Hell is other Navis

[FXP: 9 to both, Level 2 Cross]
[+25HP for Onsen dip]

As Voulge and SplashLady continued on around the spire area, they found that they had walked into a relatively steep valley of some sort, flanked at both edges by incredibly sharp-looking spike-ridden slopes. Afterwards, the valley narrowed further and further into a very small space. Then, suddenly, the path diverged into two, split by a very sharp rocky area that would probably be very unsafe to travel on. Each path had its own share of surprises. One was a tumultous, lava-ridden path, the other a fairly benign-looking one, if not for the various traps set into its trail. Both paths also had their share of awaiting viruses, and converged at the end. A prize sat at the convergence, clearly marked as another green mystery data.

They could stay together and stay safe... or they could split up and reap more rewards.

[Enemies are listed in order of succession]

-- Path 1 --
MomogroA: 130HP
Zemon2A: 200HP
Zemon2B: 200HP
DrixorA: 170HP
DrixorB: 170HP
Tromby2: 150HP

-- Path 2 --
MomogroB: 130HP
MomogroC: 130HP
Zemon2C: 200HP
DrixorC: 170HP
???A: ???HP [Invisible]
???B: ???HP [Invisible]

-- Exit --
Green Mystery Data: 60HP

- Entrance (Paths diverge here)
-- 5% Normal
- Path 1
-- 20% Lava, 15% Furnace, 10% Cracked, 5% Broken
- Path 2
-- 42% Metal, 13% Snare
- Exit (Paths converge here)
-- 5% Normal

SplashLady.EXE: 235HP
Voulge.EXE: 155HP
Ignis.SP: 115HP
Licht.SP: 40HP

...And back to the grind. SplashLady looked over the two groups of viruses, trying to decide which group was a better match for who. "Voulge, I think you should handle that group over there." She pointed towards the second path, noting that there seemed to be more enemies than it looked like. Who knew how she knew that...she just did. "I'll handle the other, since they have more HP! Plus..." The mermaid Navi turned towards her self-assigned virus assortment, and developed a more determined look. "...Last time, you showed how strong our combined power is. This time, it's my turn to do it!" A fiery-orange aura suddenly surrounded her, apparently unnoticed. "Even though we'll be physically separated for this battle...our hearts will always be together!"

Sabrina picked that point to glance over at her PET again, to see if anything had gone on in the hot water pool. Huh, looked like they were in another battle now...


...Okay, SplashLady was burning to use it, and there weren't any water-based enemies this time. No reason to deny this time. Y. "Let's get to it! Cross system, online! VoulgeCross, activate!"

The aquatic Navi started to hover a couple of inches off the ground, as she released her spear from her grasp. Instead of falling, however, it began to spin around its wielder, as its head set itself ablaze. This caused the burning energy surrounding her to erupt into full-fledged flame, causing her various fins and shells to burn into ashes. With her fish-like motif gone, her color scheme was the next to change, as herupper body became a bright, blood red. As the remaining parts of her became a drab gray, fine chain link patterns began to form on them, giving her more of a warrior appearance. Her helmet had the additional change of widening around the middle, making her helmet look similar to Voulge's. As a final touch, her hair lengthened by 8-10 inches, as a black hairband tied it into a ponytail. "Let's see how viruses like it when they have to feel the power of two!"

Raising what could quite possibly now be considered the Miss Lancea, SplashLady performed a single slash with the weapon, which seemed to do nothing...however, the area that had been cut began to catch fire, quickly spreading throughout the path, and creating an intense heat wave. The viruses were fine, being used to the hellish fire of Hades Net, but the ground wasn't so fortunate; unable to resist, it began to melt, becoming the very lava that the area tended to be full of. "...Sabrina."

"Y-yeah?" That was kinda direct...

"I have the power of two...but no matter what, you're the operator. I'm sure the lava will help us, so...do as you will. Send over whatever chips you think are best for the situation."

"...Sure." Since when did SplashLady speak like that? It's like she became...Voulge. Ah, that probably explained it. Somehow. "Okay, so...Momogro are moles, so chances are it's not coming out of the ground. So, to handle it...Battlechip, WaterLine! Slot in!"

The bottom of the crossed Navi's spear began to glow blue, showing a hint of the water power it usually contained. However, it was quickly snuffed out as she slammed it into the ground, channeling the energy through the ground, until it triggered a geyser to burst forth, rising in an attempt to hit the mustachioed mole where it hurt. It looked like small amounts of water were coming from the sides, but...the rocky, unwalkable terrain seemed to be much better at resisting the attack.

