Signature Overhaul

Level: 17
Process Upgrades: 16
Sig Pool: 620 Used / 700 Max
Sig Caps: 140 (210) / 25



Towering Guard : (Cost: 80 + 40 Nerf Cap) (Block up to 6 Attacks/Hits, Side Effect: Slow, 3 TCD)
- Description: Broadside utilizes his massive Tower Shield to attempt to block incoming attacks. The shield is brought into the line of an incoming attack, the extension plates are deployed, and the shield is magnetically charged to help repel the attack, providing a solid wall of defense that will hopefully deflect an incoming blow. Broadside can charge the shield with up to 4 Magnetic Charges at one time (without an NCP boost), with 1 turn of cooldown added for each additional charge given to the shield. Cooldown begins when the Tower Shield is hit enough times to expend all of the charges, which also causes the shield to move back to its storage position.

- Note : Towering Guard can only defend attacks from one direction at a time. If attacks come from 2 separate, and widely diverging directions at the same exact time, one is guaranteed to hit. The Tower Shield, when deployed, also hampers some of Broadside's other Sig Attacks, as well as his ability to use his right arm for Throwing and Melee attacks (because the shield is in the way).


Aegis Defense EX : (Cost: 80) (Passive: 20 HP Barrier)
- Description: Over time, the source of Broadside's Aegis Defense has subtly rewitten the code that drives it. The result, as far as anyone was able to tell, was an entirely automated barrier system that pulse-gereated defensive energy fields every few seconds. The new defensive aparatus also had the observed ability to project barriers onto multiple targets at the same time. As before, even Jared is unable to tell what exactly powers this effect, or what even programmed it in the first place.


Type-B Armored Casing : (Cost: 100) (Passive: 25 HP Casing)
- Description: Encases Broadside within a layer of "Bio-Metal" armor, as Jared calls it. Contrary to the name, the armor is simply laced with nanotech mimicing self-repair subroutines, as there is nothing even vaguely biological about it.


Missile Barrage L : (Cost: 120 + 40 Nerf Cap) (5 Elec x 20 Missiles + Homing Attack + Seeking, Side Effect: Slow, 4 TCD)
- Description: Broadside opens the bay doors for the Missile Battery in his left torso, locks on, and fires a cloud of long-range smart missiles that see right through Invis and Dropdown, and are immune to Blinding effects. Dodging this attack is more than merely difficult, it's nearly impossible, as the missiles will turn around to come after the target, and are relentless in their pursuit. All else failing, the missiles have a proximity detonator, and will fire their warhead at the target around a corner if necessary. The warheads can also be modified to pierce armor before exploding.


Missile Barrage R : (Cost: 120 + 40 Nerf Cap) (5 Elec x 20 Missiles + Homing Attack + Seeking, Side Effect: Slow, 4 TCD)
- Description: Broadside opens the bay doors for the Missile Battery in his right torso, locks on, and fires a cloud of long-range smart missiles that see right through Invis and Dropdown, and are immune to Blinding effects. Dodging this attack is more than merely difficult, it's nearly impossible, as the missiles will turn around to come after the target, and are relentless in their pursuit. All else failing, the missiles have a proximity detonator, and will fire their warhead at the target around a corner if necessary. The warheads can also be modified to pierce armor before exploding.


Bunker Buster MK-II : (Cost: 120 + 40 Nerf Cap) (120 Elec + Large Area Magnet Terrain Change, Side Effect: Slow, 4 TCD)
- Description: Broadside brings his weapon arm to bear, and deploys the split barreled rail driver. The driver charges, then launches a single howitzer shell with a smart warhead. The warhead detonates when the shell impacts a target, object, or the ground, or detonates if it reaches the preset distance stored in memory. Upon detonation, a secondary warhead is fired into the ground. This secondary warhead burrows deep underground, then detonates in an underground plasma explosion that forces everything within the blast zone that was below ground to the surface while inflicting heavy damage. The panels above the affected area become irradiated, and change to Magnetic Panels.

