Styles? I'm an aggressive player, so I always went with Aqua Custom. After the Style Changes went away, I guess I stuck with Aqua Unisons and Crosses. It was habitual by then. And so was turning every enemy in sight into a Popsicle.
posted in Welcome Center •
Profile views
Operator: Paul G. MacPhearson
Navigator: Voyager.EXE
Zenny: 490
[spoiler=Stats]Element: Elec
Subtype: Wind
Level: 1
HP: 100
Speed: 3
[spoiler=Buster]Attack: 1
Rapid: 1
Charge: 1
Element Upgrade: None
Effect Upgrade: None[/Spoiler][spoiler=Navi Customizer: 25/40]Undershirt [10]
SetSand [15][/Spoiler][spoiler=Navi Signatures: 60/60]Charged Photon Burst I : (4 Elec + Slashing + Blast(1)) x 10 shots ; 1 TCD
Delta Blade I : 10 Elec + Slashing + Knockback + Nova(1) ; 1 TCD[/Spoiler][spoiler=Folder: 6/30]Cannon x1
Shotgun x2
RageClaw1 x1
ShockWave x1
RemoteBit1 x1[/Spoiler][spoiler=Subchips]Mini-Energy x1[/Spoiler][/Spoiler]
Navigator: Voyager.EXE
[spoiler=Stats]Element: Elec
Subtype: Wind
Level: 1
HP: 100
Speed: 3
[spoiler=Buster]Attack: 1
Rapid: 1
Charge: 1
Element Upgrade: None
Effect Upgrade: None[/Spoiler][spoiler=Navi Customizer: 25/40]Undershirt [10]
SetSand [15][/Spoiler][spoiler=Navi Signatures: 60/60]Charged Photon Burst I : (4 Elec + Slashing + Blast(1)) x 10 shots ; 1 TCD
Delta Blade I : 10 Elec + Slashing + Knockback + Nova(1) ; 1 TCD[/Spoiler][spoiler=Folder: 6/30]Cannon x1
Shotgun x2
RageClaw1 x1
ShockWave x1
RemoteBit1 x1[/Spoiler][spoiler=Subchips]Mini-Energy x1[/Spoiler][/Spoiler]
Posts made by Blizzard8088
RE: New Guy
RE: The First Test.
Voyager was busy running self diagnostics on all the damage he sustained, and wasn't paying as much attention to the net around him as he should have been. He was also running his right hand across his now repaired left arm in wonderment. Sure, it still hurt a bit, but it looked normal... save for a little discoloration here and there. His voice worked again, too. That was something Voyager was especially happy about. But that happiness didn't last long.
"Pay attention." Paul said suddenly.
Voyager looked up, and saw that he was about to roll right into the middle of a new group of viruses. "Whoa!" The Navi braked immediately, but it was far too late to avoid them. He twisted sideways and skidded to a stop upon a patch of glowing panels. Voyager found himself staring down the gun barrel of a viral tank from only a handful of meters away. "Is it wrong to hope that that is just a camera?"
"That's a tank." Paul said with strained patience at the Navi's abysmal ignorance. "Hope all you want while it blasts you to smithereens."
"Better idea." Voyager said as he pointed his right hand at one of the floaty-mask-thingies (an ElecOgre), and activated one of his Delta Drives. He commanded the drive to summon a gale with a wave of his extended hand from the floaty-mask-thingy to the... tank (Catack). Voyager was pretty sure the floating mask would catch the wind like a sail, and crash straight into the tank. This would hopefully disrupt them both, and keep them from attacking him. At the very least, it should ruin their aim. But, just to be on the safe side, he fired a Shotgun energy blast at the two viruses.
"You realize you are wide open for the rest of these viruses, right?" Paul chided as he slotted in another couple of battlechips.
"If the last battle has taught me anything, it is that there are just too many of them to dodge." Voyager responded while he summoned a Twisty to stand before him. "I do not even know what they are capable of. So this is the best chance I've got to avoid personal injury." He crouched down behind the Twisty, and raised his left arm towards the Eleball in that direction. The Navi spoke to the summoned Virus: "I've got the one on the left. You take the one on the right." The Twisty buzzed something back at him as a RemoteBit materialized above the second Eleball, and fired a bolt of lightning that punched a hole clean through the battlefield.
In that same moment, Voyager fired a Cannon energy blast at the first Eleball from his repaired Buster unit. If he couldn't kill it, he could at least jar it, or push it out of firing position to buy himself some time.
