 area. This counterattack is indescriminate, and will trigger against the attacker no matter who or what it may be, without exception.
Element: Null.
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): TimeBomb1, Zenny
Special: This virus cannot attack unless there is at least 1 unbroken and unoccupied panel on the field for it to place bombs on.
HandyHandy (Handy)

Handy Viruses attack by opening a dimensional gate below themselves, and dropping into it. The exit gate opens next to their destination, and they will rise out of it holding an explosive. This explosive is placed on an unbroken panel, and the Handy is free to move after. The use of gates does not count as teleporting, but can be used as a means of dodging as they attack. Gates are only used when attacking, and at no other time. Handy viruses will not set a new explosive until either a turn has passed, or they pass one action without setting a new bomb, whichever comes first. For more info on the bombs Handy viruses use, see below.

Area: SciLab, Yoka, Okuden Valley, Netopia, Hades Isle

HP: 80
Primary Attack Damage: 50 Null to all enemies after 2 turns
Primary Attack Accuracy: S
Primary Attack Description: Places a 100HP TimeBomb on the field, with a clearly visible digital timer on it. The bomb counts down for two turns, then explodes, dealing 50 damage to all enemies. If the bomb's HP is reduced to Zero before time expires, the bomb is harmlessly destroyed.
Secondary Attack Damage: 50 Null Counterattack + Blast2
Secondary Attack Accuracy: S
Secondary Attack Description: Places a 1HP DudBomb on the field, with a clearly visible digital X displayed on the side. The bomb remains on the field until the end of the turn after it was summoned, then self destructs harmlessly. If the DudBomb is attacked, it detonates whatever attacked it for 50 Null damage in a Blast2 area. This counterattack is indescriminate, and will trigger against the attacker no matter who or what it may be, without exception.
Element: Null.
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): TimeBomb1, Zenny
Special: This virus cannot attack unless there is at least 1 unbroken and unoccupied panel on the field for it to place bombs on.
KettleKettle (Kettle)

Kettle do not attack unless and until they are attacked. This behavior does not count as a Counter or a Trap. It's simply what they do. Moving and dodging require actions, while retaliating against attacks does not. All Kettle have passive Regen. When this virus is attacked with non-Fire Damage below its max HP, it will boil over to attack nearby enemies with Aqua Damage equal to the damage taken. This effect does not damage allies. If the damage is greater than or equal to its current HP, the virus is also deleted after the counter attack. If not, the Kettle will regenerate a portion of its HP and continue on as normal. When this virus is attacked with Fire Damage, it will boil over to attack nearby allies dealing exactly its max HP in Aqua Damage. This effect will not damage enemies. The virus is automatically deleted after boiling over in this case.

Area: Netopia, Beach

HP: 100 Degrees
Attack Damage/Effect: Variable Damage Aqua (Max 100) + Nova4
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Boils over and releases geyser explosion when attacked. Boil-over damage never exceeds the virus' max HP. See Notes for more details.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): LittleBoiler1, Zenny
Special: Regen(50): Passively recovers 50 HP every action.
BandcoonBandcoon (Bandcoon)

Bandcoons are gray raccoon-like creatures, around 30 inches in height. They possess black stripes around their body, aside from their short, almost stub-like legs. Their faces are usually unseen, as they're covered in a red mask with string decorations. Their tails are twice as long as their actual bodies, and are usually curved into a question mark shape. At first this may seem like a simple design choice, but the tail is actually prehensile, and Bandcoon cleverly use it to steal chip data from Navis. Bandcoons' speed and small size combine to make them surprisingly difficult to hit while moving, and are even agile enough to turn sharply with little problem. However, if caught standing still, they're practically sitting ducks. However, when they're not using chips, they always prefer to move when possible. Their main tactic is to roll around and confound the enemy with their speed, then move in and swipe them with their tail, using it like a hook to grab data not directly tied to them, namely Battlechips. They can then use it themselves, at reduced power, as a free action. All other effects of the chips still apply, including pre-requisites to use the chip (i.e. Spice still needs Grass terrain, MachineSword still requires that the enemy be stunned). Higher level Bandcoon are aware of such conditions, and will try to satisfy the requirements if at all possible. If the enemy has no Battlechips, Bandcoons get extremely aggravated, and will ram an enemy in anger and desperation. However, they severely dislike doing this, and will only use this attack as a last resort for when they have no chips.

Area: Yoka, Okuden Valley, Netopia, Yumland

HP: 60
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: Chip Steal + 1/3 Chip Use
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: Bandcoon steals a single random chip the opponent has selected this turn. They then use the chip at 1/3 of its normal power, rounded down to the nearest 5. Recovery chips still work at full power.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Null + Impact
Secondary Attack Accuracy: A
Secondary Attack Description: If Bandcoon cannot steal an attacking chip for any reason, they will instead roll into an enemy.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Pickpocket (Rare), Zenny
Special: Haste while moving (+10%). Double Slow while standing still (-20%).
Maru-01Maru-01 (Maru)

Maru are rather small floating spheres of electricity, with two beady black eyes. They never appear solo, and will always have at least one other Maru at their side. While they're exactly as sturdy as one would expect from a ball of electrical energy, they can inflict bugs with their electric shocks. Maru are highly intelligent for being what they are, and love to combine tactics with others of their kind to make sure they each get to shock the enemy at maximum efficiency. Their small size and ability to move in any direction makes them extremely hard to hit.

Area: Netopia, NAXA

HP: 40
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Elec + Glitch
Attack Accuracy: B (special)
Attack Description: Fires a small bolt of electricity that corrupts the data of whatever it hits.
Type: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MaruBlaster1, Zenny
Special: OmniShoes
Special: Taser: If this virus is within Melee range of an enemy, its attack's accuracy is A. If an enemy uses a close range chip, they may counterattack immediately following that attack as a free action. Multi-hit close range chips only trigger one counterattack.
Special: All attacks that target this virus are treated as being two accuracy ranks lower (i.e. A is treated as C) against that virus.
Maru-01Maru-01 (Maru)

Maru are rather small floating spheres of electricity, with two beady black eyes. They never appear solo, and will always have at least one other Maru at their side. While they're exactly as sturdy as one would expect from a ball of electrical energy, they can inflict bugs with their electric shocks. Maru are highly intelligent for being what they are, and love to combine tactics with others of their kind to make sure they each get to shock the enemy at maximum efficiency. Their small size and ability to move in any direction makes them extremely hard to hit.

Area: Netopia, NAXA

HP: 40
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Elec + Glitch
Attack Accuracy: B (special)
Attack Description: Fires a small bolt of electricity that corrupts the data of whatever it hits.
Type: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MaruBlaster1, Zenny
Special: OmniShoes
Special: Taser: If this virus is within Melee range of an enemy, its attack's accuracy is A. If an enemy uses a close range chip, they may counterattack immediately following that attack as a free action. Multi-hit close range chips only trigger one counterattack.
Special: All attacks that target this virus are treated as being two accuracy ranks lower (i.e. A is treated as C) against that virus.
Maru-01Maru-01 (Maru)

Maru are rather small floating spheres of electricity, with two beady black eyes. They never appear solo, and will always have at least one other Maru at their side. While they're exactly as sturdy as one would expect from a ball of electrical energy, they can inflict bugs with their electric shocks. Maru are highly intelligent for being what they are, and love to combine tactics with others of their kind to make sure they each get to shock the enemy at maximum efficiency. Their small size and ability to move in any direction makes them extremely hard to hit.

Area: Netopia, NAXA

HP: 40
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Elec + Glitch
Attack Accuracy: B (special)
Attack Description: Fires a small bolt of electricity that corrupts the data of whatever it hits.
Type: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MaruBlaster1, Zenny
Special: OmniShoes
Special: Taser: If this virus is within Melee range of an enemy, its attack's accuracy is A. If an enemy uses a close range chip, they may counterattack immediately following that attack as a free action. Multi-hit close range chips only trigger one counterattack.
Special: All attacks that target this virus are treated as being two accuracy ranks lower (i.e. A is treated as C) against that virus.

Asymptote.EXE: 123Hp [Normal]

70% Poison [Huge pool]
10% Holy [Small island to the side of the Maru, about a movement away from melee]
20% Normal [This shore]

GMD: 10 HP [Sinking in Poison]
Control Tower A: 60Hp [Anchored/IronBody] [Half submerged, halfway between Poison shore and Holy island]
Control Tower B: 60Hp [Anchored/IronBody] [Half submerged, to the left and closer to the shore]
Control Tower C: 60Hp [Anchored/IronBody] [Half submerged, to the right and over on the other side of the Poison pool]


-=Battle 3, Victory!=-

Spoils: 1200z, LittleBoiler1HP: 1
Properties: Light
Object Damage: (100 Aqua + Damage Absorbed) + Blast 3
Damage Method: Throw, Knockback, Microburst, Telekinesis, Gust
Attack Damage: (100 Aqua + Damage Absorbed) + Blast 3
Accuracy: E (thrown) / B (trigger)
Description: Throws a boiling kettle 3 panels ahead that boils over when hit once, dealing aqua damage to everything around it without regard to who or what that may be. The damage of the attack that strikes it is added to the blast.
Duration: Until destroyed.
Element: Wood
Special: Time Delay: Upon taking damage, there is a 2 action time delay before the attack triggers.
Special: For the purposes of Elemental Bonuses, this chip is counts as Aqua Element.
Trader Rank: D
, 22 BugFrags, Maru Bounty +3

Open GMD?

