"Bandit! 091 at 6, 320 at 10, 340 at 11, 360 at 20," Shrike alerted, giving the viruses locations relative to its (and coincidentally Mach's) position. MachMan's "vision" more-or-less reflected the same; he had four distinct sensor returns, each identified by the virus name, and any focus on a specific virus caused a brief data readout to appear nearby with basic information. It was the same as he always had, but now that it was his only way of "seeing" the world around him, it was much more noticeable and potentially critical. He also detected a PMD on some pillar-like object between him and the Doomer, fouling the line of sight between him and his bounty.
To get past this obstruction, he gave a silent command to his SP, which disconnected from his fuselage and rocketed upwards with the help of the small turbojets in its stubby little legs. The sound of his SP's engines were quickly drowned out by his own as they roared to life. Thanks to the sheer amount of thrust and added vectoring, Mach took only a single step before going airborne. His head peered down and "through" his chest armor as his body rose and yawed to the left to get himself above the quagmire, a clear line of sight with the Doomer, and put more distance between himself and the GigaCorn.
GrabRevengeDamage: Trap(80 + Stun + To-All-Clause (Enemies)): Teleport
Accuracy: S
Description: Upon activation, remains dormant until an opponent uses a teleportation ability, at which time it triggers and deals all enemies damage and stun. This trap does not prevent successful teleportation.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: (Trap(Effect): Trigger): Trap effects are sprung when Trigger conditions are met. Traps do not trigger and cannot be triggered by other Traps. Traps are negated on contact by the Nullify effect, and do not trigger against attacks that include the Nullify effect. Traps do not trigger against Allies. Only one Trap may be set by an individual at a time, and setting a second will overwrite the first regardless of type. Traps remain in place until triggered, overwritten, or destroyed.
Trader Rank: B,
AirRaid2HP: 100
Properties: Normal, Omnishoes, Mobile
Object Damage: 50 + Impact
Damage Method: Telekinesis
Gun Attack Damage: 10 x 15 Shots
Accuracy: A
Description: Summons a fighter plane to strafe your enemies.
Duration: 3 turns or Until destroyed
Element: Null
Trader Rank: C,
Counter2Damage: (1-Hit I-Field) + (Counter(110 + Impact + Break): On-Hit)
Accuracy: S Block, A Return
Description: Defends against one attack, teleports to enemy, and strikes with Gutpunch. Impacting. Breaking.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: I-Field is pierced by Impact, Counter is negated by Impact.
Special: Status Guard: This chip blocks debuffs.
Trader Rank: C, and
FlameLine3Damage: 170 + Ground Attack + Wide Attack
Accuracy: B
Description: A wall of fire erupts from the ground, burning up to 3 targets.
Duration: Once
Element: Fire
Trader Rank: B," he ordered to his NetOp, who had chips at the ready as soon as his Navi logged in; it wasn't the first time they'd been in a chaos network, and he assumed combat right off the bat.
Shrike twisted in the air as it climbed, leaving behind a twisting pair of contrails behind. While its body twisted, its eye remained prefectly stationary while gazing skyward, thanks to the "floating" frame in which it was housed. Suddenly a dome of near-transparent blue energy materialized in front of the small SP, courtesy of its Navi below. Shrike stopped its roll and its eye snapped towards the ground below, picking out its designated targets while a large, three-tubed missile launcher began to materialize over its right shoulder.
Meanwhile, Mach activated an older, but previously unused chip he and Mazer decided to add to the arsenal in an attempt to tailor it for their designated prey. Much like his ElementTrap chip, the GrabRevenge activated without fanfare or even a peep, but made a battlefield-wide trap that would be triggered by anything hostile attempting to teleport. Though he had no idea if he could detect enemy fire, let alone what it would look like, he continued to remain defensive and attempt to avoid whatever the viruses likely tried to hurl his way. Though he anticipated it would briefly cause himself to become disoriented, possibly even nauseous, he pitched upwards and cut his throttles, only to slam them forward once he'd gone nearly inverted so he rocketed backwards as he finished his back flip. As he did so, two dark orbs were thrown from his body, which rapidly activated their holoprojectors and made it appear Mach multiplied from 1 to 3.