"That should free things up for the rest. They're on lava, and they're in a confined space...sounds perfect for AquaDragon! Battlechip, AquaDragon! Slot in!"

A blue pot suddenly appeared in front of SplashLady, which quickly revealed itself to be far from empty as a mighty WaterDragon erupted from its mouth. It eyed the viruses for a moment, before turning towards its summoner, seeming awaiting command. The formerly Aqua Navi made no attempt to delay a response, using her free hand to point at the the virus group designated to her. Now knowing where to focus its rampage, the dragon retreated into its ceramic home...or did it? Without warning, it erupted in an aquatic burst in front of the viruses, and with a mighty roar, began to rush its kindred. With each wriggle forward, it leaked water, which immediately settled into the panels it moved over. But, as powerful as the dragon was, there was a risk. Mainly, that it might not quite reach every virus. Realizing this, the Navi decided to make a request. "Sabrina, there's a chance that the AquaDragon might not-"

"Hit all the viruses. I know!" Looked like she knew. "So let's work on the one in back! Battlechip, AreaGrab! Battlechip, Blizzard! Double slot in!"

The two chips' data poured into the temporarily fiery warrior, causing her to vanish without a trace from her present location, and reappear behind where the headphoned trumpet virus provided support with what resembled an air conditioning unit on her left hand. To make sure she caught them by surprise, she wasted no time in extending her arm, causing an icy wind to gush forth, one that could freeze virtually anything in its path. Of course, given the hot nature of lava, as well as the location itself, that usual side effect was...less than counted on in this instance. As the frigid winds began to subside, the Navi could do little but wait, and see if all of her foes were now unable to retaliate...

[Order of Turn:
1-Activate VoulgeCross (+15 to Fire attacks, +20 HP, become Fire element)
2-Aquilo Solaris cross attack on virus group (creates Large area Lava terrain)
3-WaterLine1 chip attack on MomogroA (80, Aqua)
4-AquaDragon chip attack on Path 1 viruses (150, Aqua, attacks until it creates 25% Sea terrain)
5-AreaGrab chip to behind Tromby2 (teleports user)
6-Blizzard chip attack on Tromby2 and DrixorB (100, Aqua, creates Ice terrain)]
Voulge, along with Ignis and Licht, prepared for battle when they saw the two groups of viruses standing on a split road. The road on the left had the most virus out of the two and it was riddled with lavas and exploding panels, a road he had to take since SplashLady wouldn't be able to endure the terrains. However, before he was about to walk up to the most difficult path by himself...

"Voulge, I think you should handle that group over there."

The navi stopped at his track and turned to the right path where his partner pointed towards. It was definitely much safer with acceptable terrains and lesser viruses compare to the other. Voulge really couldn't bring himself to allow SplashLady to take all the burden, "Splash, please reconsider. I don't thin-" As he tried to reason, Voulge saw the confident look and heard the determination behind what she told him. Soon, he watched as SplashLady transform into a near split image of himself as the cross was activated, already knowing that trying to change her mind would be a nigh effort. "Do what you wish! The viruses will stand no chance against our attacks!"

Marius was finally prompted to start the battle as he sorted through his Chip Folder...but he couldn't help but to be a little ominous about the path Voulge was about to take. Sure, the snares placed all over the road could be it, but it was something else and he couldn't shake off the feeling so easily. "Voulge...Be on the look out as you approach them. I'm sending you a DrillArm. If it works, continue to use it as much as you can. If something else happens, back away and we'll change the plan." The navi replied with a small nod and drew his Lancea out, crashing it against the ground to spark up a handful of embers up into the air. "Your Will Be Done!" Voulge began to spin his spear in a lance, creating a make-shift vacuum as dusts, rocks, magmas, and everything else was being sucked into the center of the spear and formed into a small, but extremely durable shield.

As the chip was being loaded into the Lancea, the SPs got into the action as their crystal body was shining like a vigorous flame. Licht detached it self from its main body and sunk into Voulge's leg, literally becoming one with the navi's body and caused two emerald crystals to emerge out the navi's greave. Ignis' body lit aflame and created a pair of pseudo-arms for the FireHit placed inside of him, quickly jabbing and swing his fists around to prepare for the battle. "AAWWWRRRRRRIGHT! I'M PUMPED UP FOR SOME ACTION!!" Just before Ignis was about to swing a powerful straight towards a Zemon, a giant drill blocked his vision as Voulge stopped his SP from attacking. "HEY! I've been itching for this and look! I'm actually trying to you help you out here man!" Voulge was silent as Ignis ran his complaints like a never-ending storm and only gave one command before he left for battle. "Stay."

