Wi-Fi for Ds and Wii

Advance Wars doesn't have Wi-Fi. Only close-by connection to battle eachother.

I got Animal Crossing, Mario Kart DS, Metroid Prime Hunters, Jump Ultimate Stars and Final Fantasy 3 for Wi-Fi. I'll put up the codes when I feel like it.
You better. You KNOW how long I've been waiting for this...
Um... ever since you met Shury?
Does anyone here that has MPH have a 3 star rank or higher?
Why? 2 star ranks not good enough for ya?

Oh. Wait... XD

Hey! I forgot about that! Anyone up for a go at MPH?

Metroid Prime Hunters: 2019 3386 9305

Mario Kart: 498280 192378

You can't die! I'm bored!
I'll get around to Hunters when I have my damned JUS.
Well, here's for MarioKart awhile, I'll add my Wii and other games later:

MK: 279263530349
I'll post my Wii code once I get the Wii-Fi working (which it's not).

For now, have some DS codes:
Metroid Prime Hunters: 1203 2803 1859
Final Fantasy III: 214839024883
This is kinda un-related..but any idea when Mega Man Star Force is coming out in the U.S.?
There is no official release date, but it is stated to be released in fall. Rumored to have WiFi.
Sadly, the Wii's system code doesn't cover games too. The Japanese version of Pokémon Battle Revolution has a seperate friend code, so it looks like the system code is just for Mii-related things...
Just thought I'd update with my new friend code.

Pokemon Pearl: Celeste : 0602 2823 7442

Note: I need someone to trade with soon, so I can give myself all the starter pokemon D:
I shall post my friend code, but I have a team of 6 level 50's and I'm looking for an opponent! Please reply if you want to battle!

And Leon, if you need a Turtwig, I could get you one.
I need a Turtwig and a Chimp-a-thinger. And someone to exchange geodudes and magikarp with. Geodude so it'll evolve to the max, and magikarp cause they suck to level.

Sadly I just started a couple hours ago and thusly suck ^^;
Its Chimchar. Evolves to Monferno, and finally Infernape. And I don't even own Diamond or Pearl...

When I first read Infernape's name, I thought it was Inferrape. : P.
Pokemon Diamond: Zanzo: 4124 1505 0838

Also, if anyone needs Cranidos, I have plenty. Also, for anyone who has the Nat. Dex, I <3 female Eevees, so hit me up.

PS: Zal, I believe you said you'd hook me up with a Mudkip when you could. Thx.
Oh you CAN'T forget little ol' me . . . I've wanted to fight since like ever with you little minime (This means you P.A.!)

Pokemon Diamond: Marco, 2492 0593 6402

Oh and I cant forget fighting Leon, even though we never talked XD

I'm half tempted to make a separate thread for all things pokemon ds. We'll see how many more people decide to come out of the closet before I do though.
I don't live near an access point, but once I get something worked out, I'll have Pokemon Pearl, MarioKartDS, and Animal Crossing.

P.S. 355/386 on my FireRed, so I can get anyone just about any Pokemon from the older games once I get to that point.

And Leon, that might be a good idea.