"Huh? What the? Where in all of the majestic universe did I go to now?" The doctor navi looked around here utterly confused for once in his life. That Panel could have been boobytrapped, leading him to a probable demise so gruesome, so terrifying that nothing could have saved him. "Oh wait it's just the Netsquare, Ha! Eat that universe!" He stated, pointing up towards the sky like a delirious old man. Looking around, he sees a familiar little girl in a red skirt as he screamed "Reeeeeeeed!" before running towards her and locking her in a tight embrace. "Who's the laughing man?" He spoke towards Pianissimo, who was laughing towards the girl's banter.

"S-Say, if she's there......" Polonius talked to himself as he thumbed through the windows. "Ahh this must be p-p-p-art of that giant mission! Hmmm...... O-oh my.... were su-p-p-p-pp-ose to meet in Scilabs!?" Polonius jumped out of his seat, running towards the Metro Station while the owner bickers yet again with his employers.
Runeknight stared at Pianissimo, his eyes under the visor were hard, fearless. He recognized the challenge for what it was. Despite deferring leadership, this Navi still mistrusted Runeknight's intentions. It was odd, this immediate dislike, and Runeknight was further put off by how well Pianissimo got along with some of the other Navi present. Was he doomed to be the outcast in this mission?

"Twitching?" Runeknight's voice was quiet though still held an edge of courtesy. "I hadn't noticed. I have had some rough battles lately and this must merely be a small side effect of such intense fighting. Nothing to worry about and, I assure you, I am not nervous."

Runeknight turned to regard the two newcomers, a NetPolice Navi that he did not know and a strange Navi in a lab coat who seemed a little off. The NetPolice Navi ordered them to report to him when the entire group was gathered. Twelve Navi, more than enough to face any opponent, or so he thought. Runeknight just wished that Zan would return soon. He liked having his liege Lord around, even just for the feeling of security that Zan represented.

"Suffice to say," Runeknight turned back to Pianissimo. "Yes, my NetOp was the one who received these mission orders from the NetPolice."
"AGH!" Red yelped as DNR held in tight embrace, "DNR-san! Don't sneak up on me like that!" the red-caped wonder pouted as she waved her arms frantically.
Replying to Pianissimo's question, "Yeah, he's kind of crazy, but he's got a good heart inside, I can tell," the crimson crusader commented. She paid close attention to the 10 foot tall navi who produced an ear of corn out of nowhere and left off somewhere, seemed like he was the contact.
"Hello Runeknight-san! I'm Red_Riding_Hood.exe, nice to meet you!" Red greeted, struggling to get DNR off her and find a way to breath.
A bright light appeared in the sky as Divinity fluttered through it peacefully while looking down on the Navis below her. Humming softly with her eyes almost closed, she just flew around like a pesky bee waiting for a chance to strike. "I hope everyone comes soon," she muttered and gradually decreased altitude. "Let's see who's already here... Hmmm..." she continued as she checked the face of each custom Navi close by, "Pianissimo... Unknown... Unknown... Unknown... Lots of people being unknown." And with those words, she stopped beating her wings and made herself fall down towards the ground. Just before slamming her iron-clad feet on the ground, she beat her wings and remained floating close to the ground.

"Hello all," she said softly, not knowing what else to say for now, and floated towards the group. "Hi Pianissimo... Who are the others?" she asked the only person she recognized and then turned her head towards the other Navis around her.
"Hello Divinity," Pianissimo said, giving a slight wave that consisted of little more than flicking his wrist slightly. "Who is everyone...yes..."
"That's Red," he indicated the young girl navi.
"Um..I guess that's DNR," indicating the mad doctor.
"Nikko, I think," indicating the cat navi.
"Runeknight," he pointed at the dark knight.
"And American," at the gunman.

