
13 years ago

EDIT - Link to new member using buster charges. In this battle he charges up and then attacks (knocking the opponent down) before unloading. As you can see, you can attempt to do things that are not normal actions, like knockdown an opponent or grab them when they are stunned, by spending actions.
13 years ago
That was very helpful. Thanks.

I have yet another question. Is it acceptable to re-register your default form (I have yet to find a term for this) at a later date for RP reasons? It's not the GMOs, but the one you start with.
13 years ago
Re-register as in change? Yes, you can change your Navi's default appearance, and you'd do that in the "Profile Edits/Appearance Changes" area of the registration section.
13 years ago
I just got my first object chip: a remote bit. If this works here like it does in the games, then the tower sits there while the remote bit moves about and zaps things. What I want to know is: do I get control over the remote bit (because that would be hella awesome)?

Damage dealing aside, just think of all the uses for a portable panel punch / tesla coil / platform.
13 years ago
You can control the remotebit
13 years ago
And it counts as a free action.
13 years ago
Has it really been 16 days since this project at work began? Time goes by so fast when you are busy.

Thanks once again for your help. It will be so awesome to get to play with the Remote Bit. And; I have another question. Well, several of them.

First, and let's get the stupid question out of the way... can a homepage be a location Navigators can physically visit, and perhaps interact with each other? A place complete with gateway, panels, objects, and a lack of viruses, I would hope.
Stupid question answered.

All right then. If I have my character put together a homepage, can I have him dictate the terrain and objects to be found within? I'm thinking on a small scale: no buildings or other major constructs. The idea I have is not fully formed at this time, but I do want to know if I can create a small space that is much like the network, only I get to describe it and put things* in it.

*: Viruses not among them.

Next, I want to know what limitations there are on interacting with the net between battles. To be more specific, this time Voyager has run across some Solar Panels. It seems to me that hanging around after the battle to recharge vital HP is a very good idea for a fragile Navi like him; assuming he's still alive by then. Can I do this?

Also, do WindBox Viruses affect my enemies as well as myself? They only affected the player in the games, but here may be a different story. I'm only asking because my Navi is supposed to have a lot of experience with them already, but I, as a new player, do not. I would not be asking, except I already role played myself into a corner.

Lastly, I was thinking about trying to do a mission. It says the rewards are Zenny and Chips for standard missions.

Can I specify how much Zenny I want? I'm assuming the difficulty of the mission would change depending on the rewards requested.

Can I specify what Battlechip(s) I'm looking for? I assume I'd have to be careful not to ask for something really rare, lest I get Voyager killed.

Can I request NCPs, or should I opt for Zenny and buy one instead? The thread doesn't say. They're digital data, like Zenny and Battlechip data, so I think this could work. Again, this is based on the assumption that mission difficulty would change with the request.
(I'm surprised I didn't cross that one out.)

I thought about asking if upgrades could be mission rewards, but that looks to me like an ugly can of worms better left closed. I would rather just ask for Zenny than open it.

I think that was everything.
13 years ago
Might be added to by others.

1. Correct me if I'm wrong, but from what I gather, you are thinking of a homepage as a sort of "custom battlefield". It's really nothing more than a piece of RP fluff. And of course, RP fluff is customizable to very interesting lengths. Go wild.

2. Interaction between battles with the battlefield post-battle is... variable. It's certainly not common, but I have seen instances of it. I think there was a scene with some Onsen paneling being used for some non-combat interaction, and there was HP recovery. Was in Rogue Hades, I think? I'm not sure.

(PS: I was the one who modded that topic, so I don't know about other mods.)

3. Windboxes only affect the side they're on. If you summoned one, then it's on your side, it won't affect you, and vice versa.

4. You can request for NCPs as mission rewards. There are certainly some that are not sold at the Navi Shop. Of course, expect a difficulty curve relative to the power level of the reward requested.

Also wow is that mission guideline thread old.
13 years ago

Quote (Fera)

Also wow is that mission guideline thread old.

Mission Guideline Thread has been updated.

13 years ago

Quote (Fera)

1. Correct me if I'm wrong, but from what I gather, you are thinking of a homepage as a sort of "custom battlefield". It's really nothing more than a piece of RP fluff. And of course, RP fluff is customizable to very interesting lengths. Go wild.

Nothing of the sort. I don't plan for there to be any fighting there, but who knows what the future will hold? What I do plan to do with it is a secret for now. But I will take your advice and try something pretty wild.

Thanks for answering my questions. However, I do have to ask: why does mod response to player actions vary so much? Correct me if I'm wrong, but how is a player to learn what they can and cannot do if the answer changes every time? I've gotten this response before with regards to questions, and it worries me that my characters will learn something about the way this world works only to have that bite them in the butt later when it no longer works that way and nobody told them that. Perhaps this is unavoidable in a large RP run by multiple staff members, but you've got to at least understand where I'm coming from, right?

On a less plaintive note, will an Elec Element object also regenerate on Solar Panels?
13 years ago
We try to cut down on that wherever possible, so if you notice any particularly jarring inconsistencies in your topics, speak up!
13 years ago
Will do.

Also, will an Elec Element object regenerate HP on Solar Panels? I'll be placing one on them regardless this turn, but I was curious.
13 years ago

Quote (Blizzard8088)

Will an Elec Element object regenerate HP on Solar Panels?

If it has an actual elemental affinity, than yes.
13 years ago
Just checked with a mod, Objects don't have actions that would trigger effects of terrain that trigger when someone takes an action on them. So no, I'm pretty sure they wouldn't be able to heal off of Solar panels, but feel free to PM an official or someone to double check.