Rook's new Ally

The Navis got all nice and defensive, which unnerved the bats a bit, causing them to fly high into the sky for a bit. The Spikey, too, prepared itself for evasive maneuvers, only for nothing to happen. The Spooky, however, gleefully used the chance to warp up and smack the closest Navi with their tongues, only for the Guards to smack back. The Miner then spat some mines into its arms, and went underground to place them throughout the battlefield...

---The Navis---
Musou.EXE: 105 HP (Normal) (Near viruses on right side) (Absorb Data active)
Rook.EXE: 80 HP (30 HP Casing, trap active) (Normal) (Near viruses on left side)

---The Not Navis---
--To left--
PulsebatEXA: 120 HP (High Altitude) (Junk data upgrade: attacks gain Glitch effect) (High Altitude)
SpookyEXA: 30 HP (Cracked)
Miner: 100 HP (Normal)

--To right--
PulsebatEXB: 120 HP (Junk data upgrade: attacks gain Glitch effect) (Cracked) (High Altitude)
SpookyEXB: 30 HP (Normal)
Spikey: 90 HP (Normal)

50% Normal
10% Cracked (Scattered about the room)
10% Metal (At entrance)
30% Broken (Big hole in center of room)

5% Mine (location unknown)

Crumbling Pillar x2: 100 HP each (to either side of hole)
Barricade: 200 HP (On opposite side of room, blocking doorway)
Musou looked to the barricade on the other side of the room and considered for a moment. They didn't have to cut a path through everything, they could try to just drop the wall and make a break for it.. He shook his head as he set for battle again. No, that wouldn't work, it was a warehouse and they would just be chased and hit in a pincer in the next fight.
Besides, it's not like Mr 'purify with fire' would let anything get away from him willingly.
The navi grinned as he set into action. He could feel the data swirling around him and the darker, polluted energy coming from the virii and the glitched areas, especially the Pulsebats. Something wasn't quite right about them and he was hoping he wouldn't find out what anytime soon..
With the Miner underfoot that left many virii to worry about and if there was one thing he had a chip for it was collateral damage.. "Sensei, the wand", thn navi said as his operator slid in the Meteor9. Saying he was way ahead of him would be exagerating, it wasn't like they had many chips. As data flooded the martial artist's mind he slammed his palms together and parted them as a data collected and in a flash of light he was holding a three-foot long wooden pole with a large ruby atop it.

While the data was initializing, he swung it about his body a few times as if in a kata, trying to watch for and avoid his opponent's advances. Finally complete, he finished the form by bringing it down with a 'clack' against the floor beneith him and released the staff. Upon release the gem lit up and it began to float on it's own, hovering and ready to release it's potent energy about the battlefield.

That being done, Ken quickly slid in a MachineGun1 chip, and though it wasn't exactly the navi's forte it was constant action that was required here to defeat this many foes. As the data filled his mind, the navi's hands began to crackle with golden energy as he raised them, palms facing the Spikey (though if he could hit any of them that would be awesome) and let loose a volley of energy shots.

1 - Dodge

2 - Battlechip: Meteor9 (100hp, ObjDmg:10fire, Dmg:30fire, 3x/rd, 3random enemies, 3rd duration)

3 - Battlechip: MachineGun1 (30 x 9 Shots + Spray Fire)

Sig Absorb Data cooldown: 0 READY
(( Requesting Rook gets skipped while I try to finish the fight, unless he resumes posting later ))
Summoning a Meteor chip to his aid, Musou got to work, with the fiery chunks of rock hitting one of the bats in flight. Shortly after, he released a barrage of energy blasts, courtesy of a MachineGun battlechip. In a sheer feat of luck, the normally inaccurate energy blasts made mincemeat out of the viruses near him. Nothing stood a chance. Meanwhile, the viruses on the right side made themselves at home, harassing Rook with a few attacks. The confines of the building made it a little hard for them to aim, however, and the bat's Pulsar attack missed. The Spooky did do something, though, slapping the fiery purifier Navi with its tongue. (20)

The Miner just silently laid some traps around, minding its own business.

---The Navis---
Musou.EXE: 120 HP (Normal) (Near viruses on right side)
Rook.EXE: 60 HP (30 HP Casing, trap active) (Normal) (Near viruses on left side)

---The Not Navis---
--To left--
PulsebatEXA: 90 HP (High Altitude) (Junk data upgrade: attacks gain Glitch effect) (High Altitude)
SpookyEXA: 30 HP (Cracked)
Miner: 100 HP (Normal)

--To right--

50% Normal
10% Cracked (Scattered about the room)
10% Metal (At entrance)
30% Broken (Big hole in center of room)
10% Mine (location unknown)

Crumbling Pillar x2: 100 HP each (to either side of hole)
Barricade: 200 HP (On opposite side of room, blocking doorway)
The martial artist looked over the scene after the dust settled and saw the viruses were clear on his side. He had enough basic practice at netbattling to know he had gotten lucky but he wouldn't question it when the fight was still raging on and Rook seemed to be getting beaten into a forner. He remembered the navi and his operator going on about a slow connection earlier and perhaps it was effecting his ability to battle. The fighter steeled himself as he took a fighting stance. He breathed deep and focused, telling himself Calm, calm yourslef and feel the data around you, you energy of you and your partner, the energy from the viruses, try and filter out the data corruption..

