[>> Assistant to the Regional Manager - Netfrica Net.]
The forests of Yumland's networks seemd slightly more sinister as a transfer pad within one stirred to life, and shone brilliantly, before revealing the figure of one Terra.EXE, stepping through into the grassy soil of her operator's homeland. She closed her eyes and took in the "sights" through her ground senses, feeling the vitality of life within the network welcoming her, with yet a small twist of hostility that the Rogue layer provided. Still, she opened her eyes, and forged onwards without another word.
[Terra.EXE: 170 HP.]
[Battle 1 - Ready. Bounty Set: EarthJelly2EarthJelly2 (EarthJelly)
EarthJelly are floating, jellyfish-like viruses, that seem to simply float nonchalantly, yet are deceptively difficult to combat. Fortunately, their rarity ensures they they never appear before a Battle 6, and there are never more than 2 in a single battle. While their horizontal movement is terrible at best, they can easily adjust their altitude as needed. By default, however, they tend to hover a couple of feet above the ground. The exception to this is when they attack. EarthJelly attack by launching large waves of mud at enemies The attack cycle of EarthJelly is 2 actions long. It requires one action to charge before firing. If they are stunned or otherwise temporarily disabled, they resume their attack cycle where it was halted once the stun wears off. When they attack, they drop to the ground in order to pump out as much liquid as possible. This allows them to harness the power of certain kinds of terrain to boost their attacks, but it also makes them immobile and vulnerable to ground-based attacks for the duration.
Area: Yumland
HP: 270
Attack Damage/Effect: 70 Wood + Ground Attack + Wide Attack + Mud Terrain Boost 40 + 1 action charge
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: It charges itself with innate elemental energy, then launches a hard-to-avoid wall of mud at enemies. The attack is stronger if performed over Mud terrain.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MudWave2 (Rare), Zenny
Special: OmniShoes
Special: This virus can move forward, backward, or to the side, but it does this so slowly that it cannot evade attacks this way.
Special: This virus can move up and down at high speed in order to avoid attacks while charging. While they can float fairly high, they cannot achieve High Altitude status.
Special: This virus is anchored and cannot move when attacking.: 270 HP.]
Home Field Advantage
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The Yumland net looked vaguely neglected and gone to seed, where Terra entered, and all around she could sense a variety of wild and unmaintained life of various types. The small circle of cleared panels ended shortly beyond the pad that she stepped from, giving way to rich, dark soil the felt warm and loamy under her feet. Ahead, a broad stretch of the ground sank into a muddy bog that bubbled occasionally, and of more concern, a smaller circular puddle to the right of her glowed with a sick purple colour, and seemed to be leeching out into the ground at its edges. There was something else about the slightly uneven ground that Terra could sense — she could feel it in the ground itself, which was lucky because to her eyes alone what she was sensing was completely invisible. Three large patches of the ground, which mostly looked like any other stretch of the rich black soil, were mired in a hostile, boggy snare just below the surface, and would prove treacherous footing for most navis who strayed into them unwittingly.
Those oddities aside, however, Terra had barely stepped off the pad before she took not of more present concerns; two spider viruses scuttled across the soil around the pools, and an errant swarm of marsh mosquitoes hovered and buzzed at the edge of the mud pit, but in the centre of it floated the first of her target quarry — a large, gelatinous creature that looked to be filled with a fine brown silt all through its otherwise translucent, jelly-like body.
SkeetoSkeeto (Skeeter)
Area: Yoka, Okuden Valley, Beach, Yumland, Netfrica
HP: 80
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 80 Drain (Null)
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: A swarm of Skeeters flies at the target. They will drain HP if they connect.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Drain2, Zenny
Special: Omnishoes: 80Hp [Mud][Hovering near the edge of the mud pool]
WebbyWebby (Spider)
Spider viruses attack by setting webs on panels, objects, and other handy surfaces. The webs may even be strung between surfaces, such as blocking doorways. Anything that touches the webs triggers them detaching from whatever surface they were attached to and wrapping around the target. The webs cause a slow effect, as well as dealing damage for every action the target uses to dodge the following turn unless the webs are burned off, cut off, or removed by some other means. Status cure will not remove the webs, or the slow effect they generate. Spiders do not attack directly, and they may lay one panel's worth of webbing each turn for every action they possess. They may lay webs while moving. Spiders are immune to the effects of ANY WhiteWeb attacks, be they generated by Spider viruses or from battlechips. Webbing causes the target to become weak to fire, thus the next fire attack will deal double damage if the webs have not been removed first.
Area: Okuden Valley, Dentech, Yumland, Netfrica, NetVegas
HP: 140
Attack Damage/Effect: 40 Wood + Slow (Web) / 15 Wood (Dodge w/ Web)
Attack Accuracy: C / S
Attack Description: Teleport to enemy and creates spider webs
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): WhiteWeb2, Zenny
Special: Webs cause damage when player dodges. A: 140Hp [Soil][Behind the mud pool, to the left]
WebbyWebby (Spider)
Spider viruses attack by setting webs on panels, objects, and other handy surfaces. The webs may even be strung between surfaces, such as blocking doorways. Anything that touches the webs triggers them detaching from whatever surface they were attached to and wrapping around the target. The webs cause a slow effect, as well as dealing damage for every action the target uses to dodge the following turn unless the webs are burned off, cut off, or removed by some other means. Status cure will not remove the webs, or the slow effect they generate. Spiders do not attack directly, and they may lay one panel's worth of webbing each turn for every action they possess. They may lay webs while moving. Spiders are immune to the effects of ANY WhiteWeb attacks, be they generated by Spider viruses or from battlechips. Webbing causes the target to become weak to fire, thus the next fire attack will deal double damage if the webs have not been removed first.
Area: Okuden Valley, Dentech, Yumland, Netfrica, NetVegas
HP: 140
Attack Damage/Effect: 40 Wood + Slow (Web) / 15 Wood (Dodge w/ Web)
Attack Accuracy: C / S
Attack Description: Teleport to enemy and creates spider webs
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): WhiteWeb2, Zenny
Special: Webs cause damage when player dodges. B: 140Hp [Soil][In front of the poison puddle, to the right]
EarthJelly2EarthJelly2 (EarthJelly)
EarthJelly are floating, jellyfish-like viruses, that seem to simply float nonchalantly, yet are deceptively difficult to combat. Fortunately, their rarity ensures they they never appear before a Battle 6, and there are never more than 2 in a single battle. While their horizontal movement is terrible at best, they can easily adjust their altitude as needed. By default, however, they tend to hover a couple of feet above the ground. The exception to this is when they attack. EarthJelly attack by launching large waves of mud at enemies The attack cycle of EarthJelly is 2 actions long. It requires one action to charge before firing. If they are stunned or otherwise temporarily disabled, they resume their attack cycle where it was halted once the stun wears off. When they attack, they drop to the ground in order to pump out as much liquid as possible. This allows them to harness the power of certain kinds of terrain to boost their attacks, but it also makes them immobile and vulnerable to ground-based attacks for the duration.
Area: Yumland
HP: 270
Attack Damage/Effect: 70 Wood + Ground Attack + Wide Attack + Mud Terrain Boost 40 + 1 action charge
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: It charges itself with innate elemental energy, then launches a hard-to-avoid wall of mud at enemies. The attack is stronger if performed over Mud terrain.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MudWave2 (Rare), Zenny
Special: OmniShoes
Special: This virus can move forward, backward, or to the side, but it does this so slowly that it cannot evade attacks this way.
Special: This virus can move up and down at high speed in order to avoid attacks while charging. While they can float fairly high, they cannot achieve High Altitude status.
Special: This virus is anchored and cannot move when attacking.: 270Hp [Centre of the mud pool]
Terra.Exe: 170Hp [Normal]
-=Variously Dirty=-
20% Normal
50% Soil
15% Mud
15% Poison
15% Snare [Several patches of terrain, which Terra can sense — One just in front of the mud pool, one directly in front of her, and one on the inside edge of the poison puddle]
-=Battle 1, Start!=-
Those oddities aside, however, Terra had barely stepped off the pad before she took not of more present concerns; two spider viruses scuttled across the soil around the pools, and an errant swarm of marsh mosquitoes hovered and buzzed at the edge of the mud pit, but in the centre of it floated the first of her target quarry — a large, gelatinous creature that looked to be filled with a fine brown silt all through its otherwise translucent, jelly-like body.
SkeetoSkeeto (Skeeter)
Area: Yoka, Okuden Valley, Beach, Yumland, Netfrica
HP: 80
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 80 Drain (Null)
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: A swarm of Skeeters flies at the target. They will drain HP if they connect.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Drain2, Zenny
Special: Omnishoes: 80Hp [Mud][Hovering near the edge of the mud pool]
WebbyWebby (Spider)
Spider viruses attack by setting webs on panels, objects, and other handy surfaces. The webs may even be strung between surfaces, such as blocking doorways. Anything that touches the webs triggers them detaching from whatever surface they were attached to and wrapping around the target. The webs cause a slow effect, as well as dealing damage for every action the target uses to dodge the following turn unless the webs are burned off, cut off, or removed by some other means. Status cure will not remove the webs, or the slow effect they generate. Spiders do not attack directly, and they may lay one panel's worth of webbing each turn for every action they possess. They may lay webs while moving. Spiders are immune to the effects of ANY WhiteWeb attacks, be they generated by Spider viruses or from battlechips. Webbing causes the target to become weak to fire, thus the next fire attack will deal double damage if the webs have not been removed first.
Area: Okuden Valley, Dentech, Yumland, Netfrica, NetVegas
HP: 140
Attack Damage/Effect: 40 Wood + Slow (Web) / 15 Wood (Dodge w/ Web)
Attack Accuracy: C / S
Attack Description: Teleport to enemy and creates spider webs
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): WhiteWeb2, Zenny
Special: Webs cause damage when player dodges. A: 140Hp [Soil][Behind the mud pool, to the left]
WebbyWebby (Spider)
Spider viruses attack by setting webs on panels, objects, and other handy surfaces. The webs may even be strung between surfaces, such as blocking doorways. Anything that touches the webs triggers them detaching from whatever surface they were attached to and wrapping around the target. The webs cause a slow effect, as well as dealing damage for every action the target uses to dodge the following turn unless the webs are burned off, cut off, or removed by some other means. Status cure will not remove the webs, or the slow effect they generate. Spiders do not attack directly, and they may lay one panel's worth of webbing each turn for every action they possess. They may lay webs while moving. Spiders are immune to the effects of ANY WhiteWeb attacks, be they generated by Spider viruses or from battlechips. Webbing causes the target to become weak to fire, thus the next fire attack will deal double damage if the webs have not been removed first.
Area: Okuden Valley, Dentech, Yumland, Netfrica, NetVegas
HP: 140
Attack Damage/Effect: 40 Wood + Slow (Web) / 15 Wood (Dodge w/ Web)
Attack Accuracy: C / S
Attack Description: Teleport to enemy and creates spider webs
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): WhiteWeb2, Zenny
Special: Webs cause damage when player dodges. B: 140Hp [Soil][In front of the poison puddle, to the right]
EarthJelly2EarthJelly2 (EarthJelly)
EarthJelly are floating, jellyfish-like viruses, that seem to simply float nonchalantly, yet are deceptively difficult to combat. Fortunately, their rarity ensures they they never appear before a Battle 6, and there are never more than 2 in a single battle. While their horizontal movement is terrible at best, they can easily adjust their altitude as needed. By default, however, they tend to hover a couple of feet above the ground. The exception to this is when they attack. EarthJelly attack by launching large waves of mud at enemies The attack cycle of EarthJelly is 2 actions long. It requires one action to charge before firing. If they are stunned or otherwise temporarily disabled, they resume their attack cycle where it was halted once the stun wears off. When they attack, they drop to the ground in order to pump out as much liquid as possible. This allows them to harness the power of certain kinds of terrain to boost their attacks, but it also makes them immobile and vulnerable to ground-based attacks for the duration.
Area: Yumland
HP: 270
Attack Damage/Effect: 70 Wood + Ground Attack + Wide Attack + Mud Terrain Boost 40 + 1 action charge
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: It charges itself with innate elemental energy, then launches a hard-to-avoid wall of mud at enemies. The attack is stronger if performed over Mud terrain.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MudWave2 (Rare), Zenny
Special: OmniShoes
Special: This virus can move forward, backward, or to the side, but it does this so slowly that it cannot evade attacks this way.
Special: This virus can move up and down at high speed in order to avoid attacks while charging. While they can float fairly high, they cannot achieve High Altitude status.
Special: This virus is anchored and cannot move when attacking.: 270Hp [Centre of the mud pool]
Terra.Exe: 170Hp [Normal]
-=Variously Dirty=-
20% Normal
- No effects.
50% Soil
- Wood Elementals get +10% Evasion.
- Wood attacks: +100% Source Damage, change terrain hit to Grass.
- 100 Damage Aqua attacks: Change terrain hit to Mud.
- 100 Damage Fire attacks: change terrain hit to Coal.
- PanelShot: Imbue Wood.
15% Mud
- Non-Wood Elementals get -10% Evasion penalty and reduced movement speed, 25% (+/-25% RP) chance to fall or get stuck (1 action to get free).
- Automatically triggers Aqua Boost for appropriate chip attacks.
- Wood attacks: Change terrain hit to Soil.
- PanelShot: Imbue Wood + Slow1.
15% Poison
- -10 HP/action standing, -20 HP/action submerged.
- Zombie nullifies damage, heals 10 HP/action on contact.
- Cannot be in Sigs.
- PanelShot: Poison(20).
15% Snare [Several patches of terrain, which Terra can sense — One just in front of the mud pool, one directly in front of her, and one on the inside edge of the poison puddle]
-=Battle 1, Start!=-
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"You're really getting the red carpet treatment here," said Scarlet, giggling quietly; having encountered a virus envoy without even stepping foot off of the transfer pad was quite an achievement in itself. However, Terra didn't seem like she was even going to take a battling stance, as she simply looked at the four viruses in front of her from side to side, and took a deep breath. Then, her breathing became slow and controlled, while at her side, her hand loosely clenched and unclenched. Eventually, her movements became slowed enough that it appeared as if she was frozen in time, unbreathing and unmoving.
Scarlet stared at her screen for a full couple of seconds before venturing a question. "Terra? You still there?" asked Scarlet, as she could still see the Navi's vital signals moving as normal, despite her strange behavior. She knew of the skill that she had programmed into Terra on her previous excursion--but she still had to confirm it.
"I'm fine. This shouldn't take too long, Scarlet," echoed a voice from the Terra "statue". "Please send me whichever chips you'd like."
The operator exhaled in relief. "Phew, all right. Give me a heads up next time you do that, it's a bit jarring when you do it right off the bat," said Scarlet. Scrolling through her battlechip list, two of the chips at the top of her folder list sprung an idea in her head, and her expression turned into a mischievously wide smile. "Guess it's time to see how effective this is," she murmured to herself, as four chips made their way into the selection and into the network.
As the chips manifested themselves through Terra's battlechip queue, two figures appeared from behind the "statue", a mainstay of the terraformer's operations. Dressed in bulky blastproof protective gear, the two thieving Bandcoons made their appearance once more, with the suits matching their surroundings in military-esque camouflage pattern. A red stripe on their arms indicated their allegiance to the Navi, and much like traditional bomb squad attire, their little paws were exposed so as to provide maximum precision. Between them, muffled chattering could be heard from behind their visor masks, before they swiftly made their way towards the pool of mud where the enormous Jellyfish-type virus resided.
The suits didn't seem to hinder their movement at all as their light steps easily circumvented the trapholes in the mud pool, and reached the Jellyfish easily, allowing them to do their usual dirty work of frisking their target for loose data. However, they wouldn't have all the time in the world to do so, as their attire would be put to good use soon after. The Terra statue they had just left behind suddenly started rumbling, before a loose clump of earth lunged up into the air above the statue, and started exponentially increasing its size, until it formed a massive black sphere, about ten feet across. The Bandcoons looked up at the gigantic ball as it then suddenly propelled itself into the air, before landing into the mud pool with a resounding splash. Panicked squeaks could be heard between the two as they dove for cover, before Terra's figure glowed bright red, and expelled a sudden blast of superheated air across the ground, which would trigger the black sphere to erupt in a brilliant conflagration of fire.
[font=Courier]// Summary
[Te.1] Sig: Terraskill: Protector of Nature: StoneBody @ Self
[Te.2] Chip:
PickpocketDamage: 0
Accuracy: B
Description: Summons a Bandcoon to steal from opponents before vanishing.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Success and quality of theft affected by RP quality and luck.
Trader Rank: C: Pickpocket (Acc: B) @ EarthJelly2
[Te.3] Chip:
PickpocketDamage: 0
Accuracy: B
Description: Summons a Bandcoon to steal from opponents before vanishing.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Success and quality of theft affected by RP quality and luck.
Trader Rank: C: Pickpocket (Acc: B) @ EarthJelly2
[Te.4] Chip:
BlackBomb1HP: 50
Properties: Heavy, StoneBody
Object Damage: 10 + Impact + Break
Damage Method: Throw, Telekinesis
Attack Damage: 120 Fire + Blast 4
Accuracy: S
Description: Throws a bomb that detonates if hit with fire, damaging a large area. Rare
Duration: Until hit with fire, destroyed, or end of battle
Element: Fire
Trader Rank: C: 50HP Heavy StoneBody Object: (120 + Blast4 + Self-Destruct): On-Hit-Fire (Acc: S) @ Mud Pool
[Te.5] Chip:
RedWave1Damage: 50 + Ground Attack + To-All-Clause (Others) + Lava Terrain Boost 50
Accuracy: B
Description: Creates a wave of lava to burn everything and everyone other than the user, even their allies. Can be jumped over, but requires perfect timing. More effective if there is lava in the vicinity to fuel it.
Duration: Once
Element: Fire
Trader Rank: D: 50 + Ground Attack + To-All-Clause (Others) + Lava Terrain Boost 50 (Acc: B)
Scarlet stared at her screen for a full couple of seconds before venturing a question. "Terra? You still there?" asked Scarlet, as she could still see the Navi's vital signals moving as normal, despite her strange behavior. She knew of the skill that she had programmed into Terra on her previous excursion--but she still had to confirm it.
"I'm fine. This shouldn't take too long, Scarlet," echoed a voice from the Terra "statue". "Please send me whichever chips you'd like."
The operator exhaled in relief. "Phew, all right. Give me a heads up next time you do that, it's a bit jarring when you do it right off the bat," said Scarlet. Scrolling through her battlechip list, two of the chips at the top of her folder list sprung an idea in her head, and her expression turned into a mischievously wide smile. "Guess it's time to see how effective this is," she murmured to herself, as four chips made their way into the selection and into the network.
As the chips manifested themselves through Terra's battlechip queue, two figures appeared from behind the "statue", a mainstay of the terraformer's operations. Dressed in bulky blastproof protective gear, the two thieving Bandcoons made their appearance once more, with the suits matching their surroundings in military-esque camouflage pattern. A red stripe on their arms indicated their allegiance to the Navi, and much like traditional bomb squad attire, their little paws were exposed so as to provide maximum precision. Between them, muffled chattering could be heard from behind their visor masks, before they swiftly made their way towards the pool of mud where the enormous Jellyfish-type virus resided.
The suits didn't seem to hinder their movement at all as their light steps easily circumvented the trapholes in the mud pool, and reached the Jellyfish easily, allowing them to do their usual dirty work of frisking their target for loose data. However, they wouldn't have all the time in the world to do so, as their attire would be put to good use soon after. The Terra statue they had just left behind suddenly started rumbling, before a loose clump of earth lunged up into the air above the statue, and started exponentially increasing its size, until it formed a massive black sphere, about ten feet across. The Bandcoons looked up at the gigantic ball as it then suddenly propelled itself into the air, before landing into the mud pool with a resounding splash. Panicked squeaks could be heard between the two as they dove for cover, before Terra's figure glowed bright red, and expelled a sudden blast of superheated air across the ground, which would trigger the black sphere to erupt in a brilliant conflagration of fire.
[font=Courier]// Summary
[Te.1] Sig: Terraskill: Protector of Nature: StoneBody @ Self
[Te.2] Chip:

Accuracy: B
Description: Summons a Bandcoon to steal from opponents before vanishing.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Success and quality of theft affected by RP quality and luck.
Trader Rank: C: Pickpocket (Acc: B) @ EarthJelly2
[Te.3] Chip:

Accuracy: B
Description: Summons a Bandcoon to steal from opponents before vanishing.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Success and quality of theft affected by RP quality and luck.
Trader Rank: C: Pickpocket (Acc: B) @ EarthJelly2
[Te.4] Chip:

Properties: Heavy, StoneBody
Object Damage: 10 + Impact + Break
Damage Method: Throw, Telekinesis
Attack Damage: 120 Fire + Blast 4
Accuracy: S
Description: Throws a bomb that detonates if hit with fire, damaging a large area. Rare
Duration: Until hit with fire, destroyed, or end of battle
Element: Fire
Trader Rank: C: 50HP Heavy StoneBody Object: (120 + Blast4 + Self-Destruct): On-Hit-Fire (Acc: S) @ Mud Pool
[Te.5] Chip:

Accuracy: B
Description: Creates a wave of lava to burn everything and everyone other than the user, even their allies. Can be jumped over, but requires perfect timing. More effective if there is lava in the vicinity to fuel it.
Duration: Once
Element: Fire
Trader Rank: D: 50 + Ground Attack + To-All-Clause (Others) + Lava Terrain Boost 50 (Acc: B)
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Terra slowed right down to observe the scene before her, taking in the atmosphere as the spiders scuttled about laying webbing over a variety of things to no effect, since Terra wasn't inclined to move. It did seem to be a failing of many viruses that required navis to move into their efforts; the vast majority of naivs never really bothered. Terra, for example, was far more focused on sending out her armoured up bandcoons to splash into the mud pit and begin harassing the over-sized jelly virus. It was a harder creature to rifle, especially given the conditions, but with one critter serving as a distraction, the other was able to nip in quickly enough to nab something valuable.
As soon as they had frisked it, the jelly, as though taking offence, rose up from the mud swiftly, drawing up and building energy; Terra had seen this strain of virus before, however, so its actions would come as no real surprise to her. The mosquito swarm buzzed over and tried to feast upon the new arrival, but they found nothing worth drinking on her solidified form. When she launched her bomb into the mud pool near the Jelly, the swarm followed it instead, inspecting, and having a go there as well, to equally little effect.
The spiders, as they were prone to doing, did their best to set more webs in temping positions, making small gestures with their forelegs a though advertising how comfortable a nice web wrap might be this time of year, but as long as Terra remained motionless there wasn't anything else they could do. Terra did indeed remain motionless, save for unleashing one of her favoured wave attacks, which rolled over the natural field, scorching most things in its path. Soil crisped, mud baked, mosquito swarms burned up like so many tiny mites. One spider took a bad scorch while the other sprang away from the advancing line at the last moment, and the Jelly floated up just a little bit too high for the wave to reach it, but the real issue came a moment later when the magma hit the bomb that was sinking into the mud, and detonated it with an explosion fierce enough to white out most of the surrounding area. Terra shrugged off the blast, of course, but the same couldn't really be said for anything else. Only the jelly virus seemed to remain, badly damaged as it was, and it dropped back to the ground suddenly to blast out a wave of mud in response to the attack. It sloshed over Terra ,who was largely unaffected.
SkeetoSkeeto (Skeeter)
Area: Yoka, Okuden Valley, Beach, Yumland, Netfrica
HP: 80
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 80 Drain (Null)
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: A swarm of Skeeters flies at the target. They will drain HP if they connect.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Drain2, Zenny
Special: Omnishoes: DELETED
WebbyWebby (Spider)
Spider viruses attack by setting webs on panels, objects, and other handy surfaces. The webs may even be strung between surfaces, such as blocking doorways. Anything that touches the webs triggers them detaching from whatever surface they were attached to and wrapping around the target. The webs cause a slow effect, as well as dealing damage for every action the target uses to dodge the following turn unless the webs are burned off, cut off, or removed by some other means. Status cure will not remove the webs, or the slow effect they generate. Spiders do not attack directly, and they may lay one panel's worth of webbing each turn for every action they possess. They may lay webs while moving. Spiders are immune to the effects of ANY WhiteWeb attacks, be they generated by Spider viruses or from battlechips. Webbing causes the target to become weak to fire, thus the next fire attack will deal double damage if the webs have not been removed first.
Area: Okuden Valley, Dentech, Yumland, Netfrica, NetVegas
HP: 140
Attack Damage/Effect: 40 Wood + Slow (Web) / 15 Wood (Dodge w/ Web)
Attack Accuracy: C / S
Attack Description: Teleport to enemy and creates spider webs
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): WhiteWeb2, Zenny
Special: Webs cause damage when player dodges. A: DELETED
WebbyWebby (Spider)
Spider viruses attack by setting webs on panels, objects, and other handy surfaces. The webs may even be strung between surfaces, such as blocking doorways. Anything that touches the webs triggers them detaching from whatever surface they were attached to and wrapping around the target. The webs cause a slow effect, as well as dealing damage for every action the target uses to dodge the following turn unless the webs are burned off, cut off, or removed by some other means. Status cure will not remove the webs, or the slow effect they generate. Spiders do not attack directly, and they may lay one panel's worth of webbing each turn for every action they possess. They may lay webs while moving. Spiders are immune to the effects of ANY WhiteWeb attacks, be they generated by Spider viruses or from battlechips. Webbing causes the target to become weak to fire, thus the next fire attack will deal double damage if the webs have not been removed first.
Area: Okuden Valley, Dentech, Yumland, Netfrica, NetVegas
HP: 140
Attack Damage/Effect: 40 Wood + Slow (Web) / 15 Wood (Dodge w/ Web)
Attack Accuracy: C / S
Attack Description: Teleport to enemy and creates spider webs
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): WhiteWeb2, Zenny
Special: Webs cause damage when player dodges. B: DELETED
EarthJelly2EarthJelly2 (EarthJelly)
EarthJelly are floating, jellyfish-like viruses, that seem to simply float nonchalantly, yet are deceptively difficult to combat. Fortunately, their rarity ensures they they never appear before a Battle 6, and there are never more than 2 in a single battle. While their horizontal movement is terrible at best, they can easily adjust their altitude as needed. By default, however, they tend to hover a couple of feet above the ground. The exception to this is when they attack. EarthJelly attack by launching large waves of mud at enemies The attack cycle of EarthJelly is 2 actions long. It requires one action to charge before firing. If they are stunned or otherwise temporarily disabled, they resume their attack cycle where it was halted once the stun wears off. When they attack, they drop to the ground in order to pump out as much liquid as possible. This allows them to harness the power of certain kinds of terrain to boost their attacks, but it also makes them immobile and vulnerable to ground-based attacks for the duration.
Area: Yumland
HP: 270
Attack Damage/Effect: 70 Wood + Ground Attack + Wide Attack + Mud Terrain Boost 40 + 1 action charge
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: It charges itself with innate elemental energy, then launches a hard-to-avoid wall of mud at enemies. The attack is stronger if performed over Mud terrain.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MudWave2 (Rare), Zenny
Special: OmniShoes
Special: This virus can move forward, backward, or to the side, but it does this so slowly that it cannot evade attacks this way.
Special: This virus can move up and down at high speed in order to avoid attacks while charging. While they can float fairly high, they cannot achieve High Altitude status.
Special: This virus is anchored and cannot move when attacking.: 30Hp [Centre of the mud pool]
Terra.Exe: 168Hp [Normal]
-=Variously Dirty=-
20% Normal
50% Coal
15% Mud
15% Poison
15% Snare [Several patches of terrain, which Terra can sense — One just in front of the mud pool, one directly in front of her, and one on the inside edge of the poison puddle]
As soon as they had frisked it, the jelly, as though taking offence, rose up from the mud swiftly, drawing up and building energy; Terra had seen this strain of virus before, however, so its actions would come as no real surprise to her. The mosquito swarm buzzed over and tried to feast upon the new arrival, but they found nothing worth drinking on her solidified form. When she launched her bomb into the mud pool near the Jelly, the swarm followed it instead, inspecting, and having a go there as well, to equally little effect.
The spiders, as they were prone to doing, did their best to set more webs in temping positions, making small gestures with their forelegs a though advertising how comfortable a nice web wrap might be this time of year, but as long as Terra remained motionless there wasn't anything else they could do. Terra did indeed remain motionless, save for unleashing one of her favoured wave attacks, which rolled over the natural field, scorching most things in its path. Soil crisped, mud baked, mosquito swarms burned up like so many tiny mites. One spider took a bad scorch while the other sprang away from the advancing line at the last moment, and the Jelly floated up just a little bit too high for the wave to reach it, but the real issue came a moment later when the magma hit the bomb that was sinking into the mud, and detonated it with an explosion fierce enough to white out most of the surrounding area. Terra shrugged off the blast, of course, but the same couldn't really be said for anything else. Only the jelly virus seemed to remain, badly damaged as it was, and it dropped back to the ground suddenly to blast out a wave of mud in response to the attack. It sloshed over Terra ,who was largely unaffected.
SkeetoSkeeto (Skeeter)
Area: Yoka, Okuden Valley, Beach, Yumland, Netfrica
HP: 80
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 80 Drain (Null)
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: A swarm of Skeeters flies at the target. They will drain HP if they connect.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Drain2, Zenny
Special: Omnishoes: DELETED
WebbyWebby (Spider)
Spider viruses attack by setting webs on panels, objects, and other handy surfaces. The webs may even be strung between surfaces, such as blocking doorways. Anything that touches the webs triggers them detaching from whatever surface they were attached to and wrapping around the target. The webs cause a slow effect, as well as dealing damage for every action the target uses to dodge the following turn unless the webs are burned off, cut off, or removed by some other means. Status cure will not remove the webs, or the slow effect they generate. Spiders do not attack directly, and they may lay one panel's worth of webbing each turn for every action they possess. They may lay webs while moving. Spiders are immune to the effects of ANY WhiteWeb attacks, be they generated by Spider viruses or from battlechips. Webbing causes the target to become weak to fire, thus the next fire attack will deal double damage if the webs have not been removed first.
Area: Okuden Valley, Dentech, Yumland, Netfrica, NetVegas
HP: 140
Attack Damage/Effect: 40 Wood + Slow (Web) / 15 Wood (Dodge w/ Web)
Attack Accuracy: C / S
Attack Description: Teleport to enemy and creates spider webs
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): WhiteWeb2, Zenny
Special: Webs cause damage when player dodges. A: DELETED
WebbyWebby (Spider)
Spider viruses attack by setting webs on panels, objects, and other handy surfaces. The webs may even be strung between surfaces, such as blocking doorways. Anything that touches the webs triggers them detaching from whatever surface they were attached to and wrapping around the target. The webs cause a slow effect, as well as dealing damage for every action the target uses to dodge the following turn unless the webs are burned off, cut off, or removed by some other means. Status cure will not remove the webs, or the slow effect they generate. Spiders do not attack directly, and they may lay one panel's worth of webbing each turn for every action they possess. They may lay webs while moving. Spiders are immune to the effects of ANY WhiteWeb attacks, be they generated by Spider viruses or from battlechips. Webbing causes the target to become weak to fire, thus the next fire attack will deal double damage if the webs have not been removed first.
Area: Okuden Valley, Dentech, Yumland, Netfrica, NetVegas
HP: 140
Attack Damage/Effect: 40 Wood + Slow (Web) / 15 Wood (Dodge w/ Web)
Attack Accuracy: C / S
Attack Description: Teleport to enemy and creates spider webs
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): WhiteWeb2, Zenny
Special: Webs cause damage when player dodges. B: DELETED
EarthJelly2EarthJelly2 (EarthJelly)
EarthJelly are floating, jellyfish-like viruses, that seem to simply float nonchalantly, yet are deceptively difficult to combat. Fortunately, their rarity ensures they they never appear before a Battle 6, and there are never more than 2 in a single battle. While their horizontal movement is terrible at best, they can easily adjust their altitude as needed. By default, however, they tend to hover a couple of feet above the ground. The exception to this is when they attack. EarthJelly attack by launching large waves of mud at enemies The attack cycle of EarthJelly is 2 actions long. It requires one action to charge before firing. If they are stunned or otherwise temporarily disabled, they resume their attack cycle where it was halted once the stun wears off. When they attack, they drop to the ground in order to pump out as much liquid as possible. This allows them to harness the power of certain kinds of terrain to boost their attacks, but it also makes them immobile and vulnerable to ground-based attacks for the duration.
Area: Yumland
HP: 270
Attack Damage/Effect: 70 Wood + Ground Attack + Wide Attack + Mud Terrain Boost 40 + 1 action charge
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: It charges itself with innate elemental energy, then launches a hard-to-avoid wall of mud at enemies. The attack is stronger if performed over Mud terrain.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MudWave2 (Rare), Zenny
Special: OmniShoes
Special: This virus can move forward, backward, or to the side, but it does this so slowly that it cannot evade attacks this way.
Special: This virus can move up and down at high speed in order to avoid attacks while charging. While they can float fairly high, they cannot achieve High Altitude status.
Special: This virus is anchored and cannot move when attacking.: 30Hp [Centre of the mud pool]
Terra.Exe: 168Hp [Normal]
-=Variously Dirty=-
20% Normal
- No effects.
50% Coal
- Fire Elementals gain +20 Strengthen/turn, but must be allocated to Fire Element attacks only. Any Coal Strengthen vanishes after moving off of it.
- Non-Fire Elementals get Burn (5 Fire/action for 1 turn or until cured) the turn after they come into contact with Coal Terrain.
- 100 Damage Aqua attacks: Change terrain hit to Soil.
- 100 Damage Fire attacks: Change terrain hit to to Lava.
- PanelShot: Imbue Fire.
15% Mud
- Non-Wood Elementals get -10% Evasion penalty and reduced movement speed, 25% (+/-25% RP) chance to fall or get stuck (1 action to get free).
- Automatically triggers Aqua Boost for appropriate chip attacks.
- Wood attacks: Change terrain hit to Soil.
- PanelShot: Imbue Wood + Slow1.
15% Poison
- -10 HP/action standing, -20 HP/action submerged.
- Zombie nullifies damage, heals 10 HP/action on contact.
- Cannot be in Sigs.
- PanelShot: Poison(20).
15% Snare [Several patches of terrain, which Terra can sense — One just in front of the mud pool, one directly in front of her, and one on the inside edge of the poison puddle]
Pickpocket Results
Pickpocket 1; failed to get anything at all. Pickpocket 2 Got MudWave2
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With fiery death descending upon the viruses, Terra stood and watched silently, as the hardening effect on her body gradually wore off, with only one remaining combatant on the field, badly wounded. "Definitely a real sight," commented Scarlet. Terra simply watched the EarthJelly attempt to rise up from the mud pool, as heavily injured as it was; it definitely wasn't winning any medals any time soon. Scarlet was still quick on the uptake, however, and provided her with the appropriate means to dispatch it. The NeedleCannon was definitely overkill, as even one of the needles would take out the Jellyfish-type easily, but Terra still continued to activate it all the same. As her body took up a small amount of healing to recover from the minute amount of damage she took earlier, she raised her hand against the Jelly and formed the eight needles around her hand, launching them all at once towards it without a word.
// Summary
[Te.1] Sig: Terraskill: Savior of Nature: Heal 45 @ Self
[Te.2] Chip:
NeedleCannon3Damage: 20 x 8 Shots
Accuracy: B
Description: Shoots eight wooden needles at an enemy.
Duration: Once
Element: Wood
Trader Rank: B @ EarthJelly2 (Same-Element: Wood+10)
[Te.3-5] Act: Stand in place: RP
// Summary
[Te.1] Sig: Terraskill: Savior of Nature: Heal 45 @ Self
[Te.2] Chip:

Accuracy: B
Description: Shoots eight wooden needles at an enemy.
Duration: Once
Element: Wood
Trader Rank: B @ EarthJelly2 (Same-Element: Wood+10)
[Te.3-5] Act: Stand in place: RP
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Familiarity with the Jelly virus' limitations allowed Terra to take her time and recover the scratch of damage she'd taken, before finishing it off with weapons quite well suited to making certain of it. amongst the spoils, if she carefully picked through and avoided the odd snare pits, Terra found that the spiders really had just wanted to share their webs with people; she managed to acquire chip data for them, despite her fiery response to their invitations. Meanwhile, her two bandcoon allies made their way back, muddied and slightly blasted but otherwise no worse for wear, to jointly present her with a single piece of chip data. Whichever one had successfully stolen it, the pair seemed quite determined to cover the others' failure and offer her the prize together.
SkeetoSkeeto (Skeeter)
Area: Yoka, Okuden Valley, Beach, Yumland, Netfrica
HP: 80
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 80 Drain (Null)
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: A swarm of Skeeters flies at the target. They will drain HP if they connect.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Drain2, Zenny
Special: Omnishoes: DELETED
WebbyWebby (Spider)
Spider viruses attack by setting webs on panels, objects, and other handy surfaces. The webs may even be strung between surfaces, such as blocking doorways. Anything that touches the webs triggers them detaching from whatever surface they were attached to and wrapping around the target. The webs cause a slow effect, as well as dealing damage for every action the target uses to dodge the following turn unless the webs are burned off, cut off, or removed by some other means. Status cure will not remove the webs, or the slow effect they generate. Spiders do not attack directly, and they may lay one panel's worth of webbing each turn for every action they possess. They may lay webs while moving. Spiders are immune to the effects of ANY WhiteWeb attacks, be they generated by Spider viruses or from battlechips. Webbing causes the target to become weak to fire, thus the next fire attack will deal double damage if the webs have not been removed first.
Area: Okuden Valley, Dentech, Yumland, Netfrica, NetVegas
HP: 140
Attack Damage/Effect: 40 Wood + Slow (Web) / 15 Wood (Dodge w/ Web)
Attack Accuracy: C / S
Attack Description: Teleport to enemy and creates spider webs
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): WhiteWeb2, Zenny
Special: Webs cause damage when player dodges. A: DELETED
WebbyWebby (Spider)
Spider viruses attack by setting webs on panels, objects, and other handy surfaces. The webs may even be strung between surfaces, such as blocking doorways. Anything that touches the webs triggers them detaching from whatever surface they were attached to and wrapping around the target. The webs cause a slow effect, as well as dealing damage for every action the target uses to dodge the following turn unless the webs are burned off, cut off, or removed by some other means. Status cure will not remove the webs, or the slow effect they generate. Spiders do not attack directly, and they may lay one panel's worth of webbing each turn for every action they possess. They may lay webs while moving. Spiders are immune to the effects of ANY WhiteWeb attacks, be they generated by Spider viruses or from battlechips. Webbing causes the target to become weak to fire, thus the next fire attack will deal double damage if the webs have not been removed first.
Area: Okuden Valley, Dentech, Yumland, Netfrica, NetVegas
HP: 140
Attack Damage/Effect: 40 Wood + Slow (Web) / 15 Wood (Dodge w/ Web)
Attack Accuracy: C / S
Attack Description: Teleport to enemy and creates spider webs
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): WhiteWeb2, Zenny
Special: Webs cause damage when player dodges. B: DELETED
EarthJelly2EarthJelly2 (EarthJelly)
EarthJelly are floating, jellyfish-like viruses, that seem to simply float nonchalantly, yet are deceptively difficult to combat. Fortunately, their rarity ensures they they never appear before a Battle 6, and there are never more than 2 in a single battle. While their horizontal movement is terrible at best, they can easily adjust their altitude as needed. By default, however, they tend to hover a couple of feet above the ground. The exception to this is when they attack. EarthJelly attack by launching large waves of mud at enemies The attack cycle of EarthJelly is 2 actions long. It requires one action to charge before firing. If they are stunned or otherwise temporarily disabled, they resume their attack cycle where it was halted once the stun wears off. When they attack, they drop to the ground in order to pump out as much liquid as possible. This allows them to harness the power of certain kinds of terrain to boost their attacks, but it also makes them immobile and vulnerable to ground-based attacks for the duration.
Area: Yumland
HP: 270
Attack Damage/Effect: 70 Wood + Ground Attack + Wide Attack + Mud Terrain Boost 40 + 1 action charge
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: It charges itself with innate elemental energy, then launches a hard-to-avoid wall of mud at enemies. The attack is stronger if performed over Mud terrain.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MudWave2 (Rare), Zenny
Special: OmniShoes
Special: This virus can move forward, backward, or to the side, but it does this so slowly that it cannot evade attacks this way.
Special: This virus can move up and down at high speed in order to avoid attacks while charging. While they can float fairly high, they cannot achieve High Altitude status.
Special: This virus is anchored and cannot move when attacking.: DELETED
Terra.Exe: 170Hp [Normal]
-=Variously Dirty=-
20% Normal
50% Coal
15% Mud
15% Poison
15% Snare [Several patches of terrain, which Terra can sense — One just in front of the mud pool, one directly in front of her, and one on the inside edge of the poison puddle]
-=Battle 1, Victory!=-
Spoils: 2100z,
WhiteWeb2Damage: 80 + Snare x 3 targets
Accuracy: C
Description: Casts three spider webs on the ground as a snare or a net to capture, damage, or otherwise hinder your enemies. Can be destroyed with Slashing or Fire attacks, or other RP solutions. Destroying the webbing instantly ends its effects.
Duration: One turn
Element: Wood
Special: Snare: A combination of Hold, Grapple, and Trap effects. However, in exchange for RP versatility, the chip can backfire depending upon RP. Nullify cancels Snare. Snared targets can be set on fire for an extra 1x base fire damage, though the target will be free of Snare the following turn.
Trader Rank: C, 32 BugFrags, EarthJelly Bounty +1
MudWave2Damage: 70 + Ground Attack + To-All-Clause (Others) + Mud Terrain Boost 50
Accuracy: B
Description: Creates a land slide to bury everything and everyone other than the user, even their allies. Can be jumped over, but requires perfect timing. More effective if there is mud in the vicinity to fuel it.
Duration: Once
Element: Wood
Trader Rank: C
SkeetoSkeeto (Skeeter)
Area: Yoka, Okuden Valley, Beach, Yumland, Netfrica
HP: 80
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 80 Drain (Null)
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: A swarm of Skeeters flies at the target. They will drain HP if they connect.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Drain2, Zenny
Special: Omnishoes: DELETED
WebbyWebby (Spider)
Spider viruses attack by setting webs on panels, objects, and other handy surfaces. The webs may even be strung between surfaces, such as blocking doorways. Anything that touches the webs triggers them detaching from whatever surface they were attached to and wrapping around the target. The webs cause a slow effect, as well as dealing damage for every action the target uses to dodge the following turn unless the webs are burned off, cut off, or removed by some other means. Status cure will not remove the webs, or the slow effect they generate. Spiders do not attack directly, and they may lay one panel's worth of webbing each turn for every action they possess. They may lay webs while moving. Spiders are immune to the effects of ANY WhiteWeb attacks, be they generated by Spider viruses or from battlechips. Webbing causes the target to become weak to fire, thus the next fire attack will deal double damage if the webs have not been removed first.
Area: Okuden Valley, Dentech, Yumland, Netfrica, NetVegas
HP: 140
Attack Damage/Effect: 40 Wood + Slow (Web) / 15 Wood (Dodge w/ Web)
Attack Accuracy: C / S
Attack Description: Teleport to enemy and creates spider webs
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): WhiteWeb2, Zenny
Special: Webs cause damage when player dodges. A: DELETED
WebbyWebby (Spider)
Spider viruses attack by setting webs on panels, objects, and other handy surfaces. The webs may even be strung between surfaces, such as blocking doorways. Anything that touches the webs triggers them detaching from whatever surface they were attached to and wrapping around the target. The webs cause a slow effect, as well as dealing damage for every action the target uses to dodge the following turn unless the webs are burned off, cut off, or removed by some other means. Status cure will not remove the webs, or the slow effect they generate. Spiders do not attack directly, and they may lay one panel's worth of webbing each turn for every action they possess. They may lay webs while moving. Spiders are immune to the effects of ANY WhiteWeb attacks, be they generated by Spider viruses or from battlechips. Webbing causes the target to become weak to fire, thus the next fire attack will deal double damage if the webs have not been removed first.
Area: Okuden Valley, Dentech, Yumland, Netfrica, NetVegas
HP: 140
Attack Damage/Effect: 40 Wood + Slow (Web) / 15 Wood (Dodge w/ Web)
Attack Accuracy: C / S
Attack Description: Teleport to enemy and creates spider webs
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): WhiteWeb2, Zenny
Special: Webs cause damage when player dodges. B: DELETED
EarthJelly2EarthJelly2 (EarthJelly)
EarthJelly are floating, jellyfish-like viruses, that seem to simply float nonchalantly, yet are deceptively difficult to combat. Fortunately, their rarity ensures they they never appear before a Battle 6, and there are never more than 2 in a single battle. While their horizontal movement is terrible at best, they can easily adjust their altitude as needed. By default, however, they tend to hover a couple of feet above the ground. The exception to this is when they attack. EarthJelly attack by launching large waves of mud at enemies The attack cycle of EarthJelly is 2 actions long. It requires one action to charge before firing. If they are stunned or otherwise temporarily disabled, they resume their attack cycle where it was halted once the stun wears off. When they attack, they drop to the ground in order to pump out as much liquid as possible. This allows them to harness the power of certain kinds of terrain to boost their attacks, but it also makes them immobile and vulnerable to ground-based attacks for the duration.
Area: Yumland
HP: 270
Attack Damage/Effect: 70 Wood + Ground Attack + Wide Attack + Mud Terrain Boost 40 + 1 action charge
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: It charges itself with innate elemental energy, then launches a hard-to-avoid wall of mud at enemies. The attack is stronger if performed over Mud terrain.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MudWave2 (Rare), Zenny
Special: OmniShoes
Special: This virus can move forward, backward, or to the side, but it does this so slowly that it cannot evade attacks this way.
Special: This virus can move up and down at high speed in order to avoid attacks while charging. While they can float fairly high, they cannot achieve High Altitude status.
Special: This virus is anchored and cannot move when attacking.: DELETED
Terra.Exe: 170Hp [Normal]
-=Variously Dirty=-
20% Normal
- No effects.
50% Coal
- Fire Elementals gain +20 Strengthen/turn, but must be allocated to Fire Element attacks only. Any Coal Strengthen vanishes after moving off of it.
- Non-Fire Elementals get Burn (5 Fire/action for 1 turn or until cured) the turn after they come into contact with Coal Terrain.
- 100 Damage Aqua attacks: Change terrain hit to Soil.
- 100 Damage Fire attacks: Change terrain hit to to Lava.
- PanelShot: Imbue Fire.
15% Mud
- Non-Wood Elementals get -10% Evasion penalty and reduced movement speed, 25% (+/-25% RP) chance to fall or get stuck (1 action to get free).
- Automatically triggers Aqua Boost for appropriate chip attacks.
- Wood attacks: Change terrain hit to Soil.
- PanelShot: Imbue Wood + Slow1.
15% Poison
- -10 HP/action standing, -20 HP/action submerged.
- Zombie nullifies damage, heals 10 HP/action on contact.
- Cannot be in Sigs.
- PanelShot: Poison(20).
15% Snare [Several patches of terrain, which Terra can sense — One just in front of the mud pool, one directly in front of her, and one on the inside edge of the poison puddle]
-=Battle 1, Victory!=-
Spoils: 2100

Accuracy: C
Description: Casts three spider webs on the ground as a snare or a net to capture, damage, or otherwise hinder your enemies. Can be destroyed with Slashing or Fire attacks, or other RP solutions. Destroying the webbing instantly ends its effects.
Duration: One turn
Element: Wood
Special: Snare: A combination of Hold, Grapple, and Trap effects. However, in exchange for RP versatility, the chip can backfire depending upon RP. Nullify cancels Snare. Snared targets can be set on fire for an extra 1x base fire damage, though the target will be free of Snare the following turn.
Trader Rank: C, 32 BugFrags, EarthJelly Bounty +1