Asymptote sighed as he began to disengage his combat routines, the navi's eyes trailing over to the GMD that had managed to somehow manage to survive the battle. He had this tinge of regret as he thought about simply leaving it behind and letting it delete...with a loud sigh, the navi began to walk over to it, and reaching over just far enough over the toxic muck, the navi began to fish it out one movement at a time. After a couple moments, the navi managed to fish it out without it drowning. Barely recognizable as a GMD, the navi quickly sent a PM to his netop with a ping sounding from the PET. I know I should just crush this GMD in my hands...but be ready, I have a gut feeling another mimic's going to show up. If nothing else it'll reroute viruses to me and help the plane in the long term..

The navi began to move away from the beach of poison panels in an attempt to position himself better in case a mimic did come out of the GMD. And with it, began to decode the decrepit and destroyed data.

(Attempt to move away from the area for a (slightly) different battlefield and open GMD. If no mimic, begin battle 4. 153 HP)
Fortunately, it seemed like Asymptote's run of ill-luck with deceptive treasure viruses was at an end... for now. This particular data crystal turned out to be just that, and though it was badly damaged, he still managed to unpack what turned out to be battle chip data before moving on to find more things to punch.

((MD contains: Thunder1Damage: 40 + Stun 1 + Homing
Accuracy: C
Description: Shoots a slow moving ball of electricity that homes in on its target.
Duration: Once
Element: Elec
Trader Rank: D

Spoils in hand, it didn't take long for him to locate one of the remaining clusters of viral outbreaks on the plane's internal network; this group seemed to be clustering around a circular patch of holy panels, bashing at them. The ground all around was cracked badly. Right in the centre of the holy, a Cragger was punching downward with its fist, while a BigHat supervised from a suitable, labour unintensive position Behind the Cragger and slightly to one side, a pair of Maru drifted and seemed to be done with their section, as much as they cared to be, while a Weather and Melody seemed to be more interested in playing together, off to Asymptote's right; the Melody bouncing around randomly with a happy expression, while the weather skirted about it with swift, nimble sliding motions. Directly to Asymptote's left, a BombBoy eyed him up, then began making preparations to pull a new payload into space to gift him with.

Maru-01Maru-01 (Maru)

Maru are rather small floating spheres of electricity, with two beady black eyes. They never appear solo, and will always have at least one other Maru at their side. While they're exactly as sturdy as one would expect from a ball of electrical energy, they can inflict bugs with their electric shocks. Maru are highly intelligent for being what they are, and love to combine tactics with others of their kind to make sure they each get to shock the enemy at maximum efficiency. Their small size and ability to move in any direction makes them extremely hard to hit.

Area: Netopia, NAXA

HP: 40
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Elec + Glitch
Attack Accuracy: B (special)
Attack Description: Fires a small bolt of electricity that corrupts the data of whatever it hits.
Type: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MaruBlaster1, Zenny
Special: OmniShoes
Special: Taser: If this virus is within Melee range of an enemy, its attack's accuracy is A. If an enemy uses a close range chip, they may counterattack immediately following that attack as a free action. Multi-hit close range chips only trigger one counterattack.
Special: All attacks that target this virus are treated as being two accuracy ranks lower (i.e. A is treated as C) against that virus.
A: 40Hp [Over Cracked][Back left]
Maru-01Maru-01 (Maru)

Maru are rather small floating spheres of electricity, with two beady black eyes. They never appear solo, and will always have at least one other Maru at their side. While they're exactly as sturdy as one would expect from a ball of electrical energy, they can inflict bugs with their electric shocks. Maru are highly intelligent for being what they are, and love to combine tactics with others of their kind to make sure they each get to shock the enemy at maximum efficiency. Their small size and ability to move in any direction makes them extremely hard to hit.

Area: Netopia, NAXA

HP: 40
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Elec + Glitch
Attack Accuracy: B (special)
Attack Description: Fires a small bolt of electricity that corrupts the data of whatever it hits.
Type: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MaruBlaster1, Zenny
Special: OmniShoes
Special: Taser: If this virus is within Melee range of an enemy, its attack's accuracy is A. If an enemy uses a close range chip, they may counterattack immediately following that attack as a free action. Multi-hit close range chips only trigger one counterattack.
Special: All attacks that target this virus are treated as being two accuracy ranks lower (i.e. A is treated as C) against that virus.
B: 40Hp [Over Cracked][Back left]
CraggerCragger (Cragger)

Craggers are pretty easy targets, given their size. They also move very rarely, and when they do they move slowly. Their dodge rate is abysmal. They generally rely on their HardBody defense, which reduces non-break damage by half, but doubles break damage. They have high attack power and AoE, but their accuracy is generally bad as their attacks are easy to follow and take time to deliver. Their attack is executed as a Drop Attack, and thus attacks from above, and not head-on. Targets caught underground within this attack's AoE range take an additional 50 Null damage that ignores all defenses.

Area: Netopia, Sharo, Hades Isle

HP: 120
Attack Damage/Effect: 30 Null + Break + Panel Break + WideAttack
Attack Accuracy: D
Attack Description: Slams the enemy and surrounding area with fist. This is executed as a Drop Attack, and is more damaging to targets below ground (IE: Submerged or burrowed).
Element: None.
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): GolemHit1, Zenny
Special: Hardbody.
: 120Hp [Centre of Holy]
BigHatBigHat (BigHat)

BigHats only attack a max of once per turn. The rest of their remaining actions are spent moving or dodging, a skill in which they are only average at best. BigHats only attack a second time if the FlashBomb they threw on that turn is somehow destroyed before the end of the turn, and they have an action remaining for the turn. FlashBombs thrown by BigHats do not harm viruses at all when they explode. The effect of FlashBomb cannot be dodged, but it can be blocked by defenses you can take cover behind, such as objects and Guards. Chip generated barriers and auras also prevent the effect, but signature generated defenses of these types will not. As FlashBomb is a light based attack, it has slashing to pierce Shadow, and Seeking to pierce Invis (note that dodging alone does nothing, so Invis will not help here anyway).

Area: Kotobuki Town, Netopia, NetVegas

HP: 100
Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Null + Blind + Slashing + Seeking + Stun + To-All-Clause
Attack Accuracy: S
Attack Description: Throws bomb that explodes in one turn in a flash.
Element: None.
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): FlashBomb1, Zenny
Special: 20 HP Bomb used in attack explodes at the end of the following turn. They fizzle harmlessly if destroyed.
: 100Hp [Holy][Edge nearest Asymptote, watching Cragger]
WeatherWeather (Weather)

Weather viruses drop down from way up high, execute a breath attack, and rise back up. Dropping and attacking is an action, while moving back upward is a second action. They may also adjust where on the battlefield they drop next while in High Altitude as a free action. These are the only actions this virus family performs.

Area: Netopia, Sharo

HP: 80
Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Aqua + Small Ice Terrain Change + Cone Attack
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Uses a freezing cold breath weapon to coat the enemy and the ground in ice.
Element: Aqua
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Blizzard1, Zenny
Special: Has High Altitude every other action. This virus cannot attack while in High Altitude, but may adjust its positioning as a free action.
: 80Hp [Over Normal][To the near right]
MelodyMelody (Melody)

Melody viruses move, dodge, and attack by jumping. There is no distinction between these 3 actions.

Area: ACDC, Kotobuki Town, Netopia, Dentech

HP: 80
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Null
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Jumps on the enemy.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Null x 3 attacks
Secondary Attack Accuracy: E
Secondary Attack Description: Bounces around with complete disregard for whoever or whatever is in the area. Can hit obstacles as well as enemies.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Binder1, ColorBall1 (Rare), Zenny
Special: Increased evasion.
: 80Hp [Normal][To the near right]
BombBoyBombBoy (BombLab)

BombLab viruses attack by summoning a huge cube-shaped explosive, called a BoyBomb. They push this bomb towards their enemies, using it as cover against incoming fire as they do so. It takes a BombLab virus an action to summon a BoyBomb, and another 2 to push it into attack range of the enemy. Once the explosive is in range, it will explode the very next turn. BoyBombs have StoneBody, and can be moved with special abilities, such as Knockback, Microburst, Pull, Gravity, and Telekinesis. BoyBombs will explode if physically picked up, however (EX: Rageclaw or similar means). Bomb Lab viruses jump, not teleport, back to their starting position after setting the BoyBomb.

Area: Netopia, Sharo, NAXA

HP: 80
Attack Damage/Effect: 30 Null + Blast 3
Attack Accuracy: S
Attack Description: Summons a 5 HP BoyBomb, and begins pushing it towards the enemy. Bomb deals massive damage once in range.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per virus): BoyBomb1, Zenny
Special: This virus is immune to the effects of BoyBombs, including damage.
: 80Hp [Normal][To Asymptote's direct left][More than one movement away]

Asymptote.EXE: 153Hp [Normal]

40% Normal [Most of the area]
20% Holy [Circular area directly ahead]
40% Cracked [Area directly around the circle of Holy]

-=Battle 4, Start!=-

Asymptote let out a long, contented sigh at the GMD finally giving way to his wants for the moment, though the chip data wasn't the most wanted, he wasn't about to look a gift data in the mouth (lest it grow teeth and try to rip his throat out again). But as he continued on, he found himself in front of a bunch of viruses. The viral outbreak seemed to be dying out from the slew of netnavis that had jacked in, more than he had anticipated. But all in all, it was indeed a group effort to keep the air-boat from crashing and burning like so much scrap. But despite everything Asymptote had a bit of cleanup ahead and hopefully, a final check would make things fine and finally get them some rest and let them buy a few things that they needed. Untraps and the like were certainly a priority for him and Joseph, no doubt.

Joseph, got a lock on some stragglers. What do you suggest? Asymptote asked, sending a PM to his netop as he began to figure what all he needed to do. Joseph hummed and, with another wave of turbulence hitting them, grabbed a couple chips for the monsterous navi to use. Here, this should help thin out their numbers if you're careful. Just don't go falling into holes again, we can't afford that here. Joseph quipped to his navi, the boisterous brute rolling his eyes in disgust at the quip from his netop. Though at least this was probably the last of it...for now, gods only knew what else he had to deal with down the road.