Ken looked over the battlefield from his vantage point, in third person perspective behind Musou.. The miner was making the battlefield dangerous and combined with the cracked and broken panels, this battlefield was becoming pocketed with danger. He slipped in a couple battlechips, hoping the navi's fighting instincts would guide him.

Musou felt chip data enter his mind, his DashAttack to be specific. He cringed as he remembered it being less than useful in the last fight but it had served him well in the past and it just might let him reach the Pulsebat flying high, worth a try at least. He lept in the air and took aim as best he could, as data swirled around him and formed into a pair of green wings from his back. They gave a powerfull flap, propelling him towards his foe. He tried to make little adjustments in his fight path, as the idea of missing here wasn't a pleasent one and he might only have one shot at this virus since high altitude fighting wasn't exactly his forte. Getting down.. Well, that would take care of it's self for better or worse.

1 - Activate Sig: Absorb Data

2 - Take Aim @ PulsebatEXA

3 - Use Battlechip: DashAttack (90+Impact+LineAttack5) @ PulsebatEXA

Sig Absorb Data cooldown: 1
Musou took some time to prepare himself, then launched himself into the air after the PulseBat. The DashAttack took him to its altitude and allowed him to plow through it, deleting it instantly. As it dissolved he absorbed data from it, healing him for a small amount. A good thing he did, too, as his dash took him all the way to the ceiling, where he collided with it. The remaining Spooky teleported to him, but missed as he fell back and slammed into the ground, putting him right back where he started health-wise.

The miner, meanwhile, laid yet another trap, gradually making the battlefield even more treacherous.

---The Navis---
Musou.EXE: 120 HP (Normal) (Near viruses on left side)
Rook.EXE: 60 HP (30 HP Casing, trap active) (Normal) (Near viruses on left side)

---The Not Navis---
--To left--
PulsebatEXA: Deleted
SpookyEXA: 30 HP (Cracked)
Miner: 100 HP (Normal)

--To right--

50% Normal
10% Cracked (Scattered about the room)
10% Metal (At entrance)
30% Broken (Big hole in center of room)
15% Mine (location unknown)

Crumbling Pillar x2: 100 HP each (to either side of hole)
Barricade: 200 HP (On opposite side of room, blocking doorway)
((Isn't the Meteor9 still going? If so it even missed a round))

"Musou!" Ken called out as he watched his navi crash into the ceiling then back into the floor. The navi grumbled and raised to his feet slowly, giving a thumbs-up to his operator. Part of him felt stupid for doing what he did but at least it worked. He looked over the battlefield again "And then there were two", he mumbled as he started to take a step. "Musou hold it", Ken said and the navi retracted his foot, staying where he was "That Miner has been laying mines the entire fight and it's covering enough of the battlefield now that your going to have to be very careful where you step", he continued.

Musou nodded and wracked his brain. He was a melee fighter and it was becoming dangerous to move. He had used up several of his battlechips but it hit him that the Spooky always teleported to him to strike and the Miner so far was content to just lay mines. If he could just... "Ken, send me a cannon", the navi called out as he readied himself for the Spooky to descend again. As the chip data entered his mind, energy surged into his body and he held out his right hand. Energy begain to gather in it, forming a golden ball with an occasional loose tendril of energy crackeling across it. He would wait for the Spooky to take it's self out.

1 - Dodge

2 - Turn Splice (waiting for SpookyEXA to appear near me to use Cannon (40+Knockback)

3 -

Sig Absorb Data cooldown: 1 (still)
((As far as I'm concerned...It did not. Enjoy your 9 Meteors in one turn))

While Musou readied himself for a counter measure, the Meteor staff he placed few moments ago finally began to kick 9 meteors rained down on the viruses simultaneously. The Spooky and the Miners were wounded by the burning rocks, deleting the ghost that Musou was prepared to counter!

