Front Counter

Muttering a "Thanks," Harke grabbed the card from the table, looked briefly at its fifty-zenny balance readout, and headed out with his purchases.
Dave walked into the chip shop, humming Crazy Train. He double checked the price list, nodded, and stepped up to the counter.

"Hey, could I get a sword chip and..." He paused, apparently torn between two options. "Uhm... Hm. Didn't put enough though into this." After another two seconds of thought, he snapped his fingers. "Oh, and a Powershot!" He grinned sheepishly. "Sorry, couldn't decide."
"Heh, take you time kid." said Soryu as he picked off some earwax with his pinky. As soon as Dave made his mind, he reached behind his back and picked the two chips off without a second guess and slid them onto the counter.

"Come back anytime soon!"

Dave GET:
- [Sword] Battlechip
- [PowerShot] Battlechip

Dave LOSE: 2,550z
"Thanks! I will!" Dave deposited his money on the counter, grabbed his chips, and left. "Hey, Tranum, I got the chips!"

"Woo! This means we can get back to busting soon, right?"

"Well, first I'm going to head over to SciLabs and see what I can get at the Navi Shop. I'll head back after that, though."

"Might be a good idea. Hurry up, though."
Stepping right out of the Metro in ACDC, Mr. Carbonium walked on over towards the chip shop, yet again getting his coat stuck "Dang it! This is the second time today!" he exclaimed as he simply pulls the labcoat away from said door, rushing on over towards the counter. "I'll just have a BambooKnife... "

"Doctors do need tongue depressors as great supplies!... buut even though I'm a surgeon... it'll help when the situation calls for it!... Lovely job there Polonius." DNR seemed to have dolled out many compliments today, perhaps it's just fortuitous for the med student ... or perhaps DNR's accidentally drank a shot of morphine, who can say?
"BambooKnife, eh..." mumbled Soryu, as he bent down to rummage around in the chip cases. Suddenly, the shop's lights dimmed, leaving a strange atmosphere to the shop. He then saw several knives fly out of the back of the shop, narrowly missing Soryu's back and the med student's body.

... Then, Soryu lifted his head from the chip case, and everything suddenly went back to normal, as if nothing had happened. "There you go, BambooKnife. Two thousand and four, have a nice day," the shopkeeper said as he slid the chip across the counter top.

Polonius GET: [BambooKnife] Battlechip
Polonius LOSE: 2400z
"Right. Thank you sir." the med student said, turning right over towards the door to open it. As he does so, DNR seems to start talking, becoming a reminder to Polonius that perhaps he should have muted his PET more often. "Well... while I am glad we have brought in our lovely little upgrades, I'd like to say that we should probably take a small break with all this training for Medical classes."

"Hmm?" Polonius said, pulling out his PET with a raised eyebrow. "You mean like going out for a walk?"

"A capital idea! Looking out through the lungs of the cybernetic society of Electopia, watching people... it will get you into the mindset of learning that medicine is but a heart pump to alleviate society's ills!"

"... Uhuhhh... well, since we're still on vacation from lectures for 2 months still... I might as well do so." Polonius gave a bit of a mile, his labcoat's coattails trailing as the door slams through.
As soon as the front door of the shop opened, Vita was smiling and walking towards the front counter. "Hey again." She said, stopping just in front of the counter and quickly looking over the display of chips. "Hey, could I get one of those Energybombs and three of the small energy packs?" She asked, opening a small purse to look through what she had. "Let's see... 600, three is 360... Ah, I've got change." She said lightly to herself, handing over the zenny in exchange for her chips.
Soryu grunted in response to the greeting, grabbing the four items requested in one fell sweep and throwing them into the air. Quickly snatching a plastic bag from under the counter, the shopkeeper then proceeded to cover his face with his free hand and catch the chips in the bag. Then, uncovering his face, he shoved the zenny into the register.

"Have a nice day."

Vita GET: [EnergyBomb] Battlechip, [SmallEnergyPack] Subchip x3
Vita LOSE: 960z
Vita laughed a bit at the little show and took her purchases. "Thanks for the chips. See you again." She told him, waving before turning her back and walking back out the door.
Walking up to the counter, Jack plopped down 400z onto it. One Untrap please. he said, sulking because the chip trader had screwed him over on chips four times in a row.

Buying: Untrapx1
Paying: 400z
Zenny left after purchase: 4222z
"Huh, I thought these were a silly product at first, but I guess trapped data is a bigger problem than I realized. The demand for them is greater than I expected," Soryu mumbled to himself as he reached into a small container just beneath the counter and pulled out an untrap subchip. Laying it down, then picking up the money with the same hand, he turned back to a book he was reading, not expecting Jack to stay for his receipt.

Jack LOST: 400z
Jack GET: Untrap x1
Picking up his new subchip, Jack proceeded to leave the shop.
Destin walked in the store and up to the counter. He stopped for a moment, going silent as he took a moment to examine his PET and pulled up the last of the shopping list.

"Good day sir. I wish to purchase an Escape and a MiniEnergyPack subchip. I believe that comes to 650z... if my calculations are accurate."

Escape: 600z
MiniEnergyPack: 50z

Total: 650z
Destin then got a bleep in his trade window. His eyes lit up.

"Oh and could you add in a PowerShot battlechip?"

Escape: 600z
MiniEnergyPack: 50z
PowerShot: 750z

Total: 1400z
The shopkeeper, however, was not easy to be found. The temperature was lower than normal and some of the lights behind the counter flickered randomly. One of the lights was actually not lighting up at all. Behind the counter, to the right, was a bundle of sheets that was slightly visible above the counter. The store was a mess and seemed as if it was deserted.

Until the bundle of sheets rose from its position and walked up to Destin while remaining behind the counter. There was an odd assortiment of purple, orange and brown sheets with the face of Soryu visible between them. "It's kind of cold, isn't it?" he said with a forced smile, "I'll get the stuff you requested." The bundle of clothes turned around, seemingly shuffling across the ground without any notion of legs moving. Once Soryu turned around with the wares Destin had requested, the items seemingly sticking to the bundle of sheets as his hands weren't visible, he put them on the counter and nodded slowly. "1400 zenny, OK," he muttered and took the money from Destiny, "Have a bright and warm day." The money Destin had to use to pay for the goods vanished into the sheets before he could notice it and Soryu turned around to leave to continue maintaining the store.

[Destin GET: 1x Escape, 1x MiniEnergyPack, 1x PowerShot; Destin LOSE: 1400 zenny]
Destin took the chips and hastily left the store.
Virgil walked to the counter from the chip trader.

"I would like 4 mini and 4 SmallEnergyPacks." Virgil said, placing 680 zenny on the counter.
Watching the customer fiddle around with his bastardly chip trader, Soryu grinned mischievously as Virgil approached the counter. "Eh, better luck next time," he said, chuckling as he withdrew the subchips from storage. Bagging them up and placing them on the counter, Soryu smiled as he took the money.

"Thank you, and have a nice day."

Virgil GET: Mini Energy Pack x4, Small Energy Pack x4
Virgil LOSE: 680z
Virgil said thanks and left the shop.