With a trio of clicks for the navi to hear, he quickly got to work. Inhaling deeply, chest puffed out widely as he began to inflate outwards akin to a balloon, the navi beginning to feel a protective aura wrapping around him tightly, a very slight shimmer coming off of his body as he exhaled. With the exhilation, however, Asymptote began to summon a purplish cloud, thick and grainy as it left his mouth. The cloud drifting upwards, a pair of eyes popping into existence as well as a pair of nubby arms with cartoonishly rounded hands clenched into fists. The cloud sprouting a metallic umbrella from it's head as it began to float over towards the duo of Melody and Weather. Grunting out audibly, the purple cloud floated over the two viruses, an overcast sky over them. But before Asymptote could begin to say anything about what he had created...the cloud began to drip. Green liquid falling from the purple cloud as it pumped the metallic umbrella. Upon contact with the panels, a faint hiss could be heard with the first few drops of rain, blackened spots quickly starting to appear as the mimic'ed cloud began it's deluge of rain upon the two hapless viruses, slowly moving back and forth between the two of them as it attempted to eat away their data with just a little bit of chocolate acid rain, it's own umbrella beginning to corrode and began to become eaten away as it pumped it up and down in a mimicing motion akin to the virus it's data was created from.

The navi would then turn to the BombBoy towards his left, with a glint of murder in his eyes and knowing even with his muscles he couldn't simply do what he wanted from here, made a few movements towards the round virus. His feet stomping on the ground with his every movement, a veritable quake under his feet with every step. As soon as he thought he was within range of his throw, Asymptote summoned a small blue sphere in his hand. The navi taking a very brief moment to take aim at his adversary, brought his arm back and with an underhanded throw like a pitcher with a ball, sent the data sphere hurtling through the air. Upon it's impact with the ground as it slowly rotated vertically through the air, it let out an ear bursting explosion akin to a loud "pop", explosives and shrapnel being blown away as it exploded outwards, the area it hit being left with a small scorch mark, smoke lifting upwards into the air despite everything.

*Buff/Debuff: 18
*Mathematician's Gaze 1 (Passive Take Aim1, Allocated to LilCloud)
*Mathematician's Gaze 2 (Passive Take Aim1, Allocated to MiniBomb)
1: BarrierProtection: Combined Damage up to 10HP
Accuracy: S
Description: Defensive field that prevents damage up to 10HP.
Duration: Until Destroyed
Element: Null
Special: Status Guard: This chip blocks debuffs.
Trader Rank: E
(Barrier of 10 HP around Asymptote, Status Block)
2: LilCloudDamage: 70 + Wide Attack + Drop Attack
Accuracy: C
Description: Cloud moves up and down three enemies, raining on them for two turns. Enemies can move out from under it if possible.
Duration: Two turns
Element: Aqua
Special: Drop Attack: This attack originates above the battlefield, and falls to the ground. It gains one rank of accuracy against High Altitude targets.
Trader Rank: D
--->Melody and Weather, maybe BigHat if it moves over enough. (2 turns of use, +18 damage, +1 Accuracy rank)
3: Movement towards BombBoy to get in range
4: MiniBombDamage: 90 + Blast1
Accuracy: C
Description: A Multi-use bomb.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: E
--->BombBoy (+1 Accuracy Rank, lobbed overhead)
Finding a group of viruses going at a few gleaming Holy panels, Asymptote's course of action was to engage them, though not before he protected himself with a barrier. Unfortunately, he was quickly spotted by the Maru, due to them not being involved with... whatever it was that the viruses were going at. A couple of taser shots flew his way, with one bouncing off of his barrier, and the next one thoroughly crippling him with a crackling zap. (-15) With the damage scrambling up his code, he suddenly felt himself being burdened by his own weight, much more so than usual--as if all of his muscles were suddenly ten times heavier.

While the effect was ongoing and he was still able to move, he summoned up a purplish cloud that leaked out from his mouth, which then turned into a rather jolly version of itself before promptly raining down on a few viruses. The Melody was taken out quickly, while the Weather soared up to meet the cloud, being able to move out of its way quickly enough for the attack to not matter. Before he could move, a rocky fist then descended upon him from the skies, seriously injuring him as it clocked him clear across the face. (-30) Apparently the BigHat had taken notice of him, and had directed the Cragger towards him. While he moved away, he found a little ball thrown his way as well--the BigHat's little present for him. It beeped alongside him as he threw the MiniBomb towards the BombBoy, thankfully taking it out before it was able to do anything important.

Maru-01Maru-01 (Maru)

Maru are rather small floating spheres of electricity, with two beady black eyes. They never appear solo, and will always have at least one other Maru at their side. While they're exactly as sturdy as one would expect from a ball of electrical energy, they can inflict bugs with their electric shocks. Maru are highly intelligent for being what they are, and love to combine tactics with others of their kind to make sure they each get to shock the enemy at maximum efficiency. Their small size and ability to move in any direction makes them extremely hard to hit.

Area: Netopia, NAXA

HP: 40
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Elec + Glitch
Attack Accuracy: B (special)
Attack Description: Fires a small bolt of electricity that corrupts the data of whatever it hits.
Type: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MaruBlaster1, Zenny
Special: OmniShoes
Special: Taser: If this virus is within Melee range of an enemy, its attack's accuracy is A. If an enemy uses a close range chip, they may counterattack immediately following that attack as a free action. Multi-hit close range chips only trigger one counterattack.
Special: All attacks that target this virus are treated as being two accuracy ranks lower (i.e. A is treated as C) against that virus.
A: 40Hp [Over Cracked][Back left]
Maru-01Maru-01 (Maru)

Maru are rather small floating spheres of electricity, with two beady black eyes. They never appear solo, and will always have at least one other Maru at their side. While they're exactly as sturdy as one would expect from a ball of electrical energy, they can inflict bugs with their electric shocks. Maru are highly intelligent for being what they are, and love to combine tactics with others of their kind to make sure they each get to shock the enemy at maximum efficiency. Their small size and ability to move in any direction makes them extremely hard to hit.

Area: Netopia, NAXA

HP: 40
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Elec + Glitch
Attack Accuracy: B (special)
Attack Description: Fires a small bolt of electricity that corrupts the data of whatever it hits.
Type: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MaruBlaster1, Zenny
Special: OmniShoes
Special: Taser: If this virus is within Melee range of an enemy, its attack's accuracy is A. If an enemy uses a close range chip, they may counterattack immediately following that attack as a free action. Multi-hit close range chips only trigger one counterattack.
Special: All attacks that target this virus are treated as being two accuracy ranks lower (i.e. A is treated as C) against that virus.
B: 40Hp [Over Cracked][Back left]
CraggerCragger (Cragger)

Craggers are pretty easy targets, given their size. They also move very rarely, and when they do they move slowly. Their dodge rate is abysmal. They generally rely on their HardBody defense, which reduces non-break damage by half, but doubles break damage. They have high attack power and AoE, but their accuracy is generally bad as their attacks are easy to follow and take time to deliver. Their attack is executed as a Drop Attack, and thus attacks from above, and not head-on. Targets caught underground within this attack's AoE range take an additional 50 Null damage that ignores all defenses.

Area: Netopia, Sharo, Hades Isle

HP: 120
Attack Damage/Effect: 30 Null + Break + Panel Break + WideAttack
Attack Accuracy: D
Attack Description: Slams the enemy and surrounding area with fist. This is executed as a Drop Attack, and is more damaging to targets below ground (IE: Submerged or burrowed).
Element: None.
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): GolemHit1, Zenny
Special: Hardbody.
: 120Hp [Centre of Holy]
BigHatBigHat (BigHat)

BigHats only attack a max of once per turn. The rest of their remaining actions are spent moving or dodging, a skill in which they are only average at best. BigHats only attack a second time if the FlashBomb they threw on that turn is somehow destroyed before the end of the turn, and they have an action remaining for the turn. FlashBombs thrown by BigHats do not harm viruses at all when they explode. The effect of FlashBomb cannot be dodged, but it can be blocked by defenses you can take cover behind, such as objects and Guards. Chip generated barriers and auras also prevent the effect, but signature generated defenses of these types will not. As FlashBomb is a light based attack, it has slashing to pierce Shadow, and Seeking to pierce Invis (note that dodging alone does nothing, so Invis will not help here anyway).

Area: Kotobuki Town, Netopia, NetVegas

HP: 100
Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Null + Blind + Slashing + Seeking + Stun + To-All-Clause
Attack Accuracy: S
Attack Description: Throws bomb that explodes in one turn in a flash.
Element: None.
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): FlashBomb1, Zenny
Special: 20 HP Bomb used in attack explodes at the end of the following turn. They fizzle harmlessly if destroyed.
: 100Hp [Holy][Edge nearest Asymptote, watching Cragger]
WeatherWeather (Weather)

Weather viruses drop down from way up high, execute a breath attack, and rise back up. Dropping and attacking is an action, while moving back upward is a second action. They may also adjust where on the battlefield they drop next while in High Altitude as a free action. These are the only actions this virus family performs.

Area: Netopia, Sharo

HP: 80
Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Aqua + Small Ice Terrain Change + Cone Attack
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Uses a freezing cold breath weapon to coat the enemy and the ground in ice.
Element: Aqua
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Blizzard1, Zenny
Special: Has High Altitude every other action. This virus cannot attack while in High Altitude, but may adjust its positioning as a free action.
: 80Hp [High Altitude, over Normal][To the near right][ LilCloudDamage: 70 + Wide Attack + Drop Attack
Accuracy: C
Description: Cloud moves up and down three enemies, raining on them for two turns. Enemies can move out from under it if possible.
Duration: Two turns
Element: Aqua
Special: Drop Attack: This attack originates above the battlefield, and falls to the ground. It gains one rank of accuracy against High Altitude targets.
Trader Rank: D
: 1 turn]
MelodyMelody (Melody)

Melody viruses move, dodge, and attack by jumping. There is no distinction between these 3 actions.