Accuracy: B
Description: Creates a land slide to bury everything and everyone other than the user, even their allies. Can be jumped over, but requires perfect timing. More effective if there is mud in the vicinity to fuel it.
Duration: Once
Element: Wood
Trader Rank: C
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[Z > 2125, BF > 1143, ExF > 9, Bounty > 1.]
With the last Jelly now down, Terra's little ones moved to present her with their loot jointly. While she picked it up and inspected it, they both took off their helmets in order to get a breather before being unsummoned, as well as to see their master's reaction to their success more clearly. Terra reciprocated their hard work with an affectionate simultaneous patting, which they appeared to enjoy quite visibly with excited chattering, before they vanished into the ether back into their battlechip homes. The Navi then proceeded to clear out all of the leftover data, gingerly avoiding all of the different traps laid out through the terrain, before moving further into the densely forested network.
[Terra.EXE: 170 HP.]
[Rogue Battle 2 - Ready. Bounty Set: EarthJelly2EarthJelly2 (EarthJelly)
EarthJelly are floating, jellyfish-like viruses, that seem to simply float nonchalantly, yet are deceptively difficult to combat. Fortunately, their rarity ensures they they never appear before a Battle 6, and there are never more than 2 in a single battle. While their horizontal movement is terrible at best, they can easily adjust their altitude as needed. By default, however, they tend to hover a couple of feet above the ground. The exception to this is when they attack. EarthJelly attack by launching large waves of mud at enemies The attack cycle of EarthJelly is 2 actions long. It requires one action to charge before firing. If they are stunned or otherwise temporarily disabled, they resume their attack cycle where it was halted once the stun wears off. When they attack, they drop to the ground in order to pump out as much liquid as possible. This allows them to harness the power of certain kinds of terrain to boost their attacks, but it also makes them immobile and vulnerable to ground-based attacks for the duration.
Area: Yumland
HP: 270
Attack Damage/Effect: 70 Wood + Ground Attack + Wide Attack + Mud Terrain Boost 40 + 1 action charge
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: It charges itself with innate elemental energy, then launches a hard-to-avoid wall of mud at enemies. The attack is stronger if performed over Mud terrain.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MudWave2 (Rare), Zenny
Special: OmniShoes
Special: This virus can move forward, backward, or to the side, but it does this so slowly that it cannot evade attacks this way.
Special: This virus can move up and down at high speed in order to avoid attacks while charging. While they can float fairly high, they cannot achieve High Altitude status.
Special: This virus is anchored and cannot move when attacking.: 270 HP.]
With the last Jelly now down, Terra's little ones moved to present her with their loot jointly. While she picked it up and inspected it, they both took off their helmets in order to get a breather before being unsummoned, as well as to see their master's reaction to their success more clearly. Terra reciprocated their hard work with an affectionate simultaneous patting, which they appeared to enjoy quite visibly with excited chattering, before they vanished into the ether back into their battlechip homes. The Navi then proceeded to clear out all of the leftover data, gingerly avoiding all of the different traps laid out through the terrain, before moving further into the densely forested network.
[Terra.EXE: 170 HP.]
[Rogue Battle 2 - Ready. Bounty Set: EarthJelly2EarthJelly2 (EarthJelly)
EarthJelly are floating, jellyfish-like viruses, that seem to simply float nonchalantly, yet are deceptively difficult to combat. Fortunately, their rarity ensures they they never appear before a Battle 6, and there are never more than 2 in a single battle. While their horizontal movement is terrible at best, they can easily adjust their altitude as needed. By default, however, they tend to hover a couple of feet above the ground. The exception to this is when they attack. EarthJelly attack by launching large waves of mud at enemies The attack cycle of EarthJelly is 2 actions long. It requires one action to charge before firing. If they are stunned or otherwise temporarily disabled, they resume their attack cycle where it was halted once the stun wears off. When they attack, they drop to the ground in order to pump out as much liquid as possible. This allows them to harness the power of certain kinds of terrain to boost their attacks, but it also makes them immobile and vulnerable to ground-based attacks for the duration.
Area: Yumland
HP: 270
Attack Damage/Effect: 70 Wood + Ground Attack + Wide Attack + Mud Terrain Boost 40 + 1 action charge
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: It charges itself with innate elemental energy, then launches a hard-to-avoid wall of mud at enemies. The attack is stronger if performed over Mud terrain.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MudWave2 (Rare), Zenny
Special: OmniShoes
Special: This virus can move forward, backward, or to the side, but it does this so slowly that it cannot evade attacks this way.
Special: This virus can move up and down at high speed in order to avoid attacks while charging. While they can float fairly high, they cannot achieve High Altitude status.
Special: This virus is anchored and cannot move when attacking.: 270 HP.]
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The forest continued on for a while, with not much out of the ordinary as Terra ventured forward. Slowly though the path began to narrow and the trees more dense. Even so the path seemed to remain just enough that it could even be perceived as intentionally created space. It became a certainty as the dirt faded to a stone walkway. It could be noted that a strange scent hovered in the air, of an unpleasant nature. It wasn't long before the forest opened up, and a pungent stench wafted through the air several times stronger than before.
A disgusting purple swamp engulfed the majority of the clearing, save for a few resilient trees. Whatever had previously been here most likely had been eroded, save for a fountain at the center of it all. Whatever the design had been previously must have been washed away over time, leaving little more than a disfigured spout; No doubt thanks to the sickly goop flowing from it.
Upon closer inspection several viruses could been seen gathering among the area. A pair of Gloomers could be seen hovering back and forth over the poison by one of the remaining trees, while a lone Dragrin chose to make a mound of soil in back the ideal spot to relax, as the area around it seemed to been melted away into a muddy substance. Out from behind one of the trees a monsoon floated about completely oblivious to it's surroundings as though it was lost in thought. Suddenly from the branches of the tallest remaining tree dropped a Bagworm, who quickly alerted it's fellow viruses of the intruder in their midst. Seemingly in response to the commotion a black shadow engulfed the back of the clearing, as a large brown jellyfish descended from above ready to fight with it's virus brethren.
-- Viruses --
GloomerGloomer (Boomer)
Boomers cannot be damaged from any direction in the forward hemisphere so long as they carry their boomerang. Any attacks from the rear hemisphere or Break attacks hit normally. Boomers launch their boomerang when they attack, leaving themselves open to counter attacks. Boomers move by floating through the air, and are immune to the effects of Anchor. They are, however, still subject to the effects of terrain. They cannot be forced to submerge into liquid terrain, nor can they be buried in solid terrain. Boomers are horrible at dodging, as they generally rely on their Rang-Guard ability.
Area: SciLab, Okuden Valley, Dentech
HP: 140
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 45 Wood + Piercing(Arc) + Group Attack
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Fires a wooden boomerang that travels in a wide arc, striking all who stand in its path. The boomerang passes through everything it hits.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Wood + Slashing x3 Hits
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Fires a boomerang directly ahead at high speed, creating a pair of damaging afterimages that fly in its wake. The attack is such that if the first hit connects, the second and third will connect as well.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Boomerang2, QuickBoomerang2 (Rare), Zenny
Special: AirShoes, ShadowShoes.
Special: Rang-Guard: Blocks frontal attacks when not attacking.
- Can use PanelGrab as a free action each time another virus is deleted. A: 140 HP [poison, near Rotting Tree A]
GloomerGloomer (Boomer)
Boomers cannot be damaged from any direction in the forward hemisphere so long as they carry their boomerang. Any attacks from the rear hemisphere or Break attacks hit normally. Boomers launch their boomerang when they attack, leaving themselves open to counter attacks. Boomers move by floating through the air, and are immune to the effects of Anchor. They are, however, still subject to the effects of terrain. They cannot be forced to submerge into liquid terrain, nor can they be buried in solid terrain. Boomers are horrible at dodging, as they generally rely on their Rang-Guard ability.
Area: SciLab, Okuden Valley, Dentech
HP: 140
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 45 Wood + Piercing(Arc) + Group Attack
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Fires a wooden boomerang that travels in a wide arc, striking all who stand in its path. The boomerang passes through everything it hits.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Wood + Slashing x3 Hits
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Fires a boomerang directly ahead at high speed, creating a pair of damaging afterimages that fly in its wake. The attack is such that if the first hit connects, the second and third will connect as well.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Boomerang2, QuickBoomerang2 (Rare), Zenny
Special: AirShoes, ShadowShoes.
Special: Rang-Guard: Blocks frontal attacks when not attacking.
- Can use PanelGrab as a free action each time another virus is deleted. B: 140 HP [poison, near Rotting Tree A]
Dragrin2Dragrin2 (Dragrin)
Area: Yumland, Hades Isle
HP: 200
Attack: 50 Fire x 2 Targets
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Summons bursts of flame anywhere.
Element: Fire
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): HotBody2, Zenny
Special: High dodge rate when not attacking.
- HeatBody : 200 HP [Soil]
MonsoonMonsoon (Storm)
Storm loosely resemble the Weather line, and may in fact be a distant off-shoot of them. They wear metal hats that loosely resemble straw hats. Their faces are mostly nondescript, aside from their always closed eyes, and beak-like nose. They have no visible mouth, though from somewhere beneath their nose, they appear to be chewing on a bamboo shoot. Their bodies appear to be simple gowns, decorated with swirls. This virus is normally no more or less aggressive than most viruses, but if the enemy is using exclusively/near exclusively Shot or Thrown type attacks, it will attack more frequently, knowing that its attack will help protect it from them.
Area: Dentech, Yumland, NAXA
HP: 150
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Null + Nova 3 + Knockback + Wind Attack x 3 hits
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Creates a wind storm around itself, knocking enemies backward.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Squall1, Zenny
Special: High Turbulence: The accuracy of Shot and Thrown-type attacks is reduced by 3 ranks against this virus while it is attacking.
Special: FloatShoes, ShadowShoes: 150 HP [Poison, just passed Rotting Tree C]
Bagworm2Bagworm2 (Bagworm)
Bagworm viruses drop down from way up high, execute a WoodTower attack, and rise back up. Dropping and attacking is an action, while moving back upward is a second action. They may also adjust where on the battlefield they drop next while in High Altitude as a free action. Bagworms may opt to interrupt their normal movement and attack pattern with the use of LeafShield, which requires an action. This can be done either on the field or while in High Altitude in between attacks, it really doesn't matter. After the shield is up, they resume their normal activities at the point where they left off. Bagworms are known to carry fragments of recovery chip data, which they use on themselves when their health drops below 50%.
Area: Okuden Valley, Beach, Yumland
HP: 150
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 60 Wood + Group Attack + Ground Attack
Primary Attack Accuracy: D
Primary Attack Description: Attacks groups of enemies with wooden spires that rise from the ground.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: LeafShield
Secondary Attack Accuracy: S
Secondary Attack Description: Converts non-fire attack damage from a single hit into healing. Does not protect against fire attacks, and increases base fire damage received by an additonal 100% if struck while the shield is up. Destroyed instantly by fire.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): WoodTower2, LeafShield (Rare), Zenny
Special: Has High Altitude every other action. This virus cannot use its Primary Attack while in High Altitude, but may adjust its positioning as a free action.
Special: Can use Recover80 once per battle as a Free Action.: 150 HP [poison - by Rotting Tree B]
EarthJelly2EarthJelly2 (EarthJelly)
EarthJelly are floating, jellyfish-like viruses, that seem to simply float nonchalantly, yet are deceptively difficult to combat. Fortunately, their rarity ensures they they never appear before a Battle 6, and there are never more than 2 in a single battle. While their horizontal movement is terrible at best, they can easily adjust their altitude as needed. By default, however, they tend to hover a couple of feet above the ground. The exception to this is when they attack. EarthJelly attack by launching large waves of mud at enemies The attack cycle of EarthJelly is 2 actions long. It requires one action to charge before firing. If they are stunned or otherwise temporarily disabled, they resume their attack cycle where it was halted once the stun wears off. When they attack, they drop to the ground in order to pump out as much liquid as possible. This allows them to harness the power of certain kinds of terrain to boost their attacks, but it also makes them immobile and vulnerable to ground-based attacks for the duration.
Area: Yumland
HP: 270
Attack Damage/Effect: 70 Wood + Ground Attack + Wide Attack + Mud Terrain Boost 40 + 1 action charge
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: It charges itself with innate elemental energy, then launches a hard-to-avoid wall of mud at enemies. The attack is stronger if performed over Mud terrain.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MudWave2 (Rare), Zenny
Special: OmniShoes
Special: This virus can move forward, backward, or to the side, but it does this so slowly that it cannot evade attacks this way.
Special: This virus can move up and down at high speed in order to avoid attacks while charging. While they can float fairly high, they cannot achieve High Altitude status.
Special: This virus is anchored and cannot move when attacking.: 270 HP [Mud]
-- Navis --
Terra.EXE: 170 HP [Normal]
-- Terrain --
80% Poison
5% Soil
10% Mud
5% Normal
-- Objects --
Poison Fountain?: 40 HP, anchored, Stonebody. [Poison, middle of field.]
Rotting Tree A: 100 HP, anchored, wood element. [Poison - Mid left, a little passed the poison fountain]
Rotting Tree B: 100 HP, anchored, wood element. [Poison - Back right passed poison fountain, next to the mud and falling over]
Rotting Tree C: 100 HP, anchored, wood element. [Poison - to the Right of Terra]
Rotting Tree D: 100 HP, anchored, wood element. [Poison - to the Left of Terra]
-- Rogue Battle 2 Ready? Start!! --
A disgusting purple swamp engulfed the majority of the clearing, save for a few resilient trees. Whatever had previously been here most likely had been eroded, save for a fountain at the center of it all. Whatever the design had been previously must have been washed away over time, leaving little more than a disfigured spout; No doubt thanks to the sickly goop flowing from it.
Upon closer inspection several viruses could been seen gathering among the area. A pair of Gloomers could be seen hovering back and forth over the poison by one of the remaining trees, while a lone Dragrin chose to make a mound of soil in back the ideal spot to relax, as the area around it seemed to been melted away into a muddy substance. Out from behind one of the trees a monsoon floated about completely oblivious to it's surroundings as though it was lost in thought. Suddenly from the branches of the tallest remaining tree dropped a Bagworm, who quickly alerted it's fellow viruses of the intruder in their midst. Seemingly in response to the commotion a black shadow engulfed the back of the clearing, as a large brown jellyfish descended from above ready to fight with it's virus brethren.
-- Viruses --
GloomerGloomer (Boomer)
Boomers cannot be damaged from any direction in the forward hemisphere so long as they carry their boomerang. Any attacks from the rear hemisphere or Break attacks hit normally. Boomers launch their boomerang when they attack, leaving themselves open to counter attacks. Boomers move by floating through the air, and are immune to the effects of Anchor. They are, however, still subject to the effects of terrain. They cannot be forced to submerge into liquid terrain, nor can they be buried in solid terrain. Boomers are horrible at dodging, as they generally rely on their Rang-Guard ability.
Area: SciLab, Okuden Valley, Dentech
HP: 140
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 45 Wood + Piercing(Arc) + Group Attack
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Fires a wooden boomerang that travels in a wide arc, striking all who stand in its path. The boomerang passes through everything it hits.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Wood + Slashing x3 Hits
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Fires a boomerang directly ahead at high speed, creating a pair of damaging afterimages that fly in its wake. The attack is such that if the first hit connects, the second and third will connect as well.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Boomerang2, QuickBoomerang2 (Rare), Zenny
Special: AirShoes, ShadowShoes.
Special: Rang-Guard: Blocks frontal attacks when not attacking.
- Can use PanelGrab as a free action each time another virus is deleted. A: 140 HP [poison, near Rotting Tree A]
GloomerGloomer (Boomer)
Boomers cannot be damaged from any direction in the forward hemisphere so long as they carry their boomerang. Any attacks from the rear hemisphere or Break attacks hit normally. Boomers launch their boomerang when they attack, leaving themselves open to counter attacks. Boomers move by floating through the air, and are immune to the effects of Anchor. They are, however, still subject to the effects of terrain. They cannot be forced to submerge into liquid terrain, nor can they be buried in solid terrain. Boomers are horrible at dodging, as they generally rely on their Rang-Guard ability.
Area: SciLab, Okuden Valley, Dentech
HP: 140
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 45 Wood + Piercing(Arc) + Group Attack
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Fires a wooden boomerang that travels in a wide arc, striking all who stand in its path. The boomerang passes through everything it hits.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Wood + Slashing x3 Hits
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Fires a boomerang directly ahead at high speed, creating a pair of damaging afterimages that fly in its wake. The attack is such that if the first hit connects, the second and third will connect as well.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Boomerang2, QuickBoomerang2 (Rare), Zenny
Special: AirShoes, ShadowShoes.
Special: Rang-Guard: Blocks frontal attacks when not attacking.
- Can use PanelGrab as a free action each time another virus is deleted. B: 140 HP [poison, near Rotting Tree A]
Dragrin2Dragrin2 (Dragrin)
Area: Yumland, Hades Isle
HP: 200
Attack: 50 Fire x 2 Targets
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Summons bursts of flame anywhere.
Element: Fire
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): HotBody2, Zenny
Special: High dodge rate when not attacking.
- HeatBody : 200 HP [Soil]
MonsoonMonsoon (Storm)
Storm loosely resemble the Weather line, and may in fact be a distant off-shoot of them. They wear metal hats that loosely resemble straw hats. Their faces are mostly nondescript, aside from their always closed eyes, and beak-like nose. They have no visible mouth, though from somewhere beneath their nose, they appear to be chewing on a bamboo shoot. Their bodies appear to be simple gowns, decorated with swirls. This virus is normally no more or less aggressive than most viruses, but if the enemy is using exclusively/near exclusively Shot or Thrown type attacks, it will attack more frequently, knowing that its attack will help protect it from them.
Area: Dentech, Yumland, NAXA
HP: 150
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Null + Nova 3 + Knockback + Wind Attack x 3 hits
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Creates a wind storm around itself, knocking enemies backward.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Squall1, Zenny
Special: High Turbulence: The accuracy of Shot and Thrown-type attacks is reduced by 3 ranks against this virus while it is attacking.
Special: FloatShoes, ShadowShoes: 150 HP [Poison, just passed Rotting Tree C]
Bagworm2Bagworm2 (Bagworm)
Bagworm viruses drop down from way up high, execute a WoodTower attack, and rise back up. Dropping and attacking is an action, while moving back upward is a second action. They may also adjust where on the battlefield they drop next while in High Altitude as a free action. Bagworms may opt to interrupt their normal movement and attack pattern with the use of LeafShield, which requires an action. This can be done either on the field or while in High Altitude in between attacks, it really doesn't matter. After the shield is up, they resume their normal activities at the point where they left off. Bagworms are known to carry fragments of recovery chip data, which they use on themselves when their health drops below 50%.
Area: Okuden Valley, Beach, Yumland
HP: 150
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 60 Wood + Group Attack + Ground Attack
Primary Attack Accuracy: D
Primary Attack Description: Attacks groups of enemies with wooden spires that rise from the ground.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: LeafShield
Secondary Attack Accuracy: S
Secondary Attack Description: Converts non-fire attack damage from a single hit into healing. Does not protect against fire attacks, and increases base fire damage received by an additonal 100% if struck while the shield is up. Destroyed instantly by fire.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): WoodTower2, LeafShield (Rare), Zenny
Special: Has High Altitude every other action. This virus cannot use its Primary Attack while in High Altitude, but may adjust its positioning as a free action.
Special: Can use Recover80 once per battle as a Free Action.: 150 HP [poison - by Rotting Tree B]
EarthJelly2EarthJelly2 (EarthJelly)
EarthJelly are floating, jellyfish-like viruses, that seem to simply float nonchalantly, yet are deceptively difficult to combat. Fortunately, their rarity ensures they they never appear before a Battle 6, and there are never more than 2 in a single battle. While their horizontal movement is terrible at best, they can easily adjust their altitude as needed. By default, however, they tend to hover a couple of feet above the ground. The exception to this is when they attack. EarthJelly attack by launching large waves of mud at enemies The attack cycle of EarthJelly is 2 actions long. It requires one action to charge before firing. If they are stunned or otherwise temporarily disabled, they resume their attack cycle where it was halted once the stun wears off. When they attack, they drop to the ground in order to pump out as much liquid as possible. This allows them to harness the power of certain kinds of terrain to boost their attacks, but it also makes them immobile and vulnerable to ground-based attacks for the duration.
Area: Yumland
HP: 270
Attack Damage/Effect: 70 Wood + Ground Attack + Wide Attack + Mud Terrain Boost 40 + 1 action charge
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: It charges itself with innate elemental energy, then launches a hard-to-avoid wall of mud at enemies. The attack is stronger if performed over Mud terrain.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MudWave2 (Rare), Zenny
Special: OmniShoes
Special: This virus can move forward, backward, or to the side, but it does this so slowly that it cannot evade attacks this way.
Special: This virus can move up and down at high speed in order to avoid attacks while charging. While they can float fairly high, they cannot achieve High Altitude status.
Special: This virus is anchored and cannot move when attacking.: 270 HP [Mud]
-- Navis --
Terra.EXE: 170 HP [Normal]
-- Terrain --
80% Poison
- -10 HP/action standing, -20 HP/action submerged.
- Zombie nullifies damage, heals 10 HP/action on contact.
- Cannot be in Sigs.
- PanelShot: Poison(20).
5% Soil
- Wood Elementals get +10% Evasion.
- Wood attacks: +100% Source Damage, change terrain hit to Grass.
- 100 Damage Aqua attacks: Change terrain hit to Mud.
- 100 Damage Fire attacks: change terrain hit to Coal.
- PanelShot: Imbue Wood.
10% Mud
- Non-Wood Elementals get -10% Evasion penalty and reduced movement speed, 25% (+/-25% RP) chance to fall or get stuck (1 action to get free).
- Automatically triggers Aqua Boost for appropriate chip attacks.
- Wood attacks: Change terrain hit to Soil.
- PanelShot: Imbue Wood + Slow1.
5% Normal
- No effects.
-- Objects --
Poison Fountain?: 40 HP, anchored, Stonebody. [Poison, middle of field.]
Rotting Tree A: 100 HP, anchored, wood element. [Poison - Mid left, a little passed the poison fountain]
Rotting Tree B: 100 HP, anchored, wood element. [Poison - Back right passed poison fountain, next to the mud and falling over]
Rotting Tree C: 100 HP, anchored, wood element. [Poison - to the Right of Terra]
Rotting Tree D: 100 HP, anchored, wood element. [Poison - to the Left of Terra]
-- Rogue Battle 2 Ready? Start!! --
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With Terra moving forward through the forest with little interruption, Scarlet began idly browsing some of the bulletin boards, searching for anything that would lead to more information on their fateful encounter of the one named "Marridite" in the Low-Level Area. Unfortunately, there was little to find on the topic, as was expected. Even with the Rogue Access pass that Terra had just obtained, it didn't open up all that many avenues of information; the deeper networks only offered info on more public targets, such as the Net War from some time ago. She wondered whether it had anything to do with them, and continued searching through the posts.
The Yumland network's less traveled forests were an endless source of curiosity for Terra, as she stopped by here and there to examine some of the exotic plant life that had been emulated from its real life counterpart. The pathway through the network was still clear, however, but there seemed to be a strange stench in the air that furrowed her brow the more she followed the path. However, it wasn't deterring her from following the path; rather, she resolved to follow it to its source to see if she could cleanse it. The sentiment was further strengthened by the fact that the pathway she was following seemed to have been intentionally made rather than a natural consequence. As soon as the path opened up, however, she recoiled slightly, and her scowl was made much more apparent. Scanning through the viruses, she readied her stance as her body began to harden up in preparation to receive attacks. "Scarlet, viruses," she said.
The operator looked up from her search, and raised an eyebrow at how quickly Terra had gotten into the defensive. Her PET was also displaying something in the corner about one of the disabled processes that she had quarantined for observation earlier, which made her sit up at attention. Nevertheless, Terra continued to speak. "I'll take the Wood booster, the GravityHold, and the MudWave," she said. "Er, right, hang on," answered Scarlet, with the chips quickly finding their way into the Navi's processing queue soon after, while she herself started to look into the mystery of the reactivated process.
In front of the poisonous swamp, Terra closed her eyes as she began to expand her senses once more. As she had noted before, her seismic senses, which had previously been limited to the ground, were now picking up signals from the viruses that weren't bound to the ground. Even the sound waves of the fountain of muck that was in the center of the swamp registered to her. Nevertheless, she continued onwards, focusing on the strongest virus on the field--the Jelly floating down from the other end of the swamp, accompanied by a nearby Dragrin. The first two chips in her queue activated, infusing her with earthen energy, while also generating a small black sphere in front of her that crackled to life from thin air. As it expanded, all of the airborne viruses were suddenly drawn to the ground, as if some strings had been severed that suspended them as puppets.
Then, a strange occurrence started, as Terra's previously immobile body slowly started cracking and moving, as if she was a statue that was slowly coming to life. Suddenly, her entire body vanished, and she reappeared near the Jelly with her arms in an outstretched pose to her sides. The patch of mud that was still unaffected by the poisonous muck of the swamp began to bubble, before spewing out in all directions as a violent wave that threatened to engulf everything in its path.
// Summary
[Te.1] Sig: Terraskill: Protector of Nature: StoneBody (1 Turn) @ Self
[Te.2] Chip:
Wood+30Status: Wood Element UP 30, Stackable
Accuracy: S
Description: Adds 30 Damage to all hits of a Wood Element attack chip, before any external environment-related or target-related damage modifiers apply.
Duration: Once
Element: Wood
Trader Rank: C: Wood Element UP 30, Stackable (Acc: S) @
MudWave2Damage: 70 + Ground Attack + To-All-Clause (Others) + Mud Terrain Boost 50
Accuracy: B
Description: Creates a land slide to bury everything and everyone other than the user, even their allies. Can be jumped over, but requires perfect timing. More effective if there is mud in the vicinity to fuel it.
Duration: Once
Element: Wood
Trader Rank: C
[Te.3] Chip:
GravityHold1Damage: 50 + Piercing + Altitude Change
Accuracy: D
Description: Creates a gravity well that penetrates obstacles. There is no limit to how many enemies this attack can hit, but as it moves very slowly and in a straight line, it is easily dodged.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Altitude Change: Forces all battle participants out of High Altitude or Submerged status, regardless of whether or not it hits them. This effect cannot be avoided.
Trader Rank: D: 50 + Piercing + Altitude Change (Acc: D) @ EarthJelly2
[Te.4] Sig: Terraskill: Spirit of Nature: Teleport @ Soil Area
[Te.5] Chip:
MudWave2Damage: 70 + Ground Attack + To-All-Clause (Others) + Mud Terrain Boost 50
Accuracy: B
Description: Creates a land slide to bury everything and everyone other than the user, even their allies. Can be jumped over, but requires perfect timing. More effective if there is mud in the vicinity to fuel it.
Duration: Once
Element: Wood
Trader Rank: C: 70 + Ground Attack + To-All-Clause (Others) + Mud Terrain Boost 50 (Acc: B) (Teleport: Acc+, MudTerrainBoost/Wood+30/Same-Element: Wood+50/30/10)
The Yumland network's less traveled forests were an endless source of curiosity for Terra, as she stopped by here and there to examine some of the exotic plant life that had been emulated from its real life counterpart. The pathway through the network was still clear, however, but there seemed to be a strange stench in the air that furrowed her brow the more she followed the path. However, it wasn't deterring her from following the path; rather, she resolved to follow it to its source to see if she could cleanse it. The sentiment was further strengthened by the fact that the pathway she was following seemed to have been intentionally made rather than a natural consequence. As soon as the path opened up, however, she recoiled slightly, and her scowl was made much more apparent. Scanning through the viruses, she readied her stance as her body began to harden up in preparation to receive attacks. "Scarlet, viruses," she said.
The operator looked up from her search, and raised an eyebrow at how quickly Terra had gotten into the defensive. Her PET was also displaying something in the corner about one of the disabled processes that she had quarantined for observation earlier, which made her sit up at attention. Nevertheless, Terra continued to speak. "I'll take the Wood booster, the GravityHold, and the MudWave," she said. "Er, right, hang on," answered Scarlet, with the chips quickly finding their way into the Navi's processing queue soon after, while she herself started to look into the mystery of the reactivated process.
In front of the poisonous swamp, Terra closed her eyes as she began to expand her senses once more. As she had noted before, her seismic senses, which had previously been limited to the ground, were now picking up signals from the viruses that weren't bound to the ground. Even the sound waves of the fountain of muck that was in the center of the swamp registered to her. Nevertheless, she continued onwards, focusing on the strongest virus on the field--the Jelly floating down from the other end of the swamp, accompanied by a nearby Dragrin. The first two chips in her queue activated, infusing her with earthen energy, while also generating a small black sphere in front of her that crackled to life from thin air. As it expanded, all of the airborne viruses were suddenly drawn to the ground, as if some strings had been severed that suspended them as puppets.
Then, a strange occurrence started, as Terra's previously immobile body slowly started cracking and moving, as if she was a statue that was slowly coming to life. Suddenly, her entire body vanished, and she reappeared near the Jelly with her arms in an outstretched pose to her sides. The patch of mud that was still unaffected by the poisonous muck of the swamp began to bubble, before spewing out in all directions as a violent wave that threatened to engulf everything in its path.
// Summary
[Te.1] Sig: Terraskill: Protector of Nature: StoneBody (1 Turn) @ Self
[Te.2] Chip:

Accuracy: S
Description: Adds 30 Damage to all hits of a Wood Element attack chip, before any external environment-related or target-related damage modifiers apply.
Duration: Once
Element: Wood
Trader Rank: C: Wood Element UP 30, Stackable (Acc: S) @

Accuracy: B
Description: Creates a land slide to bury everything and everyone other than the user, even their allies. Can be jumped over, but requires perfect timing. More effective if there is mud in the vicinity to fuel it.
Duration: Once
Element: Wood
Trader Rank: C
[Te.3] Chip:

Accuracy: D
Description: Creates a gravity well that penetrates obstacles. There is no limit to how many enemies this attack can hit, but as it moves very slowly and in a straight line, it is easily dodged.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Altitude Change: Forces all battle participants out of High Altitude or Submerged status, regardless of whether or not it hits them. This effect cannot be avoided.
Trader Rank: D: 50 + Piercing + Altitude Change (Acc: D) @ EarthJelly2
[Te.4] Sig: Terraskill: Spirit of Nature: Teleport @ Soil Area
[Te.5] Chip:

Accuracy: B
Description: Creates a land slide to bury everything and everyone other than the user, even their allies. Can be jumped over, but requires perfect timing. More effective if there is mud in the vicinity to fuel it.
Duration: Once
Element: Wood
Trader Rank: C: 70 + Ground Attack + To-All-Clause (Others) + Mud Terrain Boost 50 (Acc: B) (Teleport: Acc+, MudTerrainBoost/Wood+30/Same-Element: Wood+50/30/10)
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Terra becomes one with the earth as she turns to stone. The Monsoon takes up a defensive posture, seemingly wary of the fact that its target just turned to stone. Though wind begans to build around it.
As Terra boosts herself with wood energy, the two Gloomers release their giant 'rangs at her. Both giant 'rangs strike her solidly, for minimal damage. The Poison splashes a little on them as their 'rangs return.
The EarthJelly2 began charging its wood energy as well. Terra saw that and released a gravity well of energy out towards the EarthJelly. The EarthJelly rose quickly into the air, but not high enough to get to High Altitude (which it couldn't reach anyways, and was being blocked by the GravityHold1). However its sudden juke, combined with the slow and easily dodged gravity well, allowed it to evade the attack. The Dragrin2 released two gouts of fire that burned up Rotting Tree C and plinked Terra's stone body for minor damage. The Bagworm2 rose into the sky, high above the trees.
Terra then disappeared in a flash and reappeared directly above the Dragrin. She crashed into it and they both lay sprawled on the tiny mound. The Monsoon saw its chance and rushed forward to attack. The wind storm it unleashes buffets Terra and the Dragrin, knocking them both into the Mud.
From her new home in the Mud, Terra splashes the battlefield. The Mud boosts the attack into the triple digits and washes from right to left, covering the whole battlefield in due time. One of the Gloomers manages to turn in time to block the wave of mud that washes its compatriot away, along with all the rest of the trees and the Dragrin. The EarthJelly takes the brunt of the attack, while the Monsoon dodges it, and the Bagworm was safe high above it. The Poison Fountain also takes a ding. But it is protected by the same hard stone that Terra was protected by, so it take minimal damage.
The EarthJelly slams into the Mud after Terra, unleashing its own wave. However, not only was the terrain below it turned from Mud to Soil, but it also missed. It then unhooks itself from the ground and floats back up sheepishly, unable to compete in the Game of Mudwaves. The Bagworm ziplines down on its string to unleash a row of wooden spires from its spot at the pathway leading to the swamp, but misses Terra.
-- Viruses --
GloomerGloomer (Boomer)
Boomers cannot be damaged from any direction in the forward hemisphere so long as they carry their boomerang. Any attacks from the rear hemisphere or Break attacks hit normally. Boomers launch their boomerang when they attack, leaving themselves open to counter attacks. Boomers move by floating through the air, and are immune to the effects of Anchor. They are, however, still subject to the effects of terrain. They cannot be forced to submerge into liquid terrain, nor can they be buried in solid terrain. Boomers are horrible at dodging, as they generally rely on their Rang-Guard ability.
Area: SciLab, Okuden Valley, Dentech
HP: 140
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 45 Wood + Piercing(Arc) + Group Attack
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Fires a wooden boomerang that travels in a wide arc, striking all who stand in its path. The boomerang passes through everything it hits.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Wood + Slashing x3 Hits
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Fires a boomerang directly ahead at high speed, creating a pair of damaging afterimages that fly in its wake. The attack is such that if the first hit connects, the second and third will connect as well.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Boomerang2, QuickBoomerang2 (Rare), Zenny
Special: AirShoes, ShadowShoes.
Special: Rang-Guard: Blocks frontal attacks when not attacking.
- Can use PanelGrab as a free action each time another virus is deleted. A: 120 HP [Poison]
GloomerGloomer (Boomer)
Boomers cannot be damaged from any direction in the forward hemisphere so long as they carry their boomerang. Any attacks from the rear hemisphere or Break attacks hit normally. Boomers launch their boomerang when they attack, leaving themselves open to counter attacks. Boomers move by floating through the air, and are immune to the effects of Anchor. They are, however, still subject to the effects of terrain. They cannot be forced to submerge into liquid terrain, nor can they be buried in solid terrain. Boomers are horrible at dodging, as they generally rely on their Rang-Guard ability.
Area: SciLab, Okuden Valley, Dentech
HP: 140
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 45 Wood + Piercing(Arc) + Group Attack
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Fires a wooden boomerang that travels in a wide arc, striking all who stand in its path. The boomerang passes through everything it hits.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Wood + Slashing x3 Hits
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Fires a boomerang directly ahead at high speed, creating a pair of damaging afterimages that fly in its wake. The attack is such that if the first hit connects, the second and third will connect as well.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Boomerang2, QuickBoomerang2 (Rare), Zenny
Special: AirShoes, ShadowShoes.
Special: Rang-Guard: Blocks frontal attacks when not attacking.
- Can use PanelGrab as a free action each time another virus is deleted. B: WASHED AWAY!
Dragrin2Dragrin2 (Dragrin)
Area: Yumland, Hades Isle
HP: 200
Attack: 50 Fire x 2 Targets
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Summons bursts of flame anywhere.
Element: Fire
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): HotBody2, Zenny
Special: High dodge rate when not attacking.
- HeatBody : WASHED AWAY!
MonsoonMonsoon (Storm)
Storm loosely resemble the Weather line, and may in fact be a distant off-shoot of them. They wear metal hats that loosely resemble straw hats. Their faces are mostly nondescript, aside from their always closed eyes, and beak-like nose. They have no visible mouth, though from somewhere beneath their nose, they appear to be chewing on a bamboo shoot. Their bodies appear to be simple gowns, decorated with swirls. This virus is normally no more or less aggressive than most viruses, but if the enemy is using exclusively/near exclusively Shot or Thrown type attacks, it will attack more frequently, knowing that its attack will help protect it from them.
Area: Dentech, Yumland, NAXA
HP: 150
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Null + Nova 3 + Knockback + Wind Attack x 3 hits
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Creates a wind storm around itself, knocking enemies backward.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Squall1, Zenny
Special: High Turbulence: The accuracy of Shot and Thrown-type attacks is reduced by 3 ranks against this virus while it is attacking.
Special: FloatShoes, ShadowShoes: 150 HP [Soil]
Bagworm2Bagworm2 (Bagworm)
Bagworm viruses drop down from way up high, execute a WoodTower attack, and rise back up. Dropping and attacking is an action, while moving back upward is a second action. They may also adjust where on the battlefield they drop next while in High Altitude as a free action. Bagworms may opt to interrupt their normal movement and attack pattern with the use of LeafShield, which requires an action. This can be done either on the field or while in High Altitude in between attacks, it really doesn't matter. After the shield is up, they resume their normal activities at the point where they left off. Bagworms are known to carry fragments of recovery chip data, which they use on themselves when their health drops below 50%.
Area: Okuden Valley, Beach, Yumland
HP: 150
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 60 Wood + Group Attack + Ground Attack
Primary Attack Accuracy: D
Primary Attack Description: Attacks groups of enemies with wooden spires that rise from the ground.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: LeafShield
Secondary Attack Accuracy: S
Secondary Attack Description: Converts non-fire attack damage from a single hit into healing. Does not protect against fire attacks, and increases base fire damage received by an additonal 100% if struck while the shield is up. Destroyed instantly by fire.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): WoodTower2, LeafShield (Rare), Zenny
Special: Has High Altitude every other action. This virus cannot use its Primary Attack while in High Altitude, but may adjust its positioning as a free action.
Special: Can use Recover80 once per battle as a Free Action.: 150 HP [Normal]
EarthJelly2EarthJelly2 (EarthJelly)
EarthJelly are floating, jellyfish-like viruses, that seem to simply float nonchalantly, yet are deceptively difficult to combat. Fortunately, their rarity ensures they they never appear before a Battle 6, and there are never more than 2 in a single battle. While their horizontal movement is terrible at best, they can easily adjust their altitude as needed. By default, however, they tend to hover a couple of feet above the ground. The exception to this is when they attack. EarthJelly attack by launching large waves of mud at enemies The attack cycle of EarthJelly is 2 actions long. It requires one action to charge before firing. If they are stunned or otherwise temporarily disabled, they resume their attack cycle where it was halted once the stun wears off. When they attack, they drop to the ground in order to pump out as much liquid as possible. This allows them to harness the power of certain kinds of terrain to boost their attacks, but it also makes them immobile and vulnerable to ground-based attacks for the duration.
Area: Yumland
HP: 270
Attack Damage/Effect: 70 Wood + Ground Attack + Wide Attack + Mud Terrain Boost 40 + 1 action charge
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: It charges itself with innate elemental energy, then launches a hard-to-avoid wall of mud at enemies. The attack is stronger if performed over Mud terrain.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MudWave2 (Rare), Zenny
Special: OmniShoes
Special: This virus can move forward, backward, or to the side, but it does this so slowly that it cannot evade attacks this way.
Special: This virus can move up and down at high speed in order to avoid attacks while charging. While they can float fairly high, they cannot achieve High Altitude status.
Special: This virus is anchored and cannot move when attacking.: 110 HP [Soil]
-- Navis --
Terra.EXE: 165 HP [Mud] [StoneBody]
-- Terrain --
80% Poison
10% Soil
5% Mud
5% Normal
-- Objects --
Poison Fountain?: 39 HP, Anchored, StoneBody. [Poison - Middle of field.]
Rotting Tree A: WASHED AWAY!
Rotting Tree B: WASHED AWAY!
Rotting Tree C: BURNED!
Rotting Tree D: WASHED AWAY!
As Terra boosts herself with wood energy, the two Gloomers release their giant 'rangs at her. Both giant 'rangs strike her solidly, for minimal damage. The Poison splashes a little on them as their 'rangs return.
The EarthJelly2 began charging its wood energy as well. Terra saw that and released a gravity well of energy out towards the EarthJelly. The EarthJelly rose quickly into the air, but not high enough to get to High Altitude (which it couldn't reach anyways, and was being blocked by the GravityHold1). However its sudden juke, combined with the slow and easily dodged gravity well, allowed it to evade the attack. The Dragrin2 released two gouts of fire that burned up Rotting Tree C and plinked Terra's stone body for minor damage. The Bagworm2 rose into the sky, high above the trees.
Terra then disappeared in a flash and reappeared directly above the Dragrin. She crashed into it and they both lay sprawled on the tiny mound. The Monsoon saw its chance and rushed forward to attack. The wind storm it unleashes buffets Terra and the Dragrin, knocking them both into the Mud.
From her new home in the Mud, Terra splashes the battlefield. The Mud boosts the attack into the triple digits and washes from right to left, covering the whole battlefield in due time. One of the Gloomers manages to turn in time to block the wave of mud that washes its compatriot away, along with all the rest of the trees and the Dragrin. The EarthJelly takes the brunt of the attack, while the Monsoon dodges it, and the Bagworm was safe high above it. The Poison Fountain also takes a ding. But it is protected by the same hard stone that Terra was protected by, so it take minimal damage.
The EarthJelly slams into the Mud after Terra, unleashing its own wave. However, not only was the terrain below it turned from Mud to Soil, but it also missed. It then unhooks itself from the ground and floats back up sheepishly, unable to compete in the Game of Mudwaves. The Bagworm ziplines down on its string to unleash a row of wooden spires from its spot at the pathway leading to the swamp, but misses Terra.
-- Viruses --
GloomerGloomer (Boomer)
Boomers cannot be damaged from any direction in the forward hemisphere so long as they carry their boomerang. Any attacks from the rear hemisphere or Break attacks hit normally. Boomers launch their boomerang when they attack, leaving themselves open to counter attacks. Boomers move by floating through the air, and are immune to the effects of Anchor. They are, however, still subject to the effects of terrain. They cannot be forced to submerge into liquid terrain, nor can they be buried in solid terrain. Boomers are horrible at dodging, as they generally rely on their Rang-Guard ability.
Area: SciLab, Okuden Valley, Dentech
HP: 140
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 45 Wood + Piercing(Arc) + Group Attack
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Fires a wooden boomerang that travels in a wide arc, striking all who stand in its path. The boomerang passes through everything it hits.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Wood + Slashing x3 Hits
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Fires a boomerang directly ahead at high speed, creating a pair of damaging afterimages that fly in its wake. The attack is such that if the first hit connects, the second and third will connect as well.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Boomerang2, QuickBoomerang2 (Rare), Zenny
Special: AirShoes, ShadowShoes.
Special: Rang-Guard: Blocks frontal attacks when not attacking.
- Can use PanelGrab as a free action each time another virus is deleted. A: 120 HP [Poison]
GloomerGloomer (Boomer)
Boomers cannot be damaged from any direction in the forward hemisphere so long as they carry their boomerang. Any attacks from the rear hemisphere or Break attacks hit normally. Boomers launch their boomerang when they attack, leaving themselves open to counter attacks. Boomers move by floating through the air, and are immune to the effects of Anchor. They are, however, still subject to the effects of terrain. They cannot be forced to submerge into liquid terrain, nor can they be buried in solid terrain. Boomers are horrible at dodging, as they generally rely on their Rang-Guard ability.
Area: SciLab, Okuden Valley, Dentech
HP: 140
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 45 Wood + Piercing(Arc) + Group Attack
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Fires a wooden boomerang that travels in a wide arc, striking all who stand in its path. The boomerang passes through everything it hits.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Wood + Slashing x3 Hits
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Fires a boomerang directly ahead at high speed, creating a pair of damaging afterimages that fly in its wake. The attack is such that if the first hit connects, the second and third will connect as well.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Boomerang2, QuickBoomerang2 (Rare), Zenny
Special: AirShoes, ShadowShoes.
Special: Rang-Guard: Blocks frontal attacks when not attacking.
- Can use PanelGrab as a free action each time another virus is deleted. B: WASHED AWAY!
Dragrin2Dragrin2 (Dragrin)
Area: Yumland, Hades Isle
HP: 200
Attack: 50 Fire x 2 Targets
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Summons bursts of flame anywhere.
Element: Fire
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): HotBody2, Zenny
Special: High dodge rate when not attacking.
- HeatBody : WASHED AWAY!
MonsoonMonsoon (Storm)
Storm loosely resemble the Weather line, and may in fact be a distant off-shoot of them. They wear metal hats that loosely resemble straw hats. Their faces are mostly nondescript, aside from their always closed eyes, and beak-like nose. They have no visible mouth, though from somewhere beneath their nose, they appear to be chewing on a bamboo shoot. Their bodies appear to be simple gowns, decorated with swirls. This virus is normally no more or less aggressive than most viruses, but if the enemy is using exclusively/near exclusively Shot or Thrown type attacks, it will attack more frequently, knowing that its attack will help protect it from them.
Area: Dentech, Yumland, NAXA
HP: 150
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Null + Nova 3 + Knockback + Wind Attack x 3 hits
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Creates a wind storm around itself, knocking enemies backward.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Squall1, Zenny
Special: High Turbulence: The accuracy of Shot and Thrown-type attacks is reduced by 3 ranks against this virus while it is attacking.
Special: FloatShoes, ShadowShoes: 150 HP [Soil]
Bagworm2Bagworm2 (Bagworm)
Bagworm viruses drop down from way up high, execute a WoodTower attack, and rise back up. Dropping and attacking is an action, while moving back upward is a second action. They may also adjust where on the battlefield they drop next while in High Altitude as a free action. Bagworms may opt to interrupt their normal movement and attack pattern with the use of LeafShield, which requires an action. This can be done either on the field or while in High Altitude in between attacks, it really doesn't matter. After the shield is up, they resume their normal activities at the point where they left off. Bagworms are known to carry fragments of recovery chip data, which they use on themselves when their health drops below 50%.
Area: Okuden Valley, Beach, Yumland
HP: 150
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 60 Wood + Group Attack + Ground Attack
Primary Attack Accuracy: D
Primary Attack Description: Attacks groups of enemies with wooden spires that rise from the ground.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: LeafShield
Secondary Attack Accuracy: S
Secondary Attack Description: Converts non-fire attack damage from a single hit into healing. Does not protect against fire attacks, and increases base fire damage received by an additonal 100% if struck while the shield is up. Destroyed instantly by fire.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): WoodTower2, LeafShield (Rare), Zenny
Special: Has High Altitude every other action. This virus cannot use its Primary Attack while in High Altitude, but may adjust its positioning as a free action.
Special: Can use Recover80 once per battle as a Free Action.: 150 HP [Normal]
EarthJelly2EarthJelly2 (EarthJelly)
EarthJelly are floating, jellyfish-like viruses, that seem to simply float nonchalantly, yet are deceptively difficult to combat. Fortunately, their rarity ensures they they never appear before a Battle 6, and there are never more than 2 in a single battle. While their horizontal movement is terrible at best, they can easily adjust their altitude as needed. By default, however, they tend to hover a couple of feet above the ground. The exception to this is when they attack. EarthJelly attack by launching large waves of mud at enemies The attack cycle of EarthJelly is 2 actions long. It requires one action to charge before firing. If they are stunned or otherwise temporarily disabled, they resume their attack cycle where it was halted once the stun wears off. When they attack, they drop to the ground in order to pump out as much liquid as possible. This allows them to harness the power of certain kinds of terrain to boost their attacks, but it also makes them immobile and vulnerable to ground-based attacks for the duration.
Area: Yumland
HP: 270
Attack Damage/Effect: 70 Wood + Ground Attack + Wide Attack + Mud Terrain Boost 40 + 1 action charge
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: It charges itself with innate elemental energy, then launches a hard-to-avoid wall of mud at enemies. The attack is stronger if performed over Mud terrain.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MudWave2 (Rare), Zenny
Special: OmniShoes
Special: This virus can move forward, backward, or to the side, but it does this so slowly that it cannot evade attacks this way.
Special: This virus can move up and down at high speed in order to avoid attacks while charging. While they can float fairly high, they cannot achieve High Altitude status.
Special: This virus is anchored and cannot move when attacking.: 110 HP [Soil]
-- Navis --
Terra.EXE: 165 HP [Mud] [StoneBody]
-- Terrain --
80% Poison
- -10 HP/action standing, -20 HP/action submerged.
- Zombie nullifies damage, heals 10 HP/action on contact.
- Cannot be in Sigs.
- PanelShot: Poison(20).
10% Soil
- Wood Elementals get +10% Evasion.
- Wood attacks: +100% Source Damage, change terrain hit to Grass.
- 100 Damage Aqua attacks: Change terrain hit to Mud.
- 100 Damage Fire attacks: change terrain hit to Coal.
- PanelShot: Imbue Wood.
5% Mud
- Non-Wood Elementals get -10% Evasion penalty and reduced movement speed, 25% (+/-25% RP) chance to fall or get stuck (1 action to get free).
- Automatically triggers Aqua Boost for appropriate chip attacks.
- Wood attacks: Change terrain hit to Soil.
- PanelShot: Imbue Wood + Slow1.
5% Normal
- No effects.
-- Objects --
Poison Fountain?: 39 HP, Anchored, StoneBody. [Poison - Middle of field.]
Rotting Tree A: WASHED AWAY!
Rotting Tree B: WASHED AWAY!
Rotting Tree C: BURNED!
Rotting Tree D: WASHED AWAY!
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"Wait, you're moving in that statue form now?"
"Yes, it's getting easier for me to move around now, even while concentrating on defense. It feels like having fought that 'Marridite' powered me up in some way," said Terra. As small chips of her body flaked off from the attacks being launched in her direction, she brought her hands together, and breathed in before releasing the protective defense. "I still can't quite last too long in that form, as before, but I think I'll get the hang of it sooner or later. Could you send me the Shadow chip now?"
"Hmmm... Be careful with how you use your power now though, I'm still worried about it; I haven't done enough checks," said Scarlet, tapping two chip icons on her screen. "I'll send over this new chip along too. See if you can make use of it."
With the chips asserting themselves within her system, Terra's form was overtaken by shadow once more, until the figure of her body melded in with the shade cast by the trees. Spreading out her arms at her sides, the blackness around her arms began to bubble and leap about, as it expanded into two large blobs around her hands. They quickly manifested into enormous fist shapes as Terra launched herself towards the metal-hatted Monsoon, attempting to circumvent its windy aura. She then swung at it with one of her shadowy fists, which launched itself off of her arm as soon as it was swung, leaving her with only one remaining. Having dealt with the windy virus, she then set off into the purple muck. The FloatShoes program allowed her to stay relatively unscathed by the toxic swamp as she reached the Gloomer, and took a swing with one of her shadowy fists, destroying it to go along with its pair.
// Summary
[Te.1] Chip:
Shadow2Effect: Shadow
Accuracy: S
Description: Grants the user Shadow. This reduces all incoming non-Slashing attacks to 0 damage, and reduces accuracy on ranged attacks by 20%.
Duration: 2 turns
Element: Null
Trader Rank: C: Shadow + 2-Turn (Acc: S)
[Te.2] Act: Feint @ Behind Monsoon
[Te.3] Chip:
SilverFistDamage: 140 + Impact + Knockback
Accuracy: B
Description: Punch forward with large fist. Invokes knockback. Can knock objects into enemies. Use two actions to charge to fire off four rocket fists, each hitting a different target. Rare
Duration: Until Overridden/Broken. Breaks after 2 swings.
Element: Null
Trader Rank: B: 140 + Impact + Knockback (Acc: B) @ Monsoon, to knock into Poison (Use 1/2)
[Te.4] Act: Movement @ Behind Gloomer
[Te.5] Chip:
SilverFistDamage: 140 + Impact + Knockback
Accuracy: B
Description: Punch forward with large fist. Invokes knockback. Can knock objects into enemies. Use two actions to charge to fire off four rocket fists, each hitting a different target. Rare
Duration: Until Overridden/Broken. Breaks after 2 swings.
Element: Null
Trader Rank: B: 140 + Impact + Knockback (Acc: B) @ Gloomer (Use 2/2, Break)
"Yes, it's getting easier for me to move around now, even while concentrating on defense. It feels like having fought that 'Marridite' powered me up in some way," said Terra. As small chips of her body flaked off from the attacks being launched in her direction, she brought her hands together, and breathed in before releasing the protective defense. "I still can't quite last too long in that form, as before, but I think I'll get the hang of it sooner or later. Could you send me the Shadow chip now?"
"Hmmm... Be careful with how you use your power now though, I'm still worried about it; I haven't done enough checks," said Scarlet, tapping two chip icons on her screen. "I'll send over this new chip along too. See if you can make use of it."
With the chips asserting themselves within her system, Terra's form was overtaken by shadow once more, until the figure of her body melded in with the shade cast by the trees. Spreading out her arms at her sides, the blackness around her arms began to bubble and leap about, as it expanded into two large blobs around her hands. They quickly manifested into enormous fist shapes as Terra launched herself towards the metal-hatted Monsoon, attempting to circumvent its windy aura. She then swung at it with one of her shadowy fists, which launched itself off of her arm as soon as it was swung, leaving her with only one remaining. Having dealt with the windy virus, she then set off into the purple muck. The FloatShoes program allowed her to stay relatively unscathed by the toxic swamp as she reached the Gloomer, and took a swing with one of her shadowy fists, destroying it to go along with its pair.
// Summary
[Te.1] Chip:

Accuracy: S
Description: Grants the user Shadow. This reduces all incoming non-Slashing attacks to 0 damage, and reduces accuracy on ranged attacks by 20%.
Duration: 2 turns
Element: Null
Trader Rank: C: Shadow + 2-Turn (Acc: S)
[Te.2] Act: Feint @ Behind Monsoon
[Te.3] Chip:

Accuracy: B
Description: Punch forward with large fist. Invokes knockback. Can knock objects into enemies. Use two actions to charge to fire off four rocket fists, each hitting a different target. Rare
Duration: Until Overridden/Broken. Breaks after 2 swings.
Element: Null
Trader Rank: B: 140 + Impact + Knockback (Acc: B) @ Monsoon, to knock into Poison (Use 1/2)
[Te.4] Act: Movement @ Behind Gloomer
[Te.5] Chip:

Accuracy: B
Description: Punch forward with large fist. Invokes knockback. Can knock objects into enemies. Use two actions to charge to fire off four rocket fists, each hitting a different target. Rare
Duration: Until Overridden/Broken. Breaks after 2 swings.
Element: Null
Trader Rank: B: 140 + Impact + Knockback (Acc: B) @ Gloomer (Use 2/2, Break)
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Contesting the small patch of ground not covered in poisonous mire still, Terra switched over from one heavy duty defence method to another, the tangibility of her form shifting and becoming indistinct. The Monsoon nearby watched her cautiously while the bagworm quickly zipped up and away, retreating high above the battle to reassess.
A little further off, the Gloomer launched its large boomerang towards Terra, to test her new form, but it was deprived of the opportunity as her own quick manoeuvring around the monsoon took her out of the path of the arcing attack. The jelly was rising up, storing more energy once more but Terra was more focused on attempting to batter her close-by target with heavy lumps of shadow. Unfortunately or her plan, the monsoon had tracked with he, watching still as she circled, and at the last moment its own smaller body twisted and slid away from the attack, circling in and almost dancing motion around her in return, before a sudden burst of thunderous winds blasted out from it, shoving the terraformer forward and out over the poison mess just as she had tried to do. The wind weren't able to harm her current from, even if it blew her away and out over the poison, and Terra herself was able to use her state to drift neatly above the glowing mass without coming into contact with it, so no harm was done, even if her own attack hadn't worked so well.
Moving on, she was quick to reposition, making for the Gloomer next, but as she bore down on the virus, it panicked and shot at her more directly with a trio of razor sharp mini-'rangs that punched through her shadows with unexpected effectiveness. Each one rent away at the darkness that made up her form, but fortunately for Terra the only actual result, aside from a small but acceptable amount of damage, was that the clinging shadows were torn away and left her back to her old self again. A moment later, the Gloomer paid the price for its offence and was beaten into fragments.
The worm still hadn't come down again, but the Jelly did, dropping low to pump out a fresh mud wave... it was, it had to be said, having a bad day of it, however, as the wave seemed to struggle to wash across the poison effectively and sloshed away to the side, ineffective, by the time it reached Terra's location.
GloomerGloomer (Boomer)
Boomers cannot be damaged from any direction in the forward hemisphere so long as they carry their boomerang. Any attacks from the rear hemisphere or Break attacks hit normally. Boomers launch their boomerang when they attack, leaving themselves open to counter attacks. Boomers move by floating through the air, and are immune to the effects of Anchor. They are, however, still subject to the effects of terrain. They cannot be forced to submerge into liquid terrain, nor can they be buried in solid terrain. Boomers are horrible at dodging, as they generally rely on their Rang-Guard ability.
Area: SciLab, Okuden Valley, Dentech
HP: 140
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 45 Wood + Piercing(Arc) + Group Attack
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Fires a wooden boomerang that travels in a wide arc, striking all who stand in its path. The boomerang passes through everything it hits.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Wood + Slashing x3 Hits
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Fires a boomerang directly ahead at high speed, creating a pair of damaging afterimages that fly in its wake. The attack is such that if the first hit connects, the second and third will connect as well.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Boomerang2, QuickBoomerang2 (Rare), Zenny
Special: AirShoes, ShadowShoes.
Special: Rang-Guard: Blocks frontal attacks when not attacking.
- Can use PanelGrab as a free action each time another virus is deleted. A: DELETED
GloomerGloomer (Boomer)
Boomers cannot be damaged from any direction in the forward hemisphere so long as they carry their boomerang. Any attacks from the rear hemisphere or Break attacks hit normally. Boomers launch their boomerang when they attack, leaving themselves open to counter attacks. Boomers move by floating through the air, and are immune to the effects of Anchor. They are, however, still subject to the effects of terrain. They cannot be forced to submerge into liquid terrain, nor can they be buried in solid terrain. Boomers are horrible at dodging, as they generally rely on their Rang-Guard ability.
Area: SciLab, Okuden Valley, Dentech
HP: 140
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 45 Wood + Piercing(Arc) + Group Attack
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Fires a wooden boomerang that travels in a wide arc, striking all who stand in its path. The boomerang passes through everything it hits.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Wood + Slashing x3 Hits
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Fires a boomerang directly ahead at high speed, creating a pair of damaging afterimages that fly in its wake. The attack is such that if the first hit connects, the second and third will connect as well.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Boomerang2, QuickBoomerang2 (Rare), Zenny
Special: AirShoes, ShadowShoes.
Special: Rang-Guard: Blocks frontal attacks when not attacking.
- Can use PanelGrab as a free action each time another virus is deleted. B: WASHED AWAY!
Dragrin2Dragrin2 (Dragrin)
Area: Yumland, Hades Isle
HP: 200
Attack: 50 Fire x 2 Targets
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Summons bursts of flame anywhere.
Element: Fire
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): HotBody2, Zenny
Special: High dodge rate when not attacking.
- HeatBody : WASHED AWAY!
MonsoonMonsoon (Storm)
Storm loosely resemble the Weather line, and may in fact be a distant off-shoot of them. They wear metal hats that loosely resemble straw hats. Their faces are mostly nondescript, aside from their always closed eyes, and beak-like nose. They have no visible mouth, though from somewhere beneath their nose, they appear to be chewing on a bamboo shoot. Their bodies appear to be simple gowns, decorated with swirls. This virus is normally no more or less aggressive than most viruses, but if the enemy is using exclusively/near exclusively Shot or Thrown type attacks, it will attack more frequently, knowing that its attack will help protect it from them.
Area: Dentech, Yumland, NAXA
HP: 150
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Null + Nova 3 + Knockback + Wind Attack x 3 hits
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Creates a wind storm around itself, knocking enemies backward.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Squall1, Zenny
Special: High Turbulence: The accuracy of Shot and Thrown-type attacks is reduced by 3 ranks against this virus while it is attacking.
Special: FloatShoes, ShadowShoes: 150Hp [Soil]
Bagworm2Bagworm2 (Bagworm)
Bagworm viruses drop down from way up high, execute a WoodTower attack, and rise back up. Dropping and attacking is an action, while moving back upward is a second action. They may also adjust where on the battlefield they drop next while in High Altitude as a free action. Bagworms may opt to interrupt their normal movement and attack pattern with the use of LeafShield, which requires an action. This can be done either on the field or while in High Altitude in between attacks, it really doesn't matter. After the shield is up, they resume their normal activities at the point where they left off. Bagworms are known to carry fragments of recovery chip data, which they use on themselves when their health drops below 50%.
Area: Okuden Valley, Beach, Yumland
HP: 150
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 60 Wood + Group Attack + Ground Attack
Primary Attack Accuracy: D
Primary Attack Description: Attacks groups of enemies with wooden spires that rise from the ground.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: LeafShield
Secondary Attack Accuracy: S
Secondary Attack Description: Converts non-fire attack damage from a single hit into healing. Does not protect against fire attacks, and increases base fire damage received by an additonal 100% if struck while the shield is up. Destroyed instantly by fire.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): WoodTower2, LeafShield (Rare), Zenny
Special: Has High Altitude every other action. This virus cannot use its Primary Attack while in High Altitude, but may adjust its positioning as a free action.
Special: Can use Recover80 once per battle as a Free Action.: 150Hp [High Altitude][LeafShield]
EarthJelly2EarthJelly2 (EarthJelly)
EarthJelly are floating, jellyfish-like viruses, that seem to simply float nonchalantly, yet are deceptively difficult to combat. Fortunately, their rarity ensures they they never appear before a Battle 6, and there are never more than 2 in a single battle. While their horizontal movement is terrible at best, they can easily adjust their altitude as needed. By default, however, they tend to hover a couple of feet above the ground. The exception to this is when they attack. EarthJelly attack by launching large waves of mud at enemies The attack cycle of EarthJelly is 2 actions long. It requires one action to charge before firing. If they are stunned or otherwise temporarily disabled, they resume their attack cycle where it was halted once the stun wears off. When they attack, they drop to the ground in order to pump out as much liquid as possible. This allows them to harness the power of certain kinds of terrain to boost their attacks, but it also makes them immobile and vulnerable to ground-based attacks for the duration.
Area: Yumland
HP: 270
Attack Damage/Effect: 70 Wood + Ground Attack + Wide Attack + Mud Terrain Boost 40 + 1 action charge
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: It charges itself with innate elemental energy, then launches a hard-to-avoid wall of mud at enemies. The attack is stronger if performed over Mud terrain.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MudWave2 (Rare), Zenny
Special: OmniShoes
Special: This virus can move forward, backward, or to the side, but it does this so slowly that it cannot evade attacks this way.
Special: This virus can move up and down at high speed in order to avoid attacks while charging. While they can float fairly high, they cannot achieve High Altitude status.
Special: This virus is anchored and cannot move when attacking.: 110Hp [Soil]
Terra.EXE: 140Hp [Mud]
80% Poison
10% Soil
5% Mud
5% Normal
Poison Fountain?: 39 HP, Anchored, StoneBody. [Poison - Middle of field.]
Rotting Tree A: WASHED AWAY!
Rotting Tree B: WASHED AWAY!
Rotting Tree C: BURNED!
Rotting Tree D: WASHED AWAY!
A little further off, the Gloomer launched its large boomerang towards Terra, to test her new form, but it was deprived of the opportunity as her own quick manoeuvring around the monsoon took her out of the path of the arcing attack. The jelly was rising up, storing more energy once more but Terra was more focused on attempting to batter her close-by target with heavy lumps of shadow. Unfortunately or her plan, the monsoon had tracked with he, watching still as she circled, and at the last moment its own smaller body twisted and slid away from the attack, circling in and almost dancing motion around her in return, before a sudden burst of thunderous winds blasted out from it, shoving the terraformer forward and out over the poison mess just as she had tried to do. The wind weren't able to harm her current from, even if it blew her away and out over the poison, and Terra herself was able to use her state to drift neatly above the glowing mass without coming into contact with it, so no harm was done, even if her own attack hadn't worked so well.
Moving on, she was quick to reposition, making for the Gloomer next, but as she bore down on the virus, it panicked and shot at her more directly with a trio of razor sharp mini-'rangs that punched through her shadows with unexpected effectiveness. Each one rent away at the darkness that made up her form, but fortunately for Terra the only actual result, aside from a small but acceptable amount of damage, was that the clinging shadows were torn away and left her back to her old self again. A moment later, the Gloomer paid the price for its offence and was beaten into fragments.
The worm still hadn't come down again, but the Jelly did, dropping low to pump out a fresh mud wave... it was, it had to be said, having a bad day of it, however, as the wave seemed to struggle to wash across the poison effectively and sloshed away to the side, ineffective, by the time it reached Terra's location.
GloomerGloomer (Boomer)
Boomers cannot be damaged from any direction in the forward hemisphere so long as they carry their boomerang. Any attacks from the rear hemisphere or Break attacks hit normally. Boomers launch their boomerang when they attack, leaving themselves open to counter attacks. Boomers move by floating through the air, and are immune to the effects of Anchor. They are, however, still subject to the effects of terrain. They cannot be forced to submerge into liquid terrain, nor can they be buried in solid terrain. Boomers are horrible at dodging, as they generally rely on their Rang-Guard ability.
Area: SciLab, Okuden Valley, Dentech
HP: 140
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 45 Wood + Piercing(Arc) + Group Attack
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Fires a wooden boomerang that travels in a wide arc, striking all who stand in its path. The boomerang passes through everything it hits.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Wood + Slashing x3 Hits
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Fires a boomerang directly ahead at high speed, creating a pair of damaging afterimages that fly in its wake. The attack is such that if the first hit connects, the second and third will connect as well.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Boomerang2, QuickBoomerang2 (Rare), Zenny
Special: AirShoes, ShadowShoes.
Special: Rang-Guard: Blocks frontal attacks when not attacking.
- Can use PanelGrab as a free action each time another virus is deleted. A: DELETED
GloomerGloomer (Boomer)
Boomers cannot be damaged from any direction in the forward hemisphere so long as they carry their boomerang. Any attacks from the rear hemisphere or Break attacks hit normally. Boomers launch their boomerang when they attack, leaving themselves open to counter attacks. Boomers move by floating through the air, and are immune to the effects of Anchor. They are, however, still subject to the effects of terrain. They cannot be forced to submerge into liquid terrain, nor can they be buried in solid terrain. Boomers are horrible at dodging, as they generally rely on their Rang-Guard ability.
Area: SciLab, Okuden Valley, Dentech
HP: 140
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 45 Wood + Piercing(Arc) + Group Attack
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Fires a wooden boomerang that travels in a wide arc, striking all who stand in its path. The boomerang passes through everything it hits.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Wood + Slashing x3 Hits
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Fires a boomerang directly ahead at high speed, creating a pair of damaging afterimages that fly in its wake. The attack is such that if the first hit connects, the second and third will connect as well.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Boomerang2, QuickBoomerang2 (Rare), Zenny
Special: AirShoes, ShadowShoes.
Special: Rang-Guard: Blocks frontal attacks when not attacking.
- Can use PanelGrab as a free action each time another virus is deleted. B: WASHED AWAY!
Dragrin2Dragrin2 (Dragrin)
Area: Yumland, Hades Isle
HP: 200
Attack: 50 Fire x 2 Targets
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Summons bursts of flame anywhere.
Element: Fire
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): HotBody2, Zenny
Special: High dodge rate when not attacking.
- HeatBody : WASHED AWAY!
MonsoonMonsoon (Storm)
Storm loosely resemble the Weather line, and may in fact be a distant off-shoot of them. They wear metal hats that loosely resemble straw hats. Their faces are mostly nondescript, aside from their always closed eyes, and beak-like nose. They have no visible mouth, though from somewhere beneath their nose, they appear to be chewing on a bamboo shoot. Their bodies appear to be simple gowns, decorated with swirls. This virus is normally no more or less aggressive than most viruses, but if the enemy is using exclusively/near exclusively Shot or Thrown type attacks, it will attack more frequently, knowing that its attack will help protect it from them.
Area: Dentech, Yumland, NAXA
HP: 150
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Null + Nova 3 + Knockback + Wind Attack x 3 hits
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Creates a wind storm around itself, knocking enemies backward.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Squall1, Zenny
Special: High Turbulence: The accuracy of Shot and Thrown-type attacks is reduced by 3 ranks against this virus while it is attacking.
Special: FloatShoes, ShadowShoes: 150Hp [Soil]
Bagworm2Bagworm2 (Bagworm)
Bagworm viruses drop down from way up high, execute a WoodTower attack, and rise back up. Dropping and attacking is an action, while moving back upward is a second action. They may also adjust where on the battlefield they drop next while in High Altitude as a free action. Bagworms may opt to interrupt their normal movement and attack pattern with the use of LeafShield, which requires an action. This can be done either on the field or while in High Altitude in between attacks, it really doesn't matter. After the shield is up, they resume their normal activities at the point where they left off. Bagworms are known to carry fragments of recovery chip data, which they use on themselves when their health drops below 50%.
Area: Okuden Valley, Beach, Yumland
HP: 150
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 60 Wood + Group Attack + Ground Attack
Primary Attack Accuracy: D
Primary Attack Description: Attacks groups of enemies with wooden spires that rise from the ground.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: LeafShield
Secondary Attack Accuracy: S
Secondary Attack Description: Converts non-fire attack damage from a single hit into healing. Does not protect against fire attacks, and increases base fire damage received by an additonal 100% if struck while the shield is up. Destroyed instantly by fire.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): WoodTower2, LeafShield (Rare), Zenny
Special: Has High Altitude every other action. This virus cannot use its Primary Attack while in High Altitude, but may adjust its positioning as a free action.
Special: Can use Recover80 once per battle as a Free Action.: 150Hp [High Altitude][LeafShield]
EarthJelly2EarthJelly2 (EarthJelly)
EarthJelly are floating, jellyfish-like viruses, that seem to simply float nonchalantly, yet are deceptively difficult to combat. Fortunately, their rarity ensures they they never appear before a Battle 6, and there are never more than 2 in a single battle. While their horizontal movement is terrible at best, they can easily adjust their altitude as needed. By default, however, they tend to hover a couple of feet above the ground. The exception to this is when they attack. EarthJelly attack by launching large waves of mud at enemies The attack cycle of EarthJelly is 2 actions long. It requires one action to charge before firing. If they are stunned or otherwise temporarily disabled, they resume their attack cycle where it was halted once the stun wears off. When they attack, they drop to the ground in order to pump out as much liquid as possible. This allows them to harness the power of certain kinds of terrain to boost their attacks, but it also makes them immobile and vulnerable to ground-based attacks for the duration.
Area: Yumland
HP: 270
Attack Damage/Effect: 70 Wood + Ground Attack + Wide Attack + Mud Terrain Boost 40 + 1 action charge
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: It charges itself with innate elemental energy, then launches a hard-to-avoid wall of mud at enemies. The attack is stronger if performed over Mud terrain.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MudWave2 (Rare), Zenny
Special: OmniShoes
Special: This virus can move forward, backward, or to the side, but it does this so slowly that it cannot evade attacks this way.
Special: This virus can move up and down at high speed in order to avoid attacks while charging. While they can float fairly high, they cannot achieve High Altitude status.
Special: This virus is anchored and cannot move when attacking.: 110Hp [Soil]
Terra.EXE: 140Hp [Mud]
80% Poison
- -10 HP/action standing, -20 HP/action submerged.
- Zombie nullifies damage, heals 10 HP/action on contact.
- Cannot be in Sigs.
- PanelShot: Poison(20).
10% Soil
- Wood Elementals get +10% Evasion.
- Wood attacks: +100% Source Damage, change terrain hit to Grass.
- 100 Damage Aqua attacks: Change terrain hit to Mud.
- 100 Damage Fire attacks: change terrain hit to Coal.
- PanelShot: Imbue Wood.
5% Mud
- Non-Wood Elementals get -10% Evasion penalty and reduced movement speed, 25% (+/-25% RP) chance to fall or get stuck (1 action to get free).
- Automatically triggers Aqua Boost for appropriate chip attacks.
- Wood attacks: Change terrain hit to Soil.
- PanelShot: Imbue Wood + Slow1.
5% Normal
- No effects.
Poison Fountain?: 39 HP, Anchored, StoneBody. [Poison - Middle of field.]
Rotting Tree A: WASHED AWAY!
Rotting Tree B: WASHED AWAY!
Rotting Tree C: BURNED!
Rotting Tree D: WASHED AWAY!
last edited by
Terra's native defenses crackled to life after she retreated back to the little patch of mud, with her shadowy defense breached. The shadowy fists that she had had before were also destroyed, and she still had three remaining viruses to contend with. It was getting a little harder to breathe as well, with the poisonous bog causing her face to visibly scrunch up. The barrier caused the smell to be blocked out of her immediate area, allowing her to relax slightly.
"That Monsoon virus is looking pretty annoying. You mind if I send you the bomb again?"
"Mm," nodded Terra. The purple swamp was a big deterrent for her, as she would be quite vulnerable atop it without her primary defensive measures. Even so, however, she started to feel excited--a feeling that was somewhat strange to her, as she was primarily an explorer before, and not a fighter. The stray thoughts were put aside, however, as Scarlet sent in the chip, and she got to her feet. The light filtering through the trees was briefly obscured by a massive black object, that quickly touched down into the swamp with a large splash. As the noxious peat splashed off of her barrier, Terra dashed across it quickly, making sure that she was still aware of any incoming attacks, to jump away from them if needed. Skidding to a halt near where she had entered, she raised her fist and slammed it into the ground. The area shook for a moment, before a crack opened in the earth, beneath the bomb that she had placed before. The crack belched out a plume of fire, ensuring anything unlucky enough to be above it would be incinerated immediately.
// Summary
[Te.*] Sig: Terraskill: Earthen Barrier: 20HP Planar Barrier (Mud: Wood)
[Te.*] Sig: Terraskill: Earthen Armor: 20HP Planar Armor (Mud: Wood)
[Te.1] Chip:
BlackBomb1HP: 50
Properties: Heavy, StoneBody
Object Damage: 10 + Impact + Break
Damage Method: Throw, Telekinesis
Attack Damage: 120 Fire + Blast 4
Accuracy: S
Description: Throws a bomb that detonates if hit with fire, damaging a large area. Rare
Duration: Until hit with fire, destroyed, or end of battle
Element: Fire
Trader Rank: C: 50HP Heavy StoneBody Object: (120 + Blast4 + Self-Destruct): On-Hit-Fire (Acc: S) @ Near Self
[Te.2] Act: Run away from BlackBomb towards Normal terrain: Movement
[Te.3] Act: Evade incoming attacks: Dodge
[Te.4] Act: Evade incoming attacks: Dodge
[Te.5] Chip:
FlameLine2Damage: 120 + Ground Attack + Wide Attack
Accuracy: B
Description: A wall of fire erupts from the ground, burning up to 3 targets.
Duration: Once
Element: Fire
Trader Rank: C: 120 + Ground Attack + Wide Attack (Acc: B) @ BlackBomb1
"That Monsoon virus is looking pretty annoying. You mind if I send you the bomb again?"
"Mm," nodded Terra. The purple swamp was a big deterrent for her, as she would be quite vulnerable atop it without her primary defensive measures. Even so, however, she started to feel excited--a feeling that was somewhat strange to her, as she was primarily an explorer before, and not a fighter. The stray thoughts were put aside, however, as Scarlet sent in the chip, and she got to her feet. The light filtering through the trees was briefly obscured by a massive black object, that quickly touched down into the swamp with a large splash. As the noxious peat splashed off of her barrier, Terra dashed across it quickly, making sure that she was still aware of any incoming attacks, to jump away from them if needed. Skidding to a halt near where she had entered, she raised her fist and slammed it into the ground. The area shook for a moment, before a crack opened in the earth, beneath the bomb that she had placed before. The crack belched out a plume of fire, ensuring anything unlucky enough to be above it would be incinerated immediately.
// Summary
[Te.*] Sig: Terraskill: Earthen Barrier: 20HP Planar Barrier (Mud: Wood)
[Te.*] Sig: Terraskill: Earthen Armor: 20HP Planar Armor (Mud: Wood)
[Te.1] Chip:

Properties: Heavy, StoneBody
Object Damage: 10 + Impact + Break
Damage Method: Throw, Telekinesis
Attack Damage: 120 Fire + Blast 4
Accuracy: S
Description: Throws a bomb that detonates if hit with fire, damaging a large area. Rare
Duration: Until hit with fire, destroyed, or end of battle
Element: Fire
Trader Rank: C: 50HP Heavy StoneBody Object: (120 + Blast4 + Self-Destruct): On-Hit-Fire (Acc: S) @ Near Self
[Te.2] Act: Run away from BlackBomb towards Normal terrain: Movement
[Te.3] Act: Evade incoming attacks: Dodge
[Te.4] Act: Evade incoming attacks: Dodge
[Te.5] Chip:

Accuracy: B
Description: A wall of fire erupts from the ground, burning up to 3 targets.
Duration: Once
Element: Fire
Trader Rank: C: 120 + Ground Attack + Wide Attack (Acc: B) @ BlackBomb1
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Terra raised her planar defenses and then placed a heavy black bomb at her feet.
She then retreated to the edge of the assumed explosions range. The Monsoon gave chase into the poison, wind swirling around it. The whipping winds didn't even touch her as she ran. The EarthJelly rose slightly above the soil as it began charging its attack.
Terra went evasive as the Bagworm dropped down near her, getting a little poison splashed on it, and rose some wooden spires out of the ground to impale her as her planar defenses dropped. However, the accuracy of said attack was terrible at best and completely missed her.
Terra continued to be defensive, ready to evade further attacks.
The Monsoon began to evade and the EarthJelly dropped down to execute its attack, just as Terra cracked the earth below the bomb and detonated it with a splash of fire. She dodged the edge of the explosion as the rest got engulfed by the huge radius. All three were burned up as the wave of soil washed over Terra, buffeting her with stones and halving her remaining lifeforce. The Soil was completely tranformed to Coal by the impressive heat.
The Poison Fountain just sustained another chip in its sturdy stonework.
GloomerGloomer (Boomer)
Boomers cannot be damaged from any direction in the forward hemisphere so long as they carry their boomerang. Any attacks from the rear hemisphere or Break attacks hit normally. Boomers launch their boomerang when they attack, leaving themselves open to counter attacks. Boomers move by floating through the air, and are immune to the effects of Anchor. They are, however, still subject to the effects of terrain. They cannot be forced to submerge into liquid terrain, nor can they be buried in solid terrain. Boomers are horrible at dodging, as they generally rely on their Rang-Guard ability.
Area: SciLab, Okuden Valley, Dentech
HP: 140
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 45 Wood + Piercing(Arc) + Group Attack
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Fires a wooden boomerang that travels in a wide arc, striking all who stand in its path. The boomerang passes through everything it hits.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Wood + Slashing x3 Hits
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Fires a boomerang directly ahead at high speed, creating a pair of damaging afterimages that fly in its wake. The attack is such that if the first hit connects, the second and third will connect as well.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Boomerang2, QuickBoomerang2 (Rare), Zenny
Special: AirShoes, ShadowShoes.
Special: Rang-Guard: Blocks frontal attacks when not attacking.
- Can use PanelGrab as a free action each time another virus is deleted. A: DELETED
GloomerGloomer (Boomer)
Boomers cannot be damaged from any direction in the forward hemisphere so long as they carry their boomerang. Any attacks from the rear hemisphere or Break attacks hit normally. Boomers launch their boomerang when they attack, leaving themselves open to counter attacks. Boomers move by floating through the air, and are immune to the effects of Anchor. They are, however, still subject to the effects of terrain. They cannot be forced to submerge into liquid terrain, nor can they be buried in solid terrain. Boomers are horrible at dodging, as they generally rely on their Rang-Guard ability.
Area: SciLab, Okuden Valley, Dentech
HP: 140
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 45 Wood + Piercing(Arc) + Group Attack
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Fires a wooden boomerang that travels in a wide arc, striking all who stand in its path. The boomerang passes through everything it hits.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Wood + Slashing x3 Hits
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Fires a boomerang directly ahead at high speed, creating a pair of damaging afterimages that fly in its wake. The attack is such that if the first hit connects, the second and third will connect as well.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Boomerang2, QuickBoomerang2 (Rare), Zenny
Special: AirShoes, ShadowShoes.
Special: Rang-Guard: Blocks frontal attacks when not attacking.
- Can use PanelGrab as a free action each time another virus is deleted. B: WASHED AWAY!
Dragrin2Dragrin2 (Dragrin)
Area: Yumland, Hades Isle
HP: 200
Attack: 50 Fire x 2 Targets
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Summons bursts of flame anywhere.
Element: Fire
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): HotBody2, Zenny
Special: High dodge rate when not attacking.
- HeatBody : WASHED AWAY!
MonsoonMonsoon (Storm)
Storm loosely resemble the Weather line, and may in fact be a distant off-shoot of them. They wear metal hats that loosely resemble straw hats. Their faces are mostly nondescript, aside from their always closed eyes, and beak-like nose. They have no visible mouth, though from somewhere beneath their nose, they appear to be chewing on a bamboo shoot. Their bodies appear to be simple gowns, decorated with swirls. This virus is normally no more or less aggressive than most viruses, but if the enemy is using exclusively/near exclusively Shot or Thrown type attacks, it will attack more frequently, knowing that its attack will help protect it from them.
Area: Dentech, Yumland, NAXA
HP: 150
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Null + Nova 3 + Knockback + Wind Attack x 3 hits
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Creates a wind storm around itself, knocking enemies backward.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Squall1, Zenny
Special: High Turbulence: The accuracy of Shot and Thrown-type attacks is reduced by 3 ranks against this virus while it is attacking.
Special: FloatShoes, ShadowShoes: INCINERATED!
Bagworm2Bagworm2 (Bagworm)
Bagworm viruses drop down from way up high, execute a WoodTower attack, and rise back up. Dropping and attacking is an action, while moving back upward is a second action. They may also adjust where on the battlefield they drop next while in High Altitude as a free action. Bagworms may opt to interrupt their normal movement and attack pattern with the use of LeafShield, which requires an action. This can be done either on the field or while in High Altitude in between attacks, it really doesn't matter. After the shield is up, they resume their normal activities at the point where they left off. Bagworms are known to carry fragments of recovery chip data, which they use on themselves when their health drops below 50%.
Area: Okuden Valley, Beach, Yumland
HP: 150
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 60 Wood + Group Attack + Ground Attack
Primary Attack Accuracy: D
Primary Attack Description: Attacks groups of enemies with wooden spires that rise from the ground.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: LeafShield
Secondary Attack Accuracy: S
Secondary Attack Description: Converts non-fire attack damage from a single hit into healing. Does not protect against fire attacks, and increases base fire damage received by an additonal 100% if struck while the shield is up. Destroyed instantly by fire.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): WoodTower2, LeafShield (Rare), Zenny
Special: Has High Altitude every other action. This virus cannot use its Primary Attack while in High Altitude, but may adjust its positioning as a free action.
Special: Can use Recover80 once per battle as a Free Action.: INCINERATED!
EarthJelly2EarthJelly2 (EarthJelly)
EarthJelly are floating, jellyfish-like viruses, that seem to simply float nonchalantly, yet are deceptively difficult to combat. Fortunately, their rarity ensures they they never appear before a Battle 6, and there are never more than 2 in a single battle. While their horizontal movement is terrible at best, they can easily adjust their altitude as needed. By default, however, they tend to hover a couple of feet above the ground. The exception to this is when they attack. EarthJelly attack by launching large waves of mud at enemies The attack cycle of EarthJelly is 2 actions long. It requires one action to charge before firing. If they are stunned or otherwise temporarily disabled, they resume their attack cycle where it was halted once the stun wears off. When they attack, they drop to the ground in order to pump out as much liquid as possible. This allows them to harness the power of certain kinds of terrain to boost their attacks, but it also makes them immobile and vulnerable to ground-based attacks for the duration.
Area: Yumland
HP: 270
Attack Damage/Effect: 70 Wood + Ground Attack + Wide Attack + Mud Terrain Boost 40 + 1 action charge
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: It charges itself with innate elemental energy, then launches a hard-to-avoid wall of mud at enemies. The attack is stronger if performed over Mud terrain.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MudWave2 (Rare), Zenny
Special: OmniShoes
Special: This virus can move forward, backward, or to the side, but it does this so slowly that it cannot evade attacks this way.
Special: This virus can move up and down at high speed in order to avoid attacks while charging. While they can float fairly high, they cannot achieve High Altitude status.
Special: This virus is anchored and cannot move when attacking.: INCINERATED!
Terra.EXE: 70Hp [Normal]
80% Poison
10% Coal
5% Mud
5% Normal
Poison Fountain?: 38 HP, Anchored, StoneBody. [Poison - Middle of field.]
Rotting Tree A: WASHED AWAY!
Rotting Tree B: WASHED AWAY!
Rotting Tree C: BURNED!
Rotting Tree D: WASHED AWAY!
-=Rogue Battle 2 Victory!!=-
Boomerang2Damage: 90 + Group Attack (Arc)
Accuracy: B
Description: Throws a boomerang at enemies
Duration: Once
Element: Wood
Special: Group Attack (Arc): This attack may hit between 1 and 4 enemies on average, perhaps more depending on the situation. This version of Group Attack hits in an arc that loops back to the attacker. If attempting to hit too many targets with poor RP, you may also hit yourself, so be careful.
Trader Rank: C + 3600z + 54 BugFrags + EarthJelly2 Bounty +1
She then retreated to the edge of the assumed explosions range. The Monsoon gave chase into the poison, wind swirling around it. The whipping winds didn't even touch her as she ran. The EarthJelly rose slightly above the soil as it began charging its attack.
Terra went evasive as the Bagworm dropped down near her, getting a little poison splashed on it, and rose some wooden spires out of the ground to impale her as her planar defenses dropped. However, the accuracy of said attack was terrible at best and completely missed her.
Terra continued to be defensive, ready to evade further attacks.
The Monsoon began to evade and the EarthJelly dropped down to execute its attack, just as Terra cracked the earth below the bomb and detonated it with a splash of fire. She dodged the edge of the explosion as the rest got engulfed by the huge radius. All three were burned up as the wave of soil washed over Terra, buffeting her with stones and halving her remaining lifeforce. The Soil was completely tranformed to Coal by the impressive heat.
The Poison Fountain just sustained another chip in its sturdy stonework.
GloomerGloomer (Boomer)
Boomers cannot be damaged from any direction in the forward hemisphere so long as they carry their boomerang. Any attacks from the rear hemisphere or Break attacks hit normally. Boomers launch their boomerang when they attack, leaving themselves open to counter attacks. Boomers move by floating through the air, and are immune to the effects of Anchor. They are, however, still subject to the effects of terrain. They cannot be forced to submerge into liquid terrain, nor can they be buried in solid terrain. Boomers are horrible at dodging, as they generally rely on their Rang-Guard ability.
Area: SciLab, Okuden Valley, Dentech
HP: 140
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 45 Wood + Piercing(Arc) + Group Attack
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Fires a wooden boomerang that travels in a wide arc, striking all who stand in its path. The boomerang passes through everything it hits.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Wood + Slashing x3 Hits
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Fires a boomerang directly ahead at high speed, creating a pair of damaging afterimages that fly in its wake. The attack is such that if the first hit connects, the second and third will connect as well.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Boomerang2, QuickBoomerang2 (Rare), Zenny
Special: AirShoes, ShadowShoes.
Special: Rang-Guard: Blocks frontal attacks when not attacking.
- Can use PanelGrab as a free action each time another virus is deleted. A: DELETED
GloomerGloomer (Boomer)
Boomers cannot be damaged from any direction in the forward hemisphere so long as they carry their boomerang. Any attacks from the rear hemisphere or Break attacks hit normally. Boomers launch their boomerang when they attack, leaving themselves open to counter attacks. Boomers move by floating through the air, and are immune to the effects of Anchor. They are, however, still subject to the effects of terrain. They cannot be forced to submerge into liquid terrain, nor can they be buried in solid terrain. Boomers are horrible at dodging, as they generally rely on their Rang-Guard ability.
Area: SciLab, Okuden Valley, Dentech
HP: 140
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 45 Wood + Piercing(Arc) + Group Attack
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Fires a wooden boomerang that travels in a wide arc, striking all who stand in its path. The boomerang passes through everything it hits.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Wood + Slashing x3 Hits
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Fires a boomerang directly ahead at high speed, creating a pair of damaging afterimages that fly in its wake. The attack is such that if the first hit connects, the second and third will connect as well.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Boomerang2, QuickBoomerang2 (Rare), Zenny
Special: AirShoes, ShadowShoes.
Special: Rang-Guard: Blocks frontal attacks when not attacking.
- Can use PanelGrab as a free action each time another virus is deleted. B: WASHED AWAY!
Dragrin2Dragrin2 (Dragrin)
Area: Yumland, Hades Isle
HP: 200
Attack: 50 Fire x 2 Targets
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Summons bursts of flame anywhere.
Element: Fire
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): HotBody2, Zenny
Special: High dodge rate when not attacking.
- HeatBody : WASHED AWAY!
MonsoonMonsoon (Storm)
Storm loosely resemble the Weather line, and may in fact be a distant off-shoot of them. They wear metal hats that loosely resemble straw hats. Their faces are mostly nondescript, aside from their always closed eyes, and beak-like nose. They have no visible mouth, though from somewhere beneath their nose, they appear to be chewing on a bamboo shoot. Their bodies appear to be simple gowns, decorated with swirls. This virus is normally no more or less aggressive than most viruses, but if the enemy is using exclusively/near exclusively Shot or Thrown type attacks, it will attack more frequently, knowing that its attack will help protect it from them.
Area: Dentech, Yumland, NAXA
HP: 150
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Null + Nova 3 + Knockback + Wind Attack x 3 hits
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Creates a wind storm around itself, knocking enemies backward.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Squall1, Zenny
Special: High Turbulence: The accuracy of Shot and Thrown-type attacks is reduced by 3 ranks against this virus while it is attacking.
Special: FloatShoes, ShadowShoes: INCINERATED!
Bagworm2Bagworm2 (Bagworm)
Bagworm viruses drop down from way up high, execute a WoodTower attack, and rise back up. Dropping and attacking is an action, while moving back upward is a second action. They may also adjust where on the battlefield they drop next while in High Altitude as a free action. Bagworms may opt to interrupt their normal movement and attack pattern with the use of LeafShield, which requires an action. This can be done either on the field or while in High Altitude in between attacks, it really doesn't matter. After the shield is up, they resume their normal activities at the point where they left off. Bagworms are known to carry fragments of recovery chip data, which they use on themselves when their health drops below 50%.
Area: Okuden Valley, Beach, Yumland
HP: 150
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 60 Wood + Group Attack + Ground Attack
Primary Attack Accuracy: D
Primary Attack Description: Attacks groups of enemies with wooden spires that rise from the ground.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: LeafShield
Secondary Attack Accuracy: S
Secondary Attack Description: Converts non-fire attack damage from a single hit into healing. Does not protect against fire attacks, and increases base fire damage received by an additonal 100% if struck while the shield is up. Destroyed instantly by fire.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): WoodTower2, LeafShield (Rare), Zenny
Special: Has High Altitude every other action. This virus cannot use its Primary Attack while in High Altitude, but may adjust its positioning as a free action.
Special: Can use Recover80 once per battle as a Free Action.: INCINERATED!
EarthJelly2EarthJelly2 (EarthJelly)
EarthJelly are floating, jellyfish-like viruses, that seem to simply float nonchalantly, yet are deceptively difficult to combat. Fortunately, their rarity ensures they they never appear before a Battle 6, and there are never more than 2 in a single battle. While their horizontal movement is terrible at best, they can easily adjust their altitude as needed. By default, however, they tend to hover a couple of feet above the ground. The exception to this is when they attack. EarthJelly attack by launching large waves of mud at enemies The attack cycle of EarthJelly is 2 actions long. It requires one action to charge before firing. If they are stunned or otherwise temporarily disabled, they resume their attack cycle where it was halted once the stun wears off. When they attack, they drop to the ground in order to pump out as much liquid as possible. This allows them to harness the power of certain kinds of terrain to boost their attacks, but it also makes them immobile and vulnerable to ground-based attacks for the duration.
Area: Yumland
HP: 270
Attack Damage/Effect: 70 Wood + Ground Attack + Wide Attack + Mud Terrain Boost 40 + 1 action charge
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: It charges itself with innate elemental energy, then launches a hard-to-avoid wall of mud at enemies. The attack is stronger if performed over Mud terrain.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MudWave2 (Rare), Zenny
Special: OmniShoes
Special: This virus can move forward, backward, or to the side, but it does this so slowly that it cannot evade attacks this way.
Special: This virus can move up and down at high speed in order to avoid attacks while charging. While they can float fairly high, they cannot achieve High Altitude status.
Special: This virus is anchored and cannot move when attacking.: INCINERATED!
Terra.EXE: 70Hp [Normal]
80% Poison
- -10 HP/action standing, -20 HP/action submerged.
- Zombie nullifies damage, heals 10 HP/action on contact.
- Cannot be in Sigs.
- PanelShot: Poison(20).
10% Coal
- Fire Elementals gain +20 Strengthen/turn, but must be allocated to Fire Element attacks only. Any Coal Strengthen vanishes after moving off of it.
- Non-Fire Elementals get Burn (5 Fire/action for 1 turn or until cured) the turn after they come into contact with Coal Terrain.
- 100 Damage Aqua attacks: Change terrain hit to Soil.
- 100 Damage Fire attacks: Change terrain hit to to Lava.
- PanelShot: Imbue Fire.
5% Mud
- Non-Wood Elementals get -10% Evasion penalty and reduced movement speed, 25% (+/-25% RP) chance to fall or get stuck (1 action to get free).
- Automatically triggers Aqua Boost for appropriate chip attacks.
- Wood attacks: Change terrain hit to Soil.
- PanelShot: Imbue Wood + Slow1.
5% Normal
- No effects.
Poison Fountain?: 38 HP, Anchored, StoneBody. [Poison - Middle of field.]
Rotting Tree A: WASHED AWAY!
Rotting Tree B: WASHED AWAY!
Rotting Tree C: BURNED!
Rotting Tree D: WASHED AWAY!
-=Rogue Battle 2 Victory!!=-

Accuracy: B
Description: Throws a boomerang at enemies
Duration: Once
Element: Wood
Special: Group Attack (Arc): This attack may hit between 1 and 4 enemies on average, perhaps more depending on the situation. This version of Group Attack hits in an arc that loops back to the attacker. If attempting to hit too many targets with poor RP, you may also hit yourself, so be careful.
Trader Rank: C + 3600
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[Z > 5725, BF > 1197, ExF > 10, Bounty > 2.]
Being buffeted by the dense mud that crashed over her in a massive wave did little to faze Terra, with the explosion from the viruses in turn. She shook herself off from the dirt, dislodging the bits of earth lodged in her long ponytail before looking out towards the poisonous swamp. She then raised her foot, and stomped hard on the ground, causing the earth to shake and the swamp to slosh and roll about. Suddenly, the swamp began to drain at a rapid rate into the ground underneath it, through some wide open cracks that seemed to have appeared on the swamp bed. The fountain in the middle also ran dry, and all traces of the fiery conflagration that she had just wrought seemed to vanish. Terra walked towards the fountain to verify her work. Sure enough, the awful stench from before was now largely gone, and her face was much more mellow now as her boots tracked about in the now fertile, loamy soil. Grass began to grow around her feet as well, restoring most of her vitality back to prime form. She bent down to pick up some of the soil in her hand, and played around with it in her palm.
"Good work, Terra. That's one less deathtrap for people to come across," echoed Scarlet's voice in the back of her head. Terra beamed happily in a rare case of emotion, as she allowed the soil to fall between her fingers before walking along the path where she came from.
Scarlet raised her eyebrows in surprise. "You sure seem a lot more expressive lately," she commented.
"... Is that bad?" queried Terra, slight worry on her face as she kept walking.
"No, no, not at all! It's just so rare to see you so genuinely happy; I'm happy to see it," replied Scarlet hurriedly. "I assume you really like restoring these places."
Terra's smile returned. "Yes, it feels like my control over my terraforming is a lot more... expansive, now. Maybe it's an effect of the deeper network, everything seems so wild and energetic here that I get to see a lot more than what I did before," she said, taking in the sights once more as she returned back on the path towards the entrance she had come from.
[Terra.EXE: 170 HP.]
[Reset Battle Counter: Rogue Battle 1 - Ready. Bounty Set: EarthJelly2: 270 HP.]
Being buffeted by the dense mud that crashed over her in a massive wave did little to faze Terra, with the explosion from the viruses in turn. She shook herself off from the dirt, dislodging the bits of earth lodged in her long ponytail before looking out towards the poisonous swamp. She then raised her foot, and stomped hard on the ground, causing the earth to shake and the swamp to slosh and roll about. Suddenly, the swamp began to drain at a rapid rate into the ground underneath it, through some wide open cracks that seemed to have appeared on the swamp bed. The fountain in the middle also ran dry, and all traces of the fiery conflagration that she had just wrought seemed to vanish. Terra walked towards the fountain to verify her work. Sure enough, the awful stench from before was now largely gone, and her face was much more mellow now as her boots tracked about in the now fertile, loamy soil. Grass began to grow around her feet as well, restoring most of her vitality back to prime form. She bent down to pick up some of the soil in her hand, and played around with it in her palm.
"Good work, Terra. That's one less deathtrap for people to come across," echoed Scarlet's voice in the back of her head. Terra beamed happily in a rare case of emotion, as she allowed the soil to fall between her fingers before walking along the path where she came from.
Scarlet raised her eyebrows in surprise. "You sure seem a lot more expressive lately," she commented.
"... Is that bad?" queried Terra, slight worry on her face as she kept walking.
"No, no, not at all! It's just so rare to see you so genuinely happy; I'm happy to see it," replied Scarlet hurriedly. "I assume you really like restoring these places."
Terra's smile returned. "Yes, it feels like my control over my terraforming is a lot more... expansive, now. Maybe it's an effect of the deeper network, everything seems so wild and energetic here that I get to see a lot more than what I did before," she said, taking in the sights once more as she returned back on the path towards the entrance she had come from.
[Terra.EXE: 170 HP.]
[Reset Battle Counter: Rogue Battle 1 - Ready. Bounty Set: EarthJelly2: 270 HP.]
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After refreshing herself and searching for anew direction to travel, Terra found herself moving through scrubby grass fields against a strong breeze. It was cloudy overhead, and the weather felt cool, with the scent of something earthy and fresh catching her senses on the wind. As she crested a small rise, the source of the earthy smell became clear, as the grass field sloped down to a soily bank, at the edge of a vast mud field that stretched away into the distance ahead of her.
The mud smelled fresh and cool and rich, but there were obvious signs of things various bobbing about in it, slowly. In particular, her eye might catch a glint of blue light, glittering intermittently as mud slipped off an exposed surface, before it rolled over and dipped below the surface again. Between Terra and the potentially valuable flotsam, however, there were a collection of slightly more mobile critters, mostly clustered around a small extended isthmus in the mud, near to where the data bobbed.
Moving closer, she could see that it formed a small grassy circle, a fair distance out, connected to the main land only by a narrow spit of land that wound through the mud. A lone Swordy waited at the edge of the grass, looking out over the sea of mud in an almost contemplative pose, but turned when Terra approached. A vine plant wasn't too far from the Swordy, at the edge of the circle of grass, while several other viruses floated, hovered or otherwise seemed content to swim about in the mud itself, scattered around the extension of solid land.
AppleSamu2AppleSamu2 (AppleSamu)
More likely to use Primary Attack when accompanied by Fire Elementals or very little Grass is present. More likely to use Secondary Attack if target is on Grass or a lot of Grass is already present.
Area: Dentech, Yumland
HP: 170
Primary Damage/Effect: 45 Wood + Small Area Grass Terrain Change
Primary Attack Accuracy: A
Primary Attack Description: Pops out of fruit shell, and spits a cluster of grass seeds.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): RedFruit2, Zenny
Special: Attacks every other turn.
- IronBody when not attacking.
- When this virus's HP is reduced to zero or lower, this virus will return another one virus still alive to full HP. AppleSamu is then deleted as normal.: 170Hp [Mud][To the north]
VinerViner (Viney)
Viney viruses do not move or dodge. Viney viruses require the presence of Grass, Soil, or Mud terrain in order to appear in battle, and they always appear on these terrain types. Vineys are rooted in place, and cannot be moved. The main body of a Viney is immune to any and all forms of attack except fire element damage, but the vines the viruses uses to attack with are vulnerable to all attacks. The virus attacks by using a group of thorny vines to creep up out of a nearby panel, then move towards the victim in hopes of capturing them. Once the vines make contact, they wrap around the victim, and hold them in place while causing damage. The vines can only be escaped from by the target if the target dedicates an action with decent roleplay attempting to escape. The vines may also be cut or burned in order to allow the target to escape, but in the case of fire, the target sustains double the fire damage of the attack used to burn the vines. Summoning the group of vines requires an action, moving the vines requires an action, and damage is dealt to a captured target for each action the Viney spends trying to hold the target in place. Both the vines and the virus itself are damage zones. Any damage either one sustains counts against the virus' HP. Both are subject to terrain effects and those effects stack as if the virus were in two places at the same time (because it basically is).
Area: Okuden Valley, Yumland, Netfrica, Dentech
HP: 160
Attack Damage/Effect: 30 Wood + Bind
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Seeks and wraps enemies by sticking writhing vines through the ground.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Rope2, Zenny
Special: Bind: This is a virus-only form of instantly-activating Hold that does not count as a status effect (thus cannot be removed with status cure). Bind works on a per-action basis, instead of per-turn, and is maintained by physical contact with the source. A target suffering the effects of Bind also becomes weak to Fire. Bind is canceled by attacking the source with Fire or Slashing damage, or spending one or more actions to escape with good RP quality. Using Fire to remove the Bind source also damages the trapped victim.
Special: Immobile.
- Vines can be attacked for damage.: 160Hp [Soil][On the western edge of the isthmus]
Swordy-W2Swordy-W2 (Swordy-W)
Area: Okuden Valley, Dentech, Yumland
HP: 160
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 45 Wood + Long Range Attack + Slashing
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: When this virus is 2 panels away from the target, or its enemies are 2-deep, it will attack with Bamboo Blade.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 30 Wood + Wide Range Attack + Slashing
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: When this virus is standing directly adjacent to its target, or diagonally from it, it will attack with Bamboo Sword.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): BambooSword, Zenny
Special: Swordy-W's are immune to Confusion Status.
Special: Uses Area Grab to get into attack range.: 160Hp [Grass][Centre of the isthmus]
KilburKilbur (Kilby)
Kilby viruses try to stay at least 3 panels away from their enemy at all times, and dodge back and forth constantly. Kilby viruses only attack once per turn, and when they do, they teleport to a position flanking their target, and stab them with a Bamboo Lance. This lance strikes at Long Sword range, and may hit two targets at once. After attacking, they teleport back to the panel they were standing upon when they first began their attack sequence. They are mindlessly oblivious to the hazards of terrain. Kilby Omega viruses attack differently. Instead of attacking from the side, they attack 3 separate targets from behind with Bamboo Lance. They also teleport before and after the attack, just as lesser Kilby do, and only attack once per turn. They are mindlessly oblivious to the hazards of terrain.
Area: Yumland, Okuden Valley, Dentech
HP: 170
Attack Damage/Effect: 70 Wood + Long Attack
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Hits opponents from the side with a Bamboo Lance.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): SideBamboo2, Zenny
Special: Teleports when attacking.
Special: Attacks once per turn only.: 170Hp [Mud][Out in the mud to the east]
EarthJelly2EarthJelly2 (EarthJelly)
EarthJelly are floating, jellyfish-like viruses, that seem to simply float nonchalantly, yet are deceptively difficult to combat. Fortunately, their rarity ensures they they never appear before a Battle 6, and there are never more than 2 in a single battle. While their horizontal movement is terrible at best, they can easily adjust their altitude as needed. By default, however, they tend to hover a couple of feet above the ground. The exception to this is when they attack. EarthJelly attack by launching large waves of mud at enemies The attack cycle of EarthJelly is 2 actions long. It requires one action to charge before firing. If they are stunned or otherwise temporarily disabled, they resume their attack cycle where it was halted once the stun wears off. When they attack, they drop to the ground in order to pump out as much liquid as possible. This allows them to harness the power of certain kinds of terrain to boost their attacks, but it also makes them immobile and vulnerable to ground-based attacks for the duration.
Area: Yumland
HP: 270
Attack Damage/Effect: 70 Wood + Ground Attack + Wide Attack + Mud Terrain Boost 40 + 1 action charge
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: It charges itself with innate elemental energy, then launches a hard-to-avoid wall of mud at enemies. The attack is stronger if performed over Mud terrain.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MudWave2 (Rare), Zenny
Special: OmniShoes
Special: This virus can move forward, backward, or to the side, but it does this so slowly that it cannot evade attacks this way.
Special: This virus can move up and down at high speed in order to avoid attacks while charging. While they can float fairly high, they cannot achieve High Altitude status.
Special: This virus is anchored and cannot move when attacking.: 270Hp [Mud][Out in the mud to the west]
Terra.EXE: 170Hp [Normal]
50% Mud
25% Grass
10% Normal
15% Soil
BMD: 25Hp [Bobbing out in the mud, to the north-east]
-=Rogue Battle 1, Start!=-
The mud smelled fresh and cool and rich, but there were obvious signs of things various bobbing about in it, slowly. In particular, her eye might catch a glint of blue light, glittering intermittently as mud slipped off an exposed surface, before it rolled over and dipped below the surface again. Between Terra and the potentially valuable flotsam, however, there were a collection of slightly more mobile critters, mostly clustered around a small extended isthmus in the mud, near to where the data bobbed.
Moving closer, she could see that it formed a small grassy circle, a fair distance out, connected to the main land only by a narrow spit of land that wound through the mud. A lone Swordy waited at the edge of the grass, looking out over the sea of mud in an almost contemplative pose, but turned when Terra approached. A vine plant wasn't too far from the Swordy, at the edge of the circle of grass, while several other viruses floated, hovered or otherwise seemed content to swim about in the mud itself, scattered around the extension of solid land.
AppleSamu2AppleSamu2 (AppleSamu)
More likely to use Primary Attack when accompanied by Fire Elementals or very little Grass is present. More likely to use Secondary Attack if target is on Grass or a lot of Grass is already present.
Area: Dentech, Yumland
HP: 170
Primary Damage/Effect: 45 Wood + Small Area Grass Terrain Change
Primary Attack Accuracy: A
Primary Attack Description: Pops out of fruit shell, and spits a cluster of grass seeds.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): RedFruit2, Zenny
Special: Attacks every other turn.
- IronBody when not attacking.
- When this virus's HP is reduced to zero or lower, this virus will return another one virus still alive to full HP. AppleSamu is then deleted as normal.: 170Hp [Mud][To the north]
VinerViner (Viney)
Viney viruses do not move or dodge. Viney viruses require the presence of Grass, Soil, or Mud terrain in order to appear in battle, and they always appear on these terrain types. Vineys are rooted in place, and cannot be moved. The main body of a Viney is immune to any and all forms of attack except fire element damage, but the vines the viruses uses to attack with are vulnerable to all attacks. The virus attacks by using a group of thorny vines to creep up out of a nearby panel, then move towards the victim in hopes of capturing them. Once the vines make contact, they wrap around the victim, and hold them in place while causing damage. The vines can only be escaped from by the target if the target dedicates an action with decent roleplay attempting to escape. The vines may also be cut or burned in order to allow the target to escape, but in the case of fire, the target sustains double the fire damage of the attack used to burn the vines. Summoning the group of vines requires an action, moving the vines requires an action, and damage is dealt to a captured target for each action the Viney spends trying to hold the target in place. Both the vines and the virus itself are damage zones. Any damage either one sustains counts against the virus' HP. Both are subject to terrain effects and those effects stack as if the virus were in two places at the same time (because it basically is).
Area: Okuden Valley, Yumland, Netfrica, Dentech
HP: 160
Attack Damage/Effect: 30 Wood + Bind
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Seeks and wraps enemies by sticking writhing vines through the ground.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Rope2, Zenny
Special: Bind: This is a virus-only form of instantly-activating Hold that does not count as a status effect (thus cannot be removed with status cure). Bind works on a per-action basis, instead of per-turn, and is maintained by physical contact with the source. A target suffering the effects of Bind also becomes weak to Fire. Bind is canceled by attacking the source with Fire or Slashing damage, or spending one or more actions to escape with good RP quality. Using Fire to remove the Bind source also damages the trapped victim.
Special: Immobile.
- Vines can be attacked for damage.: 160Hp [Soil][On the western edge of the isthmus]
Swordy-W2Swordy-W2 (Swordy-W)
Area: Okuden Valley, Dentech, Yumland
HP: 160
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 45 Wood + Long Range Attack + Slashing
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: When this virus is 2 panels away from the target, or its enemies are 2-deep, it will attack with Bamboo Blade.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 30 Wood + Wide Range Attack + Slashing
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: When this virus is standing directly adjacent to its target, or diagonally from it, it will attack with Bamboo Sword.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): BambooSword, Zenny
Special: Swordy-W's are immune to Confusion Status.
Special: Uses Area Grab to get into attack range.: 160Hp [Grass][Centre of the isthmus]
KilburKilbur (Kilby)
Kilby viruses try to stay at least 3 panels away from their enemy at all times, and dodge back and forth constantly. Kilby viruses only attack once per turn, and when they do, they teleport to a position flanking their target, and stab them with a Bamboo Lance. This lance strikes at Long Sword range, and may hit two targets at once. After attacking, they teleport back to the panel they were standing upon when they first began their attack sequence. They are mindlessly oblivious to the hazards of terrain. Kilby Omega viruses attack differently. Instead of attacking from the side, they attack 3 separate targets from behind with Bamboo Lance. They also teleport before and after the attack, just as lesser Kilby do, and only attack once per turn. They are mindlessly oblivious to the hazards of terrain.
Area: Yumland, Okuden Valley, Dentech
HP: 170
Attack Damage/Effect: 70 Wood + Long Attack
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Hits opponents from the side with a Bamboo Lance.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): SideBamboo2, Zenny
Special: Teleports when attacking.
Special: Attacks once per turn only.: 170Hp [Mud][Out in the mud to the east]
EarthJelly2EarthJelly2 (EarthJelly)
EarthJelly are floating, jellyfish-like viruses, that seem to simply float nonchalantly, yet are deceptively difficult to combat. Fortunately, their rarity ensures they they never appear before a Battle 6, and there are never more than 2 in a single battle. While their horizontal movement is terrible at best, they can easily adjust their altitude as needed. By default, however, they tend to hover a couple of feet above the ground. The exception to this is when they attack. EarthJelly attack by launching large waves of mud at enemies The attack cycle of EarthJelly is 2 actions long. It requires one action to charge before firing. If they are stunned or otherwise temporarily disabled, they resume their attack cycle where it was halted once the stun wears off. When they attack, they drop to the ground in order to pump out as much liquid as possible. This allows them to harness the power of certain kinds of terrain to boost their attacks, but it also makes them immobile and vulnerable to ground-based attacks for the duration.
Area: Yumland
HP: 270
Attack Damage/Effect: 70 Wood + Ground Attack + Wide Attack + Mud Terrain Boost 40 + 1 action charge
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: It charges itself with innate elemental energy, then launches a hard-to-avoid wall of mud at enemies. The attack is stronger if performed over Mud terrain.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MudWave2 (Rare), Zenny
Special: OmniShoes
Special: This virus can move forward, backward, or to the side, but it does this so slowly that it cannot evade attacks this way.
Special: This virus can move up and down at high speed in order to avoid attacks while charging. While they can float fairly high, they cannot achieve High Altitude status.
Special: This virus is anchored and cannot move when attacking.: 270Hp [Mud][Out in the mud to the west]
Terra.EXE: 170Hp [Normal]
50% Mud
- Non-Wood Elementals get -10% Evasion penalty and reduced movement speed, 25% (+/-25% RP) chance to fall or get stuck (1 action to get free).
- Automatically triggers Aqua Boost for appropriate chip attacks.
- Wood attacks: Change terrain hit to Soil.
- PanelShot: Imbue Wood + Slow1.
25% Grass
- Wood Elementals get +5 HP/action.
- Fire attacks: +100% Source Damage, change terrain hit to Soil.
- PanelShot: Imbue Wood.
10% Normal
- No effects.
15% Soil
- Wood Elementals get +10% Evasion.
- Wood attacks: +100% Source Damage, change terrain hit to Grass.
- 100 Damage Aqua attacks: Change terrain hit to Mud.
- 100 Damage Fire attacks: change terrain hit to Coal.
- PanelShot: Imbue Wood.
BMD: 25Hp [Bobbing out in the mud, to the north-east]
-=Rogue Battle 1, Start!=-
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Back on more fertile grounds, Terra seemed to be in more of a cheerful mood, short of having a skip in her step. Something inside her stirred, and she stopped in the middle of the grassy path she was on. Raising her hand, she began to clench and unclench it periodically, staring at her palm as if something would appear in it if she opened and closed her fist enough times. Scarlet looked up from her brief sessions of BBS browsing, and noticed her Navi's strange behavior. "Something up, Terra?" she said.
Terra raised her head briefly, before she shook her head. "... No, just... something feels different. Hang on," murmured Terra. Before long, a stony coating began to envelop her hand, starting from her knuckles down to her elbow, as if imitating a crude gauntlet. Then, she clenched her fist once more, and the rocky exterior suddenly shattered, revealing a gleaming steel-coated arm. She began moving it around, turning it about to examine it. It was only a few moments before she disengaged it, returning her arm to her previous "flesh-and-blood" arm, wrapped in nothing more than aged-looking bandages. Scarlet recognized the iron defense as something Terra had used in the depths of Okuden, but had stopped for whatever reason.
"I stopped using this iron defense some time ago, because it was getting really difficult to maintain, but now... it feels like I've just been doing it wrong before. Feels more smooth, and natural," she commented as she continued her walk. She quickly picked up the scent of something earthy; it was not unlike the toxic miasma in nature that she had picked up before, but this time it was less unpleasant, and more inviting. She came across what appeared to be a small reservoir of mud, with a few viruses hovering about a small bridge of land in the middle of the two pools of mud. Terra readied herself for battle as she took in the scope of her enemies, the few features of land that split up the different types of terrain, and the tiny glint of blue that she had caught a little while earlier. The recent viral scanner update had been quite helpful, allowing her to determine that none of the viruses had enough to break through her absolute iron defense. Lowering her stance, she prepared to head right into the thick of battle.
Scarlet seemed to have the same thoughts as her Navi, as she pre-selected the few chips that had already served them quite well; at the same time, she spoke out to confirm her selection. "BlackBomb, RedWave. Is that fine?" she said, as her hand hovered over the confirmation button on her holoscreen. As soon as Terra replied with a wordless nod, the chips were sent in, and Terra vanished in the blink of an eye. Moments later, she reappeared over the area where she had spotted the sunken Mystery Data, landing directly on top of it. As her boots touched the crystal, it sucked up its properties, coating her entire body in the gleaming blue color to protect it with the crystal's hardness.
Having turned into a statue, however, didn't seem to hamper her movement all that much, unlike before. Raising a hand above her head, a massive blue crystal of the same sheen as her own body came into existence atop her palm. Its brilliant multifaceted surface reflected light all around the area before Terra hurled it towards the little isthmus that the Swordy was currently on. She then slammed her palms together with an impactful thump, releasing the remaining two chips in her processes simultaneously. At once, the mud beneath her feet started to bubble vigorously and glowed a bright shade of red, emitting intense heat all the while. The circle of superheated mud then burst out in all directions, washing over the area with its indiscriminate cleansing heat.
// Summary
[Te.1] Sig: Terraskill: Spirit of Nature: Teleport @ Onto BMD to activate it
[Te.2] Sig: Terraskill: Protector of Nature: SteelBody
[Te.3] Chip:
BlackBomb1HP: 50
Properties: Heavy, StoneBody
Object Damage: 10 + Impact + Break
Damage Method: Throw, Telekinesis
Attack Damage: 120 Fire + Blast 4
Accuracy: S
Description: Throws a bomb that detonates if hit with fire, damaging a large area. Rare
Duration: Until hit with fire, destroyed, or end of battle
Element: Fire
Trader Rank: C: 50HP Heavy StoneBody Object: (120 + Blast4 + Self-Destruct): On-Hit-Fire (Acc: S) @ Isthmus Area
[Te.4] Chip:
RedWave1Damage: 50 + Ground Attack + To-All-Clause (Others) + Lava Terrain Boost 50
Accuracy: B
Description: Creates a wave of lava to burn everything and everyone other than the user, even their allies. Can be jumped over, but requires perfect timing. More effective if there is lava in the vicinity to fuel it.
Duration: Once
Element: Fire
Trader Rank: D: 50 + Ground Attack + To-All-Clause (Others) + Lava Terrain Boost 50 (Acc: B)
[Te.5] Chip:
RedWave1Damage: 50 + Ground Attack + To-All-Clause (Others) + Lava Terrain Boost 50
Accuracy: B
Description: Creates a wave of lava to burn everything and everyone other than the user, even their allies. Can be jumped over, but requires perfect timing. More effective if there is lava in the vicinity to fuel it.
Duration: Once
Element: Fire
Trader Rank: D: 50 + Ground Attack + To-All-Clause (Others) + Lava Terrain Boost 50 (Acc: B)
Terra raised her head briefly, before she shook her head. "... No, just... something feels different. Hang on," murmured Terra. Before long, a stony coating began to envelop her hand, starting from her knuckles down to her elbow, as if imitating a crude gauntlet. Then, she clenched her fist once more, and the rocky exterior suddenly shattered, revealing a gleaming steel-coated arm. She began moving it around, turning it about to examine it. It was only a few moments before she disengaged it, returning her arm to her previous "flesh-and-blood" arm, wrapped in nothing more than aged-looking bandages. Scarlet recognized the iron defense as something Terra had used in the depths of Okuden, but had stopped for whatever reason.
"I stopped using this iron defense some time ago, because it was getting really difficult to maintain, but now... it feels like I've just been doing it wrong before. Feels more smooth, and natural," she commented as she continued her walk. She quickly picked up the scent of something earthy; it was not unlike the toxic miasma in nature that she had picked up before, but this time it was less unpleasant, and more inviting. She came across what appeared to be a small reservoir of mud, with a few viruses hovering about a small bridge of land in the middle of the two pools of mud. Terra readied herself for battle as she took in the scope of her enemies, the few features of land that split up the different types of terrain, and the tiny glint of blue that she had caught a little while earlier. The recent viral scanner update had been quite helpful, allowing her to determine that none of the viruses had enough to break through her absolute iron defense. Lowering her stance, she prepared to head right into the thick of battle.
Scarlet seemed to have the same thoughts as her Navi, as she pre-selected the few chips that had already served them quite well; at the same time, she spoke out to confirm her selection. "BlackBomb, RedWave. Is that fine?" she said, as her hand hovered over the confirmation button on her holoscreen. As soon as Terra replied with a wordless nod, the chips were sent in, and Terra vanished in the blink of an eye. Moments later, she reappeared over the area where she had spotted the sunken Mystery Data, landing directly on top of it. As her boots touched the crystal, it sucked up its properties, coating her entire body in the gleaming blue color to protect it with the crystal's hardness.
Having turned into a statue, however, didn't seem to hamper her movement all that much, unlike before. Raising a hand above her head, a massive blue crystal of the same sheen as her own body came into existence atop her palm. Its brilliant multifaceted surface reflected light all around the area before Terra hurled it towards the little isthmus that the Swordy was currently on. She then slammed her palms together with an impactful thump, releasing the remaining two chips in her processes simultaneously. At once, the mud beneath her feet started to bubble vigorously and glowed a bright shade of red, emitting intense heat all the while. The circle of superheated mud then burst out in all directions, washing over the area with its indiscriminate cleansing heat.
// Summary
[Te.1] Sig: Terraskill: Spirit of Nature: Teleport @ Onto BMD to activate it
[Te.2] Sig: Terraskill: Protector of Nature: SteelBody
[Te.3] Chip:

Properties: Heavy, StoneBody
Object Damage: 10 + Impact + Break
Damage Method: Throw, Telekinesis
Attack Damage: 120 Fire + Blast 4
Accuracy: S
Description: Throws a bomb that detonates if hit with fire, damaging a large area. Rare
Duration: Until hit with fire, destroyed, or end of battle
Element: Fire
Trader Rank: C: 50HP Heavy StoneBody Object: (120 + Blast4 + Self-Destruct): On-Hit-Fire (Acc: S) @ Isthmus Area
[Te.4] Chip:

Accuracy: B
Description: Creates a wave of lava to burn everything and everyone other than the user, even their allies. Can be jumped over, but requires perfect timing. More effective if there is lava in the vicinity to fuel it.
Duration: Once
Element: Fire
Trader Rank: D: 50 + Ground Attack + To-All-Clause (Others) + Lava Terrain Boost 50 (Acc: B)
[Te.5] Chip:

Accuracy: B
Description: Creates a wave of lava to burn everything and everyone other than the user, even their allies. Can be jumped over, but requires perfect timing. More effective if there is lava in the vicinity to fuel it.
Duration: Once
Element: Fire
Trader Rank: D: 50 + Ground Attack + To-All-Clause (Others) + Lava Terrain Boost 50 (Acc: B)
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With the broad shoreline of mud ahead of her Terra's sights settled first on the most valuable prize. The Swordy disappeared from its post at about the same time Terra did; she appeared neatly on top of the mystery data, while the Swordy, less fortunate, appeared merely where she had been a moment ago, swinging its blade through empty air in frustration. The large jelly virus lifted up from the mud, drawing in power as Terra hurriedly accessed the crystal and witnessed it unpacking. The crystal split and unfolded, with a few glittering lights inside, and for a moment the worry of what else it might have been might have popped up in Terra's mind, but the lights turned out to be simple data strings that she was able to take in safely. Of course, with the crystal unpacked and her body hardening into nigh impregnable material, the terraformer promptly found herself dropping an extra foot to splash into the mud with a distinctly less controlled or delicate motion.
Still, it was cool and pleasant feeling, despite her hardened exterior. By the edge of the isthmus, the viney reached out its tendrils in an effort to give her a vaguely questionable hug; she could feel, if not see, the handful of thick vines coiling about her limbs from a couple of directions occupying her arms and hindering her legs as they crept up her body through the slippery mud, but though they applied some pressure as they did so, they certainly couldn't harm her. The apple-themed virus, meanwhile, popped out of its shell and launched a cluster of seedlings towards her instead. It was almost hard to identify it as an attack, really. The most pointed thing that happened was that the seeds swiftly sprouted in the mud, converting a small patch around where terra was to fertile soil, which then burst forth into rapidly growing grass. Terra, as a result, was left lying in a thoroughly muddy state, limbs encircled with over-friendly vines, on a small circle of firm grass, in the middle of the muddle sea. It was a fairly odd sight all told.
From this position ,she witnessed two of the other viruses warp up to make fresh attempts on her life, but neither of them managed to achieve anything beyond poking at her with their ineffective weapons. Terra, for her part, was able to pick herself up enough to cast out her next chip, setting the devastating explosive in a spot where it would certainly catch any virus in the area. The next step, while the viney let its tendrils explore and squeeze further across her, to no effect beyond possibly mild embarrassment, and the apple virus showered her in more seeds that only added to the vibrant patch of grass, was to slam her hands together and send out a rippling wave of heat across the area. The grass burned and the mud... got pleasantly warm... more importantly, most of the viruses took a severe charring from the wave.
One thing that didn't seem to happen, however, was an ear-splitting explosion. The Jelly dropped down as she attacked, meeting her wave with a mud-swell of its own, but despite some interference, it didn't manage much beyond coating Terra in afresh layer of now quite warm mud. Her skin was going to look great tomorrow. Terra's second wave followed just in case, easily finishing off most of the remaining viruses, though the apply virus, done with its attacks for now, had closed up into its shell and appeared to survive. More importantly, still no explosion.
A moment passed, then another, and Terra was able to look across to the small isthmus and see her bomb, still glinting happily in the light, somehow unscathed by either of her attacks and awaiting its spark. How one earth had that happened? The only viruses left were the Jelly, badly scorched and starting to lift itself back out of the mud, and the apply one, that was still sealed away inside its apple-shaped armour. Neither seemed like they intended to explain this ridiculousness. Oh well...
AppleSamu2AppleSamu2 (AppleSamu)
More likely to use Primary Attack when accompanied by Fire Elementals or very little Grass is present. More likely to use Secondary Attack if target is on Grass or a lot of Grass is already present.
Area: Dentech, Yumland
HP: 170
Primary Damage/Effect: 45 Wood + Small Area Grass Terrain Change
Primary Attack Accuracy: A
Primary Attack Description: Pops out of fruit shell, and spits a cluster of grass seeds.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): RedFruit2, Zenny
Special: Attacks every other turn.
- IronBody when not attacking.
- When this virus's HP is reduced to zero or lower, this virus will return another one virus still alive to full HP. AppleSamu is then deleted as normal.: 70Hp [Mud][To the north]
VinerViner (Viney)
Viney viruses do not move or dodge. Viney viruses require the presence of Grass, Soil, or Mud terrain in order to appear in battle, and they always appear on these terrain types. Vineys are rooted in place, and cannot be moved. The main body of a Viney is immune to any and all forms of attack except fire element damage, but the vines the viruses uses to attack with are vulnerable to all attacks. The virus attacks by using a group of thorny vines to creep up out of a nearby panel, then move towards the victim in hopes of capturing them. Once the vines make contact, they wrap around the victim, and hold them in place while causing damage. The vines can only be escaped from by the target if the target dedicates an action with decent roleplay attempting to escape. The vines may also be cut or burned in order to allow the target to escape, but in the case of fire, the target sustains double the fire damage of the attack used to burn the vines. Summoning the group of vines requires an action, moving the vines requires an action, and damage is dealt to a captured target for each action the Viney spends trying to hold the target in place. Both the vines and the virus itself are damage zones. Any damage either one sustains counts against the virus' HP. Both are subject to terrain effects and those effects stack as if the virus were in two places at the same time (because it basically is).
Area: Okuden Valley, Yumland, Netfrica, Dentech
HP: 160
Attack Damage/Effect: 30 Wood + Bind
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Seeks and wraps enemies by sticking writhing vines through the ground.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Rope2, Zenny
Special: Bind: This is a virus-only form of instantly-activating Hold that does not count as a status effect (thus cannot be removed with status cure). Bind works on a per-action basis, instead of per-turn, and is maintained by physical contact with the source. A target suffering the effects of Bind also becomes weak to Fire. Bind is canceled by attacking the source with Fire or Slashing damage, or spending one or more actions to escape with good RP quality. Using Fire to remove the Bind source also damages the trapped victim.
Special: Immobile.
- Vines can be attacked for damage.: DELETED
Swordy-W2Swordy-W2 (Swordy-W)
Area: Okuden Valley, Dentech, Yumland
HP: 160
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 45 Wood + Long Range Attack + Slashing
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: When this virus is 2 panels away from the target, or its enemies are 2-deep, it will attack with Bamboo Blade.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 30 Wood + Wide Range Attack + Slashing
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: When this virus is standing directly adjacent to its target, or diagonally from it, it will attack with Bamboo Sword.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): BambooSword, Zenny
Special: Swordy-W's are immune to Confusion Status.
Special: Uses Area Grab to get into attack range.: DELETED
KilburKilbur (Kilby)
Kilby viruses try to stay at least 3 panels away from their enemy at all times, and dodge back and forth constantly. Kilby viruses only attack once per turn, and when they do, they teleport to a position flanking their target, and stab them with a Bamboo Lance. This lance strikes at Long Sword range, and may hit two targets at once. After attacking, they teleport back to the panel they were standing upon when they first began their attack sequence. They are mindlessly oblivious to the hazards of terrain. Kilby Omega viruses attack differently. Instead of attacking from the side, they attack 3 separate targets from behind with Bamboo Lance. They also teleport before and after the attack, just as lesser Kilby do, and only attack once per turn. They are mindlessly oblivious to the hazards of terrain.
Area: Yumland, Okuden Valley, Dentech
HP: 170
Attack Damage/Effect: 70 Wood + Long Attack
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Hits opponents from the side with a Bamboo Lance.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): SideBamboo2, Zenny
Special: Teleports when attacking.
Special: Attacks once per turn only.: DELETED
EarthJelly2EarthJelly2 (EarthJelly)
EarthJelly are floating, jellyfish-like viruses, that seem to simply float nonchalantly, yet are deceptively difficult to combat. Fortunately, their rarity ensures they they never appear before a Battle 6, and there are never more than 2 in a single battle. While their horizontal movement is terrible at best, they can easily adjust their altitude as needed. By default, however, they tend to hover a couple of feet above the ground. The exception to this is when they attack. EarthJelly attack by launching large waves of mud at enemies The attack cycle of EarthJelly is 2 actions long. It requires one action to charge before firing. If they are stunned or otherwise temporarily disabled, they resume their attack cycle where it was halted once the stun wears off. When they attack, they drop to the ground in order to pump out as much liquid as possible. This allows them to harness the power of certain kinds of terrain to boost their attacks, but it also makes them immobile and vulnerable to ground-based attacks for the duration.
Area: Yumland
HP: 270
Attack Damage/Effect: 70 Wood + Ground Attack + Wide Attack + Mud Terrain Boost 40 + 1 action charge
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: It charges itself with innate elemental energy, then launches a hard-to-avoid wall of mud at enemies. The attack is stronger if performed over Mud terrain.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MudWave2 (Rare), Zenny
Special: OmniShoes
Special: This virus can move forward, backward, or to the side, but it does this so slowly that it cannot evade attacks this way.
Special: This virus can move up and down at high speed in order to avoid attacks while charging. While they can float fairly high, they cannot achieve High Altitude status.
Special: This virus is anchored and cannot move when attacking.: 70Hp [Mud][Out in the mud to the west]
Terra.EXE: 170Hp [Soil]
40% Mud
20% Grass
10% Normal
30% Soil
BMD: [Accessed]
BlackBomb1: 50Hp [Grass][StoneBody][Feeling Strangely Left Out]
Still, it was cool and pleasant feeling, despite her hardened exterior. By the edge of the isthmus, the viney reached out its tendrils in an effort to give her a vaguely questionable hug; she could feel, if not see, the handful of thick vines coiling about her limbs from a couple of directions occupying her arms and hindering her legs as they crept up her body through the slippery mud, but though they applied some pressure as they did so, they certainly couldn't harm her. The apple-themed virus, meanwhile, popped out of its shell and launched a cluster of seedlings towards her instead. It was almost hard to identify it as an attack, really. The most pointed thing that happened was that the seeds swiftly sprouted in the mud, converting a small patch around where terra was to fertile soil, which then burst forth into rapidly growing grass. Terra, as a result, was left lying in a thoroughly muddy state, limbs encircled with over-friendly vines, on a small circle of firm grass, in the middle of the muddle sea. It was a fairly odd sight all told.
From this position ,she witnessed two of the other viruses warp up to make fresh attempts on her life, but neither of them managed to achieve anything beyond poking at her with their ineffective weapons. Terra, for her part, was able to pick herself up enough to cast out her next chip, setting the devastating explosive in a spot where it would certainly catch any virus in the area. The next step, while the viney let its tendrils explore and squeeze further across her, to no effect beyond possibly mild embarrassment, and the apple virus showered her in more seeds that only added to the vibrant patch of grass, was to slam her hands together and send out a rippling wave of heat across the area. The grass burned and the mud... got pleasantly warm... more importantly, most of the viruses took a severe charring from the wave.
One thing that didn't seem to happen, however, was an ear-splitting explosion. The Jelly dropped down as she attacked, meeting her wave with a mud-swell of its own, but despite some interference, it didn't manage much beyond coating Terra in afresh layer of now quite warm mud. Her skin was going to look great tomorrow. Terra's second wave followed just in case, easily finishing off most of the remaining viruses, though the apply virus, done with its attacks for now, had closed up into its shell and appeared to survive. More importantly, still no explosion.
A moment passed, then another, and Terra was able to look across to the small isthmus and see her bomb, still glinting happily in the light, somehow unscathed by either of her attacks and awaiting its spark. How one earth had that happened? The only viruses left were the Jelly, badly scorched and starting to lift itself back out of the mud, and the apply one, that was still sealed away inside its apple-shaped armour. Neither seemed like they intended to explain this ridiculousness. Oh well...
AppleSamu2AppleSamu2 (AppleSamu)
More likely to use Primary Attack when accompanied by Fire Elementals or very little Grass is present. More likely to use Secondary Attack if target is on Grass or a lot of Grass is already present.
Area: Dentech, Yumland
HP: 170
Primary Damage/Effect: 45 Wood + Small Area Grass Terrain Change
Primary Attack Accuracy: A
Primary Attack Description: Pops out of fruit shell, and spits a cluster of grass seeds.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): RedFruit2, Zenny
Special: Attacks every other turn.
- IronBody when not attacking.
- When this virus's HP is reduced to zero or lower, this virus will return another one virus still alive to full HP. AppleSamu is then deleted as normal.: 70Hp [Mud][To the north]
VinerViner (Viney)
Viney viruses do not move or dodge. Viney viruses require the presence of Grass, Soil, or Mud terrain in order to appear in battle, and they always appear on these terrain types. Vineys are rooted in place, and cannot be moved. The main body of a Viney is immune to any and all forms of attack except fire element damage, but the vines the viruses uses to attack with are vulnerable to all attacks. The virus attacks by using a group of thorny vines to creep up out of a nearby panel, then move towards the victim in hopes of capturing them. Once the vines make contact, they wrap around the victim, and hold them in place while causing damage. The vines can only be escaped from by the target if the target dedicates an action with decent roleplay attempting to escape. The vines may also be cut or burned in order to allow the target to escape, but in the case of fire, the target sustains double the fire damage of the attack used to burn the vines. Summoning the group of vines requires an action, moving the vines requires an action, and damage is dealt to a captured target for each action the Viney spends trying to hold the target in place. Both the vines and the virus itself are damage zones. Any damage either one sustains counts against the virus' HP. Both are subject to terrain effects and those effects stack as if the virus were in two places at the same time (because it basically is).
Area: Okuden Valley, Yumland, Netfrica, Dentech
HP: 160
Attack Damage/Effect: 30 Wood + Bind
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Seeks and wraps enemies by sticking writhing vines through the ground.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Rope2, Zenny
Special: Bind: This is a virus-only form of instantly-activating Hold that does not count as a status effect (thus cannot be removed with status cure). Bind works on a per-action basis, instead of per-turn, and is maintained by physical contact with the source. A target suffering the effects of Bind also becomes weak to Fire. Bind is canceled by attacking the source with Fire or Slashing damage, or spending one or more actions to escape with good RP quality. Using Fire to remove the Bind source also damages the trapped victim.
Special: Immobile.
- Vines can be attacked for damage.: DELETED
Swordy-W2Swordy-W2 (Swordy-W)
Area: Okuden Valley, Dentech, Yumland
HP: 160
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 45 Wood + Long Range Attack + Slashing
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: When this virus is 2 panels away from the target, or its enemies are 2-deep, it will attack with Bamboo Blade.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 30 Wood + Wide Range Attack + Slashing
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: When this virus is standing directly adjacent to its target, or diagonally from it, it will attack with Bamboo Sword.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): BambooSword, Zenny
Special: Swordy-W's are immune to Confusion Status.
Special: Uses Area Grab to get into attack range.: DELETED
KilburKilbur (Kilby)
Kilby viruses try to stay at least 3 panels away from their enemy at all times, and dodge back and forth constantly. Kilby viruses only attack once per turn, and when they do, they teleport to a position flanking their target, and stab them with a Bamboo Lance. This lance strikes at Long Sword range, and may hit two targets at once. After attacking, they teleport back to the panel they were standing upon when they first began their attack sequence. They are mindlessly oblivious to the hazards of terrain. Kilby Omega viruses attack differently. Instead of attacking from the side, they attack 3 separate targets from behind with Bamboo Lance. They also teleport before and after the attack, just as lesser Kilby do, and only attack once per turn. They are mindlessly oblivious to the hazards of terrain.
Area: Yumland, Okuden Valley, Dentech
HP: 170
Attack Damage/Effect: 70 Wood + Long Attack
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Hits opponents from the side with a Bamboo Lance.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): SideBamboo2, Zenny
Special: Teleports when attacking.
Special: Attacks once per turn only.: DELETED
EarthJelly2EarthJelly2 (EarthJelly)
EarthJelly are floating, jellyfish-like viruses, that seem to simply float nonchalantly, yet are deceptively difficult to combat. Fortunately, their rarity ensures they they never appear before a Battle 6, and there are never more than 2 in a single battle. While their horizontal movement is terrible at best, they can easily adjust their altitude as needed. By default, however, they tend to hover a couple of feet above the ground. The exception to this is when they attack. EarthJelly attack by launching large waves of mud at enemies The attack cycle of EarthJelly is 2 actions long. It requires one action to charge before firing. If they are stunned or otherwise temporarily disabled, they resume their attack cycle where it was halted once the stun wears off. When they attack, they drop to the ground in order to pump out as much liquid as possible. This allows them to harness the power of certain kinds of terrain to boost their attacks, but it also makes them immobile and vulnerable to ground-based attacks for the duration.
Area: Yumland
HP: 270
Attack Damage/Effect: 70 Wood + Ground Attack + Wide Attack + Mud Terrain Boost 40 + 1 action charge
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: It charges itself with innate elemental energy, then launches a hard-to-avoid wall of mud at enemies. The attack is stronger if performed over Mud terrain.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MudWave2 (Rare), Zenny
Special: OmniShoes
Special: This virus can move forward, backward, or to the side, but it does this so slowly that it cannot evade attacks this way.
Special: This virus can move up and down at high speed in order to avoid attacks while charging. While they can float fairly high, they cannot achieve High Altitude status.
Special: This virus is anchored and cannot move when attacking.: 70Hp [Mud][Out in the mud to the west]
Terra.EXE: 170Hp [Soil]
40% Mud
- Non-Wood Elementals get -10% Evasion penalty and reduced movement speed, 25% (+/-25% RP) chance to fall or get stuck (1 action to get free).
- Automatically triggers Aqua Boost for appropriate chip attacks.
- Wood attacks: Change terrain hit to Soil.
- PanelShot: Imbue Wood + Slow1.
20% Grass
- Wood Elementals get +5 HP/action.
- Fire attacks: +100% Source Damage, change terrain hit to Soil.
- PanelShot: Imbue Wood.
10% Normal
- No effects.
30% Soil
- Wood Elementals get +10% Evasion.
- Wood attacks: +100% Source Damage, change terrain hit to Grass.
- 100 Damage Aqua attacks: Change terrain hit to Mud.
- 100 Damage Fire attacks: change terrain hit to Coal.
- PanelShot: Imbue Wood.
BMD: [Accessed]
BlackBomb1: 50Hp [Grass][StoneBody][Feeling Strangely Left Out]
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"That's new," commented Scarlet, as both she and Terra looked up at the evidently unexploded ordnance towering above the Navi. Though she was still covered from head to toe in mud, Terra didn't need her eyes to tell that the enormous bomb was still there. Under the mud, her steel defense began to wear off, and she shook it off lightly, using her power to ensure the job was done thoroughly. With the mud off, one could see that she had a slightly annoyed expression; her cheeks puffed up as she turned away from the bomb that had somehow escaped the carnage. A bright emerald light enveloped her body briefly, before receding to reveal her usual defenses, fueled by the fertile soil under her feet.
The small display of emotion from her Navi caused Scarlet to giggle slightly, as she sent in three more chips to remove the two remaining viruses. "Pickpocket, CircleGun... oh, this apple virus thing has IronBody, so I guess I can throw in this AuraHead too," she murmured, as the chip icons lit up, and disappeared from her screen to indicate being sent over the network. A small notification ping alerted her to something on another screen, which she glanced at briefly. The screen displayed a little announcement on a bulletin board she had been frequenting before. "Oh! That'll be more helpful than the AuraHead later," she said to herself.
Deep in the network, the two signature Bandcoons Terra owned materialized at her feet, this time with little packs on their backs. Their excited chitters filled the air as they ran circles around her, happy to be of service once more, before halting quickly in front of her. Despite their eyepatches, they were quick to identify the remaining viruses on the field, with one of them gesturing towards the Jelly and the other looking back towards Terra for confirmation. A slight tilt of her head was all they needed to get going, as they squeaked in unison and darted off. Mid-run, one of them extracted a length of rope from its pack and tossed it to the other, affixing the rope to their waists in sync. Splashing across the mud, they then leapt onto the Jelly, with one using the other to vault up and then pulling the other up with the length of rope, ready to begin working with their sticky hands.
Meanwhile, Terra herself was preparing her own things, raising her arm against the Jelly. Bits of soil and rock materialized around her arm, lining up in multiple consecutive circles and revolving increasingly quickly. Numbering five in total, she clenched her fist suddenly, causing the circle of soil to coalesce with a crack in front of her hand, before it launched towards the Jelly as a solid chunk of earth with a resounding boom. She turned towards the AppleSamu and opened her hand; the circles shifted their position forward like a loaded bullet. A crack preceding another explosive noise, and the next earthen bullet was flying towards the AppleSamu, this time shaped more like an armor-piercing round than a simple spherical chunk. Her arm was not lowered; she kept the third round at the ready in case either of her two shots missed the first time around.
// Summary
[Te.*] Sig: Terraskill: Earthen Barrier: 20 HP Planar Barrier (Soil: Wood)
[Te.*] Sig: Terraskill: Earthen Armor: 20 HP Planar Barrier (Soil: Wood)
[Te.1] Chip:
PickpocketDamage: 0
Accuracy: B
Description: Summons a Bandcoon to steal from opponents before vanishing.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Success and quality of theft affected by RP quality and luck.
Trader Rank: C: Pickpocket (Acc: B) @ EarthJelly2
[Te.2] Chip:
PickpocketDamage: 0
Accuracy: B
Description: Summons a Bandcoon to steal from opponents before vanishing.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Success and quality of theft affected by RP quality and luck.
Trader Rank: C: Pickpocket (Acc: B) @ EarthJelly2
[Te.3] Chip:
CircleGun1Damage: 100 + Seeking
Accuracy: A
Description: A highly accurate cannon attack that can see through invisibility. Can fire 4 times before being expended. Rare
Duration: 4 Uses
Element: Null
Trader Rank: C: 100 + Seeking (4 Uses) (Acc: A) @ EarthJelly2 (Use 1/4)
[Te.4] Chip:
AuraHead1Damage: 90 + Break + Line Attack3 + Aura Boost
Accuracy: B / C / D
Description: Launches a Megallian Aura Head that smashes through up to 3 targets/objects in a straight line. Accuracy decreases with each hit.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Aura Boost: +20 Attack Damage when user of this chip is protected by a Barrier. +50 Attack Damage when user of this chip is protected by an Aura.
Trader Rank: D: 90 + Break + Line Attack3 + Aura Boost (Acc: B / C / D) @ AppleSamu2 (AuraBoost?: Null+20, Break x IronBody: Null+90/110)
[Te.5] Chip:
CircleGun1Damage: 100 + Seeking
Accuracy: A
Description: A highly accurate cannon attack that can see through invisibility. Can fire 4 times before being expended. Rare
Duration: 4 Uses
Element: Null
Trader Rank: C: 100 + Seeking (4 Uses) (Acc: A) @ Remaining Enemy (Use 2/4)
The small display of emotion from her Navi caused Scarlet to giggle slightly, as she sent in three more chips to remove the two remaining viruses. "Pickpocket, CircleGun... oh, this apple virus thing has IronBody, so I guess I can throw in this AuraHead too," she murmured, as the chip icons lit up, and disappeared from her screen to indicate being sent over the network. A small notification ping alerted her to something on another screen, which she glanced at briefly. The screen displayed a little announcement on a bulletin board she had been frequenting before. "Oh! That'll be more helpful than the AuraHead later," she said to herself.
Deep in the network, the two signature Bandcoons Terra owned materialized at her feet, this time with little packs on their backs. Their excited chitters filled the air as they ran circles around her, happy to be of service once more, before halting quickly in front of her. Despite their eyepatches, they were quick to identify the remaining viruses on the field, with one of them gesturing towards the Jelly and the other looking back towards Terra for confirmation. A slight tilt of her head was all they needed to get going, as they squeaked in unison and darted off. Mid-run, one of them extracted a length of rope from its pack and tossed it to the other, affixing the rope to their waists in sync. Splashing across the mud, they then leapt onto the Jelly, with one using the other to vault up and then pulling the other up with the length of rope, ready to begin working with their sticky hands.
Meanwhile, Terra herself was preparing her own things, raising her arm against the Jelly. Bits of soil and rock materialized around her arm, lining up in multiple consecutive circles and revolving increasingly quickly. Numbering five in total, she clenched her fist suddenly, causing the circle of soil to coalesce with a crack in front of her hand, before it launched towards the Jelly as a solid chunk of earth with a resounding boom. She turned towards the AppleSamu and opened her hand; the circles shifted their position forward like a loaded bullet. A crack preceding another explosive noise, and the next earthen bullet was flying towards the AppleSamu, this time shaped more like an armor-piercing round than a simple spherical chunk. Her arm was not lowered; she kept the third round at the ready in case either of her two shots missed the first time around.
// Summary
[Te.*] Sig: Terraskill: Earthen Barrier: 20 HP Planar Barrier (Soil: Wood)
[Te.*] Sig: Terraskill: Earthen Armor: 20 HP Planar Barrier (Soil: Wood)
[Te.1] Chip:

