Why sage isnt here

hi everypeople, its that one guys roommate here again. sage is finally ready to be woken up, so he should be coming back in the next few days.

Great news, I'm relieved to hear he's alright. Thanks so much for the update
That's great news! Thanks for letting us know.
I'm so very relieved to hear that, but tell him not to rush things, ok? Take it easy and be careful.
Glad to hear it, hope things go well and thanks for keeping us up to date.
I am also glad to hear that.

Boy... Has he been out for over a month?
Little over two months, actually. Hi everyone, sorry for dropping off the face of the earth for so long. Just woke up from Nap-ageddon yesterday, finally lucid enough to let you guys know I'm alright. I'm still a long way from being 100% again, but I'll be resuming my shenanigans here slowly but surely. Lurch, Rogan, anyone else I'm forgetting, I'll get your affairs sorted as soon as I'm able. And thank you all so much for your kind words; they (that is to say, you all) mean a lot to me.
Welcome back man. Hope there was no permanent damage to you/your psyche...I'd hate to have to dive into there to get your head back on right.
*hug-tackles the Sage.... but, you know... Gently.*

Glad you're awake again, and things are stable. Don't rush yourself, Ok Sage? No more accidents!

*hugs the Sage again, just because she's been fretting*