Area: ACDC, Kotobuki Town, Netopia, Dentech

HP: 80
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Null
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Jumps on the enemy.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Null x 3 attacks
Secondary Attack Accuracy: E
Secondary Attack Description: Bounces around with complete disregard for whoever or whatever is in the area. Can hit obstacles as well as enemies.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Binder1, ColorBall1 (Rare), Zenny
Special: Increased evasion.
BombBoyBombBoy (BombLab)

BombLab viruses attack by summoning a huge cube-shaped explosive, called a BoyBomb. They push this bomb towards their enemies, using it as cover against incoming fire as they do so. It takes a BombLab virus an action to summon a BoyBomb, and another 2 to push it into attack range of the enemy. Once the explosive is in range, it will explode the very next turn. BoyBombs have StoneBody, and can be moved with special abilities, such as Knockback, Microburst, Pull, Gravity, and Telekinesis. BoyBombs will explode if physically picked up, however (EX: Rageclaw or similar means). Bomb Lab viruses jump, not teleport, back to their starting position after setting the BoyBomb.

Area: Netopia, Sharo, NAXA

HP: 80
Attack Damage/Effect: 30 Null + Blast 3
Attack Accuracy: S
Attack Description: Summons a 5 HP BoyBomb, and begins pushing it towards the enemy. Bomb deals massive damage once in range.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per virus): BoyBomb1, Zenny
Special: This virus is immune to the effects of BoyBombs, including damage.

Asymptote.EXE: 108Hp [Normal][Barrier Broken][Gravity Multiplier: 1 Turn]

Flash Grenade (BigHat): 20 HP

35% Normal [Most of the area]
20% Holy [Circular area directly ahead]
45% Cracked [Area directly around the circle of Holy, plus the area Asymptote was just on]

Gravity Multiplier: Reduces evasion to F rank or by three ranks, whichever is higher. Lasts for the duration specified.
Asymptote had taken yet another glitch on the chin for himself...unfortunately, his already considerable bulk only grew greater as the forces of gravity were turned on even higher for him. The navi barely able to move properly as he took another step forward, panel cracking under his now immense weight. Asymptote was most assured he wasn't going to be moving much this time around, if at all. Uuuuurrrrr...feels like...someone strapped anvils to by entire body... He groaned, he was able to stay on his feet at the very least. But otherwise he wasn't going to do much as far as movement was concerned. Artillery, Joseph. I am practically pinned down here and can't do much to move.

Joseph looked through their chips almost immediately after the words came out of Asymptote's mouth. Alright then...what do we got here... Joseph mumbled as he looked through each of their chips one after another. Hmmm? What's this? He asked himself, another rumble coming through the plane as he tapped at his PET screen. Asymptote. You'll be able to deal with that Cragger without trying to eject it from battle. I missed a few details on the GunDelSol we picked up from our mission. Get it off the holy panels and you can zap it to death at your leasure when you're done with the rest of the viruses. Joseph formulated a small plan that, if he could get it to work, would certainly help Asymptote out.

Give me the FireBurner, Zapring, RemoteBit and the other barrier. I'm gonna have to get ready defensively, not like I'm able to move right now. The navi asked, grunting under the weight that had been shoved onto him. Joseph simply nodded as he shoveled the four chips into the PET almost immediately afterwards. Pretty sure if you put your RemoteTower down in such a way that you can huddle behind it, you might be able to escape the blast from hitting you. But with your bulk I'm not sure you can. Joseph commented afterwards, tapping away at his PET more, trying to help his navi.

I'll make it work. He replied, another barrier quickly surrounding his mostly immobile body. His body twitching in an attempt to move as much as it could, Asymptote began to summon the data from his little friend. With a crash of thunder around him, in a flash of lighting from the skies above, striking towards the side of the large navi just across from where the BigHat had thrown his bomb at, a large and solid air control tower came down from where the lightning had struck. Black and tall, with a window surrounding the only room atop it, the tower just a bit taller than Asymptote was. The navi looking upwards at the window and saw a scant view of the Twisty within the control tower. A moment later, a whirling silver UFO dropped down from the air, hovering next to the control tower with a loud whistling noise. Circling around the tower several times, it shot off towards the middle of the field.

Aymptote, struggling to try and stay focused on his task at hand, arms heavy and his knees like noodles under his bulk, the navi would take mental aim at the virus that could break him down to no end. The Cragger, looking so smug as it sat on it's holy panel, the thing could break Asymptote down quickly if not removed as a threat before long. But with this, he could at least take it out of commission for a round or so. Loading up the ZapRing data, rings of lighting surrounded the bulky navi's arms, moving down from his shoulders into his hands, pulsating and vibrating with electrical energy. The navi struggled to lift his arms upwards and towards the virus that would be the most cause of trouble for him. As soon as he was at a sufficient height, the navi began to concentrate his electrical energy towards his hands, two metal pincers slowly growing from his hands, and with a grunt and groan from the navi, a charged ring of electrical energy was shot out towards the un-moving behemoth of rubble.

Very quickly afterwards, with a little bit of difficulty, Asymptote began to turn towards the ever prevalent Maru-01 duo. Groaning as he brought himself to take aim at their small forms, the navi inhaled in deeply. Small sparks of flames starting to form in front of the holes that formed his steel mouth as his chest swelled and ballooned outwards towards the viruses. With a quick cough from the navi, a single tiny break of flames coming from the holes, let out a bellowing flame towards the two puffballs that made up the Maru viruses, the flames expanding rapidly as a line of napalm began to fire from the metallic mouth, scorching the ground as it draped across the field the more it shot out.

The UFO that had been summoned however, began to zip every which way across the battlefield, it's high pitched whistling following it across the field before it began to hover above the Weather virus, rotating slowly as it's whistling noise quieting down as the hull underneath it began to slide open. Out coming a large spiked object, crackling with electricity. With a loud zap, the UFO would drop down from the air, in an attempt to impale the Weather through the head, electrical energy to be pumped through it's body as painfully as possibly in an attempt to delete it.

*Buff/Debuff: 18
*debuff Cragger
*Mathematician's Gaze 1 (Passive Take Aim1, Allocated to FireBurner1)
*Mathematician's Gaze 2 (Passive Take Aim1, Allocated to ZapRing1)
*LilCloud still in effect, +18 damage and +1 Accuracy from last turn
1: BarrierProtection: Combined Damage up to 10HP
Accuracy: S
Description: Defensive field that prevents damage up to 10HP.
Duration: Until Destroyed
Element: Null
Special: Status Guard: This chip blocks debuffs.
Trader Rank: E
(Barrier10 around Asymptote)
2: [chip=RemoteBit1,] (Summon 100 HP Anchored Tower in front of Flash Grenade's path to shield Asymptote from the blast to attack for 3 turns)
3: ZapRing1Damage: 40 + Stun 1
Accuracy: A
Description: Shoots electricity in a ring shape to stun an enemy in their tracks.
Duration: Once
Element: Elec
Trader Rank: D
--->Cragger (10 (40/2 then 20/2) Elec damage, Stun1, +1 Take Aim)
4: FireBurner1Damage: 50 + Line Attack(3)
Accuracy: A
Description: Looses a stream of fire that can penetrate enemies and keep going.
Duration: Once
Element: Fire
Special: Line Attack(3): Attacks up to 3 targets in a straight line.
Trader Rank: D
--->MaruA/B/Flash Grenade (+1 Take Aim)

*RemoteBit1 attacks Cragger for 20 (80/2 then 40/2)+Panel Break Elec damage
With a nasty glitch weighing him down, Asymptote put some faith in his support chips, readying a barrier and summoning his trusty remote tower to shelter behind. The two Maru both released fresh glitchy sparks in his direction while he prepared; one clipped his barrier, and sent tendrils of corrupt coding filtering through him, but the other missed by a very wide margin. The bit released from the top of the tower darted over to drop a fierce bolt of electricity on the stationary Cragger, once it was ready, and though the damage was heavily mitigated both by the virus itself, and by the glowing panel it was loitering on, the force of the shock sent cracks through the ground and caused the glow to fade from underneath the heavy-set virus.

The Weather virus moved about, preparing to drop down and assault the hiding navi, but where it had managed to conveniently avoid the roving cloud the first time, this time it dropped down at just the wrong moment, and the localised storm rolled across it, washing the virus out. The last of the storm cloud continued its wandering path, successfully drenching the big-hatted virus as well, though this one shook the water off its broad brim and muttered an unintelligible vial curse at the foul weather. It was at about that moment that the previous flash grenade exploded in a brilliant flare of light, but Asymptote was, by his own quick thinking, safely sheltered behind his remote tower. The BigHat grumbled, dug in its pocket and threw out a second flash bomb, to a new spot which, it hoped, Asymptote would not be protected from this time.

Peeking out, Asymptote was more concerned with controlling the Cragger, as the most painful threat on the field for him, and he launched a second attack towards it. The crackling ring of electricity struck and was once again mitigated, at least part way, but the jolts arced across the stone exterior, making the virus shudder. It raised its fist once more, but the following blow was faltering and haphazard and it missed Asymptote safely, before the virus seemed to succumb to the electrical interference and locked up, stunned for now.