- Note : Bunker Buster deals a fixed ammount of 50 Elec damage to everything underground within the terrain change area at the time of the terrain change, no exceptions.




Type-E Riot Shield : (Cost: 80) (Passive: 1-Hit Shield)
- Description: This is the signature manifestation of Ro's Riot Shield, which is usually lashed to his left arm. It allows Ro to defend against 1 non-Break attack each turn with the electromagnetic field generator built into his shield. After taking a hit, the field generator takes a little time to cycle back up and produce another defensive field. Without this field, the shield would likely be unable to stop most forms of attack.
Radioactive approval for radioactive sigs.
I... facepalmed when I realized I never added Blast1 to all of my signatures that say they explode on impact. Derp.

Well, now I'm fixing that. Luckily, this change costs nothing.

Missile Barrage L : (Cost: 120 + 40 Nerf Cap) (5 Elec x 20 Missiles + Homing Attack + Seeking + Blast1, Side Effect: Slow, 4 TCD)
- Description: Broadside opens the bay doors for the Missile Battery in his left torso, locks on, and fires a cloud of long-range smart missiles that see right through Invis and Dropdown, and are immune to Blinding effects. Dodging this attack is more than merely difficult, it's nearly impossible, as the missiles will turn around to come after the target, and are relentless in their pursuit. All else failing, the missiles have a proximity detonator, and will fire their warhead at the target around a corner if necessary. The warheads can also be modified to pierce armor before exploding.


Missile Barrage R : (Cost: 120 + 40 Nerf Cap) (5 Elec x 20 Missiles + Homing Attack + Seeking + Blast1, Side Effect: Slow, 4 TCD)
- Description: Broadside opens the bay doors for the Missile Battery in his right torso, locks on, and fires a cloud of long-range smart missiles that see right through Invis and Dropdown, and are immune to Blinding effects. Dodging this attack is more than merely difficult, it's nearly impossible, as the missiles will turn around to come after the target, and are relentless in their pursuit. All else failing, the missiles have a proximity detonator, and will fire their warhead at the target around a corner if necessary. The warheads can also be modified to pierce armor before exploding.


Bunker Buster MK-II : (Cost: 120 + 40 Nerf Cap) ([120 [color=orange]Elec[/color] + Blast1] + [[b]Large Area Magnet Terrain Change[/b]], Side Effect: Slow, 4 TCD)
- Description: Broadside brings his weapon arm to bear, and deploys the split barreled rail driver. The driver charges, then launches a single howitzer shell with a smart warhead. The warhead detonates when the shell impacts a target, object, or the ground, or detonates if it reaches the preset distance stored in memory. Upon detonation, a secondary warhead is fired into the ground. This secondary warhead burrows deep underground, then detonates in an underground plasma explosion that forces everything within the blast zone that was below ground to the surface while inflicting heavy damage. The panels above the affected area become irradiated, and change to Magnetic Panels.

- Note : Bunker Buster deals a fixed ammount of 50 Elec damage to everything underground within the terrain change area at the time of the terrain change, no exceptions.
I think that I, above all others, have an obligation to approve this. And approve it I do.
Level: 18
Process Upgrades: 18
Sig Pool: 780 Used / 780 Max
Sig Caps: 180 (270) / 30

Broadside.EXE (700/780)


Towering Guard : (Cost: 80 + 40 Nerf Cap) (Block up to 6 Attacks/Hits, Side Effect: Slow, 3 TCD)
- Description: Broadside utilizes his massive Tower Shield to attempt to block incoming attacks. The shield is brought into the line of an incoming attack, the extension plates are deployed, and the shield is magnetically charged to help repel the attack, providing a solid wall of defense that will hopefully deflect an incoming blow. Broadside can charge the shield with up to 4 Magnetic Charges at one time (without an NCP boost), with 1 turn of cooldown added for each additional charge given to the shield. Cooldown begins when the Tower Shield is hit enough times to expend all of the charges, which also causes the shield to move back to its storage position.

