Mach's Sig Upgrades/Updates

With Mach's new combat-ready body, I'm requesting to remove the thematic nerf to his Signature Attack Point pool (along with the 20 extra points from the 60-> 80 starting pool). If required, I'm willing to deduct 1960z to "purchase" a Process Edit upgrade to keep things legal.

MachMan Level: 35 (Pool: 1960/1960) [PE #47] Max Cap: 340 (510 nerfed) / 50 passive

Auto-Injectors: In case of moderate to severe damage, MachMan can activate emergency medical systems in his armor to temporarily close off any breaches before flooding his armor with regen energy while simultaneously repairing any mechanical damage to his prosthetic limbs. (Heal 135 + 5TCD) (180pts)

Heavy Shielding: (6-hit Shield + 2TCD) (80pts)

SCRAM Boost: (Teleport +2TCD) (80pts)

Turbo Dash: Mach unleashes every bit of 'horsepower' he can safely muster to rocket himself forward, leaving behind a plume of cyan energy and a powerful shockwave that rapidly expands outward from his position. However, the shockwave disperses quickly, so he has to be relatively close to a foe/object if he wants to send it flying. (Movement + (Microburst(Nova2) x3) + BusterLock + 6TCD) (240pts +20Nerf)

Blitz Assault: While similar to his SCRAM boost, the Blitz Assault is used almost exclusively to start off an attack. The sudden appearance of the Navi amongst the enemy ranks can cause said foes to flinch or recoil from shock. (Teleport + Stun(Nova2) + 4TCD) (140pts)

Hypersonic: Mach's movement and cognitive systems temporarily spike somewhere between 300-400% normal processing/reaction speed, making him move so incredibly fast, it looks like his foes are standing still. He can only remain in this state for a very limited amount of time, and many of his systems are shut down temporarily to allow his program to remain stable as non-essential functions safely reboot. (Freeze + Hold(Nova4)) (400) + Self-Slow(+40) + Off Target(+40) + 10TCD) 320 pts (+80 Nerf points)

Auto-Cage Gyros: Due to his newly installed limbs, purely-solo ops, and more aggressive combat style, he can't afford glitches or other process failures to slow him down. To make that possible, his body's systems refresh frequently, to "Cage his Gyro" and remove any faults or discrepancies program-wide. (Passive Status Cure) (120pts)

Overclocking: By boosting Mach's computing speed as well as increasing the output of his turbojets, Mach's agility increases significantly, thus making him much harder to hit. (Passive Dodge) (160pts)

Overclocking: By boosting Mach's computing speed as well as increasing the output of his turbojets, Mach's agility increases significantly, thus making him much harder to hit. (Passive Dodge) (160pts)

Enhanced Perception: Though Mach's Overwatch drone system allowed for advanced battlefield awareness, they required too much power to use frequently. Instead, Machman uses an advanced heads-up display to access the very code surrounding him, thus eliminating the need for external recording programs. The HUD the code to create an "enhanced perception" of his surroundings which at first glance looks like an advanced radar system. Using this system, he can effectively and precisely aim his attacks with an almost omnipresent sight. (Passive Accuracy Enhancement) (160pts)

Force Multiplier: A pair of Machman's OverWatch sensor drones have been modified with multiple holographic projectors and powerful engines to make exact copies of Machman's form. They are controlled via a subroutine in Mach's programming, allowing for nearly subconscious control thanks to a basic AI program in the drones themselves. The drone's extra batteries allow for perpetual use of the holographic projectors, but their armored frames are rather weak, and vulnerable to enemy fire. However, their modified engines allow them to travel just as fast as Mach, and can nearly perfectly imitate his movements.
(Passive Decoy x2) (160pts)

Anti-Gravity Engines: Mach's engines are quite strong, and capable of very intense bursts of thrust, but one disadvantage of his current engine configuration is a lack of precise, sustained control. Mazer finally received the funds to make a drastic upgrade to his Navi's propulsion system. This idea partially came from the impressive anti-gravity engines used by their most recent opponent, and he feels it would be the best step up from high-thrust scramjets. Though his knowledge of anti-gravity propulsion is limited, he managed to create an anti-gravity engine using programs stored in his PET that recreate the effect created by a ferro-magnetic "superfluid" flowing through a circular tube, which creates gravitational force. He has two such programs, and has redesigned Mach's old wings and outfitted them with receivers and proper structures to emit the output sent from the programs stored in the PET. Simply, he's giving Machman the effects of the mechanisms (gravitational fields) without having to weigh him down with the coils and the fission reactor required powering them.
Thanks to the capability to manipulate the gravitational fields around him, Machman is now capable of even greater speeds, acceleration, and maneuverability. (Passive Haste) (160 pts)
I've read over and double checked all the math as near as I can, and it looks like you're all correct and in order. Good luck and a speedy recovery, Mach, you're good to go.
Making some changes thanks to more Buster Nerf points available as well as increased pool.