With that safely taken care of for now, the retired teacher aimed his next chip towards the irritating Maru, doing his best to aim and account for their erratic movements and small size. The stream of fire crossed the intervening space and roared past, and, perhaps to his relief, at least one of the small glitch viruses seemed to have gotten roasted. The other, less fortunately, had slipped around the attack, and continued to drift in the air and prepare more jolts for him. A glance at the new flash grenade would confirm that lining up the two Maru for the shot had left him unable to catch the projectile as well, but as long as his tower was still standing, taking cover from it should still be possible.

More interestingly, as Asymptote finished with his potent stream of fire, he found that the burning heat remained, and the functions that normally processed through a chip's completion hadn't properly taken over; some element of glitch had left the data available in a nebulous between time, and if he was quick he could probably make use of it again before it was spent. His limbs felt like the previous weight holding them down was fading away now as well, which would probably be a relief.

Maru-01Maru-01 (Maru)

Maru are rather small floating spheres of electricity, with two beady black eyes. They never appear solo, and will always have at least one other Maru at their side. While they're exactly as sturdy as one would expect from a ball of electrical energy, they can inflict bugs with their electric shocks. Maru are highly intelligent for being what they are, and love to combine tactics with others of their kind to make sure they each get to shock the enemy at maximum efficiency. Their small size and ability to move in any direction makes them extremely hard to hit.

Area: Netopia, NAXA

HP: 40
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Elec + Glitch
Attack Accuracy: B (special)
Attack Description: Fires a small bolt of electricity that corrupts the data of whatever it hits.
Type: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MaruBlaster1, Zenny
Special: OmniShoes
Special: Taser: If this virus is within Melee range of an enemy, its attack's accuracy is A. If an enemy uses a close range chip, they may counterattack immediately following that attack as a free action. Multi-hit close range chips only trigger one counterattack.
Special: All attacks that target this virus are treated as being two accuracy ranks lower (i.e. A is treated as C) against that virus.
A: 40Hp [Over Cracked][Back left]
Maru-01Maru-01 (Maru)

Maru are rather small floating spheres of electricity, with two beady black eyes. They never appear solo, and will always have at least one other Maru at their side. While they're exactly as sturdy as one would expect from a ball of electrical energy, they can inflict bugs with their electric shocks. Maru are highly intelligent for being what they are, and love to combine tactics with others of their kind to make sure they each get to shock the enemy at maximum efficiency. Their small size and ability to move in any direction makes them extremely hard to hit.

Area: Netopia, NAXA

HP: 40
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Elec + Glitch
Attack Accuracy: B (special)
Attack Description: Fires a small bolt of electricity that corrupts the data of whatever it hits.
Type: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MaruBlaster1, Zenny
Special: OmniShoes
Special: Taser: If this virus is within Melee range of an enemy, its attack's accuracy is A. If an enemy uses a close range chip, they may counterattack immediately following that attack as a free action. Multi-hit close range chips only trigger one counterattack.
Special: All attacks that target this virus are treated as being two accuracy ranks lower (i.e. A is treated as C) against that virus.
CraggerCragger (Cragger)

Craggers are pretty easy targets, given their size. They also move very rarely, and when they do they move slowly. Their dodge rate is abysmal. They generally rely on their HardBody defense, which reduces non-break damage by half, but doubles break damage. They have high attack power and AoE, but their accuracy is generally bad as their attacks are easy to follow and take time to deliver. Their attack is executed as a Drop Attack, and thus attacks from above, and not head-on. Targets caught underground within this attack's AoE range take an additional 50 Null damage that ignores all defenses.

Area: Netopia, Sharo, Hades Isle

HP: 120
Attack Damage/Effect: 30 Null + Break + Panel Break + WideAttack
Attack Accuracy: D
Attack Description: Slams the enemy and surrounding area with fist. This is executed as a Drop Attack, and is more damaging to targets below ground (IE: Submerged or burrowed).
Element: None.
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): GolemHit1, Zenny
Special: Hardbody.
: 80Hp [Cracked in the Centre of the Holy][Stunned!]
BigHatBigHat (BigHat)

BigHats only attack a max of once per turn. The rest of their remaining actions are spent moving or dodging, a skill in which they are only average at best. BigHats only attack a second time if the FlashBomb they threw on that turn is somehow destroyed before the end of the turn, and they have an action remaining for the turn. FlashBombs thrown by BigHats do not harm viruses at all when they explode. The effect of FlashBomb cannot be dodged, but it can be blocked by defenses you can take cover behind, such as objects and Guards. Chip generated barriers and auras also prevent the effect, but signature generated defenses of these types will not. As FlashBomb is a light based attack, it has slashing to pierce Shadow, and Seeking to pierce Invis (note that dodging alone does nothing, so Invis will not help here anyway).

Area: Kotobuki Town, Netopia, NetVegas

HP: 100
Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Null + Blind + Slashing + Seeking + Stun + To-All-Clause
Attack Accuracy: S
Attack Description: Throws bomb that explodes in one turn in a flash.
Element: None.
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): FlashBomb1, Zenny
Special: 20 HP Bomb used in attack explodes at the end of the following turn. They fizzle harmlessly if destroyed.
: 56Hp [Holy][Edge nearest Asymptote, watching Cragger]
WeatherWeather (Weather)

Weather viruses drop down from way up high, execute a breath attack, and rise back up. Dropping and attacking is an action, while moving back upward is a second action. They may also adjust where on the battlefield they drop next while in High Altitude as a free action. These are the only actions this virus family performs.

Area: Netopia, Sharo

HP: 80
Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Aqua + Small Ice Terrain Change + Cone Attack
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Uses a freezing cold breath weapon to coat the enemy and the ground in ice.
Element: Aqua
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Blizzard1, Zenny
Special: Has High Altitude every other action. This virus cannot attack while in High Altitude, but may adjust its positioning as a free action.
MelodyMelody (Melody)

Melody viruses move, dodge, and attack by jumping. There is no distinction between these 3 actions.

Area: ACDC, Kotobuki Town, Netopia, Dentech

HP: 80
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Null
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Jumps on the enemy.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Null x 3 attacks
Secondary Attack Accuracy: E
Secondary Attack Description: Bounces around with complete disregard for whoever or whatever is in the area. Can hit obstacles as well as enemies.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Binder1, ColorBall1 (Rare), Zenny
Special: Increased evasion.
BombBoyBombBoy (BombLab)

BombLab viruses attack by summoning a huge cube-shaped explosive, called a BoyBomb. They push this bomb towards their enemies, using it as cover against incoming fire as they do so. It takes a BombLab virus an action to summon a BoyBomb, and another 2 to push it into attack range of the enemy. Once the explosive is in range, it will explode the very next turn. BoyBombs have StoneBody, and can be moved with special abilities, such as Knockback, Microburst, Pull, Gravity, and Telekinesis. BoyBombs will explode if physically picked up, however (EX: Rageclaw or similar means). Bomb Lab viruses jump, not teleport, back to their starting position after setting the BoyBomb.

Area: Netopia, Sharo, NAXA

HP: 80
Attack Damage/Effect: 30 Null + Blast 3
Attack Accuracy: S
Attack Description: Summons a 5 HP BoyBomb, and begins pushing it towards the enemy. Bomb deals massive damage once in range.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per virus): BoyBomb1, Zenny
Special: This virus is immune to the effects of BoyBombs, including damage.

Asymptote.EXE: 108Hp [Normal][Positive Glitch: Queue Repeat (1 Chip)]

Flash Grenade B (BigHat): 20Hp [New spot; Asymptote would need to reposition in order to block LoS with the tower again]

35% Normal [Most of the area]
15% Holy [Circular area directly ahead]
50% Cracked [Area directly around the circle of Holy, plus the area Asymptote was just on]

Gravity Multiplier: Reduces evasion to F rank or by three ranks, whichever is higher. Lasts for the duration specified.

Queue Repeat (#): A number of chips used on the previous turn seem to have temporarily acquired the double action effect, allowing them each to be used one additional time on this turn only. The number counts back from most recently used chip. Chips that already have multiple uses gain only one additional use.

As the flashbang went off, Asymptote saw the bright blast going off as he hung out behind the tower, it holding quite well against the bright attack and Asymptote was able to avoid getting flashed in his entirety. But the second one landed in a different place, so he would certainly have to move. His LilCloud also managed to hit the virus before dissipating into thin air. And even managed to get tagged and tag one of the Maru viruses in turn. Though, those Maru viruses did glitch him through his barrier, he avoided all damage during this period for one reason or another. top it all off...he was still flaming from within...the chip data didn't completely dissipate and he was free to use it for this moment in time...But he wasn't sure about how to go about this. Even by his calculations, he wasn't sure if he could delete the viruses in this moment, even with extra help from Joseph. But by god, if he could finish this fight here, he would do so now. So, disregarding -everything- his body told him to do. He was ready to finish the battle before the fight dragged on.

But before he could do anything, the navi's summoned help would begin to let out another high pitched whistling sound. The UFO that had been summoned to help began to circle about the entire area of cracked and holy panels. The silver saucer began to come in for a second attack, this time hovering above the BigHat in an attempt to destroy it and the panel it stood upon. With a loud hiss and crackle of energy building up inside it's body, the tower gave the signal to open up the hatch, a pointed spire of metal dropped from it's hull and with it, towards the virus that threw out bombs into the field. The spire crashing into the panel and sending an electrical shock through it and hopefully the virus as well, all in an attempt to deactivate and crack the holy energies that flowed through it.