Ignis was furious as he felt like he was being treated like a stray dog, but Voulge ran off before he was going to hear any more. Each step he took created a green flame on the ground, allowing him a small boost of speed as he approached the Zemon and the Drixor. Voulge twisted the handle of the lance, causing the drill head to spin slowly at first and quickly gain speed. He pulled the drill as far as he could when he was only a few feet away from his target viruses, abruptly halting his mad dash and swung his entire body forward along with the momentum. The drill shortly followed as Voulge thrusted his arm forward directly at the Zemon's torso, leaving the devastating destruction the DrillArm was capable of to take care of the virus.

...However, Vougle felt something strange when he plunged his drill and immediately backed away with the help of Licht. "Your intuition was correct, Marius. There is something odd, but I'm not sure what exactly it is." The operator hung his head against his arm and pondered what they were facing. It was obvious that it was invisible to their naked eyes, but how they acted and what they even look like was a mystery to them. He flipped through his folder to see which chip would be adequate in their current situation and...there it was.

A new chip Marius just recently got his hands on could've been the perfect chip. A picture of a strange, eye-ball virus was shown at the front of the chip, and it literally screamed to be used right away. "Back away for now. Also, make sure Ignis or anyone else is in front of you." Voulge was slightly puzzled at his operator's command, but he did what he asked as the drill reverted back to its default spear form and quickly backed away from the viruses. Marius then slotted two chips in a row to cause Voulge's left hand to light on fire and the other surge with uncontrollable electricity. "Right one first, then set your left on beside it." Again, this left Voulge a little confused but he followed his order by first pounding the ground with his right arm, then the burning left arm just beside of it. The flames and electricity was transferred directly into the ground and began to form into a definite shape. The flame turned into the two-faced totem with its grim smile, while the electricity formed into the same eye-ball virus from the chip's cover.

"Again...Do not, in any circumstances, stand in front of that Sensor."

The two summoned objects began to charge their attacks as the Totem's mouth was filled with intense flame and the Sensor's eye was constantly letting out sparks. When they were ready, the Sensor's iris began to shift all over the place in order to search any virus that was in front of it. When it got a good lock at one virus, it shortly squinted its eye and pried it wide open to fire a lean, golden beam straight forward. The Totem followed right behind the beam as it blasted three fireballs at the viruses' general direction as well.

If everything went well, the viruses would've been taken care of by now. If not, Voulge raised his spear up as a guard and held a defensive position. "Ignis. Cover me." With the short command, Ignis immediately came to Voulge's side, already burning fiercely with all of his excitement...and his typical rage. "THOSE DAMN VIRUSES ARE GONNA BURN REEAAAL NICELY." He sprouted a pair of arms once again and wildly swung his arms into a rapid jab. The arm was getting disintegrated as its flame was being fired off with each swing, sending a wall of tiny fireballs that's really gonna 'pack a punch.'

While this Ignis was doing his thing, Voulge reached into his brigandine to take out a blueish throwing knife. He soon stomped the ground, causing a redfruit to appear somewhere in the battlefield, and threw the knife at its direction. The blade began to vibrate as it flew, ready to explode the moment it comes in contact with the fruit.

* Phalanx Aspis [2-hit Shield]
Licht: Mobility Junction [[b]Float[/b]]
Licht: Move towards Path 2
1. DrillArm [60 x 2 (1st) / 60 (2nd) / Break / Knockback / Piercing / Double] @ Zemon2C / DrixorC
Licht: Move back
2. Sensor [100 ([b]x2 Terrain[/b]) / Stun / Beam / Attacks anything in front of it / 100 HP / ElecBody] Facing towards Zemon2C
3. Totem2 [140+[color=red]15[/color]+Spread 2 /or/ 70 Heal / Changes When Hit / 100 HP Object] @ DrixorC / Momogro B/C
4. Prepare to Evade
5. RedFruit2 [Heals 140 when hit / Placed on a random spot]
Ignis: FireHit2 [90+[color=red]25[/color] / Impact / Double] @ Momogro B
6. Pulsar2 [90 / [b]Object Triggered Splash 8[/b]] @ RedFruit2
Ignis: FireHit2 [90+[color=red]25[/color] / Impact / Double] @ Momogro C