Thankfully Shrike had no risk of disorientating itself, and it was the first to strike back. Its limbs snapped out of its aircraft configuration and reoriented themselves so he was "standing" upright and facing the viruses below, while its eye jerked slightly in multiple directions, mechanically snapping its focus among the Doomer, GigaCorn, and Vinert. This also brought the launcher into firing position, and it didn't take long for ocular SP to lock on to its targets. With no other warning, the backs of the rectangular launch tubes exploded in flame before a large rocket blasted through their respective launcher's front cover and streaked towards the ground one after the other. The ripple-fired rockets corrected their flight paths immediately after leaving the launch tubes to point themselves towards their respective targets, but were incapable of any further course corrections. Less than a second later, an one-two-three chain of fiery explosions erupted over the battlefield as the rockets impacted and detonated their high explosive-incendiary warheads.
Still not yet used to his new "eyes" enough to engage himself, Mach summoned a wingman for Shrike in the form of a small, angular FighterPlane shaped similar to Mach's upper torso armor, sans arms. The small aircraft zoomed off and briefly flickered its small afterburner to get up to an appropriate airspeed before making an arc-shaped banking turn to put itself in line with the Vinert virus. After it rolled wings-level and put its gunsight on the twisted, mean-looking KillFleur, it opened up with its twin machineguns with a chattering barrage of small-caliber bullets in an attempt to perforate the target. The bullet and smoke-spewing guns left behind small puffs of smoke as the plane continued to dive through its strafing run, only to quickly bank and climb once it completed its 15-round burst.
Meanwhile, Mach himself remained passive, but his right arm from the point where it connected to his engine nacelle down suddenly transformed into a heavily armored, dark orange-hued arm with a massive sledgehammer-esque fist. While the chip mainly granted Mach a limb capable of delivering a crushing right haymaker, it also slightly took over his own targeting by honing in on the first enemy to score a hit on the invisible I-field that suddenly surrounded the Navi's body. While more direct, for now he left front-line combat to his SP and FighterPlane.
Shrike continued its assault as silently ordered, but it didn't use the launchers, which were now hollow boxes blackened by their rockets' boosters. Instead its mechanical eye focused on the freshly-strafed KillFleur. The SP's shutter-like iris tightened and changed from a vibrant green to a deep red, announcing the activation of its attack. A split second later, a perfectly straight line from the SP's iris began to burn an equally deep crimson, forming a beam of blinding light and searing heat that the SP attempted to use to overly prune the KillFleur.
Now that Mach had a few moments to re-cage his bearings, he felt he had enough capability to at least try a single direct attack. His left arm transformed into a familiarly-shaped launcher with its X-arrayed cylinders from the launcher's base. Said cylinders briefly glowed orange and rippled with heat before whatever super-heated material inside was "loaded" into the rocket nestled within the launcher. Mach pointed the weapon forward and slightly towards the ground, and was briefly satisfied to see a targeting pipper materialize in his "vision." He then maneuvered the launcher to move the intended impact area of the weapon so it could possibly cover the GigaCorn, if it remained on the field. It would be beneficial if he could have the Doomer and Vinert in the blast radius as well, but wouldn't wait long nor risk damaging the PMD; his priority target was the GigaCorn.
After confirming his aim, a single rocket blasted from the launcher and zoomed to the ground below before impacting with a briefly anti-climactic thud. A split second later, the ground welled up and erupted with a towering wall of fire that stretched across a significant portion of the battlefield, bathing the entire battlefield in light and scorching anything that managed to get caught in the geysers of flame.