- Note : Towering Guard can only defend attacks from one direction at a time. If attacks come from 2 separate, and widely diverging directions at the same exact time, one is guaranteed to hit. The Tower Shield, when deployed, also hampers some of Broadside's other Sig Attacks, as well as his ability to use his right arm for Throwing and Melee attacks (because the shield is in the way).


Aegis Defense EX : (Cost: 100) (Passive: 25 HP Barrier)
- Description: Over time, the source of Broadside's Aegis Defense has subtly rewritten the code that drives it. The result, as far as anyone was able to tell, was an entirely automated barrier system that pulse-generated defensive energy fields every few seconds. The new defensive apparatus also had the observed ability to project barriers onto multiple targets at the same time. As before, even Jared is unable to tell what exactly powers this effect, or what even programmed it in the first place.


Type-B Armored Casing Rev-2 : (Cost: 80) (Passive: 20 HP Casing)
- Description: Encases Broadside within a layer of "Bio-Metal" armor, as Jared calls it. Contrary to the name, the armor is simply laced with nanotech mimicking self-repair subroutines, as there is nothing even vaguely biological about it. Recent field testing in Sharo showed a discrepancy between the tuned performance specs of the armor, and actual performance levels. Jared has since retooled the armor protocols to operate at the actually observed performance levels.


Plasma Charged Arms : (Cost: 80) (Passive: Imbue Elec)
- Description: Broadside's reactor core has seen many an improvement over the last year. Jared's latest attempt at making Broadside's coding more stable resulted in a significant surplus of Electrical energy output from the reactor, although Jared is not entirely sure why it turned out that way. Regardless of whatever the reason for the unexplained spike in output may be, Jared saw a need to utilize it in some way before Broadside's protocols destabilized yet again. His solution: Add a large bank of power capacitors with a direct shunt into Broadside's vast arsenal of weaponry. With as often as the Navi used his weapons, the capacitors were pretty much guaranteed to stay discharged, thus patching yet another potential crash generating coding issue. The side effect of this patch is that many of Broadside's Non-Elemental attacks are now converted to Elec-Elemental.


Missile Barrage L : (Cost: 120 + 40 Nerf Cap) (5 Elec x 20 Missiles + Homing Attack + Seeking + Blast1, Side Effect: Slow, 4 TCD)
- Description: Broadside opens the bay doors for the Missile Battery in his left torso, locks on, and fires a cloud of long-range smart missiles that see right through Invis and Dropdown, and are immune to Blinding effects. Dodging this attack is more than merely difficult, it's nearly impossible, as the missiles will turn around to come after the target, and are relentless in their pursuit. All else failing, the missiles have a proximity detonator, and will fire their warhead at the target around a corner if necessary. The warheads can also be modified to pierce armor before exploding.


Missile Barrage R : (Cost: 120 + 40 Nerf Cap) (5 Elec x 20 Missiles + Homing Attack + Seeking + Blast1, Side Effect: Slow, 4 TCD)
- Description: Broadside opens the bay doors for the Missile Battery in his right torso, locks on, and fires a cloud of long-range smart missiles that see right through Invis and Dropdown, and are immune to Blinding effects. Dodging this attack is more than merely difficult, it's nearly impossible, as the missiles will turn around to come after the target, and are relentless in their pursuit. All else failing, the missiles have a proximity detonator, and will fire their warhead at the target around a corner if necessary. The warheads can also be modified to pierce armor before exploding.


Bunker Buster MK-II : (Cost: 120 + 40 Nerf Cap) ([120 [color=orange]Elec[/color] + Blast1] + [[b]Large Area Magnet Terrain Change[/b]], Side Effect: Slow, 4 TCD)
- Description: Broadside brings his weapon arm to bear, and deploys the split barreled rail driver. The driver charges, then launches a single howitzer shell with a smart warhead. The warhead detonates when the shell impacts a target, object, or the ground, or detonates if it reaches the preset distance stored in memory. Upon detonation, a secondary warhead is fired into the ground. This secondary warhead burrows deep underground, then detonates in an underground plasma explosion that forces everything within the blast zone that was below ground to the surface while inflicting heavy damage. The panels above the affected area become irradiated, and change to Magnetic Panels.

