A Motive for Training

With the first volley of attacks launched, Martia wasn't about to stop. With Leslie sending in two more chips for her, a firestorm of fists made its way towards the open-mouthed ColdHeads. Each turret-head ate a full serving of knuckle sandwich, and was deleted immediately after. Meanwhile, Lyntael sprung back from the sudden pull of the MagTect's attack, and landed a solid kick on it with her previous stored energy. The virus was unable to respond as its magnet-head cracked from the kick, and disintegrated.

Among the three viruses that still stood, one of them turned back at Lyntael, and realized what had happened. It responded by charging up its head with a wave of magnetic energy, and immediately Lyntael felt its effects. Yet again, she was inescapably pulled towards the MagTect, while its friends did the same towards Martia. The two Navis very quickly met the viruses and received a bit of a shock. (20) (20)

While this was happening, however, one of Lyntael's processes sprung into its activation phase, having received its trigger condition. A small jolt of energy pulsed about her, slightly damaging the MagTects around her. Luckily for Martia, she was just out of the range of Lyntael's reactionary attack, and was spared.

A certain bomb's display ticked down to 1 all by its lonesome.



MagTectB: 70HP [Center Walkway] [Normal] [Between Lyntael and Martia, facing Martia]
MagTectC: 20HP [Center Walkway] [Normal] [Between Lyntael and Martia, facing Lyn]
MagTectD: 70HP [Center Walkway] [Normal] [Between Lyntael and Martia, facing Martia]


TimeBomb: 100HP [Center Walkway] [Normal] [Countdown: 1 Turn]

20% Solar [Left Wall]
60% Normal [Center Walkway]
20% Solar [Right Wall]

Martia.EXE: 210HP [Center Walkway] [Normal, near MagTectC] [Stunned! -1 Action]
Lyntael.EXE: 130HP [Center Walkway] [Normal, near MagTectB] [Stunned! -1 Action] [B. Charge 1]
Ugh...she knew this feeling. The feeling of being unable to move, as electricity coursed through every square inch of her body. But, was it really electricity this time, or raw magnetism? It didn't really matter in the end, though, as either way, it stung something fierce. But Martia didn't try to fight it, and just let it wear itself out, since for smaller cases of shock, it left less of a lingering pain, and wasn't any slower than if she struggled against it. Still, she felt pretty sore...

"You all right, Martia? That didn't look good..."

"I'll be fine...but, to paraphrase what you once said, I feel like someone hooked up my boobs to a car battery..."

"What, they feel tingly or something? Because I remember when I got my bra caught on that generator right as it got turned on...it took me what, like three days before I could even wear anything up top? Man, I was sensitive...pretty much all I had to do was rub them on something for a second or two and I felt like I was about to-"

"I'm not anywhere near that bad!" That was one conversation that needed to end right then and there. "I'll be 100% in a few minutes, but I can still fight just fine!"

"Gotcha. Well, there IS that bomb that needs to get destroyed before it goes off...I dunno what it'll do when it goes off, but it can't be good. Get over there, and I'll give you something to do some percussive defusing, as Father would put it!"

"I'm on it!" The martial artist Navi ran over towards the nearby MagTect, as if she was about to tackle it...but instead, simply placed her hands on top of it, and used it to leap frog herself, even managing to do a few mid-air spins before pulling off a perfect three point landing. But, that might have been a mistake, as the effects of gravity did its thing to her chest. Normally this had little impact, aside from making turning on nearby males and making nearby females envious, but since she was so sensitive, the fact she was rubbing against her upper armor made her cringe for a moment from the effects of sudden arousal in the middle of a battle.

Surprisingly, Leslie's facial expression was that of concerned sympathy, instead of slightly lecherous delight, as she joined in the wincing. "Ooooh, I know how that one feels...it's really awkward, since it feels good, but since you're in the middle of a fight, it's not something you really want to feel..." In addition to comforting her Navi, her words had the bonus effect of stalling as she failed to immediately locate the chip she was searching for. "...There it is! BattleChip, GutsPunch! Slot in!"

Despite the name, it was Martia's feet that accepted the chip data, and adopted a yellow and black color scheme to reflect it. She stuck her right foot out, and with the power of pivoting, spun twice, to try and low kick the ticking TimeBomb into oblivion. She knew she didn't have much time before it blew, and she wanted to make sure she promptly destroyed it before it happened...but really, much of the reason she was still in that position was out of worry that if she tried something more elaborate, the shock would strike her in much the same way as Leslie, on the day of the attacking generator. The attack definitely affected her more than she thought...but it almost seemed preferable to her if she was just immobilized a little longer, instead of a small amount of residual eletromagnetism making her feel tingly in...places. At least it probably wouldn't last too much longer. Probably.

[Order of Turn:
2-Get over to the TimeBomb (movement)
3-GutPunch chip attack on TimeBomb (70, A+, Impact, Knockback)
4-GutPunch chip attack on TimeBomb (70, A+, Impact, Knockback)]
The tingle of heat that flushed back through her in the moments as her first target disintegrated was lost amidst the all-over tingle that she could feel in every muscle of her body. The slight pink in her cheeks was just as likely to be from her building ire at the viruses around her. Lyntael would have struck out again, but for the sudden, violent yank that dragged her to another of the Magtects and belted her down again. She staggered, and her body responded, the shock-wave of electricity rolling off her small form in a burst that threw her upright straight away, arched up on her toes and a short cry of pain and release tearing free of her lungs.

The ache of the energy flow remained as she staggered down, back into a more combat-suitable stance, but for once the force of her emotion kept her steady, rather than making her shrink. Even so, it took a few moments for her to shake off the effects and look up to the virus that had struck her, glaring hard at it and teeth grit. Her breath was ragged now, but the girl no longer seemed to be paying attention to that, or much of anything really. Instead, as she felt her inner charge cycle around and begin to build again, faster than before in response to each successive release of energy, Lyntael sprang forward towards her newest attacker. If the flaring of her skirt as she moved was any indication, the air currents around her and the viruses nearby began to whip itself up into a frenzied breeze centred around the progressively more furious navi, catching dust and other debris in its swirl.