Sig Attacks: (Pool: 1980/2060) [PE #49]Max Cap: 420 (630 nerfed) / 60 passive

Chaos Pulse (SylkCross): (Movement (20) + Confusion Nova4 (320) + Self Slow (40Nerf) + BusterLock (60Nerf) + 9TCD) (240pts + 100pt Nerf)
Turbo Dash: Movement (20) + (Microburst(Nova2) x3) (240) + BusterLock (20Nerf) + 6TCD (240pts +20pt Nerf)

Chaos Pulse (SylkCross): (Feint (30) + Confusion Nova4 (320) + Decoy (20) + Self Slow (40Nerf) + BusterLock (90Nerf) + 10TCD) (240pts + 130pt Nerf)
Turbo Dash: Movement (20) + (Microburst(Nova2) x2) (160) + BusterLock (90Nerf) + 5TCD (90pts +90pt Nerf)  [+150 points back to pool]

Shrike Sigs:
SCRAM Boost:  Just like its Navi counterpart, Shrike can temporarily max-perform its turbojet engines in its legs to move so quickly, it's as if it could teleport from one spot to another.
Teleport + 2TCD (80pts)

Optic Blast:  Shrike focuses its thermal beam into an even more intensely burning ray of heat, capable of melting through armor and temporarily blinding its target.
70dmg Fire [Shot Type] (70) + Break (20) + Blind (60) + 4TCD (150pts)

End Result:
Sig Attacks: (Pool: 2060/2060)
Ah, just reviewing quickly here - if I'm reading the maths correctly, your new iteration of Chaos Pulse is using more than 50% nerf points relative to pool points spent.  Remember that your nerf points can only equal at most 50% ofthe actual pool points that you're putting into a signature (so effectively 1/3 of the total maximums all combined); when spending 420, you can also spend 210 nerf, etc.,  For a signature using 240 pool points, the maximum amount of nerf point you can use is 120. 

For the current new iteration of Chaos Pulse, you could spend 250 Pool points, and 120 Nerf points to reach the 370 that the effects cost (Or, 245 and 125, if you wanted to cut it to the wire)

That said, the nerfs you are using more than cover this - so the signature is effectively legal, so long as you are ok with some of the nerf value not being used, and the signature consuming an effective minimum of 245 pool points (not 240 as written currently).
Since I have a hard-set 240 sig points available to play with (SoulCross sig), I'll only use 80 of the 90 available BusterLock nerf points, and drop the Feint down to a Movement.

Chaos Pulse (SylkCross): (Movement (20) + Confusion Nova4 (320) + Decoy (20) + Self Slow (40Nerf) + BusterLock (80Nerf) + 9TCD) (240pts + 120pt Nerf)

Edit: Approval on hold, seems like Turbo Boost is still illegal. My bad for not catching that.
To avoid confusion, I lumped all changes/corrections together to a single sig request.

Sig Attacks: (Pool: 1980/2060) [PE #49]Max Cap: 420 (630 nerfed) / 60 passive
Chaos Pulse (SylkCross): (Movement (20) + Confusion Nova4 (320) + Self Slow (40Nerf) + BusterLock (60Nerf) + 9TCD) (240pts + 100pt Nerf)
Turbo Dash: Movement (20) + (Microburst(Nova2) x3) (240) + BusterLock (20Nerf) + 6TCD (240pts +20pt Nerf)
Chaos Pulse (SylkCross): (Movement (20) + Confusion Nova4 (320) + Decoy (20) + Self Slow (40Nerf) + BusterLock (80Nerf) + 9TCD) (240pts + 120pt Nerf)
Turbo Dash REMOVED  [+240 points back to pool]

Shrike Sigs:
SCRAM Boost:  Just like its Navi counterpart, Shrike can temporarily max-perform its turbojet engines in its legs to move so quickly, it's as if it could teleport from one spot to another.
Teleport + 2TCD (80pts)
Optic Blast:  Shrike focuses its thermal beam into an even more intensely burning ray of heat, capable of melting through armor and temporarily blinding its target.
80dmg Fire [Shot Type] (80) + Break (20) + Blind (60) + 4TCD (160pts)
Divert Power:  Shrike briefly shifts to a defensive posture, with a focus on evasion and re-utilizing energy to bring special attacks back online.  Using a form of wireless energy transfer, Shrike can utilize its eye laser to deliver a boost of energy (instead of a pain ray) to an ally if needed.
Dodge (40) + Sig Chill (40) + 2TCD (80pts)