- Note : Bunker Buster deals a fixed ammount of 50 Elec damage to everything underground within the terrain change area at the time of the terrain change, no exceptions.


Ro.SP (80/780)


Type-E Riot Shield : (Cost: 80) (Passive: 1-Hit Shield)
- Description: This is the signature manifestation of Ro's Riot Shield, which is usually lashed to his left arm. It allows Ro to defend against 1 non-Break attack each turn with the electromagnetic field generator built into his shield. After taking a hit, the field generator takes a little time to cycle back up and produce another defensive field. Without this field, the shield would likely be unable to stop most forms of attack.


Nadia.SP (0/780)


((None Yet))
Note: The only change here is the addition of signatures for Nadia and Rosa. Everything else is the same. So just scroll to the bottom.


Level: 20
Process Upgrades: 20
Sig Pool: 860 Used / 860 Max
Sig Caps: 220 (330) / 35

Broadside.EXE (700/860)


Towering Guard : (Cost: 80 + 40 Nerf Cap) (Block up to 6 Attacks/Hits, Side Effect: Slow, 3 TCD)
- Description: Broadside utilizes his massive Tower Shield to attempt to block incoming attacks. The shield is brought into the line of an incoming attack, the extension plates are deployed, and the shield is magnetically charged to help repel the attack, providing a solid wall of defense that will hopefully deflect an incoming blow. Broadside can charge the shield with up to 4 Magnetic Charges at one time (without an NCP boost), with 1 turn of cooldown added for each additional charge given to the shield. Cooldown begins when the Tower Shield is hit enough times to expend all of the charges, which also causes the shield to move back to its storage position.

- Note : Towering Guard can only defend attacks from one direction at a time. If attacks come from 2 separate, and widely diverging directions at the same exact time, one is guaranteed to hit. The Tower Shield, when deployed, also hampers some of Broadside's other Sig Attacks, as well as his ability to use his right arm for Throwing and Melee attacks (because the shield is in the way).


Aegis Defense EX : (Cost: 100) (Passive: 25 HP Barrier)
- Description: Over time, the source of Broadside's Aegis Defense has subtly rewritten the code that drives it. The result, as far as anyone was able to tell, was an entirely automated barrier system that pulse-generated defensive energy fields every few seconds. The new defensive apparatus also had the observed ability to project barriers onto multiple targets at the same time. As before, even Jared is unable to tell what exactly powers this effect, or what even programmed it in the first place.


Type-B Armored Casing Rev-2 : (Cost: 80) (Passive: 20 HP Casing)
- Description: Encases Broadside within a layer of "Bio-Metal" armor, as Jared calls it. Contrary to the name, the armor is simply laced with nanotech mimicking self-repair subroutines, as there is nothing even vaguely biological about it. Recent field testing in Sharo showed a discrepancy between the tuned performance specs of the armor, and actual performance levels. Jared has since retooled the armor protocols to operate at the actually observed performance levels.


Plasma Charged Arms : (Cost: 80) (Passive: Imbue Elec)
- Description: Broadside's reactor core has seen many an improvement over the last year. Jared's latest attempt at making Broadside's coding more stable resulted in a significant surplus of Electrical energy output from the reactor, although Jared is not entirely sure why it turned out that way. Regardless of whatever the reason for the unexplained spike in output may be, Jared saw a need to utilize it in some way before Broadside's protocols destabilized yet again. His solution: Add a large bank of power capacitors with a direct shunt into Broadside's vast arsenal of weaponry. With as often as the Navi used his weapons, the capacitors were pretty much guaranteed to stay discharged, thus patching yet another potential crash generating coding issue. The side effect of this patch is that many of Broadside's Non-Elemental attacks are now converted to Elec-Elemental.