Asymptote nodding to his companion in the tower, he would quickly move from the protective and offensive structure he had created for himself, running blindly out into the field and hoping to fire off a shot on it before the bomb could explode and hurt him. Requesting two more chips, the navi had a plan to try and finish out this battle with. With one downloaded, the navi felt himself heat up to an absolute boil as a second fire chip was sent to the bulky navi, now his body less encumbered than before, quickly summoned a small hand-held gun in his hand, a simple cylindrical shape with a trigger and finger guard, the navi would pop off a shot towards the Flash Grenade that had been rolled out. A simple blast of fire shooting out with force, as a small rocket was sent out, and just as quickly as it was sent to destroy it's target, it exploded mid-air, sending heated sparks towards both target and a secondary that likely wouldn't exist.

Quickly moving from his spire of blackened concrete, the navi quickly tried to line himself up with the viruses before they had a chance to attack, though all things considered, it was only the Maru he had to worry about at the moment. But regardless, the navi would make sure he had a good angle to attack from, another torrent of flames to be released into the air and another battle to finish. But despite all that, the navi quickly stoked the embers that still burned from within, letting in air and exhaling deeply a couple times, the flames ever so small began to permeate and expand within his body. Stoking his flames to a fever pitch that his chest began to glow a bright red and orange, his body shuddering out as he channeled the immense heat within his body down into his arms, to which the coloring would travel down and glow ever brighter as it was forced into a smaller space. Flame On. He quipped to himself as he put his palm out forwards and with it, the torrent of flames. Flames and napalm licking the ground as the stream traveled out further and further into the field, attempting to engulf the viruses that had helped to cause so much damage to the plane's internal workings. Granted, Asymptote and the other navis weren't doing much -better-, but their destruction had seemed to be far more controlled than the varmints and viruses that had spread through it's systems.

But after the flames had finally died down, the mathematical navi calculated his odds, his trajectory and, of course, his potential earnings from the fight. Numbers raveling through his head, the brought his arms up across his chest, a leg going down to the ground as he keeled in front of the viruses. The navi opening his arms like wings as he began to summon a rocket booster to his back, dilapidated and practically falling apart, the navi began to lift slowly off the ground and just off the air. His arms going forward, fingers curled into fists as he took on the look of his body flying off the ground and going off into the wild blue yonder. Finally, a pair of goggles began to attach to his eyes and with them, a large sheet of metal in the shape of a V that covered his body from the front. The booster on his back growing in intensity as it rumbled lower and in a higher intensity. A moment passed as he finished his "Pre-Flight" calculations and with it. A simple quote from the navi. Yippie-Ki-Yay motherfuckers. And finally with a blast of fire coming from his back, the navi rocketed off towards the viruses, the sheet of metal there to either bash them into reward data or completely sheer their bodies apart from the high speeds he was going. And by god...he wasn't sure weather he was going to explode on impact with the Cragger...or if the Cragger would do the exploding.

*Buff/Debuff: 18
*Buff FireBurner1
*Mathematician's Gaze 1 (Passive Take Aim1, Allocated to FireBurner1)
*Mathematician's Gaze 2 (Passive Take Aim1, Allocated to DashAttack1)
*Cragger still debuffed by 18 from last turn
*Remotebit1 attacks BigHat for (80/2 damage+Panel Break)
1: HeatShotDamage: 40 + Spread 1
Accuracy: A
Description: Shoots a fireball whose explosion penetrates an enemy to hit another one directly behind it.
Duration: Once
Element: Fire
Trader Rank: D
--->Flash Grenade
2: movement to line up viruses
3: FireBurner1Damage: 50 + Line Attack(3)
Accuracy: A
Description: Looses a stream of fire that can penetrate enemies and keep going.
Duration: Once
Element: Fire
Special: Line Attack(3): Attacks up to 3 targets in a straight line.
Trader Rank: D
--->Cragger, Maru-01A, BigHat (+18 damage, +1 Take Aim)
4: DashAttack1Damage: 90 + Impact + LineAttack(5) + Movement
Accuracy: C
Description: The user charges forward at a great speed to ram a line of enemies. Hits a maximum of 5 enemies before the momentum is lost.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Direction of travel may be altered with chip, terrain, and sig use.
Trader Rank: D
--->Cragger, Maru-01A, BigHat (+1 Take Aim)
Asymptote psyched himself up to put an end to the conflict decisively while his summoned purveyor of death from above sent down another thundering bolt onto the BigHat this time. Unlike the rain from before, it didn't quite shrug this one off so easily, and staggered a bit, reeling from the potent shock. The bolt would have destroyed the virus, save for the protective panels beneath it, and now they spiralled with cracks as the force of the strike sundered them.

The Maru launched another small bolt towards Asymptote as he dashed out to stop the new flash grenade from exploding; the Maru missed, Asymptote didn't, and the small black bomb fizzled with a puff of smoke. Still moving, the mathematician lined up carefully with the remaining targets and sent another get of fire their way; his extra care paid off, as the jet scorched the stunned Cragger, and soundly toasted the BigHat and the remaining Maru before either of them could do anything else. This left Asymptote with just the large, sturdy one to go, and his rocket-propelled charge drove him crashing directly into the dazed virus in an impact that whited out his vision and left his senses ringing. Fortunately, by the time he recovered, it was tot eh sight of naught but broken Cragger rubble all around him.

Maru-01Maru-01 (Maru)

Maru are rather small floating spheres of electricity, with two beady black eyes. They never appear solo, and will always have at least one other Maru at their side. While they're exactly as sturdy as one would expect from a ball of electrical energy, they can inflict bugs with their electric shocks. Maru are highly intelligent for being what they are, and love to combine tactics with others of their kind to make sure they each get to shock the enemy at maximum efficiency. Their small size and ability to move in any direction makes them extremely hard to hit.

Area: Netopia, NAXA

HP: 40
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Elec + Glitch
Attack Accuracy: B (special)
Attack Description: Fires a small bolt of electricity that corrupts the data of whatever it hits.
Type: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MaruBlaster1, Zenny
Special: OmniShoes
Special: Taser: If this virus is within Melee range of an enemy, its attack's accuracy is A. If an enemy uses a close range chip, they may counterattack immediately following that attack as a free action. Multi-hit close range chips only trigger one counterattack.
Special: All attacks that target this virus are treated as being two accuracy ranks lower (i.e. A is treated as C) against that virus.
Maru-01Maru-01 (Maru)

Maru are rather small floating spheres of electricity, with two beady black eyes. They never appear solo, and will always have at least one other Maru at their side. While they're exactly as sturdy as one would expect from a ball of electrical energy, they can inflict bugs with their electric shocks. Maru are highly intelligent for being what they are, and love to combine tactics with others of their kind to make sure they each get to shock the enemy at maximum efficiency. Their small size and ability to move in any direction makes them extremely hard to hit.

Area: Netopia, NAXA

HP: 40
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Elec + Glitch
Attack Accuracy: B (special)
Attack Description: Fires a small bolt of electricity that corrupts the data of whatever it hits.
Type: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MaruBlaster1, Zenny
Special: OmniShoes
Special: Taser: If this virus is within Melee range of an enemy, its attack's accuracy is A. If an enemy uses a close range chip, they may counterattack immediately following that attack as a free action. Multi-hit close range chips only trigger one counterattack.
Special: All attacks that target this virus are treated as being two accuracy ranks lower (i.e. A is treated as C) against that virus.
CraggerCragger (Cragger)

Craggers are pretty easy targets, given their size. They also move very rarely, and when they do they move slowly. Their dodge rate is abysmal. They generally rely on their HardBody defense, which reduces non-break damage by half, but doubles break damage. They have high attack power and AoE, but their accuracy is generally bad as their attacks are easy to follow and take time to deliver. Their attack is executed as a Drop Attack, and thus attacks from above, and not head-on. Targets caught underground within this attack's AoE range take an additional 50 Null damage that ignores all defenses.

Area: Netopia, Sharo, Hades Isle

HP: 120
Attack Damage/Effect: 30 Null + Break + Panel Break + WideAttack
Attack Accuracy: D
Attack Description: Slams the enemy and surrounding area with fist. This is executed as a Drop Attack, and is more damaging to targets below ground (IE: Submerged or burrowed).
Element: None.
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): GolemHit1, Zenny
Special: Hardbody.
BigHatBigHat (BigHat)

BigHats only attack a max of once per turn. The rest of their remaining actions are spent moving or dodging, a skill in which they are only average at best. BigHats only attack a second time if the FlashBomb they threw on that turn is somehow destroyed before the end of the turn, and they have an action remaining for the turn. FlashBombs thrown by BigHats do not harm viruses at all when they explode. The effect of FlashBomb cannot be dodged, but it can be blocked by defenses you can take cover behind, such as objects and Guards. Chip generated barriers and auras also prevent the effect, but signature generated defenses of these types will not. As FlashBomb is a light based attack, it has slashing to pierce Shadow, and Seeking to pierce Invis (note that dodging alone does nothing, so Invis will not help here anyway).

Area: Kotobuki Town, Netopia, NetVegas

HP: 100
Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Null + Blind + Slashing + Seeking + Stun + To-All-Clause
Attack Accuracy: S
Attack Description: Throws bomb that explodes in one turn in a flash.
Element: None.
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): FlashBomb1, Zenny
Special: 20 HP Bomb used in attack explodes at the end of the following turn. They fizzle harmlessly if destroyed.
WeatherWeather (Weather)

Weather viruses drop down from way up high, execute a breath attack, and rise back up. Dropping and attacking is an action, while moving back upward is a second action. They may also adjust where on the battlefield they drop next while in High Altitude as a free action. These are the only actions this virus family performs.

Area: Netopia, Sharo

HP: 80
Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Aqua + Small Ice Terrain Change + Cone Attack
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Uses a freezing cold breath weapon to coat the enemy and the ground in ice.
Element: Aqua
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Blizzard1, Zenny
Special: Has High Altitude every other action. This virus cannot attack while in High Altitude, but may adjust its positioning as a free action.
MelodyMelody (Melody)

Melody viruses move, dodge, and attack by jumping. There is no distinction between these 3 actions.