Rough breathing graduated into a harsh shout as she leapt at her target. It was more of a pounce really, but it gave her enough height to bring her left fist over and down into a falling drive directed squarely at the virus' annoying magnet head. The electrical flare that accompanied her strike was smaller this time, draining off her body's energy again so quickly after its last expend, but if anything, for all its decreased size, the pulse and flash seemed wilder and less controlled than before.

Lyntael hit the ground cleanly, but stumbled down to one knee a moment later, the weakness in her limbs beginning to show. Her eyes stung and she clenched her teeth, far past any though of being able to resist her own rebuilding electricity now. Anyone looking would be able to see small sparks beginning to flash and cascade from the corners of her eyes, and a haze of light shining in front of each, though Lyntael herself could still see clearly, and wasn't aware of it; all she could felt was the beginnings of a stinging pain. Already she could feel the electrical current coursing through her limbs, building now so that she probably couldn't stop it if she tried. Burning muscles or not, she didn't try.

Ahead of her, Martia was taking care of the bomb, and she needed free space to do that, and the Magtects either side of her had been picking on her friend this whole time. She spun to face them as she forced herself back up, a rather inarticulate shout on her lips as she resumed her stance against them. The cascade of sparks falling from the glow at the edges of her eyes might have made for an unsettling sight, along side the mad spark and crackle of electrical snaps dancing in her hair. The bright glows of energy beginning to pulse again at the strike points on her wrists and ankles probably didn't hurt the picture either. A static reverberation announced a pulse from the emblem at her chest, her body's shielding barrier of force reforming itself around her as she glared at the remaining Magtects. The only thing taking away from the potentially intimidating appearance was the fact that it was all focused on such a diminutive and slight young lady. Even the increasingly impatient little wind-storm blustering around them. Focused entirely on her foes, Lyntael snarled at the two that had been so determinedly assaulting Martia.

"Why don't the pair of you just step off already!!" It was probably the roughest, most uncouth thing she had ever said aloud, to anyone, and it came out in a voice that sounded wracked with fury. As she shouted at them, both her fists opened in their direction and the winds whipping about rushed in and past her, to buffet forward against the targets of her ire in a fierce gust. If it lacked any real power beyond intimidation, at least it would probably get their attention.


1) *Action Lost
2) Half-Charge strike (20 elec, A) at Magtect C
3) Buster Charge
4) Signature: "My Heart Falters" (20hp Barrier, Self)
* Subtype Ability: Gust, as Free Action, as Knockback, (spilt more indirectly between Magtects B and D)


"My Pain is Real" - Cooling Down
"My Heart Falters" - 1TCD
With their systems temporarily halted from the MagTects' electrical attacks, the fighting duo attempted to control the damage done. Martia, enduring tingly shocks in more than a few uncomfortable places, headed for the TimeBomb and promptly destroyed it with a couple of well-placed blows, while Lyntael knocked out another one of her attackers with a punch of her own. Surprisingly enough, Lyn's attack was strong enough that it deleted its target, and sufficiently made a point for the MagTects to focus on her instead of Martia.

... Of course, this wasn't necessarily a good thing, as both of the viruses launched a collective attack at her, launching a total of four miniature magnet-missiles at her. However, she saw them pass to her side... or not, as they homed in on her location and overwhelmed her just-initiated defenses, with only two of them absorbed by the electrical barrier. The gust of wind she unwittingly set off managed to cause one of the remaining missiles to veer slightly off course, but that was it. (10)



MagTectB: 70HP [Center Walkway] [Normal] [Between Lyntael and Martia, facing Lyn]
MagTectD: 70HP [Center Walkway] [Normal] [Between Lyntael and Martia, facing Lyn]


20% Solar [Left Wall]
60% Normal [Center Walkway]
20% Solar [Right Wall]

Martia.EXE: 210HP [Center Walkway] [Normal]
Lyntael.EXE: 120HP [Center Walkway] [Normal] [Barrier Broken!] [B. Charge 1]
And so, there would be no massive KABOOM in the battle. Martia let out a sigh of relief, extremely glad that she wouldn't be taking that particular explosion right in the face. She stood up, noting that the lingering electromagnetism that had 'bothered' her was mostly gone, as well. She still felt a little tingly in her chest, but now she could let loose without having to worry about certain...after effects. Which meant that it was finally time to let those stupid MagTect have it.

Especially after she turned around and noted Lyn getting plastered by magnets. It looked like her static field protected her from the brunt of it, but she still got smacked a bit..."Ack, Lyn!" That was it. No more waiting. She had a strong, multi-attack chip on her feet, and it was time to show some viruses its might combined with her skills. The martial artist raced over, ignoring whatever minor effects the previous attacks were still having on her body, and began mentally targeting the...flying, magnetic...things...with wings...okay, now that she was getting a really good look at them, whoever designed them was clearly high off something when they did it. But that didn't stop her from attempting to destroy it, as without losing speed, she did a frontflip, and tried to slam her right heel down right into its big, bizarre head. And whether or not it worked, she used her axe kick to spring herself forward, toward the other MagTect, and...landed near it. She regained some panache, however, as she immediately rolled over into a handstand, and began to rapidly spin kick at the virus. Over and over...it'd be hard to imagine she wouldn't be at least a little dizzy after spinning that fast, even someone of her ability.

[Order of Turn:
1-Get back to the MagTects (movement)
2-GutPunch chip attack on MagTectB (70, A+, Impact, Knockback)
3-GutPunch chip attack on MagTectD (70, A+, Impact, Knockback)
4-GutPunch chip attack on MagTectD (70, A+, Impact, Knockback)]
Again that flush of warmth came upon her as a second virus broke down and began to disintegrate from her strike, stronger this time, enough to pink her cheeks and make her inexplicably... aware, of other parts of her body. Lyntael ignored it, her focus elsewhere. As it was, the building charge within her was as much a distraction as it was a drive, now, and she barely registered the two remaining Magtects make their attacks at her amidst the sensation.