Missile Barrage L : (Cost: 120 + 40 Nerf Cap) (5 Elec x 20 Missiles + Homing Attack + Seeking + Blast1, Side Effect: Slow, 4 TCD)
- Description: Broadside opens the bay doors for the Missile Battery in his left torso, locks on, and fires a cloud of long-range smart missiles that see right through Invis and Dropdown, and are immune to Blinding effects. Dodging this attack is more than merely difficult, it's nearly impossible, as the missiles will turn around to come after the target, and are relentless in their pursuit. All else failing, the missiles have a proximity detonator, and will fire their warhead at the target around a corner if necessary. The warheads can also be modified to pierce armor before exploding.


Missile Barrage R : (Cost: 120 + 40 Nerf Cap) (5 Elec x 20 Missiles + Homing Attack + Seeking + Blast1, Side Effect: Slow, 4 TCD)
- Description: Broadside opens the bay doors for the Missile Battery in his right torso, locks on, and fires a cloud of long-range smart missiles that see right through Invis and Dropdown, and are immune to Blinding effects. Dodging this attack is more than merely difficult, it's nearly impossible, as the missiles will turn around to come after the target, and are relentless in their pursuit. All else failing, the missiles have a proximity detonator, and will fire their warhead at the target around a corner if necessary. The warheads can also be modified to pierce armor before exploding.


Bunker Buster MK-II : (Cost: 120 + 40 Nerf Cap) ([120 [color=orange]Elec[/color] + Blast1] + [[b]Large Area Magnet Terrain Change[/b]], Side Effect: Slow, 4 TCD)
- Description: Broadside brings his weapon arm to bear, and deploys the split barreled rail driver. The driver charges, then launches a single howitzer shell with a smart warhead. The warhead detonates when the shell impacts a target, object, or the ground, or detonates if it reaches the preset distance stored in memory. Upon detonation, a secondary warhead is fired into the ground. This secondary warhead burrows deep underground, then detonates in an underground plasma explosion that forces everything within the blast zone that was below ground to the surface while inflicting heavy damage. The panels above the affected area become irradiated, and change to Magnetic Panels.

- Note : Bunker Buster deals a fixed amount of 50 Elec damage to everything underground within the terrain change area at the time of the terrain change, no exceptions.


Ro.SP (80/860)


Type-E Riot Shield : (Cost: 80) (Passive: 1-Hit Shield)
- Description: This is the signature manifestation of Ro's Riot Shield, which is usually lashed to his left arm. It allows Ro to defend against 1 non-Break attack each turn with the electromagnetic field generator built into his shield. After taking a hit, the field generator takes a little time to cycle back up and produce another defensive field. Without this field, the shield would likely be unable to stop most forms of attack.


Nadia.SP (40/860)


"Armor UP!" : (Cost: 40) (20 HP Casing x up to 2 Targets, 1 TCD)
- Description: Nadia is a Commander, and her orders Will Be Obeyed; may whatever God(s) you believe in help you otherwise. This signature is one such command. Nadia shouts this order during combat, and two allies of her choice suddenly find themselves donning protective gear because they damn sure won't disobey her. They don't want to know what could happen if they didn't.... Fortunately, the process is practically automated, and the armor simply forms itself over the bewildered recipients who likely aren't carrying any armor to don. Did we mention her orders Will Be Obeyed?


Rosa.SP (40/860)


Hammer Space Help? : (Cost: 40) (40 HP Recovery, 1 TCD)
- Description: Kind of a strange ability... Rosa is able to designate a target, and a set of medical equipment or tools simply appears around them and proceeds to administer medical or mechanical help to the target. Afterwards, the set of equipment vanishes. Rosa never has to lift a finger. She never has nor will explain how she does it, or where the tools come from or go back to.
Level: 21
Process Upgrades: 21
Sig Pool: 900 Used / 900 Max
Sig Caps: 220 (330) / 35

Broadside.EXE (660/900)


Towering Guard : (Cost: 80 + 40 Nerf Cap) (Block up to 6 Attacks/Hits, Side Effect: Slow, 3 TCD)
- Description: Broadside utilizes his massive Tower Shield to attempt to block incoming attacks. The shield is brought into the line of an incoming attack, the extension plates are deployed, and the shield is magnetically charged to help repel the attack, providing a solid wall of defense that will hopefully deflect an incoming blow. Broadside can charge the shield with up to 4 Magnetic Charges at one time (without an NCP boost), with 1 turn of cooldown added for each additional charge given to the shield. Cooldown begins when the Tower Shield is hit enough times to expend all of the charges, which also causes the shield to move back to its storage position.