SplashLady used her Voulgecross and ruined the intricate layout of the floor on her side with a uniform splat of lava. The Momogra was forced out of the ground by the terrain change but quickly dug itself back into its pit. It stopped when its shovel struck something weird and was blasted upwards in a jet of steam that deleted it. One of the hidden Dominerds tried to block the attack but had problems defending against a grounded waterline. It was caught in the attack as well but defended itself well before rushing forward, ready to bite down. Splashlady unleashed a Waterdragon just in the nick of time and deleted the virus at its most vulnerable point. The dragon raged down the line and crashed through a Zemon and a Drixor but stopped just short of the Tromby. The remaining Drixor attacked along with the surviving Zemon in a tandem strike but they both missed as Splashlady teleported out of the way and delivered a sneak attack to the Tromby. The Zemon was confused but the Drixor stayed on task, drilling through a hole and reappearing beside Splashlady before striking her from the side.

On Voulge's half of the field, his DrillArm struck more than just the Zemon as the other Dominerd blocked the path of the attack and found its guard crushed by the spinning weapon. It was deleted but the Zemon had merely been pushed away and the Drixor spared altogether. He followed up by placing the Sensor and Totem down. The Sensor finished off the Zemon in a powerful beam but the path was just wide enough for the Drixor to avoid being hit. It was caught in the Totem's flamethrower but charged through with practically a sliver of its health. The flamethrower passed over one of the Momogros and triggered its defensive action. The Totem was destroyed by a combination attack by the two viruses but not before it healed Voulge once. The Drixol tunneled through a hole in space and reappeared just as Voulge shot his Redfruit with his Pulsar. The virus was caugh in the sonic splash and was deleted before it could do any more damage. Ignis played a game of whack-a-momogro and found himself severely outclassed and was shamefully whacked in the back twice.

-- Path 1 --
Zemon2A: 200 HP [sea]
DrixorA: 170 HP [ice]
Tromby2: DELETED

-- Path 2 --
MomogroB: 130 HP [metal]
MomogroC: 130 HP [metal]
DominerdA: DELETED
DominerdB: DELETED

-- Exit --
Green Mystery Data: 60HP

- Entrance (Paths diverge here)
-- 5% Normal
- Path 1
-- 15% Lava, 25% Sea, 10% Ice
- Path 2
-- 42% Metal, 13% Snare
- Exit (Paths converge here)
-- 5% Normal

SplashLady.EXE: 175HP [lava]
Voulge.EXE: 250HP [2-hit shield] [metal]
Ignis.SP: 25HP [metal]
Licht.SP: 40HP [mobility junction] [floatshoes]

Sensor1: 100 HP

Ignis was mad, real mad. So mad that he began to mutter things to himself rather than go through his usual fit. Voulge and Marius was a little surprised by this rare sight, but couldn't have the luxury to enjoy it when two viruses was still alive on their side of the road.

The navi was fortunate enough to realize the pattern his enemy was going with and swung the shield in front of him on to his back. Before he was about to approach the momogras, he saw the sensor in front of him and realized that it might be a nuisance. However, there was a possibility of using it for his advantage.



"Turn the sensor downwards just in case the momogras begins to approach us."


Even when he was muttering things, Ignis did what Voulge has asked for by pushing the Sensor towards the ground. As soon as the sensor's line of vision was cut from his path, Voulge moved in with his Lancea glowing red on his hand. "COME OUT, COWARDS!" He jumped up into the air and landed on the ground with the spear crashing through the metal terrains. In just seconds, the metal began to melt and lavas began to take over the road. With such immediate change in the terrains, this would've forced the hiding momogras out of the hole and into the open.

In fear that they might be agitated, Voulge immediately prepared for evasive maneuvers, along with Ignis who finished his asked job. "Slot in! PhoenixShot2!" The chip was instantly loaded into Voulge as the navi pulled out three of his trusty throwing knives ready at hand. The blade was lit aflame, but it had a striking blue hue that was different than anything he used before. Without hesitation, the navi tried to align the viruses and threw the knives in a triangle formation. As if flew, the blue flames expanded and connected with one another, creating a make-shift fire wing that soared towards the momogra.

If things went well, the battle would've been over for his side and Voulge would be able to safely tread to the exit. However, Voulge wasn't someone who wouldn't be satisfied by the "what if"s. His body began to float just inches off the ground thanks to Licht and began to go forward with caution. Both his arms began to glow in a shining gold light, slowly gathering to his palm to create two separate beings. One was an electric snake and fell on the ground as soon as it was created and slithered into the nearest hole created by the momogras. The other was an electric wasp, flying around in circles before it flew right off to any possible virus surviviors.