By the time she thought to avoid their missiles, it was already past late, and she flinched to the side as first one, then another struck her barrier, the recoil of each pulling a small, grit-toothed gasp from the girl. The third crashed through, glancing across her chest and striking her shoulder hard enough to spin her slight form about as she staggered back. That one earned a more vocal cry. Vaguely her mind registered the sound of tearing fabric as well, but it was a minor thought, washed away amidst the more important matter of the pain.

The attack had hurt, light but it had, but it was only one pain amidst the increasing, all-over ache as her own electrical build scoured at her. It was too much charge, and she had to get rid of it, had to, even if it just made it worse, she couldn't take it. One virus was clear in her vision as she tried to keep a steady stance, and she lunged for it, twisting her body as she rose up on the point of her left foot, to whip her right back and around, high and straight enough to make all but a gymnast wince. It was a move even her skirts modesty coding couldn't keep up with completely, but the girl didn't notice. Lyntael was too caught up in the out rush of energy as it coursed through her, racing in from the wild glows at her wrists and ankles, in to her chest, and then out again in a haywire and borderline uncontrolled burst of electrical power from her striking foot. Someone screamed; it was probably her.

She staggered her recovery, off-balance until she stumbled down to one knee. Vaguely she was aware that Martia was nearby, back with her and close, probably putting paid to the viruses that had attacked her. Lyntael raised her head to look for the other woman, but her fingers twitched and clenched on the ground, and her muscles screamed. Every fibre of her body felt weak and drained, and she only held onto her anger by a fingernail now; it took all of that just to force herself back to her feet. The energy was already raging back towards bursting point within her, burning as it over-compensated further and further. She knew she stood in a wide stance, open and exposed, fists reflexively clenched tight at her sides, but moving at all was quickly becoming a thought to far amidst the overwhelming current in her body.

Her eyes found Martia at last, and the other woman was much more in control. That was good. As she looked, Lyntael saw the battlefield clearly enough but, unfortunately, anyone looking at her would see something different; the small glows at the corner of her eyes had swelled and brightened now to obscure both of her eyes completely, and the light shower of sparks falling from them had grown to a downpour of small electric snaps that spilled down in overflow as her body over-charged. It hurt enough to make her squeeze here eyes shut, even though that didn't help. The spill-off was accompanied by a similar level of harmless spark-fall from her hair as well, as she stood her ground, tense and trembling. It was too much, too much at once. Couldn't dare release it again... couldn't hold it in check while it felt like it was going to burn her up. A low, painful sound slipped between her teeth as she breathed.


1) Buster Charge
2) Full-Charge strike (40 Elec, A), at Magtect B
3) Precluded Action: Buster Charge
4) Precluded Action: Buster Charge


My Heart Falters — Coolding Down
My Pain is Real — Ready
With Lyntael receiving a large brunt of attacks, Martia went into Melee mode and knocked the living daylights out of the remaining MagTects easily, with Lyn's discharged attack whiffing its intended target; the martial artist had already deleted both of them. She did put on an impressive display of sparks still, though, enough to look a little scarier than she should. Was something building up...?





20% Solar [Left Wall]
60% Normal [Center Walkway]
20% Solar [Right Wall]

Martia.EXE: 210HP [Center Walkway] [Normal]
Lyntael.EXE: 120HP [Center Walkway] [Normal]

-Battle 4, Victory!!-


Martia: 940z, 4 FXP
Lyntael: 1000z, 4 FXP
And the MagTect were MagScrap. Satisfied at this outcome, Martia flipped herself rightside up, and dusted herself off. Not that she really had any dust on her, she just felt like being proactive after what happened earlier with the pits and the falling and the dust. And the falling. So much falling..."Well, at least this time we didn't fall in any holes. Right, Lyn?" Without looking at her partner, she started to access part of the remaining data, and started its transfer. "Huh, that's actually not too bad. At this rate, we'll be rich in no time!"

"Uh, Martia?"

"Well, not THAT rich, but we'll actually have spending cash for once. You might actually get to eat something besides ramen for once!"

"That's great, but, you might wanna look behind you..."

"Why, what's-holy crap Lyn, what's going on?!" Sure, she'd seen her spark up like that before, but this seemed different...like she had no control over it whatsoever. But was there anything she could do? She definitely wasn't grounded enough to handle electricity, and considering what happened earlier, if she touched Lyn while she was in that state...it'd be painful, extremely embarrassing, or both. But she could see that her friend was suffering from it...she had to do something...but what? Her battle routines weren't in use, so she couldn't use any chips to help (and even if she did, the ones she had were of questionable use anyway), and there wasn't anything in the area besides ground and walls...

...Walls...aha, that was an idea. But, she had to get some protection before she even tried to get near her, or else that electricity could...well, have undesirable, yet in a really weird way desirable effects. Not wanting to risk it, she rushed over to the wall, grabbed a single panel, and pulled...and pulled...and pulled...but she couldn't get it out. Maybe if she were stronger, but she was about 95% technique, and technique alone didn't force panels out from their proper positions. Well, maybe Lyn could wait it out?

...No. She looked like she was in pain from it. It didn't matter what happened to her, she had to help her friend in any way she could. The martial artist Navi took a deep breath, and ran over to the currently sparking Navi...or possibly just run her over, as she squared her shoulders for impact. "I'm sorry Lyn, but this should help!" With that, she tackled the other Navi, and tried to push her (but not overly hard) into the Solar panels. With any luck, they'd help drain some of the excess electricity.

But perhaps most surprising to Martia was her own body's reaction to being shocked. It was a bit painful, but it almost felt like...her own body was absorbing some of that electricity. It felt really tingly, and kinda good, in a profoundly awkward way...after all, she was basically getting electrocuted by her new (female) friend. But she could feel something strange in her...like her brain was absorbing the electrical energy for something. It almost seemed like she was about to have some sort of epipheny...but of what? The only other time her head felt like this was after that mission with Swat...oh. OH. Now it all made sense. Now she knew what was going on. And it was perfectly fine with her. Though, she should probably release Lyn, before the voltage stopped hurting altogether and started to just feel good...