If anything else remained on the field other than the PMD, Mach and his twin decoys tried jetting hard to his left in an attempt to shake off enemy fire/target locks, and activated his recovery programs regardless. His limbs and armor briefly glowed green as they were flooded with recovery data, regenerating any damage to his armor and/or limbs and replenishing expended energy. Meanwhile, Shrike "reloaded" its custom-skinned Magnum chip thanks to its ballistics-tuned subtype. While one couldn't see new missiles loaded into the launch tubes, each of the three tubes seemed to refresh, leaving them clean and complete with pristine covers on both their breech and muzzle ends.
ACTIONS: Passive Haste, Accuracy Enhancement, Status Cure, Dodge x2, Decoy x2
S1. Movement: Fly to High Altitude
M1. Feint: gain altitude
M2. Heavy Shielding: Shrike.SP (5-hit Shield + 3TCD)
GrabRevengeDamage: Trap(80 + Stun + To-All-Clause (Enemies)): Teleport
Accuracy: S
Description: Upon activation, remains dormant until an opponent uses a teleportation ability, at which time it triggers and deals all enemies damage and stun. This trap does not prevent successful teleportation.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: (Trap(Effect): Trigger): Trap effects are sprung when Trigger conditions are met. Traps do not trigger and cannot be triggered by other Traps. Traps are negated on contact by the Nullify effect, and do not trigger against attacks that include the Nullify effect. Traps do not trigger against Allies. Only one Trap may be set by an individual at a time, and setting a second will overwrite the first regardless of type. Traps remain in place until triggered, overwritten, or destroyed.
Trader Rank: B-Passive Dodge- [+Scramble]
Magnum2Damage: 150 + Break + Panel Break x 3 Targets
Accuracy: A
Description: A triple barreled gun that blasts through defenses and terrain alike. Rare
Duration: Once
Element: Fire
Trader Rank: B: Doomer, GigaCorn, Vinert [+Marksmanship]
AirRaid2HP: 100
Properties: Normal, Omnishoes, Mobile
Object Damage: 50 + Impact
Damage Method: Telekinesis
Gun Attack Damage: 10 x 15 Shots
Accuracy: A
Description: Summons a fighter plane to strafe your enemies.
Duration: 3 turns or Until destroyed
Element: Null
Trader Rank: C-
AirRaid2HP: 100
Properties: Normal, Omnishoes, Mobile
Object Damage: 50 + Impact
Damage Method: Telekinesis
Gun Attack Damage: 10 x 15 Shots
Accuracy: A
Description: Summons a fighter plane to strafe your enemies.
Duration: 3 turns or Until destroyed
Element: Null
Trader Rank: C: Attack KillFleur-
Counter2Damage: (1-Hit I-Field) + (Counter(110 + Impact + Break): On-Hit)
Accuracy: S Block, A Return
Description: Defends against one attack, teleports to enemy, and strikes with Gutpunch. Impacting. Breaking.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: I-Field is pierced by Impact, Counter is negated by Impact.
Special: Status Guard: This chip blocks debuffs.
Trader Rank: C: MachMan
S3. Optic Blast: KillFleur (80dmg [color=red]Fire + Break + Blind + 4TCD)
FlameLine3Damage: 170 + Ground Attack + Wide Attack
Accuracy: B
Description: A wall of fire erupts from the ground, burning up to 3 targets.
Duration: Once
Element: Fire
Trader Rank: B: GigaCorn, Doomer, Vinert
-Passive Dodge- [+Scramble]
M6. Auto-Injectors: MachMan (Heal 135 + 5TCD)
-Shrike: Reload
Magnum1Damage: 120 + Break + Panel Break x 3 Targets
Accuracy: A
Description: A triple barreled gun that blasts through defenses and terrain alike. Rare
Duration: Once
Element: Fire
Trader Rank: C-
DecoyA: Mirror Mach on his left side
DecoyB: Mirror Mach on his right side