Area: ACDC, Kotobuki Town, Netopia, Dentech

HP: 80
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Null
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Jumps on the enemy.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Null x 3 attacks
Secondary Attack Accuracy: E
Secondary Attack Description: Bounces around with complete disregard for whoever or whatever is in the area. Can hit obstacles as well as enemies.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Binder1, ColorBall1 (Rare), Zenny
Special: Increased evasion.
BombBoyBombBoy (BombLab)

BombLab viruses attack by summoning a huge cube-shaped explosive, called a BoyBomb. They push this bomb towards their enemies, using it as cover against incoming fire as they do so. It takes a BombLab virus an action to summon a BoyBomb, and another 2 to push it into attack range of the enemy. Once the explosive is in range, it will explode the very next turn. BoyBombs have StoneBody, and can be moved with special abilities, such as Knockback, Microburst, Pull, Gravity, and Telekinesis. BoyBombs will explode if physically picked up, however (EX: Rageclaw or similar means). Bomb Lab viruses jump, not teleport, back to their starting position after setting the BoyBomb.

Area: Netopia, Sharo, NAXA

HP: 80
Attack Damage/Effect: 30 Null + Blast 3
Attack Accuracy: S
Attack Description: Summons a 5 HP BoyBomb, and begins pushing it towards the enemy. Bomb deals massive damage once in range.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per virus): BoyBomb1, Zenny
Special: This virus is immune to the effects of BoyBombs, including damage.

Asymptote.EXE: 108Hp [Holy]

35% Normal [Most of the area]
15% Holy [Circular area directly ahead]
50% Cracked [Area directly around the circle of Holy, plus the area Asymptote was just on]

-=Battle 4, Victory!=-
Rewards: 1220z, MaruBlaster1Damage: 60 + Glitch
Accuracy: B (Special)
Description: A taser shot that bugs the enemy's coding.
Duration: Once
Element: Elec
Special: If the user used a Melee or Sword chip immediately prior to MaruBlaster, this attack's accuracy is raised to A.
Trader Rank: D
, 27 BugFrags, Maru Bounty +2
Asymptote managed to delete the last of the viruses and, from what he could hear, the outbreak of malicious viruses was indeed at it's end. Slumping down and sitting with a thud as his viral helper disappeared and the PET began to grab the reward data, Asymptote let out a sigh of relief as he basked in the glow of the holy panel beneath his least...until a massive quake rumbled across the net and the plane it's self. The PA system crackled to life immediately afterwards.

T-This is your captain speaking. The viral outbreak has finally been quelled and the system functions have returned to the plane. U-Unfortunately our Auto-Flight system has switched on and...uhm...well...we seem to be flying in circles without any hope of stopping it. If there are any navis still jacked into the flight system, please, head directly for the flight control and disable whatever is there! We don't have a lot of fuel left! I repeat!

Asymptote let out a very loud, and very annoyed groan as he began to get to his feet. This trip has turned out far more annoying than he had thought and wasn't gonna let whoever decided to interrupt him like this. Stomping off towards where the main flight controls were at, Asymptote steeled himself for his last battle in the area. Joseph, meanwhile, fumbled around in his coat pocket and pulled out their last subchip, slotting it in for his navi, the brute began to run full speed towards whoever decided to fuck up for the first and last time while he was there.

(Battle 5, mini-energy used, 153 HP)[/color]
With the announcement that most of the viral threats had been contained, and the emergence of a particularly nasty, dangerous threat taking their place, Asymptote would find that most of the other navis that had been assisting were conspicuously scarce as he made his way forward through the net to find the source of the problem.

As he got closer to the the flight control systems, the brutish navi began to hear strains of wild, repetitive music, carried on the wind. Wind, that in fact, had not really bee present before but was growing stronger and more violent the closer he got. Eventually he passed through a narrow space that led directly to the plane's flight control systems, and emerged into a broad, open area full of various consoles and terminals. the wind was a gale at this point, blowing in every random direction, though with vaguely clockwise trend, and the music sounded like it was coming from somewhere up above.

"Go around! Go around! Doo-de-doot-de-dooty-do..." A voice, more a maddened cackle than anything else sang discordantly to the music that played; the music itself was something between an organ and an old crank-worked accordion, and it play the same lilting tune, only about sixteen bars long, over and over. It worked its way into one's brain with alarming persistence.

Rain began to fall, and through the whipping winds, Asymptote saw what looked like an old fashioned bi-plane swooping through the burgeoning storm. Rather than rotors, it looked to have some kind of speakers between the extremities of its wings and at the front, and the pilot, at a quick glance, looked like a bald-headed male with a large, frazzled white beard, madly turning cranks and pushing levers in the cockpit. Sparks crackled cross the wins of the plane as it twisted through the space, showering an assortment of electrified musical notes as it came by. The pilot cackled in between the bars of music. The rain grew heavier, the winds more furious.

SoS.raw: 200Hp [High Altitude]

Asymptote.EXE: 158Hp [Normal]

-=Flight Control=-
80% Normal [Most of the area]
20% Holy [Areas in front of some terminals, scattered]

-=Control Systems=-
Terminals A-D: 120Hp [Count as Metal][Each have a holy Panel in front of them][At Cardinal Points, one movement's distance apart]
Terminals E-J: 60Hp [Smaller, Scattered about]

-=Battle 5, Start!=-

Asymptote stomped into the area as he looked around, the controllers seemed to be free at this point, but...then...that...racket...that annoying sixteen bars coming from all around him. The bloodshot eyes looking all around for the source of that noise. But when he saw nothing on the ground...he saw a shadow flying about...and not that, the blustering winds would hit him point blank as he struggled to stay on his feet. Clockwise and counterclockwise the winds blew around him at gale force speeds and with the winds, the rain pouring downwards upon him, whipping him across his cold metal face and even getting into his eyes. The navi blinking it away as he looked up at the bi-plane that hovered above him, he knew he was in the eye of the storm here and he seemed to be alone with the old coot fucking up the systems around him. He wasn't going to let this pass, and the old coot would be the main target of his rage.

You seeing this on my end, Joseph?Copy that. But...why is he here? To cause the plane to crash? And this file extension I't that an extension for graphic files? I remember reading that somewhere...too bad I'm pretty bad at computers. Thought navis only existed in the EXE format. Joseph scratched his head, his navi trying to get accustomed to the notes that ticked away at his brain, his body shuddering at the thought of losing his, not just his netop, everyone aboard the plane. The bars hitting his mind almost in a way that...drove lesser navis mad. Did his unique data structure prevent that? Or was there more to it. But shaking the thoughts of failure from his mind, Asymptote continued to crane his neck upwards at the old coot. More and more rumbles coming across the plane as time went by, fuel low and gods only knew what would happen if he failed here. YOU OLD FUCK! STOP THIS MADNESS! IF YOU KEEP THIS UP, WE ALL DIE! Asymptote shouted through the blustering winds, his voice seemingly enhanced in some way or shape, though his voice certainly hurt the moment after and he was unsure if this would even reach the old man's ears. Regardless, he couldn't stop himself from trying to reason with him. I'M GIVING YOU ONE CHANCE TO COME DOWN AND STOP THIS BEFORE I SHOOT YOU DOWN AND BEAT THE INCONTINENT SHIT OUT OF YOU! He shouted again, knowing full well that whatever he said wouldn't mean a difference in the end.

Quickly making his move, or at least as quickly as he could, the navi began to move his way towards one of the holy panels around the area, his feet stomping along the ground as he tried to plod his way towards the protective energies that surrounded him in one way or another as he tried to stay on the defensive for the moment. With a click, a chip was sent to him. Accessing the data, a simple barrier began to rise up from his feet and begin to surround him in a weak, but protective energy. Right afterwards, the navi would quickly follow up with a natural form of protection for himself. Quickly tapping into his own processes, the navi began to let out a groan of pain, boils and blisters starting to slowly cover his torso as a yellowish fluid filled in under the boiling pustules, each small boil and blister continuing to slowly rise up from the navi's body until, finally, the they grew big enough. The boils and pustules beginning to interconnect to form a sort of garish and disgusting armor, the fluids hardening before long and forming a protective "outer shell" for the navi to use against attacks that would pierce through his barrier.

Another click resounded as the navi was quick to access it almost immediately. The navi letting out a groan as bone began to sprout from his forearm. The red and white that formed his defensive measure would be quick to shoot from the arm it grew out of, a few inches from his arm as a tendon-looking strap grew outwards from the bottom on opposite ends, forming a sort of makeshift strap for the navi to slip his arm unto, a resounding crack in the middle of what had grown outwards, the bloody and gore covered bone tumbling off the roots that it had become attached to and with it, Asymptiote sliding his arm through the "strap" that had been created, the shield held out in front of him and just past his barrier to protect himself from attack. WHAT'S IT GONNA BE YOU OLD COOT? YOU WANNA BE NICE TO THE MONSTER AND COME QUIETLY? OR ARE YOU GONNA MAKE IT DIFFICULT ON ME AND I'LL HAVE TO DELETE YOU INSTEAD?!