"...Urk!" As her mind returned to the situation at hand. It occurred to the Navi in pink that the entire time she was thinking, she had her busting partner rammed up against a wall, pressing her sizable chest into the other Navi's stomach thanks to positioning. Aghast, she backpedaled, before eventually falling back and landing on her behind. "I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to crush you or anything!" ...Probably not the greatest way she could've phrased that. "Just...I had to think about something..." Ugh, and to make matters worse, she was still all tingly from residual electricity. There HAD to be an easier way for her to learn new techniques...
As the last of the viruses fell, something akin to peace ought to have returned to the area, but for Lyntael, the end of the battle barely made her awareness. Her thoughts were drowned amidst the burning sensation scourging her, but mostly what made it through was that she had to hold it in... couldn't let her body expend again, or it would leave nothing left of her. If she could just hang on, it might... it should fade, would just... The painful moan that was her breathing dragged out. Too much, she couldn't hold on.

"Help me... I can't..." the words were probably difficult to make out amidst the coarseness of her voice and the sound of her static and she tried to say more. I can't take it, please, Rogan... Rogan, help me! The words wouldn't form properly, though, and she couldn't manage to speak anything more than broken syllables aloud. Her line to him didn't respond, and dimly, the thought whispered across her mind, a thin thread amidst a torrent of pain; he was probably busy.

"Someone... Martia! It hurts..." That bit was clearer, at least, though with her eyes squeezed shut she had no idea if anyone was still around at all. It felt like an age since she'd closed them from the stinging. The charge swelled against her hold on it and her grip began to falter. Why wouldn't it stop? Any moment, and she'd lose it, and then it would start again, even worse. Light it hurt... when would it end?

Then, a sense of impact. Despite how rigidly rooted to the spot she seemed to be, Lyntael was still small and light, and her slight body was taken easily by Martia's tackle. She gasped, eyes coming open as the other navi struck her, and her back crashed flat against the wall a moment later. She gasped in again just as quickly, a thin, high-pitched sound as she was lifted slightly and held against the panelling by her friend. Some of her charge began to pass into the panels at her back, and, strangely, some of it seemed to siphon across to Martia too, but not in any sort of discharge. The scouring rush of electricity in her body began to flow, around and in on itself again, no less painful but no longer straining to burst free. Lyntael found herself panting hard, long, forced breaths as her muscles trembled and her fingers twitched. Her hands had reached up and back against the wall, gripping the edge of the ledge above her tight as the rage of current began to dissipate at last. Pinned tight to the wall, her legs, too had twitched and curled slightly, lifting up to press the flats of her bare feet to the panels as well, so that all four of her strike points could help diffuse her charge.

Still panting hard, she looked down to find Martia's face as she held her, and blinked. Martia, holding her tight to the wall, chest pressing against her, and her like this, gasping for breath and with her knees up high enough to seem... something about this situation tried to bring something to her mind, but her thoughts weren't nearly collected enough to put it together. Rather, she was aware, as the pain began to lessen, that the gentle transience of energy to Matria was still there, another point drawing her down slowly. It felt... it felt... Just before a blush could form on Lyntael's cheeks, Martia released her and backed up, letting the young girl slip down to the ground again. She kept sliding, sinking to her knees, then collapsing over to her side, back still pressed firmly against the wall.

As the excess current seeped out of her limbs, the weakness replaced it and her vision wavered, focused on Martia still, but swimming. She seemed to be apologising for the odd position, which seemed like a strange thing, alongside having just saved her from herself. Bereft at last of the over-charge, every muscle in Lyntael's body felt scorched and abused, and it was all she could do to curl up slightly on the ground. Any further movement was truly beyond her at this point. If she had shed the odd tear earlier from fear or shock, now she truly cried. Unable to move for the drained weariness in her limbs, the upwell of other emotions crashed through her slowly collecting thoughts to fill the space left by raw terror that was passed.

There was some relief; it had passed now; Martia had saved her, and her body hadn't destroyed her. There was a mix of gratitude, and surprise too, because of that... but mostly, the sensation that filled the void of her fear was despair. That she was useless and broken, that even when she tried her best to help, she just hurt people and made things more difficult. Martia had saved her, but she shouldn't have needed to; how could she fight viruses at all if she needed others to save her from herself? Her sobs continued even after the last of the pain had faded to little more than a muscle memory.

"Lyntael. I need you to hold position where you are until further notice. Report if anything changes on your end." She sniffed and looked up, but the sound of Rogan's smooth, unconcerned voice sent another wave of sobs through her, and she found her fists clenching and her teeth grit. Still she fought to get her voice under control at least, but when she didn't respond right away, he questioned. "Lyntael? Did you hear me clearly?"

The next thought added a further measure of guilt to the portion already weighing on her. Martia had saved her; but why hadn't he? Surely he'd seen, known... she'd called out to him, or at least, she'd tried to. But she shouldn't think like that. It wasn't her place to demand his help... Only she wanted it. He should have helped her, saved her... done something at least! He should have! ...and yet, she felt guilty for even thinking that way. Even if she told him what she felt, it wouldn't matter though. She could pour out her heart and he'd not believe her. Why hadn't he heard?

"Yes, sir," was all she said.

Giving the answer to Rogan did something to recall her to reality, though, and she dragged herself up to something resembling a sitting position, back to the wall, and looked up to Martia again.

"I..." What did you say, about something like this? "Martia, I.. I'm so sorry, I know I must have hurt you again. I'm really sorry. Each time, it got faster, and harder, and I just couldn't stop it." the sobs threatened to return, and she sniffed hard, scrubbing at her face to hold them back. At least her eyes didn't sting any more. "Thank you. I don't know if I can say thank you, or sorry, enough, Martia, I really... I couldn't have held on, alone, it was too much. Without you here, I don't know what would have happened to me. I felt like I was losing myself. I owe you so much, and I'm such a dead weight. I think you're really amazing, you know, and especially for staying with me, and putting up with all of this."