- Note : Towering Guard can only defend attacks from one direction at a time. If attacks come from 2 separate, and widely diverging directions at the same exact time, one is guaranteed to hit. The Tower Shield, when deployed, also hampers some of Broadside's other Sig Attacks, as well as his ability to use his right arm for Throwing and Melee attacks (because the shield is in the way).


Aegis Defense EX : (Cost: 80) (Passive: 20 HP Barrier)
- Description: Over time, the source of Broadside's Aegis Defense has subtly rewritten the code that drives it. The result, as far as anyone was able to tell, was an entirely automated barrier system that pulse-generated defensive energy fields every few seconds. The new defensive apparatus also had the observed ability to project barriers onto multiple targets at the same time. As before, even Jared is unable to tell what exactly powers this effect, or what even programmed it in the first place.


Type-B Armored Casing Rev-2 : (Cost: 80) (Passive: 20 HP Casing)
- Description: Encases Broadside within a layer of "Bio-Metal" armor, as Jared calls it. Contrary to the name, the armor is simply laced with nanotech mimicking self-repair subroutines, as there is nothing even vaguely biological about it. Recent field testing in Sharo showed a discrepancy between the tuned performance specs of the armor, and actual performance levels. Jared has since retooled the armor protocols to operate at the actually observed performance levels.


Plasma Charged Arms I : (Cost: 80) (Passive: Imbue Elec)
- Description: Broadside's reactor core has seen many an improvement over the last year. Jared's latest attempt at making Broadside's coding more stable resulted in a significant surplus of Electrical energy output from the reactor, although Jared is not entirely sure why it turned out that way. Regardless of whatever the reason for the unexplained spike in output may be, Jared saw a need to utilize it in some way before Broadside's protocols destabilized yet again. His solution: Add a large bank of power capacitors with a direct shunt into Broadside's vast arsenal of weaponry. With as often as the Navi used his weapons, the capacitors were pretty much guaranteed to stay discharged, thus patching yet another potential crash generating coding issue. The side effect of this patch is that many of Broadside's Non-Elemental attacks are now converted to Elec-Elemental.


Plasma Charged Arms II : (Cost: 80) (Passive: Imbue Elec)
- Description: Jared's recent efforts to repair Broadside's broken code has resulted in another emergency outlet for discharging excess energy. Of course, those very same efforts may have created the need for this outlet in the first place....


Missile Barrage L : (Cost: 80 + 40 Nerf Cap) (5 Elec x 20 Missiles + Seeking + Blast1, Side Effect: Slow, 3 TCD)
- Description: Broadside opens the bay doors for the Missile Battery in his left torso, locks on, and fires a cloud of long-range smart missiles that see right through Invis and Dropdown, and are immune to Blinding effects. All else failing, the missiles have a proximity detonator, and will fire their warhead at the target around a corner if necessary. The warheads can also be modified to pierce armor before exploding.


Missile Barrage R : (Cost: 80 + 40 Nerf Cap) (5 Elec x 20 Missiles + Seeking + Blast1, Side Effect: Slow, 3 TCD)
- Description: Broadside opens the bay doors for the Missile Battery in his right torso, locks on, and fires a cloud of long-range smart missiles that see right through Invis and Dropdown, and are immune to Blinding effects. All else failing, the missiles have a proximity detonator, and will fire their warhead at the target around a corner if necessary. The warheads can also be modified to pierce armor before exploding.


Bunker Buster MK-II : (Cost: 100 + 40 Nerf Cap) ([100 [color=orange]Elec[/color] + Blast1] + [[b]Large Area Magnet Terrain Change[/b]], Side Effect: Slow, 4 TCD)
- Description: Broadside brings his weapon arm to bear, and deploys the split barreled rail driver. The driver charges, then launches a single howitzer shell with a smart warhead. The warhead detonates when the shell impacts a target, object, or the ground, or detonates if it reaches the preset distance stored in memory. Upon detonation, a secondary warhead is fired into the ground. This secondary warhead burrows deep underground, then detonates in an underground plasma explosion that forces everything within the blast zone that was below ground to the surface while inflicting heavy damage. The panels above the affected area become irradiated, and change to Magnetic Panels.