S: Gust blastfloaty-mask-thingy ElecOgreB into Catack
1: Shotgun @ ElecOgreB & Catack [50 Null + Spread]
2: RemoteBit1 on Solar Terrain directly in front (100 HP Elec Element Object)
R: Zap EleBallB w/ RemoteBit (80 Elec + PanelBreak)
3: Cannon @ EleBallA [40 Null + Knockback]
posted in SciLab Net •
"Pay attention." Paul said suddenly.
Voyager looked up, and saw that he was about to roll right into the middle of a new group of viruses. "Whoa!" The Navi braked immediately, but it was far too late to avoid them. He twisted sideways and skidded to a stop upon a patch of glowing panels. Voyager found himself staring down the gun barrel of a viral tank from only a handful of meters away. "Is it wrong to hope that that is just a camera?"
"That's a tank." Paul said with strained patience at the Navi's abysmal ignorance. "Hope all you want while it blasts you to smithereens."
"Better idea." Voyager said as he pointed his right hand at one of the floaty-mask-thingies (an ElecOgre), and activated one of his Delta Drives. He commanded the drive to summon a gale with a wave of his extended hand from the floaty-mask-thingy to the... tank (Catack). Voyager was pretty sure the floating mask would catch the wind like a sail, and crash straight into the tank. This would hopefully disrupt them both, and keep them from attacking him. At the very least, it should ruin their aim. But, just to be on the safe side, he fired a Shotgun energy blast at the two viruses.
"You realize you are wide open for the rest of these viruses, right?" Paul chided as he slotted in another couple of battlechips.
"If the last battle has taught me anything, it is that there are just too many of them to dodge." Voyager responded while he summoned a Twisty to stand before him. "I do not even know what they are capable of. So this is the best chance I've got to avoid personal injury." He crouched down behind the Twisty, and raised his left arm towards the Eleball in that direction. The Navi spoke to the summoned Virus: "I've got the one on the left. You take the one on the right." The Twisty buzzed something back at him as a RemoteBit materialized above the second Eleball, and fired a bolt of lightning that punched a hole clean through the battlefield.
In that same moment, Voyager fired a Cannon energy blast at the first Eleball from his repaired Buster unit. If he couldn't kill it, he could at least jar it, or push it out of firing position to buy himself some time.
S: Gust blast
1: Shotgun @ ElecOgreB & Catack [50 Null + Spread]
2: RemoteBit1 on Solar Terrain directly in front (100 HP Elec Element Object)
R: Zap EleBallB w/ RemoteBit (80 Elec + PanelBreak)
3: Cannon @ EleBallA [40 Null + Knockback]
RE: Hello
Will do.
Also, will an Elec Element object regenerate HP on Solar Panels? I'll be placing one on them regardless this turn, but I was curious.
posted in Welcome Center •
Also, will an Elec Element object regenerate HP on Solar Panels? I'll be placing one on them regardless this turn, but I was curious.
RE: Hello
Nothing of the sort. I don't plan for there to be any fighting there, but who knows what the future will hold? What I do plan to do with it is a secret for now. But I will take your advice and try something pretty wild.
Thanks for answering my questions. However, I do have to ask: why does mod response to player actions vary so much? Correct me if I'm wrong, but how is a player to learn what they can and cannot do if the answer changes every time? I've gotten this response before with regards to questions, and it worries me that my characters will learn something about the way this world works only to have that bite them in the butt later when it no longer works that way and nobody told them that. Perhaps this is unavoidable in a large RP run by multiple staff members, but you've got to at least understand where I'm coming from, right?
On a less plaintive note, will an Elec Element object also regenerate on Solar Panels?
posted in Welcome Center •
Quote (Fera)
1. Correct me if I'm wrong, but from what I gather, you are thinking of a homepage as a sort of "custom battlefield". It's really nothing more than a piece of RP fluff. And of course, RP fluff is customizable to very interesting lengths. Go wild.
Nothing of the sort. I don't plan for there to be any fighting there, but who knows what the future will hold? What I do plan to do with it is a secret for now. But I will take your advice and try something pretty wild.
Thanks for answering my questions. However, I do have to ask: why does mod response to player actions vary so much? Correct me if I'm wrong, but how is a player to learn what they can and cannot do if the answer changes every time? I've gotten this response before with regards to questions, and it worries me that my characters will learn something about the way this world works only to have that bite them in the butt later when it no longer works that way and nobody told them that. Perhaps this is unavoidable in a large RP run by multiple staff members, but you've got to at least understand where I'm coming from, right?
On a less plaintive note, will an Elec Element object also regenerate on Solar Panels?
RE: Hello
Has it really been 16 days since this project at work began? Time goes by so fast when you are busy.