Swallowing, she resettled herself, sitting straighter and pulling her knees up to wrap her arms around them, head down. She noticed that the top catch on her vest had torn open, but couldn't make herself care about it right now. "Thank you," she murmured again, letting her eyes drop to the ground between them. Her limbs still felt weak, but the sensation was fading, even as her breathing gradually began to move towards something that might not be called ragged or panting. As dishevelled as she looked, it would probably be obvious that she'd need a little longer to rest, even if Rogan's instructions hadn't ensured it.

Phew, looked like her plan worked. It took a moment, but sure enough, those solar panels managed to absorb Lyn's excess electricity. Martia started to smile, but it immediately disappeared as she noticed her friend was crying...why? Did it hurt that badly? She walked over, and sat next to her, curled up in a bit of a ball herself. She didn't say anything for a bit, just watched over her. She wanted to say something to help her out...but what? She wasn't even sure why the other Navi was feeling the way she was. Some friend she was, not being able to comfort her at a time like this...

Finally, Lyn spoke up, and what she heard caused the fighting Navi to slowly shake her head. "You know you're a real piece of work? Sure, I delete most of the viruses between us, but that doesn't mean you're useless, or even close to that. If you hadn't distracted them like you did in that last battle, they might've pulled me away from the bomb before I could destroy it, and we probably both would've been blown to kingdom come. There's more to a battle than just hitting things. You might not have noticed it, but you're a big help! You pick off weakened enemies, you keep viruses from all going after me...and if it wasn't for your windy jump...thing, I'd probably still be trying to climb out of lightning created holes! True, I do a lot of the legwork. But just because I've got the bigger body count doesn't mean you're not an important part of the team! So, don't ever say or think that again, okay?" To emphasize it, she leaned over and gave the electrical Navi a quick hug. Nothing big, just a quick squeeze to try and cheer up a friend. "You wanna know something? I think it's kinda incredible you can do what you can do at all. I've always got Leslie watching my back, but you have to go at it all by yourself. And even without him, you can protect yourself, shock enemies, jump really high to avoid dangerous stuff...but I can't do any of that. Without my operator, I'm not much more than eye candy with an encyclopedia of every currently practiced style of martial arts installed in her head. And that might sound really useful, but without chips, I hit about as hard as a nice fluffy pillow. You know that cliche thing where a martial artist breaks a piece of wood with a single attack? I can't do it. I know exactly how to do it, and where to strike the board and anything, I'm just not strong enough to do it in one blow. The first time I tried to do it, I managed to bend the board, but then it snapped back, and catapulted my hand right into my forehead! I think it took Leslie a good 10 minutes before she stopped laughing hard enough to even listen to me..." Huh, been a while since she thought of that. And there was a reason for that, it was really embarrassing. Come to think of it, this was the first time she'd ever told someone that...

"Anyway, just don't sell yourself short, okay? Unless you ran from absolutely everything, no, you probably wouldn't have made it here, because you don't have the offense on your own. But I don't think I would either, because I'd keep falling into holes, or be too shocked to do more than twitch. We're only here, with everything in our path defeated, because we worked together to make it happen." And with that, Martia closed her eyes and let out a big sigh of relief, and for the first time since she jacked in, allowed her muscles to completely relax. Yeah, there was the whole 'remain vigilant' thing a martial artist should always uphold, but whatever. She spent the battles running around, trying to look like a total badass in front of Lyn. And yeah, some of what she did was showing off her technique to the other Navi, with varying levels of success. But that was mattering less and less to her than before. It was important to the dojo that she put on a good show at all times, but...if she couldn't just be herself while hanging out with a friend, when could she?
In truth, it didn't take very long for the last lingering physical effects of her ordeal faded away, but Lyntael still brooded over the feelings in her breast. She offered mute nods to the things Martia said, accepting the reason of what her friend was telling her, even if convincing her heart of it was proving a more difficult task. She was right in a way, and Lyntael knew it, in a way... but to the sense of dejection she was feeling, that logic just wasn't good enough. Her thoughts cut off sharply as Martia reached out an arm to comfort her, and she flinched back, startled, her eyes wide as she realised what was happening.

"No, don't—!" but by then it was already done, and every bit as quick and simple as the martial artist had intended. She must have gotten another jolt, if a slight one, but she'd done it anyway, just to comfort her; that was how wonderful Martia was. Perhaps her friend was just plain getting used to being shocked, but Lyntael blinked a few times, acutely aware of where Martia had hugged her and how it had felt for that brief moment, then smiled at last and ducked her head gratefully as she grinned at the other woman. As Martia went on, Lyntael bit her lip, her grin growing. She found herself struggling not to giggle as the other woman revealed her own early day difficulties. Really, she was mostly incredulous; she simply couldn't imagine Martia struggling like that, no matter what she said now, but she fond herself appreciating the support all the same.

As Martai visibly relaxed beside her, Lyntael found herself doing the same. Her grip on her knees loosened and she turned her head turned to the side to look at the other woman as she rested on her arms. The panel at her back felt warm and pleasant and she let her eyes drift shut.

"I'll keep doing my best, I promise." Somehow, the thoughts in her head grew easier to talk about as she focused on the warm, relaxing feeling at her back and rested. When she spoke again, it was soft and quiet, but on the whole she sounded much better. "It sort of worked, you know. I tried to do what you said, and try to use what I was feeling rather than force it away... I was still terrified, but, as long as I was angry too, I could keep going. It sort of came as I was trying to find something to focus on besides being afraid; I don't think I've ever felt that angry before. It worked, to let me keep fighting, but..." she shook her head and sighed. "I don't think I like feeling that way... and then I went to far, as well. That was more frightening than any viruses trying to hurt me." She fell silent for a moment, then opened her eyes again, looking to the other navi.

"I don't think I'll ever stop being afraid, Martia... when I'm doing work for Rogan. Fear of getting attacked and hurt, or of messing up what he needs... Fear of letting him down, or getting him into trouble. I just wish... for once, I wish that I could impress him. Even something little, you know?" She sighed, closing her eyes again as she let her thoughts wander. "As it is, most of the time, I'm barely good enough to do what he needs, and even if I do do something really well it's just... expected. That's how it should be... nothing to comment on. I'd really like it if, one day, he felt I'd done something helpful enough to surprise him, and maybe he'd tell me I'd done well, you know?" she lifted her head, leaning it back against the panel and looking up at the ceiling. The area was still ever bit as dim and poorly lit as it had been, though, and she closed her eyes again as she continued.