End Result:
Sig Attacks: (Pool: 2060/2060)
Optic Blast's 80 fire damage should cost 80, but taking that into account, the costs line up. Approved.
I ran the numbers, come to find out I'm sitting with 2080 points out of a 2060 pool; to get back into compliance I'll take 1-hit off Mach's Heavy Shielding sig, making it into this:

Heavy Shielding: (5-hit Shield + 3TCD) (100pts)
(Pool: 2060/2100) [PE #50]Max Cap: 460 (690 nerfed) / 65 passive
Remove: HyperSonic: (Freeze + Hold(Nova4)) + Self-Slow + Off Target + 10TCD (320pts +80Nerf)

Add: Scrambler Missiles: Mach launches a salvo of four missiles; two carry powerful concussive warheads that leave targets deeply disoriented, while the other two carry payloads akin to flashbang grenades, temporarily blinding their targets. ((Confusion x 2) x 2 Targets) then (Blind x 2 Targets) + BusterLock + 11TCD (360pts +80Nerf)
This looks correct to me, you're all good.
--WARNING-- Major revamp due to Mach's reliance on Passives --WARNING--

Sig Attacks: (Pool: 2100/2120) [PE #51]Max Cap: 420 (630 nerfed)

Heavy Shielding: 5-hit Shield + 3TCD (100pts)
Auto-Injectors: (Heal 135 + 5TCD) (180pts)
SCRAM Boost: Teleport +2TCD (80pts)
Blitz Assault: Teleport + Stun(Nova2) + 4TCD (140pts)
Scrambler Missiles: ((Confusion x 2) x 2 Targets) then (Blind x 2 Targets) + BusterLock + 11TCD (360pts +80Nerf)
Auto-Cage Gyros: [Passive] Status Cure (120pts)
Overclocking:(x2) [Passive] Dodge (160pts)
Enhanced Perception: [Passive] Accuracy Enhancement (160pts)
Anti-Gravity Engines: [Passive] Haste (160pts)
Force Multiplier: [Passive] Spawn 2 Machman Decoys (160pts)

SCRAM Boost: Teleport + 2TCD (80pts)
Optic Blast: 80dmg Fire + Break + Blind + 4TCD (160pts)
Divert Power: Dodge + Sig Chill + 2TCD (80pts)

Heavy Shielding: 6-hit Shield + 3TCD (120pts)
Auto-Injectors: (Heal 150 + 5TCD) (200pts)
SCRAM Boost: Teleport +2TCD (80pts)
Blitz Assault: Teleport + Glitch + Stun(Nova2) + 4TCD (160pts)
Scrambler Missiles: ((Confusion x 2) x 2 Targets) then (Blind x 2 Targets) + BusterLock + 11TCD (360pts +80Nerf)

Surgical Strafe: After calibrating his targeting system, Mach swoops in for a precision bombardment of the enemy's position.
(Accuracy Enhancement + Buster Shotx2 + Movement +3TD) (120pts)

MachMan Missile Massacre: Mach unleashes a salvo of twenty-five missiles towards a single enemy, then lines up for another shot.
(Buster Shotx5 + Take Aim +4TCD) (160pts)

Reload: Mach utilizes the brief pause in his assault to dodge enemy fire and reload, so he can go back in "guns blazing."
(Dodge + Sig Chill + 2TCD) (80pts) x2

Decoy Squadron: A quartet of holo drones are jettisoned from Mach's frame, that then take the shape of their master
((Decoy x4)x2 turns + Dodge +5TCD) (200pts)

SCRAM Boost: Teleport + 2TCD (80pts)
Optic Blast: 80dmg Fire + Break + Blind + 4TCD (160pts)
Divert Power: Dodge + Sig Chill + 2TCD (80pts)

Dazzle Ray: Shrike sweeps two targets with a rapidly shifting, multi-frequency beam to "dazzle" and confuse the enemy, but the effect is neither damaging nor permanent.
(Confusion x2 Targets + 4TCD) (160pts)

Terrain Denial: The ocular SP utilizes its searing glare like a thermal lance to carve into the battlefield with blazing heat, leaving behind a long scar of glowing, bubbling lava.
(Large-Area Terrain Effect [Lava] + Strengthen 40 +2TCD) (80pts)

New Total: 2120/2120