---The Navis---
Musou.EXE: 120 HP (Normal) (Near viruses on left side) [2 Turns left]
Rook.EXE: 60 HP (30 HP Casing, trap active) (Normal) (Near viruses on left side)

---The Not Navis---
--To left--
Miner: 40 HP (Normal)

--To right--

50% Normal
10% Cracked (Scattered about the room)
10% Metal (At entrance)
30% Broken (Big hole in center of room)
15% Mine (location unknown)

Crumbling Pillar x2: 100 HP each (to either side of hole)
Barricade: 200 HP (On opposite side of room, blocking doorway)
Meteor9: EXPIRED
((Edited for anti-laziness))

Musou waited, watching closely for the right time to strike the ghost, when suddenly a volley of meteors rained across the area and beat him to it. Time delayed Meteors, he mused. He would have to remember that little quirk in Meteor9. Not wanting to waste his shot, he drew a bead at the Miner, lining up his shot. Ranged attacks wern't his thing and he knew it, might as well make the shot count. Hoping for the best, he sent the shot at the virus.

Ken bit his lip, thinking how lucky Musou was to seemingly walk through this ambush. The odds were stacked against him now that Rook wasn't responding. There was no telling what waited ahead but since that fleeing gunner was nowhere to be seen, it would likely be another ambush. One set up with the extra time given to them by this fight just inside the door.

The operator abjusted himself on the bench and looked up at the sunset behind him. This mission had taken all day, but it felt more like a year to him.


2 - Aim @ Miner

3 - Cannon (40+Knockback) @ Miner

Sig Absorb Data cooldown: 0 READY
(sorry for the long absense I would like to continue this threat if possible)

Rooks form which had been phasing in an out and glitching everyonce and awhile returns to normal as what ever was effecting him seems to be clear of his system. "By the maker What hit me" Rook says as his head clears. Looking around he notices some time must have passed while he was incompasitated. During that time it appeares that Musou has been making some head way in the fight they were in. Shaking his head and clenching his fist Rook says "" Sorry Musou not sure what hit me but it was a piece of work. I 'm back now and ready to assist".

1. Nothing as he reorintates himself to the fight

Cool down (cloned cool down from last known post)
1. Cluster Missile - ready
2. Rampart Defense - TCD1
[Sorry for extremely late mod. Combination of being buried under other topics and having to ask Asator.]

Miner shot. Miner die.

---The Navis---
Musou.EXE: 120 HP (Normal) (Near viruses on left side)
Rook.EXE: 60 HP (30 HP Casing, trap active) (Normal) (Near viruses on left side)

---The Not Navis---
--To left--

--To right--

50% Normal
10% Cracked (Scattered about the room)
10% Metal (At entrance)
30% Broken (Big hole in center of room)
15% Mine (location unknown)

Crumbling Pillar x2: 100 HP each (to either side of hole)
Barricade: 200 HP (On opposite side of room, blocking doorway)
Meteor9: EXPIRED



Musou: [Pulsar1] Battlechip, 230z, 2 FXP
Rook: [HeatShot] Battlechip, 150z, 2 FXP
The navi and his operator both sigh in relief at the turn of events. Rook was alright, even if he was a bit.. Out of it. The viruses were gone, despite the half dozen mines that may still be around the battlefield. Musou notices stray data hanging around and leaps from his position to the fallen Miner to claim it and a bit of zenny for his account. Ken pops in a blank chip silently as the data transfers and when his PET finishes copying over the new chip he takes it out and looks over it.. "Pulsar, huh", he says hoping to lighten the mood or at least change the subject. Musou shrugs and says idly over his shoulder "Beats me, Sensei. Never heard of it before". Ken mumbles something about having to look it over later. The navi stands in akward silence for a few more moments before finally turning to Rook.

Musou isn't sure where to begin but speaks slowly "Uh.. Rook. Look, we would love to get that data back and all.. And I'm sure there are plenty of things in there that need burnt from the net for their crimes against the maker, or whatever", the navi indicates further into the warehouse. He scratches the back of his head as the other hand rests on his hip "But.. Well with your operator's connection and how dangerous things are becoming I kinda had to fight the last couple battles solo". He clears his throat and finishes "This can't go on".

As Musou continues to stand in akward silence, Ken speaks up "We aren't giving up Sir, we just think it's best to.. uh.. Boost our power a bit before trying this again. This has been a valuable learning experience that I wouldn't trade for anything but I'm pulling Musou out for now". The navi gives a sheepish smile then stands strait, in all seriousness, and faces Rook. He bows deeply at the waist and says "Thank you for being my ally in these battles, Rook. We must fight alongside one another some other time as well". Not to be rude, the navi adds "And you as well, Sir. Your data should be safe for the time being. The people who have it said they already got what they wanted so your data should be safe and waiting for us to return with whatever is in here", he motions further into the warehouse.
After waiting for a bit for Rook or Jack to respond, without any response, the pair of martial artists became a tad fidgety. While Ken continued to wait in silence, Musou cleared his throat and said "So. Uh, yeah. Later", before waving and vanishing in a swirl of energy.
Musou.EXE jack-out!