"What do you do, Martia? If you wanted to make Leslie really, really pleased with you, and make her really happy, how would you do it?" Lyntael seemed completely unaware of how pointless the question really was, given how different their operators were, and indeed how different the navis themselves, but the soft, wistful tone of her voice made it clear that there was a lot on her mind, now that things were calmer, and many things she wanted to ask about, or perhaps get off her chest, now that they had a moment. At least her tears had dried and the short rest had already done its work in letting the young girl regain her composure.

Martia didn't appear to make any movements as she listened to Lyn, but she was listening to every word. At least some of what she said seemed to cheer her up, and that was good. "Well, just remember, you can channel feelings other than anger. Come to think of it, Leslie said that even though she was also an emotional fighter, her mother usually used the feeling of love to focus herself. And granted, even today she hero worships her, but I've watched video of her fighting, and that's just what she did. Positive emotions work just as well as...not-so-positive ones, so if you don't like what happens when you fight mad, try fighting...happy, I guess is what I'm trying to say? I think that'd suit you better, anyway." Lyn definitely looked more...Lyn-y, whe she was smiling, and not all depressed. To her, anyway.

But alas, she was sliding into the latter again...but this time, what she was saying sounded awfully familiar to her. "You know that my operator says that, too? As the sole heir to the name of one of Electopia's greatest martial artist families, she always feels like she has to push herself extra hard. Like, if she doesn't turn out to be one of the greatest ever, she'll be a total disappointment to her lineage. So she trains every day, and hard. It's kind of amazing to me that she isn't completely ripped like a bodybuilder, the way she trains sometimes...and yet, she acts like that isn't good enough. It's kinda sad, because based on what I've heard, at first her parents weren't even completely sure they wanted her to follow in their footsteps. But she looked up to them so much, and pestered them so hard, they had no choice but to teach her. So even though she puts herself through hell and back, I'm pretty sure that as long as she's alive and happy, there's literally nothing she can do to disappoint anyone. I've tried telling her that before, but she won't have any of it. She can be so thick sometimes...I wonder how her father feels about that..."

"...Sorry, that was kinda off topic. But, what you said kinda reminded me of that. All I can say is, keep at it, and always try your best, and one of these days you'll make him say 'Wow, Lyn, that was incredible'! I know that sounds generic or something, but I just can't say I know your operator to even try to say anything more...and I can't say Leslie's the same, because I'm pretty sure me just continuously existing makes her happy. I think she's still amazed that I'm capable of, er...bouncing around every time I do anything athletic...um, I'm not making it sound like she's a total pervert, am I? She just teases me a lot, that's all. I'm her girlfriend, but just the platonic kind!" ...Did that really answer the question? Eh, it was the answer she was going to have to go with for now, since she said it and all...
As she listened to Martia answer, Lyntael found herself toying with the hem of her skirt, catching the rough edge of one fingernail in the stitching and playing with it. It made her think of the broken clasp on her vest, and wonder just how damaged it would need to get before it fragmented completely and stopped counting as a garment. She knew she could take it off and set it down without it dissolving away, but other times, if it got torn badly, the ripped parts would begin to fragment and fade. It was something she wanted to understand better, even if it wasn't particularly a thing she wanted to experiment with while she was in the presence of anyone else, even a new friend like Martia was. She looked over to the other woman, with the background thoughts about stripping off her clothing still in the back of her mind, just as her friend was talking about her enviably abundant assets. A blush suffused her cheeks quickly and she giggled, embarrassed, and let her eyes drift over the area in question.

"You know, I'm sure Rogan would look at me a whole lot more if I had as much bounce as you, Martia. Sometimes I really wish I did... Even if he spent time looking at me, like he looks at the pretty ladies he looks up sometimes on his own, it'd still be better than nothing." She shrugged her shoulders. "But I've never... ah... done any of those sorts of things, and I just don't look like that either." For comparison, she sat up straighter and put her hands to her chest, grabbing herself in what could only be called a very firm grope. She was already blushing from her previous words, so perhaps embarrassment wasn't in it, but rather than looking like anything crude, what her action really drew attention to was the fact that, despite the thin and light fabric of her vest, her hands still clutched easily as much material as they did flesh. There really wasn't very much there at all.

"I think you're lucky, to have a body that makes people want to look at you. Mostly, anyone I've ever spoken to has ended up treating me like a child." She shook her head, offering Martia a rueful grin. "I'm not though... I'm just small. I'm as mature as I'll ever get, where it counts, and Eric said that I can do all of those things, if I ever decide I want to, and find someone I want to do them with... I... I mean..." Too late, Lyntael realised that her tongue had run away in a very blush-inducing direction, and closed her mouth quickly, covering her face with her hands to hide the fire in her cheeks. "I mean... I don't know what I mean, Martia."

She should probably change the subject, and quickly, but for the moment Lyntael was too busy trying to cool her own blush to do so with any tact.

The topic of discussion made Martia look down at her own chest; she decidedly didn't have to look as directly down as Lyn. It was weird, though...for as many stated benefits as they had, she probably wouldn't be overly upset if she woke up one morning and found them gone. "Funny you say that...lately I've kinda been wishing they were smaller. I actually have to be kinda careful, or else they'll get in the way of some of my moves. Especially the more acrobatic ones. My outfit helps with it, but if I get overly carried away with stuff, they'll bounce a little too much, and that really, really hurts. And sometimes it'd be nice to talk to someone and not worry about whether they're looking you back in the eye, you know? Actually, it'd be nice to talk to more people, period...guys usually keep their distance since they get all nervous, especially when their...'interest' is showing, and even some girls get so jealous about my body they won't even look at me...just once, I'd like to know what it's like to not worry about any of that..." She let out a surprisingly dejected sigh, as past memories came flooding back. "Trust me, it can get kinda grating when everyone either wants to bang you, or hates you because everyone else wants to bang you...but, the grass is always greener, right? Still, too bad we can't trade for a bit. I'd love to know what it feels like to go all out without worrying about getting in my own way! Or having to compensate every time I go airborne. Or getting hit there by electromagnetism in the middle of a battle and getting more turned on than you have any right to be in that situation as it courses through them..." ...All right, that last part was just awkward. Wrapping things up!