"There's no kill other than overkill, right?"

Marius smiled as he loaded one last chip that caused the Lancea to flicker in red and blue color. Even without Voulge's notice, the Lancea fired a twisted pillar straight up into the sky.

1. Move Shield to the back.
Ignis: Turn Sensor downwards
* Sensor [100 ([b]x2 Terrain[/b]) / Stun / Beam / Attacks anything in front of it / 100 HP / ElecBody]
2. Vulcan Sarissa [Large-Area: Lava / 1TCD] to force the Momogro out.
Licht: Dodge w/ Voulge [-2 Actions]
Ignis: Dodge
3. Phoenixshot2 [90+[color=red]15[/color] / Wide] @ Momogro B/C
* Phalanx Aspis [2-hit Shield] Behind Voulge
Licht: Move further down Path 2 / Reach the Exit (?)
4. SnakeEgg2 [140 / Stun / [b]Ground[/b]] @ Surviving Momogro
5. Arrow2 [130 / Homing] @ Surviving Virus
6. DBLBEAM [40 Damage to all enemies /or/ 30 Heal to all allies / Random]

Vulcan Sarissa: USED
Having taken a hard drill to the side, SplashLady instictively clutched her rib cage, wincing in pain. But fresh off an attack, perhaps this presented an opportunity for a counterstrike. Her spearhead's flame suddenly blanketed the entire weapon, cloaking it in the very fire she often doused so easily. Quickly spinning the lance 180 degrees for a more overhanded approach, she tossed it straight at the Drixor that impaled her, hoping to return that favor and more. This might have presented a problem, in that the crossed Navi now had no innate weapon, but a thin stream of fire energy suddenly extended from her wrist to the blazing javelin, allowing her to retrieve it with a mere pull of a string.

Now there was the matter of the samurai virus. But first, Sabrina looked at her Navi's HP, and decided that it could stand to be higher. "Good job! Now let's get you healed up. Battlechip, Recover120! Slot in!"

In a quick pink flash, virtually all signs of previous combat instantly vanished from the ex-mermaid, save for a tiny cut where the Drixor had performed its best dentist imitation. "Thanks. Now, how shall we dispatch the Zemon in front of us?"

An idea began to form in the operator's head, having it occured to her that as a samurai-focused virus, it wielded a sword. "Glad you asked! Remember how we beat that Swordy in NetFrica by taunting it, then smacking it while it was enraged?"

"...Yes, I do." A small smile cracked SplashLady's lips, as she recalled mocking its sword with one of her own, then walloping it with an IceWave. Fun times.

"Well, we're going to try the same thing. I want you to concentrate on the Zemon. Get a feel for exactly how it might use that katana. Be careful, though...if it's like Swordy, it can AreaGrab!"

"Roger that!" And so, the great staring contest began; a single, red eye, barely visable through a straw hat, versus a pair of blue eyes, narrowed and determined to figure out the possible nuances of the samurai's technique. Several moments passed, as various ideas on its subtlties crossed her mind, and appropriately filed for near future use, or thrown out for utter silliness.

"Got a feel for it? Okay, now! Let it know how much better you are than it!"

As suddenly as she had stopped attacking, the former Aqua Navi began dismissively waving her spear, as she let out a large, yet fake, yawn. "Huh, I guess you're not a worthy opponent after all. I thought you might actually be worth moving from this spot, but after getting a good look at you, eh..."

And that was Sabrina's cue to make sure her Navi didn't get sliced in two via cold, hard steel. "Battlechip, IceWave! Slot in!"

As hopefully the Zemon began to rush her in a blind rage, a three dimensional snowflake formed in front of the Navi, prepared to intercept onrushing viruses. Once it fully formed, it began to move forward, with the intentions of slamming into anything that got in its way.

[Order of Turn:
0a-Reserve Tank R (passive buster charge)
0b-Reserve Tank L (passive buster charge)
1-Burning Javelin charge attack on DrixorA (200, Fire)
2-Recover120 chip attack on SplashLady (120, Recovery)
3-Focus completely on Zemon2A
4-Seriously focusing completely on Zemon2A
5-Taunt Zemon2A's lack of skillz
6-IceWave1 chip attack on Zemon2A (80, Aqua)]
Voulge's strategy of shifting his Sensor downwards and forcing up the Momogros worked, even if his Sensor got slightly singed in the process. One of the Momogros was caught in the beam and got fried after being burned. The aromatic smell of roasted Momogro wafted through the air and whet appetites. The second Momogro survived the burning and painfully crawled back into the lava before being lured out again with a Phoenixshot. The attack missed and the mole virus leapt out and smacked Voulge's shields to no effect. It crawled back into another hole but was followed by a yellow snake and snuck in after it. There was a yelp and the sound of a quick struggle before total silence. As a side note, it smelled even more delicious afterwards.