Thanks once again for your help. It will be so awesome to get to play with the Remote Bit. And; I have another question. Well, several of them.
First, and let's get the stupid question out of the way... can a homepage be a location Navigators can physically visit, and perhaps interact with each other? A place complete with gateway, panels, objects, and a lack of viruses, I would hope.
Stupid question answered.
All right then. If I have my character put together a homepage, can I have him dictate the terrain and objects to be found within? I'm thinking on a small scale: no buildings or other major constructs. The idea I have is not fully formed at this time, but I do want to know if I can create a small space that is much like the network, only I get to describe it and put things* in it.
*: Viruses not among them.
Next, I want to know what limitations there are on interacting with the net between battles. To be more specific, this time Voyager has run across some Solar Panels. It seems to me that hanging around after the battle to recharge vital HP is a very good idea for a fragile Navi like him; assuming he's still alive by then. Can I do this?
Also, do WindBox Viruses affect my enemies as well as myself? They only affected the player in the games, but here may be a different story. I'm only asking because my Navi is supposed to have a lot of experience with them already, but I, as a new player, do not. I would not be asking, except I already role played myself into a corner.
Lastly, I was thinking about trying to do a mission. It says the rewards are Zenny and Chips for standard missions.
Can I specify how much Zenny I want? I'm assuming the difficulty of the mission would change depending on the rewards requested.
Can I specify what Battlechip(s) I'm looking for? I assume I'd have to be careful not to ask for something really rare, lest I get Voyager killed.
Can I request NCPs, or should I opt for Zenny and buy one instead? The thread doesn't say. They're digital data, like Zenny and Battlechip data, so I think this could work. Again, this is based on the assumption that mission difficulty would change with the request.
(I'm surprised I didn't cross that one out.)
I thought about asking if upgrades could be mission rewards, but that looks to me like an ugly can of worms better left closed. I would rather just ask for Zenny than open it.
I think that was everything.
posted in Welcome Center •
Thanks once again for your help. It will be so awesome to get to play with the Remote Bit. And; I have another question. Well, several of them.
Stupid question answered.
All right then. If I have my character put together a homepage, can I have him dictate the terrain and objects to be found within? I'm thinking on a small scale: no buildings or other major constructs. The idea I have is not fully formed at this time, but I do want to know if I can create a small space that is much like the network, only I get to describe it and put things* in it.
*: Viruses not among them.
Next, I want to know what limitations there are on interacting with the net between battles. To be more specific, this time Voyager has run across some Solar Panels. It seems to me that hanging around after the battle to recharge vital HP is a very good idea for a fragile Navi like him; assuming he's still alive by then. Can I do this?
Also, do WindBox Viruses affect my enemies as well as myself? They only affected the player in the games, but here may be a different story. I'm only asking because my Navi is supposed to have a lot of experience with them already, but I, as a new player, do not. I would not be asking, except I already role played myself into a corner.
Lastly, I was thinking about trying to do a mission. It says the rewards are Zenny and Chips for standard missions.
Can I request NCPs, or should I opt for Zenny and buy one instead? The thread doesn't say. They're digital data, like Zenny and Battlechip data, so I think this could work. Again, this is based on the assumption that mission difficulty would change with the request.
(I'm surprised I didn't cross that one out.)
I thought about asking if upgrades could be mission rewards, but that looks to me like an ugly can of worms better left closed. I would rather just ask for Zenny than open it.
I think that was everything.
RE: Open Virus Wiki
Name: Twisty
HP: 80
Element: Elec
Attack Strength: 10~20
Location Found: SciLabs
Notes: Composed of two parts; a stationary control unit, and an invincible flying Remote Bit for attacking. Attacks by shooting lightning bolts from the Remote Bit. Be advised, the Remote Bits can teleport. The old strains destroyed panels when attacking, but this new strain did not.
-- Paul G. M.
posted in Virusbusting BBS •
HP: 80
Element: Elec
Attack Strength: 10~20
Location Found: SciLabs
Notes: Composed of two parts; a stationary control unit, and an invincible flying Remote Bit for attacking. Attacks by shooting lightning bolts from the Remote Bit. Be advised, the Remote Bits can teleport. The old strains destroyed panels when attacking, but this new strain did not.
-- Paul G. M.
RE: The First Test.
Paul was appalled at the degree of damage Voyager had sustained from just two attacks, and not just in terms of HP, either. Where to begin? The Navi's verbal communication system was shorted out. The light wings the Navi had been using until now had overloaded, discharged uncontrollably, and then overheated and shut down. They were still glowing a dull red color this very second. There were numerous scorch marks where electricity had arced freely across the Navi's body, which left rainbow hued discolorations all across the formerly pristine silver surface. Such damage was worrisome on a modern Navigator, and Paul couldn't understand how it had happened.