*Buff/Debuff: 19
*Buff Guard1
*Mathematician's Gaze 1 (Passive Take Aim1, Allocated to Guard1)
*Mathematician's Gaze 2 (Passive Take Aim1, Allocated to DashAttack1)
1: Dodge towards a Holy panel
2: BarrierProtection: Combined Damage up to 10HP
Accuracy: S
Description: Defensive field that prevents damage up to 10HP.
Duration: Until Destroyed
Element: Null
Special: Status Guard: This chip blocks debuffs.
Trader Rank: E
: Protects: Combined Damage up to 10HP + Status (Acc: S) to self
3: Flesh Casing (40 HP Casing) to self
4: Equip Guard1Effect: (1 Hit Shield) + (Reflect(up to 60 + Piercing + Line Attack): On Hit)
Accuracy: S
Description: Generates a 1-Hit Shield upon activation. When this shield blocks one hit from a non-Break attack, it responds with a hyper-fast damage ray.
Duration: Until broken or overridden.
Element: Null
Special: Negated by Break. Ignores Impact.
Special: Reflect: Damage returned is equal to the damage of the attack blocked or the damage cap listed, whichever comes first. Reflect is not subject to negation by Impact.
Special: Status Guard: This chip blocks debuffs.
Trader Rank: E
(Buffed to add 19 damage to reflected damage)
Fighting against the twisting gale and, by now driving, rain, Asymptote moved in to shout up at the strange entity flying above. If he was uncertain about being heard, however, he was rewarded by a shift in the plane's path, curving about to wing more directly towards him. More maniacal laughter threaded its way through the gale and the dizzying music.

"Around! Around! Faster! Faster! Doo-de-doo, do-de-doot! Faster, hehehehaha!!" With a crackling churn of engines, the bi-plane swooped low, screeching across the tops of the consoles and nearly belting Asymptote directly as it passed and began to climb again in a broad circle. The following slipstream threatened to pull him off balance, but the navi kept his feet and managed to avoid being hurt by the sudden pass.

As it rose up and made another loop around the control area, trailing the winds with it and building the storm further, the rain that fell was pooling about Asymptote's feet, rising to a few inches deep now; the other panels sparked, hissed, and variously went dull beneath the surface of the water. It arced back as Asymptote prepared his defences and called out his warnings again, giving the deranged pilot one last chance, but in response, the plane's speaker boxes pulsed, and a crackling musical note launched downwards towards him in a jagged, wavering line. It veered away from Asymptote in one of its meanderings, but jerked in stages, coming back at him. It seemed to have a lock of some sort.

"Sing! Sing the song! Doot-de-doo! do-de-doot! Around, and around!" The voice cackle on the wind, under the ever-playing music while Asymptote prepared more layers of protection for what was, it seemed, going to be a fight. It was probably good spirited of him to try, by it seemed like whatever this being was, it was far too detached from sanity to be reasoned with in any normal sense. A bolt of lightning struck out of the storm to a panel below, clipping one wing of the bi-plane and making it weave and spark. smoke came off one wing tip, but the rest of the plane seemed to galvanise itself form the shock, its plating growing darker and harder.

SoS.raw: 185Hp [High Altitude][80Hp Casing]

Asymptote.EXE: 158Hp [10Hp Barrier][1-hit shield: Guard1][40Hp casing][1 Shot Homing!][Sea]

-=Flight Control=-
60% Sea [Most of the area is several inches deep in rain water]
20% Normal [Some areas aren't underwater yet — mostly the edges]

-=Control Systems=-
Terminals A-D: 120Hp [Count as Metal][At Cardinal Points, one movement's distance apart]
Terminals E-J: 60Hp [Smaller, Scattered about]

Asymptote managed to evade the cackling maniac like a champ for the moment, his body heavy, but he was certainly not about to let him continue. He continued to spout gibbrish about going around and around, the notes etching themselves deep in his head. He should have attacked when he had the chance, not try talk to the madman above. The whirling winds continued, not to mention the water that had spilled upon the field. The rain was making things difficult, but he wasn't about to let things go. This battle was too important. But as he turned his head, he noticed the attack from earlier trying to make a pass at him. Calculating the trajectory on the fly, the navi quickly held out his bone shield as he turned to the attack honing back in on him. Time this right... He thought to himself as he waited for the moment the attack would try to hit him. He made no attempt to move as to him time had slowed down. NOW! he growled the navi holding his red and white vascera covered shield out past his barrier as he thought it was time to do so, and if he felt the attack against his shield, he'd immediately try to turn the reflection of the hardy bone shield against his opponent, turning his arm as far as he thought he needed to and hope the reflection didn't happen as quickly as he thought it would, turning the shield towards the air in a diagonal direction.

*Buff/Debuff: 19
*Mathematician's Gaze 1 (Passive Take Aim1, Allocated to Nothing)
*Mathematician's Gaze 2 (Passive Take Aim1, Allocated to Nothing)
*Guard1 has a Passive Take Aim1 and +19 damage allocated to it from last turn
1: Attempt to block attack headed towards Asymptote with equipped Guard1Effect: (1 Hit Shield) + (Reflect(up to 60 + Piercing + Line Attack): On Hit)
Accuracy: S
Description: Generates a 1-Hit Shield upon activation. When this shield blocks one hit from a non-Break attack, it responds with a hyper-fast damage ray.
Duration: Until broken or overridden.
Element: Null
Special: Negated by Break. Ignores Impact.
Special: Reflect: Damage returned is equal to the damage of the attack blocked or the damage cap listed, whichever comes first. Reflect is not subject to negation by Impact.
Special: Status Guard: This chip blocks debuffs.
Trader Rank: E
and send attack back to SoS
---------------------TURN SPLICE----------------------
With diplomacy failing, Asymptote prepared to return some of the mad creature's music to him. He focused on the incoming note that pulsed with sparks as it drew near. Just a little more... here it came... A mad cackle of laughter from behind him, along with the roar of engines and a blaring increase in the music heralded the plane making another fierce fly-by; the turbulent winds ripped away his barrier as the place shot overhead and then twisted back upwards the sky. A second later, the homing note connected with his shield and Asymptote turned it up, angling back towards the plane as it climbed. The beam shot out, scoring across one wing and making the plan wobble a little, but it didn't seem to have much impact; barely a glancing blow, really.

More troublesome than the seemingly weak beam, however, was what Asymptote saw as he turned around. Trailing after the plane, apparently dropped in its wake as it had roared past, was another string of similar musical notes, all crackling with electricity and flying swiftly towards him. There was no time to respond, and the notes clustered in; there were six distinct shapes, he managed to see, and only three of them struck against his hardened, calloused flesh, but as the electricity arced through his body to the water at his feet, the little blighters stun. And they all played the same music in time with one another, so the tune surrounded him.

The three notes that had missed him, having shot past to his sides all stopped in mid air, then jerked around and started zig-zagging their way back towards him for another attempt while the musical lunatic returned to his high circling pattern, laughing and humming in broken parts.

SoS.raw: 185Hp [High Altitude][51Hp Casing][Turbulence]

Asymptote.EXE: 138Hp [3 Shots Homing!][Sea]

-=Flight Control=-
60% Sea [Most of the area is several inches deep in rain water]
20% Normal [Some areas aren't underwater yet — mostly the edges]

-=Control Systems=-
Terminals A-D: 120Hp [Count as Metal][At Cardinal Points, one movement's distance apart]
Terminals E-J: 60Hp [Smaller, Scattered about]

-=Asymptote Has 3 Actions Remaining=-

His body took the brunt of the three attacks as he sent one back, his body shaking and shuddering as he stood, though scarred in the water the bulky navi began to splash and run through the water that he had been drenched in, several feet of standing water standing between him and dry land, though unfortunately for Asymptote, he figured it wouldn't last too long if he attempted to drench the field again. His legs working overtime as he lept in leaps and bounds through the marsh. But looking upwards at the enemy, his eyes narrowed towards the opponent that he was fighting, a deep, seething glare to try and reduce his damage, even if it was just a little.

Knowing that the notes were still around him, waiting to attack, Asymptote was quick to request chips for his aid. And was quick to receive it. Though the first requested chip wasn't much to write home about, he wasn't about to let it go to waste. Quickly summoning a dilapidated and rusty metal cannon-look alike into his hands, he quickly hefted it upwards towards the troublemaker, making sure to keep an aim on him, eyes turning into needle points before a simple click came out from his weapon and a blast of energy rang out through the area, the blast a deep crimson hue as it exited the barrel and began to curve towards the opponent's body.

With a second weapon inserted into the PET, a crackling ball of light began to slowly form around his arms, with a roar of anger, he launched the ball into the air as it whipped around his body, causing a simple crackle of energy to skip across his body. Pointing upwards at his opponent, the ball of energy began to float towards the flying machine and it's pilot, energy leaping out from the sphere with each passing second.

*Buff/Debuff: 19
*Mathematician's Gaze 1 (Passive Take Aim1, Allocated to Thunder1)
*Mathematician's Gaze 2 (Passive Take Aim1, Allocated to Cannon)
*Guard1 has a Passive Take Aim1 and +19 damage allocated to it from last turn
1: Attempt to block attack headed towards Asymptote with equipped Guard1Effect: (1 Hit Shield) + (Reflect(up to 60 + Piercing + Line Attack): On Hit)
Accuracy: S
Description: Generates a 1-Hit Shield upon activation. When this shield blocks one hit from a non-Break attack, it responds with a hyper-fast damage ray.
Duration: Until broken or overridden.
Element: Null
Special: Negated by Break. Ignores Impact.
Special: Reflect: Damage returned is equal to the damage of the attack blocked or the damage cap listed, whichever comes first. Reflect is not subject to negation by Impact.
Special: Status Guard: This chip blocks debuffs.
Trader Rank: E
and send attack back to SoS
---------------------TURN SPLICE----------------------
*Debuff SoS (-19 points from next attack)
2: Movement towards island of Normal panels
3: CannonDamage: 60 + Knockback
Accuracy: A
Description: A decent sized cannon with a single shot.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: E
--->SoS (+1 Accuracy)
4: Thunder1Damage: 40 + Stun 1 + Homing
Accuracy: C
Description: Shoots a slow moving ball of electricity that homes in on its target.
Duration: Once
Element: Elec
Trader Rank: D
--->SoS (+1 Accuracy)