"So yeah, being big there? Totally comes with its own baggage!" ...Baggage? That's the word she came up with of all things? "Uh, I mean...you know what I mean!" It was good news for Lyn, though, as any and all tact was just thrown out the window.
For once, it seemed acceptably polite to look at the other woman's chest while she spoke, if briefly. Lyntael tried not to let her features seem too envious; what Martia said was true, really. She certainly was never aware of what her chest was doing unless she or someone else was drawing direct attention to it, but Martia... she was probably very much aware of her and all that bouncing and tugging with most of her movements, especially during fights. Still, she smirked, then giggled outright at her friends particular choice of words.

Pushing herself back to her feet, Lyntael walked a few paces out from the wall, then in a small circle, beginning to stretch out her muscles and make sure everything felt normal gain. For her, this was much less of a stretching routine, and something that looked much more like a dance; flowing motions that spread and stretched her extremities evenly and in different directions, before smoothly coming in or changing pose, never stopping still. Raised on one toetip for a moment, one arm up high and the other out to the side, her body turned all the way back over onto that hand before she curled to bring her other foot back down and continue. For a moment she was facing Martia again and her eyes opened, though the contented smile that had taken her remained.

"You say they get in the way, you know... but I really like the way you move, Martia." Her movements continued as she spoke, though close as they were, it was still easy enough to hear her. "The way everything you do looks so precise and controlled, all perfectly planned and executed. The way you move, it makes me think you always know exactly what you're going to do, and then you do it." There was a brief moment where her torso was straight and she shrugged. "Me, I just do whatever feels the most right, and hope it works out. Most of the time, I don't even manage to think about it, and I never really know exactly what I'm going to do before the choice comes and I do it. It must be nice to have the knowledge and training to help you decide how to act... sometimes I think it seems to work better for me when I don't think about it at all, because any time I do I just feel awkward and clumsy." Amidst her graceful turning and stretching, the girl's smile had become a grin, and there was a flash of white teeth for a moment. It might be on the excuse of testing her body after the trauma, but dancing always made her happy.

While Lyn got up and started to stretch, Martia elected to skip the former, and reclined against the wall with her hands serving as a pillow for her head. She watched her friend...dance, it seemed like. Though, at the same time, it didn't quite seem like one...well, at any rate, she was pretty good at it. Though, as she spoke, something dawned on the martial artist..."Thanks, but, you're no slouch yourself. The way you freely go from one position to the next...I think it's beautiful, myself. And it's weird to admit, but I'm not sure I could do that, at least not that smoothly. I use moves from all forms of martial arts, but because of that, I can't afford to be lax for a moment. I have to always know exactly how I'm positioned, where my momentum's carrying me...if I don't, I might combo into a move I can't or shouldn't use, and that leaves me wide open to attack. It's actually a bit of a weakness in my style...though, as long as I'm quick and don't get too predictable, it doesn't hurt me too bad! ...All right, now you have to promise that you won't tell that to any of my potential future enemies!" She gave the other Navi a playful wink, to let her know she wasn't serious...well, not that serious.

...Now that she was getting a good look at Lyn, she did seem more fluid in her movements than before. Kinda showed how nerves could mess you up, but Martia decided to stay quiet on that matter. She didn't really want to discourage her or anything, even by accident. "By the way, what kind of dance is that? I've never seen anything like it!" ...Hmm. If only there was a way to fully integrate some of those moves into Lyn's fighting style. She'd probably be unstoppable once she got a bit stronger.
The flow of her stretching grew faster as Lyntael tested herself; a little bit more flourish at the ends of her extensions, a faster turn on a spin as she came around. Small steps became larger glides, and the moments where she had no contact with the ground grew longer. A brief flash of her eyes and abroad, relaxed grin peeked out every few moments.

"Oh, this...? Ah, it's nothing really, just... I like to stretch all my muscles out and work them through, when there's time, and I felt like I should after that." Her actual words were a little broken in between breaths and the automatic inhale and exhale caused by her body's movement, but it didn't sound strained at all. "Hahhh! I still wish I knew half of what you do; I hate the idea of having to fight, hahhh... but, I know in my heart, that I'll still need to, and be good at it. I am feeling much better now, though. Back to normal, I think!" Her motion slowed again, becoming delicate, though each extension of an arm or leg still stretched out to her furthest reach. Now though, the air the air in the room began to shift subtly with her, just very slight draughts and whispers that curled this way and that about the girl in line with the sweeps of her fingers and toes. Her eyes were closed now, as though lost in some sensation.

"It's just how I've always stretched, I guess. I like to dance, it feels nice... natural. Beginning to dance is one of my very earliest memories." Her routine seemed to come to a close in a series of turns as she moved from the toes of one foot, to the other. One hand trailed behind her at her waist, while the other began stretched above her, gradually scribing a descending spiral around her form. The air currents moved around the girl as though dragged by her finger tips. As she reached a low crouch, one leg swept out wide, almost flat to the ground as her momentum finished the turn and her fingertips touched the panelling. Just as neatly, her body uncoiled upward with a seemingly effortless finish to the turn, until she stood on the tips of her fingers, toes pointed up neatly and her free hand sliding upward with the air current to release it in a gentle breeze. If her skirt gave up and finally dropped after a couple of seconds in that pose, at least her body curled up again a moment later, letting her come down into a small roll that left the girl sitting cross-legged in front of her friend. She was beaming happily now, her eyes twinkling.

"I remember those days, early on. I'd spend time just running about and dancing and laughing, and everything was brand new and wonderful. I'd spend mornings sitting in the sunlight on the counter-top in Eric's kitchen, and play chess with Caminus, or try to puzzle out Servare's riddles. I hope they write to me again soon. I'm going to take Rogan back to visit again as soon as I can convince him to." She shrugged softly, running fingers through her hair, then tilted her head as she looked at her friend.