Red waved at Divinty and said, "Hi, nice to meet you," before trying to wrestle out of DNR's grip. "Can't... breath...." she whispered to DNR.
"Hello there everybody! The name's DNR.EXE! It's a pleasure to meet every single one of your guys." the doctor stated, waving, yet still having Red in his grip. Letting her go to be herself, he then looked at the new arrival. He bowed with a smile respecting her prescence and saying to her for the first time ever. . . . "What are your feelings toward abortion? "
Red fell flat on her back as DNR let go, taking deep breaths of air, then laughing, hard, at DNR's question.
"Silly DNR, Navi's can't have children," Red said, getting up and flapping her hand.
"Well, with one exception that I know of," she commented, locking eyes with Pianissimo at that statement.
"Of course. I almost forgot about that," Pianissimo said, looking directly at Red. "That seems like a really odd way to greet someone, though."
"It's a crime towards life!" Divinity shouted at DNR's question, "Abortion is the same as killing a human being! God does not give life to beings so it can be wasted!" She grabbed DNR's shoulders tightly and shook him around while still shouting at him. "Why would they want to kill such a beautiful creature of God!?" she shouted again, "A child is something to cherish, not to murder! Can humans really be that foolish!?" In the end of her shouting, she let go of DNR before pushing him away and clamped her hands together as if she was about to pray to God. "I believe all life has a reason... Right?"
"I suppose one could say that." The same navi as before had returned, munching on an ear of corn... "Either way, you're still missing..." The navi held up a small list of people, "...Valkyrie.exe, Crimson Royale.exe, and... Daisy.exe? Either she's a farmer, or she's a lame ripoff of that princess is my bet..." he grumbled, putting the list away in a pocket. "Either way, if they're not here soon I'll send you guys to Twi anyway."
Shaking his head yes, he first holds one finger up, signaling but. He then grabs Divinity's shoulders, shaking her and commenced his rebuttal " A Crime towards life! A crime towards life!!? Picture it! A mass or blob of DNA and stuff taken through right above your vaginal cavity! It HAS no life! Besides it is a woman's ideals to wheather she wants a baby or not! Contrary to what you believe, Not all pregnancies are planned! Ever heard of people abducting females and having their way! Huh? Have you! I mean do you want teen pregnancy rampant!?"
The navi blinked a few times and stared inquisitively at the arguing pair. "...Why does he always attract the freaks...? I swear to god, I hate this job." The navi threw his hands up in the air, almost dropping his ear of corn, and turned his back to the group.
"Buuuuut," whined Divinity as DNR was still shaking her around with his hands on her shoulder, "That 'blob' eventually becomes a human being. It remains a crime, a murder, towards man! And a woman should be capable of... Defending herself!" And at that point she got tired of seeing the world move around. Knowing DNR was in front of her, she still shouted out at him, "Can you stop shaking me around now!?"
Red simply pushed DNR to the ground.
"You should've done it right away," Red commented sarcastically as she attempted to help Divinity maintain balance.
A loud 'bang!' rang out through the air, and all eyes turned to the source-- the burly navi that was supposed to be their escort, who was pointing a gun straight into the air. "Pipe down you sons of bitches, you're acting like a bunch of school kids and frankly I'm not gonna tolerate it anymore. Now either you all shut up and wait for those others to get here, or I just take that guy--" The navi gestured to Runeknight, "--and the rest of you fail your goddamned GMO mission. NOW SHUT THE FUCK UP SO I CAN EAT MY CORN!"
Red fell silent, but she and her operator shared the same thoughts.

What's with this guy and corn? And do navis really need to eat? Red, as if answering her own question, took a lollipop out of her picnic basket and started to lick it. Truth to be told, it tasted good.
"Ow Much?" DNR rubbed his head, shaking off the fall. " Two things! One! I'm sorry for shaking you miss." He said in a dull voice, bowing towards the two ladies. "And Two! You! Just EAT YOUR DAMN CORN! IT HAS ESSENTIAL VITAMINS FOR THE GROWING BOYS OF ELECTOPIA! JUST DOOOOOOO ITTTTTTTT!" He said, pointing to the man with the gun upwards.
Pianissimo shook his head and sighed. "Don't blow a vein," he said to the corn eating navi. "The rest of you, he has a point. This is stupid."
The navi twitched and pointed his gun at DNR--

--And then shot him in the shoulder. (40)

"I SAID shut up." The navi turned away from the group and took another bite of corn, grumbling to himself. "Damn navis never listen..."