The fact of the matter was, Voyager was not designed with combat in mind. He lacked even the most basic of protective shielding, such as a Body Suit and the Navi Armor worn over it that were both a standard feature on even Generic Navigators from previous decades. It goes without saying that such features were standard issue on today's Navigators, and yet Voyager had none of it. His 'skin', while metallic, was little better than a tin foil covering to keep random debris, like sand and water, from fouling his inner workings. In this respect, the Navi was more like the average Human than most, since he had no resistance to combat damage whatsoever. This would have to be corrected somehow if Voyager was to survive his eventual deep exploration of every Network.
For now, Paul slotted in a Mini-Energy subchip, and hoped that would do. It would also be nice if that idiot would un-mute me.
Voyager skated his way back towards the fallen Remote Bit. He rolled to a stop next to the inactive weapon, and stared at it for a few moments. This thing has caused me so much pain. And yet, it looks harmless like this. It was at this point that he remembered he had muted Paul, and undid that little setting. Voyager was about to tell his Operator, but a burst of static from his vocal apparatus killed that idea. I do not like these annoyances. At least make yourself useful. Was Voyager's thought as he picked the heavy Remote Bit up off the ground, and held it over his head with no trouble at all.
Paul laughed as the rain of Zenny fell upon the Remote Bit. "Pfft. Hahahaha!"
The Mini-Energy kicked in, and repaired all the critical damage to Voyager. "What's so funny?" Hey, I can talk again.
"Absurdity." Paul said after a minute or so. "Pure absurdity." He completely forgot to chew the Navi out for muting him.
"If you say so." Voyager mumbled while putting the Remote Bit down. He highlighted everything in the vicinity, cut, and pasted to the PET. It occurred to him, belatedly, that he could have tried to copy and paste the Remote Bit. He resolved to try that the next time he salvaged data from the Net. Maybe next time. Voyager thought as he turned away, and continued on.
((Ready for battle 4, also used a Mini-Energy.))
posted in SciLab Net •
The fact of the matter was, Voyager was not designed with combat in mind. He lacked even the most basic of protective shielding, such as a Body Suit and the Navi Armor worn over it that were both a standard feature on even Generic Navigators from previous decades. It goes without saying that such features were standard issue on today's Navigators, and yet Voyager had none of it. His 'skin', while metallic, was little better than a tin foil covering to keep random debris, like sand and water, from fouling his inner workings. In this respect, the Navi was more like the average Human than most, since he had no resistance to combat damage whatsoever. This would have to be corrected somehow if Voyager was to survive his eventual deep exploration of every Network.
For now, Paul slotted in a Mini-Energy subchip, and hoped that would do. It would also be nice if that idiot would un-mute me.
Voyager skated his way back towards the fallen Remote Bit. He rolled to a stop next to the inactive weapon, and stared at it for a few moments. This thing has caused me so much pain. And yet, it looks harmless like this. It was at this point that he remembered he had muted Paul, and undid that little setting. Voyager was about to tell his Operator, but a burst of static from his vocal apparatus killed that idea. I do not like these annoyances. At least make yourself useful. Was Voyager's thought as he picked the heavy Remote Bit up off the ground, and held it over his head with no trouble at all.
Paul laughed as the rain of Zenny fell upon the Remote Bit. "Pfft. Hahahaha!"
The Mini-Energy kicked in, and repaired all the critical damage to Voyager. "What's so funny?" Hey, I can talk again.
"Absurdity." Paul said after a minute or so. "Pure absurdity." He completely forgot to chew the Navi out for muting him.
"If you say so." Voyager mumbled while putting the Remote Bit down. He highlighted everything in the vicinity, cut, and pasted to the PET. It occurred to him, belatedly, that he could have tried to copy and paste the Remote Bit. He resolved to try that the next time he salvaged data from the Net. Maybe next time. Voyager thought as he turned away, and continued on.
((Ready for battle 4, also used a Mini-Energy.))
RE: Hello
I just got my first object chip: a remote bit. If this works here like it does in the games, then the tower sits there while the remote bit moves about and zaps things. What I want to know is: do I get control over the remote bit (because that would be hella awesome)?
Damage dealing aside, just think of all the uses for a portable panel punch / tesla coil / platform.
posted in Welcome Center •
Damage dealing aside, just think of all the uses for a portable panel punch / tesla coil / platform.