Random Images (Closed)

I win this thread.

Those breasts are IMPOSSIBLE. She'd be like, dragged down by them.
Her slut-magic.
If you look at the picture I previously posted and closely look at the words... You can see what she says. Turn it around to get: "Ridiculous Bazooms".

Have a delicious Marvel innuendo.

You must be confused, Shur, Harley Quinn belongs with this good-looking fellow.

By Namesjames of DeviantART.

Quote (Shuryou)

If you look at the picture I previously posted and closely look at the words... You can see what she says. Turn it around to get: "Ridiculous Bazooms".

Have a delicious Marvel innuendo.

I enjoy that...

COOOL! but....i think that breaks the PG-13 rules.
Really? I've seen worse in a PG-13 movie, so I don't think it does... It doesn't show nipples or other MA rated areas...
Hey, he's just trying to look out for the guy, lol.
Shuryou has been outmatched! GASP!
Yay to the instant furries!
I have a forum full of stuff like that... That one's pretty much the crown jewel, but yeah...

I wasn't being mean to him or anything, I was just saying that... So I don't get in trouble...

By ladybattousai of DeviantART.

*edited so as not to stretch the page*

Quote (Savage King)


That pic has been proudly taken out of context. : D

...Is that a bad thing?

Quote (RevivedSin)

Shuryou has been outmatched! GASP!
Yay to the instant furries!

Dost thou thinketh so?

The instant cute is much better.
Haha, outmatched!
PPG just scares me.
And that last one wasn't even CUTE yuri....>>
I have only the one question. Where do you buy this aforementioned instant cute?

Alsome kitty.