"Hey, Martia, do you remember much from when you were born? There's this fuzzy patch, for me, like, I have my first memories, but also, like there's sort of something I can remember from before that, but not quite. Sometimes, in my dreams, it feels like that bit's clearer, but, I can never really pin it down. What do you remember?" she leaned forward as she asked, chin in her hands with her elbows on her knees.

"Well, you're a good freestyler, then!" Martia was a bit surprised to hear that Lyn was just winging what she was doing. It just seemed so...smooth for something that wasn't at all practiced. She didn't really have anything to say, so she just stay, and watched and enjoyed her friend's apparent stretching ritual. Eventually, she sat down in front of her, and started reminiscing about her early days. Was she even capable of reminiscing? Her own early days weren't exactly all that long ago...

"Yeah, I remember it pretty well, actually." It didn't hurt that it was only half a year ago. "I opened my eyes, and saw the man that made me. At first, I thought he was making me for himself, but he was actually a friend of my operator's father. Once I was fully programmed, I underwent some tests, to check my physical and mental ability. After I passed them, he put me to sleep for a while, I think it was a couple of days or so, until I was able to be installed in Leslie's PET. And then I met my operator...I'm not going to repeat exactly what she said, but let's just say she didn't think I looked much like a fighter. So I gave her a demonstration, and then she basically said that I still didn't really look the part, but I definitely had the skills. I think that's when I realized we'd get along just fine...I mean, I can't really blame someone for thinking I don't look like a martial artist. Aside from the headgear, I really don't. She was just being up front with me when she said that, that's all. Of course, as time went on, I found out just how up front she usually is..."

Hmm, there was one thing about Lyn's story, though. Something that she...was kinda jealous about, actually. "You know, I'm a little envious...this might sound weird, but I don't have a ton of good memories with other Navis. The only other Navi I get to talk to regularly is Leslie's father's Navi. He's nice enough and doesn't ogle me like he probably could, but he's always drunk, and sometimes it's like he stays up at night finding ways to annoy me! Other than that, well...I've already gone on about that..." There was no doubt that a martial artist's life wasn't necessarily the most people oriented one, but in her case, it was even worse that her operator lived in such a traditionalist neighborhood; few people even had Navis out there, and just about no one had one that was a fully functioning, regular Navi like her. On the plus side, it just made spending time with the likes of Lyn even more enjoyable...
"Oh! Ah, I didn't realise... I guess I just assumed you must have known and met lots of other navis before." she grinned and shook her head softly. "Everyone's always been around longer and is more experienced than I am, and you're so in control and confident, I just guessed the same of you." she uncrossed her legs and drew them up instead, wrapping hands about her knees. "It's only been a few months for me too, and the time I spent with Eric, and with Caminus and Servare, was only in truth a couple of days, but I do treasure those days so much."

Shifting again, Lyntael folded her legs to the side now, in something approaching a slightly more lady-like pose before she looked up to Martia and wrinkled her nose in childish amusement, spoiling the look.
"You know, I really admire how forthright you are with stuff, and saying what you're thinking, or what you want. I really wish I could be like that more. There's so much I want to say to Rogan, a lot of the time, things he does, or says that I just want to shout at, or, when I want to tell him how much I love the sound of his voice... but always, knowing that it won't make any difference, I can never seem to actually say anything, most of the time. You know, I tried to call out to him, back, before you saved me, when I was... out of control... I tried to call to him for help, but, he didn't answer. So... I think it's great that you and Leslie are so blunt with one another, really I do!"

The girl paused to look down at her hands, then up again, plainly thinking again about the painful end of their last encounter. Fortunately, her mood seemed to stay mostly positive as she thought.
"So... you were saying before, Martia... that, other people use other emotions as a means of driving themselves. I'm not sure I understand though. I can understand fighting because I'm angry, and as much as I didn't like the feeling, it made sense in a way... but, I'm not sure how to turn something else into helping me block out the fear and still fight. I wouldn't even know how to find joy while having to fight... I can't enjoy it. And love... the only love I've ever really felt is..." she trailed off into silence, features thoughtful and with her eyes dropping to look at the ground between them. After a moment her eyes came up again. "I do want to understand though. I have to find something that works, somehow."
It was officially an odd position for Martia; this was the first time ever where she knew she was older than another Navi. "Well, sounds like your first couple of days were a lot nicer than mine. The guy that made me was nice enough, but he was just so...detached from everything, I guess would be the word. Like, it didn't matter to him if I was good enough to keep. If I hadn't passed those tests, I wouldn't be too surprised if he just deleted me and tried again..." A horrifying thought came to mind...what if that had actually happened, and she wasn't his first attempt at making a Navi? The very thought made her shudder, even more than thinking that she basically spent her first hours literally fighting to stay alive.

Fortunately, her friend was pretty quick with a subject change to take her mind off that. "You think? I've always thought honesty was the best policy, but Leslie's rubbed off on me enough that I think I've gotten even more so over the months. Of course, SOME things I kinda wish I hadn't picked up..." For instance, Leslie's complete and utter lack of bodily modesty had been hitting her at times lately..."I guess it does show how good friends we are, though, that we can tell each other anything without worrying about what the other one thinks!" It made her wonder, though. Her operator was one thing, but could she achieve that with others? Lyn was really nice to her from the get-go, so she certainly hoped she was returning the favor.

For instance, her asking more about what she'd said earlier. "Well, some Navis like fighting more than others. I dunno if enjoy's the right word for me, but...I do feel satisfied whenever I battle. It lets me test my skills, and keeps them sharp for when it's time to properly use them. So, I guess I like the challenge?" And speaking of challenge, someone stopped mid-sentence..."Hey, you trailed off just then! Who's this mysterious love? C'mon, you tell me!" ...It wasn't her, was it? ...Nah, couldn't be, something would've happened about that by now, if experience taught her anything. Martia curled herself up, and rolled forward until she was on her knees, and looked at Lyn with big blue puppy dog eyes, as though that would magically convince her to spill her guts.