- Note : Bunker Buster deals a fixed amount of 50 Elec damage to everything underground within the terrain change area at the time of the terrain change, no exceptions.


Ro.SP (80/900)


Type-E Riot Shield : (Cost: 80) (Passive: 1-Hit Shield)
- Description: This is the signature manifestation of Ro's Riot Shield, which is usually lashed to his left arm. It allows Ro to defend against 1 non-Break attack each turn with the electromagnetic field generator built into his shield. After taking a hit, the field generator takes a little time to cycle back up and produce another defensive field. Without this field, the shield would likely be unable to stop most forms of attack.


Nadia.SP (80/900)


"Armor UP!" : (Cost: 40) (20 HP Casing x up to 2 Targets, 1 TCD)
- Description: Nadia is a Commander, and her orders Will Be Obeyed; may whatever God(s) you believe in help you otherwise. This signature is one such command. Nadia shouts this order during combat, and two allies of her choice suddenly find themselves donning protective gear because they damn sure won't disobey her. They don't want to know what could happen if they didn't.... Fortunately, the process is practically automated, and the armor simply forms itself over the bewildered recipients who likely aren't carrying any armor to don. Did we mention her orders Will Be Obeyed?


"Callin' the Shot!" : (Cost: 40) (Passive: Take Aim (Squad Members Only))
- Description: Nadia's twin blaster pistols are each equipped with TAG (Target Acquisition Gear) sensors, as is fitting of her role as a spotter. She need only point her pistols at the target, and transmit her targeting data to the ally she's spotting for while issuing orders to hit the target she's painting. Nadia knows better than to stay in one place long enough for someone to nail her with a counter attack, thus she can only spare enough time and effort to paint targets for a single ally's long range attack once per turn. When the shot is called, the squad member she sends the attack orders to will be compelled to attack her designated target, or else. Did we mention her orders Will Be Obeyed?

Note: Nadia also does not directly benefit from this skill, as she cannot mark targets for her own attacks. This is because attacking would almost certainly require her to move her TAG equipped pistols, which breaks the lock.


Rosa.SP (80/900)


Hammer Space Help? : (Cost: 40) (40 HP Recovery, 1 TCD)
- Description: Kind of a strange ability... Rosa is able to designate a target, and a set of medical equipment or tools simply appears around them and proceeds to administer medical or mechanical help to the target. Afterwords, the set of equipment vanishes. Rosa never has to lift a finger. She never has nor will explain how she does it, or where the tools come from or go back to.


Additional Hammer Space Help? : (Cost: 40) (40 HP Recovery, 1 TCD)
- Description: For when an emergency encore is called for. Seeing her do this again doesn't make it seem any less strange the second time, however.
Sounds good. Approved!
Soooooooo, I forgot that Recovery's passive had changed. This is an easy mistake considering how long healing sigs were 1:1 for recovery (measured in years, I believe). Anyway, here is the revised and correct numbers for Rosa's healing sigs:

[ Math: 30 + (30 x .2) = 36 ]


Rosa.SP (80/900)


Hammer Space Help? : (Cost: 40) (30 HP Recovery, 1 TCD)
- Description: Kind of a strange ability... Rosa is able to designate a target, and a set of medical equipment or tools simply appears around them and proceeds to administer medical or mechanical help to the target. Afterwords, the set of equipment vanishes. Rosa never has to lift a finger. She never has nor will explain how she does it, or where the tools come from or go back to.


Additional Hammer Space Help? : (Cost: 40) (30 HP Recovery, 1 TCD)
- Description: For when an emergency encore is called for. Seeing her do this again doesn't make it seem any less strange the second time, however.
*dives into hammerspace*
*returns with an approval in hand*