Accuracy: B
Description: Summons a Bandcoon to steal from opponents before vanishing.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Success and quality of theft affected by RP quality and luck.
Trader Rank: C: Pickpocket (Acc: B) @ EarthJelly2
[Te.2] Chip:

Accuracy: B
Description: Summons a Bandcoon to steal from opponents before vanishing.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Success and quality of theft affected by RP quality and luck.
Trader Rank: C: Pickpocket (Acc: B) @ EarthJelly2
[Te.3] Chip:

Accuracy: A
Description: A highly accurate cannon attack that can see through invisibility. Can fire 4 times before being expended. Rare
Duration: 4 Uses
Element: Null
Trader Rank: C: 100 + Seeking (4 Uses) (Acc: A) @ EarthJelly2 (Use 1/4)
[Te.4] Chip:

Accuracy: B / C / D
Description: Launches a Megallian Aura Head that smashes through up to 3 targets/objects in a straight line. Accuracy decreases with each hit.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Aura Boost: +20 Attack Damage when user of this chip is protected by a Barrier. +50 Attack Damage when user of this chip is protected by an Aura.
Trader Rank: D: 90 + Break + Line Attack3 + Aura Boost (Acc: B / C / D) @ AppleSamu2 (AuraBoost?: Null+20, Break x IronBody: Null+90/110)
[Te.5] Chip:

Accuracy: A
Description: A highly accurate cannon attack that can see through invisibility. Can fire 4 times before being expended. Rare
Duration: 4 Uses
Element: Null
Trader Rank: C: 100 + Seeking (4 Uses) (Acc: A) @ Remaining Enemy (Use 2/4)
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With a few irksome survivors and her precariously undetonated bomb, Terra decided that the best course of action was, most obviously, to release her faithful thieves onto the hazardous battlefield. ever up for a challenge, her two bandcoons set to work, pouncing on the large jelly virus before it could begin rising up out of the mud again. Eventually, the virus managed to shrug the pair off, but not before they had both managed to snag something from it. They each fell back into the mud, still connected by their tether, with a pair of victorious splashes. Terra aimed her first shot at the Jelly as it shook her thieves away, but it managed to respond just a bit quicker than anticipated, shooting up vertically to a higher position while her first shot blasted past beneath it. It began to charge itself up for another wave, but Terra had a decent gauge of how long that would take, and knew she had enough time to steal a spare shot at the other remaining virus.
The apple had split and presented itself again, peppering Terra with more grass seeds, which only skittered off her barrier without going further, before her return assault removed the odd creature at last. With time to spare, she was able to turn back and deliver a second shot to the Jelly, this time nailing it soundly while it was vulnerable. Her two bandcoons crawled up from the mud after splashing over to her, eager to had up their spoils; one had a small amount of multi-hued jelly crystals that converted easily into direct zenny value, while the other was able to present her with the chip she was after; score.
With the battle over, the data string that had trailed after her from the crystal was able to unpack itself as well, presenting another chip for her efforts while she gathered up the remaining spoils from the coastal area.
AppleSamu2AppleSamu2 (AppleSamu)
More likely to use Primary Attack when accompanied by Fire Elementals or very little Grass is present. More likely to use Secondary Attack if target is on Grass or a lot of Grass is already present.
Area: Dentech, Yumland
HP: 170
Primary Damage/Effect: 45 Wood + Small Area Grass Terrain Change
Primary Attack Accuracy: A
Primary Attack Description: Pops out of fruit shell, and spits a cluster of grass seeds.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): RedFruit2, Zenny
Special: Attacks every other turn.
- IronBody when not attacking.
- When this virus's HP is reduced to zero or lower, this virus will return another one virus still alive to full HP. AppleSamu is then deleted as normal.: DELETED
VinerViner (Viney)
Viney viruses do not move or dodge. Viney viruses require the presence of Grass, Soil, or Mud terrain in order to appear in battle, and they always appear on these terrain types. Vineys are rooted in place, and cannot be moved. The main body of a Viney is immune to any and all forms of attack except fire element damage, but the vines the viruses uses to attack with are vulnerable to all attacks. The virus attacks by using a group of thorny vines to creep up out of a nearby panel, then move towards the victim in hopes of capturing them. Once the vines make contact, they wrap around the victim, and hold them in place while causing damage. The vines can only be escaped from by the target if the target dedicates an action with decent roleplay attempting to escape. The vines may also be cut or burned in order to allow the target to escape, but in the case of fire, the target sustains double the fire damage of the attack used to burn the vines. Summoning the group of vines requires an action, moving the vines requires an action, and damage is dealt to a captured target for each action the Viney spends trying to hold the target in place. Both the vines and the virus itself are damage zones. Any damage either one sustains counts against the virus' HP. Both are subject to terrain effects and those effects stack as if the virus were in two places at the same time (because it basically is).
Area: Okuden Valley, Yumland, Netfrica, Dentech
HP: 160
Attack Damage/Effect: 30 Wood + Bind
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Seeks and wraps enemies by sticking writhing vines through the ground.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Rope2, Zenny
Special: Bind: This is a virus-only form of instantly-activating Hold that does not count as a status effect (thus cannot be removed with status cure). Bind works on a per-action basis, instead of per-turn, and is maintained by physical contact with the source. A target suffering the effects of Bind also becomes weak to Fire. Bind is canceled by attacking the source with Fire or Slashing damage, or spending one or more actions to escape with good RP quality. Using Fire to remove the Bind source also damages the trapped victim.
Special: Immobile.
- Vines can be attacked for damage.: DELETED
Swordy-W2Swordy-W2 (Swordy-W)
Area: Okuden Valley, Dentech, Yumland
HP: 160
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 45 Wood + Long Range Attack + Slashing
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: When this virus is 2 panels away from the target, or its enemies are 2-deep, it will attack with Bamboo Blade.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 30 Wood + Wide Range Attack + Slashing
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: When this virus is standing directly adjacent to its target, or diagonally from it, it will attack with Bamboo Sword.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): BambooSword, Zenny
Special: Swordy-W's are immune to Confusion Status.
Special: Uses Area Grab to get into attack range.: DELETED
KilburKilbur (Kilby)
Kilby viruses try to stay at least 3 panels away from their enemy at all times, and dodge back and forth constantly. Kilby viruses only attack once per turn, and when they do, they teleport to a position flanking their target, and stab them with a Bamboo Lance. This lance strikes at Long Sword range, and may hit two targets at once. After attacking, they teleport back to the panel they were standing upon when they first began their attack sequence. They are mindlessly oblivious to the hazards of terrain. Kilby Omega viruses attack differently. Instead of attacking from the side, they attack 3 separate targets from behind with Bamboo Lance. They also teleport before and after the attack, just as lesser Kilby do, and only attack once per turn. They are mindlessly oblivious to the hazards of terrain.
Area: Yumland, Okuden Valley, Dentech
HP: 170
Attack Damage/Effect: 70 Wood + Long Attack
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Hits opponents from the side with a Bamboo Lance.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): SideBamboo2, Zenny
Special: Teleports when attacking.
Special: Attacks once per turn only.: DELETED
EarthJelly2EarthJelly2 (EarthJelly)
EarthJelly are floating, jellyfish-like viruses, that seem to simply float nonchalantly, yet are deceptively difficult to combat. Fortunately, their rarity ensures they they never appear before a Battle 6, and there are never more than 2 in a single battle. While their horizontal movement is terrible at best, they can easily adjust their altitude as needed. By default, however, they tend to hover a couple of feet above the ground. The exception to this is when they attack. EarthJelly attack by launching large waves of mud at enemies The attack cycle of EarthJelly is 2 actions long. It requires one action to charge before firing. If they are stunned or otherwise temporarily disabled, they resume their attack cycle where it was halted once the stun wears off. When they attack, they drop to the ground in order to pump out as much liquid as possible. This allows them to harness the power of certain kinds of terrain to boost their attacks, but it also makes them immobile and vulnerable to ground-based attacks for the duration.
Area: Yumland
HP: 270
Attack Damage/Effect: 70 Wood + Ground Attack + Wide Attack + Mud Terrain Boost 40 + 1 action charge
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: It charges itself with innate elemental energy, then launches a hard-to-avoid wall of mud at enemies. The attack is stronger if performed over Mud terrain.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MudWave2 (Rare), Zenny
Special: OmniShoes
Special: This virus can move forward, backward, or to the side, but it does this so slowly that it cannot evade attacks this way.
Special: This virus can move up and down at high speed in order to avoid attacks while charging. While they can float fairly high, they cannot achieve High Altitude status.
Special: This virus is anchored and cannot move when attacking.: DELETED
Terra.EXE: 170Hp [Grass]
40% Mud
25% Grass
10% Normal
25% Soil
BMD: [Accessed]
BlackBomb1: 50Hp [Grass][StoneBody][Feeling Strangely Left Out]
-=Battle 1, Victory!=-
RedFruit2Recovery: 140 HP
Accuracy: S
Description: Places a large red apple at a random spot on the field. The first person to attack the apple (enemy or ally) will recover 140 HP.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: C, 2900z, 52 BugFrags, EarthJelly Bounty +1
WindDragon1Damage: 160 + Confusion + Homing x 3 Targets
Accuracy: B
Description: Summons a Greengon from broken or missing terrain to breathe whirlwinds on up to three enemies, knocking them for a loop. Rare
Duration: Once
Element: Wood
Special: Wind Type: This chip counts as Wind Type for the purposes of Wind triggered effects, such as traps and terrain.
Trader Rank: C
MudWave2Damage: 70 + Ground Attack + To-All-Clause (Others) + Mud Terrain Boost 50
Accuracy: B
Description: Creates a land slide to bury everything and everyone other than the user, even their allies. Can be jumped over, but requires perfect timing. More effective if there is mud in the vicinity to fuel it.
Duration: Once
Element: Wood
Trader Rank: C, 600z
The apple had split and presented itself again, peppering Terra with more grass seeds, which only skittered off her barrier without going further, before her return assault removed the odd creature at last. With time to spare, she was able to turn back and deliver a second shot to the Jelly, this time nailing it soundly while it was vulnerable. Her two bandcoons crawled up from the mud after splashing over to her, eager to had up their spoils; one had a small amount of multi-hued jelly crystals that converted easily into direct zenny value, while the other was able to present her with the chip she was after; score.
With the battle over, the data string that had trailed after her from the crystal was able to unpack itself as well, presenting another chip for her efforts while she gathered up the remaining spoils from the coastal area.
AppleSamu2AppleSamu2 (AppleSamu)
More likely to use Primary Attack when accompanied by Fire Elementals or very little Grass is present. More likely to use Secondary Attack if target is on Grass or a lot of Grass is already present.
Area: Dentech, Yumland
HP: 170
Primary Damage/Effect: 45 Wood + Small Area Grass Terrain Change
Primary Attack Accuracy: A
Primary Attack Description: Pops out of fruit shell, and spits a cluster of grass seeds.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): RedFruit2, Zenny
Special: Attacks every other turn.
- IronBody when not attacking.
- When this virus's HP is reduced to zero or lower, this virus will return another one virus still alive to full HP. AppleSamu is then deleted as normal.: DELETED
VinerViner (Viney)
Viney viruses do not move or dodge. Viney viruses require the presence of Grass, Soil, or Mud terrain in order to appear in battle, and they always appear on these terrain types. Vineys are rooted in place, and cannot be moved. The main body of a Viney is immune to any and all forms of attack except fire element damage, but the vines the viruses uses to attack with are vulnerable to all attacks. The virus attacks by using a group of thorny vines to creep up out of a nearby panel, then move towards the victim in hopes of capturing them. Once the vines make contact, they wrap around the victim, and hold them in place while causing damage. The vines can only be escaped from by the target if the target dedicates an action with decent roleplay attempting to escape. The vines may also be cut or burned in order to allow the target to escape, but in the case of fire, the target sustains double the fire damage of the attack used to burn the vines. Summoning the group of vines requires an action, moving the vines requires an action, and damage is dealt to a captured target for each action the Viney spends trying to hold the target in place. Both the vines and the virus itself are damage zones. Any damage either one sustains counts against the virus' HP. Both are subject to terrain effects and those effects stack as if the virus were in two places at the same time (because it basically is).
Area: Okuden Valley, Yumland, Netfrica, Dentech
HP: 160
Attack Damage/Effect: 30 Wood + Bind
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Seeks and wraps enemies by sticking writhing vines through the ground.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Rope2, Zenny
Special: Bind: This is a virus-only form of instantly-activating Hold that does not count as a status effect (thus cannot be removed with status cure). Bind works on a per-action basis, instead of per-turn, and is maintained by physical contact with the source. A target suffering the effects of Bind also becomes weak to Fire. Bind is canceled by attacking the source with Fire or Slashing damage, or spending one or more actions to escape with good RP quality. Using Fire to remove the Bind source also damages the trapped victim.
Special: Immobile.
- Vines can be attacked for damage.: DELETED
Swordy-W2Swordy-W2 (Swordy-W)
Area: Okuden Valley, Dentech, Yumland
HP: 160
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 45 Wood + Long Range Attack + Slashing
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: When this virus is 2 panels away from the target, or its enemies are 2-deep, it will attack with Bamboo Blade.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 30 Wood + Wide Range Attack + Slashing
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: When this virus is standing directly adjacent to its target, or diagonally from it, it will attack with Bamboo Sword.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): BambooSword, Zenny
Special: Swordy-W's are immune to Confusion Status.
Special: Uses Area Grab to get into attack range.: DELETED
KilburKilbur (Kilby)
Kilby viruses try to stay at least 3 panels away from their enemy at all times, and dodge back and forth constantly. Kilby viruses only attack once per turn, and when they do, they teleport to a position flanking their target, and stab them with a Bamboo Lance. This lance strikes at Long Sword range, and may hit two targets at once. After attacking, they teleport back to the panel they were standing upon when they first began their attack sequence. They are mindlessly oblivious to the hazards of terrain. Kilby Omega viruses attack differently. Instead of attacking from the side, they attack 3 separate targets from behind with Bamboo Lance. They also teleport before and after the attack, just as lesser Kilby do, and only attack once per turn. They are mindlessly oblivious to the hazards of terrain.
Area: Yumland, Okuden Valley, Dentech
HP: 170
Attack Damage/Effect: 70 Wood + Long Attack
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Hits opponents from the side with a Bamboo Lance.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): SideBamboo2, Zenny
Special: Teleports when attacking.
Special: Attacks once per turn only.: DELETED
EarthJelly2EarthJelly2 (EarthJelly)
EarthJelly are floating, jellyfish-like viruses, that seem to simply float nonchalantly, yet are deceptively difficult to combat. Fortunately, their rarity ensures they they never appear before a Battle 6, and there are never more than 2 in a single battle. While their horizontal movement is terrible at best, they can easily adjust their altitude as needed. By default, however, they tend to hover a couple of feet above the ground. The exception to this is when they attack. EarthJelly attack by launching large waves of mud at enemies The attack cycle of EarthJelly is 2 actions long. It requires one action to charge before firing. If they are stunned or otherwise temporarily disabled, they resume their attack cycle where it was halted once the stun wears off. When they attack, they drop to the ground in order to pump out as much liquid as possible. This allows them to harness the power of certain kinds of terrain to boost their attacks, but it also makes them immobile and vulnerable to ground-based attacks for the duration.
Area: Yumland
HP: 270
Attack Damage/Effect: 70 Wood + Ground Attack + Wide Attack + Mud Terrain Boost 40 + 1 action charge
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: It charges itself with innate elemental energy, then launches a hard-to-avoid wall of mud at enemies. The attack is stronger if performed over Mud terrain.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MudWave2 (Rare), Zenny
Special: OmniShoes
Special: This virus can move forward, backward, or to the side, but it does this so slowly that it cannot evade attacks this way.
Special: This virus can move up and down at high speed in order to avoid attacks while charging. While they can float fairly high, they cannot achieve High Altitude status.
Special: This virus is anchored and cannot move when attacking.: DELETED
Terra.EXE: 170Hp [Grass]
40% Mud
- Non-Wood Elementals get -10% Evasion penalty and reduced movement speed, 25% (+/-25% RP) chance to fall or get stuck (1 action to get free).
- Automatically triggers Aqua Boost for appropriate chip attacks.
- Wood attacks: Change terrain hit to Soil.
- PanelShot: Imbue Wood + Slow1.
25% Grass
- Wood Elementals get +5 HP/action.
- Fire attacks: +100% Source Damage, change terrain hit to Soil.
- PanelShot: Imbue Wood.
10% Normal
- No effects.
25% Soil
- Wood Elementals get +10% Evasion.
- Wood attacks: +100% Source Damage, change terrain hit to Grass.
- 100 Damage Aqua attacks: Change terrain hit to Mud.
- 100 Damage Fire attacks: change terrain hit to Coal.
- PanelShot: Imbue Wood.
BMD: [Accessed]
BlackBomb1: 50Hp [Grass][StoneBody][Feeling Strangely Left Out]
-=Battle 1, Victory!=-

Accuracy: S
Description: Places a large red apple at a random spot on the field. The first person to attack the apple (enemy or ally) will recover 140 HP.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: C, 2900

Accuracy: B
Description: Summons a Greengon from broken or missing terrain to breathe whirlwinds on up to three enemies, knocking them for a loop. Rare
Duration: Once
Element: Wood
Special: Wind Type: This chip counts as Wind Type for the purposes of Wind triggered effects, such as traps and terrain.
Trader Rank: C

Accuracy: B
Description: Creates a land slide to bury everything and everyone other than the user, even their allies. Can be jumped over, but requires perfect timing. More effective if there is mud in the vicinity to fuel it.
Duration: Once
Element: Wood
Trader Rank: C, 600