Splashlady quickly dealt with the Drixor using a powerful javelin before healing herself. Turning to the Zemon, she watched carefully and put her focus into monitoring it. She watched as it areagrabbed into range and saw how it slashed her with a long swipe before observing a wide gash cut across her abdomen. Having taken enough punishment, she unleashed an Icewave that caused the lava below it to erupt and swallow the virus in a jet of mist.

There was zenny and friendship for everyone, but the GMD was still waiting... Waiting for someone to access it.

-- Path 1 --
Tromby2: DELETED

-- Path 2 --
DominerdA: DELETED
DominerdB: DELETED

-- Exit --
Green Mystery Data: 60HP

- Entrance (Paths diverge here)
-- 5% Normal
- Path 1
-- 5% Lava, 25% Sea, 10% Ice, 5% Normal
- Path 2
-- 45% Lava
- Exit (Paths converge here)
-- 5% Normal

SplashLady.EXE: 205HP [lava]
Voulge.EXE: 250HP [2-hit shield] [metal]
Ignis.SP: 25HP [metal]
Licht.SP: 40HP [mobility junction] [floatshoes]

Sensor1: 95 HP

[Battle 4 - Victory!]

Splashlady Get: 6 FXP + 3000z ((Hit too much: [REWARD DOWN]))
Voulge Get: 6 FXP + 3150z
GMD: ? ((contents go to whoever opens it, decide amongst yourselves))
Despite some parting shots, SplashLady managed to successfully conquer the remaining foes. As the effects of VoulgeCross faded due to the end of the battle, she collected up the cash data that remained, and headed towards the shiny Mystery Data at the junction of the two paths. "Well, guess there's only one thing to do!"

"Yep! Get to it!" Woo, Mystery Data!

And so, reaching the data first...the mermaid Navi pivoted on her heel, so Voulge would have a clear shot at it. "All yours, Voulge!"

"Hang on a sec!" Oh yeah, this wasn't happening without a fight from her operator. "He got the last one, so shouldn't we get this?"

"I guess you're right, in a way. But, we didn't have any agreement going into the battle. And things went quiet on the other side before I defeated that last Zemon. So I think Voulge gets first crack at it for doing his part first!"

"...Ugh." Shoot, couldn't argue with that. ...Well, she COULD, but she'd sound like a real brat. "Fine. But make sure you tell me what's in it!"

Voulge picked up the zennies the viruses dropped on his side of the road...But the smell of roasted Momogros couldn't help but to clog his nose and head with delicious aroma. After looking around a little, he dug his hands into one of the holes and picked up the nicely cooked meat. "I can't let these food go to waste..."

After doing so, he walked up to the exit and saw that SplashLady was already there. He was going to let his partner get the GMD this time, but it wasn't the case when she freely presented it towards him once more. SplashLady then went on to have a good reason behind it, which made things reluctant for Voulge to refuse the offering. "I appreciate it, Splash..."

With that said, he keeled down and reached his hand forward to analyze the green crystal.

-Obtain [HNMoleMeat.FOD]-
-Open GMD-
Voulge cracked open the green crystal and was instantly vaporized along with his Ignis and Licht in a large puff of smoke.

The smile on SplashLady's face for performing her good deed for the day quickly vanished as her partner did the same. She looked all over the area, but found nothing. "...What happened? Where'd Voulge go?!"

"I guess...that was a trapped Mystery Data. I've heard about them...they look like ordinary ones, but something bad happens, instead of getting something. I guess he was sent elsewhere..." All Sabrina could do was sigh. So much for the team busting.

"Ugh! Now I'm worried. Where'd he go, anyway?"

Good question. To figure it out, the Netopian girl took a peek over at her ally's PET. "Looks like...Beach Net."

"Oh...but, he'll be okay. I just know it!" Upset expression, gone. "So, think we should head over to Beach to meet up again?"

"...Nah, there's a couple of things I need to do. Jack out, okay?"

"All right...heading back to the PET!" And so, having had enough of Hades for a while, SplashLady's presence also disappeared from the area, albeit in a different way from her busting partner.